How much does a cow weigh on average and what does weight depend on. The biggest bulls in the world

The price of bulls is measured by live weight. If a farmer decides to start raising livestock, he will need to know how much an ox, cow or calf weighs on average. This is necessary, for example, in order not to acquire a sick animal. Knowing the mass that the bull weighs, you can immediately decide on the future diet for him.

Each breed of cattle has its own weight. The Kholmogory species, for example, is significantly different in mass from others. A breed bull is larger than a cow, its average weight reaches 500 or 700 kilograms, and an adult hardened bull can have a live weight equal to a ton.

Weight is directly dependent on the age of the animal and its state of health, sick individuals have a lower live weight. Livestock can be divided into weight categories:

  1. The selected category of cows corresponds to a weight of 500 kilograms. A breeding porcelain white cow can reach a mass equal to a ton.
  2. The first category of cattle is a little smaller than the selected one. The volume of the animal can be 400 or 450 kilos, this is the approximate weight of a medium-sized horse.
  3. Animals of the second category will be no larger than 400 kilograms.
  4. The third category is the smallest. Average weight cows varies between 300 or 380 kilos.

Advice: Deviations from the weight norm indicate the illness of the animal. Perhaps the cattle were not fattened properly. The average optimal weight is considered to be an interval from 350 kilos to 450, small breeds should have a body weight close to 300 kilograms.

Calf measurement

A calf is usually born at forty kilograms, but grows at a rapid pace. During the first two months of his life, several measurements are required, once every 14 days is enough. Monthly animals are more than newborns by 10 or 30 kilos, it depends on belonging to a particular breed.

With regular measurements, changes in the growth of a young bull are monitored, if necessary, the diet of the calf is changed. To measure body weight, it is not necessary to use scales, you can take a measuring tape, and the obtained parameters are compared with special tabular data. The table contains the characteristics of the body length of the animal, chest girth. The graph where these data intersect corresponds to the desired weight value. It cannot be said that by this method the weight is determined by one hundred percent. To measure without errors, it is still better to use a scale.

How are adult animals measured?

Not all novice farmers know how to find out the mass of bulls bought or grown on their farm. The weight of adult bulls is often determined from a measuring table; its formula cannot be called complicated. A grown bull at the age of one year is measured according to the Trukhanovsky method, this is the easiest method.

A one year old steer can be measured with a tape measure or tape. It is important how long the body and the girth of the sternum wake up.

Tip: To get an accurate result, you need to take into account the fatness of the cattle as a percentage, which will need to be added or subtracted.

The percentage depends on the belonging of cows and bulls to the breed, whether it is a meat animal or a dairy one. With high fatness, from 5 to 10 percent must be added to the total value obtained by the formula. If the animal is distinguished by thinness, 5 or 10 percent are taken away.

In order to find out the weight of adult cattle, there is the Kuver Strauch method. The first measure is the girth of the sternum, then the body oblique. A table is used to verify the result.

There is a method applicable exclusively to certain breeds, when the largest parts of the bull's body are to be measured. Only chest girth and peritoneal girth are calculated.

In order to measure large animals, a regression level is sometimes applied. The measuring tape should wrap around the bull or cow so that it passes under the chest.

How to find out the meat output?

When they talk about the meat of an animal, they mean muscles, cartilage, and other tissues. Dairy breeds are smaller in their muscle mass compared to males.

The amount of beef obtained from the carcass is influenced by: the breed, age of the animal, conditions of detention and diet. It is not necessary that an imposing bull will give tasty beef.

Many people living in countryside, interested in the question: how to make money in personal subsidiary farm? Moreover, in connection with the spread of African swine fever in some regions of Russia and the ban on their cultivation in private backyards, the question of the profitability of animal husbandry and poultry farming is very acute. About growing broilers for meat and growing young ducks for sale has already been written on this site. Now a little more about growing bulls for sale.

The bull grows for about 1 year to a weight of 400-500 kg. And up to 1 ton in 2 years. But many grow only 1 year. The reasons are simple - to quickly "recapture" funds for the purchase of young animals, to make a profit faster. In addition, to grow a 2-year-old bull, it is required to prepare a lot of food for the winter period.

Purchase price for large cattle live weight from processing and trading organizations (meat processing plants, shops, private outlets on the market) - from 70 rubles per 1 kg.

In total, a one-year-old bull weighing 400 kg will cost 28,000 rubles (400 times 70). It if to hand over by live weight. And there are no problems with sales.

If you slaughter, butcher and sell the meat yourself, then this amount will be 20-30 percent more. But it will also cost more labor and time.

But the bull for growing still needs to be taken somewhere. Most likely you will have to buy. The cost of a young bull is about 10,000 rubles and more. For example, in our area bulls are sold for 14,000 rubles. True podraschenye - 2.5-monthly. But it is worth focusing on 10,000 rubles.

Total: we subtract 10 thousand rubles from 28 thousand and get our income - 18,000 rubles.

But it's still not a net profit. Subtract the cost of transportation and food.

This is what we considered the minimum. Of course, the more the bull weighs, the greater the profit will be. And if the bull is not one, but several?

What to feed bulls?

Bulls are herbivores. The main food is grass, hay. Therefore, it is very good and profitable if they grow on natural pasture. You can also give feed. It is highly desirable to introduce succulent feed into the diet of bulls. For example, green squash.

Some breeders practice the so-called "green conveyor". Gobies are grown only from spring to autumn - as long as there is green grass. Although the bull does not gain much weight, but this method of rearing can significantly reduce feed costs.


It is profitable or not profitable to grow bulls - everyone decides for himself. The above are approximate rates for young and grown bulls to date for northern zone Krasnodar Territory. In addition, this is not an entirely simple matter - not everyone decides to mess with the bulls. It is also desirable to have pasture nearby for feeding animals with pasture or access to cheap (and preferably free) feed.

Wanting to buy healthy livestock, the buyer wants to get as much as possible more information about animals. One of the most important indicators confirming the quality of a product is the weight of cattle, since it has direct relationship to the health status of a cow, bull or calf, as well as in the future will affect their productivity and meat yield.

The weight of cattle (cattle) carries a lot of information for livestock representatives. So, knowing the body weight of an animal, we can say about its physical condition, as well as about growth and development.

Data on how much a cow or bull weighs is necessary for calculating and compiling a diet, vaccination doses.

Did you know? The intestines of a cow make up 30% of its weight.

The standard weight of cattle is influenced by its:

  • age;
  • breed;

In animal husbandry, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of cattle mass:

  • selected- weight is within 450-500 kg;
  • first grade- weight up to 450 kg;
  • second grade- the weight of the cattle is within 400 kg;
  • third grade- 300 kg.

If the average animal weight differs significantly with an allowable error of 30 kg for adult, then this may indicate an improper diet and diet, the presence of diseases.


The average weight of a bull should be one and a half times the weight of a cow, which is approximately 700-800 kg, while an adult bull has a large meat breed this figure can reach a ton and even exceed this value, amounting to 1200 kg.

The average heifer can weigh about 350 kg, but no less if it does not belong to small breeds.

Meat cows can weigh up to 700 kg if they are over two years old and kept in good conditions.


At birth, the weight of the calf should be slightly less than 10% of the body weight of the mother, which is an average of 40 kg. It can vary and depend on the weight and breed of the baby's parents.

Calves grow rapidly, just like newborns, they should be regularly weighed in order to understand how much they are gaining, whether everything is in order with health and whether there is a need to introduce changes in the diet of a young bull or cow.
At the age of 1 month, the weight of the calf should increase by at least 10 kg, on average they gain about 30 kg, that is, they double their birth rates. At the age of six months, he is transferred to adult food and less often, but always once a month, weight measurements are taken.

How does the weight of cattle differ depending on the breed

Breeding specialists cattle and its selection, there are about a thousand breeds of cows all over the world. However, all of them are usually divided into three main types, based on their purpose in the economy:

  • dairy;
  • meat;
  • meat and dairy.


A distinctive feature of the products of dairy cows can be called:

  • milk with high fat content;
  • less nutritious meat.

Among the livestock of this species, the most popular breeds in our region are:


Characterizing cattle of this species, we can name such distinctive features, How:

Among the most popular breeds of meat cows are:
  • . An adult cow can be 500-600 kg of weight, and a bull - 800-1100 g. Meat yield - 53-65%, less often 70%;
  • . Cows also gain 500-600 kg of weight, and bulls are slightly smaller - about 800 kg. Product yield - 60%;
  • . An adult bull gains 1200 kg, and a heifer - 800 kg, despite the fact that they have a lot of meat, but not much fat, as well as a large yield of meat products;
  • . They are extremely unpretentious in nutrition, since they eat any vegetation, while reaching 550 kg at 16 months. In addition, the skin of this breed is used in the manufacture of shoes;
  • Znamenovskaya. It has more miniature forms, since a cow of this breed will weigh a maximum of 550 kg, and a bull - 700 kg. Leather is also used to make shoes and bags.

    Representatives of this species have a strong body and are universally used both for milk production and for meat products.

    They produce more meat than dairy and more milk than meat. The average weight is in the range of 550-900 kg, depending on the gender.

    Did you know? Cows live an average of twenty years, although there are also centenarians. Bulls live less, fifteen years.

    Meat and dairy breeds of KRG, which are popular among livestock breeders, are:

    • Brown Carpathian;
    • Lebedinskaya;
    • Alatau;
    • Red Gorbatovskaya;
    • Yurinskaya;
    • Shvitskaya;
    • Red Tambov;
    • Yorkshire;
    • Caucasian brown;
    • Simmental.


    What determines the weight of cattle

    The weight of bred livestock directly depends on the conditions of its maintenance, as well as on the nutrition provided by the livestock breeder. There are also recommendations for breeding and care, depending on the breed and type of cow.

    So, for example, meat-type cows are not required, and even to a certain extent, long and exhausting grazing is contraindicated, since they can lose their own weight. They are advised to grow in a stall.

    Important! Environment, diet and diet, climate and housing conditions in the complex affect the health and weight gain of livestock.

    When organizing a barn for breeding cattle, one should take into account the importance of such aspects as:

    • temperature regime. The room should not be cooler than +10 °C, if it is not cold content, for adult cattle and +15 °C for calves;
    • indoor humidity;
    • good lighting;
    • gas saturation;
    • No noise, calm environment.

    It is worth taking care of the pasture. Its use makes the breeding process less costly, while the cow's body can fully develop, her movements are not constrained, she breathes fresh air bathed in sunshine. Walking on pasture has the most beneficial effect on dairy and meat-and-dairy cows.

    Animal feeding

    Properly organized feeding should be of high quality. It includes:

    • vegetable feed: succulent (grass, silage, root crops), coarse (hay, straw), concentrated (technical waste, grain);
    • animals;
    • chemical and microbiological synthesis;
    • compound feed and feed mixtures;
    • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Buying livestock requires special skills and knowledge. You cannot simply rely on the information provided by the owner. It is necessary to personally verify the veracity of the data in order not to waste money in vain. And for this, let's find out how much a cow weighs and how to measure its weight without scales.

Averages and weight categories

It is very important to know how much an adult cow should weigh. After all, it is this indicator that determines the value of livestock. The better you understand these issues, the easier it will be to buy healthy cows.

In addition, this information is simply necessary for the selection of a diet. To maintain the health of the animal, it must receive the amount of food established by the norms.

The average weight of a cow depends on several factors:

  • type and breed;
  • age;
  • gender - just imagine that a female can reach a figure of 600 kg, and a male of the same breed will overtake her by 400-450 kg;
  • conditions of detention and compliance with the diet.

Allocate 4 weight categories. After selected cows (on average they reach a mass of 450-500 kg), there are representatives of the first, second and third classes. They should grow to 400-450 kg, 380-400 kg, 300-380 kg respectively.

If you are offered a select category of cattle, and you see that the weight of a cow or a bull is less than 450 kg, you should think about whether the animal was poorly fed, did not comply with the conditions of detention and did not care for it.

Based on the above, we have the following indicators. A healthy adult, subject to the prescribed diet, should have an average weight of about 350–450 kg. If the animal belongs to representatives of small breeds, then this figure rarely exceeds 300 kg. The weight of a large bull averages up to 750–800 kg.

Calf weight measurement method

In fact, to find out the weight of a calf, you can do without scales. For this, there is a special table developed by Frowin. It has only two parameters needed to determine the mass.

First you need to measure the oblique body length of the calf. Then - the girth of the chest. Where exactly to take measurements can be found in the image in the table. Chest measurements are recorded in the left column. Above - oblique length. At the point of their intersection is the final result.

Let's take an example. If the first value is 114 and the second is 95, then the calf weighs 119 kg. Everything is pretty simple. Just remember that these are only approximate figures. Of course, the formula is tested and reliable, but if the scales show a difference of several kilograms, then you should not be surprised.

Methods for measuring adult cattle

When buying a cow or a bull, the future owner often has problems with determining the weight of the animal. To determine the live weight of cattle without scales, you can use the weight measurement table using measurements.

To do this, you will need a measuring tape and the table below. They will help determine the approximate weight of the animal, so as not to be mistaken and not overpay. This information will certainly help those who are poorly versed in livestock measurements. Even professionals, in order to find out the live weight of a bull without special weights, use similar tables.

There are several interesting ways. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them and choosing the right one.

Body measurement

This is the most popular method, because it is enough for him to simply measure the cow. We need two values. The first is the girth of the chest, and the second is the straight length of the body. Next, we find the weight according to the formula.

True, for a more accurate result, fatness is also taken into account. If the animal is above average fatness, then add 5-10% to the mass. If it is lower, then, on the contrary, they take away 5-10%.

Klüver-Strauch method

The second method also requires measurements. First measure the girth of the chest, and then the oblique length of the body. In the left column there is the first value, and at the top - the second. In their intersection we see the exact result.

It is very important to measure everything correctly. The more accurate the measurement, the more likely it is to make a successful deal.

Chest and belly

This method was previously applied only to certain breeds of cattle, for example, black-and-white. But today, after the experiments and calculations, we can confidently say that such measurements also help to determine the mass.

The girth of the belly should be measured in the fattest places. Two values ​​​​should be found in the columns of the table (left - chest girth, top - belly). At the intersection of two values ​​and the desired value will be found.

regression equation

The most important thing here is to measure the bust circumference correctly. To do this, use a measuring tape. We circle it around the body so that it is placed under the chest. Next, we use special formulas.

The first is applied if the chest girth is 170-180 cm, the second is 181-191, the third is 192 cm or more. Remember that Y is the result that shows the mass of the animal, and X is the girth that we got after the measurement.

Now we see that it is not so difficult to find out how much a healthy bull or cow weighs. It is enough to understand the process of measuring an animal and always have the necessary table with you. These methods will help both professionals and novice farmers.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


In order to properly assign a cow, bull or calf diet, you need to know their body weight. The easiest way to determine it is with the help of scales, but if the measuring device is not available, then they resort to calculations. J.M. body depends on the breed, sex, age and health of the individual.

Male meat breeds have a mass more than females of the same species. Individuals of the dairy and meat breed have a body weight less than animals of the meat and dairy direction. How to determine the fat mass of a calf, an adult cow or a bull? What methods to choose?

With the help of tables

A veterinarian or a professional cattle dealer has special tables for determining the parameters of cattle. Individuals are measured and the value is looked at. Measurements are taken using a flexible ruler or measuring tape. Important indicators are chest girth, body length, oblique body length.

  • The girth of the chest is determined using a tape, which is placed behind the shoulder blades of the animal.
  • The length of the body is measured with a rigid or flexible ruler, laying it on the back from the sacral tubercles to the shoulder joint.
  • The oblique body measurement points are the anterior shoulder joint and ischial tubercles.

Live weight indicators are determined using the following tables:

  • Klyuver-Strauch: according to the girth of the chest and length along the oblique; used for adults of all types of cattle;
  • Klyuver-Strauch for black-and-white breed;
  • Frowijn; according to the circumference of the chest; used to determine the well.m. young.

In the Klüver-Strauch table, chest girth values ​​\u200b\u200bare located vertically, horizontally - oblique length. At the intersection of imaginary lines is the mass indicator. If the body length is 160 cm and the chest circumference is 170 cm, then the weight will be 404 kg.

The table may produce values ​​with errors, but they are minimal. In the same way, the well is determined. calf and the weight of an adult bull. For young animals, a separate table is intended. It contains restrictions on the size of the chest and the length of the torso.

A one-year-old bull does not belong to the group of young animals, to find out how much it weighs, look at the table for adult animals. Closer to 12 months, he is put on fattening. Before starting fattening, it is important to know its initial indicators. If the bull has a chest girth of 160 cm, the oblique body length is 142 cm, then the bull will be 317 kg.

When fattening, he is prescribed a certain diet, designed for 3 months. At this time, the bulls begin to quickly gain weight and grow. For 3 months of fattening, they can gain an additional 300 kg. For a bull farmer, this is the most best option, quickly make a profit.

According to body measurements and tables, the fat of young animals is determined. The calves are growing fast. They can add up to 1100 g daily. It is recommended to measure young animals 2 times a week. This is necessary to correct the diet. Tables for young animals are used up to certain indicators, if the chest circumference of the individual is not more than 130 cm, and the oblique body length is not more than 126 cm.

It is necessary to determine the weight of a cow, an adult male or young animals when selling or purchasing cattle. On the Internet resources there is a large selection of meat and dairy animals. The price of bulls depends on live weight. Cattle from the Republic of Belarus (RB) and Ukraine are exhibited at the CFM.

Depending on the well.m. animal bodies are categorized. Outside the category are selected individuals. Their m = 450-500 kg. The following are 3 groups:

  1. Cattle of this category have m - 400-450 kg;
  2. the second category includes individuals m - 380-400;
  3. Cattle - 300-380.

Categories are determined when selling livestock. If a cow is put up for sale at the cost of selected livestock, and her zh.m. bodies less than 450 kg, then the decency of the seller can be doubted. The weight of a dairy cow reaches an average of 550-600 kg. Dairy individuals are not considered large, but the exception is the Holstein Chile bull, which was raised in Britain. His f.m. - 1.3 tons with a height of 2 m.

Calculation according to Trukhanovsky

If there is no table at hand, but there is a need to measure the weight of a cow, then the definition of f.m. the animal is produced according to Trukhanovsky, using the formula. It takes into account chest girth (A), body length (B). A certain coefficient (K) is assigned to the error.

Live weight of a cow \u003d ((A * B) / 100) * K

The coefficient for animals of milk productivity is "2". For individuals of meat and meat and dairy breeds - "2.5".

With a value of A \u003d 170, B \u003d 160, given the milk direction of the individual, the following calculations are obtained ((170 * 160) / 100) * 2, the weight of the cow is 544 kg. An individual can be attributed to a select group of animals. For cows of milk productivity, this is a good indicator.

The animal is examined and fatness is determined. If the fatness is average, then 10% is added to the live weight of the cow. If low, then 10% is taken away. With average fatness, the cow will weigh 544 + 10% = 598.4 kg.

A one-year-old bull can be put up for sale, determine how much the animal weighs using the formula, but take into account a coefficient of 2.5. If, when measuring his body, it was found out that the girth of the chest is 160 cm, and the oblique length of the body is 142 cm, then his f.m. will be approximately equal to:

((160*142) / 100) * 2.5 = 568 kg

If you do not take into account the fatness of the animal, then its mass will be equal to 227.2 kg. If we apply these parameters of the animal's body to the Klüver-Strauch table, then a large error is noticeable, almost 90 kg: according to the table, the mass is greater.

When using the fatness coefficient, the error grows to 251 kg: according to the formula, the indicator is higher. On trading floors, most often, use tables to find out the weight of a bull without scales. The formula is used to find out the mass of an animal that has a larger body size.

The live weight of the largest white bull "Field Marshal" is 1.7 tons. It belongs to animals of meat productivity of Charolais. Calves are born up to 50 kg. They have a large f.m. animals of the limousine breed. They are undersized, the muscles are well formed, visible through the skin. They differ in dietary meat, with a high content of protein. The largest animals live in Africa. These include cattle of the gaur breed. The live weight of the animals is 1.5 tons.

Regressive calculation

If there are no tables measuring instruments how to determine the weight of a bull without scales? Perform certain calculations. For them, the indicator of chest girth (X) is used. Depending on the indicator, one of the formulas is chosen:

If an adult animal has X = 250 cm, then its f.m. will equal 860 kg. For a 2-year-old bull, this is normal development. How to determine the weight of an adult bull without scales? If X \u003d 230 cm, and the length of the body is 195 cm, then, according to the formula, f.m. is - 754 kg. The average weight of a one-year-old meat bull reaches 500 kg. Regressive calculation is most often used for adult animals.

After determining the body weight of the animal, it is necessary to calculate how much meat will come out during slaughter. How to find out? A bull or cow of meat productivity has a slaughter yield of 70%. J.M. is the mass of muscle tissue, bones and internal organs. In a 700 kg bull-calf, there will be 490 kg of meat.

If the farmer is raising bulls, then it will take a year to get the result. Experts advise to acquire young animals at the age of six months. After 4 months, bulls can be put on fattening. It is better to make a purchase closer to the summer, so that the feeding of the calves falls on the pasture period.

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