Holiday script for Victory Day in the library. Scenario of the event for the Victory Day "Let's bow to those great years ...

Victory Day is the only holiday that unites our people to such an extent, unites with common memory, pride, pain and joy. In every village, city or school, events are held dedicated to the celebration of May 9, to which war and labor veterans are invited, and at which they remember not only the heroes that the whole country knows about, most importantly, they try to pay tribute to the memory and respect for fellow countrymen.

Scenario of the holiday Victory Day "Front-line letters" will help the organizers of such meetings, concerts or class hours arrange a piercing, kind and patriotic holiday, in which everyone can bring their own concert numbers, historical episodes and names.

Block "Immortal Regiment"

Metronome sound - track 1.

Loudly at first (a few seconds), and then quieter, quieter, until the Leader enters. You can make a cut from the frames of the immortal regiment, in which there will be photographs of the action of your village.


The military metronome pounded,

The songs stopped and the laughter stopped.

As if in sunny May suddenly

The chill of a terrible war broke in.


Frames flashed in memory

Black and white military chronicles,

And the aching pain came,

Blood froze in hot veins.


To the beat of a cold measured knock

Millions of hearts beat

And the full-flowing river swam

The winners of our columns.


In a million people

Our fathers and grandfathers are with us.

Strangers and relatives

All of them are heroes of the Victory!


The whole country from end to end

The regiment was assembled: man to man,

And a quiet, but important, flow

We merged into a full-flowing river.


Every house has its heroes

They have a place among peaceful life:

Each house has its own memory.

And the heroes will not be forgotten!


Today - main holiday our country. Today, like... years ago, we remember, we sing the most important songs. We are celebrating !


On this day, like no other, we understand: we won, we defended the world. Today, like ... years ago, we mourn, weep ...


Our village (city) small. What is 150 (other number) people nationwide? But once there were ... houses, and the population exceeded (or was even less...) (number of people).


But when trouble came to our land, no one stood aside. Every person, every resident of our village stood up for the defense of the Motherland. Someone went to the front, and someone stayed here, giving all their strength to the Victory. In every house lives the memory of those days, of people - relatives, friends, neighbors, friends ...


Let's remember everyone by name
It is necessary -
not dead!
It is necessary -

Video of participants in the war.

Leaders introduce heroes. The text is approximate, you yourself know how best to present your countrymen.

(Name, year of birth) - went to war as a volunteer, fought near Stalingrad, reached Berlin ...

(Name, year of birth) - went to the front with the first draft, died in June 1941 near Moscow

(Name, year of birth) - fought since 1943. Was a tanker...

(Name, year of birth), (Name, year of birth), (Name, year of birth) - worked on the collective farm, providing the rear and the army with food.

If there are a lot of surnames, you can make a video sequence with photographs, and the Hosts will mark only the FAMILIES who lost relatives during the war.

Administration word. A moment of silence.

Metronome sound, minute of silence - track 2


Then, in the distant 41st, they still remembered the revolution and civil war. The country gained momentum and lived a peaceful life, built and implemented grandiose plans.


And then, in the distant 1941, they worked, studied, dreamed of the future, fell in love, played weddings, gave birth to children, just as now.

The pre-war waltz sounds - track 3.

Young people are dancing.

Sounds of war sound - track 4

The dancers stop, look around in confusion, scatter


That year was the same spring,

And just like that the birds sang,

And water was dripping from the roof,

And in the same way the streams in the gardens rang.


And in that year, behind the ringing spring,

Summer has come to us, a very evil summer ...

It did not come with songs, with the war,

How thunder deafened the word.


And did not have time to meet your dawn

The boys, going into a harsh battle,

They pierced the heart, a Komsomol ticket with him,

And everything for us, for bright life new.


Gone are the adult men, gone

Girls, not having time to kiss,

And the women stood up, sick of the machines,

And the children began to seem like adults.

Declaration of war - track 5

Video "Goodbye boys"

Block "Front-line letters"

On the stage, in the depths - "heroes of bygone times": young (1st Soldier) and middle-aged (2nd Soldier) V military uniform, girls - one is also in uniform (1st Girl), another in civilian clothes (2nd Girl), teenager. They read front-line letters. When they are reading, they come closer to the proscenium, having finished, they retreat deeper. You can highlight the reader with a soffit beam. If military letters are preserved in the archives of your fellow villagers, include them in this block. The selection below can be shortened.

2nd Soldier: Granechka, it's been 12 days since we broke up. Remember how I parted with you, enemy shells and bombs exploded, bullets whistled. I was leaving, and you, dear, remained on fire from me, there was no way for me to return, but there was nothing to be done, such a time had come. As soon as he arrived at the unit, he immediately had to take the fight with the German and in a row, continuously, without sleep and without rest, he had to fight for 2 days. From a letter to his wife Alexander Zhilin (Komi ASSR)

1st Soldier: To tell the truth, things at the front are bad. Our battalion is almost already defeated, it did not take big battles ... At present, 1/4 of the battalion is here or even less. Oh, this war! How many cities burned before my eyes, turned into heaps of ruins, what bridges were raised into the air, everything collapses, everything disappears! Don't worry about me. The war will end, maybe I will still be alive and come home after the end of my service life. Don't grieve . Goodbye. I will stay with greetings, loving you, Alexander Filippov. Letter to father

2nd Girl: Tomorrow I'll die, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live in order to smash the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I didn't say anything. Don't cry mom. I'm dying knowing that I gave everything to win. It's not scary to die for the people. Tell the girls: let them go partisan, boldly smash the occupiers. Our victory is not far off! I am writing this letter before my death. You will receive it, and I will no longer be on the sow. You, mother, do not cry for me and do not kill yourself. I'm not afraid of death... Mommy, you stay with me alone, I don't know how you will live. Vera Porshneva, letter to mother.

1st Soldier: Please forward it to my mother, Lurie, who lives in the city of Kirov, she was evacuated from Latvia. Two months of fierce fighting with the enemy have passed. Came for me final stage struggle - struggle for Tallinn. There can be no retreat. It's a pity to die at 24, but in real fight, where millions of lives are put on the scales of the history of all mankind, I also give mine, knowing that the future generation and you, the survivors, will remember us as liberators of the world from a terrible plague. Mother! Do not worry. I am not the first and not the last who laid down his head for communism, for the Motherland. Komsomolets of the Latvian Regiment Vina Lurie, a letter to his mother

1st Soldier: Dear, Talyushka! It's hard to start with stereotyped words: when you receive this letter, I will no longer be alive. But this is true, and we must put up with reality. Life! This word is proud. It contains sadness and joy, suffering and bliss. I don't want to be a boaster, saying that life is indifferent to me. No, it's highly rated. And it's hard to lose her. Youth! What could be more valuable than this? I do not belong to the category of "grim seekers of death on the battlefield." Playing with life is unworthy of a person. Remember sometimes that there was a person who loved you, who would not hesitate to give his life for his Talyushka. And in fact it really is. In everything in common, there is a particle of each person. And what I gave her for is also your business. I believed in your love, I know that it is crystal clear, and it is all the more gratifying for me to remember the past time ... I know that it will be difficult for you to come to terms with the thought of losing Zhenya. But please don't make any vows. Try to dispel everything gloomy as quickly as possible. Make your life happy. Evgeny Chervonny, a letter to his beloved

2nd Soldier: Dear Fainushka! I saw a fascist in an animal skin, in the role of a "well done", when he mocks the civilian population - children and the elderly, I saw how a monster kills a child in front of the eyes of a distraught mother, how he sadistically rapes his wife in front of a tormented husband. In the village of Sanniki, Novosokolnichesky district, the Nazis burned and tortured 480 people. I saw a fascist in the role of a "sheep" when he falls into the hands of the partisans, when he runs like a hare from the units of the Red Army. I remembered that I have a wife, a child, honest Soviet people are behind me, I have to protect them. And I protected them. I love life madly. She is good both in her sorrows and in her joy, but if you have to die, then know that I will die honestly, selflessly. I will not shame the Russian land, I will not shame my family; the son will have something to remember about his father, and if such a terrible hour ever happens again, then there will be someone to take an example from ... Alexander German. Letter to wife

The song is Dark Night or Dugout in own performance (for this there is a minus file) or performed by Mark Bernes and an unknown artist. characters of letters can dance, "write letters"... - track 6

Teenage boy: This is the last issue of our handwritten newspaper Trench Truth. There are only 10 of us, but this ten is a powerful fist that will be a division to the enemy, and, as Major Zhidelev said, we will fight like a division. There is no power in the world that will defeat us, Soviet state because we ourselves are the masters, we are led by the Communist Party. Look who we are. Here, in the 52nd school:

1. Commander of the Marine Infantry Regiment, Major Zhidelev, Russian.

2. Captain, cavalryman, Georgian Gobiladze.

3. Tanker, Private Vasily Paukshtite, Latvian.

4. Doctor of medical service, captain Mammadov, Uzbek.

5. Pilot, junior lieutenant Ilita Daurova, Ossetian.

6. Sailor Ibragim Ibragimov, Kazan Tatar.

7. Artilleryman Petrunenko from Kyiv, Ukrainian.

8. Sergeant, infantryman Bogomolov from Leningrad, Russian.

9. Scout, diver Arkady Zhuravlev from Vladivostok.

10. I, the son of a shoemaker, a student of the 4th grade, Valery Volkov, Russian.

Look what a powerful fist we are and how many Germans are beating us, and how many we have beaten them; look at what happened around this school yesterday, how many of them are dead, and we, like a powerful fist, are safe and holding on, and they, bastards, think that there are a thousand of us here, and they are coming against us in thousands. Ha ha, cowards, even the seriously wounded leave and run away. Oh, how I want to live and tell all this after the victory. To everyone who will study at this school! 52nd school! Your walls hold like a miracle among the ruins, your foundation did not flinch, like our powerful fist of ten... Dear ten! Which of you will survive, tell everyone who will study at this school; wherever you are, come and tell everything that happened here in Sevastopol. I want to become a bird and fly around the whole of Sevastopol, every house, every school, every street. These are such powerful fists, there are millions of them, we will never be defeated by the bastards Hitler and others. There are millions of us, look! From Far East to Riga, from the Caucasus to Kyiv, from Sevastopol to Tashkent, there are millions of such fists, and we, like steel, are invincible! Valery "poet" (Wolf)

1st Girl: Dear front-line comrades, my dear friend Nina. If I die in this battle, then after death tell my mother that I, her daughter, honestly fulfilled my duty to the Motherland. Yes, of course, I am sorry that my life ended so early, but others will avenge me. Nina, I was a nurse. After all, this is the most beautiful thing - to save the life of a person who is fighting for us, protecting our Motherland from an insidious enemy, fighting for our future.
That's all I ask you to convey to my mother. Valya Kolesnikova.

2 th Soldier: Late fall, the rooks have flown away, the forest has been exposed, the fields have become empty... Cloudy, windy, rainy! The snow has melted, the leaves on the trees tremble and fly alone through the air. The village is deserted, people hiding in the few habitable buildings. Only the highway is animated, along which German vehicles of all types and sizes move, sometimes long echelons of prisoners. Grief has overshadowed the Motherland with its wing. Who am I and what am I? Right now, I'm mostly wounded. The wound on my leg is improving, but slowly, as I irritate it: I push from morning to evening, because I, secondly, am a medical instructor. In other words, a nurse at a temporary infirmary for the Soviet wounded. At first I was in dressings and operations and care without attachment to the wards. Now they kept general anesthesia for me during operations and attached a children's ward. There are 6 patients in it: Manya, Nina, Panya (3-5 years old), Vanya (12 years old), Dusya and Polya (17 years old). In the dim twilight from the oil lamp, the blue eye (the other is knocked out) of the boy glows painfully, good boy with a torn belly. L. Kulik. From the professor's letters to his wife

Teenage girl: I was ten, after finishing the fifth grade I was sent on vacation to the Pskov region. Already in July, the Nazis came there, and very soon the children were taken to the camp. Not in a concentration camp, a worker, but that didn't make it any easier. Hunger, overwork, daily death. I managed to escape with the older guys, they walked for a long time. It was cold and scary. The front line was only crossed in early spring. Then they worked on a collective farm: they carried fish on their shoulders to the regional center 17 km away. But we lived! The guys who stayed in the camp (the oldest were 15) died. When our people began to push the Germans, all the children were herded into gas chambers. There was one girl left, who was thrown away by the blast wave. She told about the death of hundreds of children. Scary. This must be remembered! From the memoirs of Zhenya Egorova

1 th Soldier: Dear father! You probably have warm April days in Moscow, as it always did... It is quite quiet here in the daytime, only occasionally the Germans open fire from mortars, very rarely, because they do not have enough mines. All of their mines fall into the swamp, and it's a pity for the poor frogs, which they jammed a lot. Their shells are also the same, they only fall and for the most part do not explode for some reason. As you can see, it's quite calm here, except for the noise of planes, don't think the Germans, but ours, which day and night bomb the Fritz. Alexander Malkov

2nd Soldier: I feel good so far, though there was a small wound in the left shoulder blade, the wound has already healed, and what will happen next is still unknown, although it’s not necessary to wait for the good, the enemy is strong and ruthless, lead and cast-iron bumblebees are buzzing around. Spring is beginning to come into its own here, the snow is melting, starlings have arrived. All around, nature begins to come to life, and on the other hand, the living dies, so young forces perish mercilessly. Anything new? Daddy is probably directing the lathe, getting ready to meet the spring game, there are probably few hunters left, but there will be a lot of game and the hunt should be plentiful, everything will depend on the state of health. I shake your hand, Peter Asanov

Sounds Song "Random Waltz" or "Autumn Dream" - track 7

The couples whirl in a waltz, stop in turn, take their places in the back of the stage. Take out folded triangles of letters.


Simple front letters -

Witnesses of the great war.

For great-grandchildren, for a peaceful life

The flow of years saved.


And yellowed paper

Keeps hope and love.

There is anger and pain

and here is courage.



Frayed stingy lines,

behind each is a person. Fate...

Behind the multi-word ellipsis

Guns are heard firing.


Textbook dry lines

Can't replace a soul

Read letters from the front

To understand, not to forget.


Unfortunately, the veterans are leaving. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. The children of war are also leaving us. The hour is not far off when the post-war generation will be the most important custodian of memory. War memories. This is sad, but it is also great: after all, more than ten generations who do not know the horrors of war have grown up and matured. And those who remained on the battlefields died for this: for peace, freedom, life!

1st Soldier: Dear Tonechka! I don't know if you'll ever read these lines? But I know for certain that this is my last letter. You offered to sign so that I belong to you alone all my life. I willingly complied with your request. On your passport, and on my receipt there is a stamp that we are husband and wife. This is good. It is good to die when you know that there, far away, there is a person close to you, he remembers me, thinks, loves. "It's good to be loved ..." Through the holes in the tank, I see the street, green trees, flowers in the garden are bright, bright. You, the survivors, after the war will have a life as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy... It's not scary to die for it... Don't cry. You probably won’t come to my grave, and will it be a grave?

Presenter: And not without reason, probably, the Victory Day came to us in the spring, when the earth is reborn, when the intoxicating smell of lilacs makes us dizzy. And they, our heroes, dreamed of peace, of love, of spring. Here is what she wrote about this sister young girl Helena Kuhlman

1st girl: Life is beautiful the way it is. Difficulties often decorate it. Our life has only one goal - forward. There is no way back. Forward to the victory! If you live with only one thought, if you want to do everything to make this thought come true, then no difficulty is insurmountable. Imagine how boring it would be to live an empty everyday life. We have chosen for ourselves another, heavier and more beautiful life. A life that is full of struggle and the joy of victory. And even if it were possible, we would not change it for an easier life. Don't hang your nose. Everything passing. Remember, you yourself once wrote in my album something like this thought that the storm and the rain will pass, and the sun will shine again. The greatest pain and grief will also disappear, and the time will come again when you can laugh with all your heart and be happy.

Victory lilac blossoms

Under the May sun Like the sea

Anxious, noisy, mourning...

And remembers joy, remembers grief.


Smiles, tears, memory, pain -

IN lilac flowers mixed up:

They contain the salt of unshed tears,

And words that have not been said before.


Noisy victorious lilac,

Remembering the pain of loss

Endless sea across the country

Pass in the memory of the soldiers.


Paying tribute to the feat of war,

And after a pause at the mournful feast,

Start the victory lilac

Hymn to heroism and peaceful life!

Sounds like a song from the movie "Officers" - track 8.

You can restart the video sequence of fellow villagers (countrymen) who survived the war

You can continue the holiday in an open area, involving all those gathered in the general performance of military songs or themed games, see an example of such a program for MAY 9

Holiday for schoolchildren "Victory Day"

Song "The world that I need" Ensemble "Singing Hands"
1st leader.
Early dawns flow over the world,
Gardens are dusty with spring flowers,
And your glorious day - a big day
Victory, the young Earth meets again.
2nd leader.
Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who is younger.
1st leader.
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
We congratulate you on Victory Day!
This day is important for all of Russia!
The song "Coast of Russia" is performed by Levchenko M. and Panychov E.
Presenter: Today we have an unusual day, we are on the verge of the brightest, most holy holiday - the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany. Now, in these warm May days, it is so hard to imagine explosions, bombings, attacks. Terrible battles in which our main Victory was forged.
On May 9, the Victory Salute will thunder for the 71st time. And the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of our people are still alive in the memory of the people.
Dance "Letter to the front" Avanesov S. Safonova O.
From Moscow to Berlin - one thousand six hundred kilometers.
This is if by train, then less than four days, and by plane - about four hours ...
And by dashes and in a plastunski way - four years!
4 years of war. 1418 days and nights of the national feat. 34 thousand hours. And twenty-seven million human lives.
This is 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour, 10 people every minute.
Twenty-seven million graves for two and a half thousand kilometers - that's almost ten thousand killed per kilometer, twenty for every two meters of land!
Fascism has brought countless sacrifices to the peoples of the earth. In each European country has its own village and city of pain and tears. They blame fascism.
Fascism is accused of gas chambers concentration camps of death. The prisoners of Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, the dead of Babi Yar, the inhabitants of the Belarusian village of Khatyn, who were burned alive, are crying out for retribution.
Every sixth inhabitant of our country died during the war. If a moment of silence is declared for each of them, then it will last - 38 years.
Host 2:
Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
And day and night in a bowl of granite
The holy flame burns tremulously.
Presenter 1:
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.
Host 2:
Tens of years lay between us,
The war has gone down in history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.
As long as hearts are beating, remember!
At what cost is happiness won, please remember!
When you send your song into flight, remember!
About those who will never sing, remember!
Tell your children about them so that they remember
Tell the children of children about them so that they also remember !!!
Freeze, speakers!
A moment of silence!
Song "Remember" Surovtseva A.
1st leader.
Victory Day is the most joyful for everyone.
May laughter win today.
Let the world, saved from war, rejoice,
And for joy, sons are born.
2nd leader.
Congratulations on this great holiday,
And we wish only happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Only light, only peace and warmth,
So that life is always beautiful.
Waltz "I can't hear from the birches, weightless..." Grade 9 "A"
Presenter 1: May 9 is a holy day for those who remember the war years. This is an occasion for meetings, which, unfortunately, are so few in Everyday life with her worries and concerns.
Lead 2: We are always glad to see you, veterans. I would like for many, many more years to have the opportunity to prepare concerts for those who fought for a peaceful life and won this struggle.
Presenter 1: May this holiday long years would be a good reason to get together.
Host 2: Today we have at the festival:
Presenter: Kussio Antonina Ivanovna, Ershova Irina Mikhailovna, …………………………
The word is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War……………………………………………………….
Veteran's Words
Dance "Blue handkerchief" (pupils of the 8th grade)
Presenter 1: Thank you, veterans, for being able to come to us, helping our hearts to touch the great feat of the people. Low bow to you.
Lead 2: Low bow to you, courageous soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Live long and happily.
Leading: May our sky be peaceful, fields rich, deep rivers May our multinational Motherland live and prosper.
The host announces the end of the festive concert
presenter: caregiver
Host 1 and Host 2: pupils.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Victory Day - May 9

for older children.

The music is performed by a brass band. Children are walking, laughing, waving to each other. The sound of music interrupts the air raid alarms, and bombs explode. Everyone quickly walks around the hall and sits on chairs.

Video clip for E. Plotnikova's song "About that war"

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We were born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard the howling of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what a frozen dwelling and meager military rations are. We find it hard to believe that human life breaking off is as easy as a morning dream. We can judge trenches and trenches only from movies and the stories of front-line soldiers. For us, war is history. We dedicate our today's holiday to the glorious Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Children: Glorious holiday - Victory Day,

And spring blossoms all around.
We live under peaceful skies
The child sleeps peacefully.

Guys just need to know
That when there was a war
Our Motherland soldiers
Protected from the enemy.

How the mines were blown up
We must know and remember.
How did they fight the Nazis?
For there to be no war

How they loved their country
And boldly went on the attack,
For us to be happy
And the flowers grew all around

For the birch trees to rustle
Over the clear river
For the birds to sing loudly
A rainbow has risen

In the clear sky, in the blue sky
The sun is on fire.
Today we are talking about Russia -
To our Motherland - sing.

SONG: "MY RUSSIA" - music G.Struve

Presenter 1: Motherland is our city, our republic, our country. This is the place where we were born, where everything seems so close and dear to us, where people speak and sing in a language we understand. And the Motherland is the place where we want to live in peace and friendship. It is in our power to make our Motherland happy, peaceful, strong and beautiful.

1st child:With our work, we will make our Motherland stronger and more beautiful!

2nd child:We will conquer all diseases!

3rd child:We will build modern houses, factories, plants!

4th child:We will learn how to manage the most advanced technology!

5th child:I will build spaceship, which will fly to the most distant stars.

6th child:And I will teach children to speak their native language correctly.

Host 2: In the distant past for us, people also dreamed of a bright and peaceful future. But their dreams were not destined to come true: an event occurred that brought misfortune, grief to all the peoples inhabiting our great Motherland.


from "Leningrad Symphony" by D. Shostakovich

Presenter 1: The words that people heard on the radio on that distant summer morning will never be forgotten. They hit everyone with sharp pain right in the heart:

Children: People laid down holiday flags,

The fun time is over.

The country of people rallied for courage,

To defeat the attacking enemy.

Let history flip back

The pages are legendary.

And memory, flying through the years,

Leads again to campaigns and battles.

Today will be a day of remembrance

And in the heart it is crowded from high words.
Today will be a day of remembrance
About the feat and valor of the fathers.


Host 2: What could be worse than war?!

She brings only tears and suffering.

And happiness breaks people

Beloved separating and friends.

Children: Fascist scum attacked

There are no enemy tanks in number.
Fighting Brest Fortress
Under a barrage of cast lead!

Sevastopol is on fire
Throwing the St. Andrew's flag,
And closes with his chest
Odessa native sailor!

Moscow is defended by Panfilov,
In the blockade ring of Leningrad,
But tired people whisper:
"Not a step, not a step back!"

Presenter 1:

The gray plague broke in, broke into our house.

Fascism mercilessly marched across the planet.

People froze from misfortune, children became quiet ...

Lightning flashes in the distance, no thunder is heard.

The soul, anticipating trouble, drove out of the house.

Families crowded in the yard, whispering softly.

And at this time, the Earth rolled dashingly.

The war ate everything around, the war ate.

The earth wept for her sons, the earth wept.

In the sky Angels howled in the darkness in impotence.

And the chimneys of the crematoria were already smoking...

They burned babies, men and women.

We will never find their graves again.

Don't forget people the way it was.

Whose courage turned the plague into dust...

The dawn rose above the earth, the dawn rose.

The earth wept for her sons, the earth wept

Host 2: Defending the land of their homeland, the fighters gave their last strength, and many - their lives. But the soldiers tried not to lose heart, and wonderful songs were born in the fire of this terrible war. They gave strength to the fighters, brightened up separation from relatives, made them forget for a short time that there was a war going on.

Reb: There was infantry, tanks went on the attack,

But no one flinched in this difficult hour.
"Three tankmen - three merry friends "...
We will remember this song for you now.


Reb. The enemy trembled when he heard about "Katyusha",

The power of "Katyusha" led the soldiers forward.
Listen to the battle song
What the people folded and sang about her.


Reb: Fighting, dusty roads,

They took you to the mortal battle,
But few managed to return.
Sing a song in memory of the departed.


Presenter 1: Despite hard life in days when there were destruction everywhere, loss of relatives and friends, hunger and fear, people did not lose faith in victory. "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" - these words sounded everywhere. And then the day came when the end of the war was announced on the radio. The country rejoiced! On the streets strangers hugged each other, many cried for joy, greeted the fighters from the front with flowers, sang and danced.

Child: On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

About the Motherland, about the world, our songs.
May there never be another war!
And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!

"DANCE WITH FLOWERS"music Juventino Rosas

(phonogram "Above the waves")

The melody turns into the motive of the song "Cranes". 2 girls run between the flowers - “cranes”, make several dance movements.

Child: A wedge of white cranes floats across the sky,

Host 2: Days of coming spring

They are no longer given.
Stand up for a moment, comrades,
In memory of all who did not come from the war.

Don't forget the bloody sunsets
When the native land was in ruins.
And how the soldiers fell to the ground
Killed... Alive, don't forget!


SONG: "ETERNAL FIRE" - music A.Filippenko

A boy and a girl come to the fore - “brother and sister”.

Boy: I'm so afraid, what if the Nazis come back to us?

And we won't be able to play anymore.

Girl: Do not be afraid, our great-grandfathers smashed them to death,

And we can sleep peacefully tonight.
Look how blue the sky is!
Airplanes will never buzz in it again.
Who will let them disturb the sleep of heroes,
Who sleep under this sky?

Boy: So if they are sleeping, will they wake up?

And will they live the same way as then?

Girl: No, brother, they are already sleeping forever.

They fell asleep for you and for me.
And you and I must always remember their feat
And to understand that in life there is no more beautiful day.

Boy: And the birthday? No no no! I understand,

That Victory Day is the best holiday for me!

Presenter 1: Our country has been living peacefully for 69 years. And I would like to say that more than one generation has already grown up that do not know what war is. However, every day we hear about a new conflict between peoples, about a new children's misfortune. And therefore, we have no right to forget about the events of those terrible war years. This should not be repeated.

Host 2: If veterans live in your family, in your house, those who participated in the battles against the Nazis, do not forget to congratulate them on the Victory Day!

Presenter 1: Thank you veterans

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Host 2: How much our people have done for us to live under a peaceful sky! Let's take care of our Motherland and the peaceful sky above its land ..

(Ved. brings a globe to the center of the hall or an inflatable globe-ball.)

Presenter 1: Look how small Earth, and there is a place for everyone: people, water, fish, forests, and fields. We need to take care of this fragile planet, it is our home. And for this it is necessary for all people on earth to live in peace and harmony. Let's give each other the globe so that each of you can give him a piece of the world.

The song "LET'S GIVE THE BALL OF THE EARTH TO CHILDREN" sounds. Children pass the ball from hand to hand.

Children: We are for children in the world

Wouldn't play war

To the morning at dawn

Listen to the silence of the world!

We are for the whole planet

Green like a garden.

To serve calmly

Peaceful homeland soldiers!

"SONG ABOUT THE EARTH" - mu h. T. Petrova

Host 2: Guys, the long-awaited Victory Day will come very soon! May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday for all people. Every year on this day in honor of great victory fireworks are booming. The evening sky is lit up with bright holiday lights.

Children: Lush bouquets

Blooming in the sky
Like sparks of light
Petals sparkle.

Flashing asters
blue, red,
Blue, purple -
Every time new!

And then the river
Golden flow.
What it is?

All together (in chorus): Holiday fireworks!!!

DANCE COMPOSITION "SALUT" - music L. Minkus "Lights"

(T. Suvorova "Dance rhythm for children" issue 4)

Presenter 1: Let's remember the feat of our people,

A soldier who died in a fiery battle.
With Victory they brought freedom,
Saving the world in a brutal war.

Leading 2 : Meet

fluttering spring,

people of the earth.





people of the earth!

Carry the dream

in a year

and life


But about those

who won't come

never, -

I conjure -


Remember everyone by name

Remember in your heart...

It is necessary -

not dead!

It is necessary -



The host invites children to lay flowers at the Victory Monument.

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Development for students in grades 5-11.

Purpose of the event: create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, the preservation of the memory of the feat of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.


  • To develop students' interest in the historical past of our country, military history Fatherland.
  • Propaganda of songs of the war years and poems of military subjects.
  • Counteract attempts to falsify the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Decor: St. George ribbons, flowers, posters, presentation for poems with pictures of battles and battles, video presentation about the Great Patriotic War.

What is better: life, where the bonds of captivity,
Or death, where are the Russian banners,
To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka, from "War Song"

A soundtrack plays in the hall. The roar of aircraft is heard.

Event progress

D: This year we are celebrating significant date- The 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the peoples of our multinational Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, a victory that the country got at the cost of great deeds and incredible losses.

M: It was a long-awaited and joyful event not only for the army that defeated the enemy, but also for all people, home front workers who worked hard day and night to provide the soldiers with everything they needed.

D: Today we bow our heads to the memory of millions dead defenders Fatherland, whose feat led to victory over the enemy.
Eternal glory to them! Everlasting memory!

M: Let's get in touch with inner world man, soldier-warrior. After all, first of all, this is someone's father, son, brother, from whom the war took away the opportunity to live peacefully, study, work and be close to their loved ones.

D: Inextinguishable memory of generations

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let's honor the memory with a moment of silence.

D: The hot, June night was ending, the dawn of a new day was already rising - Sunday, June 22, 1941. And at that time, thousands of Nazi soldiers, many hundreds of aircraft, tanks crossed the border of our Motherland.


Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats above the water.
There, at the border, he stood at his post
At night, a young fighter ...
IN dark night he did not sleep, did not doze,
He guarded his native land, -
In the thicket of the forest he heard steps
And lay down with an automatic.
Black shadows grew in the mist
A dark cloud in the sky...
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus the war began.
Peacefully the country woke up
On this June day
Just turned around
In the squares of her lilac.
Rejoicing in the sun and the world,
Moscow met the morning.
Suddenly spread through the air
Memorable words...
Voice confidently strict
The country immediately recognized.
In the morning on our doorstep
The war broke out.

M: Destroying and destroying, mercilessly burning and killing everything in their path, the Nazis moved on the territory of Russia to its heart - Moscow.

Our people rose to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called the Patriotic War. Fathers, brothers, sons went to the front. IN deadly fight tempered with the enemy and strengthened at Soviet soldiers love to native land, determination to defend the Motherland to the last drop of blood.


Everything burned: flowers and maples,
The blade was not alive.
Dusty shrubs all around
Rustled charred leaves.
Look to the right - dear
The wheat is dying.
To the left - there is no end and edge
Space given to fire.
The earth seemed to the limit
Was on fire.
And all, withered, buzzed:
"Cursed be the war!"
We will not give up the endless, blue fields
Where we won and will win
We will not give up our beautiful Motherland
We won't give up!

D: War. Terrible, cruel time. The time of the most difficult trials, the incredible strain of all the forces of the people fighting against the merciless enemy. But war is not only heavy, bloody battles, decisive battles. War is a hard, exhausting, incessant work of people in the rear. At factories for the manufacture of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their wives and children, old people, those who could not go to the front took their places at the machines. The main thing for them was work. They lived from hand to mouth, malnourished, not resting, forgetting about themselves. "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - the main slogan of those days.

M: Let's not forget. That in the days of the war, the fighters called the Guards multi-barreled mortar "Katyusha" - formidable weapon, which was feared by the enemies. And there was a song about it.

The choir sings. Song "Katyusha" Music - Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovsky.


There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots were fired all around
The songs of "Katyusha" were heard
Near Moscow, behind Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of the Soviet soldiers,
Sang a victory march, battle
And buried the enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk salient.
On the fronts, she did not lose heart,
She sang loud songs
Only then "Katyusha" fell silent,
How victory ended the war!

D: Our people won at a high price. Almost 4 years - 1418 days and nights - there was a war. These were years of deprivation, grief, hard work. Cities and villages have been devastated, fields have been burned, dreams and hopes of people have been torn off. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

M: The Great Patriotic War ... In the battles for the fatherland, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to the death, defended every inch of the earth.

Let's remember how it was ... (video)

D: The war has left its mark on almost every family. Our country has lost more than 20 million of its sons and daughters. 1710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages were in ruins. Exploded, destroyed about 32 thousand industrial enterprises.

M: How many graves of the Unknown Soldier are there in our country? A lot of. The soldiers died for our peaceful life, for the peaceful life of future generations. And our duty is to remember this, to prevent war and the grief it brings.

D: The last war was also terrible because the Nazis did not spare anyone: they killed children and women, burned entire villages, tried to destroy the entire population of the country.

The floor is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (full name) (flowers)


It was in May, at dawn.
There was a battle at the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

At the pillar, trembling, she stood,
IN blue eyes frozen fear.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment sowed around.

Then he remembered how saying goodbye in the summer
He kissed his daughter.
Maybe the girl's father
He shot his own daughter.

But then, in Berlin, under fire
A fighter crawled, and shielding his body
girl in short dress white
Carefully removed from the fire.

And, stroking with a gentle hand,
He dropped her to the ground.
They say that in the morning Marshal Konev
Stalin reported this.

How many children have their childhood returned
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army
The people who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a festive date,
Was erected to stand for centuries,
Monument Soviet soldier
With a rescued girl in her arms.

It stands as a symbol of our glory,
Like a beacon glowing in the dark.
It is he, the soldier of my state,
Protects peace throughout the earth.

M: May day forty-fifth ... Familiar and unfamiliar people hugged, gave each other flowers, sang and danced right on the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time enjoyed the colors, sounds, smells of life.
It was a common holiday of all our people, of all mankind and a holiday of every person.

Dance "A soldier is walking through the city."

D: Yes, that May morning was filled with jubilation. But sorrow seeped through him. People acutely felt the loss of loved ones, acquaintances and strangers; those who died under fascist bullets and shells, torture in concentration camps, in blockade hunger, in burned villages. The war killed them...

M: This jubilation and this sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And you and I owe this memory of the most terrible war that has touched every family, passed down from generation to generation.

D: Victory Day was, is and must remain the most holy holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now, and we must remember this. Our memory must not be blind.


The war ended with victory
Those years are behind us.
Burning medals, orders
Many on the chest.
Who wears the military order
For heroic deeds in battle
And who - for the feat of labor
In your native land.
The people won
I did not give the country to the Nazis,
Rebuilt the state
Led her to great glory.
Bow to you, soldiers,
For blooming May
For the dawn over the hut,
For native land.
Bow down, soldiers
You for silence
For winged expanse -
Free country.


Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From the whole earth, from the whole earth!
Thank you soldiers.

1st reader. For a life!

2nd reader. For childhood!

3rd reader. For spring!

4th reader. For silence!

5th reader. For a peaceful home!

6th reader. For the world we live in!

All. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our event dedicated to the Day Victory is over. Thank you all for your attention!

All participants of the event congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day! (The song "Victory Day" plays the words of V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov)

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