Poor general health. General weakness, malaise: feeling, treatment, symptoms, causes. Other causes of weakness

We all want to be happy, to experience joy. But this does not mean that life will always be cloudless. If a person is alive, there will inevitably be sadness along his path. And the more he loves life, the deeper his feelings for other people, the harder these moments are for him. There is sadness that comes and leaves a person without lingering. Sometimes suffering is caused by such causes, which will not be forgotten until the end of life. For example, in adolescence, parting with first love can be experienced very sharply and painfully.

But, after a few months or years, this is usually remembered with a smile. Such memories are more like a slight sadness for a bygone childhood. However, for example, losing a child is a loss that remains until the end of days. Ways to work with different types emotional anguish differ from each other. What to do if the soul is very hard? How can we relate to our state of mind in different situations?

Longing for loss: accept your feelings

Longing is always longing. You cannot get rid of it simply by trying to rationalize what is happening. When your heart is heavy and you want to cry, you can’t hide it. However, even if a person is in a state of deep sadness, this does not mean that he is forbidden to experience joy. In fact, sadness comes in order to be accepted - and even while experiencing this feeling, it is possible to experience a more meaningful feeling of joy. Not momentary enjoyment or laughter, but a deeper sense of gratitude for life.

Instead of running from sadness or trying to disguise it, it is better to listen to this feeling, to accept it. Longing and sadness mean that life once gave you a gift; and now, having lost it, you understand how valuable it was, how much it was worth being a part of your being for some time. It could be a relationship with another person, or Living being, which was important to you, or anything else - this gift was so precious that in its absence a deep sadness is born in the soul. Moreover, it was provided to you in a world where no one has any guarantees about their present and future.

Imagine a world without such gifts. Each human life then it would be a complete tragedy. “It is better to lose love than not to burn with love at all,” you will probably agree with this Shakespearean quote.
All things in our world, including sadness, have a dual nature. Ancient philosophers knew about this. Make sure you see more than just dark side your feeling. For what gift fate has endowed you with, you should thank her.

If longing arises for other reasons

But often the state of sadness arises for other reasons associated with certain events. Sometimes it also happens that it is not clear for what reason it is hard on the soul. This happens in two cases: either when a person cannot independently determine what exactly causes melancholy and sadness, or when so many problems accumulate in life that it becomes impossible to identify true reason.

In both cases, you can use an approach that allows you to gradually solve the existing difficulties. For example, you may suffer because of the immense amount of work that needs to be completed within a certain period of time; because of real or imaginary flaws in your figure; due to a recent job loss or separation from someone significant to you.

If it is impossible to determine which of these factors caused depression, you need to gradually begin to work on all these areas: go to Gym, finally start doing work, post a resume on the Internet (or a profile on a dating site).

Of course, this approach seems obvious. But it is not so easy to take concrete steps in reality, when it is very hard on the soul, and the future seems hopeless. If a person manages to overcome himself and start working on at least some problems, this will already help to alleviate his condition.

What if sadness does not go away in a short time?

If sadness has settled in the soul, it is not easy to cope with this state, even as an adult and morally mature man. Each of us periodically yearns for attention from others, care and support. Especially if the state of longing has settled in the heart for a long time. Therefore, if you have friends or acquaintances who can support you, do not neglect this support. If this is not possible, then you will have to take on this role. Unfortunately, many adults - especially residents of megacities - even with boiling social life may find themselves all alone.

Of course, in this case, it is also necessary to treat your feelings with understanding. Try to be as careful as possible with your inner child”, as psychologists sometimes conditionally designate the emotional component. To do this, you can try a few simple techniques.

  • First, remember those people in whose presence you felt safe. It could be parents, grandparents. Look at them yourself loving eyes. Feel the warmth from them. Feel their love, which does not depend on your achievements or the mistakes you make - it really is unconditional. Ask yourself: do they want (or would like, if they are no longer alive) to see their child or grandchild suffer so now?
  • Secondly, to make up for the lack of emotional energy, it would be useful to turn to your higher "I". You can also find a lot about this concept useful information. Let's say briefly - the higher "I" is a kind of ideal of a person, the model that he, consciously or unconsciously, seeks to become. This is an imaginary copy of a person who already has everything necessary for a successful and happy life qualities and skills. Sometimes a parallel is drawn between the higher "I" and the guardian angel of a person in Christian tradition. In times of difficulty and despair, remember this ideal.

    To reconnect with him and get the energy you need, swipe. Sit in a comfortable position, relax. Imagine a higher "I" - yourself, who managed to go through all the difficulties, develop the necessary volitional and emotional qualities. Feel how strong this person is, how many wonderful talents he has. Then imagine yourself connecting with that copy, becoming one with it.

  • The third technique will help calm the inner child. No matter how old a person is - thirty or fifty - he will always live inside him. Small child, still requiring love and attention. To give him the right warmth, you can do the following. Make a bundle of any clothes you own so that it is the size of a baby in swaddling clothes. Take him in your arms. Now clearly imagine that you have a real child in your arms. That child is you. Visualize the baby's face clearly. Then tell your child how much you love him. Reassure him that you will never leave him. Then you can play with him, or continue to lull.
In addition to these techniques, it is also necessary to keep working on the actual difficulties. If, for example, you are weighed down by imperfect parameters of your physical form, the very fact of going to the gym will help eliminate negative emotions. After all, the mind sends them as a signal for a person to start working on the circumstances. When he begins to do this work, negative experiences become unnecessary.

Sometimes the best way out, when it is very hard on the soul, can be an appeal to a specialist. In our country, unfortunately, working with a psychologist is not yet a fairly common way to help yourself. Often, not without reason, people do not want to trust psychologists. After all, many of them tend to evaluate people in a stereotyped way, referring them to one category or another and not paying due attention to the individual characteristics of the situation. Therefore, it may take time to find "your" psychologist with the necessary experience and good professional intuition.

However, in the future, these efforts will pay off handsomely. After all, difficulties, including psychological ones, are not resolved by themselves. And the knowledge of everyday psychology is of very little practical use - otherwise everyone who believes that they "solve their problems themselves" would have long been successful and happy.

In any case, anyone who experiences sadness should treat themselves and their feelings with due patience. Get help from family and friends. Remember to praise yourself even for things that may seem insignificant or self-evident. This will help the onset of a speedy emotional and spiritual healing.

Today we will be discussing a topic such as "heart heaviness". Many complain that they can not get rid of this unpleasant feeling. We will consider the origin of this feeling, its various types and ways out of this unpleasant state.

First of all, let's translate this abstract expression into a more concrete direction. How does this feeling manifest itself? It manifests itself as a vague feeling of anxiety somewhere in the chest. There is a feeling that a weak one is allowed inside electricity. "Heart flutters." A very unpleasant sensation, no wonder people want to get rid of it. So, heaviness in the soul is a feeling of anxiety.

When does anxiety arise?

It occurs when some unsolved problem hangs over us, when we feel the approach of some kind of trouble, when we need to fix something, and when we are in some kind of limbo and the unknown is pressing on us.

What do these situations have in common?

First of all, they are united by the need to find a solution and the need for immediate action. Feelings of anxiety motivate us to act and try to avoid certain negative consequences inaction.

Thus, one must understand that “heaviness in the soul” is not a disease, but a symptom. Our feelings stimulate us to act before it's too late. Thus, it would be wise to fight not with a sense of anxiety, but with the situation that caused it.

I will give an example from my own experience. One of my acquaintances, a man in his early forties, who complained of a feeling of anxiety in the wording "heaviness in the soul for several months." After I began to question him about the events in his life that preceded the onset of anxiety, it turned out that before they arose, he had a big fight with his son. During these few months, they never reconciled (why is a separate topic), but he did not connect his emotional condition with the situation that preceded it. For some reason, my friend did not want to connect these two events. In the course of work, we sorted out the reasons for the quarrel and this man wished to make peace with his son. Soon he did it and the heaviness in his soul passed.

In this example, the person subconsciously felt that reconciliation was necessary, but his resentment prevented him from doing so. At the same time, he did not want to link the situation and his condition, trying to get out of the internal conflict (a feeling of resentment and a desire to make peace).

Thus, heaviness in the soul testifies to some unresolved life situation, which, however, may not be realized. Based on the foregoing, work with anxiety should consist in clarifying the circumstances that preceded its appearance. This allows you to identify the "urge to action", which causes a feeling of heaviness in the soul.

I note that a person is not always able to do this on his own, since this can be interfered with by a person’s false ideas about what drives him.

Resolution of the situation.

It is good when the situation can be resolved easily, but it happens that it is too difficult or impossible to resolve it. This happens when the resolution of the situation does not depend on us, but on other people, or other circumstances beyond our control. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for our feelings to explain that we are powerless in something.

What to do in such a situation?

Everything is simple. Feelings require action from us, which means that action must be provided. If we can't handle the situation ourselves, maybe other people can handle it. You need to ask people for help. Asking for help is also an action that will make you a little calmer. In addition, there is a high probability that help will actually resolve the situation.

Unfortunately, there are situations that neither you nor other people can resolve. In such cases, a person needs the moral support of other people.

In such circumstances, diverting attention from the complexities can help.

For example, in the event of a significant loss loved one, in addition to other negative tendencies, a feeling of anxiety can also be observed. There is nothing you can do about such a loss, so distraction can help in such a situation. Maybe someone can help. But this is another, much more difficult topic which we will not go into detail now.

What should not be done?

Many people prefer to deal with anxiety through various chemical means, such as alcohol, sedatives, drugs, etc. It is important to understand that they are not able to help overcome anxiety, but can only slow down our nervous system. Thus, it can only make a person slower, but not calmer. In addition, these funds have side effects, for example, can cause sleep problems that interfere with psychological recovery. Therefore, you should never drink alcohol and sedatives to feel better at heart. This can only trigger new unresolved situations that will cause additional anxiety, which in turn forces you to increase the dose. Thus, a person can fall into a vicious circle.

This is where we will end today. I wish you only lightness in your soul. Good luck!

/ 05.11.2017

General malaise. Why there are malaise and fatigue.

Exhausting office work frequent illnesses severely deplete the body. At the same time, a person gets tired, constantly feels a breakdown, drowsiness, lethargy and poor health. All these symptoms characterize a general malaise. The appearance of fatigue may be associated with the addition of diseases, external factors, and nervous tension. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of drugs or using physical exercises.

Discomfort due to certain diseases

The appearance of lethargy and fatigue in the workplace is difficult to overcome by willpower. Most often, this condition occurs due to the addition of various diseases.

Doctors say that the following ailments can cause general malaise and weakness:

  1. SARS. The defeat of viruses during the period of the influenza epidemic, sharply weakens the immune system. At the same time, adults and children develop abundant nasal discharge, lacrimation, coughing, sneezing, and nasal congestion. It also knocks down elevated body temperature, drowsiness, aching muscles and joints.
  2. Infectious bowel disease is associated with eating low-quality food, not fresh sweets. In this case, pathogenic microbes enter the intestinal mucosa, an inflammatory reaction develops. A person complains of constant vomiting, diarrhea, fever up to 39 0 C. Exhaustion quickly sets in, dry mouth, dehydration, mild malaise quickly develops into severe.
  3. Cancer diseases of the internal organs for several months greatly deplete a person. At the same time, patients look tired, with bruises under their eyes, pale skin, feel fatigue when doing household chores, drowsiness, and lose interest in others.
  4. migraine in more It is characteristic of women when a strong and deafening pain in half of the head may suddenly appear. Begins to feel sick, motion sickness, staying on your feet is fraught with fainting, very pronounced loss of strength and drowsiness.
  5. Rheumatism is characterized by damage to the joints and connective tissue. This is a chronic disease in which a person complains of deformity of the fingers, knee joints. The movements are constrained, painful, the hands begin to twist, as it were, the body temperature rises, pain in the heart disturbs, rapid and constant fatigue.
  6. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency occurs when there is an obstruction to blood flow to the brain. Compression of the vessels of the neck by muscles, bone growths in osteochondrosis, subluxations of the vertebrae. During physical exertion, severe fatigue, dizziness, nausea, malaise and fainting may occur.

Important! If fatigue, darkening of the eyes, loss of strength suddenly developed, you should immediately lie down on a flat surface.

An experienced doctor can quickly determine the cause of the ailment.

Passing states as a cause of malaise

There are moments when incomprehensible fatigue, discomfort and overwork appeared among full health. In this case, it can be argued that the effect external factors that do not belong to diseases:

  1. Stress. Work in the trade, medicine, business, where required constant communication with people, greatly affects nervous state person. TO bad mood irritability, irascibility, fatigue, insomnia, and malaise join.
  2. Working night shifts knocks a person out of the right rhythm. Fatigue, rapid fatigue, exhaustion persist for several days. Sometimes pallor, circles under the eyes may appear.
  3. Malnutrition can be related to lifestyle, work schedule. Lack of meat in the diet fresh vegetables and fruit entails the occurrence of hypovitaminosis. At the same time, a person loses weight, feels muscle weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  4. Heavy sports are associated with exhausting physical activity. In this case, the body loses a lot of energy, depleted. If this reserve is not replenished in time, there is a breakdown, lethargy, rapid muscle fatigue, and drowsiness after training.
  5. The rehabilitation period after operations, injuries lasts from several weeks to 2-3 years. At this time, patients complain of weakness in the muscles of the legs, arms, malaise without elevated temperature body, general fatigue, pain in postoperative areas.
  6. Magnetic flashes on the sun reach the Earth after 2-3 days, and last up to 1 week. During this period, a person, especially the elderly, may experience a severe headache, general fatigue, panic, jumps in blood pressure, pain in the heart.

Doctor's advice. If scientists predict magnetic storms, you should definitely take pills for pressure, and if you have headaches, you should immediately call a doctor

To get rid of discomfort in the body, general fatigue, all causes of malaise should be eliminated.

How to get rid of weakness and fatigue at home

You can get rid of fatigue and fatigue with the help of several simple exercises. However, such classes should be carried out regularly, regardless of the general condition. Physiotherapists advise taking the following steps:

How to do the exercises

Standing position, legs together, straight. Slowly lean forward, reaching the floor with your palms, without bending your knees. Hold the pose for 10 seconds. Repeat this 15-20 times

Lying on your stomach, legs together, gradually bend back. While resting on straightened arms. Reach maximum bend, hold in this position for 15 seconds. Perform 20 repetitions

Dilute 1 sachet in 100 ml of water, take twice a day for 4-5 days

Traumeel S

1 tablet every 15 minutes at the very beginning of the illness for 2 hours. Then 1 tablet three times a day for 2 weeks

General weakness, malaise, dry mouth, dehydration


Dilute 1 sachet in 1 liter of boiled water. Take 150 ml 5-6 times a day

Diarrhea, fever


2 tablets 4 times a day with 200 ml of water. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor


1 scoop 3 times a day 2 hours after taking any medication. Duration depends on duration of diarrhea

Short temper, anxiety, asthenia, nervous tension

Novo Passit

1 tablet three times a day for 1 month

Malaise affects the work of the whole organism, changes mood, reduces strength. Therefore, the fight against the causes that led to this state requires integrated approach and obligatory medical consultation.

Each of us knows these sensations: fatigue, loss of strength, weakness, lethargy, when it refuses to function normally. I don’t want to do anything, there is only one desire: to lie on the sofa and think about nothing. Other negative symptoms often join: aches, pain in the joints and muscles, dizziness, drowsiness and lack of appetite. This condition is referred to by the general term - malaise.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon - from banal fatigue to dangerous diseases. Therefore, if bad health does not leave you for a long time, it is better to find out its cause. Visit a doctor and get tested.

Heart and lung diseases. With these pathologies, pain in the chest and shortness of breath join the described symptoms.

Stress, nervous experiences, as well as severe fatigue from hard work without sufficient rest, also very often cause negative symptoms.

Often a person feels a strong malaise before an approaching illness. First, weakness, lethargy appear, working capacity decreases, and after a while the first symptoms of the disease appear.

The same negative symptoms are inherent in beriberi. With a prolonged lack of vitamins, in addition to those listed, additional signs are observed. Avitaminosis can occur with a monotonous, irrational diet, in particular, with long-term or frequent mono-diets.

In addition, general malaise is often experienced weather dependent people, during a sudden change in the weather and pregnant women who are subjected to severe stress.

Symptoms of general weakness of the body

General weakness, malaise is characterized by a breakdown. If these symptoms are harbingers of an infectious disease, they always appear suddenly and increase gradually, depending on the rate of infection.

If they appear in a healthy person from severe overwork, fatigue, nervous experience, their intensity is associated with the amount of physical, mental and nervous overload. Usually they gradually increase, accompanied by a loss of interest in your favorite pastime, work, loved ones. There are additional symptoms - loss of concentration, inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness.

Malaise, weakness caused by beriberi, are about the same character. Additional features are: pale skin, brittle nails, hair, frequent dizziness, blackouts, etc.

Prolonged malaise for unknown reasons

In this case, the listed symptoms haunt a person for many months, there is cause for alarm. It is imperative to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of this condition. The fact is that prolonged malaise can be a symptom of the onset of very serious diseases, in particular, cancer, viral hepatitis, HIV, etc.

How to get rid of malaise and fatigue? general weakness

It is always based on identifying and eliminating the cause that caused negative symptoms.

For example, if a disease is diagnosed, drug therapy is carried out, measures are prescribed to improve the state of the immune system, and a course of vitamin-mineral complexes is prescribed.

Poor general health in a person due to overwork, nervous experience passes without a trace after good rest and normalization of sleep. Rest is necessary to restore strength, improve the state of the nervous system of the body.

Patients are advised to observe the daily regimen, normalize the mode of work and rest, avoid negative emotions, irritating factors. Restoration of strength is greatly facilitated by massage, swimming, the use of herbal medicine, which I will talk about a little later.

In many cases, dietary adjustment is required: you need to eat more fresh plant food, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also recommended to increase the intake of protein foods. It is better to reduce the amount of carbohydrates.

For example, for breakfast, eat porridge, preferably buckwheat. If there is no time to cook it for breakfast, cook it in a thermos. In the evening, pour the cereal with boiling water or hot milk. In the morning the porridge will be ready. oatmeal in the same way it is prepared in 5 minutes. That is, it makes no sense to cook it in the evening.

Replace bread for sandwiches with bread. Instead of sausage, make a sandwich with a slice of fresh soft cheese or eat a soft-boiled egg. Instead of instant coffee, drink a cup of green tea. Now you can buy tea with additives or add them yourself by buying rosehip berries, hibiscus tea and mint at the pharmacy separately in the supermarket. Replace soda with fresh mineral water without gas. Snack not on chips, but on an apple or prunes. In the evening, before going to bed, drink a cup of bio-kefir or eat natural yogurt.

Significantly reduce, if not completely give up alcohol consumption and stop smoking. Go to the forest more often, to fresh air, or just make it a habit to walk in the park several times a week.

Folk recipes

Very effective for severe fatigue, weakness and malaise baths in which fir essential oil is added. Such procedures relax, soothe, help the body recover. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature for you, pour out half of the pharmaceutical vial fir oil, stir. Even after the first procedure, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes.

To strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to various infections, in early spring collect Birch juice. Medicinal properties of birch sap are such that just 2-3 cups a day are enough to feel much better in a week, and in a month it’s generally excellent.

If you have recently had a disease, or if you are weakened for other reasons, oatmeal jelly from oatmeal. Pour 1 tbsp of grains (not flakes!), Add half a liter of water into the pan. Cook at low temperature until the grains are soft. Then push them a little with a pusher, strain the broth. Drink one glass a day, between lunch and dinner, for 2 weeks.

To improve well-being, eliminate lethargy, apathy, use an aroma lamp, where add a few drops of orange essential oil or essential oil ylang-ylang. Inhaling these aromas improves mood, improves tone.

If the tips and recipes listed above do not help, if negative symptoms haunt you for a long time and the condition continues to worsen, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Be healthy!

Unlike most other medical conditions, malaise does not have a specific set of symptoms. Malaise is described as a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or feeling unwell.

Sometimes there may be a sudden malaise, while in other cases this condition may develop gradually and last for a long time. The cause of the malaise can be extremely difficult to determine because it can be caused by a large number of conditions,

but once the cause is identified, treating it can relieve the feeling of being unwell.


Health status

The list below includes some of the likely causes of discomfort, but this list is far from complete. According to National institutions(NIH), almost any serious illness can make you feel unwell (NIH, 2011). Therefore, it is important not to make hasty conclusions about the cause of the ailment and consult a doctor.

Some medicines may increase the risk of developing malaise. Let's consider some of them:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • certain drugs used to treat hypertension and heart disease (especially beta-blockers);
  • medicines used to treat mental disorders;
  • antihistamines;
  • combinations of different drugs.

Malaise and fatigue

Malaise and fatigue

The malaise is often accompanied by fatigue. In addition to general malaise, a person usually also feels very tired or lethargic.

As with illness, fatigue has many possible causes. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), fatigue can be attributed to lifestyle, illness, and certain medications (UMMC, 2011).

  • when, approximately, the malaise began;
  • whether the ailment is present constantly or occurs intermittently.

In addition, the doctor may ask questions about factors that may have caused the discomfort:

  • about recent travels;
  • about other symptoms;
  • about the difficulties you face every day and why you feel it is difficult;
  • about the drugs you are taking;
  • your general health, including diagnosed diseases and/or medical conditions;
  • whether you drink alcohol;
  • about whether you use drugs.

After the examination, the doctor will be able to more accurately determine the cause of the ailment, after which he may refer you for additional examinations to confirm or exclude a specific diagnosis (s). Examinations may include blood tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic tests.


Malaise is not a single disease, so treatment should be directed at its root cause. It is impossible to predict in advance what such treatment will be, because the ailment may be due to a simple illness, such as the flu, or a serious condition, such as leukemia.

Treating the underlying cause of the discomfort will help control the sensation and prevent it from developing into a severe form. You can minimize discomfort in the following ways:

Since there are many possible causes for the ailment, it is not easy to prevent it.

The vague sensations that a person experiences when he is unwell are often symptoms of the onset of the disease, and any and all. This condition deserves more detailed consideration. If you are unwell, you need to look for other, more characteristic symptoms of existing disorders. Malaise means "a vague feeling of discomfort." But doctors don't like to use the term "vague," so they have to test everything from the roots of the hair to the tips of the toes to find out the cause of the disorder.

Causes of malaise

Sometimes periods of malaise can be associated with a mental state, which can change under the influence severe stress, work or fatigue due to insufficient time for rest. If you're feeling depressed all the time, it might be depression. Maybe you are not eating well enough and not getting the right amount of the necessary substances. You may not be getting enough sleep.

Infectious and viral diseases often cause a feeling of indifference, while there are no obvious signs of the disease. A person is made to feel unwell by a latent infection such as a chronic inflammation of the sinuses or a carious tooth. Anemia can be hidden behind the malaise, especially if you feel weak or dizzy. Women with heavy menstruation and the elderly are especially susceptible to malaise. The malaise may be associated with insufficient thyroid function. If you have such a disease, you will feel weakness, increased sleepiness, weight gain, interruptions in menstruation and chilliness.

It's no secret that in today's world a person is subject to various stresses and the effects of many negative factor. Therefore, sometimes we cannot understand what causes poor health. It is usually attributed to fatigue, bad weather or absence Of course, such reasons have a place to be, but sometimes such a condition may indicate the development of more serious diseases.

It is worth remembering that poor health today can become an impetus for the disease to flow into a chronic form tomorrow. For example, anemia often causes such a condition. With this disease in the blood there is a very low level iron, so the body is deficient in oxygen. Then the patient quickly gets tired, it becomes difficult for him to work, it is impossible to concentrate on an important matter, some kind of weakness appears in the whole body. To determine the lack of iron, it is necessary to take a blood test for. Insufficient hemoglobin is usually associated with heavy discharge during menstruation, bleeding, or significant food restriction. Usually, experts prescribe vitamins with a high iron content, and foods such as beef, red caviar, lentils, pomegranates, and red wine are introduced into the patient's diet. That is, everything that contains iron.

The development of any virus in the body causes poor health. The person feels depressed. In a special group, it is worth highlighting such a disease as mononucleosis. It promotes inflammation of the lymph nodes, the liver increases in size. The patient feels a sharp pain in the throat. Of course, it is impossible after the initial examination to determine exactly why poor health has overcome. As a rule, this requires the opinion of doctors of several specializations. To prevent such deplorable consequences, it is worth regularly eating fresh fruits and vegetables. And to strengthen the spirit and body, you need to go in for sports, do exercises every morning, temper yourself.

Poor health can be caused by insomnia, even just restless sleep interrupted during the night. All this provokes lethargy, internal tension, a feeling of constant fatigue, so a person becomes inattentive, does his job poorly. It has been established that what more people suffers from lack of sleep, the louder he snores at night. In any case, this state of affairs requires a careful review of their own priorities, their way of life. For example, you can reduce too frequent visits to nightclubs to a minimum. If this does not help, you should seek help from a neurologist or psychologist. The specialist will be able to understand the essence of the problem, find the cause and eliminate it.

Often diabetes leads to this state. As the main symptomatic manifestations of diabetes, it is customary to name severe thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, as a result of which a person drinks a lot during the day. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a blood test for sugar. If we talk about female patients, then they face a significant weight gain, so you need to exercise regularly.

Often there is poor health during pregnancy. And this is not surprising, because the bearing of the fetus is a serious burden for the body. As a rule, most often the malaise torments a woman in the first and last trimester. Usually overcomes nausea, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, swelling of the legs, sometimes problems with the teeth. On early dates future mom feels a feeling of fatigue, apathy, which is why the body protects the fetus and creates conditions for it further development. On late term the fetus becomes large enough, therefore it puts pressure on the nearest organs and is a significant burden. A woman moves less, as she gains weight significantly and it becomes difficult for her to walk.

Whatever the reason for feeling unwell, to restore strength, you should adhere to proper nutrition, breathe more fresh air, carry out hiking. And, most importantly, to be in a good mood and smile more, then no misfortunes are terrible.

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