Prayer times for May Temporary boundaries of prayers (prayers)

date Prayer Schedule
Fajr Sunrise Zuhr Asr Sunset Maghreb Isha
Monday, April 1 04:07 4:07 AM 06:03 6:03 AM 12:35pm 12:35pm 16:05 4:05 PM 19:07 7:07 PM 19:30 7:30 PM 20:47 8:47 PM
Tuesday, April 2 04:04 4:04 AM 06:00 6:00 AM 12:34 12:34 PM 16:06 4:06 PM 19:09 7:09 PM 19:32 7:32 PM 20:50 8:50 PM
Wednesday, April 3 04:00 4:00 AM 05:58 5:58 AM 12:34 12:34 PM 16:07 4:07 PM 19:11 7:11 PM 19:34 7:34 PM 20:52 8:52 PM
Thursday, April 4 03:57 3:57 AM 05:55 5:55 AM 12:34 12:34 PM 16:08 4:08 PM 19:13 7:13 PM 19:37 7:37 PM 20:55 8:55 PM
Friday, April 5 03:54 3:54 AM 05:53 5:53 AM 12:33pm 12:33pm 16:09 4:09 PM 19:15 7:15 PM 19:39 7:39 PM 20:57 8:57 PM
Saturday, April 6 03:50 AM 3:50 AM 05:50 5:50 AM 12:33pm 12:33pm 16:10 4:10 PM 19:17 7:17 PM 19:41 7:41 PM 21:00 9:00 PM
Sunday, April 7 03:47 AM 3:47 AM 05:47 5:47 AM 12:33pm 12:33pm 16:11 4:11 PM 19:19 7:19 PM 19:43 7:43 PM 21:02 9:02 PM
Monday, April 8 03:44 AM 3:44 AM 05:45 5:45 AM 12:33pm 12:33pm 16:12 4:12 PM 19:21 7:21 PM 19:45 7:45 PM 21:05 9:05 PM
Tuesday, April 9 03:40 AM 3:40 AM 05:42 5:42 AM 12:32pm 12:32pm 16:13 4:13 PM 19:23 7:23 PM 19:47 7:47 PM 21:08 9:08 PM
Wednesday, April 10 03:37 3:37 AM 05:40 5:40 AM 12:32pm 12:32pm 16:14 4:14 PM 19:25 7:25 PM 19:49 7:49 PM 21:10 9:10 PM
Thursday, April 11 03:33 AM 3:33 AM 05:37 5:37 AM 12:32pm 12:32pm 16:15 4:15 PM 19:27 7:27 PM 19:51 7:51 PM 21:13 9:13 PM
Friday, April 12 03:30 AM 3:30 AM 05:35 5:35 AM 12:31pm 12:31pm 16:16 4:16 PM 19:29 7:29 PM 19:53 7:53 PM 21:16 9:16 PM
Saturday, April 13 03:26 AM 3:26 AM 05:32 5:32 AM 12:31pm 12:31pm 16:17 4:17 PM 19:31 7:31 PM 19:55 7:55 PM 21:19 9:19 PM
Sunday, April 14 03:23 AM 3:23 AM 05:30 5:30 AM 12:31pm 12:31pm 16:18 4:18 PM 19:33 7:33 PM 19:57 7:57 PM 21:21 9:21 PM
Monday, April 15 03:19 AM 3:19 AM 05:27 5:27 AM 12:31pm 12:31pm 16:19 4:19 PM 19:35 7:35 PM 19:59 7:59 PM 21:24 9:24 PM
Tuesday 16 April 03:15 3:15 AM 05:25 5:25 AM 12:30pm 12:30pm 16:20 4:20 PM 19:37 7:37 PM 20:02 8:02 PM 21:27 9:27 PM
Wednesday, April 17 03:12 AM 3:12 AM 05:22 5:22 AM 12:30pm 12:30pm 16:21 4:21 PM 19:39 7:39 PM 20:04 8:04 PM 21:30 9:30 PM
Thursday, April 18 03:08 3:08 AM 05:20 5:20 AM 12:30pm 12:30pm 16:22 4:22 PM 19:41 7:41 PM 20:06 8:06 PM 21:33 9:33 PM
Friday, April 19 03:04 3:04 AM 05:17 5:17 AM 12:30pm 12:30pm 16:23 4:23 PM 19:43 7:43 PM 20:08 8:08 PM 21:36 9:36 PM
Saturday, April 20 03:00 AM 3:00 AM 05:15 5:15 AM 12:30pm 12:30pm 16:24 4:24 PM 19:45 7:45 PM 20:10 8:10 PM 21:39 9:39 PM
Sunday, April 21 02:56 2:56 AM 05:12 5:12 AM 12:29 12:29 PM 16:25 4:25 PM 19:47 7:47 PM 20:12 8:12 PM 21:42 9:42 PM
Monday, April 22 02:52 2:52 AM 05:10 5:10 AM 12:29 12:29 PM 16:26 4:26 PM 19:49 7:49 PM 20:14 8:14 PM 21:45 9:45 PM
Tuesday 23 April 02:48 2:48 AM 05:08 5:08 AM 12:29 12:29 PM 16:27 4:27 PM 19:51 7:51 PM 20:17 8:17 PM 21:48 9:48 PM
Wednesday, April 24 02:44 2:44 AM 05:05 5:05 AM 12:29 12:29 PM 16:28 4:28 PM 19:53 7:53 PM 20:19 8:19 PM 21:52 9:52 PM
Thursday, April 25 02:40 2:40 AM 05:03 5:03 AM 12:29 12:29 PM 16:29 4:29 PM 19:55 7:55 PM 20:21 8:21 PM 21:55 9:55 PM
Friday, April 26 02:36 2:36 AM 05:01 5:01 AM 12:28 12:28 PM 16:29 4:29 PM 19:57 7:57 PM 20:23 8:23 PM 21:58 9:58 PM
Saturday, April 27 02:32 AM 2:32 AM 04:58 4:58 AM 12:28 12:28 PM 16:30 4:30 PM 19:59 7:59 PM 20:25 8:25 PM 22:02 10:02 PM
Sunday, April 28 02:27 2:27 AM 04:56 4:56 AM 12:28 12:28 PM 16:31 4:31 PM 20:01 8:01 PM 20:27 8:27 PM 22:05 10:05 PM
Monday, April 29 02:23 2:23 AM 04:54 4:54 AM 12:28 12:28 PM 16:32 4:32 PM 20:03 8:03 PM 20:29 8:29 PM 22:08 10:08 PM
Tuesday, April 30 02:18 2:18 AM 04:51 AM 4:51 AM 12:28 12:28 PM 16:33 4:33 PM 20:05 8:05 PM 20:32 8:32 PM 22:12 10:12 PM

Five obligatory Muslim prayers: fajr, zuhr, asr, maghrib And isha. The prescribed prayer times are determined by the position of the sun. Therefore, prayer times vary from day to day and depend on the location on the surface of the Earth. To correctly determine the time of prayer, you need to know the coordinates and the current date.

Fajr- morning prayer at dawn. Fajr begins with the appearance of a streak of light on the horizon and ends with sunrise.

Sunrise- the time of the appearance of the first sunbeam above the horizon.

Zuhr- noon prayer. Zuhr begins shortly after the sun reaches its highest point (zenith) and ends with the start of Asr.

Asr- Afternoon prayer. The start time of the Asr prayer is defined differently in different legal schools. Two options:

  • When the length of an object's shadow becomes equal to its height.
  • When the object's shadow length becomes twice the object's height.

Asr ends at sunset.

Sunset The time when the sun drops below the horizon.

Maghreb- evening prayer after sunset. Maghrib begins after the sun drops below the horizon and ends with the beginning of the Isha prayer.

Isha- night prayer after the evening dawn. Isha begins when the sky becomes dark and there is no scattered sunlight.

Fajr morning prayer times and Isha prayer times at night are based on the time of astronomical twilight. During astronomical twilight the sun is 12 to 18 degrees below the horizon. After the end of the evening and before the beginning of the morning astronomical twilight, the sun is more than 18 degrees below the horizon and the sky is completely dark.
Different Islamic organizations use different angles from 15 to 19.5 degrees to determine the times for Fajr and Isha prayers.

At high latitudes in the region of the Arctic Circle and to the north of it, as well as in the region of the Antarctic Circle and to the south of it, at certain times of the year the sun does not fall below the horizon at all or sinks only slightly below the horizon. As a result, the sky during this period of the year is never completely dark. There are various methods for determining Fajr and Isha prayer times for high latitudes:

  • Nearest latitude method. Latitude 48° is used to determine the intervals between Fajr prayer and sunrise, as well as between sunset and Isha prayer.
  • next day method. The closest day to the current day is used, for which it is possible to calculate the times of Fajr and Isha prayers by the standard method for given coordinates.
  • The middle of the night method. The moment of time is calculated, lying in the middle between sunset and sunrise. The time for Isha prayer is considered to be a time shortly before the middle of the night, and the time for Fajr prayer is considered to be a time shortly after the middle of the night.
  • Method of one seventh night. The time between sunset and sunrise is divided into seven equal intervals. The time for Isha prayer is after the first interval. The time for Fajr prayer is after the sixth interval.

A detailed explanation of the rules for calculating prayer times can be found in the article The Determination of Salaat Times by Dr. Monsoor Ahmed.

To calculate the prayer times, we use programs based on the Pray Times project of Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh.

When calculating prayer times for high latitudes, the midnight method is used.

For each city, we choose a point inside the city as the "center of the city" and use the coordinates of this "center" to calculate the prayer times. Prayer times for other locations within or near this city will vary slightly from those shown above.

All information on this page is provided for reference purposes only. Users are advised to consult their local mosque to select the method of calculation and prayer schedule that is acceptable to them.

The procedure for performing namaz in the four madhhabs (theological and legal schools) of Islam has some minor differences, through which the entire palette of the prophetic heritage is interpreted, revealed and mutually enriched. Considering that the madhhab of Imam Nu‘man ibn Sabit Abu Hanifa, as well as the madhhab of Imam Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi‘i, has become the most widespread in the Russian Federation and the CIS, we will analyze in detail only the features of the two schools mentioned.

In ritual practice, it is desirable for a Muslim to follow any one madhhab, but in a difficult situation, as an exception, one can act according to the canons of any other Sunni madhhab.

“Perform the obligatory prayer-prayer and pay zakat [obligatory alms]. Hold on to God [ask for help only from Him and rely on Him, strengthen yourself through worship of Him and good deeds before Him]. He is your Patron ... "(see).

Attention! Read all articles on prayer and issues related to it in a special section on our website.

“Verily, it is prescribed for believers to perform prayer-prayer at a strictly defined time!” (cm. ).

In addition to these verses, we recall that in the hadith, which lists the five pillars of religious practice, the five daily prayers are also mentioned.

To perform a prayer, the following conditions must be met:

1. The person must be a Muslim;

2. He must be of age (children must begin to be taught to pray from the age of seven to ten);

3. He must be of sound mind. People with mental disabilities are completely exempted from performing religious practices;

6. Clothing and place of prayer should be;

8. Turn your face towards Mecca, where the shrine of the Abrahamic Monotheism - the Kaaba is located;

9. There must be an intention to pray (in any language).

The order of performing the morning prayer (Fajr)

Time performing morning prayers - from the moment the dawn appears until the beginning of sunrise.

Morning prayer consists of two sunna rak'yats and two fard rak'yats.

Two rak'ahs of Sunnah

At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and the one who heard it say “salavat” and, raising their hands to chest level, turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan:


“Allaahumma, rabba haazihi dda‘vati ttaammati wa ssalyatil-kaaima. These muhammadanil-wasilyata wal-fadyilya, vab‘ashu makaaman mahmuudan ellaziy va‘adtakh, varzuknaa shafa‘atahu yavmal-kyayame. Innakya laya tukhliful-mii‘aad.”

للَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّامَّةِ وَ الصَّلاَةِ الْقَائِمَةِ

آتِ مُحَمَّدًا الْوَسيِلَةَ وَ الْفَضيِلَةَ وَ ابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْموُدًا الَّذِي وَعَدْتَهُ ،

وَ ارْزُقْنَا شَفَاعَتَهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ، إِنَّكَ لاَ تُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ .


“O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and beginning prayer! Give the Prophet Muhammad "al-wasiyla" and dignity. Grant him the promised high position. And help us take advantage of his intercession on the Day of Judgment. Verily, You do not break the promise!”

Also, after reading the adhan, announcing the onset of the morning prayer, it is advisable to pronounce the following du‘a:


“Allaahumma haaze ikbaalu nakhaarikya va idbaaru laylikya va asvaatu du’aatik, fagfirlii.”

اَللَّهُمَّ هَذَا إِقْبَالُ نَهَارِكَ وَ إِدْباَرُ لَيْلِكَ

وَ أَصْوَاتُ دُعَاتِكَ فَاغْفِرْ لِي .


“O Supreme! This is the beginning of Your day, the end of Your night and the voices of those who call to You. I'm sorry!"

Step 2. Niyat

(intention): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of the Sunnah of the morning prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

Then the men, raising their hands to the level of the ears so that the thumbs touch the lobes, and the women to the level of the shoulders, pronounce "takbir": "Allahu akbar" ("Allah is great"). At the same time, it is advisable for men to separate their fingers, and for women to close them. After that, the men put their hands on the stomach just below the navel, placing the right hand on the left, clasping the left wrist with the little finger and thumb of the right hand. Women lower their hands to their chests, placing the right hand on the left wrist.

The gaze of the worshiper is directed to the place where he will lower his face during the prostration.

Step 3

Then surah al-Ihlyas is read:


“Kul huva llaahu ahad. Allahu ssomad. Lam yalid wa lam yulad. Wa lam yakul-lyahu kufuvan ahad.”

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ . اَللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ . لَمْ يَلِدْ وَ لَمْ يوُلَدْ . وَ لَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ .


“Say: “He, Allah, is One. God is eternal. [Only He is the one whom all will need to infinity.] Did not beget and was not born. And no one can equal Him.”

Step 4

Praying with the words "Allahu akbar" makes a waist bow. At the same time, he puts his hands on his knees with palms down. Bending down, straightens the back, keeps the head at the level of the back, looking at the feet. Having taken this position, the worshiper says:


"Subhaana rabbiyal-‘azym"(3 times).

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِيمِ


"Praise be to my Great Lord."

Step 5

The worshiper returns to his former position and, rising, says:


"Sami'a llaahu li men hamideh."

سَمِعَ اللَّهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ


« The Almighty hears the one who praises Him».

Straightening up, he says:


« Rabbana lakyal-hamd».

رَبَّناَ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ


« Our Lord, only praise to You».

It is possible (sunnah) to also add the following: Mil'as-samaavaati wa mil'al-ard, wa mi'a maa shi'te min sheyin ba'd».

مِلْءَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَ مِلْءَ اْلأَرْضِ وَ مِلْءَ مَا شِئْتَ مِنْ شَيْءٍ بَعْدُ


« [Our Lord, praise be to You alone] which fills the heavens and the earth and whatever You will».

Step 6

Praying with the words "Allahu Akbar" descends to bow to the ground. Most of the Islamic scholars (jumhur) said that from the point of view of the Sunnah, the most correct way to bow to the ground is to lower the knees first, then the hands, and then the face, placing it between the hands and touching the ground (rug) with the nose and forehead.

At the same time, the tips of the toes should not come off the ground and be directed towards the qibla. The eyes must be open. Women press their chests to their knees, and their elbows to their bodies, while it is desirable for them to close their knees and feet.

After the worshiper has accepted this position, he says:


« Subhaana rabbiyal-a'lyaya" (3 times).

سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الأَعْلىَ


« Praise be to my Lord who is above all».

Step 7

With the words “Allahu Akbar”, the prayer raises his head, then his hands and, straightening up, sits on his left leg, placing his hands on his hips so that the tips of his fingers touch his knees. For some time the worshiper is in this position. It should be noted that, according to the Hanafi, in all sitting positions, when performing prayer, women should sit down, connecting their hips and bringing both feet to the right. But this is unprincipled.

Then again, with the words "Allahu Akbar", the worshiper descends to perform the second bow to the earth and repeats what was said during the first.

Step 8

Raising his head first, then his hands, and then his knees, the worshiper stands up, saying "Allahu Akbar", and assumes the starting position.

This marks the end of the first rak'ah and the beginning of the second.

In the second rak'yaat, "as-Sana" and "a'uzu bil-lyakhi minash-shaytoni rrajim" are not read. The worshiper begins immediately with “bismil-lyakhi rrahmani rrahim” and does everything in the same way as in the first rak'yaat, until the second bow to the earth.

Step 9

After the worshiper rises from the second prostration, he again sits on his left foot and reads “tashahhud”.

Hanafi (putting hands loosely on hips without closing fingers):


« At-tahiyatu lil-lyahi was-salavaatu wat-toyibaat,

As-salayama ‘alaykya ayyuhan-nabiyu wa rahmatul-laahi wa barakyatukh,

Ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illa llaahu wa ashkhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuulukh.”

اَلتَّحِيَّاتُ لِلَّهِ وَ الصَّلَوَاتُ وَ الطَّيِّباَتُ

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيـُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُ

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْناَ وَ عَلىَ عِبَادِ اللَّهِ الصَّالِحِينَ

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُولُهُ


« Greetings, prayers and all good deeds belong only to the Almighty.

Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of God and His blessing.

Peace be upon us and the pious servants of the Most High.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”

While pronouncing the words “la ilyakhe”, it is advisable to raise the index finger of the right hand up, and lower it when saying “illa llaahu”.

Shafiites (positioning the left hand freely, without separating the fingers, but clenching the right hand into a fist and releasing the thumb and forefinger; while the thumb in a bent position adjoins the brush):


« At-tahiyayatul-mubaarakyatus-salavaatu ttoyibaatu lil-lyah,

As-salayama ‘alaykya ayyuhan-nabiyu wa rahmatul-laahi wa barakayatuh,

As-salayama ‘alayanaa wa ‘alayaya ‘ibaadil-lyayahi ssaalihiin,

Ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illa llaahu wa ashkhadu anna muhammadan rasuulul-laah.”

اَلتَّحِيَّاتُ الْمُبَارَكَاتُ الصَّلَوَاتُ الطَّـيِّـبَاتُ لِلَّهِ ،

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيـُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَ بَرَكَاتـُهُ ،

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْـنَا وَ عَلىَ عِبَادِ اللَّهِ الصَّالِحِينَ ،

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَ أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ .

During the pronunciation of the words “illa llaahu”, the index finger of the right hand is raised up without additional movements by it (while the gaze of the prayer can be turned to this finger) and lowered.

Step 10

After reading “tashahhud”, the prayer, without changing his position, says “salavat”:


« Allahumma sally ‘alaya sayyidinaa muhammadin wa ‘alaya eeli sayidinaa muhammad,

Kama sallayite ‘alaya sayidinaa ibraahiima wa ‘alaya eeli sayidinaa ibrahiim,

Wa baariq ‘alaya sayyidina muhammadin wa ‘alaya eeli sayyidina muhammad,

Kamaa baarakte ‘alaya sayidinaa ibraahima wa ‘alaya eeli sayidinaa ibraaheeima fil-‘aalamimin, Innekya Hamidun Majiid» .

اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلىَ آلِ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ

كَماَ صَلَّيْتَ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَ عَلىَ آلِ سَيِّدِناَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

وَ باَرِكْ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلىَ آلِ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ

كَماَ باَرَكْتَ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَ عَلىَ آلِ سَيِّدِناَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ فِي الْعاَلَمِينَ

إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ


« O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family, as You blessed Ibrahim (Abraham) and his family.

And send blessings to Muhammad and his family, as You sent blessings to Ibrahim (Abraham) and his family in all the worlds.

Verily, You are the Praised, the Glorified."

Step 11

After reading the “salavat”, it is advisable to turn to the Lord with a prayer (du‘a). The theologians of the Hanafi madhhab argue that only the form of prayer that is mentioned in the Holy Quran or in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) can be used as a du‘a. Another part of Islamic theologians allows the use of any form of du'a. At the same time, the opinion of scholars is unanimous that the text of the du'a used in prayer should only be in Arabic. This prayer-du‘a is read without raising the hands.

We list the possible forms of prayer (du‘a):


« Rabbanaa eetina fid-duniyah hasanatan va fil-aakhyrati hasanatan va kynaa ‘azaaban-naar».

رَبَّناَ آتِناَ فِي الدُّنـْياَ حَسَنَةً وَ فِي الأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِناَ عَذَابَ النَّارِ


« Our Lord! Give us good things in this and the next life, protect us from the torment of Hell».


« Allahumma innii zolyamtu nafsia zulmen kasiira, va innahu laya yagfiru zzunuube illaya ent. Fagfirlia magfiraten min ‘indik, warhamnia, innakya entel-gafuurur-rahiim».

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنيِّ ظَلَمْتُ نـَفْسِي ظُلْمًا كَثِيرًا

وَ إِنـَّهُ لاَ يَغـْفِرُ الذُّنوُبَ إِلاَّ أَنـْتَ

فَاغْـفِرْ لِي مَغـْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ

وَ ارْحَمْنِي إِنـَّكَ أَنـْتَ الْغـَفوُرُ الرَّحِيمُ


« O Supreme! Verily, I have repeatedly done wrong to myself [committing sins], and no one but You forgives sins. Forgive me with Your forgiveness! Have mercy on me! Verily, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful».


« Allahumma inniy a‘uuzu bikya min ‘azaabi jahannam, wa min ‘azaabil-kabr, wa min fitnatil-mahyaya wal-mamaat, wa min sharri fitnatil-myasiikhid-dajaal».

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنيِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ

وَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقـَبْرِ وَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا

وَ الْمَمَاتِ وَ مِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ .


« O Supreme! Truly, I ask You for protection from the torments of Hell, the torments in the afterlife, from the temptations of life and death, and from the temptation of the Antichrist.».

Step 12

After that, the prayer with the words of greeting “as-salayama ‘alaykum wa rahmatul-laah” (“peace and blessings of Allah be upon you”) turns his head first to the right side, looking at his shoulder, and then, repeating the words of greeting, to the left. This ends the two rak'yats of the Sunnah prayer.

Step 13

1) "Astaghfirullaa, astagfirullaa, astagfirullaa."

أَسْـتَـغـْفِرُ اللَّه أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّه أَسْـتَـغـْفِرُ اللَّهَ


« Forgive me Lord. Forgive me Lord. Forgive me Lord».

2) Raising his hands to chest level, the worshiper says: “ Allahumma ente salayam wa minkya salayam, tabaarakte yaa zal-jalyali wal-ikraam. Allahumma a‘inni ‘ala zikrikya wa shukrikya wa husni ‘ibaadatik».

اَللَّهُمَّ أَنـْتَ السَّلاَمُ وَ مِنْكَ السَّلاَمُ

تَـبَارَكْتَ ياَ ذَا الْجَـلاَلِ وَ الإِكْرَامِ

اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنيِّ عَلىَ ذِكْرِكَ وَ شُكْرِكَ وَ حُسْنِ عِباَدَتـِكَ


« O Allah, You are peace and security, and peace and security come from You alone. Give us a blessing (that is, accept the prayer we have performed). O He Who has greatness and bounty, O Allah, help me worthy to mention You, worthy to thank You and worship You in the best way».

Then he lowers his hands, running his palms over his face.

It should be noted that during the performance of two rak'yaats of the sunnah of the morning prayer, all prayer formulas are pronounced to oneself.

Two fard rak'yats

Step 1. Iqamah

Step 2. Niyat

Then all the actions described above are performed when explaining the two rak'yats of the sunnah.

The exception is that the sura "al-Fatiha" and the sura read after it are pronounced aloud here. If a person performs a prayer alone, he can be read both aloud and to himself, but it is better aloud. If he is an imam in prayer, then it is obligatory to read aloud. The words “a‘uuzu bil-lyahi minash-shaytooni rrajiim. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahiim" are pronounced to oneself.

Completion. At the end of the prayer, it is desirable to perform "tasbihat".

Tasbihat (praise the Lord)

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever after the prayer-prayer will say 33 times “subhaanal-laah”, 33 times “al-hamdu lil-lyah” and 33 times “allahu akbar”, which will be the number 99, equal to the number of names of the Lord, and after that he will add up to a hundred, saying: “Laya ilyayahe illa llaahu wahdahu la shariikya lah, lyakhul-mulku va lyakhul-hamdu, yuhyi wa yumitu va khuva 'alaya kulli shayin kadiir”, he will be forgiven [small] errors, even if their number is equal to the amount of sea foam.

The performance of "tasbihat" belongs to the category of desirable actions (sunnah).

Tasbihat sequence

1. The ayat “al-Kursi” is read:


« A‘uuzu bil-lyahi minash-shaitooni rrajiim. Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim. Allaahu laya ilyahya illaya huval-hayyul-kayuum, laya ta'huzuhu sinatuv-valaya naum, lahuu maa fis-samaavaati wa maa fil-ard, man hall-lyazii yashfya'u 'indahu illaya bi of them, ya'lamu maa bayna aidiihim wa maa halfahum wa laya yuhiituune bi sheyim-min 'ilmihi illya bi maa shaa', wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamaavaati val-ard, valyaya yauduhu hifzuhumaa wa huval-'aliyul-'azyim».

أَعوُذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ . بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ .

اَللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَىُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَـأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَ لاَ نَوْمٌ لَهُ ماَ فِي السَّماَوَاتِ وَ ماَ فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ ماَ بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَ ماَ خَلْفَهُمْ وَ لاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِماَ شَآءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِـيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَ الأَرْضَ وَ لاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَ هُوَ الْعَلِيُّ العَظِيمُ


“I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of God, whose mercy is eternal and boundless. Allah… There is no god but Him, the Eternally Living, Existing. Neither sleep nor slumber will overtake him. He owns everything in heaven and everything on earth. Who will intercede before Him, except by His will? He knows what was and what will be. No one is able to comprehend even particles from His knowledge, except by His will. Heaven and Earth are encompassed by His Throne , and does not bother Him to care for them. He is the Most High, the Great! .

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

« Whoever reads the ayat “al-Kursi” after prayer (prayer), he will be under the protection of the Lord until the next prayer» ;

« The one who reads the ayat "al-Kursi" after the prayer, nothing will prevent [if he suddenly dies unexpectedly] from going to Paradise» .

2. Tasbih.

Then the worshiper, fingering on the folds of his fingers or on the rosary, pronounces 33 times:

"Subhaanal-laah" سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ - "Praise be to Allah";

"Al-hamdu lil-lyah" الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ - "True praise belongs only to Allah";

"Allaahu Akbar" الله أَكْبَرُ “Allah is above everything.”

After that, the following du'a is pronounced:


« Laya ilyayahe illa llaahu wahdahu laya sharikya lyah, lyahul-mulku wa lyahul-hamd, yuhyi wa yumitu wa khuva ‘alaya kulli shayin kadir, wa ilyayhil-masyr».

لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ

لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحِْي وَ يُمِيتُ

وَ هُوَ عَلىَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ وَ إِلَيْهِ الْمَصِيـرُ


« There is no god but God alone. He has no partner. All power and praise belongs to Him. He gives life and death. His powers and possibilities are limitless, and to Him the return».

Also, after the morning and evening prayers, it is advisable to say the following seven times:


« Allahumma ajirni minan-naar».

اَللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِي مِنَ النَّارِ


« O Allah, take me away from Hell».

After that, the prayer turns to the Almighty in any language, asking Him for all the best in this and the future worlds for himself, loved ones and all believers.

When to do tasbihat

In accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him), tasbih (tasbihat) can be performed both immediately after the fard, and after the sunna rak'yats performed after the fard rak'yats. There is no direct, reliable and unambiguous narration on this subject, but reliable hadiths describing the actions of the Prophet lead to the following conclusion: “If a person performs sunnah rak'yaats in a mosque, then he performs a tasbihat after them; if it is at home, then “tasbihat” is pronounced after fard rakiats.

The Shafi'i theologians placed more emphasis on pronouncing "tasbihat" immediately after the fard rak'yats (this is how they observed the division between the fard and sunna rak'yats mentioned in the hadith from Mu'awiya), and the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab - after the fard ones, if after them the worshiper does not gather immediately perform rak'yats of the sunnah, and - after the rak'yats of the sunnah, if he performs them immediately after the fard ones (in the desired order, moving to a different place in the prayer hall and, thereby, observing the separation between the fard and sunna rak'yats mentioned in the hadith), which completes the next obligatory prayer .

At the same time, it is desirable to do as the imam of the mosque does, in which a person performs the next obligatory prayer. This will contribute to the unity and community of the parishioners, as well as in line with the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "The Imam is present so that [the rest] follow him."

Du'a "Kunut" in the morning prayer

Islamic theologians express different opinions regarding the reading of the du'a "Kunut" in the morning prayer.

Theologians of the Shafi'i madhhab and a number of other scholars agree that reading this du'a in the morning prayer is a sunnah (desirable action).

Their main argument is the hadith given in the set of hadiths of Imam al-Hakim that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) after bowing in the second rak'yat of the morning prayer, raising his hands (as is usually done when reading the prayer-du'a ), turned to God with a prayer: “Allaahumma-hdinaa fii men hedeit, wa 'aafinaa fii men 'aafate, wa tavallyanaa fii men tawallait ...” Imam al-Hakim, citing this hadith, pointed to its authenticity.

Theologians of the Hanafi madhhab and scholars who share their opinion believe that there is no need to read this du‘a during the morning prayer. They argue their opinion by the fact that the above hadith has an insufficient degree of reliability: in the chain of people who transmitted it, 'Abdullah ibn Sa'id al-Maqbari was named, whose words were doubtful by many scholars-muhaddis. The Hanafis also mention the words of Ibn Mas'ud that "The Prophet read the du'a" Kunut "in the morning prayer only for one month, after which he stopped doing it."

Without going into deep canonical details, I note that slight differences in opinion on this issue are not the subject of controversy and disagreement among Islamic theologians, but indicate the difference in the criteria put by authoritative scholars as the basis for the theological analysis of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (God bless him and welcomes). Scholars of the Shafi school in this matter paid more attention to the maximum application of the Sunnah, and Hanafi theologians paid more attention to the degree of reliability of the cited hadith and the testimonies of the companions. Both approaches are acceptable. We, who respect the authority of great scientists, need to adhere to the opinion of the theologians of the madhhab that we follow in our daily religious practice.

The Shafiites, stipulating the desirability of reading the morning prayer du‘a “Kunut” in the fard, do it in the following sequence.

After the worshiper rises from the waist bow in the second rak'yaat, then the du'a is read before the earthly bow:


« Allahumma-hdinaa fii-man hedeit, wa 'aafinaa fii-men 'aafait, wa tavallyanaa fii-man tavallayit, wa baariq lanaa fii-maa a'toit, wa kynaa sharra maa kadait, fa innaka takdy wa laya yukdoo 'alaik, wa innehu laya yazillu men vaalayt, valyaya ya'izzu men 'aaadeit, tabaarakte rabbenee va ta'alait, fa lakyal-hamdu 'alaya maa kadait, nastagfirukya wa natuubu ilayik. Wa sally, allahumma ‘alaya sayyidinaa muhammad, an-nabiyil-ummiy, wa ‘alaya eelihi wa sahbihi wa sallim».

اَللَّهُمَّ اهْدِناَ فِيمَنْ هَدَيْتَ . وَ عاَفِناَ فِيمَنْ عاَفَيْتَ .

وَ تَوَلَّناَ فِيمَنْ تَوَلَّيْتَ . وَ باَرِكْ لَناَ فِيماَ أَعْطَيْتَ .

وَ قِناَ شَرَّ ماَ قَضَيْتَ . فَإِنـَّكَ تَقْضِي وَ لاَ يُقْضَى عَلَيْكَ .

وَ إِنـَّهُ لاَ يَذِلُّ مَنْ وَالَيْتَ . وَ لاَ يَعِزُّ مَنْ عاَدَيْتَ .

تَباَرَكْتَ رَبَّناَ وَ تَعاَلَيْتَ . فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ عَلىَ ماَ قَضَيْتَ . نَسْتـَغـْفِرُكَ وَنَتـُوبُ إِلَيْكَ .

وَ صَلِّ اَللَّهُمَّ عَلىَ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ اَلنَّبِيِّ الأُمِّيِّ وَ عَلىَ آلِهِ وَ صَحْبِهِ وَ سَلِّمْ .


« Oh Lord! Guide us to the right path among those whom You have directed. Remove us from troubles [misfortunes, illnesses] among those whom You removed from troubles [who gave prosperity, healing]. Enter us among those whose affairs are governed by You, whose protection is in Your charge. Give us blessings [barakat] in all that You have given us. Protect us from the evil that You have ordained. You are the Determiner [Determiner], and no one can decide against You. Verily, the one whom You support will not be despicable. And the one to whom You are hostile will not be strong. Great is Your goodness and good deed, You are above all that does not correspond to You. Praise be to Thee and gratitude for all that is determined by Thee. We ask Your forgiveness and repent before You. Bless, O Lord, and greet the Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions».

When reading this prayer-du‘a, the hands are raised to the level of the chest and the palms are turned to the sky. After reading the du‘a, the prayer, without rubbing his face with his palms, descends to bow to the ground and completes the prayer in the usual manner.

If the morning prayer is performed as part of the jama‘ata community (that is, two or more people participate in it), then the imam reads the Kunut du‘a aloud. Those standing behind him say “amin” during each pause of the imam until the words “fa innakya takdy”. Starting with these words, those standing behind the imam do not say “amin”, but pronounce the rest of the du’a behind him to themselves or pronounce “ashhad” (“ testify»).

Du‘a “Kunut” is also read in the prayer “Vitr” and can be used during any prayer during periods of misfortune and trouble. There is no significant disagreement among theologians regarding the last two positions.

Can the Sunnah of Morning Prayer

be done after fard

This kind of case takes place when a person who went to the mosque to perform the morning prayer, entering it, sees that two fard rak'yats are already being performed. What should he do: immediately join everyone, and make two rak'yats of the sunnah later, or try to have time to make two rak'yats of the sunnah before the imam and those praying behind him complete the fard prayer with a greeting?

Shafi'i scholars believe that a person can join the worshipers and perform two fard rak'yats with them. At the end of the fard, the latecomer performs two sunnah rak'yats. The ban on prayers after the fard of the morning prayer and until the sun rises to the height of the spear (20-40 minutes), stipulated in the Sunnah of the Prophet, they refer to all additional prayers, except for those that have a canonical justification (the prayer of greeting the mosque, for example, or a restored prayer-duty).

Hanafi theologians consider the ban on prayers at certain intervals, specified in the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet, absolute. Therefore, they say that the one who is late to the mosque for the morning prayer first performs two rak'yats of the Sunnah of the morning prayer, and then joins the performers of the fard. If he does not have time to join the prayers before the imam says a greeting to the right side, then he performs fard on his own.

Both opinions are substantiated by the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Applicable in accordance with which madhhab the worshiper adheres to.

Noon Prayer (Zuhr)

Time fulfillment - from the moment when the sun passes the zenith, and until the shadow of the object becomes longer than itself. It should be noted that the shadow that the object had at the time the sun was at its zenith is taken as a reference point.

Midday prayer consists of 6 sunna rak'ahs and 4 fard rak'ahs. The order of their performance is as follows: 4 rak'yats of the Sunnah, 4 rak'yats of the fard and 2 rak'yats of the Sunnah.

4 sunnah rak'ahs

Step 2. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the sunnah of the midday prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

The sequence of performing the first two rak'yaats of the sunnah of the Zuhr prayer is similar to the order of performing the two rak'yaats of the Fajr prayer in steps 2-9.

Then, after reading “tashahhud” (without saying “salavat”, as during the Fajr prayer), the worshiper performs the third and fourth rak'yaats, which are similar to the first and second rak'yaats. Between the third and fourth "tashahhud" is not read, as it is pronounced after every two rak'yats.

When the worshiper rises from the second prostration of the fourth rak'yaat, he sits down and reads "tashahhud".

After reading it, without changing his position, the worshiper says “salavat”.

The further order corresponds to p.p. 10-13, given in the description of the morning prayer.

This concludes the four rak'yats of the Sunnah.

It should be noted that during the performance of the four rak'yaats of the sunnah of the midday prayer, all prayer formulas are pronounced to oneself.

4 fard rak'ahs

Step 2. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform four rak'yats of the fard of the midday prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

The four rak'yats of the fard are performed in strict accordance with the order of performing the four rak'yats of the sunnah described earlier. The only exception is that short surahs or verses after the surah "al-Fatiha" in the third and fourth rak'yats are not read.

2 rak'ahs sunnah

Step 1. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of the sunnah of the midday prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

After that, the worshiper performs everything in the same sequence as it was described when explaining the two rak'yaats of the Sunnah of the morning prayer (Fajr).

At the end of two rak'yaats of the sunnah and thus the entire midday prayer (Zuhr), while continuing to sit, preferably in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), perform the "tasbihat".

Afternoon Prayer (‘Asr)

Time its commission begins from the moment when the shadow of the object becomes longer than itself. It should be noted that the shadow that was at the time the sun was at its zenith is not taken into account. The time for this prayer ends at sunset.

The afternoon prayer consists of four fard rak'yats.

4 fard rak'ahs

Step 1. Azan.

Step 3. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the fard of the afternoon prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

The sequence of performing the four rak'yats of the fard of the 'Asr prayer corresponds to the order of performing the four rak'yats of the fard of the noon prayer (Zuhr).

After the prayer, it is desirable to perform "tasbihat", not forgetting its importance.

Evening Prayer (Maghrib)

Time begins immediately after sunset and ends with the disappearance of the evening dawn. The time interval of this prayer, in comparison with others, is the shortest. Therefore, you should be especially attentive to the timeliness of its implementation.

The evening prayer consists of three fard rak'yats and two sunnah rak'yats.

3 fard rakiats

Step 1. Azan.

Step 2. Iqamat.

Step 3. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform the three rak'yats of the fard of the evening prayer, doing this sincerely for the Almighty."

The first two rak'yats of the fard of the Maghreb evening prayer are performed in the same way as the two rak'yats of the fard of the morning prayer (Fajr) in p.p. 2–9.

Then, after reading "tashahhud" (without saying "salavat"), the worshiper rises and reads the third rak'yaat similarly to the second. However, the verse or short sura after "al-Fatiha" is not read in it.

When the worshiper rises from the second prostration of the third rak'yaat, he sits down and reads "tashahhud" again.

Then, after reading “tashakhhud”, the prayer, without changing his position, pronounces “salavat”.

The further procedure for performing the prayer corresponds to the order described in p.p. 10-13 morning prayer.

This is where the three fard rak'yats end. It should be noted that in the first two rak'yaats of this prayer, the al-Fatiha sura and the sura read after it are pronounced aloud.

2 rak'ahs sunnah

Step 1. Niyat(intention): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of the sunnah of the evening prayer, doing this sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

These two rak'yats of the sunnah are read in the same way as the other two rak'yats of the sunnah of any daily prayer.

After the prayer-prayer in the usual manner, it is advisable to perform "tasbihat", not forgetting its importance.

Having completed the prayer, the one who prays can turn to the Almighty in any language, asking Him for all the best in this and the future worlds for himself and all believers.

Night Prayer (‘Isha’)

The time of its fulfillment falls on the period after the disappearance of the evening dawn (at the end of the evening prayer time) and before the dawn (before the beginning of the morning prayer).

The night prayer consists of four fard rak'yats and two sunnah rak'yats.

4 fard rak'ahs

The sequence of performance does not differ from the order of performing the four rak'yats of the fard of the afternoon or afternoon prayers. The exception is the intention and reading in the first two of her rak'yats of the surah "al-Fatiha" and a short surah aloud, as in morning or evening prayers.

2 rak'ahs sunnah

Sunnah rak'yats are performed in the order corresponding to the two sunnah rak'yats in other prayers, with the exception of intention.

At the end of the night prayer, it is advisable to perform "tasbihat".

And do not forget the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him): “Whoever, after prayer, will say 33 times “subhaanal-laah”, 33 times “al-hamdu lil-layah” and 33 times “allahu akbar”, which will be the number 99, equal to the number of the names of the Lord, and after that he will add to one hundred, saying: “Laya ilyayahe illa llaahu wahdahu la shariikya lah, lyahul-mulku wa lyahul-hamdu, yuhyi wa yumitu wa huva ‘alaya kulli shayin kadiir”, mistakes will be forgiven and errors, even if their number is equal to the amount of sea foam.

According to Hanafi theologians, four Sunnah rak'yaats should be performed in a row in one prayer. They also believe that all four rak'ahs are obligatory sunnah (sunna muakkyada). Shafi'i theologians, on the other hand, argue that two rak'ahs must be performed, since the first two are attributed to the sunnah of muakkyada, and the next two to an additional sunnah (sunnah gair muakkyada). See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. T. 2. S.1081, 1083, 1057.

Reading the iqamat before the fard rak'yats of any of the obligatory prayers is desirable (sunnah).

In the case when the prayer is performed collectively, the imam adds to what has been said that he is performing the prayer with the people standing behind him, and they, in turn, must stipulate that they are performing the prayer with the imam.

The time for ‘Asr prayer can also be calculated mathematically by dividing the time interval between the beginning of the noon prayer and sunset into seven parts. The first four of them will be the time of the noon (Zuhr), and the last three will be the time of the afternoon (‘Asr) prayers. This form of calculation is approximate.

Reading adhan and iqamah, for example, at home is only a desirable action. For more details, see a separate article on adhan and iqamah.

The theologians of the Shafi'i madhhab stipulated the desirability (sunnah) of the short form of "salavat" in this place of prayer: "Allaahumma salli ‘alaya Muhammad, ‘abdikya wa rasuulik, an-nabiy al-ummiy."

For more details, see, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. S. 900.

If a man reads a prayer alone, then he can be read both aloud and to himself, but it is better to read aloud. If the prayer performs the role of an imam, then it is obligatory to read the prayer aloud. At the same time, the words “bismil-lyahi rrahmani rrahim”, read before the surah “al-Fatiha”, are pronounced aloud among the Shafiites, and among the Hanafites - to themselves.

Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. Imam Muslim. See, for example: An-Nawawi Ya. Riyad as-salihin. S. 484, hadith no. 1418.

With the help of which a person conducts a dialogue with the Almighty. By reading it, a Muslim pays tribute to devotion to Allah. Prayer is obligatory for all believers. Without it, a person loses contact with God, commits a sin, for which, according to the canons of Islam, he will be severely punished on the Day of Judgment.

It is necessary to read prayer five times a day at a strictly set time for him. Wherever a person is, no matter what he is busy with, he must perform a prayer. Fajr, as it is also called by Muslims, is especially important, it has great power. Its fulfillment is equivalent to a prayer that a person would read all night.

What time is the morning prayer?

Fajr prayer should be performed early in the morning, when a white stripe appears on the horizon, and the sun has not yet risen. It is during this period of time that devout Muslims pray to Allah. It is desirable that a person begins a sacred action 20-30 minutes before sunrise. In Muslim countries, people can navigate by adhan coming from the mosque. It is more difficult for a person living in other places. How do you know when to perform Fajr prayer? The time of its completion can be determined by a special calendar or schedule, which is called ruznama.

Some Muslims use mobile applications for this purpose, such as Prayer Times ® Muslim Toolbox. It will help you know when to start prayer, and determine where the sacred Kaaba is located.

Beyond the Arctic Circle, where day and night last longer than usual, it is more difficult for people to decide on the time at which prayer should be performed. Fajr, however, must be performed. Muslims recommend focusing on the time in Mecca or in a nearby country, where the change of day and night occurs in the usual rhythm. The last option is preferred.

What is the power of Fajr prayer?

People who regularly pray to Allah before sunrise show deep patience and true faith. After all, for the sake of performing Fajr, it is necessary to rise before dawn every day, and not sleep in a sweet dream, succumbing to the persuasion of the shaitan. This is the first test that the morning has prepared for a person, and it must be passed with dignity.

The Almighty will protect people who do not succumb to shaitan, who read prayers on time, from adversity and problems until the next day. In addition, they will succeed in eternal life, because the observance of prayer will be credited to everyone on the Day of Judgment.

This prayer in Islam has great power, because on the eve of dawn, next to a person are the angels of the departing night and the coming day, who are carefully watching him. Allah will then ask them what his servant did. The angels of the night will answer that, when leaving, they saw him praying, and the angels of the coming day will say that they also found him praying.

Stories of the Sahaba who performed the morning prayer against all odds

Fajr requires strict observance, no matter what the circumstances are in a person's life. In those distant times, when the Prophet Muhammad was still alive, people performed real feats in the name of faith. They performed namaz in spite of everything.

Sahaba, companions of the Messenger of the Almighty, performed the morning fajr even when they were injured. No misfortune could stop them. So, the outstanding statesman Umar ibn al-Khattab read a prayer, bleeding after an attempt on his life. He did not even think of refusing to serve Allah.

And the companion of the Prophet Muhammad Abbad was struck by an arrow at the moment of the prayer. He pulled her out of his body and continued to pray. The enemy shot at him several more times, but this did not stop Abbad.

Sada ibn Rabi, who was also seriously wounded, died while praying in a tent specially built for the sacred action.

Preparation for prayer: ablution

Prayer in Islam requires some preparation. Before transgressing to any prayer, whether it be Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib or Isha, a Muslim is prescribed to perform a ritual ablution. In Islam, it is called voodoo.

A true Muslim washes his hands (hands), face, rinses his mouth and nose. He performs each action three times. Next, the believer washes each hand up to the elbow with water: first the right, then the left. After that, he rubs his head. With a wet hand, a Muslim runs it from the forehead to the back of the head. He then rubs his ears inside and out. After washing his feet up to the ankles, the believer should complete the ablution with the words of remembrance of Allah.

During prayer, Islam requires men to cover the body without fail from the navel to the knees. The rules for women are stricter. It must be completely covered. The only exceptions are the face and hands. Never wear tight or dirty clothes. The body of a person, his vestments and the place of prayer must be clean. If wudu is not enough, you need to perform a full body ablution (ghusl).

Fajr: rak'ahs and terms

Each of the five prayers consists of rak'ahs. This is the name of one cycle of prayer, which is repeated from two to four times. The number depends on what kind of prayer the Muslim performs. Each rakah includes a certain sequence of actions. Depending on the type of prayer, it may vary slightly.

Consider what fajr consists of, how many rak'ahs a believer should perform and how to perform them correctly. Morning prayer consists of only two consecutive cycles of prayer.

Some of the actions included in them have specific names that came to us from the Arabic language. Below is a list of the most important concepts that a believer should know:

  • niyat - the intention to perform prayer;
  • takbir - exaltation of Allah (the words "Allahu Akbar", meaning "Allah is Great");
  • qiyam - staying in a standing position;
  • sajda - kneeling posture or prostration;
  • dua - prayer;
  • taslim - greeting, the final part of the prayer.

Now consider both cycles of Fajr prayer. How to read a prayer, people who have only recently converted to Islam will ask? In addition to following the sequence of actions, it is necessary to monitor the pronunciation of words. Of course, a true Muslim not only pronounces them correctly, but also puts his soul into them.

First rak'ah of Fajr prayer

The first cycle of prayer begins with niyat in the qiyam position. The believer expresses the intention mentally, mentioning the name of the prayer in it.

Then the Muslim should raise his hands at the level of the ears, touch the earlobes with his thumbs and point his palms towards the qibla. While in this position, he must say the takbir. It must be spoken aloud, and it is not necessary to do it in full voice. In Islam, Allah can be glorified in a whisper, but in such a way that the believer hears himself.

Then he covers his left hand with the palm of his right hand, clasping his wrist with his little finger and thumb, lowers his hands slightly below the navel and reads the first sura of the Qur'an "Al-Fatiha". If desired, a Muslim can speak an additional chapter from the Holy Scriptures.

This is followed by a bow, straightening and sajda. Further, the Muslim unbends his back, remaining in a kneeling position, once again falls on his face before Allah and straightens up again. This completes the performance of the rak'ah.

Second rak'ah of Fajr prayer

The cycles included in the morning prayer (fajr) are performed in different ways. In the second rak'ah, you do not need to pronounce the niyat. The Muslim stands in the qiyam position, folding his hands on his chest, as in the first cycle, and begins to pronounce the surah Al-Fatiha.

Then he makes two earthly bows and sits on his feet, shifted to the right side. In this position, you need to pronounce the dua "At-tahiyat".

At the end, he says taslim. He pronounces it twice, turning his head first towards the right shoulder, then the left.

This ends the prayer. Fajr is performed by both men and women. However, they perform it differently.

How do women perform morning prayers?

When performing the first rak'ah, the woman should keep her hands at shoulder level, while the man raises them to the ears.

She bows at the waist not as deep as a man, and while reading the surah Al-Fatiha, she folds her hands on her chest, and not below the navel.

The rules for performing prayers differ slightly from those for men. In addition to them, a Muslim woman should know that it is forbidden to perform it during menstruation (hayd) or postpartum bleeding (nifas). Only after being cleansed of filth, she will be able to perform prayer correctly, otherwise the woman will become a sinner.

What should a person do if he misses the morning prayer?

It is worth touching on another important issue. What should a Muslim who missed the morning prayer do? In such a situation, one should consider the reason why he made such a mistake. From whether it is respectful or not, the further actions of a person depend. For example, if a Muslim set an alarm, specially went to bed early, but in spite of all his actions overslept, he can fulfill his duty to the Almighty at any free time, since, in fact, he is not to blame.

However, if the reason was disrespectful, then the rules are different. Fajr prayer should be performed as quickly as possible, but not during those time periods when prayer is strictly forbidden to be performed.

When is prayer not allowed?

There are several such intervals in a day, during which it is extremely undesirable to pray. These include periods

  • after reading the morning prayer and before sunrise;
  • within 15 minutes after dawn, until the luminary rises in the sky to the height of one spear;
  • when it is at its zenith;
  • after reading Asra (afternoon prayer) until sunset.

At any other time, prayer can be reimbursed, but it is better not to neglect the sacred act, because the pre-dawn prayer read on time, into which a person put his heart and soul, as the prophet Muhammad said, is better than the whole world, more significant than everything that fills it. A Muslim who performs Fajr at sunrise will not go to hell, but will be awarded the great rewards that Allah will bestow on him.

Allah Almighty said:

Meaning: “Verily, prayer is prescribed for the believers at certain times” (Surah An-Nisa’, 4:103).

Namaz is a religious obligation that must be performed at a specific time. Every adult and mentally complete Muslim mukallaf (except for a woman during menstruation or postpartum cleansing) must perform five obligatory (fard) prayers per day.

1. Morning prayer;

2. Lunch prayer;

3. Afternoon prayer;

4. Evening prayer;

5. Night prayer.

For each of these five obligatory prayers, a strictly defined time is set for its performance. Allah Almighty has said in the Holy Quran:

Meaning: "Strictly persevere in the performance of the five obligatory prayers." (Sura Al-Baqara, 2:238).

An authentic hadith narrated by al-Bukhari from Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) states:

“Once I asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “What act (of a person) is most dear to Allah Almighty?” He replied: "Prayer performed on time."

Each of the prayers has a certain interval, including the beginning and end of the time of this prayer. Prematurely performed prayer is invalid. If someone enters the prayer even a moment before the time set for this prayer, then this prayer is considered invalid, and it must be performed again. And if a person did not perform a prayer within the time allotted for this prayer, without a good reason, then he falls into a big sin and he needs to quickly compensate for the prayer.

The onset of the time of prayer Allah made known to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) through the archangel Jibril (peace be upon him). Prayer times can be determined by the sun or found out from the relevant calendars, or by hearing the adhan. Today, everyone has the opportunity to have with them the hours and schedule of prayers (ruznam). The beginning of prayers can also be determined by the adhan.

The end of the prayer time can be determined as follows: the time of the lunch prayer continues until the time of the afternoon prayer. The afternoon prayer continues until the evening prayer. Evening prayer can be performed before the time of night prayer. And the time of the night prayer is before the morning glow. The morning prayer time begins at true dawn, immediately after the white horizontal stripe appears on the eastern horizon. Morning prayer continues until sunrise

If the time of the lunch prayer comes at 12 o'clock, and the afternoon prayer at 15 o'clock, then the time of the lunch prayer is three hours. (With a change in the length of the day, the time of prayers changes, which confirms the ruznam).

By performing obligatory prayers at the indicated time, a person perfectly tunes in to the movement of the planets, the change of seasons, and the geographical features of the place. Thus, he finds harmony with all the natural cycles of the universe.

Namaz can be performed during the entire period established for it, but it is necessary to try to perform prayer immediately with the onset of its time, for this we will receive the greatest reward. Further, with the passage of time, the reward for prayer decreases. With the performance of prayer, you can linger a little if you expect the possibility of a collective performance of it.

After half the time has passed during which prayer can be performed, we will no longer receive additional reward, but the obligation to perform prayer is considered fulfilled even with such a late prayer.

Namaz is considered to be completed on time if at least one rak'ah has been performed at the time set for this prayer. If the time for prayer has expired, then it must be compensated as soon as possible, without postponing, for example, until the next prayer. In the intention, it should be mentioned that you intend to make up for the missed prayer.

It should be noted that any prayer missed without a valid reason should be made up as soon as possible. If, having the opportunity to compensate for prayer, to postpone its compensation, then this will be a sin, and it will multiply over time.

There are periods of time when performing sunnah prayer (without a reason) is sinful (karaha at-tahrim). Prayer without a valid reason during the following periods of time is considered sinful:

1. At the moment when the sun is at its highest point (except on Friday);

2. After the morning prayer before sunrise with the addition of 15 minutes.

3. After the afternoon obligatory (fard) prayer, until full sunset.

All these prayer time restrictions apply to any point on the Earth, except for the Sacred Mosque of Mecca. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

« O children of Abdu Manaf, do not forbid anyone to perform tawaf in this house and pray at any time of the day or night, whenever they want T".

But reimbursable prayers, or sunnah prayers, which have reasons (sunnat prayer performed after ablution, or during a solar or lunar eclipse), can be performed everywhere at any time. Proof of this are the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). One of them says:

« Whoever forgot to perform namaz, let him perform it when he remembers. There is no redemption for him except by recompensing him».

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