HCG 5300 for what period? State of the nervous system

Your pregnancy is now 9 obstetric months and 2 weeks.

This week, a normal weight gain is about 16 kg. More weight women will not increase.

What happens at 39 weeks

At this time it happens reduction of the uterine fundus, due to this, pressure on internal organs is reduced, which helps to improve well-being. But on the other hand, this increases the pressure on bladder, perineum and pelvic joints. can cause problems with balance, and due to the pressure of the fetal head, severe and sharp pain appears in the pelvic area. Before labor begins, the baby's head must be anchored in the bony pelvis, so that it can easily pass through the birth canal.

Cervix this week to be in constant tone: it narrows, then expands. As a result, there may be some blood in the discharge, but this is quite normal. Due to the fact that the baby is constantly lowering, the woman’s breathing improves and digestion speeds up, this in turn can cause the stool to become diluted.

This week, almost every woman begins colostrum appears, which in the first days of feeding will be food for the baby until real milk begins to be produced in the female body.

Happening aging placenta and its growth stops. She has already fulfilled her purpose, since the baby is already big and her functions are decreasing. Now the nutrients that come through the placenta are enough to support the child’s life. Sometimes there may be cases of oxygen starvation of the baby. But, despite the existing danger, hypoxia also has positive side: it is an excellent training before childbirth, since during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, it will experience a lack of oxygen.

In addition, at the 39th week it decreases, but they are still enough to fulfill their immediate function - protecting the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, most women feel the baby's hiccups. This occurs when the baby inhales and swallows amniotic fluid into the trachea.

Possible risks

Beware of colds this week, as infections can easily reach a pregnant woman. The danger is that the disease is much more severe with serious complications. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication; be sure to consult a doctor for help. Read about treating colds during pregnancy


Many women are giving birth this week and this is quite normal. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is considered full-term.

Signs that indicate the onset of labor:

  • increasing nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • release of the mucus plug;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • regular contractions;
  • bloody issues;
  • diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature.

Read more about the harbingers of labor

How a woman feels at 39 weeks

The fatigue of a pregnant woman reaches its peak; she no longer has enough strength for anything. The baby is already very heavy and carrying him around is not so easy.

In addition, depression increases; every little thing can make a woman angry. You need to gather your last strength and wait for your miracle to be born.

Possible physical sensations

The body is already ready for childbirth, so significant changes in the woman’s body practically do not occur:

  1. Uterus. The distance from the pubic symphysis is about 40 cm, and from the navel about 20 cm. This week the cervix begins to contract and dilate.
  2. Stomach. The size of the belly is so huge that it seems that it might burst. In this case, the skin stretches very much, it loses its elasticity, as a result of which a pigment strip appears in the center of the abdomen, as well as itching and flaking. In this case, you should definitely use it against the appearance of stretch marks.
  3. Painful sensations. At week 39, pain becomes more pronounced and chronic. A woman may feel pain in the perineum due to the great pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Pain in the lower back and sacrum indicates bone separation and softening of the joints. In addition, a woman may feel pain in the chest, which indicates that colostrum production has begun.
  4. Training contractions. This week contractions become more frequent, but their duration has not changed. Training contractions are preparatory stages for childbirth. Read about how to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor.
  5. Weight. The total weight gain until this week will be about 16 kg. In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman can lose up to 2 kg, do not worry, this will not affect the baby in any way. This removes excess fluid from the body.
  6. Discharge. If a woman’s mucus plug begins to come off, thick, sticky mucus of yellow or cream color will appear. Just remember that the infection in the uterus is now open to the baby, so avoid sex, swimming in ponds and other activities that could provoke infection:
    1. If there is a lot of blood in the discharge, then you need to urgently call ambulance, since this indicates placental abruption;
    2. If your discharge becomes watery, then most likely your amniotic fluid is leaking. There are times when they do not come out immediately, but so-called leakage occurs.
  1. Movements. Active activity The size of the baby has decreased significantly, as he does not have enough space. Continue to count the movements; at this stage, the norm is 10 kicks in 12 hours. Read about why it is necessary to monitor the baby’s movements
  2. Diarrhea. Diarrhea indicates the approach of childbirth, thus the body is simply cleansed of everything unnecessary. In this case, in no case should you resort to self-medication, as this can cause serious problems.
  3. Nausea. The cause of nausea at 39 weeks may be late toxicosis. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor, as this can cause serious harm to the child. To reduce nausea, eat only light foods and spend plenty of time outdoors.

Possible emotional experiences

Most pregnant women feel nervous at this stage, emotions are at their limit. The reason, most likely, is that you are simply afraid to give birth and do not know what awaits next. Due to the constant action of hormones, a woman may experience frequent mood swings. In this case, only the understanding of loved ones and various ways cheer yourself up:

  • go on a shopping tour;
  • find yourself a hobby;
  • go to meetings with friends;
  • watch a good movie;
  • do whatever brings you pleasure.

Reviews from women about 39 weeks

What do pregnant women who are already waiting and can’t wait to meet their baby say:

Pauline: “Today we turned 39 weeks and apparently the baby is not going to go out at all. Although I was in pregnancy at 36 weeks and everyone around me thought that I was not carrying the baby to term. I feel very severe pain in the lower back, it feels like someone is pulling down. The doctor said that I can walk for another week. Now I sit on my bags and constantly listen to my feelings so as not to miss the beginning.”

Hope: “This week the feeling of heaviness in the lower back has increased. The mucus plug came out 5 days ago, but my son doesn’t want to come out at all. I have absolutely no strength left, I can’t imagine how I’ll take care of him and not sleep or rest again.”

Marina: “I only showed 2 precursors of labor: nesting syndrome and I also lost 1 kg. I sleep very poorly, as my daughter is very active. Yes, and I fall asleep closer to 3 o’clock. Besides, I go to the toilet 5 times. In general, I ask my daughter to be born quickly, since mommy can no longer live like this.”

Anastasia: “All my bones really hurt, it only gets easier when I walk and do light exercises. My appetite has decreased, I eat no more than 3 times a day. At times, very severe heartburn bothers me. The stomach has dropped, so it is much easier to breathe. I'm counting down the days until I meet my son."

Arina: “It’s already week 39. The abdomen sank at 38 weeks, and there were no other warning signs of impending labor. What's important is that I have a very good mood, and I’m not at all afraid of giving birth. Now we just have to wait until the baby asks to come out.”

Svetlana: “As my stomach sank, the pressure on my bladder increased, so I always want to go to the toilet. My legs hurt and it’s hard to walk. I don’t sleep well, my lower abdomen hurts at night, but there are no contractions. I’m waiting for the time to go to the maternity hospital.”

Alexandra: “I don’t want to give birth at all yet, I want to walk like this for a couple more weeks. I don’t feel any pain or heartburn, I even sleep well and don’t get up to go to the toilet. I have already prepared everything for the baby’s meeting, I even assembled the crib. But still, I want to postpone the period of lack of sleep and overwork that awaits after childbirth.”

Faith: “I haven’t been able to walk long distances for more than 3 weeks now; the only thing I can do is get out and walk to the store on the next street. I feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, the pressure on the uterus is enormous. The fetal pressure is so great that sometimes I can’t move. I don’t experience any warning signs of labor, not even training contractions.”

Eve: “My due date was set in 5 days, but there are no signs of impending labor. Pregnancy is going great, except this week I started having back pain. It feels like the muscles are being pulled down. I live in dreams of when I will hug my daughter.”

Zhanna: “Today we are exactly 39 weeks. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound because the baby was quite large, but today the doctor said that everything is fine and the baby is developing on time. I’m very scared about childbirth, I don’t know what will happen and how it will happen, I’m terribly worried.”

Fetal development at 39 weeks of gestation

The height of the child at this stage is about 51 cm, and the weight is approximately 3250 g.

Head diameter is about 92.5 mm, chest approximately 98 mm, and the tummy is about 92 mm.

Please remember that these are estimates only and each child develops individually. Baby already completely ready to meet you. Now he is in a head down position, and his knees are pressed to his chin. There is practically no room to lead an overly active lifestyle, so the baby’s movements are more like spinning or rolling. In addition, the child sleeps for about 20 hours, as he gains strength before the main leap into a new life.

He is well developed grasp reflex, and he can hold on quite tightly. The baby's skin is already almost clean, only in some folds you can see a small amount of lagoon. Nails are no longer just on the hands, but also on the toes of the entire industry. The skin becomes a pale pink color and the hair may become frizzy.

The child’s body begins to produce the hormone cortisol, which affects the final maturation of the lungs. Thanks to this, the baby will be completely ready to breathe on his own.

The salivary glands will begin to function only a month after birth. To make sucking easier, the baby has special rollers that are located on the mucous membrane of the lips and jaws.

The child is already completely ready to independent existence and can provide for its own livelihood.

At this time, some children may umbilical cord entanglement is observed around the necks. But this is not a reason for a caesarean section, since basically, the length of the umbilical cord is about 60 cm and the thickness is approximately 2 cm. After birth, it will be removed immediately, and nothing will interfere with the baby.

But if the umbilical cord is short, it may become tightened during childbirth. During childbirth, doctors monitor the child’s condition, listen to his heart, and if there is at least some danger to the life of the fetus, doctors will carry out C-section. It is impossible to determine the length of the umbilical cord using ultrasound. The baby continues to receive everything he needs nutrients, vitamins and oxygen, through 2 arteries and a vein, which are located in the umbilical cord. Read more about umbilical cord entanglement and its consequences.

Eyes The baby can already focus at a distance of about 30 cm. This distance is equal to the distance from the baby to the mother’s face during feeding. In addition, he has sensitivity to contrast and sharpness, volume, and he also has color vision, reaction to flicker and movement.

Divisions of the central nervous system develop differently. This week, only the spinal cord nerve cells and glial tissue are fully developed. A small amount of mother's antibodies can pass through the placenta to the baby and thereby trigger his own immune system.

In the intestines The first stool, called meconium, has already accumulated. It usually comes out after the baby is born, but there are cases when it occurs in the womb. Due to the fact that the baby breathes and some amniotic fluid enters his lungs, some meconium may also enter with it. In this case, after birth, doctors will need to perform a special procedure called lavage. It is necessary for cleaning the bronchial tubes.

The intestines are ready to receive, digest and assimilate food, since villi have already formed inside, which are responsible for moving food along the digestive tract. In addition, the stomach produces enzymes that will break down food. To digest food, bacteria are needed, which enter the body along with mother's milk.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Photo of a 3D ultrasound of a fetus at 39 weeks:

Examinations at 39 weeks

During the visit, the doctor will certainly check the baby's heartbeat, this is necessary in order to make sure that everything is fine with him.

In addition, the doctor will definitely check the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. If there were any problems with the child previously, then an ultrasound may be prescribed at this time.

During your next visit to the doctor, the following basic procedures will be performed:

  • weighing;
  • measurement ;
  • ;. After the uterus descends, the pressure on the stomach has decreased, which in turn can cause an increase in appetite, but there is no need to give in and eat a lot of food. There is absolutely no need to overload the body before childbirth. Doctors, on the contrary, recommend slightly reducing the amount of food eaten to prepare the body for childbirth.

    IN daily menu must be included squirrels. It is recommended to get them from the following products: fermented milk products, fish, porridge. At this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This is necessary in order to accumulate energy for the upcoming birth.

    You can eat the following foods: semolina, rice, biscuits, yoghurts and curd desserts. At 39 weeks you you can afford sweets, the main thing is that they are natural, for example, a bun with homemade jam. In addition to simple carbohydrates, do not forget about complex carbohydrates, which are necessary for normal intestinal function. These products include: products made from wholemeal flour, vegetables, fruits, etc.

    Intimate relationships

    For quite a long time, there have been debates about the benefits or harms of sex in late pregnancy. Today doctors say that the most important thing is the well-being of a pregnant woman. If you feel great and want your spouse, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure. Otherwise, there is no need to force yourself to have sex.

    pros intimate relationships at 39 weeks:

    1. During sex, a hormone is released in the female body, which is a pain reliever for the body.
    2. A man's sperm contains prostaglandin, which improves the elasticity of the uterus, thereby preparing it for childbirth.
    3. During orgasm, the baby experiences the same pleasure as his mother.
    4. Orgasm is an excellent workout for the uterus, which stimulates productive labor.
    5. Sex can bring the long-awaited birth closer naturally.

    Very it is important to follow safety precautions during sex, penetration should not be deep and sharp. As for the positions, at this time only those that involve penetration from behind are suitable.

    Video about 39 weeks of pregnancy

The hCG growth calculator will help you decipher a blood test, track the dynamics of the growth of the hormone, and also determine the duration of pregnancy. Please note that in order to correctly assess the growth of hCG, tests should be taken in one laboratory, since this is associated with the use of different reagents and research methods.

Calculate gestational age using hCG

HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced 6-10 days after conception. In the first weeks, the hormone doubles on average every 2 days (48-72 hours). As pregnancy progresses, the rate slows down, and when it reaches 1200 mU/ml, the hormone doubles every 3-4 days (72-96 hours), more than 4 days are needed for doubling after 6000 mU/ml. HCG reaches its maximum concentration at 9-11 weeks of pregnancy, and then its level slowly decreases.

Weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period Days since conception/ovulation Day from the first day of the last menstruation/day of the cycle Average hCG value (mU/ml) HCG norm (mU/ml)
3 weeks7 21 4 2-10
3 weeks+1 day8 22 7 3-18
3 weeks+2 days9 23 11 5-21
3 weeks+3 days10 24 18 8-26
3 weeks+4 days11 25 28 11-45
3 weeks+5 days12 26 45 17-65
3 weeks+6 days13 27 73 22-105
4 weeks14 28 105 29-170
4 weeks+1 day15 29 160 39-270
4 weeks+2 days16 30 260 68-400
4 weeks+3 days17 31 410 120-580
4 weeks+4 days18 32 650 220-840
4 weeks+5 days19 33 980 370-1300
4 weeks+6 days20 34 1380 520-2000
5 week21 35 1960 750-3100
5 weeks+1 day22 36 2680 1050-4900
5 weeks+2 days23 37 3550 1400-6200
5 weeks+3 days24 38 4650 1830-7800
5 weeks+4 days25 39 6150 2400-9800
5 weeks+5 days26 40 8160 4200-15600
5 weeks+6 days27 41 10200 5400-19500
week 628 42 11300 7100-27300
6 weeks+1 day29 43 13600 8800-33000
6 weeks+2 days30 44 16650 10500-36750
6 weeks+3 days31 45 19500 11500-60000
6 weeks+4 days32 46 22600 12800-63000
6 weeks+5 days33 47 24000 14000-68000
6 weeks+6 days34 48 27200 15500-70000
week 735 49 31000 17000-74000
7 weeks+1 day36 50 36000 19000-78000
7 weeks+2 days37 51 39500 20500-83000
7 weeks+3 days38 52 45000 22000-87000
7 weeks+4 days39 53 51000 23000-93000
7 weeks+5 days40 54 58000 25000-108000
7 weeks+6 days41 55 62000 26500-117000
8 week42 56 65000 28000-128000

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) is a special pregnancy hormone. HCG levels can be elevated not only during pregnancy and not only in women. Analysis for the level of free b-hCG is used in screening for intrauterine development and the presence of fetal pathologies in the first trimester of gestation. Please note that hCG standards for weeks of pregnancy, although they begin from the first week of embryonic development, however, at this period the results are practically no different from hCG levels in non-pregnant women.

Norms for hCG levels during pregnancy different dates can be seen in the table below. But when assessing the results of the hCG norm by week of pregnancy, you need to rely only on the norms of the laboratory where you were tested for hCG!

HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that is actively produced by the cells of the chorion (fetal membrane) immediately after it attaches to the wall of the uterus. The “production” of this hormone is vital for preserving and maintaining pregnancy! It is hCG that controls the production of the main pregnancy hormones - estrogen and progesterone. If there is a serious deficiency of hCG, the fertilized egg detaches from the uterus, and menstruation occurs again - in other words, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Normal concentration of hCG in the blood expectant mother constantly increases, reaching a maximum by 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, then the concentration of hCG gradually decreases to remain unchanged until birth.

What are the hCG levels for a normal pregnancy, and what is the hCG level for an ectopic pregnancy? Pregnant women receive special tables in laboratories that show what the hCG level should be at different stages of pregnancy.

When deciphering the resulting analysis for hCG, follow the following rules:

  1. Most laboratories report gestational age “from conception” rather than from the date of the last menstrual period.
  2. When evaluating your test results, always check the standards of the laboratory that performed your analysis. Since different laboratories may have different norms for hCG levels during pregnancy
  3. If your hCG level differs from the laboratory norm, do not panic! It is best to decipher the analyzes over time. Retake the test after 3-4 days and only then draw conclusions.
  4. If you suspect ectopic pregnancy- Be sure to undergo an ultrasound to make an accurate diagnosis.


HCG levels during pregnancy honey/ml (INVITRO laboratory standards)

HCG values ​​ranging from 5 to 25 mU/ml do not confirm or refute pregnancy and require re-testing after 2 days.

An increase in hCG levels can first be detected using a blood test approximately 11 days after conception and 12-14 days after conception using a urine test. Since the content of the hormone in the blood is several times higher than in the urine, a blood test is therefore much more reliable. During normal pregnancy, in 85% of cases, beta-hCG levels double every 48-72 hours. As pregnancy progresses, the time it takes for it to double can increase to 96 hours. HCG levels peak in the first 8-11 weeks of pregnancy, and then begins to decline and stabilizes during the remaining period.

HCG norms during pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone is measured in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/ml).

An hCG level of less than 5 mIU/ml indicates the absence of pregnancy, and a value above 25 mIU/ml is considered confirmation of pregnancy.

Once the level reaches 1000-2000 mIU/ml, a transvaginal ultrasound should show at least a fetal sac. Because during pregnancy normal levels hCG u different women may vary significantly and the date of conception may be miscalculated, diagnosis should not be based on ultrasound results until hormone levels reach at least 2000 mIU/ml. The result of a single hCG test is not enough for most diagnoses. To determine a healthy pregnancy, multiple measurements of human chorionic gonadotropin are required a couple of days apart.

It is worth noting that these figures should not be used to determine gestational age, as these figures can vary greatly.

There are two types of routine hCG blood tests available today. A qualitative test determines the presence of hCG in the blood. The quantitative hCG test (or beta-hCG, b-hCG) measures exactly how much of the hormone is present in the blood.

HCG levels by week

HCG levels by week from the start of the last menstrual cycle*

3 weeks: 5 - 50 mIU/ml

4 weeks: 5 - 426 mIU/ml

5 weeks: 18 - 7340 mIU/ml

6 weeks: 1080 - 56500 mIU/ml

7-8 weeks: 7650 - 229000 mIU/ml

9-12 weeks: 25700 - 288000 mIU/ml

13-16 weeks: 13300 - 254000 mIU/ml

17-24 weeks: 4060 - 165400 mIU/ml

25-40 weeks: 3640 - 117000 mIU/ml

Non-pregnant women:<5 мМЕ/мл

After menopause:<9,5 мМЕ/мл

* These numbers are just a guide - the level of hCG can increase differently for each woman over the weeks. It’s not so much the numbers that are important, but the trend in level changes.

Is your pregnancy progressing normally according to hCG?

To determine whether your pregnancy is progressing normally, you can use hCG calculator below on this page

By entering two hCG values ​​and the number of days that have passed between tests, you will find out how long it takes for your beta-hCG to double. If the value corresponds to the normal speed at your stage of pregnancy, then everything is going well, but if not, you should be wary and conduct additional checks on the condition of the fetus.

Calculator for calculating the doubling rate of hCG

At the beginning of pregnancy (first 4 weeks), the hCG value doubles approximately every two days. During this time, beta hCG usually manages to rise to 1200 mIU/ml. By weeks 6-7, the doubling rate slows to approximately 72-96 hours. When beta hCG rises to 6000 mIU/ml, its growth slows down even more. The maximum is usually reached in the tenth week of pregnancy. On average, this is about 60,000 mIU/ml. Over the next 10 weeks pregnancy hCG decreases approximately 4 times (to 15,000 mIU/ml) and remains at this value until delivery. 4-6 weeks after birth the level will be less than 5 mIU/ml.

Increased hCG levels

Men and non-pregnant women:

  1. chorionic carcinoma, recurrence of chorionic carcinoma;
  2. hydatidiform mole, relapse of hydatidiform mole;
  3. seminoma;
  4. testicular teratoma;
  5. neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract (including colorectal cancer);
  6. neoplasms of the lungs, kidneys, uterus, etc.;
  7. the study was carried out within 4 - 5 days after the abortion;
  8. taking hCG drugs.

Pregnant women:

  1. multiple pregnancy (the level of the indicator increases in proportion to the number of fetuses);
  2. prolonged pregnancy;
  3. discrepancy between the actual and established gestational age;
  4. early toxicosis of pregnant women, gestosis;
  5. maternal diabetes;
  6. chromosomal pathology of the fetus (most often with Down syndrome, multiple fetal malformations, etc.);
  7. taking synthetic gestagens.

Decrease in hCG levels

Pregnant women. Alarming changes in level: discrepancy with the gestational age, extremely slow increase or no increase in concentration, progressive decrease in level, more than 50% of the norm:

  1. ectopic pregnancy;
  2. non-developing pregnancy;
  3. threat of interruption (hormone levels decrease progressively by more than 50% of normal);
  4. true post-term pregnancy;
  5. antenatal fetal death (in the II - III trimesters).

False negative results (non-detection of hCG during pregnancy):

  1. the test was carried out too early;
  2. ectopic pregnancy.

Attention! The test has not been specifically validated for use as a tumor marker. HCG molecules secreted by tumors can have both a normal and altered structure, which is not always detected by the test system. Test results should be interpreted with caution and cannot be taken as absolute evidence of the presence or absence of disease when compared with clinical findings and other examination results.

Level HCG for ectopic pregnancy will be significantly lower than the specified standards and this will allow you to react to the current situation in a timely manner.

Analysis for the level of free b-hCG is used in screening for intrauterine development and the presence of fetal pathologies in the first trimester of gestation. This test is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of embryonic development. Its purpose is to identify possible pathological changes in development in the form of trisomy 18 or 13 pairs of chromosomes. In this way, you can find out the child’s tendency to illnesses such as Down’s disease, Patau and Edwards syndromes.

This test is carried out not to determine the fetus’s predisposition to the above ailments, but with the aim of excluding them, therefore no special indications for the test are required. It is as routine as an ultrasound at 12 weeks.

Increased hCG levels during pregnancy may occur when:

  • multiple births;
  • toxicosis, gestosis;
  • maternal diabetes;
  • fetal pathologies, Down syndrome, multiple developmental defects;
  • incorrectly determined gestational age;
  • taking synthetic gestagens, etc.

Elevated values ​​can also be seen within a week when tested after an abortion procedure. A high level of the hormone after a mini-abortion indicates a progressive pregnancy.

Low hCG levels during pregnancy may indicate incorrect timing of pregnancy or be a sign of serious disorders, such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • delay in fetal development;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • chronic placental insufficiency;
  • fetal death (in the II-III trimester of pregnancy).

Rules for preparing for a blood test for hCG during pregnancy

  1. Blood donation should take place in the morning (from 8 to 10 pm). Before taking the test, it is better not to eat fatty foods and not to have breakfast in the morning.
  2. The day before blood sampling, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, take medications, or engage in physical activity.
  3. A couple of hours before the test, do not smoke, do not drink anything other than plain water; eliminate stress and emotional instability. It is better to rest and calm down before the test.
  4. It is not recommended to donate blood after physical procedures, examinations, massage, ultrasound and x-rays.
  5. If it is necessary to retake the test in order to monitor indicators, it is recommended not to change the conditions for donating blood (time of day, meals).

HCG test during pregnancy - meaning

Firstly, an analysis of the level of hCG in the blood can confirm that you will become a mother already 5-6 days after conception. This is much earlier and, most importantly, much more reliable than using conventional rapid tests.

Secondly, the test is necessary to determine the exact duration of pregnancy. Very often, the expectant mother cannot name the exact date of conception or gives it, but incorrectly. At the same time, each period corresponds to certain indicators of growth and development; deviations from the norm may indicate the occurrence of complications.

Thirdly, the level of hCG in the blood can quite accurately “tell” whether your baby is developing correctly.

An unscheduled increase in hCG levels usually occurs with multiple pregnancy, gestosis, taking synthetic gestagens, diabetes mellitus in the expectant mother, and can also indicate some hereditary diseases in the baby (for example, Down syndrome) and multiple developmental defects. An abnormally low level of hCG can be a sign of an ectopic and non-developing pregnancy, delayed fetal development, threatened spontaneous abortion, and chronic placental insufficiency.

However, do not rush to sound the alarm: increased or decreased values ​​may also indicate that the gestational age was initially set incorrectly. Your doctor will help you interpret test results correctly.

Chemical structure of hCG and its role in the body

Glycoprotein is a dimer with a molecular weight of about 46 kDa, synthesized in the syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta. HCG consists of two subunits: alpha and beta. The alpha subunit is identical to the alpha subunits of the pituitary hormones TSH, FSH and LH. The beta subunit (β-hCG), used for the immunometric determination of the hormone, is unique.

The level of beta-hCG in the blood already on days 6 - 8 after conception makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy (the concentration of beta-hCG in the urine reaches the diagnostic level 1 - 2 days later than in the blood serum).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, hCG ensures the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens necessary to maintain pregnancy by the corpus luteum of the ovary. HCG acts on the corpus luteum like luteinizing hormone, that is, it supports its existence. This occurs until the fetus-placenta complex acquires the ability to independently form the necessary hormonal background. In a male fetus, hCG stimulates Leydig cells, which synthesize testosterone, which is necessary for the formation of male genital organs.

HCG synthesis is carried out by trophoblast cells after embryo implantation and continues throughout pregnancy. During normal pregnancy, between 2 and 5 weeks of pregnancy, the β-hCG content doubles every 1.5 days. The peak concentration of hCG occurs at 10 - 11 weeks of pregnancy, then its concentration begins to slowly decrease. During multiple pregnancies, the hCG content increases in proportion to the number of fetuses.

Reduced concentrations of hCG may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or threatened abortion. Determination of hCG content in combination with other tests (alpha-fetoprotein and free estriol at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, the so-called “triple test”) is used in prenatal diagnosis to identify the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities.

In addition to pregnancy, hCG is used in laboratory diagnostics as a tumor marker for tumors of trophoblastic tissue and germinal cells of the ovaries and testes that secrete human chorionic gonadotropin.

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