Outdoor games snowflakes and wind target. Card file on the theme: Outdoor games on the themes "Winter", "New Year". Manual labor "Snow tree"

During the first month of life, the baby adapts to new conditions of existence outside the mother's womb. The child trains the muscular apparatus, twists his arms and legs, gradually ceases to take the position of the embryo. About my emotional state the baby reports by crying or smiling. Today we will tell you what a child should be able to do at 1 month old and what difficulties parents may face in the first weeks after the birth of a baby.

Growth and development of a child of 1 month of life

In a month, the baby grows rapidly, eats well and gains weight. Over the last week of his life, his body length increased by an average of 1.2 cm, and body weight by 250-270 g (based on WHO data). The lower weight limit for male babies at 1 month is 3.6 kg, the upper limit is 6 kg. For girls, the figures are slightly lower: these are 3.5 kg (lower limit) and 4.6 kg ( upper bound). Head circumference increases by about 1.5 cm per month.

Table of indicators of child development at 1 month

If the weight or height of a month-old baby is significantly different from the norm, then the following factors may be the reasons:

  • the chosen method of feeding (breast / artificial feeding);
  • the presence of problems when feeding the baby (children's refusal to breastfeed, allergies, insufficient lactation of milk);
  • features of the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth (for example, a child was born prematurely);
  • the presence of a disease in the child that affects the parameters of growth / weight;
  • heredity;
  • ecology (presence in the mother bad habits, environmental hazards).

Physical development of a child at 1 month

The first weeks of a child's life can be called a period of adaptation to independent life outside the mother's womb. Consider the most basic features of the physical development of a child that occur in the body of a baby at the age of one month.

  • After the birth, the baby's circulatory system is rebuilt. There is an intensive blood supply to the liver and brain.
  • The immune system learns to produce specific immunoglobulins to fight infections.
  • The kidneys adequately perform their first functions, but even before six months they will be immature, and only after this time will they begin to fully function.
  • The respiratory system of the baby provides the tissues of the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.
  • The movements of the child become more and more confident: he can already smoothly bring the pen to his mouth or his face.
  • On the nose, cheeks and forehead of the baby, white "grains of sand" disappear - milia, which could be observed in the child after his birth.
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby turns his head and briefly tries to raise it from the surface, about 45 degrees. Some babies are able to keep their head at a right angle and turn it a little for a month. The most active babies at this age make attempts to raise their heads while lying on their backs.
  • The wedge-shaped and posterior fontanelles on the child's head begin to tighten. This is a very slow process and it will take at least a few more weeks for them to close. The large fontanel usually closes later, taking about a year to ossify.
  • The skin of the crumbs in the first month continues to peel a little, especially between the fingers. She is no longer as dry as she was after birth. If necessary, you can moisturize the baby's skin with a special hypoallergenic baby milk or cream marked 0+.
  • An important indicator of the health of the crumbs is the favorable healing of the umbilical wound. At the age of one month, it is covered with a crust and does not bleed. In the process of caring for a baby, the mother should monitor the condition of the navel, treat it with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green, and add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bathing water for disinfection.

Examinations of a child at 1 month

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the child is visited by the district pediatrician or nurse. They take care of newborns. During the first 4 weeks, the doctor will visit the baby at least 2 times, and the nurse - 4 times.

From the moment the child turns one month old, parents must come with him to the pediatrician's clinic for a monthly checkup. The doctor will assess the general condition of the crumbs, check for the presence of basic reflexes, feel the tummy, listen to the lungs and heart. In addition, the pediatrician weighs the baby, measures the length of his body, chest and head circumference.

Also, a 1-month-old baby should be examined:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. orthopedist;
  4. surgeon.

If no additional examinations were carried out at the maternity hospital, then the child needs to undergo several more important studies - an ultrasound of the brain (helps to see the structure of the baby's brain), an ultrasound of the hip joints (necessary to exclude joint dysplasia), as well as an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys (for detection / exclusion of the presence of violations in the structure internal organs at an early stage).

As for vaccinations, a child is given a second vaccination against viral hepatitis B a month (the first vaccination is given to newborns in the first 24 hours after birth).

First achievements: what a one-month-old baby can do

SpeechExpresses discomfort by crying. Sometimes the baby makes arbitrary separate posterior lingual sounds "k", "g".
HearingStarts at a sudden sharp sound. Can briefly focus on adult voices and cradle sounds.
VisionFrom the bright light squints, while turning his eyes to its source. Fixes the gaze on an immovable object. Makes the first attempts to track objects moving within its visibility.
EmotionsA baby at 1 month of life still sleeps quite a lot, waking up only to satisfy hunger or when you feel a wet diaper. during wakefulness, he opens his mouth when mom or dad affectionately turns to him.
Motor skillsThe movements of the arms and legs are slow and chaotic. Lying on his stomach, the baby raises his head for a few seconds and tries to hold it.

Motor activity and emotional development at 1 month

The development of the baby occurs every minute: both in the moments of wakefulness and sleep; when feeding, walking and bathing. But first of all, the child develops when communicating with his mother. The baby already knows how to recognize her, he hears his mother's voice, knows her intonation and is sensitive to all touches. If we trace the development of the child in the first month of life, then he can note the acquired reactions and skills:

  • hears and identifies the mother's voice among the other voices of adults;
  • can spend a short time lying on his stomach, while raising his head and trying to keep it in that position;
  • begins to study the faces of relatives, tries to “keep up” with his eyes after his mother or a moving rattle;
  • can determine the difference between light and twilight: from bright light, the baby squints his eyes and turns his eyes to its source;
  • listens to mother's voice or to the sounds of music, but not for long;
  • during wakefulness, the baby makes the first sounds, among them groaning, sniffling;
  • at this age, the child prefers a sweetish taste, so he drinks breast milk with pleasure. But if the mother ate something sour, bitter or salty, the taste of milk will change and the baby may show dissatisfaction with crying;
  • the feelings of the baby during this period are contrasting - the child is either “very good”, and he spends this time in a dream and calmness, or he is emotionally “very bad”, and then he bursts into tears.

Development of a one-month-old baby - mom's experience (video):

Mental development of the baby in the first month

Psychomotor development in each child from the cradle takes place at its own pace. Here is an approximate list of achievements of a healthy baby in the first month of life:

  • lying on his back makes randomly isolated flexion and extension of the arms and legs;
  • looks at the source of light;
  • fixes for a short time a glance on the face of an adult;
  • tries to follow a bright object (or face) slowly moving at a distance of 20-40 cm;
  • blinks and / or flinches when a sharp sound occurs;
  • listens to the ringing of the bell.

On a note! If your baby is this moment he knows less than his peers, but at the same time his skills fit into age norms, mom should not have any reason to worry.

Reflexes of a healthy baby of the 1st month of life

Reflex pediatricians call the body's response to a variety of stimuli. Parents can independently check how their child develops in the first month and compare the result with generally established standards. In physically strong and healthy newborn babies, as well as monthly babies, the following reflexes are observed:

  • grasping - the child tightly squeezes the fist when an adult touches his palm;
  • sucking - the baby actively sucks the breast, bottle or nipple;
  • protective - raises and turns the head to one side when laying out on the tummy;
  • support reflex - if an adult supports the baby, he leans with his legs on the changing table;
  • crawling reflex - in the prone position makes attempts to crawl.

Important! If any reflex is completely or partially absent in an infant, the doctor may conclude that there are abnormalities in the work nervous system and their severity.

Neurological problems at 1 month - a cause for concern?

It often happens that alarming symptoms detected by a doctor in the first weeks of a child's life disappear without a trace after a while. This is due to the fact that the child's nervous system has plasticity and the ability to self-heal. That is why the results of one inspection cannot be considered decisive. It is possible to talk about a neurological diagnosis in the first month only after a series of visits to a specialist and brain examinations, including:

  1. Ultrasound - for babies is carried out through the fontanel and helps to assess the structure of the brain, as well as to identify gross problems.
  2. EEG (electroencephalography) - in the process, the electrical activity of the brain is recorded. The method is mainly used to diagnose seizures/epilepsy in infants.
  3. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - according to the results of this examination, even small and “deeply hidden” defects can be detected;
  4. CT (computed tomography) - the method examines in detail the functions and structure of the baby's central nervous system.

Attention! If it seems to the mother that her child is really lagging behind in psychomotor development, she should immediately, without wasting time, sign up for an unscheduled neurological appointment.

Monthly baby care: daily routine, gymnastics, massage

The regime with alternating sleep, wakefulness and feeding will be established in a healthy child independently in accordance with his physiology. Do not worry if the baby did not fall asleep on time, as it might seem. Biorhythms in newborns are debugged, so the mother can only try to understand and maintain the rhythm of her child. By studying the behavior of the child in a state of rest and anxiety, it becomes easy for parents to recognize the "demands" of their baby.


A healthy child during the first month of life eats at least 8-9 times a day, drinking 60 ml of milk for each meal. Frequent attachment of the baby to the breast is the main way to stimulate lactation. Moms who practice breast-feeding, it turns out 10-12 feedings per day. At the first sign of a child's anxiety, breastfeeding should be given to the child. This method is called on-demand feeding, or, in other words, “free feeding mode”.

Important! Children per month should be fed only with breast milk, except when milk is objectively not enough, or the pediatrician recommended supplementing the baby with a mixture. Also, the child should be offered warm boiled water with a temperature of up to 36 degrees, especially in the hot season.


The first month of life, the child spends most of the day in a dream - about 18-20 hours.

In infants during this period of life, there are five states in which the baby may be:

  • deep sleep - the child is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing slowly and evenly;
  • shallow sleep - the child has uneven breathing, noticeably quickened, twitching of the arms and legs is observed, one can distinguish the movement of the eyeballs under the eyelids;
  • drowsiness - occurs most often during feeding a child or before falling asleep, characterized by half-closed eyelids;
  • wakefulness - makes movements with the whole body, is active, twists arms and legs;
  • crying - indicates the discomfort that the baby feels. May be caused by hunger, fear, or a wet diaper.

Bathing and hygiene procedures

Hygiene procedures for a child per month are carried out daily and include:

  • washing the face, eyes, neck;
  • washing, diaper change;
  • care for eyes, nose, ears;
  • daily treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • combing and removing crusts on the head;
  • cutting nails.

The parents choose the bathing regimen for the baby on their own, since the condition of the skin of the crumbs does not require a full daily bathing in the bath. Be sure to carry out daily wiping the body. Bathing in the full sense is enough a week only 2-3 times. In water for softening, you can add decoctions of herbs - chamomile and succession. The use of solid / liquid soap is also determined individually, based on the sensitivity of the baby's skin.


Walking is important for the health and full growth of the baby in the first month of life. First sip fresh air the child does on leaving the hospital. The duration and frequency of daily walks with parents in the first month depends entirely on the time of year and the temperature outside.

  • The first walks with the baby take only 10-15 minutes, the subsequent duration of being on the street increases gradually to half an hour.
  • In the warm season, the duration of the walk can reach 1.5-2 hours.
  • In the cold season, when the air temperature is below 10 degrees, as well as in the case of strong wind, rain, snowfall is not recommended to walk with a child for the first 2 months of life.

On a note! The system of heat exchange regulation in infants of this age is imperfect, therefore, the issue of walking in the cold season must be approached with all seriousness. When the weather is bad outside, it makes sense to take out a dressed baby for a few minutes to breathe clean air on the balcony or arrange for him to sleep in a stroller with an open window.

Gymnastics and massage

From about the second or third week of a baby's life, it is worth starting to carry out air baths with him, as well as hardening and massage.

Gymnastics for a baby in 1 month of life (video instruction):

These procedures can be successfully combined in one procedure. To begin with, the child can be left for a couple of minutes in one light vest or undress and cover with a diaper. At the same moment, begin to make light, barely perceptible stroking with your hands all over the child's body - arms, tummy, legs. Massage is not only strengthening, but also developing an affordable means for the muscles of a one-month-old baby. In subsequent times, it is necessary to massage a little longer in time - 5-7 minutes. If the baby calmly tolerates your touch and does not show dissatisfaction, you can include massage in the daily restorative procedure.

So the first month of your baby's life has ended - the most difficult month immediately after childbirth. Now the child is 1 month old and he begins to actively explore the world around him. He is still very small and still sleeps almost all the time, but his attention to outside world has increased significantly. Being close to his mother, he smells her, which makes him feel calm and safe.

What does a 1 month old baby know?

  • Briefly focuses attention on the face inclined towards him.
  • Follows the gaze of smoothly moving objects, briefly holds the gaze on stationary objects.
  • Distinguishes sounds, recognizes mother's voice, her smell.
  • Distinguishes colors. Moreover, what is important for a baby at 1 month is not so much the color of the toy as the brightness and contrast with surrounding objects.
  • Lying on his stomach, makes attempts to raise his head.
  • Makes small movements with arms and legs, sometimes tries to make sounds in time with the adult speaking to him.

Of all the senses at this age, smell, touch and taste are the most developed. The child has been growing and developing quite actively for 1 month, now he gradually begins to pay his attention to the environment, especially to his mother. He feels her touch, her smell, the taste of milk, which, by the way, changes depending on what mom ate. Vision is not very good yet, all children at this age are short-sighted, so the objects that you want to show them should be located at a distance of no more than half a meter. The same applies to the mother's face - he can confidently see it only up close.

Consciously, the baby begins to smile only by the second month, but even now you can see the first smiles in him. He opens his eyes, looks at the world. Emotions appear: joy for feeding, bathing, and for pain, hunger, cold or discomfort - loud crying - in this way the baby makes it clear to his mother that he needs something.

Baby sleep at 1 month old is up to 18 hours a day, the daily routine begins to take shape little by little. It is desirable that the baby wakes up at the same time and eats at the same time.

Development in 1 month

By the beginning of the first month, significant changes occur in the appearance of the child. The puffiness characteristic of a newborn gradually disappears, the face acquires certain features. Now we can say who he looks more like - mom or dad. Although this “similarity” will change several times over time.

A characteristic posture for newborns, when the baby looks like an embryo folded in his mother's tummy (the so-called hypertonicity), gradually relaxes, at times his fists open, the child begins to actively move his arms and legs.

If during the first month of life there were no problems with the umbilical wound, it should already heal and the most ordinary, beautiful navel flaunts on the stomach.

At this age, children are not able to hold their heads, their muscles are still too weak, therefore, taking the child in her arms, the mother should not forget to hold his head. However, now you can begin to strengthen the skeletal muscles - periodically put the baby on the tummy. Watch - once on the tummy, your baby will try to raise his head. Most likely, he will not be able to keep her in this position yet, but it will be excellent gymnastics.

Care in 1 month

The first bath was to take place before the age of 1 month. This is extremely useful and required procedure. If your baby is all right with the navel, you can not neglect it. Bathe a monthly peanut should be at least 2 times a week. Besides cleanliness, bathing a 1 month old baby necessary to stimulate the tone of the body, which helps to quickly remove muscle hypertonicity.

Important for normal development at this age take care of hygiene: every morning to wash the little one, clean the nose, ears, between the fingers, trim the nails, clean the skin after each diaper change with wet wipes or wash the perineum under the stream warm water(about 37°C). The room where the baby is located should be clean, dry, well ventilated. In order not to leave the child in a draft, for the time of airing it can be transferred to another room.

Don't forget about walks! At this age, all air should be spent at least 2 hours during the day.


If there are no health contraindications, it is already possible to massage monthly children. This will have a beneficial effect on muscle tone, moreover, thanks to systematized tactile sensations, connections are formed in the baby’s brain that contribute to its harmonious physical and mental development. At first, it should be light, stroking movements, and it is better if the first massage is done by an experienced specialist who will teach the parents the right actions.

Here is a good massage for a 1 month old baby: lightly pat on the baby's footsteps, saying:

Some leg
Right a little, ( light slap on the right heel)
Left a little, ( light slap on the left heel)
Kuyu good!

Find good, calm music and put it on your baby. It can be classical or appropriate contemporary music, but always peaceful and positive. It is not bad to include a quiet, soothing melody as an additional sedative before going to bed. There are many special music selections for children of all ages, find the right one for you. month old baby won't be difficult.

This month you will have your first visit to the doctor. If up to a month a pediatrician or a patronage nurse came to your house, then starting from the age of one month, the parents themselves bring the children. For this, there is a day in polyclinics healthy child when only healthy babies come. Find out in advance this day, so as not to come when there will be a lot of coughing and sneezing children of all ages around.


Breastfeeding is best for a one month old baby. Mother's milk is well absorbed, contains not only all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also mother's antibodies that protect against diseases. If you think that you do not have enough milk - do not rush to switch to artificial mixtures. A temporary decrease in milk in a woman can occur several times during the first six months of lactation. Talk to your pediatrician, perhaps special teas for nursing mothers, other harmless drugs, or even just a change in your own diet will help you.

The first month of a baby's life is one of the most important periods. It was at this time that the tiny "lump" will difficult task: "rebuild", adapt and get used to new living conditions outside the cozy mother's tummy. A month after the birth, the baby will acquire valuable skills and abilities, and will turn from a “newborn” into a “baby”.

Development of boys and girls in the first month of life

Each person is unique, and even the tiny man is no exception. This should be remembered by young mothers, who often compare their babies with other children and worry if their skills do not match in some way.

The development of a child in the first month of life goes by leaps and bounds, and at this stage of development it does not matter at all whether it is a boy or a girl. Day after day, he labors painstakingly, and by the end of this period, he has formed a significant list of achievements:

  • holding in the field of view of a bright object that is slowly moving (rattle) and fixing the gaze on it;
  • keeping a look at large and motionless objects (adult faces), increasing the coordination and smoothness of eye movements;
  • highlighting the mother among all the adults surrounding the baby, recognizing her voice, smell, hands;
  • manifestation of a reaction in the form of a start or a sharp blink to an invisible loud sound, turning the head in its direction;
  • the emergence of feedback» with parents in the form of a smile that occurs as a response to sweet words, the smile of an adult;
  • the appearance of the first attempts to copy the surrounding sounds, “cooing” when referring to it;
  • the appearance of more active than before, movements of the arms and legs;
  • holding the head for some time while lying on the tummy;
  • manifestation through crying or shouting changes in mood.

Height and weight as the main indicators of the physical development of a newborn in the first month

The main data that the pediatrician focuses on when conducting a monthly examination of the baby are indicators of the physical development of the child. It is they that allow you to determine how dynamically the baby is developing, whether he is completely healthy, whether he is hardy enough. An important role in this process play measurements of height, weight, circumference of the chest, head and the development of various organs and systems. All these indicators are taken into account when examining a child in the first month in the clinic by a pediatrician and specialist doctors.

Important! On average, from birth, a newborn grows by 3 cm, its weight increases by 600 grams, the head circumference becomes 2 cm larger, and the chest circumference increases by 2-4 cm.

It is worth noting that each child develops in his own rhythm: there are "chubby" and thin people, tall and miniature. It is impossible to “fit” the baby to any framework, and you don’t need to do this. Any table indicators are only an indicative figure. The general condition of the child, his activity, the presence of reflexes, sleep and wakefulness, appetite are important.

During the first month, eight main reflexes are consolidated:

  1. Sucking, manifested in the occurrence of sucking movements of the lips after passing a pacifier over them;
  2. Grasping, in which the baby grabs and tries to hold everything that touches his palm;
  3. Search, when, when stroking the cheek, the child turns the head in the appropriate direction;
  4. Swimming reflex, when the baby, when laying it on the tummy, makes movements similar to swimming;
  5. Walking reflex, in which the child, supported under the armpits and feeling supported by the legs, seems to be taking steps;
  6. Babinski's reflex, in which, after holding a finger along outer edge the feet of the fingers of the crumbs diverge to the sides;
  7. Mora's reflex, when, with a sudden loud sound, the baby waves his arms and legs;
  8. Babkin's reflex, which manifests itself in turning the head and opening the mouth when pressing on the child's palm.

Important! During the first medical examination, carried out in one month, the child must be examined by: a therapist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist.

In order to determine the presence of reflexes, as well as general condition nervous system of the baby, at the age of one month it must be shown to a doctor - a neurologist.

The vision of a one-month-old baby has already been formed, but sometimes he still cannot fully fix his gaze on an object, he may have a strabismus (which usually disappears with time) and when there are tears in his eyes, even when he does not cry. All these conditions are evaluated by an ophthalmologist, whose consultation is also mandatory.

The hearing of a baby in one month is also formed: they react to sound by turning their heads in its direction. If the child does not do this, his nose is not breathing well, he is reluctant to take the breast and worry about it, it is worth visiting an otolaryngologist.

In order to identify and eliminate pathologies in the development of the musculoskeletal system in time, a baby at the age of one month is shown to an orthopedic doctor. He will check the symmetry of the legs, the correctness of their support on the surface, eliminate the development of torticollis (when the baby's head is tilted to one side).

If the baby has shortness of breath during feeding, lethargy, poor growth and weight gain, a blue nasolabial triangle, the pediatrician can give a referral for an examination to a cardiologist in order to exclude diseases of the heart and vascular system.

gastrointestinal tract and digestive system the breasts are still quite poorly developed. Because of this, the crumbs are frequent "companions", bloating,. But if he is active, gaining weight and growing normally, no special treatment these conditions do not require, and, as a rule, pass with time.

Nutrition and sleep of the baby in one month

From the first days of a newborn's life, the best food for him is mother's milk, which has the optimal composition, temperature and is produced in the volumes necessary for the baby. There are two types of feeding:

  • on demand, when the baby is applied to the chest at the slightest sign of anxiety;
  • according to the regimen, when a fixed amount of time passes between feedings (on average, about three hours).

Each woman herself chooses the most convenient way of feeding for herself. As a rule, the child is satiated in the first ten minutes, after which they continue to suckle the breast simply not wanting to interrupt contact with the mother, sometimes falling asleep “on the breast”. It is important to apply the baby correctly so that he does not swallow excess air when sucking, which is fraught with frequent regurgitation and bloating.

About how much a baby should eat in the first month of life breast milk or mixtures you can read in

Sleep in the first month of a baby's life takes up most of his time. There are three phases of sleep:

  • deep, when the baby's breathing is even and calm;
  • shallow, when the baby slightly moves the arms and legs;
  • drowsiness, when the baby is as if half asleep, for example, during feeding.

Being in a cheerful state, the baby actively moves his arms and legs, grunts, snuffles. If little man something does not suit him, he “talks” about it with a loud cry. It often seems to young parents that, however, these fears are usually in vain.

Proper care of the baby is the key to harmonious development

Speaking about what a child should be able to do in the first month of life, it is impossible not to mention proper care. The room in which the baby is located should be comfortable, ventilated, but without drafts, with moist cool air. The baby crib should be without sharp corners, from durable material and with . Baby doesn't need a pillow. Clothing should be chosen from natural fabrics, without coarse seams and fasteners. Do not wrap the child too much - due to thermoregulation disturbed at this age, he can easily overheat, which will lead to the occurrence of diaper dermatitis. The first month of life is the time when it is necessary to carefully monitor the umbilical wound and take timely measures,

A beneficial effect on the child's body in the first month of life has a wellness massage, which should be done daily thirty minutes before feeding. It lasts no more than ten minutes and stops as soon as the baby begins to worry. The main element of the massage is stroking the face, fingers, arms, legs, back in the direction from the bottom up and from the sides to the center.

Charging a baby at one month video

With a baby of one month old, you can start doing gymnastics. The basic exercises are simple:

  • laying the crumbs on the tummy;
  • putting the thumbs of an adult into the fists of the baby lying on the back, after which his arms are slowly parted to the sides and shaken slightly.

Before going to bed, it will be an excellent activity - it will not only strengthen the muscles of the baby, but also calm him down, setting him up for a long night's rest. During sleep, the baby should be turned over alternately from one side to the other so that the muscles on both sides develop equally.


During the waking period, you can show the baby bright toys, slowly moving them in space, training his concentration on the subject. Conversations with a change in the volume and emotional coloring of the voice, listening to beautiful quiet music, gentle touches - all this makes an invaluable contribution to the development of a small personality.

In contact with

The first month of a child's life is the first important date baby. The baby is already undergoing a neonatal period - the cheeks and body are rounded, facial features are more clearly visible, the skin has become lighter, the hats from the hospital and the vests have become small. Your baby has grown significantly and put on weight. The time has come for the first official publication - a trip to the clinic.

What does a 1 month old baby know?

The pediatrician will measure the height, weight of the baby, check how the development of the child corresponds to his age. Check the presence of reflexes and skills.

From birth, the child's brain is constantly actively developing, everything that the baby sees, hears, touches - all this develops his nervous system.

The baby still cannot control his body - his movements are still chaotic, but already at 1 month the child can do a lot. What can a baby at 1 month:

  • The child must be able to hold the head. In the prone position, the baby can raise his head and remain in this position for some time.
  • The baby can already recognize his mother, follow her with his eyes. Distinguish her from other relatives and strangers.
  • The child should be able to fix his gaze on a stationary object and follow a vertically moving toy.
  • At 1 month, the baby begins to consciously smile in response to the smile of the mother. This is a very important indicator. proper development child.
  • The baby may try to make some sounds in response to the speech of an adult. This is how cooing begins - the first rudiments of a full-fledged speech.
  • At 1 month, the baby can already distinguish familiar sounds, listen to poems, songs. Recognizes the voices of parents.
  • Sharp, unfamiliar sounds scare the baby. The child shudders, throws up his hands.
  • The baby recognizes the touch of the mother, calms down in her arms and may be frightened, falling into the hands of a stranger.
  • The arms and legs of the baby begin to take a more relaxed position. Bent arms and legs, clenched fists - all this is a manifestation of hypertonicity in newborns. As the baby grows, all these signs should go away.
  • At 1 month, the child gets used to a certain daily routine. Eating, waking, and sleeping happen at about the same time.
  • Newborn reflexes are still preserved. The pediatrician will definitely check them.

At 1 month, the child begins to actively move his arms and legs, turns his head. It is necessary to give the baby to move freely, put on loose clothes. At this time, it is no longer necessary to swaddle the child tightly while awake. The baby's hands should be free.

Development of a newborn: What can a baby do at 1 month old? (video):

At this age, the baby watches with interest bright rattles. You can put a toy in your child's hand - and he will be able to hold it for a short time. The kid will try to grab with his hand the object of interest to him, thus forming the neural connections necessary for the coordinated movements of the child's limbs.

In the first month of a child's life, he still needs tactile contact with his mother, take him in your arms more often, do massage, gymnastics. These exercises strengthen the baby's muscles, because he still has to learn how to do many different complex movements - roll over, rise on his hands, sit down, crawl.

What can you do with a baby at this age

During wakefulness actively communicate with the baby. For the baby, this communication stimulates the active development of all the senses, and for parents it is emotionally very important and joyful to receive the baby's response - a smile, a look of the baby, revival at the sight of familiar faces.

Turn on classical and instrumental music for a while. You can find ready-made selections of classical music for kids. If in the first month of a child's life you teach your baby to fall asleep to the recording of lullabies, then in the future the baby will get used to it and will fall asleep faster as soon as you turn on familiar melodies for him. Read folk songs, poems, jokes to your child.

Performing any actions with the baby (washing, massage, gymnastics), pronounce all your actions. This stimulates the development of the baby's speech well. It often happens that mothers silently swaddle, feed the child, because. the baby still does not understand what they are saying to him, and indeed, what to talk about with the child. If you don’t know what to talk about, you can simply comment on all your actions (I went, I took it, etc.), walk around the room with a crumb in my arms and show various objects, name them and explain why they are needed and how to use them. use. This behavior may be unusual, but later it will allow the baby to speak faster. Everything that you do with your child from birth will definitely have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby at an older age.

The main toys of the baby at this age are rattles, there may be several of them. different forms and flowers, with different textures. Rattles are playing important role in the development of a child at 1 month. Hang mobiles on the crib, various pendants in contrasting colors - the baby will watch moving toys with interest, follow them with his eyes.

In the first month of a child's life, lay the baby on his stomach more often. This will encourage him to raise his head and train his back and neck muscles so that he will soon be able to hold his head confidently.

mom shares personal experience about the development of the baby in the first month (video):

If a healthy full-term baby at 1 month of age does not yet have such skills, this is not a reason to worry. Be sure to check the child's hearing and vision with a doctor, show the baby to a neurologist. If everything is in order - just pay more attention to the baby, deal with it - a little later the child will learn all this.

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