Five of Pentacles in relationships. Direct and reversed meaning of the five of pentacles. Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards"

Meaning of the Five of Pentacles upright position

Deprivation, lack, poverty, loneliness, chilling relationships. Circumstances are stronger than you, your plans are unrealizable. This is one of the worst cards, it has a negative impact on the whole alignment. The Five of Pentacles shows the gap between your desires and reality. You need to show maximum willpower in order to get through this segment with minimal losses.

  • emotional and financial problems, serious mistake
  • financial difficulties, ruin, health problems, loss of love

The tarot card five of pentacles in the layout is undesirable, because. indicates trouble. Their origins may be financial problems, probably related to unemployment; difficulties in relationships with others; difficulties with illegal actions; dissatisfaction in emotional relationships and simply a lack of love. This situation inevitably leads to uncertainty and anxiety, but by giving preference to business, the Client can take adequate measures to limit these hardships.

The Five of Pentacles of the Tarot indicates that short-term success in business is possible, but losses are not excluded if you do not pay due attention to business. Financial difficulties, deprivation. Poverty and poverty, loneliness, sudden loss.

Meaning of the Five of Pentacles Reversed

In the inverted position, this card is even worse and more tragic. Problems will last longer, experiences will be sharper and harder. But after all this, a new life will come, now you need to overcome this black streak.

  • financial difficulties - collapse, financial crisis, ruin
  • serious difficulties, health problems, extravagance
  • confusion, disorder, chaos, ruin, extravagance, imprudence, dishonor

The problems associated with the Tarot Five of Pentacles Reversed turn out to be more serious and long lasting. As a result, the client's health suffers. At the same time, it is necessary to understand or recognize the difficulties in full, which will be the first important step in overcoming them.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

The Five of Pentacles is a tarot card. There is a very high probability of a disaster. Even in a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material difficulties, loss or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon be in a situation where money is tight and (or) when the property or income that he was counting on will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; other times they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch every step you take to avoid a crash.

Direct position

Most often, the five of pentacles is a symbol of anxiety. It can be motivated anxiety - business difficulties, too much workload, great responsibility, the risk of losing something valuable, as well as causeless fears - phobias, depression.

At the same time, usually a card in this position falls out to people who are inclined to live with sensations, one day, without clear plans and calculations for the future. In this case, the card indicates that the cause of anxiety lies precisely in such a life position.

In a positive aspect, the card can mean a period of trials, the purpose of which is to prepare a person for a new stage of his existence, to develop and strengthen him mentally. In this sense, the card calls to meet the blows of fate with dignity, to go to conscious self-restraint, to show patience and endurance.
Reversed position

In an inverted position, the card has a rather optimistic meaning. Most often, the appearance of a card in this position indicates that in this moment a fortuneteller has a “black streak” in life, but it is already ending.

In this case, the appearance of this lasso should be taken as a recommendation to treat the problems philosophically, to show patience, because soon things will begin to gradually improve by themselves.

The Five of Pentacles says that the fortuneteller has already found a solution to the problem, or it will come to him in the near future. This may be his own action, and third-party influence.

Five of Pentacles: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

In divination for love and relationships, the card speaks of distrust, suspicion, a crisis stage in a relationship. This can be either a problem of one of the partners (jealousy, dissatisfaction, some kind of suspicion), or a general decline in relationships that “didn’t work out”.

Very often, the card says that in a pair, one of the partners is inclined to create problems for the other - overloads him with his complaints or requires some kind of unmotivated restrictions.
Reversed position

In an inverted position, the five of pentacles indicates a difficult stage in a relationship, caused by very specific reasons. Most often, this is a misunderstanding of the foundations on which relationships should be built.

However, the card indicates a solvable problem, one from which you can successfully "get out" if you want it and correctly identify the source of evil.

In some cases, the card may also indicate that the peak of the crisis in relations has already been passed, or that the existing problems will not violate them.

Five of Pentacles: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

The map indicates an unstable, unreliable position. So, if a business situation was considered, it can be interpreted as a kind of event, which with equal success can lead to career growth, and to dismissal (for example, it can be an audit). She also indicates that a person will have to go through some event that he is afraid of (an exam, an interview, a move, a transition to a new position).

It is not worth interpreting the card as an omen of failure - it only says that the person is afraid of the upcoming event, but it is not necessarily really scary.

In addition, instability is good because it cannot last long. The Five of Pentacles indicates that all problems will soon be resolved (but good or bad is the question).

The map has a really bad meaning in the layouts for health - it promises a sharp deterioration in it, a serious (even life-threatening) illness.
Reversed position

The lasso may indicate that a fortuneteller will have a baseless quarrel based on unproven and unfair accusations. Another option is that in a difficult situation a person will have to make a moral choice, and the result will not be very moral.

Often an inverted card may indicate that a person exaggerates his problems, and the situation is aggravated precisely from this. In this case, the card should be understood as advice not to panic and be afraid no more than the situation really deserves. Another card can mean a period of stagnation, when no forces can force the situation to develop.

Five of Pentacles: Meaning of the card of the day

You should not build far-reaching plans for such a day - all the same, things will go wrong. Might be worth considering changing life priorities. Perhaps an unfavorable streak in life is expected ahead.

But life, as you know, is like a zebra, so you should accept the upcoming trials with dignity, endure them patiently, and things will quickly get better.

Unreasonable claims and exorbitant desires do not lead to good. It is better to remember that any good needs to be earned, to treat problems and difficulties philosophically, and then it may turn out that they are not as terrible as they seemed at first glance.

Five of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

financial difficulties; poverty; housing problems

Ace of Wands

see the light in the darkness

loss of initiative

King of Wands

lack of energy; folly and lack of discretion

lose the scent

Queen of Wands

lack of faith in oneself; mismanagement


lose profit

Knight of Wands

tests; gap


lose jobs, families

Page of Wands

bad news

lose faith; lose one's conscience

Two of Wands

ignore opportunities


lose support in a relationship

Three of Wands

little progress in the current situation


fight for survival

Four of Wands

unreached goal


Five of Wands

fight for survival


get lost; abandonment

Six of Wands

deterioration of material condition; wrong direction

Another name for the card is Five Coins or Five Denarius.

Key meanings of the Five of Pentacles in the upright position:

  • isolation, loneliness, alienation;
  • financial, material losses, poverty;
  • negative change in circumstances;
  • financial burden;
  • hunger, lack, unemployment;
  • anxiety;
  • charity.

Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

  • hard times pass;
  • positive changes are coming slowly but surely;
  • the financial situation is improving;
  • payment of debts;
  • complete collapse;
  • big losses.

The Five of Pentacles, like the fives of other suits (, 5 of Wands) in the Tarot deck, reflects a situation of adversity and misfortune. The man on the map is lame and has to use crutches. A barefoot woman tries to wrap herself in a worn shawl.

These two people are probably homeless, living in poverty and suffering deprivation. They wander the streets at night. Tired, hungry, sick and freezing, they may not survive the night if they don't find help soon.

The couple trudge through the snow past the stained glass of a brightly lit church window. The church symbolizes the provision of spiritual comfort and tranquility, helping those who cannot help themselves.

The Five of Pentacles depicted in the stained glass look like a strong healthy tree. They symbolize that inside there is plenty of food, warmth, care, financial stability. A man and a woman could find shelter there and feel welcome. However, they don't seem to notice her at all.

The church and the stained glass window indicate that there is a spiritual component to the current situation that should be paid attention to. But all the experiences and attention of a person are concentrated in the material world, on material losses.

The people we see on this tarot card are in need on a spiritual level. If carefully analyzed, this is the basis of their material poverty.

In addition to money, Pentacles mean physical body. Therefore, the figure on crutches can talk about bad health or illness. The inability to stand on one's own two feet anymore, which is financial terms could mean bankruptcy. A load of debts, obligations that you have to pull on yourself and which delay the figure walking in front.

Five of Pentacles - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The 5 of Pentacles usually means a period of poverty and adversity. It indicates that you have suffered significant financial losses or setbacks. You are going through hard times and feel insecure. Circumstances have changed for the worse.

However, everyone has their own ideas about poverty and need. Therefore, the scene depicted on this card can reflect both real hardships and the need to just tighten the belt a little.

This card can show various aspects of material unhappiness and lack of wealth, including loss of funds, poverty, illness, unemployment, and loneliness. The card does not always speak specifically of financial loss, but since this is a card of Pentacles, it is likely that money issues are of deep concern, regardless of other problems.

If you find yourself in this situation, know that there are people around you who are ready to help. There is always a solution and a way out of the situation. But for this you need to take the first step and tell about your predicament. Don't be ashamed or too proud to ask for help.

If you refuse help from family or friends, then the appearance of the Five of Pentacles in the layout says that it's time to accept it. After all, you know that you would do the same for them in such a situation. This is what family and friends are for. They are with you in good times and bad.

This interpretation works both ways. Therefore, if one of your friends or relatives is in a similar situation, you can help him.

Often what caused financial problems depends on our own emotions and actions. Greed leads to loss, worry leads to error, possessiveness leads to loneliness. By focusing on the material, we lose sight of our spiritual development.

The Five of Pentacles in divination may indicate the need for spiritual change and the understanding that money is not everything and certainly not a guarantee of happiness. Hunger may not be physical, but emotional or spiritual. You may have to look around to understand what real poverty is. You will lose something material, but you will gain spiritual, life experience, learn a lesson from what happened.

One of the interpretations is the fears and anxieties associated with money and wealth. Fear of losing ground under your feet. Feeling of instability. Anxiety. Diffidence.

In a world where success and happiness are measured material wealth, depicted on the Five of Pentacles, loss or financial problems can be a humiliating blow to self-esteem and self-esteem.

A person is accustomed to a certain comfortable lifestyle. The need to save causes emotional and psychological problems because it is difficult for him to adapt to the new situation. Life gets tough as you shrink and cut back on your expenses.

In the layout of the situation, the card can literally be lost - the questioner has to walk past the shops, cafes, clubs that he previously visited, because he no longer has the opportunity to buy what they offer.

It can also symbolize the time of loneliness. This may apply as public life, professional activities, and relationships. The feeling that you are abandoned, ignored, you are unnecessary or superfluous. A person is expelled from society or excluded from participation in collective activities.

The crippled figure with crutches depicted on the card has many meanings. It can symbolize the failure that haunts the questioner. Old debt, commitment, mistakes made in the past are chasing after you and do not allow you to move forward, achieve what you want and get success.

A parent who brings up a child alone and pulls on himself all the worries associated with the upbringing and maintenance of the child. Patient care. Health problems.

Withdrawal from the material world in favor of a simpler and more moderate way of life.

If a question is asked about the possibility of obtaining a loan or a loan, the answer will be negative. The organization you contacted is not sure of your ability to pay. Not getting the income you expected.

Five of Pentacles - Meaning and Interpretation Reversed

The Tarot Five of Pentacles Reversed has both positive and negative meaning. The surrounding cards will prompt the direction of interpretation.

Arkan means the end of difficult times, changes for the better. This is an opportunity to find new sources of income, new job or get someone's help. You begin to feel the taste of life again and restore self-confidence. Finally, a way out of financial difficulties is already visible.

The financial or material situation begins to improve, but this will not happen instantly. It will take time to find balance again and gain strength. This slow but steady consolidation can be related not only to finances or property, but also to business, health or relationships.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can see the world through different eyes. This period of deprivation or struggle will bring spiritual development and awareness. You may feel more compassionate and understanding of others in need.

Detachment, isolation from the team ends.

Slow recovery from chronic illness. However, depending on the surrounding cards, it may indicate a deterioration in the condition.

In a negative aspect, the 5 of Pentacles portends a worsening situation of poverty and want.

Five of Pentacles - relationships and love

5 of Pentacles suggests such as separation, separation or loneliness in a relationship, lack of attention. The person feels unloved and unappreciated by his partner. If the questioner is lonely, Five of Pentacles can mean that he feels unattractive and worthless.

Poverty is emotional, spiritual or material, negatively affecting relationships. A couple can have everything that is needed materially, such as money, property, valuables, but there is no emotional and spiritual connection.

In divination by feelings, it can indicate that financial problems are causing problems in relationships. If your relationship is strong and built on feelings, then you will go through this difficult period and it will only strengthen the bond between you. If not, then a break may follow. In this case, the pertinent question is what keeps you together? Maybe it's money or status that motivates you to be together, not love.

Parting, after which one of the partners is left with a feeling of uselessness, dislike, awareness of indifference to him.

Partners are together from hopelessness. The couple is in a long marriage, there is a strong bond between them, although maybe without any special feelings. People got used to their position.

Spending, inability to plan expenses, budget, save. As a result, there is a lack of money, there is no property, savings, the well-being of the family is reduced.

Sick relationships that bring suffering. In this case, one partner suffers more than the other.

Surrounded positive cards- the partner is ready to be near both in joy and in sorrow.

The reversed Five of Pentacles may suggest a slow but steady improvement after a period of strife and disharmony.

It can also represent release from a person or situation that has been painful or destructive.

Work and career

In the schedule for professional activity The Five of Pentacles suggests job loss or bankruptcy. Live on unemployment benefits. However, it may just be the fear of being fired. Fear of being left without a livelihood. A person earns less than he could. Ideas and plans have no development.

Job searches are unsuccessful. Loneliness, isolation and despair. Receipts in educational institution, you should not expect to get the desired job or promotion now.

For a business, there is a high probability that the business will fail, leaving only debt. Spend more than receive. If the surrounding cards are favorable, it can be interpreted as a difficult start, but the business has good prospects.

Reversed - Returning to work after a long period of unemployment. Surrounded negative cards- strengthening of the negative situation, losses in business.

Highly undesirable. This is one of the most negative cards predicting failures, lack of self-realization and financial problems. However, the Tarot lasso of 5 pentacles should be considered and its meaning should be from different angles - this is the only way to correctly interpret the entire layout and find out the advice of the card.

Description in upright and inverted position

In the upright position, the lasso clearly describes the situation in which the person has fallen, and his emotional condition. At the moment the questioner is in a very unstable position. Five of Pentacles speaks of financial difficulties, problems at work, self-doubt, loss of like-minded people. A person experiences a feeling of constant anxiety, fear and loneliness.

However, in his head there are thoughts about resolving the situation and hope for the best.. He clearly understands that solving the problem is only a matter of time and opportunity. But his insecurity and doubts about everything do not allow him to move from dead center.

also speaks of missed opportunities and an unused chance to realize one's ideas. From this, a person feels guilty and scolds himself for slowness and indecision. Arkan says that circumstances put pressure on a person, which makes him feel worse not only emotionally, but also physically.

The main idea that the lasso carries - this is a state of hopelessness and inability to influence what is happening. If he describes a person, then he speaks of a person who has lost everything and now reproaches himself for it.

Map gives advice to pull yourself together and begin to restore strength for further victories. At the moment, everything depends on the direction in which the questioner will think, whether he will give up or continue to fight for his place in the sun.

In the inverted position, the card takes on an even more dramatic meaning: difficulties will last longer, experiences will be sharper. Arkan speaks of financial difficulties, dismissal, disorder in business, imprudent acts. The cause of all problems is previously incorrectly made decisions and committed actions.

However, mistakes can no longer be corrected, so the only thing left for the questioner is to reproach himself for misconduct and seek compassion.

The inverted Five of Coins calls to realize the reality of what is happening, stop reproaching yourself for mistakes and finally begin to get out of your position. The card makes it clear that not everything is lost, but the light at the end of the tunnel that a person sees is very far away. To stabilize the situation will have to make a lot of effort, patience and diligence.

Only right decision will accept the help of loved ones and start everything from scratch. New motivation and hope for the best will help overcome fear.

By itself, this card has a very strong influence on the arcana surrounding it in the layout.. Even if auspicious symbols lie around her, she will still overshadow their meaning. The Five of Pentacles is a symbol of imminent disaster, bad luck and a long recovery process.

Divination interpretation

Consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the layouts of relationships, health, situation and professional activities.


Five of Pentacles in a health layout promises a negative outcome. As an indicator of disease, she can speak about the following problems:

  • oncological diseases
  • depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • reduced immunity
  • anorexia
  • lack of vitamins
  • pneumonia
  • fractures and other injuries
  • congenital pathologies

If we talk about the reasons for the deterioration of well-being, then the unhealthy lifestyle, overwork at work, negative thoughts, fears and complexes are to blame. The card advises urgently to take care of your body, take tests and start treatment.

If we are talking about the patient, then 5 of pentacles indicates a deterioration in well-being. Alas, recovery is not expected in the near future.

An inverted lasso most often speaks of problems with alcohol., promiscuity and other pernicious habits leading a person to degradation.


The appearance of this Tarot symbol in divination for love is not the most negative sign, which may be. The lasso indicates an imminent crisis in relations and the opportunity to fix everything.

The causes of the problems are the lack of confidence in each other. Moreover, only one of their lovers can experience the fear of losing. Often 5 of Pentacles indicates distrust, jealousy, mutual claims. At the event level, it can mean conflict, accusations and a showdown in raised tones.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as incorrect choice partner. There came a moment when the questioner took off his rose-colored glasses and saw the real essence of his soul mate. Also, a card in the wrong orientation may indicate betrayal.

If the questioner is alone, then 5 of Pentacles does not promise a meeting with your soulmate in the near future.

certain situation

The person is depressed. Nothing pleases or interests him. The state of apathy is only temporary. But when everything falls into place again depends on the person himself. Material problems, lack of support from people, lack of understanding of what to do next - all this depresses the situation.

In this situation, you need to show willpower and patience.. A person will have to go through everything that is currently experiencing. Quickly get rid of negative thoughts and problems will not work. However, having overcome these difficulties, the questioner will become wiser, more experienced and morally stronger.

Professional activity

In on a career 5 of Pentacles in the upright position can be interpreted in different ways depending on the circumstances in a person's life:

  • Fear of losing your job, constant stress and deadlines, hostile atmosphere in the team.
  • Low salary, incomparable with the work done.
  • Experiences related to occupation(such a card can drop out, for example, social workers or healthcare professionals who deal with population problems on a daily basis).

upside down lasso predicts a temporary lull at work, stagnation, a missed opportunity, dismissal.

5 of Pentacles with other cards

What is the meaning of this Tarot symbol in combination with the major and minor arcana?

With Major Arcana:

  • Jester- losses, financial losses, unresolved housing issue.
  • Mage- the inability to control the situation.
  • Priestess- loss of skills, impotence, emotional burnout.
  • empress- loss of profit, failure of the transaction, failure.
  • Emperor- dismissal from work, breakup of relationships.
  • Hierophant- diffidence.
  • lovers- lack of support, quarrels in relationships.
  • Chariot- rivalry.
  • Force- fatigue, unwillingness to do anything.
  • Hermit- exile, dismissal, loss of authority.
  • Wheel of Fortune- cyclical problems, the beginning of the crisis.
  • Justice- ruin.
  • Hanged- inability to deal with circumstances.
  • Death- Deterioration of well-being.
  • Moderation- humility, the decision to give up.
  • Devil- degradation, bad habits.
  • Tower- illness, loss of property, relocation.
  • Star- faith in the best, thinking out a way out of the situation.
  • Moon- Lack of help.
  • Sun- stability, improvement of the situation.
  • Court- the hope of salvation.
  • World problem solving, happy outcome.

With wands:

  • Ace- hope for the best.
  • 2 wands- missed opportunity.
  • 3 of wands- the situation has moved from a dead center.
  • 4 of wands- unfulfilled plans.
  • 5 of wands- rivalry.
  • 6 of wands- Wrong decision, financial problems.
  • 7 of wands- lack of independence.
  • 8 of wands- failure.
  • 9 of wands- exhaustion.
  • 10 wands- Stress, feeling unwell.
  • Page- bad news.
  • Knight- difficulties.
  • Queen- uncertainty.
  • King- depression.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- improvement of the situation.
  • 2 of pentacles- instability.
  • 3 of Pentacles- planning for the future.
  • 4 of Pentacles- deceit and deprivation.
  • 6 of Pentacles- help.
  • 7 of Pentacles- patience.
  • 8 of Pentacles- obligations, work.
  • 9 of Pentacles- Believe in yourself.
  • 10 of pentacles- escape from problems.
  • Page- a manifestation of zeal.
  • Knight- doubts.
  • Queen the need to save.
  • King- inability to see ways to solve the problem.

With cups:

  • Ace- a chance.
  • 2 cups- support of loved ones.
  • 3 cups- completion of projects.
  • 4 cups- annoyance.
  • 5 cups- financial losses.
  • 6 cups- negative thoughts.
  • 7 cups- soaring in the clouds.
  • 8 cups- quarrel, refusal.
  • 9 cups- emotional and physical exhaustion.
  • 10 cups- bad habits.
  • Page– search for solutions, support.
  • Knight- ally.
  • Queen- sympathy.
  • King- protector.

With swords:

  • Ace- showdown.
  • 2 swords- condemnation.
  • 3 swords- cheating and lies.
  • 4 swords- hermitage.
  • 5 swords- meanness, revenge.
  • 6 swords- relocation, problems with housing.
  • 7 swords- inattention, mistakes.
  • 8 swords- barriers.
  • 9 swords- bad thoughts, fears.
  • 10 swords- thoughts about .
  • Page- limited thinking.
  • Knight- the need to show determination and perseverance.
  • Queen- loss, grief, longing.
  • King- the need to make an important decision.

Map of the day

The Council of 5 Pentacles promises a difficult day full of stress and minor troubles. However, do not dwell on negative thoughts and panic. The card encourages you to remain calm, no matter what happens. Do not make serious decisions and do rash acts on this day.

There is a risk of financial losses and misunderstandings at work. It is better to take a break from the hustle and bustle and spend time with loved ones. Try to avoid conflicts and uncomfortable situations for you.

Knowing the cards in the Tarot deck allows you to correctly read the alignment obtained in fortune-telling and combine various combinations of cards into one holistic picture.

One of important cards the deck contains 5 Tarot Pentacles, the meaning of which stands for material difficulties. But depending on the cards nearby, divination can also warn of other things.

Image description

Before analyzing in detail the meaning of the tarot card five of pentacles (5 coins), you need to carefully consider the image. The centerpiece of the map is a large stained-glass window, under which a couple of beggars slowly wander.

The window is quite brightly lit, and 5 golden denarii are inscribed in the stained-glass window. And although the stained glass window on the map is invariably associated with the temple, no one denies that it could be the window of an ordinary house. Indeed, in England in former times such windows were not uncommon.

A significant detail on the map is the bell attached to crutches. young man, which may indicate the presence of leprosy. A few bandages on the leg also speak of this.

The second beggar on the map is strenuously wrapping himself in a cape, trying to protect himself from the falling snow. And it is not clear whether these tired people will find shelter behind a bright and beautiful window, or they will simply have to continue to slowly plod along under the thick snow.

Usually the five of pentacles on the card is a symbol of crisis, anxiety and life's deprivation. Coins on the map indicate failure and a certain decline in business, when a person constantly feels miserable, useless and abandoned.

And often found in incredibly cramped circumstances. But quite rarely, the Five of Pentacles indicates insoluble problems and serious sorrows.

Usually, the symbol of the card is a feeling of uncertainty in the future, because the beggars depicted in the picture are not sure whether they will be allowed to warm up or have to trudge further in such bad weather.

And therefore, five denarii on the map often symbolizes uncertainty about the future and the inner suffering of a person who does not know how to move on in life.

But at the same time, they often advise not to become discouraged, but to learn from their own mistakes and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Basic designation

In the traditional sense, the card of five pentacles is called the "Lord of material troubles" and indicates the need to reconsider one's own life. And determine for yourself the main goals in life and ways to achieve them.

Directly, the five of pentacles on the card indicate anxiety and often relate to serious losses, fear and restrictions of a forced nature.

And often this lasso tells about the severity of the obligations taken, even if visible reasons for worry and will not. Interest in life just disappears, and depression gradually rolls over.

Thanks to all of the above, you can think about the negative meaning that carries the five of pentacles. But in the true sense, this card has a deeper and more important meaning.

Problems await only those people who:

  • accustomed to live momentary desires and emotions;
  • never try to plan their own life;
  • prefer to make quick, rash decisions rather than planning;
  • they do not see a clear picture in front of them and do not know how to reason sensibly.

As a result, the end result of all of the above often becomes constant feeling disorientation, night terrors and restlessness. But over time, mental anguish brings a desired purification to a person.

And therefore, the five coins on the map call for patience, the rejection of excessive ambitions and material claims. When combined with the Strength card, the main value is reduced to a positive result.

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