Interview with the First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region Yuri Mikhailovich Andrianov

Interview of the chairman of the government of the region to the magazine "Arms Export"

Yuri Mikhailovich Andrianov was born in 1950. He graduated from the Kharkov Higher Tank Command School (1972), the Military Academy of the Armored Forces (1980). In 1972–1992 served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, in 1992–1993. - 1st Deputy President of the State Corporation "Spetsvneshtechnika", in 1993-1995. - deputy CEO GK "Rosvooruzhenie", in 1995-1999. - Deputy General Director of VO "Promexport", in 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSCB "Interregional Investment Bank", in 2001-2005. - General Director of JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile", in 2005-2007. - Vice President of CJSC Oscar - Avia Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, Deputy General Director of OJSC Center for High Technologies, since September 2011 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region, since October 2012 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region. Member of the fighting. Awarded with the Order Red Star, Order of Friendship, 20 medals.

Yuri Mikhailovich, what are the parameters of the budget of the Tula region?

Own revenues of the consolidated budget of the region for 2013 amounted to slightly less than 53 billion rubles, which exceeded the figure for 2012 by 16%. According to this indicator - the growth of budget revenues - we rank first in the Central Federal District and fourth in Russia. Over the past three years, the total volume of investments in the fixed capital of the region amounted to more than 250 billion rubles. At the end of 2013, the total volume of foreign investments amounted to about 40 billion rubles, which is six times more than in 2012, and corresponds to the fifth place in the Central Federal District. The share of foreign investments in GRP is 12%. Over 200 enterprises with foreign capital operate in our region.

What contribution do defense enterprises make to the GRP of the region and what is the dynamics of production at defense enterprises?

There are about 25 defense enterprises operating in the region, including such world-famous ones as OAO KBP im. Academician A.G. Shipunov, OAO NPO Splav, OAO NPO Strela, OAO AK Tulamashzavod and a number of others. All of them make a very significant contribution to the formation of the GRP of the region. IN last years this value is 10–15%. Over the past three or four years, there has been a positive trend in the volume of defense production. The growth was about 15–20%. Now almost all enterprises are on the rise. And not only such leaders as KBP, Tulamashzavod, Splav or Strela, but also those enterprises that for a long time were in a losing position. For example, in 2013, Tula Arms Plant OJSC went to zero, in three years the enterprise quadrupled its production volume, and in 2014 it is already making a steady profit and is confidently provided with orders in the near future. The defense industry employs approximately 30–35 thousand people, which is 10–11% of the able-bodied population.

Does the leadership of the region have mechanisms for direct influence on the situation in the defense industry of the region?

The government of the region does not have a single share in any defense enterprise. Moreover, the majority of defense industry enterprises are already locked into integrated vertical holding structures. For example, the Rostec holding includes 13 enterprises of the Tula defense industry. They are all well known - these are KBP, Tula Arms Plant, Tulamashzavod, Tulatochmash and others.

Therefore, there is no direct control on the part of the regional administration and cannot be. But we can and do influence the situation through the mechanism of providing benefits for land, taxes, as well as through assistance in infrastructure development.

What support mechanisms for defense enterprises are practiced in the Tula region?

For example, in 2013, a resolution was adopted providing for the payment of subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for technological re-equipment and the development of new competitive products. That is, we compensate defense industry enterprises for the costs of borrowed funds if they participate in the development investment projects. In this case, we provide a number of enterprises with reimbursement of the borrowing rate.

Yes, maybe the money is not so big, but these are real subsidies, and a number of enterprises have already taken advantage of this opportunity. First of all, this is Tulamashzavod, which built in 2014 a new electroplating plant with a closed water cycle. Now a new investment project is being prepared by JSC Tula Cartridge Plant.

Moreover, we are removing the tax rate for the use of land from enterprises. That is, this is a whole range of support measures within the capabilities of the regional budget. In addition, given the situation of fierce competition for labor with Moscow, we provide support to Tula defense enterprises with the provision of housing. Or another support mechanism such as the construction of transport infrastructure around defense plants - these are roads, bus and tram routes to such enterprises, so that it would be easier for people to get to work.

But all this support, I repeat, is provided in conditions where the regional government has no physical and economic participation in any enterprise.

Does the region's leadership have the opportunity to influence the federal government in order to obtain state defense orders for enterprises in the region?

In principle, there can be no direct lobbying, we do not have the right state, and there is not even a law on lobbying. So, in the literal, American sense of the word, we cannot lobby for the state defense order. However, the leadership of the region is actively interacting with federal ministries in order to support the enterprises of the region, including the defense industry.

Firstly, the Governor of the region personally initiates the holding of thematic meetings on the development of defense industry enterprises with the participation of interested parties. federal structures, in which members of the government of the Tula region take Active participation. We promote and initiate the holding of various scientific and technical conferences on the creation of certain types of weapons. For example, we recently scientific and practical conference"Problems of creation and application of systems precision weapons Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Such events are often attended by high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Industrial Commission, the Ministry of Industry, and officers of the Armed Forces. For example, the conference I mentioned was attended by Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov, Airborne Forces Commander Vladimir Shamanov, a number of specialists from the military-industrial complex, industrialists, colleagues, allies. We initiate and hold such meetings with the participation of the regional leadership on a regular basis. It is clear that people see the objective possibilities of our enterprises, receive necessary information. And in the future, when making decisions, they take into account what they see.

Secondly, we regularly meet with investors and heads of strategic holdings, primarily, of course, Rostec and High-Precision Weapons. By persuading them to invest in the development of the research and production base, the design base, and the training of personnel, we thereby, to some extent, take part in such, perhaps, an unspoken competition, in the struggle for orders. Which is quite fair and legal, because where there are minimal costs, high quality, high productivity, where there is high-tech production, there is a higher probability of placing orders. And when the Ministry of Defense chooses between the executors of orders, let's say, "production bushes", it quite often stops the choice on the Tula bush. This applies primarily to high-precision weapons.

Both the governor and I try to regularly participate in meetings dedicated to the defense industry, including in other regions. Definitely either the Minister of Industry, or me, or my deputy, we will definitely participate. We prove the expediency, give arguments so that the law enforcement agencies, in the event of a choice, order these weapons from us. And in many cases it succeeds.

This is the contribution of our administration to civilized "lobbying". But at the same time, we are well aware that we are jointly and severally responsible for performance and quality. If we make a mistake somewhere, next time there will be less faith, and the chances of getting orders will decrease. Naturally, we do not get into technology, design issues, because this is an absolutely closed issue. This is the relationship between the customer and the contractor, our task is to create comfortable tax and infrastructure conditions for defense industry enterprises.

Are the enterprises of the region facing a labor shortage? Is there a shortage of labor resources in the region as a whole or, on the contrary, is there a problem of unemployment? Are specialists from neighboring countries involved?

In recent years, the Tula region has seen an increase in industrial production. In this regard, the need for personnel for enterprises in the industrial sector of the economy doubled in 2014 compared to 2013 and amounted to 4,310 people. Most of all, the shortage of highly qualified personnel is observed in mechanical engineering, metalworking and light industry, where labor costs in the cost of production are among the highest.

The most demanded professions in the labor market of the Tula region are turners, millers, mechanics of mechanical assembly works, seamstresses, tailors. The military-industrial complex is in demand for engineering personnel providing development and technological support production processes: technologists, designers, electronic engineers, programmers.

To solve the problem of personnel shortage, we conclude tripartite agreements between the government of the Tula region, professional educational organizations and enterprises in the industrial sector. So far, the shortage of personnel is partially closed by attracting foreign highly qualified specialists. In addition, the government of the Tula region, together with the Tula State University, has developed a draft program for the development of a scientific and educational cluster of the region's defense industry.

How important is export for the region's defense industry and how has its role changed over time?

The export component is one of the most important in the structure of shipments of enterprises in the region's military-industrial complex. However, as the state defense order grows, its share increases from year to year and currently stands at about 20%.

How is the situation with the production of civilian products at the defense enterprises of the region?

To date, the share of civilian products is rather modest compared to the total volume of production, but it can be noted that such enterprises as OAO AK Tulamashzavod, OAO NPO Splav pay great attention to the production of civilian products. Thus, at OAO AK Tulamashzavod, this figure is about 25% of the total output.

Are there regional programs to support defense industry enterprises in the event of a reduction in military spending? How is it planned to solve the problem of the defense industry after 2020 in the light of the initiatives put forward by President Vladimir Putin on the need for the active development of conversion and dual production?

As I already said, in 2013 a resolution was adopted providing for the payment of subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for technological re-equipment and the development of new competitive products at enterprises in the Tula region. This should help to ensure the development, including civilian products, at defense industry enterprises.

To solve the issues of technological re-equipment of defense industry enterprises, the machine tool industry is actively developing in the region. An agreement was signed between the government of the Tula region and JSC "Stankoprom" to combine efforts to develop machine tool industries and technical re-equipment engineering enterprises. Negotiations on strategic partnership were held with the heads of leading companies in the field of machine tool building, such as Citimetal Group, Qier Machine Group, Innolite (Germany). A meeting was held with the director of the China Federation of Mechanical Engineering Gao Lihong within the framework of the 25th International Trade and Economic Exhibition in Harbin. In June 2014, during the visit of Chinese investors to the Tula region, a joint protocol was signed to assess the possibilities of creating a new joint production facility on the territory of the Uzlovaya industrial park, focused on cooperation with Chinese enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering.

In general, we plan to create a tool and machine tool cluster in the Tula region. We are dragging Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese enterprises here. At the first stage, of course, the task is to organize a new tool-preparation production. In December 2014, we defended in the Ministry of Industry and Trade such an investment project worth over 1 billion rubles, while 319 million rubles will be allocated for it. federal funds. The annual prospective need of Tula machine builders for tools is estimated at 1.5 billion rubles, most of which should be produced on the basis of Tulamashzavod instead of traditional imports. At the second stage, we plan to organize in the region the assembly of a high degree localization. We set ourselves the goal of localizing up to 60% of the assembly. In these projects, we are supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, headed by Denis Manturov, and the defense industry.

How do you assess the effect of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Russian Military-Industrial Complex for 2011–2020”? Specifically, the Tula region feels the work of this program?

I evaluate the impact of the program unambiguously positively. In our region, since the beginning of the program, the confirmed amount of funding has been about 12 billion rubles. In total, for the period up to 2020, defense industry enterprises of the Tula region submitted applications for participation in this program for a total of 19.804 billion rubles.

Do you think that the growth of state defense orders and the increase in military spending favorably affects the country's economic development or is it a useless waste of resources from an economic point of view?

In my opinion, this is an absolute boon for the country's economy. Employment is growing. In addition to the defense enterprises themselves, orders are received by related civil proceedings. The well-being of employees of enterprises is increasing, people feel they are in demand, and there is confidence in the future.

What is your attitude to the problem of diversifying military production?

You know very well that Tula is in some way the arms capital of Russia. The first gun was produced at the Tula arms factory 300 years ago, under Peter the Great. In 1712, the factory itself was founded, and in 1714 the first weapons were produced. So, all the technologies that are here, the entire training school, and the very structure of the city are built on the principle of settlements: weapons, boxes, cartridges. Here even the streets are still called that.

Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to do what you can, improve your skills, technologies and competencies in the development of weapons, and not be scattered. In answer to your question, I will say that I am more in favor of deepening specialization. Yes, it is possible to produce civilian products at free capacities, but this should be high-tech production. But you have to understand that those high tech, which are worked out in the defense industry, can and should find their application in the commercial or, as they used to say, in the civilian sector. For example, a purely military enterprise - Tulamashzavod. One of the best electroplating production facilities in the Central Federal District has been created here, reducing water consumption by 600 times and electricity by 40 times. Here is a great example of using the power of defense production to benefit the entire economy.

In addition, high-tech production creates demand for science and education. Largely due to the fact that we have such a concentration of military factories in our region, the Tula State University, and this is 20 thousand students. More than 45 defense professions are taught at the university. Almost all major enterprises have branches of departments at this university. And our development engineers teach the main subjects in these departments, and the leaders lead.

All of them: Makarovets, Denezhkin, Dronov and Zaitsev are duly recognized by the Russian scientific and technical school and have scientific degrees and titles. We have one of the strongest universities in the country in terms of defense industry enterprises. Students then traditionally disperse along them. By the way, in connection with this, we do not have such a shortage of engineering personnel in the defense industry as in other regions. But there is a shortage of working professions, like everyone else. But this is largely due to the fact that Moscow is nearby. It sucks our working hands like a Jericho pipe. Every day, 100 thousand residents of the region go to work in Moscow. And now we are trying to reduce this number precisely on the path of increasing high-tech production.

And finally, if I may, a philosophical or macroeconomic question. In your opinion, can the defense industry become the driving force behind the modernization of the entire Russian economy?

In Russia, it has historically developed so that it was the defense enterprises that always pulled the civilian industry to a new stage of development. Technologies, equipment, machines, equipment, they are multifunctional in any case. I'm not talking about products and industries that, by definition, dual purpose- helicopters, aircraft engines. Throughout history, industry has always received a technological impetus when it performed tasks to ensure the country's defense capability. Another important aspect of how the defense industry contributes to the modernization of the country is its impact on the quality of human capital. After all, highly qualified personnel are concentrated in the defense industry. Such people create a new social environment, pull culture and education along with them. And this is modernization.

Yuri Mikhailovich Andrianov was born in 1950. He graduated from the Kharkov Higher Tank Command School (1972), the Military Academy of Armored Forces (1980). In 1972–1992 served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, in 1992–1993. - 1st Deputy President of the State Corporation "Spetsvneshtechnika", in 1993-1995. - Deputy General Director of the State Corporation "Rosvooruzhenie", in 1995-1999. - Deputy General Director of VO "Promexport", in 2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSCB "Interregional Investment Bank", in 2001-2005. - General Director of JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Mile", in 2005-2007. - Vice President of CJSC Oscar - Avia Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, Deputy General Director of OJSC Center for High Technologies, since September 2011 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region, since October 2012 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region. Member of the fighting. Awarded with the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Friendship, 20 medals.

Yuri Mikhailovich, what are the parameters of the budget of the Tula region?

Own revenues of the consolidated budget of the region for 2013 amounted to slightly less than 53 billion rubles, which exceeded the figure for 2012 by 16%. According to this indicator - the growth of budget revenues - we rank first in the Central Federal District and fourth in Russia. Over the past three years, the total volume of investments in the fixed capital of the region amounted to more than 250 billion rubles. At the end of 2013, the total volume of foreign investments amounted to about 40 billion rubles, which is six times more than in 2012, and corresponds to the fifth place in the Central Federal District. The share of foreign investments in GRP is 12%. Over 200 enterprises with foreign capital operate in our region.

What contribution do defense enterprises make to the GRP of the region and what is the dynamics of production at defense enterprises?

There are about 25 defense enterprises operating in the region, including such world-famous ones as OAO KBP im. Academician A.G. Shipunov, OAO NPO Splav, OAO NPO Strela, OAO AK Tulamashzavod and a number of others. All of them make a very significant contribution to the formation of the GRP of the region. In recent years, this value has been 10–15%. Over the past three or four years, there has been a positive trend in the volume of defense production. The growth was about 15–20%. Now almost all enterprises are on the rise. And not only such leaders as KBP, Tulamashzavod, Splav or Strela, but also those enterprises that have been in a loss-making state for a long time. For example, in 2013, Tula Arms Plant OJSC went to zero, in three years the enterprise quadrupled its production volume, and in 2014 it is already making a steady profit and is confidently provided with orders in the near future. The defense industry employs approximately 30–35 thousand people, which is 10–11% of the able-bodied population.

Does the leadership of the region have mechanisms for direct influence on the situation in the defense industry of the region?

The government of the region does not have a single share in any defense enterprise. Moreover, the majority of defense industry enterprises are already locked into integrated vertical holding structures. For example, the Rostec holding includes 13 enterprises of the Tula defense industry. They are all well known - these are KBP, Tula Arms Plant, Tulamashzavod, Tulatochmash and others.

Therefore, there is no direct control on the part of the regional administration and cannot be. But we can and do influence the situation through the mechanism of providing benefits for land, taxes, as well as through assistance in infrastructure development.

What support mechanisms for defense enterprises are practiced in the Tula region?

For example, in 2013, a resolution was adopted providing for the payment of subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for technological re-equipment and the development of new competitive products. That is, we compensate defense industry enterprises for the costs of borrowed funds if they participate in the development of investment projects. In this case, we provide a number of enterprises with reimbursement of the borrowing rate.

Yes, maybe the money is not so big, but these are real subsidies, and a number of enterprises have already taken advantage of this opportunity. First of all, this is Tulamashzavod, which built in 2014 a new electroplating plant with a closed water cycle. Now a new investment project is being prepared by JSC Tula Cartridge Plant.

Moreover, we are removing the tax rate for the use of land from enterprises. That is, this is a whole range of support measures within the capabilities of the regional budget. In addition, given the situation of fierce competition for labor with Moscow, we provide support to Tula defense enterprises with the provision of housing. Or another support mechanism such as the construction of transport infrastructure around defense plants - these are roads, bus and tram routes to such enterprises, so that it would be easier for people to get to work.

But all this support, I repeat, is provided in conditions where the regional government has no physical and economic participation in any enterprise.

Does the region's leadership have the opportunity to influence the federal government in order to obtain state defense orders for enterprises in the region?

In principle, there can be no direct lobbying, we do not have the right state, and there is not even a law on lobbying. So, in the literal, American sense of the word, we cannot lobby for the state defense order. However, the leadership of the region is actively interacting with federal ministries in order to support the enterprises of the region, including the defense industry.

Firstly, the Governor of the region personally initiates the holding of thematic meetings on the development of defense industry enterprises with the participation of interested federal structures, in which members of the government of the Tula region take an active part. We promote and initiate the holding of various scientific and technical conferences on the creation of certain types of weapons. For example, we recently held a scientific-practical conference "Problems of creating and using systems of high-precision RF Armed Forces." Such events are often attended by high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Industrial Commission, the Ministry of Industry, and officers of the Armed Forces. For example, the conference I mentioned was attended by Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov, Airborne Forces Commander Vladimir Shamanov, a number of specialists from the military-industrial complex, industrialists, colleagues, allies. We initiate and hold such meetings with the participation of the regional leadership on a regular basis. It is clear that people see the objective possibilities of our enterprises and receive the necessary information. And in the future, when making decisions, they take into account what they see.

Secondly, we regularly meet with investors and heads of strategic holdings, primarily, of course, Rostec and High-Precision Weapons. By persuading them to invest in the development of the research and production base, the design base, and the training of personnel, we thereby, to some extent, take part in such, perhaps, an unspoken competition, in the struggle for orders. Which is quite fair and legal, because where there are minimal costs, high quality, high productivity, where there is high-tech production, there is a higher probability of placing orders. And when the Ministry of Defense chooses between the executors of orders, let's say, "production bushes", it quite often stops the choice on the Tula bush. This applies primarily to high-precision weapons.

Both the governor and I try to regularly participate in meetings dedicated to the defense industry, including in other regions. Definitely either the Minister of Industry, or me, or my deputy, we will definitely participate. We prove the expediency, give arguments so that the law enforcement agencies, in the event of a choice, order these weapons from us. And in many cases it succeeds.

This is the contribution of our administration to civilized "lobbying". But at the same time, we are well aware that we are jointly and severally responsible for performance and quality. If we make a mistake somewhere, next time there will be less faith, and the chances of getting orders will decrease. Naturally, we do not get into technology, design issues, because this is an absolutely closed issue. This is the relationship between the customer and the contractor, our task is to create comfortable tax and infrastructure conditions for defense industry enterprises.

Are the enterprises of the region facing a labor shortage? Is there a shortage of labor resources in the region as a whole or, on the contrary, is there a problem of unemployment? Are specialists from neighboring countries involved?

In recent years, the Tula region has seen an increase in industrial production. In this regard, the need for personnel for enterprises in the industrial sector of the economy doubled in 2014 compared to 2013 and amounted to 4,310 people. Most of all, the shortage of highly qualified personnel is observed in mechanical engineering, metalworking and light industry, where labor costs in the cost of production are among the highest.

The most demanded professions in the labor market of the Tula region are turners, millers, mechanics of mechanical assembly works, seamstresses, tailors. The defense industry is in demand for engineering personnel who provide development and technological support for production processes: technologists, designers, electronics engineers, programmers.

To solve the problem of personnel shortage, we conclude tripartite agreements between the government of the Tula region, professional educational organizations and enterprises of the industrial sector. So far, the shortage of personnel is partially closed by attracting foreign highly qualified specialists. In addition, the government of the Tula region, together with the Tula State University, has developed a draft program for the development of a scientific and educational cluster of the region's defense industry.

How important is export for the region's defense industry and how has its role changed over time?

The export component is one of the most important in the structure of shipments of enterprises in the region's military-industrial complex. However, as the state defense order grows, its share increases from year to year and currently stands at about 20%.

How is the situation with the production of civilian products at the defense enterprises of the region?

To date, the share of civilian products is rather modest compared to the total volume of production, but it can be noted that such enterprises as OAO AK Tulamashzavod, OAO NPO Splav pay great attention to the production of civilian products. Thus, at OAO AK Tulamashzavod, this figure is about 25% of the total output.

Are there regional programs to support defense industry enterprises in the event of a reduction in military spending? How is it planned to solve the problem of the defense industry after 2020 in the light of the initiatives put forward by President Vladimir Putin on the need for the active development of conversion and dual production?

As I already said, in 2013 a resolution was adopted providing for the payment of subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for technological re-equipment and the development of new competitive products at enterprises in the Tula region. This should help to ensure the development, including civilian products, at defense industry enterprises.

To solve the issues of technological re-equipment of defense industry enterprises, the machine tool industry is actively developing in the region. An agreement was signed between the government of the Tula region and JSC "Stankoprom" to combine efforts to develop machine-tool production and technical re-equipment of machine-building enterprises. Negotiations on strategic partnership were held with the heads of leading companies in the field of machine tool building, such as Citimetal Group, Qier Machine Group, Innolite (Germany). A meeting was held with the director of the China Federation of Mechanical Engineering Gao Lihong within the framework of the 25th International Trade and Economic Exhibition in Harbin. In June 2014, during the visit of Chinese investors to the Tula region, a joint protocol was signed to assess the possibilities of creating a new joint production facility on the territory of the Uzlovaya industrial park, focused on cooperation with Chinese enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering.

In general, we plan to create a tool and machine tool cluster in the Tula region. We are dragging Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese enterprises here. At the first stage, of course, the task is to organize a new tool-preparation production. In December 2014, we defended in the Ministry of Industry and Trade such an investment project worth over 1 billion rubles, while 319 million rubles will be allocated for it. federal funds. The annual prospective need of Tula machine builders for tools is estimated at 1.5 billion rubles, most of which should be produced on the basis of Tulamashzavod instead of traditional imports. At the second stage, we plan to organize an assembly with a high degree of localization in the region. We set ourselves the goal of localizing up to 60% of the assembly. In these projects, we are supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, headed by Denis Manturov, and the defense industry.

How do you assess the effect of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Russian Military-Industrial Complex for 2011–2020”? Specifically, the Tula region feels the work of this program?

I evaluate the impact of the program unambiguously positively. In our region, since the beginning of the program, the confirmed amount of funding has been about 12 billion rubles. In total, for the period up to 2020, defense industry enterprises of the Tula region submitted applications for participation in this program for a total of 19.804 billion rubles.

Do you think that the growth of state defense orders and the increase in military spending favorably affects the country's economic development or is it a useless waste of resources from an economic point of view?

In my opinion, this is an absolute boon for the country's economy. Employment is growing. In addition to the defense enterprises themselves, orders are received by related civilian industries. The well-being of employees of enterprises is increasing, people feel they are in demand, and there is confidence in the future.

What is your attitude to the problem of diversifying military production?

You know very well that Tula is in some way the arms capital of Russia. The first gun was produced at the Tula arms factory 300 years ago, under Peter the Great. In 1712, the factory itself was founded, and in 1714 the first weapons were produced. So, all the technologies that are here, the entire training school, and the very structure of the city are built on the principle of settlements: weapons, boxes, cartridges. Here even the streets are still called that.

Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to do what you can, improve your skills, technologies and competencies in the development of weapons, and not be scattered. In answer to your question, I will say that I am more in favor of deepening specialization. Yes, it is possible to produce civilian products at free capacities, but this should be high-tech production. But we must understand that the high technologies that are being developed in the defense industry can and should be used in the commercial or, as they used to say, in the civilian sector. For example, a purely military enterprise - Tulamashzavod. One of the best electroplating production facilities in the Central Federal District has been created here, reducing water consumption by 600 times and electricity by 40 times. Here is a great example of using the power of defense production to benefit the entire economy.

In addition, high-tech production creates demand for science and education. Largely due to the fact that we have such a concentration of military factories in our region, Tula State University has also appeared here, and this is 20 thousand students. More than 45 defense professions are taught at the university. Almost all major enterprises have branches of departments at this university. And our development engineers teach the main subjects in these departments, and the leaders lead.

All of them: Makarovets, Denezhkin, Dronov and Zaitsev are duly recognized by the Russian scientific and technical school and have scientific degrees and titles. We have one of the strongest universities in the country in terms of defense industry enterprises. Students then traditionally disperse along them. By the way, in connection with this, we do not have such a shortage of engineering personnel in the defense industry as in other regions. But there is a shortage of working professions, like everyone else. But this is largely due to the fact that Moscow is nearby. It sucks our working hands like a Jericho pipe. Every day, 100 thousand residents of the region go to work in Moscow. And now we are trying to reduce this number precisely on the path of increasing high-tech production.

And finally, if I may, a philosophical or macroeconomic question. In your opinion, can the defense industry become the driving force behind the modernization of the entire Russian economy?

In Russia, it has historically developed so that it was the defense enterprises that always pulled the civilian industry to a new stage of development. Technologies, equipment, machines, equipment, they are multifunctional in any case. I'm not talking about products and industries that, by definition, are dual-use - helicopters, aircraft engines. Throughout

Yuri Andrianov, Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region

Was born 10/18/1950 in the village. Andrianovka, Muchkapsky district, Tambov region

graduated Kharkov Higher Tank Command School and the Military Academy of Armored Forces.

Have worked deputy President of the State Corporation "Spetsvneshtechnika", Deputy General Director of the State Corporation "Rosvooruzhenie", Deputy. General Director of VO "Promexport", General Director of the Moscow Helicopter Plant. M.L. Mil, headed the board of directors of the Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, deputy general director of the Center for High Technologies OJSC.

Member of the fighting.

awarded Order of the Red Star, Order of Friendship, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, 25 medals.

Married has a son and a daughter.

A normal man must work hard!

Fighting comrade of the governor, and now the Tula prime minister, about Tula, about the government team and life values- in an exclusive interview.

You can argue with me to the point of hoarseness

- You worked for two weeks in a new capacity - the chairman of the government. What has changed for you personally?

The volume of work has increased. But most importantly, my inner perception of the situation has changed. I understand the full depth and scale of the tasks that the governor has set for me.

- What is the point of changing the structure of government?

The change in the structure of the government and the appointment of the chairman of the government (consider the prime minister), in my opinion, is a very correct decision. Because the governor had to be freed from the shaft of routine private tasks.

The governor is a leader, he sets the course, and we are called upon to clearly fulfill the tasks set.

The governor directs the government, and its chairman directs and organizes the work. The main changes are that the governor now has only four deputies, including the prime minister. And there were eight. The deputies are entrusted with functional tasks - primarily the selection of personnel, interaction with legislatures ensuring the legal purity of all work, domestic politics. All the other former deputies of the governor (I call them "industry") - in industry, in social policy, housing and communal services, etc. passed under the leadership of the Prime Minister.

- What is your leadership style?

I tend to have an authoritarian leadership style. But before making a decision, I listen to the opinion of my colleagues and subordinates. I will not hide, some have to be pushed to express their position. From practice: if a subordinate does not make any suggestions, it will not work with him.

You can argue with me to the point of hoarseness - I'm only glad about it, because this is how, in the discussion, competent decisions are developed. But once a decision is made, everyone works to implement that decision. And no wobbles! All your democratic thoughts and urges should be left at the stage of discussion and formation. Probably due to my military experience.

By the way, this style of leadership is accepted at many Tula defense enterprises. Perhaps that is why we all understand each other perfectly. And it happens, and with very short word- to speed up the process (laughs). I'm okay with mistakes. After all, we make mistakes when we work! If you do nothing, then, in the end, you do the most major mistake in your life - turn into a worthless person. Looking for someone to blame is the last thing.

You must be able to answer for your words, be responsible for making and implementing decisions.

My whole life is connected with weapons

- You have been in military service since the age of 18, you fought together with Vladimir Gruzdev. Tell about it.

I graduated from a tank school, then the Academy of Armored Forces. He served in Ukraine, Siberia, Angola. Then he worked in the General Staff. Well, when the Union collapsed, I was sent to the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations, to the structures from which Rosoboronexport later grew. He was the first deputy general director at Spetsvneshtechnika, Promexport, and Rosvooruzhenie. For five years he headed the legendary enterprise, the world's largest helicopter design bureau - the Moscow Helicopter Plant. M. L. Mil. Then there was an aircraft repair plant in Novosibirsk and the Center for High Technologies in Moscow ... In general, my whole life is connected with weapons.

Yes, we had to fight. There was the Soviet Union, there was such a thing as "international duty", we were all party members. And then, "if the party says - it is necessary ...". That's how they ended up on the other side of the world, in South Africa. I spent over three years there. Vladimir Sergeevich, then a young lieutenant, was also sent to Angola as a military translator. There we met. He is a brave man, he did not hide behind his back. One of the few translators who was awarded a military award! Then there was Mozambique. As they say, they sniffed gunpowder together. Probably, under the bombing, real male friendship was born, trust arose. They never let each other down, however, after the service they did not work together anywhere, although they kept in touch. When 14 months ago, at his inauguration, Vladimir Sergeevich called to his team, he agreed. By the way, he asks his comrades doubly.

I have no right to let the governor down, I am a member of his team.

- Did you regret that you agreed?

Didn't regret a second! This is such a drive - to create! And the Tula region is almost native to me. Since 1992, I have worked with Tula defense enterprises, with famous gunsmiths Vadim Usov and Vasily Gryazev. Many significant foreign contracts of Tula defense enterprises were concluded with my direct participation. Yes, the range of responsibilities has expanded. I delve into the problems of housing and communal services, roads, ecology, agriculture, social sphere. For residents, these are the most important and sensitive issues. Now this is my area of ​​​​responsibility around the clock. My task is to organize the work of the government in such a way that the people of Tula can live comfortably.

I am a Tambov Cossack, and now a Tula!

- Relatives, family supported your decision?

The wife said so: “Go, help the governor, you will succeed!” She knows Vladimir Sergeevich well from the time when he was a lieutenant, my wife was also with me in Angola. By the way, I have known my wife since the fourth grade, or rather, she studied in the fourth, and I am 4 years older than her. You can say - raised, raised (laughs). She was the first beauty in the city. I have a son and a daughter, a son - youngest child in family. Well, it’s true, he is already 24 years old, his daughters are 36.

- Do you feel like a tula?

I've been in Tula since September last year, when I received local registration. The other day I moved from Bogucharov to the city. True, the wife remained in Moscow - her mother is old there, she needs care.

I come from the Tambov region, from the North Khoper Cossacks, from the Vorona River. There Antonovsky rebellion was in the twenties of the last century. The fate of my family is such that one grandfather served with Kotovsky, and the other sympathized with Antonov. By the way, do you know that part of the lands of the Efremov region under the tsar was part of the Tambov province, and then moved to Tula? So I'm a Tula, not only by registration. The Tambov and Tula provinces were the largest in Russia, neighbors, and the people here are solid, statesmen. Always be in shape!

- You are always smart, energetic in a military way. How do you keep in shape?

I am 62 years old. Of these, for 20 years I have been managing people, and this is primarily responsibility - for the decisions made, for the fate of people. Honestly, I don’t rest much - I don’t remember when I was on a long vacation. For the most part, these are short respite - fishing on rare weekends, a trip to their homeland, to the favorite river of the Crow. I won’t say that it’s great to live without a vacation. But I have lived like this for many years. Rise at 6.00, obligatory Finnish walking (with sticks. - Approx. Aut.) 3-4 kilometers, classes on the horizontal bar, with dumbbells. In my youth I was engaged in orienteering - 13-15 km over rough terrain every day. Probably since then I've been so lean. I enjoy swimming. This is the most efficient load.

I think that for a man at any age, and especially for a leader, it is important to be in shape.

I don’t understand the “everything above the knees is chest” excuse. It's just laziness!

- Your favorite place in Tula and in the region.

Polenovo! This unique place, a unique family that has kept in original form wonderful homestead. Natalya Gramolina is like a sister to me. Krapivna is interesting, the surroundings of the Beautiful Sword are very attractive - this is Tula Switzerland.

Also, my favorite places are industrial enterprises region. I'm not kidding! But the most beloved and dear place is the Crow River on my small homeland. This is the cleanest river in the European part of Russia. You go into the water up to your chin, and the water is so clear that you can see your toes! Imagine - around the black earth, and the river has sandy banks! Catfish of 50 kg are still caught in it. My colleagues did not believe me, so I took them there - everyone felt the energy power of this river. By the way, it has a powerful energy effect. Thousands of people from all over Russia and far abroad come to Vorona every year. Remember, fairy tales talk about dead and living water? So in the Crow is the real living water! I really miss this river. Yes, there is an Oka in the Tula region, the Don is emerging here. But what happens to them next ... It takes time for the rivers to clear up.

- Your dream?

The most cherished - I will not say! But seriously, I'm not a dreamer, not a romantic. I set goals and achieve them. But there is something in life that is very valuable to me. Let me explain: on my birthday, my phone breaks. Congratulate people with whom he worked in various organizations in different time, served many years ago. This Feedback from associates, colleagues, friends, adequate recognition of what we have done together, and the perception of me as a person and leader.

In general, any normal man should have a goal - well, except for the house, the tree and the son.

We need to do something useful for society. So that people remember with a kind word. And the older you get, the more you feel this need. I believe normal man gotta work hard! And the most important thing in life is love. She rules the world, fact. When there is love, then you want to create and create.

Today, more than ever, a modern, flexible and A complex approach to the economic development of the region, the creation of a comfortable environment for the development of entrepreneurship. It is this approach that they seek to put into practice in the Tula region. Our interlocutor is Yury Andrianov, First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region, Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region.

– How useful has the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation become for the region?

– We have developed and are implementing measures to create a business environment of increased comfort, taking into account the best regional practices. The Governor of the Tula Region has created a headquarters and working groups (project offices) to implement the best practices of the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the region.

Participation in the National Rating made it possible to see the situation through the eyes of entrepreneurs, including ours. weak sides. We have adopted a "road map", which provides for specific measures to improve the business climate, which we will implement together with colleagues from federal bodies authorities, local governments, development institutions.

– Today, about 40 investment projects are being implemented in the Tula region. But, probably, if it were not for the difficult economic situation, sanctions, there would be more of them?

- Despite the difficulties of the global economy, not a single investor from the Tula region left. All declared projects are being implemented in accordance with the planned deadlines. Moreover, international sanctions have created new "hothouse" conditions for Russian producers to implement projects related to import substitution, especially in the agro-industrial complex.

- What changes that contribute to the increase in the investment attractiveness of the region, has undergone in recent years, the legal framework of the region?

“Today we place special emphasis on supporting small and medium-sized businesses. A number of laws aimed at additional support for entrepreneurs have been adopted in the region.

The first is about tax holidays. A zero tax rate has been set for newly registered individual entrepreneurs on the "simplified" and the patent. For two tax periods, the “simplified” rate will be reduced to 5% for all newly registered individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and for trade - up to 10%.

The second is to reduce by 2 times the tax base for small businesses under the patent system for 3 years.

The third is to increase the tax deduction for retail and office space up to 200 sq. meters for property tax for entrepreneurs who are payers of a single tax on imputed income (UTII) or apply simplified system taxation (USN).

We are introducing a two-year moratorium on increasing tax rates for regional taxes, as well as on the adoption of additional administrative and other restrictions for business.

– What are the prospects for the development of the Uzlovaya industrial park? What are the features of this project?

– Completion of the construction of the Uzlovaya industrial park, one of the largest infrastructure-provided industrial sites in Central Russia– we consider it a priority for the region. The owner of the industrial site is the Tula Region Development Corporation.

The area of ​​the industrial park is more than 2.5 thousand hectares with the prospect of increasing the area to 3 thousand hectares. Until the end of this year, the residents of the park will be provided with all the necessary infrastructure, which will strengthen the region's position in the competition for new investors.

In addition, the government of the Tula region is working to create a special economic zone industrial production type. Residents of the zone will be able to take advantage of additional customs and tax benefits provided at the federal level.

The implementation of the project will create an industrial cluster in the center of the region, which will contribute to the economic growth of the entire region as a whole and the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

“Despite the difficulties of the global economy, not a single investor has left the Tula region.”

The anchor resident of the Uzlovaya industrial park is Great Wall Motors. The agreement on the construction of a full cycle plant for the production of Haval cars in the Tula region was concluded in Shanghai in May 2014 between the government of the Tula region, the Tula Region Development Corporation and the Chinese automaker in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The volume of investments in the project will amount to $500 million, the enterprise will create 2.5 thousand highly paid jobs.

To date, Great Wall has completed the design of its plant and is in the process of adapting the project to Russian standards. In September, the company will start planning its site and laying foundations.

In 2015, two more residents appeared in the industrial park - NanoPolymerArm LLC, which will be the first in Russia to start manufacturing stop valves with the use of polymer composites, and the manufacturer of household and technical adhesives GK "Quality".

– How can you assess the effectiveness of the Tula Region Development Corporation?

- Work on the creation of such an investment support institution as the Development Corporation began in the Tula region in 2011, with the adoption of the Investment Strategy of the Tula region.

The greatest efficiency can be achieved by differentiation of functions executive power and structures dealing with work with investors. It was decided to separate the entire investment block, responsible for attracting and supporting investors, implementing priority investment projects and creating industrial sites, into a separate commercial structure. Validation decision serve as indicators of the socio-economic development of the region in recent years.

The volume of investments in fixed capital from all sources of financing for 4 years amounted to more than 348 billion rubles (an increase by more than 30% compared to 2011). The industrial production index increased by 51.5% over 4 years (2014 - an increase of 14%). This is the 2nd place in the Central Federal District, the 5th place in Russia. Gross regional product in 2014 amounted to more than 360 billion rubles, growth over 4 years - more than 50%. Own revenues of the consolidated budget for 4 years increased by 2 times. For 4 years, 49 large investment projects have been implemented in the Tula region, more than 50 more are under implementation.

“A number of laws have been adopted in the region aimed at additional support for entrepreneurs.”

In addition, the corporation participates in the implementation own projects: construction of the Dancing Green recreational complex, the Novaya Tula complex housing development project, the Uzlovaya industrial park, etc.

Today our region is well known both in Russia and abroad. At the end of last year, the Tula region, the only one of the regions of the Central Federal District, entered the top ten leading regions in terms of the number of references in foreign media. This is also the result of the active work of the corporation.

- Probably, the participation of the region in the World Exhibition "EXPO-2015" will also have a positive impact on the image of the region?

- Certainly. The focus of the World Exhibition "EXPO-2015", of course, is food products. However, the temporary exposition of the Tula region, which will operate from September 23 to October 7, will bring together in one place not only food products, but also technological innovations in their production and processing, as well as tell about the food resources and investment potential of the region in the development of agriculture.

The temporary exposition of the Tula region will become a platform for the presentation of the best practices of the region, including success in import substitution. We also focus on the relationship between science, agriculture and industrial food production.

The participation of the Tula region in the World Exhibition "EXPO-2015" will have a positive impact not only on the image of the region, but also on Russia as a whole.

“The greatest efficiency can be achieved by differentiating the functions of the executive branch and the structure dealing with work with investors.”

Andrianov Yuri Mikhailovich,
First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region.

In 1972 he graduated from the Kharkov Guards Higher Tank Command School, in 1980 - the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after. marshal Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky.

In 1968–2000 - service in Armed Forces USSR and RF.

In 1992–2000 - Deputy, First Deputy Head of the State Company "Spetsvneshtechnika", state companies "Rosvooruzhenie", "Promexport".

In 2000–2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSCB "Interregional Investment Bank".

In 2001–2005 - General Director of JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M. L. Mil.

In 2005–2006 - Vice-President of ZAO Oscar-Avia Group.

In 2006–2011 - Deputy General Director of OJSC Center for Science-Intensive Technologies.

Since September 2011 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region.

Since October 2012 - First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1986), the Order of Friendship (1999), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2012), medals, a diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "To the Warrior-Internationalist" (1988) .

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