Who is immortalized in the memory of the people during his lifetime. Perpetuation of the memory of the Great Patriotic War. Confession on perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the fatherland

War is grief, tears. She knocked on every house, brought misfortune: mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands, children were left without fathers. Thousands of people went through the crucible of war, experienced terrible torment, but they survived and won. We won in severe trials. And those people who defended their homeland in the hardest battles are still alive. The war in their memory emerges as the most terrible sad memory. And we, people who do not know what war is, need to keep the memory of the stamina and courage of soldiers, the unbrokenness of their spirit, remember that the flame of the Eternal Flame reflects the blood shed on the battlefields.

Boris Ivanovich Morozov was born in 1921 in Nizhny Novgorod region, in November 1939 he was drafted into the Armed Forces in the 242 motorized rifle regiment of the city of Kostroma. In March 1940, he was sent to study at the rifle school of the First Proletarian Rifle Division in Moscow. On May 9, 1940, he participated in the parade on Red Square.

In August 1940 he entered the Red Banner Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In August 1941, after graduating from college with the rank of lieutenant, he was sent to the city of Ivanovo, where the 332nd Rifle Division named after M.V. Frunze, this division was sent in 1941 to the defense of the city of Moscow.

In October 1941 - April 1942, one of the largest battles of the Great Patriotic War took place on the outskirts of Moscow.

“When I went out into the forest on a hillock - an open football field, not a bush, nothing. Well, I thought there was a minefield around here somewhere. And where is the wire fence, canned food cans, like an alarm. The enemy noticed and opened from heavy machine gun fire. He gave the command to attack. And then I got hurt."

Lieutenant Morozov in February 1942 was sent for treatment to a hospital in the city of Sverdlovsk. After recovering at the end of March 1942, he was sent to serve in the Mokhotov machine-gun and mortar school in the city of Perm as commander of a mortar training company, but Boris Ivanovich was not satisfied with the service in the rear and in August 1943 filed a report with a request to send him to the front.

From October 1943 to May 1945 he served as deputy battalion commander, commander of the rifle battalion of the 1st Belorussian Front of the 75th Guards Rifle Division of the 212th Guards Regiment.

In the battles in the Riga direction on October 8, 1944, in offensive battles, he led military operations to capture the settlement of Allazhi. In this battle, being in battle formations, he showed courage and bravery, inspiring the fighters to military exploits by personal example, for which he was presented to the government award by the Order of the Red Banner.

Boris Morozov, participant of the Great Patriotic War: “When our troops entered Polish soil, we had to take into account the fact that fighting were prepared on the territory of Poland, where there was a strong ideology of bourgeois society, and for five years the population was subjected to increased influence of fascist propaganda, which sought to incite national enmity towards the peoples Soviet Union. The focus of attention of commanders of all ranks remained - the education of the younger generation in the spirit of the unity of peoples and their soldiers, loyalty to the military oath.

To successfully solve them, political agencies carried out a number of measures to strengthen party and Komsomol organizations, and Komsomol member Boris Morozov was accepted as a candidate, and in March 1945 became a member of the CPSU.

Boris Morozov, participant of the Great Patriotic War: « In the battles for the settlement of Sellentin on February 18-20, 1945, numerous counterattacks by infantry and enemy tanks had to be repelled. On the outskirts of the checkpoint stood a two-story building from which everything was visible. The regiment commander decided to detach a company, by a lucky chance I had to lead it into battle. The night then was frosty and the moon shone brightly. Having exhausted the enemy, we captured the settlement of Sellentin with a fight.

He remembers how he liberated Poland. For this task, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War. Then the battalion commander was only 24.

“The regiment commander calls and says: “Here is the prosecutor sitting with me, when will you report on the liberation of this settlement?” Well, the next day, the battalion raised early, without a single shot, without shouting "Hurrah", they suddenly attacked. The enemy did not expect such pressure and began to retreat.

For the successful operation of the Guard, Captain Morozov is worthy of the title of "Guard Major".

There were several months left before the end of the war and many military operations were carried out, and the fighters walked more than one hundred kilometers to Berlin. Guard Major Boris Ivanovich Morozov ended the war in Berlin and continued to serve until December 1952 in the troops of the GSVG (Germany).

Military rank Guard Lieutenant Colonel was awarded February 28, 1952. From December 1952 to March 1969 he served in the Kiev Military District. In March 1969, he was sent to serve in the city of Shakhtersk as a military commissar, in this position he paid great attention to mobilization readiness and military-patriotic education of youth.

In March 1971 he was transferred to the reserve due to age. The military rank of "colonel" was awarded on October 25, 1977, is a pioneer in the creation of a city veteran organization (March 1987).

Awarded with orders:

"Patriotic war 1 and 2 degrees";

"Red Banner" twice;

"A red star";

"Bohdan Khmelnytsky";

Medals: "For Military Merit";

"For the defense of Moscow";

"For the liberation of Warsaw";

"For the capture of Berlin" and many other medals.

Last year, the war again overtook the veteran.

Boris Morozov, veteran of the Great Patriotic War: “I didn’t want to go, because everyone knew me, I knew everyone. When I was under bombardment, I made a decision, if I was wounded twice in the war, I didn’t die, but I don’t want to die in the basement ”. The veteran was taken from Ukraine to Lipetsk by her daughter.

More than seven decades have passed since then, and time takes us further and further from this tragedy, but we must always remember the names of our heroes. We must honor and respect the memory of those who gave their lives for our existence. We must know the history of this war in order to never let it happen again. We must preserve this knowledge for our descendants. Every year death takes away the witnesses of this war, they become less and less. But the memory of the people will not cease, we will preserve the unfading feat, and unheard of suffering, and the unshakable faith of people. We bow to those who remain alive...

South - East Department of the Ministry of Education

and science of the Samara region

District stage of the All-Russian competition teaching aids(methodological materials) for the best organization of work on the patriotic education of students

"Raising Patriots of Russia"


"Methods of organizing and conducting search work, work to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland"

“Work to perpetuate the memory of the dead fellow villagers.

Book of Memory»

Zhaksilikova Natalya Nikolaevna,

a history teacher,

State budgetary

educational institution

Samara region main

comprehensive school

settlement Ilyichevsky

municipal district Alekseevsky

Samara region



Introduction. Explanatory note……………………………3

Main part……………………………………………………7

List of used literature…………………………22


Explanatory note

According to the Russian Committee of War Veterans, more than half a million soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War are still considered missing. To establish the names and fates of these soldiers, to restore social justice to the forgotten defenders of the Motherland, but in fact to show concern for the social protection of family members of military personnel is the duty of the state. This state task is solved by young people - members: search teams, local history circles and just teenagers who are not indifferent to the fate of the soldier and their small homeland.

The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

In the nomination “Methodology for organizing and conducting search work, work to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland”, I present the work on the topic “Methodology of work to perpetuate the memory of the dead fellow villagers. Book of Memory.

Relevance. June 22, 1941 is one of the most tragic dates in the history of our people. It was on this day that the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people began against Nazi Germany. In the Alekseevsky district of the Kuibyshev region, active mobilization was carried out in the first days of the war - from June 23 to July 6, 1941. total 3557 people went to the front, more than two thousand did not return from the battlefields. In every village, town there are families that were affected by this war. People with love and respect keep letters from the front, personal belongings of those killed on the fronts and those who died after the war.

Many years have passed since the victory in the Great Patriotic

war. During this time, several generations of Russians were born and raised. They know almost nothing about the war.In the family, one can hear less and less talk about those terrible years in the history of our country.At home, in most cases, parents simply do not know what to tell. The veterans who fought at the front are over 80 years old. They are getting smaller every day. There is a threat of losing the historical memory of the great feat of our Motherland, of the people who forged the victory...

Application area : educational institutions of any type.

primary school teachers, class teachers, educators

organizers and teachers of additional education. Activity

teachers in this direction has positive opportunities:

    for society as a whole - education historically

literate, active, citizens who are able to adequately respond to changes and are ready for a conflict-free solution of problems, attract veteran and creative organizations to work with youth, make fuller use of their experience and spiritual potential in order to preserve and continue the glorious military traditions;

    for the local community - unites and coordinates

multifaceted work of all organs state power, local government and public formations in this area;

    for educational institutions - for teachers: mastering

teachers of new technologies, forms of work;

    for students: the formation of a sense of patriotism and

civil liability.

Age groups : students in grades 1-9.

Implementation forms :

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Honoring home front workers and labor veterans;

Conversations; class hours, quizzes;

Visiting local history, historical museums;

Visiting obelisks, monuments to fallen soldiers;

foreign travel, didactic games;

Recitation contests;

Drawing and poster competitions, patriotic song;

Reviews of the system and songs;

Viewing newsreels, documentaries and feature films dedicated to the historical pages and events of the Great Patriotic War;

Computer presentations;

Literary and musical compositions;

Thematic exhibitions dedicated to memorable events in the history of the Great Patriotic War;

Design of albums, folders, stands, expositions;

Volunteer work (providing assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities in hot spots, labor veterans, the disabled)

Implementation methods: persuasion, influence, encouragement,


Work goals :

In the field of personal development of students: fostering a sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland to past, present and future generations.

In the field public relations: development of a sense of patriotism, responsibility for another person;

In the field of public relations: the formation of motivation for active and responsible participation in public life.


- preserve the memory of the main events and historical pages of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945;

To instill in students a sense of deep patriotism, faith in people, a readiness to stand up for peace, to defend their homeland;

Enrich students' knowledge about the heroic past of fellow countrymen, their people, country;

Collect information about the heroic past of fellow countrymen, create a Book of Memory.

To implement the work to perpetuate the memory of fellow villagers, there is the followingmaterial and technical base :

study room;

Equipment for demonstrating multimedia presentations (projector, laptop, interactive board- office of the head classes);

Color printer, scanner (home);

School and rural libraries.

Planned results

Selected forms and methods of work to perpetuate the memory of those who died for the Fatherland,in my opinion, will help to achieve the following results:

Students will get acquainted with the history of the feat Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War;

Formation of a respectful attitude to history, a sense of pride for their fellow villagers, for the Motherland;

Skill ask questions, ask for help, formulate their difficulties;

Recording, fixing information about fellow countrymen, including with the help of ICT;

Work on the Internet to find the necessary information.

Main part

For several years I was the leader of the "Young local historian" circle, currently I teach history and am class teacher Grade 7. In the patriotic education of students in the lessons of history and local history, I use different forms and methods of work, in which I assign a large role to the author's program "Native Land".

On classroom hours we raise questions about the civil, patriotic, legal education of young people, about the problems of the country, city, family, and the younger generation. The school hosts many events dedicated to memorable events. Russian history. For several years I have been holding the "Memory Watch", the Day of Sorrow in the day camp, at the school there are reviews of formation and bearing, patriotic song contests, etc. Rallies are held at the obelisks every year, dedicated to the Day Victories with the participation of WWII veterans, residents of settlements. Themed weeks and the campaigns “They need our help”, “A bouquet for a veteran”, “My gift to a veteran”, “A veteran lives nearby” have become traditional. Every year, rallies dedicated to Victory Day are held at the obelisks with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, residents of settlements, and representatives of labor collectives. But of all the events held, the events related to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the conflicts in Afghanistan have the strongest emotional coloring and educational power. Great importance play meetings with eyewitnesses of those events. But in our villages Ilyichevsk, Leningradsky, the village of Kalashinovka, not a single participant in the hostilities in the Great Patriotic War remained alive. But there are veterans living next to us who were 10-11 years old during the war years, they can tell teenagers about everyday work during the difficult war years.

In 2009 - 10 academic years. G. at a meeting of the "Young local historian" circle, it was decided to collect information about our fellow countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War and capture this information in the form of their own book, the name of which is "Book of Memory. Live and remember ... ".

In 1994, the Samara Book of Memory was published, and there, most of the list of soldiers are missing, we had to bring this entire array into our introductory lists in order to work on them. We do not have specialized publications on the missing.

In search work, everything is passed through one's own hands and souls. This is how the study and preservation bit by bit of national history takes place - this is real, effective patriotism, in contrast to pseudo-patriotic speeches from various stands. Each fate of a fallen warrior saved by the search engines complements the national history, makes the past era visible through the study of its specific facts and details.

We began our work on searching for data on fellow countrymen from studying the materials of the “Book of Memory” of the Samara Region of the Alekseevsky District, published in 1994, V.7. They chose the names of fellow countrymen who fell on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, compared them with the list on the obelisks to the fallen soldiers in the village of Kalashinovka, the village of Leningradsky and the village of Ilyichevsky. As a result of the comparison, it was revealed that there are names of soldiers from the village of Ilyichevsky that were not published in the “Book of Memory” - these are Bochkarev N.I., Lobin A.G., and Koval Sergey Ivanovich from the village of Leningradsky. We also found that there are warriors recorded in the Book of Memory, but not listed on the obelisk: natives of the village of Goryainovka Zarechin Mikhail Gerasimovich, Tyukalov Petr Ivanovich.

From the Book of Memory it is known that Yurin Yakov Ilyich died in 1941 and was buried in the village of Yablonevo, Tula region. On the Internet, we found information that he was reburied in a mass grave in the village of Zaoksky, Tula Region. It is suggestive that Yurin Ya.I. listed in the lists of the dead on the monuments in the village of Ilyichevsky and the village of Kalashinovka.

In the Samara Book of Memory Zhdanov Pavel Elizarovich is listed as dead in 1942, only two lines. But we received documents containing the following information: on July 13, 1942, the soldier received a through shrapnel wound. Due to the severity of the wound, he died on August 11, 1942 in the 2nd Clinical Hospital. Pavel Elizarovich was buried in Moscow at the Preobrazhensky cemetery in a mass grave, plot No. 48, grave No. 55. Now we have documentary evidence about our fellow countryman.

“Cherepkov Pavel Sergeevich, born in 1926 Private. He died in 1945" - just one line written in the Book of Memory. But on the site “Feat of the People” we found the following information: “Drawn into the army in October 1944, served on the 3rd Ukrainian Front ...

In offensive battles on April 9-10, 1945, he personally acted bravely, overcoming a two-kilometer water barrier, brought cartridges to a machine gun, and ensured uninterrupted firing at the enemy. Personally, participating in the attack of the enemy, he was the first to break into his location and destroyed the enemy’s light machine gun with grenades. In this battle Comrade. Cherepkov was killed. For personal courage and courage in battle ... Comrade. Cherepkov deserves the Order of the Patriotic WarIIdegrees posthumously"

We read the following mean entry: “Kharin Petr Romanovich, born in 1919, Private. Killed in 1943." We would never know what our countryman was like, since relatives from the village left long ago, and we don’t know where to look for them. And from the award list dated March 22, 1942, we learn about Pyotr Romanovich that he was an excellent, disciplined soldier. “Working as a tractor driver for the evacuation of military vehicles, in a short period, despite very coldy, snowstorms, he towed 8 T-60 and T-34 tanks to the loading station, making marches from 60 to 100 km. His tractor is always ready to perform combat missions ... The medal "For Courage" is worthy of the government award.

Paramonov Pavel Nikonorovich's grandson lives in the village of Ilyichevsky, who remembers that his grandfather had awards, but for what, and by whom he served during the war, is unknown. We found award sheets in which we read: “Paramonov P.N., senior sergeant, driving battery of 76-mm cannons of the 392nd rifle regiment of the 73rd rifle Novozybkov Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division. At the front since December 1941. He had two wounds - in 1942 and 19444. He was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" on 12/17/1943 and the Order of the Red Star on May 25, 1945.

During the Patriotic War Comrade. Paramonov accurately and accurately carried out all the combat missions of the command. During the offensive battles in the winter and spring of 1945, he was often in combat formations, carrying out instructions for the preparation of party documents and conducting combat conversations with the fighters as a grassroots agitator. In battles under heavy enemy fire, he inspired the fighters with his soldier's word and call for a heroic struggle. On March 24, 1945, east of the village of Gruinsberg, going on the offensive with the soldiers, comrade. Paramonov destroyed several German soldiers…” Relatives were glad that we found information, now we have something to tell our great-grandchildren about the heroic ancestor.

We have updated information about some participants in the Great Patriotic War. Kurov Aleksey Nikitovich, a native of the village of Letnikovo in the village of Ilyichevsky, is known and remembered not only by the older generation, but also by young people. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Labor was a frequent guest at solemn events At school. He spoke little about himself, about the military time. It is known that he was called to the front in 1943, had the rank of sergeant, was the commander of the rifle squad of the 26th rifle division, 312th regiment. Fought on the Second Baltic Front. Awarded with the Order GloryIIIdegree, the medal "For Courage", etc. For us, local historians, an archival document is of great importance - the award list of Sergeant Kurov A.N. dated June 2, 1944. In it we read: “... He was a participant in the battles on March 26-27, 1944, when crossing the Velikaya River and breaking through the enemy’s defenses. At the head of his squad, he participated in repulsing the enemy counterattack on March 31, 1944. With an example of personal courage and courage, he carried the fighters to military exploits. In a grenade battle and fire from a machine gun, he destroyed 3 Nazis in this battle. Worthy of the government award of the Order of GloryIIIdegrees." There is also an order to award the medal “For Courage” dated June 22, 1944: “... the fearless junior commander proved himself in repeated offensive battles with the German invaders. Being on the defensive, he was the first to open a record of the extermination of the German occupiers. With a well-aimed shot from a rifle, he destroyed a German soldier.

Lives in the village of Ilyichevsky younger brother Katyshev Nikolai Mikhailovich during the war years, who was 11 years old. Grigory Mikhailovich remembers from his brother's story that he was awarded the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit" and no more details. Now we can say with certainty for what merits Nikolai Mikhailovich was awarded government awards. Katyshev N.M., born in 1922, corporal, reconnaissance officer of the 433rd Fighter Anti-Tank Division of the 318th Infantry Novorossiysk Division. He had two minor wounds - in September 1943 and in May 1944. “Being a scout for a year in the division, I spotted 10 firing points on the front line of the enemy. During the battles for Novorossiysk, simultaneously acting as a messenger and telephone operator, three times under heavy enemy artillery fire he eliminated gusts ... On September 18, 1943, delivering a combat order under heavy enemy fire, comrade. Katyshev was wounded ... ". We also learned that Nikolai Mikhailovich took part in the battles for Sevastopol, where he showed his best qualities. According to his tips, 4 enemy firing points were destroyed. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can be proud of their great-grandfather.

We believe that we have collected a large and important material about our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. All information is systematized and framed in the “Book of Memory. Live and remember…”, which contains materials about veterans: photographs, copies of certificates, a military ID, books of a Red Army soldier. Photocopies of medals and orders of war veterans, archival documents - award lists, award orders are presented.

We also created a small stand - an exposition, which has three sections: "They defended the Motherland", "Battle for Leningrad", "Children to the front".

The exposition gives us an idea of ​​the heroic labor and combat way our countrymen during the war. We, the younger generation, should never forget the price at which we got a happy and cloudless childhood. We must live and remember the people who gave us peace on earth.

In the future, we plan to create a museum of local history at the school, where the material we have collected about fellow countrymen participating in the Great Patriotic War will be presented.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact thatAs a result of the work done, we found systematized and summarized data on 65 of our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. We are working on the compilation of Books of Memory about the soldiers of three settlements: the village of Ilyichevsk, the village of Leningradsky, the village of Kalashinovka. Our material can be used by both students and teachers in their work, as well as in class hours and school-wide events.

Our research is not over yet, we continue to collect information, and will supplement our Memory Books.

The memory of a people is its history. It is she who unites us all. A person without memory is nothing. A people without history is inconceivable. Genuine patriotism is based on a deep understanding of the past, because in the past we draw the experience necessary to build the future. Exactly National history instills in a person such a necessary feeling of patriotism and national pride. A real citizen-patriot must know the history of his Motherland. We need knowledge of the past in order to learn from it and build our present correctly.Patriotism becomes the most important motive for socially significant activities young man and in subsequent years of his self-realization - throughout his life.

“I ask one thing to those who will survive this time:

do not forget! Don't forget the good or the bad.

Patiently gather testimonies of those

who fell for himself and for you.

The day will come when the present will become the past,

When they talk about the great time

And nameless heroes who made history.

I would like everyone to know

that there were no nameless heroes,

that there were people who had their own name, their own appearance,

their aspirations and hopes, and therefore the torment

the most inconspicuous of them were no less

than the agony of one whose name will go down in history.

May these people always be close to you,

as friends, as relatives, as yourself.

Julius Fucik "Reporting with a noose around his neck"

for educators involved in the work of perpetuating the memory

fallen defenders of the Fatherland

1. Acceptance of the application.

To start the search, it is necessary to obtain as much information as possible about the missing soldier from relatives. You can prepare a questionnaire - an application that includes several main fields: last name, first name, patronymic, year and place of birth, year and place of conscription, type of troops, position, rank, unit number, field mail, fate known to relatives. At the same time, information about the unit number and field mail must be confirmed by copies of surviving letters and documents. Such a confirmation application is required because data reported from memory by relatives often required viewing a large number of files in the archive and did not give a result.

2. Entering into the database.

All applications are assigned incoming number and they are entered into the database. Today, almost every teacher knows ICT, so it will not be a big difficulty to create an electronic database, it will allow you to avoid repeating work with the fate of military personnel.

3. Search workpopulation survey method .

Due to the existing inaccuracies and the lack of records in the All-Russian Book of Memory about the place of death and burial of the defenders of the Fatherland, replenishment and clarification of the unified computer data bank on the dead (missing), a targeted event is being conducted on a door-to-door (door-to-door survey). Students are involved in the survey in the framework of programs for the study of history native land. The poll establishes:

FULL NAME. participant of the Great Patriotic Wars;

Returned from the front, died or went missing;

A separate item specifies whether the name of a participant in the Great Patriotic War is included in the All-Russian Book of Memory;

The biography, information about military awards is being specified.

The information received is rechecked in TsAMO, in the editorial offices of the All-Union Communist Party at the place of residence and the death of a serviceman, and is entered into a single computer data bank on the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Check by Books of Memory .

If possible, all applications are checked against the Books of Memory of the area from which the soldier was called up. Such a check allows you to establish additional information about him, as well as find out whether he is immortalized.

5. Check by United Database "Memorial".

Literally a year ago, a unique project appeared on the Internet, thanks to which the search for military personnel was greatly simplified and accelerated. By accessing the Internet at the link www.obd-memorial.ru, you can find out how wanted is listed in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense. For a successful search in this database, you must keep in mind the following:

This project is under development, therefore it is updated periodically, and the information contained there is incomplete. Those. it happens that once you type a person, you can not find him, but after a while, he appears there.

The last name, first name and patronymic should be typed very carefully. If there is an option for another reading of the desired surname, then you must also try it, because. documents during the Great Patriotic War were mainly filled out by ear and by hand, and this allows you to write and read in different ways.

When found right person you need to print two sheets. The first one shows the full name and other data typed on the computer, as well as the fund, inventory, case from which the information was taken. On the second sheet there is directly a scan of the document, where the soldier is mentioned. There can be several documents per person. Everything must be printed.

It should be borne in mind that in our large country there were many namesakes. Therefore, it is better to check as much additional information as possible: year of birth, place, names of relatives and their address.

Particular attention should be paid to information from the military registration and enlistment offices. As a rule, this information includes only the last name, first name and patronymic, sometimes even the year of birth. This is not always enough to identify the person you are looking for.

6. In 2011, another wonderful project appeared on the Internet - a public electronic document bank"The Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

Ministry of Defence Russian Federation presents a unique information resource open access, filled with all the documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main military operations, exploits and awards of all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all the heroes of the Victory, regardless of the rank, the scale of the feat, the status of the award, the military-patriotic education of young people on the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as the creation of a factual basis for countering attempts to falsify the history of the War.

Creation of the most complete electronic bank of documents for the key period modern history civilization has no analogues in terms of volume, historical and social significance, and is an eternal monument to the great Feat of the People.

How to work with the site: step-by-step instruction

It should be noted that this site is constantly updated. If March 13, 2013 in Alekseevsky RVC, Kuibyshev region. there were 8 pages, then on March 22 - already 81. I think that many will find on the site the names of their relatives or their fellow countrymen that are of interest to them.

The database of Soviet prisoners of war contains information about Soviet prisoners of war during World War II, who were either in prisoner of war camps or in labor battalions, mainly located on the territory of the Reich. If you are lucky, you will be able to find not only brief information about the wanted person, but also an individual card with records: about the transfer from one camp to another, illness, the death of a soldier, as well as a photo on the document (although rare, but there are).

I will give a specific example: in the book of Memory of the Samara Region of the Alekseevsky District, Pavel Egorovich Sinichkin is listed as dead in 1942. We found information that he was captured in May 1942 in the Crimea and was in a camp in Baden until 1944 G. Further fate is still unknown, now we are writing a request to Germany in order to issue us a certificate on our soldier.

7. Analysis of the collected information.

If the database indicates the place of burial of a serviceman in the documents of TsAMO and the military registration and enlistment office, then we can say that the search is completed, it remains to inform the relatives. But this rarely happens. There is an option that only the time and place of death are indicated. Then such applications are postponed in order to make a request to the military registration and enlistment office. These two options are among the small number of successful finds when the wording is "died".

A completely different situation is when the documents say "missing." If you can find exact time and the place of loss in the documents of the unit on the base, then you can find information about the military operations of the unit on the specified day. Due to the lack of a clearly developed law on the procedure for perpetuating the memory of soldiers, writing to the military registration and enlistment office of the area where the person went missing makes little sense. It is also possible to establish the approximate area of ​​​​the death of military personnel if the number of the unit in which he served is known. The search for most applications ends with finding information in the archive that their relative went missing at about such and such a time. It is almost impossible to search for any information about a person without knowing the number of the military unit.

8. Work in archives.Search work in archives, first of all, consists in studying the primary sources of archival documents in order to obtain information for organizing field work, about irretrievable losses, and processing information obtained during search work. Main venue research work is the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk) with a fund for storing documents of units and subunits from June 2, 1941 to the present day, the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Archive of Military Medical Documents of the Military Medical Museum of the RF Ministry of Defense in St. Petersburg.

9. Perpetuation of the memory of the dead and missing servicemen.

When establishing exact location the death of a soldier, it is necessary to send a request to the military enlistment office of the district or region in which the soldier died asking if he is listed with them, and also write that if it does not appear, then ask to be immortalized. Be sure to attach copies of documents from which it is clear where you got the idea that the fighter died in a particular area. Typically, military registration and enlistment offices respond to such letters within a month or two. They report exactly where the serviceman is buried. If they do not have such a fighter, then they perpetuate him on the basis of your documents sent and inform you about it.

10. Reply to relatives.

All the information collected must be collected together, a response to relatives must be made, answers from the archive and data from the Internet must be attached. If they are interesting information about the fate of a serviceman, then the results of your work can be presented at solemn events.

I will highlight the important requirements for this process:

when working with relatives or close people of a found warrior, it is necessary to rely only on documents certified by the archive and in no case add a “gag” in relation to the events of those years

If possible, provide information to relatives personally, having previously prepared them morally, since most of them are elderly people, for whom even good news can be a serious blow to health.

Wishes to teachers involved in search work: it must be borne in mind that as a result of the study there are pluses and minuses:

Firstly, it is the joy of finding information about the deceased or the military path of a soldier;

Secondly, it is necessary to warn pupils against the inevitable in many cases disappointment associated with numerous inaccuracies and errors in military documents and texts of nominal articles, in volumes of the Books of Memory.

Leaders need to weigh the pros and cons before engaging their kids in this massive event. Having decided to participate in it, one must honestly tell the children about the difficulties and possible failures. It is necessary to teach adolescents how to competently respond to "misfires" and find adequate ways to solve the tasks.

Summing up, I would like to note that the younger generation needs courageous, thoughtful teachers and senior comrades who are able to educate strong-willed, responsible and convinced patriots.

List of used literature


    Book of Memory. T. 7. Samara region. Samara: 1994 - 320 p.

    TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686196, unit storage 5324

    TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 682524, unit storage 480

    TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686044, unit storage 2729

    TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 690155, unit storage 180

    TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686044, unit storage 2738

Collections of documents

    State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2010-2015".

    Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 No. “On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland” ( in red. Federal Laws No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004, No. 179-FZ of 03.11.2006, No. 160-FZ of 23.07.2008, No. 213-FZ of 18.07.2011).

    "The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia."


1. Agapova I.A., M.A. Davydov. We are patriots! Moscow: VAKO,

2006. - 368 p.

2. Museum and school /Comp. E.A. Pavlyuchenko. M.: Enlightenment,

1985. - 192 p.

3. Tourist and local history circles at school / ed. V.V. Titov. M.:

Enlightenment, 1988. - 157 p.

4. Khramkov L.V. Samara region in the fate of Russia. Samara: publishing house

"Samara University", 2006. - 371 p.

Internet resources Uzhovenko L.V. Deputy Director for UVR. 2011.

This work was written for the competition "Raising Patriots of Russia". It provides information about the search work of members of the circle "Young local historian", given guidelines teachers working to perpetuate the memory of the Great Patriotic War.



GBOU OOSH pos. Ilyichevsky

“Work to perpetuate the memory of the dead fellow villagers.

Book of Memory»

Zhaksilikova Natalya Nikolaevna,

A history teacher,

State budgetary

educational institution

Samara region main

Comprehensive school

Pos. Ilyichevsky

Municipal district Alekseevsky

Samara region


Introduction. Explanatory note……………………………3

Main part……………………………………………………7

List of used literature…………………………22


Explanatory note

According to the Russian Committee of War Veterans, more than half a million soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War are still considered missing. To establish the names and fates of these soldiers, to restore social justice to the forgotten defenders of the Motherland, but in fact to show concern for the social protection of family members of military personnel is the duty of the state. This state task is solved by young people - members: search teams, local history circles and just teenagers who are not indifferent to the fate of the soldier and their small homeland.

The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.

In the nomination “Methodology for organizing and conducting search work, work to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland”, I present the work on the topic “Methodology of work to perpetuate the memory of the dead fellow villagers. Book of Memory.

Relevance. June 22, 1941 is one of the most tragic dates in the history of our people. It was on this day that the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against Nazi Germany began. In the Alekseevsky district of the Kuibyshev region, active mobilization was carried out in the first days of the war - from June 23 to July 6, 1941. A total of 3557 people went to the front, more than two thousand did not return from the battlefields. In every village, town there are families that were affected by this war. People with love and respect keep letters from the front, personal belongings of those killed on the fronts and those who died after the war.

Many years have passed since the victory in the Great Patriotic

war. During this time, several generations of Russians were born and raised. They know almost nothing about the war.In the family, one can hear less and less talk about those terrible years in the history of our country.At home, in most cases, parents simply do not know what to tell. The veterans who fought at the front are over 80 years old. They are getting smaller every day. There is a threat of losing the historical memory of the great feat of our Motherland, of the people who forged the victory...

Application area: educational institutions of any type.

primary school teachers, class teachers, educators

organizers and teachers of additional education. Activity

teachers in this direction has positive opportunities:

  • for society as a whole - education historically

literate, active, citizens who are able to adequately respond to changes and are ready for a conflict-free solution of problems, attract veteran and creative organizations to work with youth, make fuller use of their experience and spiritual potential in order to preserve and continue the glorious military traditions;

  • for the local community - unites and coordinates

multifaceted work of all state authorities, local self-government and public formations in this area;

  • for educational institutions - for teachers: mastering

teachers of new technologies, forms of work;

  • for students: the formation of a sense of patriotism and

civil liability.

Age groups: students in grades 1-9.

Implementation forms:

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Honoring home front workers and labor veterans;

Conversations; class hours, quizzes;

Visiting local history, historical museums;

Visiting obelisks, monuments to fallen soldiers;

Correspondence travel, didactic games;

Recitation contests;

Competitions of drawings and posters, patriotic songs;

Reviews of the system and songs;

Viewing newsreels, documentaries and feature films dedicated to the historical pages and events of the Great Patriotic War;

Computer presentations;

Literary and musical compositions;

Thematic exhibitions dedicated to memorable events in the history of the Great Patriotic War;

Design of albums, folders, stands, expositions;

Volunteer work (providing assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities in hot spots, labor veterans, the disabled)

Implementation methods:persuasion, influence, encouragement,


Goals of the work:

In the field of personal development of students: fostering a sense of personal responsibility for the Fatherland to past, present and future generations.

In the sphere of public relations: development of a sense of patriotism, responsibility for another person;

In the field of public relations: the formation of motivation for active and responsible participation in public life.


To instill in students a sense of deep patriotism, faith in people, a readiness to stand up for peace, to defend their homeland;

Enrich students' knowledge about the heroic past of fellow countrymen, their people, country;

Collect information about the heroic past of fellow countrymen, create a Book of Memory.

To implement the work to perpetuate the memory of fellow villagers, there is the followingmaterial and technical base:

study room;

Equipment for demonstrating multimedia presentations (projector, laptop, interactive whiteboard - primary school classroom);

Color printer, scanner (home);

School and rural libraries.

Planned results

The selected forms and methods of work to perpetuate the memory of those who died for the Fatherland, in my opinion, will help achieve the following results:

Schoolchildren will get acquainted with the history of the feat of the Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War;

Formation of a respectful attitude to history, a sense of pride for their fellow villagers, for the Motherland;

Ability to ask questions, ask for help, formulate their difficulties;

Recording, fixing information about fellow countrymen, including with the help of ICT;

Work on the Internet to find the necessary information.

Main part

For several years, I was the leader of the "Young Local History" circle, currently I teach history and am the class teacher of the 7th grade. In the patriotic education of students in the lessons of history and local history, I use different forms and methods of work, in which I assign a large role to the author's program "Native Land".

At class hours, we raise questions about the civil, patriotic, legal education of young people, about the problems of the country, city, family, and the younger generation. The school hosts many events dedicated to the memorable events of Russian history. For several years I have been holding the "Memory Watch", the Day of Sorrow in the day camp, at the school there are reviews of formation and bearing, patriotic song contests, etc. Every year, rallies are held at the obelisks dedicated to Victory Day with the participation of veterans of the Second World War, residents of settlements. Themed weeks and the campaigns “They need our help”, “A bouquet for a veteran”, “My gift to a veteran”, “A veteran lives nearby” have become traditional. Every year, rallies dedicated to Victory Day are held at the obelisks with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, residents of settlements, and representatives of labor collectives. But of all the events held, the events related to the events of the Great Patriotic War and the conflicts in Afghanistan have the strongest emotional coloring and educational power. Of great importance are meetings with eyewitnesses of those events. But in our villages Ilyichevsk, Leningradsky, the village of Kalashinovka, not a single participant in the hostilities in the Great Patriotic War remained alive. But there are veterans living next to us who were 10-11 years old during the war years, they can tell teenagers about everyday work during the difficult war years.

In 2009 - 10 academic years. At a meeting of the “Young local historian” circle, it was decided to collect information about our fellow countrymen - participants in the Great Patriotic War and capture this information in the form of their own book, the name of which is “The Book of Memory. Live and remember ... ".

In 1994, the Samara Book of Memory was published, and there, most of the list of soldiers are missing, we had to bring this entire array into our introductory lists in order to work on them. We do not have specialized publications on the missing.

In search work, everything is passed through one's own hands and souls. This is how the study and preservation bit by bit of national history takes place - this is real, effective patriotism, in contrast to pseudo-patriotic speeches from various stands. Each fate of a fallen warrior saved by the search engines complements the national history, makes the past era visible through the study of its specificfacts and details.

We began our work on searching for data on fellow countrymen from studying the materials of the “Book of Memory” of the Samara Region of the Alekseevsky District, published in 1994, V.7. They chose the names of fellow countrymen who fell on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, compared them with the list on the obelisks to the fallen soldiers in the village of Kalashinovka, the village of Leningradsky and the village of Ilyichevsky. As a result of the comparison, it was revealed that there are names of soldiers from the village of Ilyichevsky that were not published in the “Book of Memory” - these are Bochkarev N.I., Lobin A.G., and Koval Sergey Ivanovich from the village of Leningradsky. We also found that there are warriors recorded in the Book of Memory, but not listed on the obelisk: natives of the village of Goryainovka Zarechin Mikhail Gerasimovich, Tyukalov Petr Ivanovich.

From the Book of Memory it is known that Yurin Yakov Ilyich died in 1941 and was buried in the village of Yablonevo, Tula region. On the Internet, we found information that he was reburied in a mass grave in the village of Zaoksky, Tula Region. It is suggestive that Yurin Ya.I. listed in the lists of the dead on the monuments in the village of Ilyichevsky and the village of Kalashinovka.

In the Samara Book of Memory Zhdanov Pavel Elizarovich is listed as dead in 1942, only two lines. But we received documents containing the following information: on July 13, 1942, the soldier received a through shrapnel wound. Due to the severity of the wound, he died on August 11, 1942 in the 2nd Clinical Hospital. Pavel Elizarovich was buried in Moscow at the Preobrazhensky cemetery in a mass grave, plot No. 48, grave No. 55. Now we have documentary evidence about our fellow countryman.

“Cherepkov Pavel Sergeevich, born in 1926 Private. He died in 1945" - just one line written in the Book of Memory. But on site"People's feat"we found the following information: “Drawn to the army in October 1944, served on the 3rd Ukrainian Front…

In offensive battles on April 9-10, 1945, he personally acted bravely, overcoming a two-kilometer water barrier, brought cartridges to a machine gun, and ensured uninterrupted firing at the enemy. Personally, participating in the attack of the enemy, he was the first to break into his location and destroyed the enemy’s light machine gun with grenades. In this battle Comrade. Cherepkov was killed. For personal courage and courage in battle ... Comrade. Cherepkov is worthy of being awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree posthumously.

We read the following mean entry: “Kharin Petr Romanovich, born in 1919, Private. Killed in 1943." We would never know what our countryman was like, since relatives from the village left long ago, and we don’t know where to look for them. And from the award list dated March 22, 1942, we learn about Pyotr Romanovich that he was an excellent, disciplined soldier. “Working as a tractor driver for the evacuation of military vehicles, in a short period, despite severe frosts and snowstorms, he towed 8 T-60 and T-34 tanks to the loading station, making marches from 60 to 100 km. His tractor is always ready to perform combat missions ... The medal "For Courage" is worthy of the government award.

Paramonov Pavel Nikonorovich's grandson lives in the village of Ilyichevsky, who remembers that his grandfather had awards, but for what, and by whom he served during the war, is unknown. We found award sheets in which we read: “Paramonov P.N., senior sergeant, driving battery of 76-mm cannons of the 392nd rifle regiment of the 73rd rifle Novozybkov Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division. At the front since December 1941. He had two wounds - in 1942 and 19444. He was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" on 12/17/1943 and the Order of the Red Star on May 25, 1945.

During the Patriotic War Comrade. Paramonov accurately and accurately carried out all the combat missions of the command. During the offensive battles in the winter and spring of 1945, he was often in combat formations, carrying out instructions for the preparation of party documents and conducting combat conversations with the fighters as a grassroots agitator. In battles under heavy enemy fire, he inspired the fighters with his soldier's word and call for a heroic struggle. On March 24, 1945, east of the village of Gruinsberg, going on the offensive with the soldiers, comrade. Paramonov destroyed several German soldiers…” Relatives were glad that we found information, now we have something to tell our great-grandchildren about the heroic ancestor.

We have updated information about some participants in the Great Patriotic War. Kurov Aleksey Nikitovich, a native of the village of Letnikovo in the village of Ilyichevsky, is known and remembered not only by the older generation, but also by young people. A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Labor was a frequent guest at ceremonial events at the school. He spoke little about himself, about the military time. It is known that he was called to the front in 1943, had the rank of sergeant, was the commander of the rifle squad of the 26th rifle division, 312th regiment. Fought on the Second Baltic Front. He was awarded the Order of Glory III degree, the medal "For Courage", etc. For us, local historians, an archival document is of great importance - the award list of Sergeant Kurov A.N. dated June 2, 1944. In it we read: “... He was a participant in the battles on March 26-27, 1944, when crossing the Velikaya River and breaking through the enemy’s defenses. At the head of his squad, he participated in repulsing the enemy counterattack on March 31, 1944. With an example of personal courage and courage, he carried the fighters to military exploits. In a grenade battle and fire from a machine gun, he destroyed 3 Nazis in this battle. Worthy of the government award of the Order of Glory III degree. There is also an order to award the medal “For Courage” dated June 22, 1944: “... the fearless junior commander proved himself in repeated offensive battles with the German invaders. Being on the defensive, he was the first to open a record of the extermination of the German occupiers. With a well-aimed shot from a rifle, he destroyed a German soldier.

The younger brother of Katyshev Nikolai Mikhailovich lives in the village of Ilyichevsky,during the war years, who was 11 years old. Grigory Mikhailovich remembers from his brother's story that he was awarded the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit" and no more details. Now we can say with certainty for what merits Nikolai Mikhailovich was awarded government awards. Katyshev N.M., born in 1922, corporal, reconnaissance officer of the 433rd Fighter Anti-Tank Division of the 318th Infantry Novorossiysk Division. He had two minor wounds - in September 1943 and in May 1944. “Being a scout for a year in the division, I spotted 10 firing points on the front line of the enemy. During the battles for Novorossiysk, simultaneously acting as a messenger and telephone operator, three times under heavy enemy artillery fire he eliminated gusts ... On September 18, 1943, delivering a combat order under heavy enemy fire, comrade. Katyshev was wounded ... ". We also learned that Nikolai Mikhailovich took part in the battles for Sevastopol, where he showed his best qualities. According to his tips, 4 enemy firing points were destroyed. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can be proud of their great-grandfather.

We believe that we have collected a large and important material about our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. All information is systematized and framed in the “Book of Memory. Live and remember…”, which contains materials about veterans: photographs, copies of certificates, a military ID, books of a Red Army soldier. Photocopies of medals and orders of war veterans, archival documents - award lists, award orders are presented.

We also created a small stand - an exposition, which has three sections: "They defended the Motherland", "Battle for Leningrad", "Children to the front".

The exposition gives us an idea of ​​the heroic labor and combat path of our countrymen during the war years. We, the younger generation, should never forget the price at which we got a happy and cloudless childhood. We must live and remember the people who gave us peace on earth.

In the future, we plan to create a museum of local history at the school, where the material we have collected about fellow countrymen participating in the Great Patriotic War will be presented.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that as a result of the work done,systematized and summarized data on 65 of our countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War. We are working on the compilation of Books of Memory about the soldiers of three settlements: the village of Ilyichevsk, the village of Leningradsky, the village of Kalashinovka. Our material can be used by both students and teachers in their work, as well as in class hours and school-wide events.

Our research is not over yet, we continue to collect information, and will supplement our Memory Books.

The memory of a people is its history. It is she who unites us all. A person without memory is nothing. A people without history is inconceivable. Genuine patriotism is based on a deep understanding of the past, because in the past we draw the experience necessary to build the future. It is the national history that instills in a person such a necessary sense of patriotism and national pride. A real citizen-patriot must know the history of his Motherland. We need knowledge of the past in order to learn from it and build our present correctly. Patriotism becomes the most important motive for the socially significant activity of a young person and in subsequent years of his self-realization - throughout his life.

“I ask one thing to those who will survive this time:

do not forget! Don't forget the good or the bad.

Patiently gather testimonies of those

who fell for himself and for you.

The day will come when the present will become the past,

When they talk about the great time

And nameless heroes who made history.

I would like everyone to know

that there were no nameless heroes,

that there were people who had their own name, their own appearance,

their aspirations and hopes, and therefore the torment

the most inconspicuous of them were no less

than the agony of one whose name will go down in history.

May these people always be close to you,

as friends, as relatives, as yourself.

Julius Fucik "Reporting with a noose around his neck"

For educators involved in the work of perpetuating memory

Fallen defenders of the Fatherland

1. Acceptance of the application.

To start the search, it is necessary to obtain as much information as possible about the missing soldier from relatives. You can prepare a questionnaire - an application that includes several main fields: last name, first name, patronymic, year and place of birth, year and place of conscription, type of troops, position, rank, unit number, field mail, fate known to relatives. At the same time, information about the unit number and field mail must be confirmed by copies of surviving letters and documents. Such a confirmation application is required because data reported from memory by relatives often required viewing a large number of files in the archive and did not give a result.

2. Entering into the database.

All applications are assigned an incoming number, and they are entered into the database. Today, almost every teacher knows ICT, so it will not be a big difficulty to create an electronic database, it will allow you to avoid repeating work with the fate of military personnel.

3. Search workpopulation survey method.

Due to the existing inaccuracies and the lack of records in the All-Russian Book of Memory about the place of death and burial of the defenders of the Fatherland, replenishment and clarification of the unified computer data bank on the dead (missing), a targeted event is being conducted on a door-to-door (door-to-door survey). Students are involved in the survey as part of programs to study the history of their native land. The poll establishes:

FULL NAME. participant of the Great Patriotic Wars;

Returned from the front, died or went missing;

A separate item specifies whether the name of a participant in the Great Patriotic War is included in the All-Russian Book of Memory;

The biography, information about military awards is being specified.

The information received is rechecked in TsAMO, in the editorial offices of the All-Union Communist Party at the place of residence and the death of a serviceman, and is entered into a single computer data bank on the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

4. Checking the Books of Memory.

If possible, all applications are checked against the Books of Memory of the area from which the soldier was called up. Such a check allows you to establish additional information about him, as well as find out whether he is immortalized.

5. Check by United Database "Memorial".

Literally a year ago, a unique project appeared on the Internet, thanks to which the search for military personnel was greatly simplified and accelerated. By accessing the Internet at the link www.obd-memorial.ru, you can find out how wanted is listed in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense. For a successful search in this database, you must keep in mind the following:

This project is under development, therefore it is updated periodically, and the information contained there is incomplete. Those. it happens that once you type a person, you can not find him, but after a while, he appears there.

The last name, first name and patronymic should be typed very carefully. If there is an option for another reading of the desired surname, then you must also try it, because. documents during the Great Patriotic War were mainly filled out by ear and by hand, and this allows you to write and read in different ways.

When you find the right person, you need to print two sheets. The first one shows the full name and other data typed on the computer, as well as the fund, inventory, case from which the information was taken. On the second sheet there is directly a scan of the document, where the soldier is mentioned. There can be several documents per person. Everything must be printed.

It should be borne in mind that in our large country there were many namesakes. Therefore, it is better to check as much additional information as possible: year of birth, place, names of relatives and their address.

Particular attention should be paid to information from the military registration and enlistment offices. As a rule, this information includes only the last name, first name and patronymic, sometimes even the year of birth. This is not always enough to identify the person you are looking for.

6. In 2011, another wonderful project appeared on the Internet - a public electronic document bank"The Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource of open access, filled with all the documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main military operations, exploits and awards of all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all the heroes of the Victory, regardless of the rank, the scale of the feat, the status of the award, the military-patriotic education of young people on the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as the creation of a factual basis for countering attempts to falsify the history of the War.

The creation of the most complete electronic bank of documents on a key period in the modern history of civilization has no analogues in terms of volume, historical and social significance, and is an eternal monument to the great Feat of the People.

How to work with the site: step by step instructions

It should be noted that this site is constantly updated. If March 13, 2013 in Alekseevsky RVC, Kuibyshev region. there were 8 pages, then on March 22 - already 81. I think that many will find on the site the names of their relatives or their fellow countrymen that are of interest to them.

7. I want to recommend another site where you can find information about Soviet prisoners of war - this isDocumentation Center (CD) is a research institution underUnited Saxon memorials in memory of the victims of political terror , Dresden.

The database of Soviet prisoners of war contains information about Soviet prisoners of war during World War II, who were either in prisoner of war camps or in labor battalions, mainly located on the territory of the Reich. If you are lucky, you will be able to find not only brief information about the wanted person, but also an individual card with records: about the transfer from one camp to another, illness, death of a soldier, as well as a photo on the document (although rare, but there are).

I will give a specific example: in the book of Memory of the Samara Region of the Alekseevsky District, Pavel Egorovich Sinichkin is listed as dead in 1942. We found information that he was captured in May 1942 in the Crimea and was in a camp in Baden until 1944 d. The further fate is still unknown, now we are writing a request to Germany in order to issue us a certificate on our soldier.

7. Analysis of the collected information.

If the database indicates the place of burial of a serviceman in the documents of TsAMO and the military registration and enlistment office, then we can say that the search is completed, it remains to inform the relatives. But this rarely happens. There is an option that only the time and place of death are indicated. Then such applications are postponed in order to make a request to the military registration and enlistment office. These two options are among the small number of successful finds when the wording is "died".

A completely different situation is when the documents say "missing." If it is possible to find the exact time and place of the disappearance in the documents of the unit on the base, then you can find information about the military operations of the unit on the specified day. Due to the lack of a clearly developed law on the procedure for perpetuating the memory of soldiers, writing to the military registration and enlistment office of the area where the person went missing makes little sense. It is also possible to establish the approximate area of ​​​​the death of military personnel if the number of the unit in which he served is known. The search for most applications ends with finding information in the archive that their relative went missing at about such and such a time. It is almost impossible to search for any information about a person without knowing the number of the military unit.

8. Work in archives. Search work in archives, first of all, consists in studying the primary sources of archival documents in order to obtain information for organizing field work, about irretrievable losses, and processing information obtained during search work. The main place for research work is the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Podolsk) with a fund for storing documents of units and subunits from June 2, 1941 to the present day, the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Archive of Military Medical Documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation St. Petersburg.

9. Perpetuation of the memory of the dead and missing servicemen.

When establishing the exact place of death of a soldier, it is necessary to send a request to the military registration and enlistment office of the district or region in which the soldier died, whether he is listed with them, and also write that if he is not listed, then ask to be immortalized. Be sure to attach copies of documents from which it is clear where you got the idea that the fighter died in a particular area. Typically, military registration and enlistment offices respond to such letters within a month or two. They report exactly where the serviceman is buried. If they do not have such a fighter, then they perpetuate him on the basis of your documents sent and inform you about it.

10. Reply to relatives.

All the information collected must be collected together, a response to relatives must be made, answers from the archive and data from the Internet must be attached. If there is interesting information about the fate of a serviceman, then the results of your work can be presented at solemn events.

I will highlight the important requirements for this process:

- when working with relatives or close people of a found warrior, it is necessary to rely only on documents certified by the archive and in no case add a "gag" in relation to the events of those years

If possible, provide information to relatives personally, having previously prepared them morally, since most of them are elderly people, for whom even good news can be a serious blow to health.

Wishes to teachers involved in search work: it must be borne in mind that as a result of the study there are pluses and minuses:

Firstly, it is the joy of finding information about the deceased or the military path of a soldier;

Secondly, it is necessary to warn pupils against the inevitable in many cases disappointment associated with numerous inaccuracies and errors in military documents and texts of nominal articles, in volumes of the Books of Memory.

Leaders need to weigh the pros and cons before engaging their kids in this massive event. Having decided to participate in it, one must honestly tell the children about the difficulties and possible failures. It is necessary to teach adolescents how to competently respond to "misfires" and find adequate ways to solve the tasks.

Summing up, I would like to note that the younger generation needs courageous, thoughtful teachers and senior comrades who are able to educate strong-willed, responsible and convinced patriots.

List of used literature


  1. Book of Memory. T. 7. Samara region. Samara: 1994 - 320 p.
  2. TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686196, unit storage 5324
  3. TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 682524, unit storage 480
  4. TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686044, unit storage 2729
  5. TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 690155, unit storage 180
  6. TsAMO, F. 33, Op. 686044, unit storage 2738

Collections of documents

  1. State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2010-2015".
  2. Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 No. “On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland” (in red. Federal Laws No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004, No. 179-FZ of 03.11.2006, No. 160-FZ of 23.07.2008, No. 213-FZ of 18.07.2011).
  3. "The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia."


1. Agapova I.A., M.A. Davydov. We are patriots! Moscow: VAKO,

2006. - 368 p.

2. Museum and school /Comp. E.A. Pavlyuchenko. M.: Enlightenment,

1985. - 192 p.

3. Tourist and local history circles at school / ed. V.V. Titov. M.:

Enlightenment, 1988. - 157 p.

4. Khramkov L.V. Samara region in the fate of Russia. Samara: publishing house

"Samara University", 2006. - 371 p.

Internet resources

  1. General list of those buried in the territory of the Tula region.
  2. United database of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation www. obd-memorial.ru
  3. Public electronic document bank "People's feat in the Great Patriotic War"http://www.podvig-naroda.ru/
  4. Site “Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945"


  1. Methodology for organizing and conducting the Lessons of Courage. Compiled by:

Uzhovenko L. V. Deputy Director for Water Resource Management. 2011.



For schoolchildren

1. What caused your interest in search work, that is, what was

incentive impulse?

2. What keeps you interested in search work at the present time?

3. What areas of search activity have you tried out?

4. What would you like to master - specifically: what theoretical knowledge and practical skills?

5. What difficulties and obstacles arise in the work?

6. What is especially important for you in search work?

7. What is the attitude of family and friends towards your participation in search work?

8. Were you interested in the fate of your relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War?

9 . Do you think it is necessary to carry out work to perpetuate the memory of fellow countrymen?

10. Are you ready to become a mentor for new searchers in the future?



Archives of civil subordination.

1. Committee for Archives under the Government of the Russian Federation - 103132, Moscow, st. Ilyinka 12.

2. Russian State Military Archive (former TsGASA) 125212, Moscow, st. Admiral Makarov 29.

3. Russian State Military Historical Archive (former TsGVIA) - 107864, Moscow, st. 2nd Baumanskaya 3.

4. Russian state archive Navy (former Central State Administration of the Navy) 191065, St. Petersburg, st. Khalturina 36 (now renamed).

5. Central repository of historical documentary collections (former Central State Archive of the October Revolution) -119817, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 17.

6. Russian State Archive of Economics (former TsGANKh) - 119817, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 17.

7. Russian State Center for the Storage and Study of Documents of Contemporary History (former party archive of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute) - 103821, Moscow, st. Pushkinskaya 15.

8. Central State Archive of Social Movements of Moscow (former party archive of the Moscow Party Organization) - 109544, Moscow, st. International 10.

9. Central State Special Archive (TSGOA) - 125212, Moscow, st. Vyborgskaya 3.

10. Center for storage of modern documentation ( former archive Central Committee of the CPSU) - 103132, Moscow, st. Ilyinka 12.

11. Central archive of film and photo documents - 143000, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, st. River 1.

12. Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts - 119817, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 17.

13. Center for storing documents of youth organizations (former archive of the Central Committee of the Komsomol) -101000, Moscow, per. Big Cherkassky 5.

14. Archive of the Department of Air Transport ( civil Aviation) - 125826, pr. Leningradsky 37.

15. Central archive of the Ministry of Railways - 107174, Moscow, st. Butt 15.

16. Russian State Library (former Lenin Library) - military department - 101000, Moscow, Novoarbatsky prospect, 3.

17. Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - 113093, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya 15.

Archives of military and other subordination

1. Central archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO) - 142117, Moscow region, Podolsk, st. Kirov, 74.

2. Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 188350, Leningrad Region, Gatchina, Krasnoarmeisky per. 2.

3. Central archive of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - 107150, Moscow, st. Pushkinskaya 15.

4. Archive of military medical documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 191180, St. Petersburg, Lazaretny per. 2.

5. Archive of the Rocket Forces strategic purpose- 103160, Moscow, K-160.

6. Archive of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - archive of military unit 61379, 103160, Moscow, K-160.

7. Department of registration and archival funds Federal Service counterintelligence of the Russian Federation - 101000, Moscow, Lubyanskaya Square 2.

8. Central Museum of the Armed Forces - 125157, Moscow, st. Soviet army 2.

9. Military Science Library General Staff MO RF - 103160, Moscow, st. Kropotkinskaya 19.

10. Institute of Military History - 117330, Moscow, University Avenue, 14.

11. Archive of the Border Troops - 143413, Moscow Region, Pushkino.

12. Archive of the Leningrad Military District - 191000, St. Petersburg.

13. Archive of the former Belarusian military district - 220003, Minsk-3.

14. Archive of the former Kyiv military district - 252010, Kyiv.

15. Archive of the Moscow Military District - 113035, Moscow, st. Osipenko 53.

16. Archive of the Volga-Ural Military District - 443010, Samara-10.

17. Archive of the Far Eastern Military District - 680038, Khabarovsk-38.

18. Archive of the Moscow Air Defense Military District - p / o Nemchinovka, Odintsovo district. Moscow region.

19. Archive of the troops of the Far East - 670040, Ulan-Ude, military unit 75418.

20. Archive of the Baltic Fleet - 236006, Kaliningrad (regional).

Search organizations of the regions of the Russian Federation:

Bryansk regional association of search teams "Patriot"


Website of the Voronezh Search Engines


Military-patriotic club "Memory", Voronezh


Ikrut regional youth public organization "Tribute to Memory"


Search squad "Patriot" Molodyozhny Naro-Fominsky district Moscow region


Search Association "Kurgan", Nizhny Novgorod


Search team "Bear", Smolensk


Tver regional public organization "Scientific-historical military-patriotic center" Podvig "


Search squad "Prometheus", Tomsk


Regional public organization "Tula Regional Youth Search Center "Iskatel"

http:// www.iskateltula.ru

Search organizations in Moscow:

Search squad "Vysota", Moscow


Military search detachment "Dozor", Moscow


Group of military archeology "Seeker", Moscow


Search squad "We must live!" Moscow


International Association of Public Search Associations "People's Memory of Defenders of the Fatherland", Moscow


Search team "North-West", Moscow


Regional public organization Military-Patriotic search association "Capital", Moscow


Regional youth public organization "Search Association "Trizna", Moscow


Search organizations in St. Petersburg:

Search detachment "Named after the 73rd separate marine rifle brigade", St. Petersburg


Search student team "Ingria", St. Petersburg


Search group "Karelsky Val", St. Petersburg


Search squad "Patriot", St. Petersburg


Regional search center St. Petersburg


Database of the dead and missing CPI OO RT "Fatherland"

http://www.ipc.antat.ru/index.asp / A more complete database of dead and missing soldiers (compared to the one on the site /

Book of memory of the Smolensk Region


Database of people who were in German captivity in Norway

A valuable Norwegian resource in the English version about our soldiers who were in German captivity in Norway during the Great Patriotic War, more than 85,000 people in total. To view the list, press the "NEXT" button.

Book of Memory of the Tver Region


The site of the Tver Military Historical Internet Center, which includes an array of the regional Book of Memory

Book of Memory of the Sverdlovsk Region


Book of Memory of the Chelyabinsk Region


Book of Memory of the Volgograd Region


Book of Memory of the Kaluga region.


Book of Memory of the Republic of Karelia


Book of Memory. Officers' Camp Hammelburg


Journalists often ask search engines the question: “Why are you doing this? What draws you to the search? In such cases, of course, everyone tries to answer according to the occasion, as beautifully and with pathos as possible.

But really, what makes us do it? At a time when everything normal people are engaged in solving their life problems, the search brethren deal with the dead, delving into the past, in what mother earth buried and inexorably oblivion! Why and why?

For some, search activity is an attempt to restore justice in relation to our ancestors and living compatriots. The search has become a matter of their life, an important and necessary matter. Such search engines perform search work meticulously and scrupulously. They stop doing this only due to forced circumstances.

For others, it's a hobby. An opportunity to escape from everyday worries, spend time with the benefit of people and find new friends.

It is also a way of romantic and adventurous pastime.

For teenagers - the opportunity to test themselves in unusual conditions, because search expeditions in a certain sense are close to extreme conditions. Especially for beginners who have heard tales about the terrible danger of such expeditions. Some teenagers participate in the search once or twice and disappear, others find interest in this and “stick” to the search for a long time.

There is a category of people who see an opportunity for self-affirmation in search activity. The more active and ambitious get here the opportunity to become leaders and gain a certain significance in society. And in the search, as well as in other spheres of activity, one achieves one's goal either by conscientiousness and diligence, or by pompous fuss and empty rhetoric.

Anyway, main common goal search engines - to find a mortal medallion or documents that allow you to establish the name of a fighter, and then find his relatives and notify them of the fate of a soldier.

It would seem that everything is quite simple and clear.

But no! This is not a simple matter, and this is my confession.

Many years have passed since the search engines from groups of small, spontaneous and poorly organized, without search experience, serious financial and legal support, driven solely by enthusiasm and common romantic interests, grew into a powerful movement.

For the most part, this public organizations, whose activities have a legal status, in one way or another have financial and logistical support. Many leaders of search parties have practical experience in administrative and search tasks. But at the same time, not all search engines (especially beginners) have sufficient experience, both in the field and in search office work. Not many people clearly represent the whole range of problems and tasks that search activity includes. Often the work is carried out within the framework of the same enthusiasm, poorly qualified and at the level of amateurism. Lack of experience or thoughtless actions sometimes lead to ethically and historically unacceptable consequences. Unskilled work at burial sites leads to a chaotic exhumation of the remains, which inevitably leads to the loss of important finds and information that helps in establishing the names of the buried and, as a result, to their depersonalization.

The method of opening graves and its expediency, timely reburial of exhumed remains, observance of ethical norms and spiritual traditions, historical and archival support for search work, effective use of historical, archival and witness materials, accounting of the work done, restoration of names and their re-registration, notification of relatives about the place of death and the burial of the deceased - these are the most important tasks, without which search work becomes ineffective, incomplete, and sometimes loses its meaning. The search engine must clearly represent the entire technological chain from the beginning of the search to its logical conclusion.

Not everyone still understands that the medallion is not a panacea in establishing the names of the dead. Significantly more effective in this direction are the results of pedantic and scrupulous compilation of accounting documents based on the results of field search work, the study of archival documents and, on their basis, a comparison and analysis of the available information.

There are already quite a few people in the search movement who have significant experience and are able to competently perform this work. And yet, far from all search formations perform the full range of necessary work, even in combat regions, where search experience often prevails over the experience of the so-called rear formations. There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. The main part of the work is done by enthusiasts, and the professional staff is small. Regular employees do not have special education, and they acquire the necessary knowledge and experience through their own trial and error. Of particular concern in this regard are many search formations in the rear regions. In particular, those associations and detachments led by teachers of various educational institutions. The vast majority of teachers see the places of former battles, first of all, as an educational training ground, and search work - as a way of instilling patriotism in children and adolescents. Unfortunately, we have to state that many teachers pay little attention to the development of search wisdom, believing that children will learn this directly in the course of field work.

Of course, the places of former battles are exactly those places where it is not difficult for a psychologically unsettled young man to evoke a wave of feelings and emotions. The author of these lines is not a teacher and does not risk giving advice on where and how to educate a teenager. However, it is doubtful that a young man will become a patriot of his Motherland, seeing how the Motherland treats its sons. What attitude to the remains of the defender of the Fatherland can be formed in a teenager if the teacher, being an example to follow, delves into the burial place like a pig in oranges, without bothering himself and his wards with elementary ethical standards in handling the remains? Is it difficult to learn on your own and show your wards how to clean the soil at the excavation site in order not to miss anything, collect all the remains and add a handful of earth to them from the excavation, how to carefully handle the remains and finds, in full and in a timely manner to draw up documents on completed work? How many leaders of search formations prepare schoolchildren for the upcoming expeditions during the year? If teenagers mainly acquire tourism skills in the conditions of search expeditions, where they get without elementary training, then it’s a real problem with the skills of search technology, possession of a search tool and the rules of exhumation work. All this, of course, affects the effectiveness of the search, the moral atmosphere in the team itself, and the attitude of others towards such a team. The conclusion is that when a search group is headed by a teacher who is poorly trained as a search engine, more harm is done to the cause than good. And that means those for whom it is done. I am aware that by such a statement I will call on my little head a storm of anger and indignation. Like, we're not like that. Fortunately, not all of them are.

What you see in the search expedition has a strong effect on the psyche of adolescents.
What kind of patriot will this boy be?

Among the actual ones, there is also the problem of duplication by the most active search engines of each other in the search for relatives and the study of the TsAMO RF funds. The search for relatives is often not coordinated, which leads to various lapses, including sometimes unacceptable ones. There are not isolated cases when the relatives of the deceased were repeatedly notified by the search engines about the discovery of the remains of a person close to them. Moreover, information about the place, circumstances of discovery and other information in such cases was almost always contradictory. For example, relatives of a deceased soldier, as a result of uncoordinated and thoughtless (if not irresponsible) actions of search engines, came from Siberia to the burial place of a loved one in Veliky Novgorod, although he died near Kursk. Moreover, his remains were not found at all, and information about him was taken from archival sources for the book of memory. Fortunately, such incidents are rare, but in our case they are unacceptable even in rare cases.

All this, in turn, is due to the fact that, despite a fairly solid experience, there are currently no strict rules in the search environment in the methodology and technology of field search work. A common system of interaction and delimitation or distribution of functions and powers has not been developed. In other words, the science of search, about which we sometimes pompously talk, has not yet been created. However, such attempts have been repeatedly made. Written, published and distributed "Methodology of search and exhumation work", "Military archeology", several systems for recording the results of field search work have been created, each invents safety rules in his own way, maintains a system for recording the work done, computer databases of search data are created, different types of techniques and recommendations. But all this is at the level of its narrow range of tasks or not a complete understanding of them.

The most progressive search leaders have long understood that search work requires a whole complex of knowledge. Suffice it to say that in our midst there is already a candidate of historical sciences S.I. Sadovnikov. His dissertation became the basis for writing the book "Search that has become fate", where the author, using the example of the search activities of the IAPTs "Fate", along with historical data that is very useful for search engines, shows the methodology of research work, which is a continuation and logical conclusion of field searches, using specific examples. works. Of course, the book, along with reader interest, can serve as a good guide for novice search researchers.

However, if we talk about the science of search, then along with historical and archival skills, it is very important to master field skills, which in turn require certain knowledge in the field of archeology, tourism, topography, etc.

Meanwhile, practice shows that it is important and useful to start and finish any field work in the archive, that is, search work should be carried out according to the scheme archive - places of hostilities - archive.

But we, it seems, are not yet ready to create a science of search for the following reasons - ambitions and the absence of a leader capable of again uniting the search movement into a single organization. After all, only by bringing together the colossal experience, skills and knowledge of many competent and experienced search engines, of which there are already plenty today, we can talk about the creation of the very science of search. And speaking without pathos, only together can one develop common rules and a system of field, research and search work, search office work and other tasks on the way to achieving the goal. But we have a common ultimate goal - to perpetuate the memory of the fallen soldiers in the defense of the Fatherland.

At the end of the eighties of the last century, Yuli Mikhailovich Ikonnikov brilliantly coped with the task of uniting like-minded people. Blessed memory to him.

Through his efforts, hundreds of search detachments and associations were brought together, the All-Union Public Organization was created, which, with all the desire, the "fathers of the people" simply could not see. As a result, the problem of perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders during the Great Patriotic War was recognized at the state level. But time passed, new tasks appeared before the search movement, which the followers of Yuliy Mikhailovich could not realize. There was a split, more precisely - the collapse. Now everyone is their own chairman, director and even president. Will there ever be a leader in the movement who can not only unite everyone anew, but also explain to the search brethren that search work is something more than a romantic pastime? It is the matter of time.

The problem of perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland requires a serious approach at the state level. During the period of turmoil and confusion in state lawmaking, the search engines managed to push through the law on perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland. “Thanks” to something, either through thoughtlessness, or with intent, all search concerns were safely pushed onto public organizations. As a result, the organization and financing of search operations is carried out according to the principle: saving a drowning person is the concern of the drowning person himself.

Without solving the problems of perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland at the state level, the fulfillment of all the designated tasks as a whole is practically impossible. To fulfill the whole range of tasks, it is necessary to train professional staff of full-time workers, with decent pay for their work and sufficient support from enthusiastic search volunteers, as well as logistics. In some regions, search formations have financial support from local budgets. However, this is not enough. It should be recognized that even the allocated funds are sometimes used inefficiently.

At present, we have the following results of perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland. Hundreds and thousands of search units conduct search operations annually at the sites of hostilities, the number of military graves is growing, the number of those reburied is in the hundreds and thousands. Only on the territory of the Novgorod region during the years of the search expedition "Valley" were buried and reburied military personnel, the number of which is approaching the staffing of a full-blooded army! On the one hand, you can praise the search engines and be proud of such indicators. On the other hand, if we compare the number of buried people with the number of established and immortalized names, the picture becomes depressing and even unsightly. Two thousand names, established by medallions and awards against the background of seventy thousand (figures are rounded), looks very unimpressive. And the number of those immortalized is quite scanty - a couple of hundred will not be typed. This is the state of affairs in almost all of Russia at all search burial sites. Common sense and logic allow us to assert that a person cannot be considered immortalized if his burial place is not indicated, i.e. at least his first and last names are not on the grave. Consequently, the vast majority of military personnel reburied by search engines are impersonal. I foresee a reproach of bias and bias, they say, so much time has passed, it is impossible to establish and restore all the names. I agree only with the fact that everyone is impossible. But the difference in numbers between the number of reburied and restored names could and could be significantly smaller. And between the names established and immortalized, it can even be in accordance. Hence the doubts about the appropriateness of this activity as such. The question involuntarily begs - is there any point in disturbing the ashes of our ancestors in order, roughly speaking, to dig them out of one place and bury them in another? After all, it got to the point that the well-conceived and built memorial military cemetery in Myasnoy Bor was dubbed by people as a memorial dump of soldiers' bones. Many conscientious searchers have already answered this question for themselves and made a decision - they bypass the unrecorded military burials found anywhere and are only engaged in the search for unburied remains or, according to the established search terminology, “mounted”. Whether this is correct is another question.

Time, the war itself and the Soviet government brought a lot of confusion about who died where and where he was buried. As there is no doubt that all of us, who in one way or another are related to the perpetuation of our fallen defenders, make a significant contribution to this with our thoughtless, unskilled and irresponsible activities. Often, work is carried out haphazardly, places for reburial are determined according to the principle where it is more convenient, and not where it is required. common sense. As a result of search activities, military cemeteries are in an unattractive state, the names of the buried are impersonal. Where in the old days the names are immortalized, it is not a fact that this soldier is buried here, just as it is not a fact that a soldier buried in one cemetery does not have his name in another cemetery.

As you can see, this is not an easy task and requires considerable time, effort and money. And time is running out. Let me express my opinion on the frequently asked question: "Who needs it?". Of course, a rare official needs this, just as those who live by "bread alone" do not need it either. The memory of our ancestors is a significant piece of spiritual bread. This is necessary both for the dead and the living, and for those who will live after us, who will not be ashamed of the fact that they live in such a country.

At the end of this confession, or rather, the cry of the soul, I will repeat myself and say that search activity is not effective and even harmful if it is carried out chaotically, without painstaking accounting of field search work performed, without a thorough analysis of the results of field and historical-archival research work, accounting and re-registration of information about the dead, i.e., a well-established search office work, and a thoughtful approach to the choice of burial sites. All this should be aimed at the main goal - to restore the names of the dead and perpetuate their memory.

I think it would be appropriate here to answer a completely logical question to the author of this confession: “If the thoughts expressed here are convictions, then why are you doing search work?”

At the military cemetery in the village Myasnoy Bor Novgorod region. 1988

At the beginning of my search activity, I happened to do something that I can only regret now. At that time, we were all driven exclusively, I apologize for the pathos, “noble impulses of the soul.” We did not even understand why our defenders were not buried and why there are so many of them? At that time, few people knew the word TsAMO (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense), not to mention how to get there. There were a lot of questions, and answers - only guesses. Sometimes guesses were resolved in a hop by the dropped revelations of veterans. I had to reach everything with my own mind, by trial and error, since there was no one to prompt and teach. Over the years of research work, I tried to implement and put into practice what experience had taught me, logic and common sense suggested. In my search activities, I have always been guided by the rule - “do no harm” and do it so that later there is nothing to reproach myself with in relation to the memory of my ancestors. Over the past years, much has been achieved, but even more, alas, has not happened. Perhaps this was the impetus for writing this book.

  • Section I. General Provisions (Articles 1-2)
  • Section II. Burials of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland (Articles 3 - 7)
  • Section III. Search work (Articles 8-9)
  • Section IV. Bodies of state power and local self-government, carrying out work to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland, and their powers (Articles 10 - 11)
  • Section V. Financial and logistical support for measures to perpetuate the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland. Liability for violation of this Law (art. 12 - 13)

Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 N 4292-1
"On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland"

With changes and additions from:

August 22, 2004, November 3, 2006, July 23, 2008, July 18, 2011, April 5, 2013, July 3, 2016, December 5, 2017, July 19, 2018

Respect for the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland or its interests is the sacred duty of all citizens.

The president

Moscow, House of Soviets of Russia

The memory of the dead and missing in the course of hostilities, in the performance of other combat missions or in the performance of official duties to defend the Fatherland, those who died in the performance of military duty on the territories of other states, as well as those who died from wounds, contusions, injuries or diseases received in defense of the Fatherland. The memory of the dead and those who died in captivity is immortalized, in which they ended up due to the prevailing military situation, but who did not lose their honor and dignity, who did not betray their homeland. Tribute to the memory is also paid to foreign citizens who died defending Russia.

In addition, the memory of associations, formations and institutions that distinguished themselves in the defense of the Fatherland is perpetuated, as well as the places of hostilities that have gone down in history as symbols of heroism, courage and steadfastness of the peoples of our Fatherland.

Forms of perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland have been fixed: the preservation and improvement of military graves and certain territories historically associated with the exploits of the dead, the installation of memorial structures, the creation of memorial museums, the organization of exhibitions, relevant publications in the media, the establishment of memorable dates, entering the names of the dead and other information about them in the books of Memory, assigning the names and surnames of the dead to settlements, streets and squares, physical and geographical objects, enterprises, institutions, etc.

An independent section of the Law is devoted to the burial places of those who died defending the Fatherland. The order of burial (reburial) was determined, the issues of state accounting, maintenance and improvement of military burials, ensuring their safety and restoration were considered.

In order to identify unknown military graves and unburied remains, to establish the names of the dead or the names of the missing, search work is being carried out. It is organized on the basis of local programs and is carried out public associations authorized to carry out such work by state authorities and administration. Conducting search work in places where hostilities took place, as well as opening military graves as an amateur initiative, is prohibited. The procedure for conducting such work is fixed.

The governing bodies that carry out work to perpetuate the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland, and their powers, have been determined. The issues of financial and logistical support of measures to perpetuate the memory, as well as liability for violation of the Law, were considered.

Law of the Russian Federation of January 14, 1993 N 4292-1 "On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland"

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