What is a brotherhood. The history of the creation of the "combat brotherhood". Rights and obligations of members of the organization

About new challenges in a rapidly changing world, the role of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" in the system of modern national security of the country and new technologies of fighting for the minds of young people, the 1st Deputy Chairman of the Military Brotherhood of Combat, reserve colonel and veteran of Afghanistan Nikolai Mikhailovich Shuba shared with us.

The BROTHER IN BATTLE organization was originally conceived as a veteran organization, but today both the history and the events that surround our country pose new challenges. What is "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" today?

Over the 18 years of its existence, the organization has developed many areas of activity. All this time on voluntary we led a patriotic bloc. Today, topics related to Crimea, Ukraine and other events sounded more relevant.

Together with the regional authorities, we are starting to organize patriotic camps, we are preparing our youth for service in the Armed Forces. We strive to ensure that people understand the importance of serving the Fatherland. Introducing youth to military service. And people begin to rethink their attitude to serving the Fatherland in a new way.

“BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” today becomes part of the system of interaction with government bodies national security of the country.

The charter of our organization says that every person can become a member of the organization. It's one thing - it's a veteran backbone, people who have passed fighting who are members of the organization. And the other is patriotic people who share our views and ideas. They can freely come to the organization and join our ranks.

Today, more than ever, people have a need to do something for the country. And a lot needs to be done to ensure that our youth is brought up in the traditions of our state on a patriotic basis.

There is an opinion that bulky organizations are very clumsy. “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE”, especially within the framework of “Anti-Maidan”, is quickly and efficiently transforming, fulfilling new tasks, including a trip to Kostroma and various mass events related to counteracting “color revolutions”. Where does this enthusiasm, technology and strength come from? What drives a huge organization, allows you to quickly respond to the challenges that time puts?

The main value of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is people. Each member of the organization has a certain experience that has been gained in different structures. After all, we not only served in the Armed Forces.

The fact that the organization initially assumed membership, today helps to structure it. People who join it feel like a part of it. Defining a new direction, each of us begins to quickly navigate it, because once he has already performed similar tasks.

- As you said, people in the organization have been working for 18 years on enthusiasm. What is holding them up?

First, we all served. We passed different wars, and we are united by the understanding of what it means to defend the Fatherland. It has always united and will unite us. Secondly, in the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" we have the opportunity to serve. This postulate is very important for many.

There are professions that, in my opinion, have always stood apart, and these professions have always been special people. I am now talking about doctors, teachers and the military. You are also a soldier. Why did you choose this path?

The choice was probably due to the fact that my two grandfathers died near Moscow in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. My uncles fought, who went through the whole war. For me, they have always been an example. They told me about the war and the defense of the motherland. Perhaps this was the reason why I chose this profession.

The world is on the brink of disaster. A ring is tightening around Russia. The goal of the West is to destroy Russia. In this context, the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" voluntarily creates a system in which a person can come at any age and offer his help to protect and revive his country. How can people who come to the veterans' association today be useful to Russia?

We are actively developing the humanitarian project "People's Ministry of Emergency Situations". We help the people of Donbass, including the Novoazovsky district. I see how people feel about it. They are ready to support each other, they realize how important this is. We send humanitarian aid to Syria as well.

The most important thing is understanding people. And it is. So we are on the right track.

In addition, the issue of people's diplomacy is very important. At one time, when I was already a deputy of Russia, I myself headed one of the groups that dealt with captured soldiers. We negotiated as people's envoys. Today, the issue of public diplomacy is also very important. And I think it will develop.

- How often do young people join the organization? Or is the organization still aging?

First of all, our children are drawn to us. Many of them have passed cadet corps. They became the first link that we tried to attract. Today they are already standing next to us. In general, young people are very willing to reach out to us. We show her by our own example what we do. We hope that young people will want to realize themselves in the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with us. In this today we see our mission.

In addition to humanitarian projects, the project “Military experts of the BROTHER IN BATTLE” is developing very strongly. You always keep your finger on the pulse, constantly follow the agenda. What new projects are being prepared?

The involvement of military experts is very important to us. Experts specializing in various areas of military art are ready to explain their point of view. People are interested in this project because knowledgeable professional people explain it to them. Such projects activate young people, who begin to respond, correspond both on our website and in in social networks.

In general, as far as the media space is concerned, BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE has made a serious breakthrough. We have pages in all social networks, actively disseminate information about our activities. Most importantly, we show the result of our work. What do we do when we gather patriotic clubs? We are creating a platform for communication between young people from different regions Russia. We strive to promote friendship. Thus, we collect our "patriotic pool".

The people you gather in patriotic clubs today will be defenders of the Fatherland tomorrow. What parting words would you give the guys?

At all times, the defense of the Fatherland was not just a duty, it was an honorable duty. You must understand that a person who goes to serve and defend his homeland will always be respected. And it's worth it.

I would like to wish that every young man who goes to the service understands that behind him, first of all, are his relatives - mother, father, sister, brother. And he is at the forefront. Their peaceful life will depend on how he serves, how he performs the assigned tasks. Therefore, I wish them fortitude and courage.

The All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOE BROTHERHOOD" is the successor of the deeds and traditions of the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "BOE BROTHERHOOD", created on unity congress December 26, 1997 by people who were connected by a common military fate, a military past and a difficult present.

At the origins of the All-Russian public organization All-Russian, interregional and regional veterans' public associations, which brought together veterans and disabled veterans of the army, navy, border guard service, intelligence, special forces and law enforcement agencies, stood for veterans of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" (hereinafter referred to as the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" or the Organization).

As early as three years after the congress of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE, time required a clearer definition of tasks, adjustment of program documents, and outline of measures to increase activity in protecting the interests of veterans.

Second congress took place in December 2000. The delegates of the congress approved the new edition of the Charter of the Movement, the transformation of the Union of Public Associations into the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Battle Brotherhood". Among the priority goals of the Movement, assistance to veterans, the disabled, families of the victims, as well as strengthening the unity of the veteran movement. The period of activity of the Movement after the second congress is characterized by the quantitative growth of participants, the increase in the authority and potential of the association, the acquisition of experience in social and political work.

Taking into account the requirements of the time III Congress of the Movement, which took place in December 2005, established the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOE BROTHERHOOD", adopted a new Charter and Program of the Organization, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded the social base, introduced a fixed membership in the organization, approved the form of a membership card, specified the goals and objectives of the organization.

For the period after the 3rd Congress, the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE has become one of the largest and most influential organizations in the veterans' movement in Russia.

Thanks to the joint creative work of the “Battle Brotherhood” with other veteran associations, there has been a tendency to increase the level of social protection of veterans, combatants, families dead defenders Fatherland (hereinafter veterans).

Measures have been taken to increase the social and political activity of veterans of the Organization's regional branches, the effectiveness of their participation in military-patriotic work, in preparing young people for the defense of the Fatherland.

Started active process nominations to representative and executive bodies of power at all levels of the members of the Organization. Increasing the level of representation of the BROTHER IN BATTLE in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative assemblies of the constituent entities Russian Federation contributed to the creation of socially-oriented legislation and regional programs of social support for veterans and invalids of military operations, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

Received further development an important process of consolidating all veteran associations, including those that are not part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", on the principles of equality and partnership, mutual delegation of their representatives to the governing bodies of organizations.

The rapidly changing socio-economic situation in Russia, the strengthening of its geopolitical position in modern world which is taking place against the background of the growth of new threats to national security, has brought to the fore the need to make adjustments in all spheres of the Organization's life.

IV congress All-Russian organization"THE BROTHERHOOD OF WAR", held in January 2011, took a course towards achieving a qualitative transformation, increasing the effectiveness, and credibility of the activities of the Organization and its structural divisions.

The organization has identified ways to go beyond the narrowly veteran social issues and move to areas of work that are significant for the general public Russian society such as patriotism, rallying them around the national idea of ​​promoting the development of Russia as a strong welfare state which ensures the free development of man and at the same time establishes guarantees for his social protection.

After the congress in April 2012, the Central Council concluded that the construction of the Organization as a public association was completed. It was justified by the creation in all subjects of the Russian Federation of full-blooded, capable, authoritative and recognizable in society regional branches, the achievement high level their socio-political activity, maturity and independence.

In the period after the 4th Congress, an active process of forming a new type of attitude towards membership in the association began in the Organization, when social activity veteran, his activity is evaluated from the standpoint of responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit brought to the state.

The organization went to new level goals and objectives associated with the decision to independently take on socially significant tasks and projects. "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" becomes an active participant in the social and political life of the country and the protection of its national interests. The organization has defined new tasks, the implementation of which has made it possible to significantly influence the socio-political situation in the country. They are connected with the organization of interaction between the state and public associations on issues of social protection and support for veterans, the formation of patriotic values ​​among the youth, views and readiness to defend the Fatherland and its interests, and countering threats to national security.

The process of creating conditions for the transition to the formation on the basis of the Organization of an effective renewed institution of a society associated with common system participation in ensuring the national security of Russia.

The organization, by its participation in activities to achieve the unity of civil society, to support the foreign and domestic policy of the country's leadership, to counter the plans of the destructive opposition, declared itself as an active social and patriotic force.

A special milestone in the work and development of the Organization was V Congress of the All-Russian organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE", which took place on June 13-14, 2016 in Moscow, at Poklonnaya Hill, in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The venue of the forum gave the congress solemnity and high responsibility for the decisions made.

The first day of the congress began with the participation of delegates of the congress in the work of discussion platforms on the topics: “Patriotic education”, “Problems of social protection and support for veterans of military operations and members of the families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland”; "People's Ministry of Emergency Situations (humanitarian projects)"; "Counteraction to Color Revolution Technologies". At the discussion platforms, 62 delegates spoke with proposals, their views on solving the problems of veterans, enhancing participation in the socio-political life of the country, and in the patriotic education of youth. This made it possible to expand the audience of speakers at the congress, adjust the program, decisions of the congress and directions for further work.

On the second day of the forum, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, Chairman of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE”, in his report summed up the results of the five-year activities of the Organization, the most important of which were:

Completion of the construction of a qualitatively new public organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD";

Further promotion of initiatives for the adoption of socially oriented decisions and programs, legislative regional acts through actually acting deputies of all levels, representatives executive power who are members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", who have had and are having a positive impact on the quality of life of veterans;

Activation of participation in the patriotic education of youth: the creation of youth patriotic clubs "Combat Brotherhood"; holding youth-patriotic camps “Crimea. Donuzlav", "FRIGATE" (Vladimir region); International social and patriotic projects "Our Great Victory", "Star of our Great Victory»;

Active and noticeable participation in the social and political life of the country, protection of its national interests.

Based on the results of the five-year work, the congress drew conclusions that became the main ones in determining the tasks for the next stage of the life of the Organization.

First conclusion. The main purpose of the organization's work remains unchanged - concern for raising the standard of living of veterans. It is connected with the strengthening of interaction with the authorities, with an increase in the level of representation of the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" in the legislative and executive authorities, today members of the Organization are elected and work in every second legislative assembly.

Second conclusion. Veterans of the Organization had a noticeable impact on the formation of a patriotic majority in the country, which influences public life regions. In the continuous process of the socio-political life of the country, today it takes Active participation every third member of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD".

Third conclusion. The patriotic potential of the members of the Organization has become especially in demand. Veterans are true to their motto: “For Great Russia!”.

Fourth conclusion. Over the past years, the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" has become an active participant in activities to support the foreign and domestic policy of the President of the country, to counter the destructive opposition. The organization has declared itself as a real social and patriotic force. In 2015 alone, veterans of the Organization took part in the 50,000th anti-Maidan rally in Moscow and other Russian cities in February 2015 under the slogan “We will not forget, we will not forgive!”. The organization was in the forefront of 100,000 rallies-concerts dedicated to the first and second anniversaries of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, 80,000 march of patriots on November 4, a protest rally near the Turkish Embassy on November 24 and other socially significant events. The practical steps to implement this new direction of our work were also embodied in the active actions of the veterans of the BROTHER IN BATTLE to prevent the out-of-system opposition from acting during the election campaign in September 2015 in the Kostroma region.

Fifth conclusion. The organization has begun to implement new approaches to participation in the system of patriotic education of youth.

Up to 3,000 patriotic, military-memorial, military-sports events were held annually with the support and participation of members of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. In 2015, more than 2,500 of them passed, including:

10 All-Russian and regional patriotic actions and processions;

30 camps, where they rested, took part in sports competitions, defense-sports games and seminars for about 3500 young men and women;

With funds state support, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation, 16 youth patriotic clubs were created on the basis of local branches of the Moscow region; youth patriotic camps “Crimea. Donuzlav. 2015” and “Frigate” (Vladimir region), in which 730 young men took part; 66 plaques were opened in 12 regions. An inter-regional association of youth patriotic clubs (21 clubs) has been created. Participants of the camp "Crimea. Donuzlav 2015" were 500 people from 20 regions of the country. Children from Syria, the Republic of South Ossetia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were invited to the camp. 67 children represented cadet schools Russia.

In July 2015, a camp of military-patriotic education and training of young people for service in the army and navy "Fregat" was held. The camp worked on the basis of the Kovrov District training center Western military district.

Since 2012, the Organization has been annually implementing the Our Great Victory project with the support of the Committee State Duma of the Russian Federation for CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots, Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Defense and Security. On March 16, 2015 the project started in the Hero City of Sevastopol. From here, the rally began to count kilometers, reaching in the north to the village of Polyary in Murmansk region and before ancient city Derbent in Dagestan in the south. More than 250 thousand people took part in it.

The project was completed on May 6 in the Hero City of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill by deploying a copy of the Victory Banner. On May 9, participants in the rally with a deployed copy of the Banner of Victory marched along Red Square as part of the Immortal Regiment.

In 2016, the international project "The Star of Our Great Victory" was successfully implemented, initiated by the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with the participation of the administration Vladimir region, the Union of Cities of Military Glory, the Immortal Regiment movement. The rally was held from April 5 to May 9. The five routes of the Project “The Star of Our Great Victory”, along which the participants of the auto-march drove, became the personification of the five rays of the Star on the Banner of Victory, which, at the end of the project, united on Poklonnaya Hill in the Hero City of Moscow. Participants of the auto-march carried main character Victory scale copy of the Banner of Victory, the size of which is 200 square meters. m., as well as the book of honorary participants of the Project and the flags of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Belarus and China People's Republic, along routes symbolizing the outlines of the five-pointed star of the Victorious Soldier.

During the rally, the Project participants handed over large-scale copies of the Victory Banner for eternal storage to veteran and youth organizations in a hundred cities of Russia for further use in mass events of a patriotic orientation.

In 2014 - 2016 the staff of the Organization developed and published:

Collective monograph "Volunteer movement in Russia: history and modernity". Particular attention in the monograph is given to the current stage of development of the Russian volunteer movement associated with the humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbas, due to the escalation of violence against the civilian population of this region by the leadership of Ukraine;

Presentation book "BOOE BROTHERHOOD", which reflects the way of building the All-Russian organization "BOBOOE BROTHERHOOD" as a public association, the stages of its formation, which resulted in the formation of a new type of relationship to the rights and obligations of members of the organization, when the social activities of a veteran, his activity are evaluated from the position responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit brought to the state;

- illustrated collections:

- based on the results of the implementation of the international social and patriotic project "OUR GREAT VICTORY" (2014-2015), dedicated to the Victory of the peoples of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945,

– according to the results of work of youth-patriotic camps – forums “CRIMEA. DONUZLAV" (2014-2015);

– booklet on the project “The Star of Our Great Victory”,

- commemorative medals were made and presented to:

– “25 years of withdrawal Soviet troops from Afghanistan”, which, along with the participants, was presented for the first time, as a symbol of memory, to the families of the victims,

– “Participant of the procession “Immortal Regiment”.

Sixth conclusion. The real strength and scale of the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" began to be determined not by the number of registered members of the Organization, but by the number of active assets - real participants in the socio-political life of the country. It is the veteran asset of the regional branches that is the main wealth and strength of the Organization. The assets of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" are growing from year to year.

Behind last years 17 regional branches of the Organizations for particularly outstanding services to the veterans' movement related to social protection and assistance to veterans, the disabled and families of the dead, the development of the veterans' movement, the strengthening of veterans' friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance, the patriotic education of youth and the spiritual revival of Russia, were awarded the "Badge Honor ":

Bryansk regional branch; Moscow regional branch; Ryazan regional branch; St. Petersburg city branch; Volgograd regional branch;

Bashkir Republican branch; Orenburg regional branch; Samara regional branch; Saratov regional branch; Kemerovo regional branch;

Omsk regional branch; Amur regional branch; Primorsky regional branch; Vladimir regional branch; Kirov regional branch; Stavropol regional branch; Tula regional branch.

Including at the IV Congress the Badge was awarded to: the Kemerovo regional branch, the Orenburg regional branch, the St. Petersburg city branch, the Primorsky regional branch, and at the V congress - the Vladimir regional branch, the Kirov regional branch, the Stavropol regional branch, the Tula regional branch.

In 2012, following the results of the review competition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE "BROTHERHOOD", the Krasnodar regional branch was named after the Hero Soviet Union VARENNIKOV Valentin Ivanovich, St. Petersburg city branch - the name of SEREBROVA Lev Borisovich. At the initiative of the Councils of regional branches in 2013, the Belgorod regional branch was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Yevgeny Vasilyevich VYSOTSKY, the Tver regional branch was named after the Hero of the Russian Federation Ilya Aleksandrovich KASYANOV. The departments were awarded certificates and banners of the regional branches of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with an inscription about the honorary name.

The badge “Honorary Member of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” for the entire period of the Organization's activity was awarded to: Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich; Varenikov Valentin Ivanovich; Serebrov Lev Borisovich; Sablin Dmitry Vadimovich; Vysotsky Igor Vladimirovich; Kanevsky Vladislav Leonidovich; Sergienko Oleg Fedorovich.

Over the past 15 years, 45,043 veterans have received awards from the All-Russian organization "BROTHER IN BATTLE".

Seventh conclusion. For 5 years, the effectiveness of information support of the Organization's activities has radically increased, its format has changed qualitatively. "BOE BROTHERHOOD" immediately responded to the challenges of the time associated with the intensification of the information war against Russia, intensifying its participation in information and propaganda work. The Organization's long-standing website has acquired a new face, its daily attendance has reached 2,000. 22 leading experts in the field of geopolitical problems and military journalism are involved in expert work, speeches and comments on the pages of the Organization's website.

Eighth conclusion. Thanks to the increased recognition and socio-political activity of the Organization and its regional branches, the level of trust of the society, the country's leadership in the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” has noticeably increased.

Ninth conclusion. The organization moved on to areas of work that are significant for the broad strata of Russian society. One of them is connected with the People's Ministry of Emergency Situations, an organization humanitarian aid victims of war and citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

In 2014-2015 The main direction of the humanitarian project "Peace to Donbass" was to provide assistance to the residents of Novorossiya, to whom the Organization was able to organize and deliver more than 400 tons of cargo during this period: food, medicine, Construction Materials. In 2015, on behalf of the Chairman of the Organization B.V. Gromov, material assistance in the amount of 3 million rubles was delivered to Donetsk and transferred to the most socially unprotected residents of the DPR.

The humanitarian project "Syrian Frontier" has also become significant. In February 2014 and May, September 2015, April 2016 in Syria from the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" to civilians suffering from the war, warm clothes and school supplies for children, dry milk formulas for newborns, wheelchairs for the wounded Medical equipment, flour and other products.

In the summer of 2015, Syrian children took part in the work of the youth patriotic camp “Battle Brotherhood” in Crimea.

The humanitarian project "Chief landing" is successfully working. For 15 years, representatives of veterans and the authorities of the Moscow region carried out 36 patronage landings in the 46th Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where 731 tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered for a total of 423 million rubles.

The winners of the competition for humanitarian projects in 2015 were the Yeisk district, Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan and Vladimir regional branches.

In June 2015, the all-Russian project “365 good deeds of the BROTHER IN BATTLE” was launched.

Tenth conclusion. As one of the initiators of the creation International Union“Combat Brotherhood”, the Organization has made it a true tool of friendship and development of relations between veteran organizations of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The Congress defined new tasks and adopted amendments and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization. Remaining true to the priority of the main goal of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE" - ensuring the wide participation and influence of the veteran organization, veterans on the implementation public policy in relation to them, to promote social projects that ensure a decent life for them, the Organization has set itself the second main goal: - creating a system for the participation of members of the Organization in protecting the national interests of the state in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

One of its forms of implementation is vigorous activity in the social and political life of the country. Participation in the events and actions held by the Organization is included in a number of fundamental duties of everyone who wears a membership card of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE". And for the systematic disregard of this task without good reason, measures of increased responsibility are provided for everyone for inactivity and passivity, up to and including exclusion from the ranks.

The decisive factor in the formation of the governing bodies was the adopted provision that only members of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHER IN BATTLE” can be elected as members of the governing bodies, vice-chairmen of the Organization.

Amendments and additions to the Charter were adopted:

The Congress elects the Chairman of the Central Council and members of the Central Council of the Organization from among the heads of regional, local branches of the Organization;

The Central Council elects the Vice-Chairmen of the Organization and the Presidium of the Central Council, as a permanent governing collegial body, which is elected taking into account the representation from each federal district from among the members of the Central Council. The Central Council also elects the Vice-Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization;

From among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council, by order of the Chairman of the Organization, representatives of the Chairman of the Organization are appointed in each federal district;

The functions of the executive body are entrusted to the Executive Committee, which is created to provide organizational and technical support for the work of the Chairman of the Organization and its governing bodies. Members of the Executive Committee work on a paid and non-paid basis;

By analogy with the center, instead of the Board, the Executive Committee of the regional branch is elected from the Council of regional branches, as a permanent executive body that carries out current management of the activities of the branch between meetings of the Council.

The functions of the Board as a permanent collegiate governing body of the local (primary) branch have been retained. Taking into account the specifics of business relationships developed over the years with veteran associations - members of the Organization, and in order to form a mechanism for the collective search for joint solutions to topical issues veteran movement, the congress creates Coordinating Council under the Chairman of the Organization from among the leaders of public associations - members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", active representatives of the veterans' movement in Russia; working on a permanent basis.

The congress unanimously elected Boris Vsevolodovich GROMOV, Hero of the Soviet Union, as Chairman of the All-Russian Organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE", and Dmitriy Vadimovich SABLIN as Chairman of the Central Council; Vice-Chairmen of the Organization: AGEENKO Ivan Nikolaevich; Vostrotin Valery Alexandrovich; Kartsev Yury Anatolyevich; KONOVALOV Sergey Sergeevich; MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich; PERNIKOV Sergey Nikolaevich; SHOROKHOV Gennady Mikhailovich; FUR COAT Nikolai Mikhailovich; Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission - VITRINSKY Valentin Mikhailovich.

The congress elected MIRZALIEV Vagif Sedreddinovich as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE".

Representatives of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal districts from among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council appointed:

in the Central Federal District - MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich, Chairman of the Council of the Vladimir Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Northwestern Federal District - VYSOTSKY Igor Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Councils of the St. Petersburg city and Leningrad regional branches, veteran of military operations;

in the Southern Federal District - YARKO Valery Sergeevich, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnodar Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Crimean Federal District - TARASOV Sergey Ivanovich, Chairman of the Council of the Crimean regional branch, combat veteran;

in the North Caucasian Federal District - BORISENKO Nikolay Ivanovich, Chairman of the Council of the Stavropol Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Volga Federal District - IBRAGIMOV Nadyr Raimovich, Chairman of the Council of the Orenburg regional branch, combat veteran;

in the Ural Federal District - USMANOV Vladimir Viktorovich, Chairman of the Council of the Kurgan regional branch, veteran of hostilities;

in the Siberian Federal District - VILISOV Alexander Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Council of the Altai Republican Branch, veteran of military operations.

IN decision The 5th Congress of the Organization determined the tasks and directions of activities for their implementation for the next five years:

Continue to support initiatives and projects in social sphere aimed at increasing the level of social protection of veterans; on organizing interaction with authorities on issues of preserving civil peace, protecting the constitutional order of political and social stability in society; for holding events and actions in support of internal and foreign policy held by the President of the Russian Federation; - improve the system of participation in the patriotic education of young people, expand work on the creation of the All-Russian Association of Patriotic Clubs "Battle Brotherhood";

Improve outreach, protect heroic story Fatherland, to counteract the technologies of "color revolutions", to form a pool of patriotic correspondents among the youth and veterans;

Take part in the development and implementation of projects on the preservation of historical memory, countering the falsification of the country's history;

Take part in the implementation of projects for the provision of humanitarian and charitable assistance war victims and citizens in difficult life situations;

Strengthening the authority and influence of Russia in the world community, in veterans' organizations should be the basis of international work; expanding ties and strengthening friendship with veteran organizations of other countries, achieving unity in the common struggle against world threats, aggressive intervention in internal politics other states, terrorism and radical Islam.


The organization was founded on December 26, 1997, at the 1st Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts in Russia. The original name was the Union of Public Associations "All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

The 1st Congress approved the Charter of the Union, elected the Chairman in person and the Coordinating Council.

Key persons

Boris Gromov - Chairman, Hero of the Soviet Union, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Sablin- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, Chairman of the Central Council, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Gennady Shorokhov- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, Chairman of the Executive Committee, combat veteran.

Nikolai Shuba- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, veteran of hostilities.

Biography of the movement

The First All-Russian Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts took place on December 26, 1997. It created the Union of Public Associations "All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

In the late 90s of the XX century, veteran organizations of Russia took the initiative to hold a congress that could resolve the issues of uniting internationalist soldiers and consolidate their efforts in the field of protecting the legal rights and social guarantees of veterans, combat invalids, families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

Boris Gromov, Hero of the Soviet Union, was unanimously elected President of the Movement.

On December 22, 2000, the second congress of the Movement took place, at which a decision was made to transform the Union into the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

In the period 2001-2005, in 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the initiative of veterans of local wars and armed conflicts, regional branches of the "Combat Brotherhood" were created.

On December 6, 2005, the third congress was held, at which new Charter and Program were adopted, as well as landmark decisions on the transformation of the Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood" into the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood", on fixed personal membership, a new symbols and awards of the Organization.

The organization became the legal successor of the Movement and the successor of its deeds and traditions.

In accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies in the center and in the field, work was carried out to create new structural divisions of the Organization in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The practical activities of the Organization in the subsequent period confirmed the correctness of the chosen course of strengthening interaction and cooperation with authorities in resolving issues of social support for veterans and invalids of military operations, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

On January 28, 2011, the fourth congress was held, at which a course was set for the further qualitative development of the Organization, increasing its authority in the veteran environment, the effectiveness of work in the field of social protection and support for veterans, combat invalids and their families.

In 2011, a number of regional branches of the "Combat Brotherhood" joined the ONF.

From July 21 to August 25, 2011, the party and public associations included in the (ONF) held preliminary voting in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on candidates for deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. All regional branches of "BB" have expressed a desire to include their representatives in the lists of candidates for elections to the State Duma.

In December 2012, the Central Council, summing up the results of 15 years of activity of the All-Russian Organization "Combat Brotherhood", made a reasonable conclusion: the construction of the organization as a public association was completed and determined the prospects for its further qualitative development.

In 2014, members of the "Combat Brotherhood" became active participants in the movement.

On February 21, 2015, on the anniversary of the armed coup in Ukraine, members of the "BB" participated in the rally and march of the "Anti-Maidan" movement under the motto "We will not forget! We will not forgive!" on Revolution Square in Moscow.

Currently, the "Combat Brotherhood" includes 84 regional branches that were created in 83 regions Russian Federation and in Baikonur, Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the ranks of all structural divisions, there are about 110 thousand personal members, 951 local and 623 primary branches.

to the legislative, executive and public councils various levels chosen and working 1,575 veteran members of the organization, including 9 veterans are deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

scandals rumors

From time to time, information appears in the press that even at the dawn of its existence, the "Combat Brotherhood" organized a collection of money from entrepreneurs in exchange for "power" services. At first, its members acted on their own initiative, and then, under the guidance of Dmitry Sablin this activity was "centralized" and put on stream.

In 2000, the leader of the organization Boris Gromov decided to run for governor of the Moscow region, and the "Combat Brotherhood" became his main "support group".

During the election campaign, which was rich in scandals, the "Combat Brotherhood" was engaged exclusively in organizing support for Gromov's candidacy in all available forms.

After Gromov became governor, information appeared in the media that, at the request of right hand Gromov Dmitry Sablin Alexander Svetakov acquires "Absolut Bank". This bank not only provided financial support to the Combat Brotherhood, but also became a key link in the schemes for the massive withdrawal of land from agricultural use and their transfer to the category of land for individual residential construction.

In 2007, Absolut Bank, which serviced all budget accounts in key State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region and land deals in the interests of the "Combat Brotherhood" was sold for $ 1 billion to Belgian investors.

Land assets in the amount of more than 100 thousand hectares worth $ 2 billion remained at the disposal of the "Combat Brotherhood" and were subsequently re-registered for structures affiliated with the "Combat Brotherhood". In total, in the process of resale through the bank of collective farm shares into private hands, a land fund of about 400 collective farms of the Moscow region.

The "Combat Brotherhood" was also accused of recruiting guest workers from states Central Asia. According to bloggers, this organization has established interaction with the Association of Veteran Warriors (Internationalists) Republic of Uzbekistan "VETERAN", whose chairman Tahir Muradov illegally recruits, then accepts and draws up documents for anyone who wishes for a fee, instead of veterans who want to leave the republic to work in Russia. Employers in Russia for Muradov are looking for representatives of the leadership of the "Combat Brotherhood".

In 2007, the "Combat Brotherhood" decided to reach a new level, becoming a party from a public organization. Articles appeared in the press about the forests and collective farm lands of the Moscow region sold off cheaply, and the governor himself had a conversation with him, who explained to him "the current political moment."

Then, after failed attempt turn the "Combat Brotherhood" into a party, into Administration of the President of the Russian Federation seriously thought about who to replace Gromov as governor of the Moscow region. There was talk that the governor of the Moscow region could become, Vladimir Kozhin or .


Award activity

Medal "For military valor"

community organization award

Date of establishment
Number of awards

As the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General Yu. Rozov, said, proposals for the establishment of the medal "For military valor", which was supposed to encourage military personnel not only for success in service, but also for other differences, were submitted to the GUK of the USSR Ministry of Defense for consideration in 1991. At the beginning of the military reform, it was planned, among other things, to change the award system Armed Forces. Army magazine together with the Ministry of Defense, in the course of developing new concept award system, due to the loss of relevance of some awards (for example, they were no longer awarded the medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth" in connection with the liquidation of the Warsaw Pact), an open competition was held among readers to collect proposals for the establishment of new military awards. However, the collapse of the USSR prevented the implementation of these plans, postponing changes in the award system indefinitely. Nevertheless, the ideas about the establishment of the medal were embodied by the All-Russian public organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood", which recognizes the merits to the fatherland of veterans of military operations and military conflicts with the medal "For military valor". This medal was established in 2000 .

Reverse of the medal

In its design, the award resembles the Soviet medal "For Military Merit": On the obverse, under the inscription "For military valor", crossed swords are depicted (on the obverse of the ZBZ, a crossed Mosin rifle and a cavalry saber are depicted). On the reverse - a Kalashnikov assault rifle of the 100th series, framed by a wreath and the inscription "Honour and Courage to the Motherland". This medal is awarded to veterans of the war in Afghanistan and other local conflicts, military personnel participating in peacekeeping operations, and some other categories of citizens. The number of people awarded in Russia exceeds three thousand people.

In addition to the medal “For Military Valor”, the following were approved: the badge of Honor, the medal “For Merit to the veteran organization “Combat Brotherhood”, the badge of the Honorary Member of the Organization, the memorial badge “To the Family of the Deceased Defender of the Fatherland”.


October 15, 2010 was the date of formation of the Khakassian Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD". Then, in the city of Abakan, a founding conference was held, which was attended by more than 200 veterans of local wars and military conflicts. The conference was attended by Vladimir Kraft, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia, Yuri Shepotko, representative of the Central Council of the Military Brotherhood of the Military Brotherhood, representatives of cities and regions of Khakassia, who represented the interests of all war veterans living in the republic. After long discussions, disputes, as well as speeches by the veterans, representatives of the administration and guests, the conference delegates elected the council of the regional branch, which included participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya. The founding conference proclaimed the creation of the Khakass regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", founded by combat veterans living in Khakassia. Vekshin Alexander Vasilievich headed the Council, and Aleksashin Alexander Yakovlevich was elected the first deputy.

On the eve of the founding conference, meetings of combat veterans of Afghanistan and other "hot spots" living in the regions were held throughout Khakassia. At the training camp, representatives of the administrations introduced Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “Battle Brotherhood”, to those present, and elected delegates from among the veterans who will attend the founding conference and represent the interests of veterans of their cities and regions.

The organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is more than 12 years old. It includes 80 regional branches and more than 30 public associations. There are 11 branches in the Siberian Federal District, and there are none in Khakassia alone. But 3,567 veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, the North Caucasus and other "hot spots" live here. Many of them, as well as combat invalids, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland (4230 people) need not only social assistance state, but also psychological support from public veteran associations. To solve these and other problems, the leader of the "Battle Brotherhood" Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov calls for the creation of a regional branch of the veterans' union in the Republic of Khakassia. And also to identify leaders - people worthy, respected, with an impeccable reputation, possessing the skills of organizational work, able to rally people around them.

January 28, 2011 delegates from the Republic of Khakassia Vekshin A.V. and Aleksashin A.Ya. took part in the fourth congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE", at which the results of the work over the past five years were summed up, the Charter of the organization was discussed and supplemented.

In the final part of the congress and in a solemn atmosphere, the banner of the republican branch was handed over to the Chairman of the Council of the Khakass Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Battle Brotherhood" Alexander Vasilievich Vekshin. The banner was presented by the chairman of the Moscow branch, Hero of the Soviet Union, veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Colonel General Valery Vostrotin.

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