Overhead costs mds 81 35.2004. Documentation. Requirement for the execution and preparation of cost estimates for work under the program of reconstruction and technical re-equipment

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MDS 81-35.2004

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 N VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performance of repair and commissioning works, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Corporation "Transstroy" (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), CJSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos ), the Committee for the Maintenance of the Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.

INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration (letter dated 10.03.2004 N 07 / 2699-YUD).

INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design and estimate documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 N VB-12-276, "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 N 31, "Guidelines for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNm-2001 for equipment installation" MDS 81-29.2001, "Instructions on the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning" "MDS 81-30.2002.

  • Determining the cost of equipment installation
    Question: Clarifications on the correctness of the application of prices:
    - for the dismantling of cold and hot air ducts (Appendix No. 1, 2), the design institute applied the price FERm0b-02-014-16 (Air duct with fittings, compensators, valves, supports and suspensions, supplied in blocks, shields and rolls of boilers with steam capacity: 220 -1000 t/h, on pulverized coal fuel) with coefficient for dismantling = 0.5. The customer issues a comment on the replacement of this price for FERm06-02-014-3 (Dust pipeline with fittings, compensators, valves, supports and hangers and individual parts of boilers with steam capacity: 1000-1650 t/h);
    - for the dismantling of the cooling route for the supporting structures of the casing of the superheater chambers, the price FERm06-02-014-16 was applied with a coefficient. for dismantling = 0.5. The customer proposes to replace it with FERm06-05-001-16 (Heater, cooler, supplied assembled: horizontal, weight 31 tons);
    - for the dismantling of the suction of gases from the slag mine (Appendix 3), the price of FERm06-02-014-16 was applied, with a coefficient. for dismantling = 0.5. The customer proposes to replace it with FERm06-02-014-10 (Gas pipeline with fittings, compensators, valves, supports and hangers, supplied in blocks, shields and coils of boilers with steam output: 1000-1650 t/h, on pulverized coal fuel).

    When developing estimate documentation for the performance of the relevant types of work, the choice of one or another price from the current estimated standards is carried out in accordance with the work production technology used in the project and falls within the competence of the organization that develops the design documentation and the construction customer. At the same time, the choice of norms and prices for applicable use in the estimate documentation (in the absence of direct estimate prices) is recommended to be carried out taking into account the maximum compliance of the scope of work and resources of the applicable standard with the conditions for the production of work provided for by the project. Payments for the work performed are carried out in the manner prescribed by the state (municipal) contract, within the fixed contract price in accordance with Part 13 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. provision of state and municipal needs” and Article 746 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Disagreements arising at the stage of implementation of the state (municipal) contract are resolved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • Question: Is it legal to apply the coefficients 1.15 and 1.25 MDS 81-35.2004 p.4.7. When repairing and reconstructing buildings and structures, work similar to technological processes in new construction OZP = 1.15; EM=1.25; ZPM=1.25; TK=1.15; TZM = 1.25 for the FER 44 collection “Underwater construction (diving) work”.

    During the reconstruction and overhaul of facilities, the possibility of using generally accepted technological schemes for the production of work is excluded, the costs of manual labor on intra-construction transport and the delivery of materials to the working area increase.

    The need to use coefficients in local estimates that take into account the complicating conditions for the production of individual complexes of construction, installation and repair and construction works is established in the project for the organization of construction (overhaul), developed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87.

    According to clause 4.7 of MDS 81-35.2004, when rationing work performed under conditions of reconstruction and overhaul, according to the relevant collections of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction works (except for the collection of GESN No. 46), coefficients of 1.15 are applied to labor cost standards and 1, 25 to the norms of the operating time of construction machines.

    The specified coefficients do not apply to installation and commissioning, as well as work on the dismantling of structures and dismantling of existing structures.

    The reason for not applying the coefficients of 1.15 to the norms of labor costs and 1.25 to the norms of the operating time of construction machines may be an indication of the identity of the technology of the repair work being performed, the technology of performing work in new construction in the technical specifications (technical requirements) in the section "Special Production Conditions works".

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: The cost of construction of an object located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory is determined in accordance with the methodology provided for by MDS 81-35.2004 using the base-index method according to the TER-2001 regulatory framework as amended in 2014. The object is located in a mountainous area at an altitude of 1700 m, and therefore, in local estimates, a correction factor is used from Appendix No. 1, paragraph 9 “Construction of objects in a mountainous area at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 m above sea level”. On the territory of the object there are various parts of the terrain, including slopes with an inclination angle of up to 40 degrees. The contractor, when determining the cost of work on sites with such slopes, in local estimates applies an amendment from MDS 81-28.2001, Appendix No. 2, clause 9 "Construction of objects on mountain slopes with sharply rugged terrain, in cramped conditions with the preservation of the natural landscape." Is the application of this amendment legal, given that this document has become invalid due to the entry into force of MDS 81-35.2004? Is it possible to apply an amendment from the Methodology for the Application of Estimated Norms, approved by Order No. 1028/pr. dated December 29, 2016, Appendix No. 3, paragraph 9 “Work is carried out on mountain slopes while preserving the natural landscape”? What conditions must be met for this amendment to be applied in local estimates?

    Collections GESN-2001 (FER, TER) are developed taking into account the performance of work in conditions that ensure uninterrupted work with maximum productivity of people and equipment. The need to use coefficients in local estimates that take into account the complicating conditions for the production of individual complexes of construction, installation, repair, construction and commissioning works is established by the construction organization project (POS), developed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).
    In accordance with the said Regulations, the project for the organization of construction for industrial facilities must contain: a description of the specifics of the work carried out in the conditions of an operating enterprise, at the locations of underground utilities, power transmission and communication lines; substantiation of the size and equipment of sites for storing materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for the movement of heavy oversized equipment, enlarged modules and building structures.
    At the same time, the cramped conditions for the storage of material and technical resources are reflected in the POS, taking into account the technological sequence of work performed within the time limits established by the calendar plans and construction (overhaul) schedules.
    In this regard, if the PIC during the construction of facilities confirms the presence of one or more of the listed factors, it is allowed to apply the coefficient given in Appendix No. 2 to the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: During the construction of the facility, for the needs of the construction site, work was carried out on the installation of a foundation for a stationary tower crane (according to the POS on the basis of a separate project developed by the general contractor). When making mutual settlements with the Customer, he refuses to pay for these works, referring to clause 22 of the GOS 81-05-01-2001 and claims that everything is taken into account in this clause of the GOS, while the VZIS is paid to the general contractor by calculating the coefficient at the end of the KS form -2. Please clarify whether the costs of constructing a foundation for a stationary tower crane are taken into account in GSN 81-05-01-2001, if not, what regulatory document can confirm this.

    In accordance with clause 22 of Appendix 2 of the List of Works and Costs Related to Title Temporary Buildings and Structures of the GSN-2001 Collection of Estimated Cost Rates for the Construction of Temporary Buildings and Structures (hereinafter - GSN 81-05-01-2001), the cost of the device bases for machines and mechanisms are taken into account by the estimated norms of title temporary buildings and structures, except for the installation of crane runways for cranes with a foundation for them.
    Constructed title temporary buildings and structures in accordance with paragraph 3.1.8 of the Regulations on accounting for long-term investments, approved by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 160 and paragraph 3.4 of GSN 81-05-01-2001, are accepted for operation with the preparation by the contractor of all necessary documents , including estimates for constructed temporary buildings and structures, are credited to the customer's fixed assets (except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and transferred to the use of the contractor in the manner prescribed in the contract.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: In the technical part of the HESN Collection 13. "Protection of building structures and equipment from corrosion" in Appendix 13.3 "Coefficients to the estimated standards, taking into account the conditions for the use of HESN Collection 13", the coefficient is indicated in paragraph 3.13. "Painting and priming of lattice surfaces". I ask you to give a definition of what refers to the lattice surface.

    When determining the cost of works on anticorrosion protection of steel structures, the assignment of metal structures, depending on the geometric scheme, to lattice (through structures made of intersecting rods) or solid structures is carried out on the basis of design solutions.
    When compiling the estimate documentation, the choice (justification) of one or another estimate standard from the current estimate standards is carried out in accordance with the design decisions made and the work production technology used in the project and falls within the competence of the construction customer and the organization developing project documentation.
    In accordance with clause 2.13.3. “General provisions. Estimates of the scope of work "GESN 81-02-13-2017 Collection 13. "Protection of building structures and equipment from corrosion" the area of ​​painting steel structures is determined according to Appendix 13.1 of Collection 13, which shows the ratios of weight and area for various profiles of rolled steel.
    Given in clause 3.13 of Appendix 13.2 "Coefficients to the estimated standards, taking into account the conditions for the use of the GESN Collection 13", are used when painting and priming lattice surfaces to the standards of tables 13-03-001 to 13-03-004.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: Please clarify the legitimacy of using the coefficient 1.68 in the estimates for commissioning at special-purpose facilities (work is carried out underground at a level below 3 m).

    In accordance with paragraph 30 of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. budget, is compiled using the estimated standards included in the federal register of estimated standards. The use of multiplying factors in the development of estimate documentation for commissioning should be justified in the construction organization project (COS), developed in accordance with the Regulations. When determining the estimated cost of commissioning work in underground conditions (in mines, mines, subways and other underground structures, including special purposes), the coefficients given in Appendix 1 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004, table 4, clauses 8.1 - 8.4) and in Appendix No. 2 to the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning, approved by order Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr. At the same time, the coefficients given in paragraphs 8.1÷8.4 of Table 4 of Appendix 1 to MDS 81-35.2004 do not apply to the labor costs of workers and the operating time of machines and mechanisms. The provisions of MDS 81-35.2004 are valid to the extent that they do not contradict the standards approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: In accordance with paragraph 6 of Table 3 of MDS 81.35-2004, the design organization in the estimates for the reconstruction of the facility accepts a coefficient for cramped conditions of 1.5 (repair of existing buildings, including residential buildings, without resettlement). These constrained conditions are taken into account in the POS and agreed in the act with the customer.
    The customer, when considering the estimate documentation, excludes the coefficient of 1.5 from the calculations, citing the fact that the object refers to the reconstruction, and not to the repair of the building.
    Please explain the procedure for applying in the estimated calculations the coefficient for the repair of existing buildings (including residential buildings) without resettlement at the reconstructed facilities.

    Collections GESN-2001 (FER, TER) are developed taking into account the performance of work in conditions that ensure uninterrupted work with maximum productivity of people and equipment. The need to use coefficients in local estimates that take into account the complicating conditions for the production of individual complexes of construction, installation and repair and construction works is established by the project for the organization of construction (repair) (PIC), developed in accordance with the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).
    In accordance with the specified Regulations, the project for the organization of construction (repair) must contain, for non-industrial facilities, a description of the features of carrying out work in conditions of cramped urban development, at the locations of underground utilities, power transmission and communication lines, a list of measures and design solutions to determine the technical means and methods of work that ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements for labor protection and environmental protection measures during the construction (repair) period. For a more accurate reflection in the estimate documentation of the conditions for the production of work, a list of external and internal work performed in cramped conditions should be given in the POS. If the POS provides for the performance of work in cramped conditions, the labor costs and remuneration of workers, the cost of operating machines, including the remuneration of machinists, it is allowed to apply the coefficients given in Appendix No. 2 to the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr.
    When determining the estimated cost of construction (reconstruction, overhaul) of a capital construction facility, the application of coefficients for the conditions of work is carried out based on the name of the title of the capital construction facility specified in the design and estimate documentation, and is within the competence of the construction customer and the organization developing project documentation.
    For buildings (objects) of capital construction, the coefficient for the conditions for the production of work, determined by the title of the main purpose object, is applied to the objects and types of work included in the summary estimate of the cost of construction (reconstruction, overhaul) of this building (object).

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: Does the contractor legally require the use of constraint coefficients:
    1) MDS35 pr.1 v.1 p.Z. Production of construction and other works in existing buildings and structures in cramped conditions 1.15;
    2) MDS35 pr.1 v.2 p.1 Production of installation work in existing buildings and structures, freed from equipment and other items that interfere with the normal production of work 1.2. in the production of works on decorative repair of stairwells of apartment buildings. Residential buildings 9-storey with an elevator, 5-storey without an elevator.

    Collections GESN-2001 (FER, TER) are developed taking into account the performance of work in conditions that ensure uninterrupted work with maximum productivity of people and equipment.

    In accordance with the specified Regulations, the construction organization project for industrial and non-industrial facilities must contain a description of the features of the work in the conditions of an operating enterprise in cramped conditions.
    If the POS during the construction (overhaul) of facilities provides for the performance of work in difficult production conditions, as a result of which the productivity of workers and construction equipment decreases, it is allowed to apply coefficients to labor costs and remuneration of workers and the cost of operating machines, including the application of coefficients to the remuneration of machinists ( taking into account the coefficients to the prices from the technical parts of the collections) given in tables 1 and 3 of Appendix No. 2 to the Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 09.02 .2017 No. 81/pr (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).
    When developing estimate documentation for the corresponding type of work, the need to apply multiplying factors is reflected in the construction organization project and falls within the competence of the organization that develops the design documentation and the construction customer.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: A building is under construction in the city. In accordance with the developed construction organization project (COS), the cramped conditions of construction in the built-up part of the city are characterized by three factors:

    • during the construction of the building, tower cranes are used, it is envisaged to limit the rotation of the boom outside the fence of the construction site;
    • an extensive network of engineering communications (removal for a while from the spot of building a heat network, power supply networks);
    • existing buildings in operation fall into the work area.
    Based on the foregoing, when compiling local estimates, in accordance with clause 8 of Table 1 of Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35-2004, a coefficient of 1.15 was applied "Construction of engineering networks and structures, as well as housing and civil facilities in cramped conditions of a built-up parts of the city." At the moment, the construction of the building has been completed, finishing work and installation of engineering and technical systems (electrical networks, fire alarms, ventilation, etc.) are underway inside. technical systems and finishing works carried out inside the building, given the fact that inside the building itself there are no factors (specified in clause 2 of the notes of Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35-2004) characterizing cramped conditions.
    Considering the specifics of the factors characterizing cramped conditions (specified in paragraph 2 of the notes of Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35-2004) in the built-up part of cities, as well as the fact that the presence of the above factors is impossible (unlikely) inside the building, is it correct to believe that this coefficient should be applied (if necessary factors exist) to outdoor work, such as, for example, laying external engineering networks, excavation, road construction (asphalting), work carried out during the construction of buildings and structures, landscaping work, etc. ?

    Collections GESN-2001 (FER, TER) are developed taking into account the performance of work in conditions that ensure uninterrupted work with maximum productivity of people and equipment.
    The need to use coefficients in local estimates that take into account the complicating conditions for the production of individual complexes of construction, installation and repair and construction works is established by the construction organization project (POS), developed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).
    Taking into account that the choice of decisions on the organization of construction in accordance with the Code of Rules for the Organization of Construction (SP 48.13330.2011) is carried out on the basis of a variant study using criteria-based assessment methods, in order to more accurately reflect the conditions for the production of work in the estimate documentation, the POS should contain a list and scope of work performed in cramped conditions.
    At the same time, the cramped conditions for storing material and technical resources are reflected in the construction organization project, taking into account the technological sequence of construction and installation works within the time limits established by the calendar plans and construction schedules.
    If during the construction of POS facilities the performance of work in cramped conditions is confirmed, it is allowed to use the coefficients given in Table 1 of Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendations for the Application of Federal Unit Prices for Construction, Special Construction, Repair and Construction, Installation of Equipment and Commissioning, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 09.02.2017 No. 81/pr.
    According to note 1.1 to this table, the coefficients specified in paragraphs 2 and 5 do not apply to work performed on the premises of capital construction projects.
    In connection with the foregoing, when developing estimate documentation for the corresponding type of work, the need to use multiplying factors is reflected in the construction organization project and falls within the competence of the organization developing the design documentation and the construction customer.

  • Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work
    Question: Clarification of the cases of applying the coefficients 1.15 and 1.25 provided for in clause 4.7 of MDS 81-35.2004 and clause 8.7.1 of the Guidelines for the Application of Federal Unit Prices for Construction, Special Construction, Repair and Construction, Equipment Installation and Commissioning work ", approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 9, 2017 No. 81 / pr, simultaneously with the coefficients for tightness in the estimate documentation.

    According to the provisions of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - MDS 81-35.2004), estimated norms and prices provide for the performance of work in normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors.
    In accordance with paragraph 5.2. Methodological recommendations on the application of federal unit prices for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 81 / pr on February 9, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations), estimated standards and unit prices developed on their basis the optimal technological and organizational schemes for the production of works, a set (list) of machines, mechanisms and material resources are taken into account with the rational organization of labor and production, modern development of equipment and technology, compliance with safety requirements.
    Collections GESN-2001 (FER, TER) are developed taking into account the performance of work in conditions that ensure uninterrupted work with maximum productivity of people and equipment.
    The need to use coefficients in local estimates that take into account the complicating conditions for the production of individual complexes of construction, installation and repair and construction works is established by the construction organization project (hereinafter referred to as POS), developed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).
    If the POS provides for the performance of work in difficult production (cramped) conditions, as a result of which the labor productivity of workers and construction equipment decreases, the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 to MDS 81-35.2004 (taking into account the coefficients for prices from the technical part of the collections) and Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendations.
    The size of these coefficients is determined depending on the collections of elemental estimated norms (prices) used in determining the estimated cost.
    A coefficient of 1.2 to the unit prices for construction and special construction works (except for the unit prices of collection 46), as well as for the installation of equipment, takes into account the conditions for the production of repair and construction work in the premises of the operated capital construction facility without stopping the working process of the enterprise, while in the production area there is no existing technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other cluttering items, as well as in existing buildings without resettlement or in cases where the building as a whole is not resettled and work is being carried out on premises vacated for repair, while in places of common residence (corridors, stairs, etc.) there is an intersection of human flows of construction workers and operational personnel.
    Based on clause 8.7.3 of the Guidelines, the coefficients of 1.15 to labor costs and wages of workers and 1.25 to the costs of operating construction machines and mechanisms, including the labor costs of machinists, take into account the inability to apply technological schemes for the production of work adopted in the estimated the norms included in the collections of GESN, on the basis of which unit prices have been developed; losses of contractors associated with the low volume of work, a decrease in the annual operation of construction machines.
    The specified coefficients in determining the estimated cost on the basis of clause 8.7.4 of the Methodological Recommendations can be applied simultaneously with coefficients that take into account complicating factors and conditions for the production of work.


(Gosstroy of Russia)



(as amended on March 20, 2006)


Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, (MDS81-35.2004) (Gosstroy of Russia) Moscow, 2004

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning works, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

DEVELOPED Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), ZAO INiK (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the operation of the housing stock of the administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED Scientific and technical council of Gosstroy of Russia.

SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ACCEPTED AND INTRODUCED from March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1.

CONSIDERED The Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration (letter No. 07/2699-YuD dated March 10, 2004).

IN REPLACEMENT"Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design estimates" SP 81-01-94, introduced by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation » MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, "Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for equipment installation" MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNm-2001 for commissioning" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during the construction and repair of roads" MDS 81-30.2002.


The methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of methodological and regulatory documents provided for by the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework for pricing in construction.

The methodology incorporates general methodological provisions for the preparation of estimate documentation and the determination of the estimated cost of construction, the performance of repair, installation and commissioning work at all stages of the development of pre-project and design documentation, the formation of contractual prices for construction products and settlements for work performed. The Methodology highlights the main provisions for the application of elemental estimated norms and prices, as well as limited and other works and costs provided for by the estimated and regulatory pricing base in construction in 2001.

The Methodology takes into account the requirements and provisions of regulatory legal methodological documents as of March 1, 2004.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning works, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

Disagreements on the application of estimated standards are subject to consideration by the authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

Comments and suggestions for further improvement of the Methodology should be sent to the address: 119991, Moscow, st. Builders, 8, bldg. 2, Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

to the decision of the Gosstroy of Russia
dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1



This Methodology is intended to determine the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, repair and commissioning works (hereinafter referred to as construction) carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the formation of prices for construction products.

The provisions given in the Methodology are recommended for use by organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership, carrying out construction with the involvement of funds from the state budget of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds, as well as extra-budgetary sources of funding.

The provisions of this Methodology can also be applied when determining the cost of restoration work.


2.1. The current system of pricing and estimate regulation in construction includes state estimate standards and other estimate regulations (hereinafter referred to as estimate standards) necessary to determine the estimated cost of construction.

Estimated standards 1 is a generalized name for a set of estimated norms, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with the rules and regulations containing the necessary requirements, they serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of construction.

2.2. Under the estimated norm is considered a set of resources (labor costs of construction workers, the operating time of construction machines, the need for materials, products and structures, etc.) installed on the accepted meter of construction, installation or other work.

The main function of the estimated norms is to determine the normative amount of resources that are the minimum necessary and sufficient to perform the corresponding type of work, as the basis for the subsequent transition to cost indicators.

Given that the estimated standards are developed on the basis of the principle of averaging with the minimization of the consumption of all necessary resources, it should be borne in mind that the standards are not adjusted downwards.

Estimated norms and prices provide for the performance of work in normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors. When performing work in special conditions: tightness, gas contamination, near existing equipment, in areas with specific factors (altitude, etc.) - the coefficients given in general provisions to the corresponding collections of standards and prices are applied to the estimated norms and prices,

Types of estimated standards

2.3. Estimated standards are divided into the following types:

state estimated standards - GOS;

industry estimated standards - DOS;

territorial estimated standards - TSN;

branded estimated standards - FSN;

individual estimated standards - ISN.

State, industrial and branch, territorial, company and individual estimated standards form a system of pricing and estimated rationing in construction.

The state estimated standards include the estimated standards that are part of the 8th group of subgroups 81, 82 and 83 "Documents on the economy".

Sectoral estimated standards include estimated standards introduced for construction carried out within the relevant industry.

The territorial estimated standards include the estimated standards introduced for construction carried out on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

Territorial estimated standards are intended for organizations carrying out construction or major repairs on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of their departmental subordination and sources of financing for the work performed.

The company's estimated standards or the user's own regulatory base include estimated standards that take into account the real conditions of the activity of a particular organization - the manufacturer of the work. As a rule, this regulatory framework is based on the standards of the state, industry or territorial level, taking into account the characteristics and specialization of the contractor.

If there are no estimated norms and prices in the current collections of individual standards for the work technologies provided for in the project, it is allowed to develop appropriate individual estimated norms and unit prices, which are approved by the customer (investor) as part of the project (working draft). Individual estimated norms and prices are developed taking into account the specific conditions for the production of work with all complicating factors.

The use of firm and individual estimated standards for determining the cost of construction, which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds, is recommended after their coordination with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When applying individual estimated norms and prices, the accrual of multiplying coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 is not made on them.

2.4. Estimated standards are divided into elemental and enlarged.

Elemental estimated standards include state elemental estimated norms (GESN-2001) and individual elemental estimated norms, as well as norms by type of work.

The consolidated estimated standards include:

estimated standards, expressed as a percentage, including:

overhead rates;

estimated profit standards;

estimated rates of additional costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter;

estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures;

indices of changes in the cost of construction and installation and design and survey works, set to the base price level;

cost standards for the maintenance of the customer service (technical supervision)

consolidated estimated standards and indicators, including:

aggregated indicators of the basic cost of construction (UPBS);

consolidated indicators of the basic cost by type of work (UPBS VR);

collections of cost indicators for types of work (collections of PVR);

aggregated resource standards (URN) and aggregated resource indicators (URI) for certain types of construction;

consolidated indicators of the estimated cost (UPSS);

price lists for a consumer unit of construction products (PPE);

price lists for the construction of buildings and structures;

estimated cost rates for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings (NIAZ);

estimated cost rates for tools and inventory of industrial buildings (NIPZ);

indicators for objects analogues;

and other standards.

In order to achieve an increase in the accuracy of cost estimates when compiling cost estimates based on consolidated cost estimates, it is possible to apply amendments that take into account:

changes in the technical level and social progress for the period from the time of completion of the construction of an analogue object to the time of design and construction of a new object;

non-standard engineering and geological conditions that affect design decisions on the bases and foundations of building structures;

regional fluctuations in prices for material and technical resources;

differences in architectural, planning and design solutions; other factors.

Application and development of elemental estimated norms and prices

2.5. State elemental estimated norms (GESN) are designed to determine the composition and need for material, technical and labor resources necessary to perform construction, installation, repair and construction and commissioning. GESN are used to determine the estimated cost of work performed by the resource method, the development of unit prices for various purposes (federal, territorial, industry, company) and consolidated estimated standards.

Collections of GESN are used to determine direct costs as part of the estimated cost of construction by the resource method, the development of unit prices, individual and aggregated estimated norms (prices) used in construction.

The resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN are used in the development of construction management projects (POS) and work execution projects (PPR), to determine the duration of work, draw up technological documentation and various analytical purposes.

The resource indicators obtained on the basis of the GESN can serve as the basis for the production rates for the consumption of materials and their write-off.

2.6. State elemental estimated norms GESN-2001 are part of the intersectoral system of documents in construction.

The composition of the state elemental estimated norms includes:

collections of state elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works (GESN);

collections of state elemental estimated norms for repair and construction work (GESNr);

collections of State elemental estimated norms for equipment installation (GESNm);

collections of State elemental estimated norms for commissioning (GESNp).

For special technological equipment, ministries, departments and other industry structures are developing departmental elemental norms for commissioning (VESNp).

2.7. The collections of GESN reflect the industry average level of construction production for the accepted equipment and technology for performing work and can be used by organizations, customers and contractors, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership. HPES do not apply to individual designs and types of work, the capital stock, accuracy class and quality of which are subject to increased requirements, as well as to types of work in mountainous areas performed at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. For such types of work, individual elemental estimated norms, or correction factors, are developed that take into account the relevant features of the work.

2.8. The GESN collections contain a technical part, introductory instructions for sections, tables of estimated norms and applications. The technical parts provide instructions on the procedure for applying collections of estimated norms, coefficients to estimated norms that take into account the conditions for the production of work, as well as the rules for calculating the amount of work.

2.9. The GESN tables contain the following standard indicators:

labor costs of workers (builders, installers), in man-hours;

average level of work (link of workers);

labor costs of machinists, in man-hours;

composition and duration of operation of construction machines, mechanisms, fixtures, mechanized tools in machine-hours;

a list of materials, products, structures used in the production process, and their consumption in physical (natural) units of measurement.

2.10. In the collections of GESNp, taking into account the specific features of commissioning (CW), the following are given:

information on the composition of the link (team) of commissioning performers (number, specialties of engineers and workers);

labor costs in general per link, in man-hours;

The tables of estimated norms of GESNp do not indicate the following resource indicators:

consumption of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used in the commissioning;

labor costs of operating personnel involved in the commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment;

application of mechanisms, incl. instrumentation.

These costs are determined based on project data.

2.11. On the basis of the GESN, estimates are developed for construction work and structures, equipment installation, as well as for repair, construction and commissioning works, which are combined into collections of unit prices (ER).

2.12. EP collections are developed at the base price level (as of January 1, 2000) and are an integral part of the pricing and cost estimate regulation system in construction that is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unit prices from EP collections are designed to determine direct costs in the estimate documentation and develop consolidated estimated standards for structures and types of work.

2.13. EP collections for construction (repair) work, equipment installation and commissioning are divided into federal (FER), territorial (hereinafter - TER) and industry (hereinafter - OER) according to the level of application.

FER collections contain a complete set of prices for the types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, and are developed at the main price level for the 1st base region (Moscow Region).

Collections of FER, together with the state elemental estimated norms, form a single state estimated and regulatory framework for developing a system of enlarged estimated standards.

The territorial collections of the ER include unit prices tied to local construction conditions, which are used during construction within the territory of the administrative entity of the Russian Federation (region).

Industry EP collections are developed for specialized types of construction (energy, transport, water management, mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.).

2.14. The basis for developing unit prices at the basic price level (hereinafter referred to as "unit prices" or "prices") are:

elemental estimated norms for structures and types of work;

estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines;

estimated prices for building materials, products and structures.

2.15. In cases where there are no necessary estimated standards in the current estimate and regulatory framework or the technology of work and the need for resources differ significantly from those provided for in the collections of the current elemental estimated norms of the HPES, it is possible to develop individual norms and prices.

2.16. Unit prices are summarized in tables and contain the following indicators for the measure of structures or works adopted in them:

labor costs for workers (except for labor costs included in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01.01.2000;

the cost of operating construction machines, including the wages of workers servicing the machines as of 01/01/2000;

the cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price) as of 01/01/2000;

consumption rates of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;

names and consumption rates of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are taken in the preparation of estimates according to design data.

2.17. Unit pricing tables have a code, name, scope of work, meter and quantitative indicators of resource consumption rates.

2.18. Materials, products and designs are presented in the tables of estimated norms according to the generalized nomenclature, as a rule, without indicating brands and additional characteristics. When drawing up estimates, specific material resources are taken into account based on project data. For individual materials, products and structures, the consumption of which depends on design solutions (cable, wires, pipes, metal structures, etc.), only the names are indicated in the tables of estimated norms, and in the columns the consumption is indicated by the symbol "P". When drawing up cost estimates, the consumption of these material resources is determined according to design data, taking into account intractable losses and waste.

Revision and change of estimated standards

2.19. The basis for revising the estimated standards, making changes and additions to them may be the results of completed research or experimental work, studying and summarizing domestic and foreign experience in the preparation and application of estimate documentation, monitoring compliance with the requirements of the estimated standards.

2.20. Each change made to the corresponding collection of estimated standards is assigned a serial registration number.

Each supplement to the collections of estimated standards is assigned a title character: "Issue (hereinafter the serial number is affixed)".

DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), ZAO INiK (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the operation of the housing stock of the administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.

INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration (letter No. 07/2699-YUD dated March 10, 2004).

INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design and estimate documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, "Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the application. GESNm-2001 for the installation of equipment » MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning work" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work in the construction and repair of automobile roads" MDS 81-30.2002.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning works, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.



Letter dated February 14, 2006 No. sk-481/02 on the withdrawal from printing of instructions on the application of federal unit prices for commissioning

The Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services announces the publication of the Guidelines for the Application of Federal Unit Prices for Commissioning Works (MDS 81-40.2006), approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 1, 2003 No. 160.

With the release of this document, the coefficients for the conditions of work should be taken according to tables 2 and 3 of the Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for commissioning instead of the recommended coefficients given in table 4 of Appendix No. 1 to the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004).

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