How to pass the exam oge. Personal experience: how to pass the OGE in Russian

The time for final exams has begun. Every summer, after it rings last call and before graduation is celebrated, students in grades 9 and 11 take exams.

OGE - what it is, and how students prepare for such a responsible period of life - this is our article.

What is OGE - transcript

What is OGE? This abbreviation stands for the Main State Exam. Absolutely all ninth grade graduates are required to pass it, regardless of whether the graduate continues his studies or not.

How to pass the OGE

Graduates are required to take four subjects. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory, and the student chooses two more subjects himself.

March 1 is the deadline for choosing items to submit. Schoolchildren with handicapped health have the right not to take additional subjects.

To pass the OGE, the graduate is given the opportunity to choose additional. items. The school administration enters the student's choice in the general register, in which the results are formed. Based on them, a certain number of packages with tasks will be sent.

Schoolchildren write exams in their schools, with their teachers as examiners. Having written the exam, students can only wait for the results, which are announced within a week.

What is passed in the 9th grade

Compulsory subjects for delivery in the 9th grade are mathematics and Russian. If the student does not plan to enter the 10th grade, then these two subjects will be enough for him.

If, nevertheless, a graduate wants to continue his studies in grades 10 and 11, he needs to pass not only mathematics and Russian, but also two additional subjects of his choice.

The easiest subjects for passing the OGE

The easiest subject to pass from the humanitarian direction is social studies. More than half of the graduates pass it.

This subject is the easiest to understand and remember. The science of social science is aimed at studying life, because the student can take part of the information from life experience.

In the technical direction, the easiest, according to graduates, is informatics and ICT. It, like social studies, is passed by most of the students.

Informatics is simply the monotony of its tasks. But no one cancels the fact that you need to know the school base. On the contrary, it needs to be understood and learned, and together with it, be able to solve many options.

How many points do you need to score to pass the OGE

Each subject has its own passing points. In Russian, the passing minimum is 15 points, and for mathematics, it is enough to score 8.

Is it difficult to get that many? It is better to ask the graduates themselves about this.

OGE grading system - scoring by subject

Behind Russian language when receiving from 0 to 14 points, a score of "2" is put. From 15 to 24 - score "3". From 25 to 33 - score "4". From 34 to 39 the mark "5" is put.

Behind mathematics when receiving from 0 to 7 points, the mark "2" is put. From 8 to 14 points - score "3". From 15 to 21 - mark "4". From 22 to 32 - the graduate receives a grade of "5".

By physics the following scale was adopted: if there are from 0 to 9 points, a score of "2" is put. From 10 to 19 points - score "3". From 20 to 30 - score "4". If there are more than 30 points, the graduate receives a mark of "5".

By typing by biology less than 13 points, the graduate receives a "2". From 13 to 25 - a score of "3" is obtained. If there are 26 - 36 points, the graduate will receive a mark of "4". If the graduate scored over 36, he will receive a "5".

By geography to pass the threshold, you must score more than 11 points. To get a "4" you need to get from 20 to 26. To get the highest mark, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum for informatics and ICT- 5 points. To get "4" you need to score from 12 to 17. For "5" you need more than 17 points.

To be enrolled in grade 10, you need to score 31 points in Russian, 19 in mathematics, 24 in geography, 15 in computer science and ICT, 30 in physics, and 33 in biology.

What is the difference between the OGE and the USE

These two ways of testing knowledge are very similar. The significant difference lies in two aspects:

  1. The first is how knowledge is tested. OGE students pass in their schools. And the examining committee is the teachers of this school. For writing USE students are invited to other schools in the city, where other teachers will be supervisors. The work of graduates is checked by an independent commission, which is organized by the district education committee.
  2. The second difference is admission to the exam. In the 9th grade, everyone who does not have twos in the subjects they pass is allowed to take the exam. In the 11th grade, admission to the exam is not only positive marks, but also, more recently, the final essay. His students write in early December. It is evaluated according to five criteria, for each of which you can score a maximum of five points. The evaluation criterion is the correspondence of the written essay to the given topic. The criteria also include the presence of argumentation, and one of the arguments must be taken from literary sources.

The third evaluation criterion is the composition of the essay and the presence of logic in the text.

The fourth is the quality of written speech. The student must clearly and clearly express his thoughts using different grammatical constructions.

The fifth criterion is literacy. If five or more errors are made, 0 points are given for this item. If points 1 and 2 are given 0 points, then the essay is not checked further and the graduate receives a “failure”.

What happens if you do not pass the OGE

If the student failed the exam and received an unsatisfactory grade in the main subjects, he is given the opportunity to retake these exams on reserve days.

But if the graduate did not score the required points for the second time, then instead of a certificate he will receive a certificate of completion of training. Retake of these items is possible only next year.

How to pass the OGE well in grade 9

For successful preparation for the OGE, you can seek help from tutors. For a not at all cheap fee, the student will be purposefully prepared for the delivery of a certain subject.

If, nevertheless, the student decided to prepare for the upcoming exams on his own, he should follow some tips:

  1. It is necessary to determine what form of memorization the graduate has. Perhaps visual, then you should outline the material more, highlight information with all kinds of markers, divide it into blocks. If the student has a more developed auditory form of memorization, then he should read more and pronounce the information read aloud.
  2. It is better to devote one or two hours to preparation every day than to sit on textbooks all day.
  3. To prepare, you need to organize self-discipline. It is very important to start preparing at least six months in advance. If the student cannot independently organize his work, parents need to help and try to control the preparation.


Once again about what is the OGE. This abbreviation is translated as the main state exam and means a form of testing the knowledge of grade 9 students.

In turn, the exam, called the unified state. exam, checks the knowledge of 11th grade graduates and opens the way for them to receive higher education.

Be honest: are you able to read half a page of an unfamiliar text at a good pace with little or no preparation, without stammering and, in addition, avoiding tricks with the placement of stresses and pronunciation of numerals? And then retell this text, appropriately weaving the received quote into it, and then discuss one of the proposed topics, first solo, and then answering the examiner's questions?

Meanwhile, this is exactly what was done for the first time on April 16 at the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language by the ninth-graders of the capital's school No. 1529 named after. Griboyedov, and with them the correspondent of "MK".

Assignments, when the examiners talk about them before the interview, look simple and harmless. The first pair of tasks is to read small text, and then retell it, linking the proposed quote to the retelling. The second pair is a discussion on the topic you have chosen (or a description of the selected picture), and then answers to questions on them. It would seem, what is easier?

I got the text about Chulpan Khamatova. From it, I learned that the actress beloved by many in her youth did not even think about this field, and therefore she chose an economic university for herself, only later “fell ill” with the theater. Later, she seriously took up saving seriously ill children by creating a special fund. And she never suffered from "star fever".

All this was easy for me to read: the long-term practice of reading children's books to my son had an effect. But turning to the retelling, she almost made a mistake, deciding to answer “on the fly”, without preparation. I share my experience: it is much better to first write out the main strongholds of the retelling in an outstanding sheet especially for this - so you certainly won’t forget anything. Well, it turned out to be quite simple to insert a quote in the right place: there the actress says how happy she is when cured children are discharged home completely healthy.

Having finished with the first group of tasks, I cheerfully move on to the second. And I immediately get into a dead end - the task offers a "fabulous" choice: you go to the left - you will lay down your head, to the right - you will lose your horse, etc. By the way, about the horse - to the very point, because you need to either talk about horseback riding, or about your personal experience of helping strangers, or speculate about who a modern educated person is.

The first is categorically rejected, because all I know about riding is that it exists. I don’t participate in volunteer social assistance movements, which means that a modern educated person remains. This topic is, oh, deep and difficult. But there is nothing to do: I choose it, I say what I managed to come up with (only two minutes are allotted for preparation for the procedure), and then I answer questions.

As a result, they give me a conditional "offset" on points, and even with a large margin. But, to be honest, I liked the answer of the real ninth grader Anya, at which journalists were present, much more. Although she came across the text, unlike mine, it was about the engineer Shukhov and his technical offspring, headed by the TV tower of the same name.

It is curious that not only schoolchildren, but also their teachers will have to prepare for the oral part of the OGE (and, in the future, possibly the USE for eleventh graders) in the Russian language. The new kind The test is designed in such a way that the language teacher evaluates the answers. And this is understandable.

But the direct interlocutor of a schoolchild who gives assignments, reads out questions and in all other ways enters into a dialogue with him, can be any school subject: a chemist, physicist, athlete. And since they “talked at this exam,” the head of the federal commission for developers of control measuring materials Unified State Examination and OGE in Russian Irina Tsybulko - then prepare for an interview, including working out correct accents or the correct pronunciation of numerals, now they also need it.

And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, how do you read aloud the phrase: "The athlete came to meet with 300 fans"?

The final exam is an important part of the educational process and allows you to check the readiness of the student for further education. After grade 9, students take the OGE, which consists of 5 exams - 2 mandatory and 3 optional. To achieve the best result, you should carefully consider the choice of items.

Getting almost any education is accompanied by a test of acquired knowledge or an exam. This is especially important for students: right choice Sciences a large number of points earned can guarantee admission to the chosen university. The most important is the USE for 11 grades and the OGE for 9 grades.

What is it about

For schoolchildren, the most important is the 11th grade and the final exam (USE). They prepare for it for several months and carefully choose items: they must match the requirements. The second most important is the OGE - the Main State Exam. Grade 9 graduates take it, after which they either remain at school or can transfer to a college or technical school.

Attention! The abbreviation "GIA" (State Final Attestation) is sometimes considered a synonym for the OGE, but in fact the GIA combines the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

The OGE is a mandatory exam for all students. Starting from 2014, it consists of 4 exams (since 2017 - of 5), of which 2 sciences (Russian language and mathematics) are mandatory for everyone, the rest are optional. The Ministry of Education plans to gradually increase the number of elective exams (one every 2 years) in order to improve the level of education of schoolchildren.

Every OGE exam must be passed no worse than the "troika", otherwise some time is given to retake. If the student does not correct the grade or does not appear for the exam, then instead of a certificate, he will receive a certificate of completion of training. It is possible to retake the OGE only for the next year.

How to choose

Since almost all students continue to study after finishing grade 9, the OGE is not considered an important or decisive test. Its results only affect admission to a college or technical school, otherwise it is enough for a student not to get a deuce.

Attention! Colleges and technical schools can put forward their own requirements for the OGE, usually this applies to subjects taken by the OGE.

In addition to the compulsory subjects at the OGE, graduates choose additional ones at will. They are guided by different motives:

  1. Simplicity: since the main task for most students is to go to grade 10, they do not want to spend time and effort choosing the easiest sciences;
  2. Necessity for the Unified State Examination: in this way, students begin preparation for the final assessment in advance. This helps to better understand the program and prepare for graduation;
  3. Readiness level: The better the student performs in the program, the easier it will be to pass the exam. This will help to score a high number of points. This option is preferred for those leaving the school;
  4. Options required for college admission.

In each situation, the choice of motive will be different. Usually, students try to choose subjects for the USE, which they will then take for the USE. If they have not yet decided on a university, it is worth stopping at the simplest ones: this will help to score a large number of points without overstraining.

A number of features

In 2018, students will be able to choose from:

  1. Biology;
  2. Geography;
  3. Physics;
  4. Chemistry;
  5. computer science;
  6. history;
  7. Social science;
  8. Literature;
  9. Foreign language (English, French, German or Spanish).

Each of the options has advantages and disadvantages. Before making the final choice, you should familiarize yourself with each item separately. Below are some of the "pitfalls":

Attention! First of all, you need to choose at least a direction (humanitarian, natural science or technical) - it will be easier to choose subjects for the OGE.

What to choose

First of all, it is important to decide on the goal: if a student is going to go to college, he should choose the subjects that are required for admission. If the task is only to go to grade 10, you can stop at a simpler one.

Secondly, you will need to realize your capabilities: it is not worth taking social studies just because the majority chose it, if the student himself is poorly versed in the discipline.

Thirdly, you should try to at least roughly imagine what exams will be required at the university and focus on them.

However, the student still has to choose. For example, he can choose a story for the OGE to check whether he has enough strength for the USE in this science.

The OGE is a mandatory main state exam that students must take after grade 9. The OGE is also called the Unified State Examination for 9 grades: a similar exam structure allows examinees to better understand what awaits them at the very end.

Hello everyone, today I would really like to talk about how the OGE (General State Exam) passed. Undoubtedly a hackneyed topic, but maybe someone will be interested.

I wrote immediately after passing the exams in the 9th grade, the text was not correct, the article was lost on the disk)

8th grade 4th quarter

Yes, it's the eighth. The teachers start talking about some GIA. Like, it's a kapets how difficult you are all noobs and be sure to fill it up ... Get ready, cram all summer and maybe luck will smile at you ...

Of course, this was not said in plain text, but the meaning of the teacher's sayings was just that.

Summer before going to 9th grade

Grade 9 1 quarter

Ruler, all smart, all joyful faces. Teachers come out and start to scare and spoil the mood. “Hello, dear students. We hasten to please you this year you will take the GIA. It is possible that some will fail him ... suffer, cram ... ”.

I remember then one kid from the parallel decided to create an informal atmosphere. And I decided to do my bit by shouting loudly throughout the corridor when the teachers continued to scare us. What did he say there ... .. and .... I definitely remembered! He said that the GIA is — "The Pot of the Intelligent Aggregate." Well, and there it went on, who is the forest, who is for firewood:

"America's Blue Idiots", "The Goths Profess Atheism", "The Anniversary of Hiccup Abramovich". I'm sure the list is endless. Okay, I digress.

Passing tests on the Internet and getting 4.5, everyone concluded for themselves that everything would be fine.

I thought so too, until “StarGrad diagnostic works” came to our class.

These works were like one lesson, two lesson. And once we had a rehearsal of the GIA in mathematics (there were no lessons in those days, phones were taken away ...). I confess that I wrote the first such and such work on "3" (only a score of up to 4 was not enough).

9th grade 2nd quarter

Disappointed by the failure, he decided and analyzed the tests for Yandex-GIA. And yes, memorizing such tasks really helped! The next sampler wrote for 4 (I didn’t reach 5 malyans: ()

9th grade 3rd quarter

The teachers remembered that we had to take Russian and handed out samples to us...

Frightened, I robbed my horizons and began to prepare.

9th grade 4th quarter

The atmosphere in the classroom is very tense. Teachers begin to strain more with consultations ...

Here come those happy Days in quotation marks.

The first exam - computer science, passed in the gymnasium. We were randomly divided into rooms. Everyone had an Apple laptop + a draft on their desks. The teachers circled and courted us, but they didn’t understand that we shouldn’t use calculators :) (teachers from the humanities) The assignments turned out to be much easier than those for which I was preparing.

The second is mathematics. Only at the exams they handed out spurs with area formulas and a table of squares.

The third is Russian. He is renowned for his exposition and linguistic writing. Tip, take a pencil with you to the exam. Although it is strictly prohibited in the rules, no one has been kicked out for it yet :) Writing a presentation with them is much faster than with a helium pen!

In exams, the most nerves for me are filling out a piece of paper with answers with a helium pen. By the way, if you make a mistake when filling out the code of the school or the point where the exam is held, you will be given a new KIM and possibly with a different option. Checked!

So formally arrived summer holidays. But no one is sure to be able to sleep peacefully when the results come in 5-9 days.

And here is a call from school. They ask you to come sign and agree with the results ...

I got A's in all subjects! He went nuts, especially in Russian (38 points out of 42) ...

In short, if you don’t want to fail the exam: do your homework every day, stock up on books for preparation, start actively preparing (at least a month before the exam). And all four in your pocket!

So, today we will see with you how to pass the exam, and successfully. After all, this question, as a rule, is puzzled by many schoolchildren and students. In most cases, those who do not know anything at all. That is why we will try to help such students. After all, there are plenty of reasons why "ignorance" appears. Here and excitement, and laziness (which is very sad), and life circumstances. Thus, let's start thinking with you how to pass exams in grade 9 if you don't know anything.


The first way is to use prayer. After all, only this remains to be done by students who know absolutely nothing, but, nevertheless, go to take final exams. Honestly, faith is a very useful thing, especially in such moments.

How to pass an exam if you don't know anything? Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh can help you in this matter. Pray to him. It is worth starting the process a few days before "Day X" with a daily repetition at midnight. Even better if you have an icon in front of you. The result is fixed by prayer right before the exam. It sounds like this:

"Oh, our reverend and God-bearing Father, Sergius! Look at me (name) mercifully and, to the land of adherents, raise me to the heights of heaven. Strengthen my cowardice and confirm me in faith, yes, I certainly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Lord God with your prayers By your intercession, ask for every gift to everyone and to whom it is beneficial, and all of us, with your prayers, vouchsafe on the day of the Last Judgment, part of the shuiya will be delivered, the right of the country, the fellows of being and the blessed voice of the Lord Christ, hear: come, blessings of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the addition peace. Amen."

After such a repetition (better, as already mentioned, several times, namely 3), you can safely go to the exam. True, you should not think that everything is so easy and simple. It is better to play it safe and try other methods that will help you figure out how to pass the exam with excellent marks. There is a conspiracy, for example, that really works.

We are talking

Our rite is performed on a clean head and a bright mind. That is, from the very morning, on the day before the "execution". It is at this moment that students, more than ever, want to succeed. Especially if they don't know anything.

Wash your hair on "Day X", and then say the following words three times:

"My head is clear, my mind is clear, my mind is bright.
I know everything, I understand everything, I quickly solve everything,
I answer all questions.
With any task I will be lucky. Amen."

This conspiracy, as a rule, helps those who already have at least some knowledge. It is aimed at increasing the student's intelligence, his reaction, as well as logic, a bright mind and ingenuity. Using this technique, you can easily answer how to pass exams in grade 9 if you don’t know anything. But magic isn't always positive result. Naturally, no one can do without it, but it's best to play it safe and try a few more tricks. Some of them, frankly, are more effective than prayers and conspiracies.


For example, you can use such an interesting "thing" as omens. It is they who are able to cheer up students when they think how to pass the exam with excellent marks. In fact, there are a lot of them, but we will get acquainted only with the most common ones.

Probably, every student knows a "spell" called "Freebie, come!". At this moment, at midnight, you need to wave your record book (open) out the window. You can try to do the same with an open diary. Some believe that this technique works, and sacredly follow it.

Also, a nickel should be put under the heel on the day of the exam. And better - in each shoe. Two nickels under the heels is something like double luck. A very good reception, which not only cheers up, but also instills hope in the students.

Another technique that can be used when thinking about how to pass the exam with excellent marks is falling asleep on notes and textbooks. Put them under your pillow and sleep peacefully. Do not think about anything bad, and in the morning the knowledge will allegedly “fit” into your head on its own.

Of course, signs are good. Even an unbelieving student will start following them if he knows nothing, and the exams are getting closer and closer. Thus, we hope for a miracle. But now let's go down from heaven to earth and get acquainted with more mundane and real, as well as effective ways, which will help answer how to pass the exam the first time with "excellent".

cheat sheets

Let's start, perhaps, with the oldest and already time-tested reception. This is nothing more than writing cheat sheets on subjects. They are especially good when you know in advance the list of questions to be asked.

Considering that now exams are held in the form of the Unified State Examination, or rather, testing, and tasks, and not questions, then, most likely, you will have to write out the whole theory with examples on small pieces of paper. Of course, depending on the subject. So, for example, if you want to answer how to pass an exam in mathematics (grade 9), then you will need to write down all the formulas with their conclusions. Moreover, this applies to both algebra and geometry.

Once the cheat sheets are written, you will need to hide them. You can stick them anywhere. Someone writes right on their feet and puts on skirts (relevant for girls), someone hides it in the pockets of their jackets, someone puts it in their hands, and so on. In general, you will have to try hard to hide the spurs.

By the way, it is they who, as a rule, help answer how to pass the exam, if nothing comes to mind. After all, while writing them, you mentally repeat all the material covered. Sometimes even the mere presence of cheat sheets can help out. You will remember what and where you recorded.


Well, and we are moving with you to the simplest and most successful option. To be honest, it only helps in the test part of the exams. After all, there you can simply guess the answer.

If you want to know how to pass the exam, coming unprepared, then after all " magical rites"As a rule, you will have to use your own luck. You will have to intuitively feel what answer should be given to a particular question. Or, simply guess it.

If you answer all questions with the same letter, then there is a chance that you will answer correctly on about 60% of all tests. This is statistical data. But it may also turn out that this technique will not give results. Then you have to go for a retake or get a "paper about listening to lessons" and leave the school. Thus, we will look with you for other options that will help you answer how to pass the exam.


Now let's move on to more effective and modern methods. True, now some of them may not work. Why? We will learn about this a little later. In the meantime, let's see what you can come up with for the exam.

For example, you can always use your phone and internet. This is a very interesting approach that can help answer most questions and solve a lot of difficult situations. Sometimes, to be honest, you can even find some solved ones there. USE options. But they are blocked very quickly.

If you managed to bring your mobile phone into the territory of the examination point, then half the work is already done. It remains now just to carefully use it to access the Internet. However, even here inaccuracies can sometimes occur. Of course, you can find solutions to examples and mathematical / physical problems quickly and accurately. And here are some logical questions that relate to chemistry, biology, psychology and so on - not always. Let's find out a couple more tricks that will help you answer how to pass the exam at school.

mobile conversation

Fortunately, there is another rather interesting approach to solving our today's question. But for him, you will have to have a quiet voice and do a lot of training. After all we are talking about using the so-called earpiece with your mobile phone.

At the "other end" a good friend should be waiting for you. You dictate questions to him, and he gives you answers. It is very easy to hide such a "device", but to bring it into the territory of a school or any point conducting the exam is not so easy. If you manage to do this, then you can be sure that you can pass everything. And, quite successfully.

Advantage this method It's about convenience and reliability. After all, your friend can sit in front of the computer, where he will find all necessary information several times faster than it is possible to do on the phone. But you have to practice hard to be successful. For example, you can "poolize" like this in the classroom. The main thing is that no one suspects anything. And even more so that no one hears you. Otherwise, you risk being kicked out of the exam.

We teach

Well, now it's time to talk about the most accurate way. If you are thinking about how to pass the exam with excellent marks, then you have no choice but to sit down for textbooks and notes. Learn what has been passed, and luck will surely smile at you.

True, do not overexert your brain too much. Especially a day or two before the exam. This means that all preparations should be carried out in advance. And in last days- just skim through the notes and studied material. Otherwise, all thoughts can simply turn into a mess. Especially if you decide to start intensive training in several subjects at once.

However, if you already know everything, but are not completely confident in your abilities, then, as already mentioned, write cheat sheets. They will simply help consolidate your knowledge. After that, calm down, get enough sleep and go to the "execution".


True, all of these options have their drawbacks. And sometimes there are even huge difficulties with their "turning". And now we will find out with you what you should be prepared for.

In cases with prayers, conspiracies and signs - to failure. After all, "dancing with tambourines" is just an extra instillation of faith in a person. Moreover, if all this is not fueled by knowledge in the subjects to be handed over, then these techniques are practically useless.

But when using technology and the Internet, you can completely be expelled. After all, now even mobile phones cannot be carried on the territory of examination points. If a student is found with a gadget, then, most likely, he will be kicked out.

But sometimes it is possible to carry the phone. Here, either luck will smile at you, or danger awaits again - a signal blocker. A very useful thing that will not allow you to make calls or connect to the network. Then you will have to look for answers in your head.


Now it's time to end our conversation. As you can see, there are a lot of different options that help answer how to pass the exam without any problems. Thus, each pupil and student has the right to choose what suits him.

Of course, there were some dangerous moments too. But they are everywhere. So, it would be better to write a couple of spurs, learn everything that is possible, and then go to the exam. Only knowledge can give you a guarantee for a successful delivery.

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