Automation of production and production processes. Industrial automation in Russia: problems, experience, solutions

Chapter 1. Principles of building automated production

Part 1. Fundamentals of the theory automatic control

Automation- a branch of science and technology, covering the theory and devices of means and systems for automatic control of machines and technological processes. It arose in the 19th century with the advent of mechanized production based on spinning and weaving machines, steam engines, etc., which replaced manual labor and made it possible to increase its productivity.

Automation is always preceded by the process of complete mechanization - such a production process in which a person does not spend physical strength on performing operations.

With the development of technology, the functions of controlling processes and machines have expanded and become more complex. Man has in many cases not been able to manage mechanized production without special additional devices. This led to the emergence of automated production, in which workers are released not only from physical labor, but also from the functions of controlling machines, equipment, production processes and operations, as well as managing them.

Automation of production processes is understood as a set of technical measures for the development of new technological processes and the creation of production based on high-performance equipment that performs all the main operations without direct human participation.

Automation contributes to a significant increase in labor productivity, improving product quality and working conditions for people.

IN agriculture, food and processing industries, the control and management of temperature, humidity, pressure, speed control and movement, quality sorting, packaging and many other processes and operations are automated, ensuring their higher efficiency, saving labor and money.

Automated production, compared with non-automated production, has certain specifics:

To be more efficient, they should cover more heterogeneous operations;

It is necessary to carefully study the technology, analyze production facilities, traffic routes and operations, ensure the reliability of the process with a given quality;

With a wide range of products and seasonality of work, technological solutions can be multivariate;

The requirements for a clear and well-coordinated work of various production services are increasing.

When designing automated production, the following principles must be observed:

1. The principle of completeness. You should strive to perform all operations within the same automated production system without intermediate transfer of semi-finished products to other departments. To implement this principle, it is necessary to ensure:

Manufacturability of the product, i.e. the minimum amount of materials, time and money should be spent on its manufacture;

Unification of methods of processing and control of the product;

Expansion of the type of equipment with increased technological capabilities for processing several types of raw materials or semi-finished products.

2. The principle of low-operational technology. The number of intermediate processing operations for raw materials and semi-finished products should be minimized, and their supply routes should be optimized.

3. The principle of less people technology. Ensuring automatic operation throughout the entire product manufacturing cycle. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the quality of input raw materials, improve the reliability of equipment and information support of the process.

4. The principle of trouble-free technology. The control object should not require additional adjustment work after it is put into operation.

5. The principle of optimality. All control objects and production services are subject to a single criterion of optimality, for example, to produce only the highest quality products.

6. The principle of group technology. Provides production flexibility, i.e. the ability to switch from the release of one product to the release of another. The principle is based on the commonality of operations, their combinations and recipes.

Serial and small-scale production is characterized by the creation of automated systems from universal and aggregate equipment with interoperational tanks. This equipment, depending on the product being processed, can be readjusted.

For large-scale and mass production of products, automated production is created from special equipment, united by a rigid connection. In such industries, high-performance equipment is used, for example, rotary equipment for pouring liquids into bottles or bags.

For the functioning of the equipment, intermediate transport is necessary for raw materials, semi-finished products, components, and various media.

Depending on the intermediate transport, automated production can be:

With end-to-end transportation without rearrangement of raw materials, semi-finished products or media;

With a rearrangement of raw materials, semi-finished products or media;

with intermediate container.

According to the types of equipment layout (aggregation), automated production is distinguished:


Parallel aggregation;


In single-flow equipment is located sequentially in the course of operations. To increase the productivity of single-threaded production, the operation can be performed on the same type of equipment in parallel.

In a multi-threaded production, each thread performs similar functions, but operates independently of one another.

A feature of agricultural production and processing of products is the rapid decline in their quality, for example, after slaughtering livestock or removing fruits from trees. This requires such equipment that would have high mobility (the ability to produce a wide range of products from the same type of raw materials and process various types of raw materials on the same type of equipment).

To do this, reconfigurable production systems are created that have the property of automated reconfiguration. The organizational module of such systems is a production module, an automated line, an automated section or a workshop.

production module call a system consisting of a unit of technological equipment equipped with an automated program control device and automation of the technological process, autonomously functioning and having the ability to integrate into the system more than high level(fig.1.1).

Figure 1.1 - The structure of the production module: 1- equipment for performing one or more operations; 2- control device; 3- loading and unloading device; 4 - transport and storage device (intermediate capacity); 5- control and measuring system.

The production module may include, for example, a drying chamber, a measuring system, a locally controlled handling and transport system, or a mixing plant with similar additional equipment.

A special case of the production module is production cell- a combination of modules with a unified system for measuring equipment operation modes, transport-accumulation and loading-unloading systems (Fig. 1.2). The production cell can be integrated into higher level systems.

Figure 1.2 - The structure of the production cell: 1- equipment for performing one or more operations; 2- receiving hopper; 3-loading and unloading device; 4- conveyor; 5- intermediate capacity; 6 - control computer; 7- control and measuring system.

Automated line- a reconfigurable system consisting of several production modules or cells, united by a single transport and storage system and an automatic process control system (APCS). The equipment of the automated line is located in the accepted sequence of technological operations. The structure of the automated line is shown in Figure 1.3.

Unlike an automated line, a reconfigurable automated section provides for the possibility of changing the sequence of using technological equipment. The line and section may have separately functioning units of technological equipment. The structure of the automated section is shown in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.3 - The structure of the automated line: 1, 2, 3, 4 - production cells and modules; 5- transport system; 6 warehouse; 7- control computer.

Figure 1.4 - The structure of the automated section: 1,2,3 - automated lines;

4 - production cells;

5- production modules;

7- control computer.

Automation of production


1.1. Fundamentals, terminology and directions of AMS.

One of the main directions of human activity is the improvement of production processes in order to facilitate hard physical labor and increase the efficiency of the process as a whole - this direction can be realized through the automation of production processes.

So, the purpose of the APP is:

- productivity increase;

- quality improvement;

- improvement of working conditions.

The goal raises questions about what and how to automate, the feasibility and necessity of automation, and other tasks.

As you know, the technological process consists of three main parts:

- working cycle, - the main tech. process;

- idling, - auxiliary operations;

- transport and storage operations.

Main tech. process is closely related to AIDS. Consider AIDS:

C is the automation of working and idle moves of all machine mechanisms (automatic main movement, feeds and auxiliary operations).

P - automation of installation, fixing parts on the machine. I - AMS requirements for the tool.

D - technological requirements of the AMS for the part. Besides,

Auxiliary operations are the automation of loading, unloading, installation, orientation, fixing, transportation, accumulation and control of the part. From the above, it can be seen that the APP has A complex approach and, not

solving one problem, we can not achieve the desired effect. Automation is a direction in the development of production, characterized by

liberation of a person not only from muscular efforts to perform certain movements, but also from the operational control of the mechanisms that perform these movements.

Automation can be partial or complete.

Partial automation- automation of a part of the operation for managing the production process, provided that the rest of all operations are performed automatically (human control and management).

An example would be autom. line (AL), consisting of several automatic machines and having an automatic interoperational transport system. The line is controlled by one processor.

Full automation- characterized by the automatic performance of all functions for the implementation of the production process without direct human intervention in the operation of the equipment. The duties of a person include setting up a machine or group of machines, turning it on and controlling it.

Example: automatic section or workshop.

1.2. Organizational and technical features of automation.

Analyzing the trend and history of the development of automation prod. processes, four main stages can be noted, at which tasks of various complexity were solved.

These are: 1. Automation of the working cycle, creation of automatic and semi-automatic machines.

2. Automation of machine systems, creation of AL, complexes and modules.

3. Production automation complexes processes with the creation of automatic workshops and factories.

4. Creation of flexible automated production with automation of serial and small-scale production, engineering and managerial work.

1 At the first stage - modernized universal equipment. As you know, the processing time of one product is determined by the formula:

T \u003d t P + tX

Thus, to increase the productivity of the equipment, the time tP and tX was reduced and tP and tX were combined, which means that if the machine, in addition to working moves (tP), can independently perform idle moves (tX), then it is an automatic machine.

It should be borne in mind that idle moves should be understood not only as the movement of individual machine components without processing, but also loading, orientation of the part, and their fixation. However, as practice has shown, the automation of universal machines has its limits in terms of productivity, i.e. the growth of labor productivity did not exceed 60%. Therefore, in the future, special automatic machines began to be created using new principles:

Multi-tool and multi-position automata were used in production lines, which was the highest form of the first stage of automation (see Table 1 for a block diagram).

Structural diagram of machine No. 1

Automatic (bar)










working moves



Longitudinal support Cross support 1 Cross support 2 Cross support 3 Cross support 4 Cross support 5 Thread-cutting device

Bar feed mechanism Clamping mechanism Spindle block turning mechanism Locking mechanism

distribution shaft

2 At the second stage, an AL is created (structural diagram see Table 2).

AL is called - an automatic system of machines located in the technological

logical sequence, united by means of transportation, control, automatically performing a set of operations except for control and adjustment.

The creation of AL required the solution of more complex problems. So one of them is - Creation automatic system inter-machine transportation of workpieces, taking into account the unequal rhythm of the machines (the time for the operation is different); as well as non-coincidence in time of their downtime due to emerging problems. The inter-machine transportation system should include not only conveyors, but also automatic storage magazines to create an expenditure of inter-operational reserves, control devices and blocking of the machine system. At the same time, it is necessary not only to harmonize the working cycles of individual machines, as well as transporting mechanisms, but also locks in case of various malfunctions (breakdowns, out-of-field dimensions).

tolerance, etc.).

At the second stage of automation, the problem is also solved: creation of automated control tools, including active control with the adjustment of the machine.

The economic effect is achieved not only by increasing productivity and significant cost reductions manual labor thanks to the automation of machine-to-machine transport, control, and chip removal.

Structural diagram of AL tab. #2

3 The third stage of automation is the complex automation of production processes - the creation of automatic workshops and factories.

Automatic shop or factory called a workshop or plant in which the main production processes are carried out on the AL.

Here, the tasks of automation of inter-line and inter-shop transportation, storage, cleaning and processing of chips, dispatch control and production management are solved (the structure of the auto shop, see the diagram, Fig. 3).

The structure of the automatic shop table. No. 3



Nonlinear systems



A. line 1 A. line 2

A. line i- 1 A. line i




SU spare details

SU emergency blocking

SU for counting the products of dispatchers

Here, the elements that perform working moves are already AL with their technological rotary machines, transportation, control mechanisms, etc.

In auto. shops and factories, interline transportation and accumulation of backlogs are idle moves.

The shop floor control system also performs new more challenging tasks. The most important feature of the integrated automation of production processes as a new stage technical progress is the widespread use of computer technology, which allows solving not only the problem of control

production, but also flexible management of those. processes.

4 Flexible automated systems - as the fourth stage of automation, they represent the highest fourth stage in the development of automation of those. processes. Designed for automating processes with a replaceable production object, including for single and small-scale production.

Flexible production- a complex concept that includes a whole range of components + machine flexibility– ease of restructuring the technological elements of HAP for the production of a given set of types of parts.

Process Flexibility- the ability to produce a given set of types of parts, including from various parts, in different ways.

Flexibility by product- the ability to quickly and economically switch to the production of a new product.

+ Route flexibility– the ability to continue processing a given set of types of parts in case of failures of individual HAP technological elements.

Flexibility in volume– the ability of HAP to work economically at various production volumes.

Flexibility to expand- the possibility of expanding the GAP due to the introduction of new technological elements.

Flexibility of work - the ability to change the order of operation for each of the types in the part.

Product Flexibility- all the variety of products that GAP is capable of producing.

Determining yavl-Xia machine and routing flexibility. The use of HAP gives a direct economic effect due to

freeing up staff and increasing shift work and control equipment.

Usually, in the first shift, blanks, materials, tools, those tasks, control systems, etc. are loaded, this is done with the participation of people. The second and third shifts of the GAP work independently under the supervision of a dispatcher.

Lecture #2

1.3. Feasibility studies features of automation.

When analyzing production, it is not enough to know at what stage of mechanization or automation a particular technological process is. And then the degree of automation. or mechanization (C) is determined by the level of mech. (M) and autom. (A). The assessment of the level of M and A is carried out by three main indicators:

- extent of coverage of workers fur. labor (C);

- fur level. labor in total labor costs (U T );

- fur level. and ed. productions. Processes (U P ). For fur. processing and assembly these indicators:

U T=

∑ PA k

U P=

∑ RO K P M

∑ RO K P M+ P(1 −


The percentage increase in labor productivity due to its fur. or automation:

(100 − U T 2 ) (100 − U P 1 ) 100

P M (A) \u003d

− 100

(100 − U T 1 ) (100 − U P 2 )

where - index 1 corresponds to the indicators obtained before the fur. and auto.;

Index 2 after they were held; RA - the number of workers performing work using automated means;

RO - the total number of workers in the area under consideration, shop;

To - coefficient of mechanization, expressing the ratio of time mech. labor

To the total cost of time for a given working time.

P - coefficient. equipment performance, which characterizes the ratio of the labor intensity of manufacturing children. on universal equipment. with the lowest productivity, taken as the base of the labor intensity of manufacturing this part on existing equipment;

M - coefficient. Service, depending on the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one worker (when servicing equipment by several workers M< 1).

The system of three main indicators of the level of mech. and autom. production processes allows:

- assess the condition of the car production, open up reserves for increasing labor productivity;

- compare the levels of M. and A. related industries and industries;

- to compare the levels of M. and A. of the corresponding objects according to the periods of implementation and thereby determine the directions for further improvement of production processes;

- plan the level of automation.

Along with the above indicators, the criterion of the level of production automation can be used, which quantitatively characterizes the extent to which at this stage of M. and A. the possibilities of saving labor costs are used, i.e. production growth. labor:

∆t CHA

100 =

t PM− t CA

∆t PA

t PM− t PA

where tPM is the complexity of manufacturing a product with full (complex) mechanization;

tNA and tPA - the complexity of manufacturing with partial and full auto.

1.4. Manufacturability of parts for automated production.

1.4.1. Features of product design in terms of automation


The design of the product must ensure its manufacturability in manufacturing and assembly. The use of automation tools provides for increased attention to the design of products in terms of facilitating orientation, positioning, and mating during assembly.

Most of the means of autom. for transport and orientation of parts act by touch, i.e. they use the geometry of the parts to perform orientation and positioning.

Considering this, we can say that the choice of one or another means of autom. will be based on the analysis of the classification of production objects by geometric parameters (according to their purpose and their relative size).

One of the geometric characteristics is symmetry.

In some cases, the symmetry of the parts facilitates automation, while in others it makes it impossible. Example fig. A1, all parts on the right are symmetrical, which makes orientation unnecessary; rice. A2 - illustrates another problem. If design features every detail is difficult to detect fur. way, the solution to the problem is to break the symmetry.

Details such as cylinders and discs are the most likely candidates for introducing asymmetric features, because without orienting signs they can take an indefinite number of positions.

Rectangular parts usually benefit from symmetry because they can have a small number of positions.

Fig A1 Orientation of parts due to symmetry.

Fig A2 Orientation of parts due to asymmetry. a) difficult b) improved

In this case, the law of distribution of the sum of these random variables will have a Gaussian or normal distribution - fig. A5.

Mutual adhesion of parts (Fig. 3)

When loading parts into a drive or other device in bulk, the phenomenon of adhesion of parts often occurs. Typical example - springs. Many parts have holes and protrusions that are not functionally related to each other and are not intended for mating. The ratio of the dimensions of these elements of the parts should exclude the possibility of the protrusion entering the hole and the adhesion of the parts. (Fig. A3).

Types of automation systems include:

  • immutable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions is determined by the equipment configuration or process conditions and cannot be changed during the process.
  • programmable systems. These are systems in which the sequence of actions can vary depending on the given program and process configuration. The choice of the necessary sequence of actions is carried out due to a set of instructions that can be read and interpreted by the system.
  • flexible (self-tuning) systems. These are systems that are able to select the necessary actions in the process of work. Changing the process configuration (sequence and conditions for performing operations) is carried out on the basis of information about the progress of the process.

These types of systems can be used at all levels of process automation individually or as part of a combined system.

In every sector of the economy, there are enterprises and organizations that produce products or provide services. All these enterprises can be divided into three groups, depending on their “remoteness” in the natural resource processing chain.

The first group of enterprises are enterprises that extract or produce Natural resources. Such enterprises include, for example, agricultural producers, oil and gas companies.

The second group of enterprises are enterprises that process natural raw materials. They make products from raw materials mined or produced by the enterprises of the first group. Such enterprises include, for example, enterprises in the automotive industry, steel enterprises, enterprises in the electronics industry, power plants, and the like.

The third group is the service sector enterprises. Such organizations include, for example, banks, educational institutions, medical institutions, restaurants, etc.

For all enterprises, it is possible to single out general groups of processes associated with the production of products or the provision of services.

These processes include:

  • business processes;
  • design and development processes;
  • production processes;
  • control and analysis processes.
  • Business processes are processes that ensure interaction within the organization and with external stakeholders (customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities, etc.). This category of processes includes the processes of marketing and sales, interaction with consumers, the processes of financial, personnel, material planning and accounting, etc.
  • Design and development processes All processes involved in the development of a product or service. These processes include the processes of development planning, collection and preparation of initial data, project implementation, control and analysis of design results, etc.
  • Manufacturing processes are the processes necessary to produce a product or provide a service. This group includes all production and technological processes. They also include requirements planning and capacity planning processes, logistics processes, and service processes.
  • Control and analysis processes- this group of processes is associated with the collection and processing of information about the execution of processes. Such processes include quality control processes, operational management, inventory control processes, etc.

Most of the processes belonging to these groups can be automated. To date, there are classes of systems that provide automation of these processes.

Terms of reference for the subsystem "Warehouses"Terms of reference for the subsystem "Document management"Terms of reference for the subsystem "Purchases"

Process Automation Strategy

Process automation is a complex and time-consuming task. To successfully solve this problem, it is necessary to adhere to a certain automation strategy. It allows you to improve processes and get a number of significant benefits from automation.

Briefly, the strategy can be formulated as follows:

  • understanding of the process. In order to automate the process, you need to understand existing process with all its details. The process must be fully analyzed. The inputs and outputs of the process, the sequence of actions, the relationship with other processes, the composition of the process resources, etc., must be defined.
  • simplification of the process. Once the process analysis has been carried out, it is necessary to simplify the process. Extra operations that do not bring value should be reduced. Individual operations can be combined or run in parallel. Other technologies for its execution can be proposed to improve the process.
  • process automation. Process automation can only be performed after the process has been simplified as much as possible. The simpler the process flow, the easier it is to automate and the more efficient the automated process will be.

Stages and means of production automation

The forerunner of automation was the complex mechanization of production, during which the physical functions of a person in the production process were performed using manual mechanisms. At the same time, human labor was facilitated physically, and the control of mechanisms became its main activity. Mechanization aims to alleviate conditions human labor and improving its performance.

As mechanization develops, the task of fully or partially automating the control of mechanisms arises. As a result of solving this problem, technological automata are created that are capable of more or less lesser degree perform production functions without human intervention. The emergence and spread of technological machines laid the foundation for the automation of production.

In the development of automation, a number of successive stages can be distinguished, each of which is characterized by the emergence of new automation tools and the expansion of the composition of production automation objects. In summary, in relation to industrial production, we can distinguish the following main stages of automation.

1. Mass production automation. In the mass production of industrial products, the task of increasing labor productivity is particularly acute. Here, significant costs for automation tools are possible, since being related to a unit of production (with a large number of units of production), they lead to an acceptable increase in its price.

As a result, it becomes expedient to create and use in the production of specialized and special technological machines. Each such machine is designed for a single technological operation or a limited set of technological operations in the production of a particular product. The task of restructuring the machine for the production of other products is either set to a limited extent, or not set at all.

The main goal of automation is to obtain maximum productivity. The technological process of manufacturing a product is divided into simple operations of short duration, which can be performed in parallel on different technological machines.

Production lines are created from technological machines in accordance with the sequence of technological operations of the product manufacturing process. A further increase in the level of automation is achieved by automating inter-operational transport and intermediate storage (inter-operational stores of semi-finished products). The result of such complex automation of the technological process is the creation of automatic lines.

The automatic line implements in automatic mode the technological process of manufacturing a certain product. The automatic line to achieve the highest productivity is built from special and specialized equipment. The creation and implementation of an automatic line requires a lot of time and material costs Therefore, such lines are economically efficient only in mass production of products, when the same product is produced continuously in large quantities in unchanged form over a number of years. Automatic lines have limited opportunities for changeover to the manufacture of other products, or such opportunities are not provided at all.

Since the use of automatic lines and cyclic technological machines is limited to mass and large-scale production, the volumes of automated production based on them are correspondingly limited. According to various estimates, the volume of mass and large-scale production is from 15 to 20% of the total production, and this share tends to decrease. Consequently, the level of production automation with the help of automatic lines and cycle machines can be no more than 15–20%. In reality, this level is even lower.

Cyclic technological machines and automatic lines are among the means of "hard" automation. With their help, it is possible to achieve very high labor productivity, but the scope of such tools is limited, and only on their basis, full automation of production is impossible.

2. Automation of the main processing operations of multi-product production. Multiproduct production involves the manufacture of various products in batches of a limited volume in a limited time. The range of products and volumes of batches can vary widely: from single items to batches of medium-scale production.

In multi-product production, technological equipment should be largely universal and provide readjustment and restructuring for the manufacture of various products (within the technological capabilities of the equipment). In the case of automated production, such readjustment and restructuring should be carried out automatically with a minimum amount of manual operations or with their complete elimination.

Fulfillment of the listed conditions defines "flexible" automation. The basic principle of flexible automation is the principle of programmatic control of technological equipment. The operating cycle of the technological machine is then set by a control program containing a coded description of the sequence of cycle elements using certain symbols. The control program is developed separately from the controlled equipment and is drawn up on some machine medium, which makes it possible to read it. automatic device control of technological machine.

For the first time, this principle (which arose and improved during computer control) was implemented for the automation of metal-cutting machine tools. Machine tools with numerical control (CNC) appeared and began to be widely distributed. The first models of CNC machines, due to insufficient perfection, required, when changing the working cycle, not only the replacement of the control program, but also some manual operations for readjustment. Such machines turned out to be effective when processing batches of the same type of parts with a volume of at least 50–100 pieces. As CNC principles have improved and technical solutions this limit has been constantly lowered, and nowadays CNC machines are effective even in individual production.

At first, CNC machines were created for certain types mechanical processing. Subsequently, multi-operational CNC machines with automatic change of the processing tool (machining centers) became widespread.

CNC machines allow you to automate the process of processing parts and are flexible, because they can be reconfigured to process parts of a different shape by replacing the control program. This circumstance makes it possible, for example, to automate the process of changeover of the machine and, consequently, increases the level of production automation.

The principle of CNC, due to its efficiency, has become widespread for other technological equipment, which made it possible to provide flexible automation of various technological operations. CNC equipment is primarily used in mechanical engineering, instrument making and metalworking. However, its use is not limited to the listed industries.

The main disadvantage of CNC equipment is the lack of automation of auxiliary operations and the need for manual maintenance of the equipment. This circumstance leads to a decrease in the equipment utilization factor to the level of 40–60%.

3. Industrial robotics. Automation of the main operations of technological processes has led to an increase in the contradiction between the level of their automation and the level of automation of auxiliary operations (primarily the loading and unloading of automated equipment). As a means of eliminating this contradiction, the concept of a program-controlled tunable automaton was proposed for performing auxiliary operations for servicing automated equipment.

Such machines appeared in the sixties of the last century and were called industrial robots (IR). The first developments of industrial robots were focused on replacing a person when loading workpieces into technological machines and unloading processed products. On the basis of the technological machine and the robot serving it, robotic technological complexes (RTC) are created, which are complexly automated technological cells.

With the help of the RTK, it becomes possible to comprehensively automate individual technological operations or a limited set of technological operations in a multi-product production. The first RTKs using simple CR with cycle control were effective in medium-scale production. With the improvement of PR (CNC robots, adaptive robots, intelligent robots), their flexibility and the possibility of effective use in small-scale and individual production are increasing.

Industrial robots are constantly improving. In the process of improvement, the technical characteristics of robots are improved, their functionality is expanding, and the scope of application is expanding. Currently, the bulk of manufactured PR is focused on the performance of technological operations: welding, painting, assembly and some other basic technological operations. Along with such robots, loading and unloading robots continue to be used, transport robots, etc. have appeared.

4. Automation of management. Management in any production requires solving a large amount of tasks for collecting and processing information, making decisions and monitoring their execution. Significant human resources are attracted to solve management problems. Solution quality managerial tasks largely determines the result of production.

The ability to automate control appeared with the development and widespread use of computers, when computers became available for use by individual enterprises. There was a possibility of automation (with the help of a computer and the corresponding software) processes for collecting and processing information necessary for making managerial decisions and monitoring the progress of production. With the use of computers, problems of production planning, problems of material support, problems of accounting for labor and wages, as well as a number of other problems of production management, began to be solved.

The solution of such problems was not strictly tied in time to production processes and could be carried out in the "machine" time of the computer, i.e. during such a time period as is required for the execution of the relevant computer program. Characteristic for this stage of automation was the creation of centralized computing centers in production for solving control problems. Communication between computers and production was mainly carried out using operational personnel.

Similar centralized systems called automated production control systems (APCS). The automated control system provides a solution to the problems of organizational and dispatching production management. The main effect of the introduction of automated control systems is to reduce the time required for making management decisions, increase the efficiency of management and its quality, as well as reduce the management personnel involved in routine information processing.

A significant amount of management in production falls on the tasks of operational and technical management of production equipment and technological processes. To automate the solution of these problems, it is necessary to provide a direct connection between the control computer and control objects. In addition, the tasks of operational and technical management must be solved in real time of the controlled process.

Therefore, along with automated control systems, automated process control systems (APCS) appeared, which provide automated solutions for the tasks of operational, technical, dispatching and organizational management of individual technological processes of production. The integration of automated process control systems with an automated technological complex ensures the implementation of the concept of unmanned technology in production.

5. Automation of engineering work. Production requires the cost of highly skilled labor of specialists - engineers. Engineers develop new products, conduct research and testing, develop new processes and upgrade old ones. Without engineering labor, the progress of production is impossible. The cost of paying engineering labor in production costs is a significant share (by the standards of industrialized countries).

The desire to increase the efficiency of engineering work, reduce the material and time costs for designing new or modernized products, for research, for preparing production has led to the emergence of appropriate automated systems. The basis of such systems was the use of computers, since engineering work is intellectual work. Typical engineering problems are heuristic problems based on a significant amount of routine work.

Routine work (obtaining background information, design of results, design of drawings and text documents, etc.) in most cases lend themselves to algorithmization (description in the form of a deterministic sequence of simple operations) and, therefore, they can be automated using a computer. In principle, any process that can be algorithmized can be automated.

The means of automation of engineering work are computer-based software and hardware complexes: design automation systems (CAD), automated systems scientific research(ASNI), automated systems for technological preparation of production (ASTPP). The first two systems are used by designers and researchers to develop new or upgrade existing products. The result of their work are technical and working projects of new products.

To implement these projects, it is necessary to prepare the production of the designed products. This task is assigned to specialists-technologists who design new technological processes or modernize existing ones. To automate the work of technologists (those works that lend themselves to algorithmization), ASTPP are intended. The use of ASTPP allows you to increase the efficiency of production preparation, reduce material and time costs for this process, improve the quality of results and reduce human labor costs.

6. Integration of automated production systems into a single flexible automated production (FAP). Integration is the sharing and interaction of the above automation systems to achieve the ultimate goal of production. At the same time, automation systems for human intellectual functions (design, management, research, technology development) use common databases, which ensures a direct exchange of information between them.

In GAP, the main principle of equipment and process control is computer software control, which ensures the restructuring of production for the production of new or upgraded products by software (replacement of control programs) in an automated mode. As a result, production acquires the property of flexibility and implements the concept of flexible technology. Integrated automation of human labor makes it possible to reduce the share of human labor in the GAP by 20 times compared to traditional production. Such production implements the concept of unmanned technology.

Under the conditions of HAP, both physical and intellectual functions of a person are automated. Computers are the main means for automating intellectual functions. Therefore, HAP is often referred to as integrated and computerized production.

1. Features of the design of technological processes in the conditions of automated production

The basis of production automation are technological processes (TP), which must ensure high productivity, reliability, quality and efficiency of manufacturing products.

A characteristic feature of TP processing and assembly is the strict orientation of parts and tools relative to each other in the workflow (the first class of processes). Heat treatment, drying, painting, etc., unlike processing and assembly, do not require a strict orientation of the part (the second class of processes).

TP is classified by continuity into discrete and continuous.

The development of TP AP in comparison with the technology of non-automated production has its own specifics:

1. Automated TP includes not only heterogeneous machining operations, but also pressure treatment, heat treatment, assembly, inspection, packaging, as well as transport, storage and other operations.

2. The requirements for flexibility and automation of production processes dictate the need for a comprehensive and detailed study of technology, a thorough analysis of production facilities, study of route and operating technology, ensuring the reliability and flexibility of the process of manufacturing products with a given quality.

3. With a wide range of products, technological solutions are multivariate.

4. The degree of integration of work performed by various technological departments is increasing.

Basic principles of construction of machining technology in APS

1.The principle of completeness . It should strive to perform all operations within the same APS without intermediate transfer of semi-finished products to other units or auxiliary offices.

2.The principle of low-operation technology. Formation of TP with the maximum possible consolidation of operations, with a minimum number of operations and installations in operations.

3.The principle of "small people" technology. Ensuring automatic operation of APS within the entire production cycle.

4.The principle of "no-debug" technology . Development of technical solutions that do not require debugging at work positions.

5.The principle of actively controlled technology. Organization of TP management and correction of design decisions based on working information about the TP progress. Both the technological parameters formed at the control stage and the initial parameters of the technological preparation of production (TPP) can be corrected.

6.Principle of optimality . Making a decision at each stage of the TPP and TP management based on a single optimality criterion.

In addition to those considered for APS technology, other principles are also characteristic: computer technology, information security, integration, paperless documentation, group technology.

2. Typical and group TP

The typification of technological processes for groups of parts similar in configuration and technological features provides for their manufacture according to the same technological process, based on the use of the most advanced processing methods and ensuring the achievement of the highest productivity, economy and quality. Typification is based on the rules for processing individual elementary surfaces and the rules for assigning the order in which these surfaces are processed. Typical TCs are used mainly in large-scale and mass production.

The principle of group technology underlies the technology of reconfigurable production - small- and medium-scale. In contrast to the TP typification with group technology common feature is the commonality of the processed surfaces and their combinations. Therefore, group processing methods are typical for processing parts with a wide range.

Both the TP typification and the group technology method are the main directions for the unification of technological solutions that increase production efficiency.

Parts classification

Classification is carried out in order to determine groups of technologically homogeneous parts for their joint processing in a group production environment. It is carried out in two stages: primary classification, i.e. coding of the details of the production under study according to design and technological features; secondary classification, i.e., grouping of parts with the same or slightly different classification features.

When classifying parts, the following features must be taken into account: structural - overall dimensions, weight, material, type of processing and workpiece; number of processing operations; accuracy and other indicators.

Grouping of parts is performed in the following sequence: selection of a set of parts at the class level, for example, bodies of revolution for machining production; selection of a set of parts at the subclass level, for example, parts of the shaft type; classification of parts by combination of surfaces, for example, shafts with a combination of smooth cylindrical surfaces; grouping by overall dimensions with selection of areas with the maximum density of size distribution; determination according to the diagram of areas with the largest number of part names.

Manufacturability of product designs for accident conditions

The design of a product is considered manufacturable if its manufacture and operation require minimal expenditure of materials, time and money. The assessment of manufacturability is carried out according to qualitative and quantitative criteria separately for blanks, machined parts, assembly units.

The parts to be processed in the AM must be technologically advanced, i.e. simple in shape, dimensions, consist of standard surfaces and have a maximum material utilization rate.

The parts to be assembled should have as many standard connection surfaces as possible, the simplest elements of orientation of assembly units and parts.

3. Features of the design of technological processes for the manufacture of parts on automatic lines and CNC machines

An automatic line is a continuously operating complex of interconnected equipment and control systems, where full time synchronization of operations and transitions is necessary. The most effective methods of synchronization are the concentration and differentiation of TP.

Differentiation of the technological process, simplification and synchronization of transitions - the necessary conditions reliability and performance. Excessive differentiation leads to the complication of service equipment, an increase in areas and volume of service. An expedient concentration of operations and transitions, without practically reducing productivity, can be carried out by aggregation, using multi-tool adjustments.

To synchronize work in an automatic line (AL), a limiting tool, a limiting machine and a limiting section are determined, according to which the real AL release cycle (min) is set according to the formula

Where F - the actual fund of the equipment, h; N- release program, pcs.

To ensure high reliability, the AL is divided into sections that are connected to each other through storage devices that provide the so-called flexible connection between the sections, ensuring independent operation of adjacent sections in the event of a failure in one of them. A rigid connection is maintained within the site. For hard-coupled equipment, it is important to plan the timing and duration of planned shutdowns.

CNC machines provide high precision and quality of products and can be used in the processing of complex parts with precise stepped or curved contours. This reduces the cost of processing, qualification and number of staff. Features of processing parts on CNC machines are determined by the features of the machines themselves and, first of all, their CNC systems, which provide:

1) reducing the time of adjustment and readjustment of equipment; 2) increasing the complexity of processing cycles; 3) the possibility of implementing cycle moves with a complex curvilinear trajectory; 4) the possibility of unification of control systems (CS) of machine tools with CS of other equipment; 5) the possibility of using a computer to control CNC machines that are part of the APS.

Basic requirements for the technology and organization of machining in reconfigurable APS on the example of the manufacture of basic standard parts

The development of technology in APS is characterized by an integrated approach - a detailed study of not only the main, but also auxiliary operations and transitions, including the transportation of products, their control, storage, testing, and packaging.

To stabilize and improve the reliability of processing, two main methods for constructing TP are used:

1) the use of equipment that provides reliable processing with almost no operator intervention;

2) regulation of TP parameters based on the control of products during the process itself.

To increase flexibility and efficiency, APS uses the principle of group technology.

4. Features of the development of technological process for automated and robotic assembly

Automated assembly of products is carried out on assembly machines and AL. An important condition for the development of a rational TP for automated assembly is the unification and normalization of connections, i.e., bringing them to a certain range of types and accuracy.

The main difference in robotic production is the replacement of assemblers by assembly robots and the execution of control by control robots or automatic control devices.

Robotic assembly should be performed on the principle of complete interchangeability or (less often) on the principle of group interchangeability. The possibility of fitting, adjustment is excluded.

The execution of assembly operations should proceed from simple to complex. Depending on the complexity and dimensions of the products, the form of assembly organization is chosen: stationary or conveyor. The composition of the RTK is assembly equipment and fixtures, a transport system, operational assembly robots, control robots, and a control system.

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