Lenormand horseman card meaning. Different towers are needed, different towers are important. Combining the Horseman card with other cards

The horseman says that news or a package that you have been waiting for a long time will arrive soon. He is rushing towards you to deliver unexpected news that will change your life. The Lenormand Horseman card is characterized by dynamics and forward movement. She personifies decisive actions that will lead to favorable changes. The rider approaches quickly, easily overcoming obstacles and influencing neighboring cards: a message is on its way and will soon be delivered. Pay attention to which card he is coming from and which one he is heading to with his message.

Main meaning in fortune telling: communication, movement, dynamics.

Keywords: good or fresh news, messages, updates, lead, unexpected meeting, surprises, notice, offer, mail delivery, quick recovery, revival, mobile, on the go, changeable, dexterous, influence, idea, event, movement, active, communication, statement, flexible, efficient, optimistic, activating, arrive, attend, impulse.

People. Courier, knight errant, witness, interested client or buyer, messenger, intermediary, pleasant promising young man.

Love. New hobby in your life, pimp, wedding planner, flirting.

Job. Feedback, public relations, email applications.

Finance and business. Agents working on your behalf, asset management.

Well-being. Fast recovery, vitality, exercise, flexible thinking.

Comparison. Birds (7 diamonds) - gossip, rumors and empty talk; Letter (7 spades) – personal message, regular or email.

Playing card. 9 of Hearts is a card that fulfills wishes and brings good luck in fortune telling. 9 of hearts - wish fulfillment. Number of points – 9.

Connection with myths and legends. In some Lenormand decks, the Horseman card is called a Knight, or Cavalryman. The wandering young man often appears in folk art like a messenger whose messages sometimes change the lives of others, and sometimes do not reach the recipient. Remember, for example, the fatal lateness of Juliet's envoy to Romeo, to whom he was supposed to inform about his beloved's plan.

The meaning of the Horseman in combination with other cards:

= guest, family marriage, real estate agent.

Uncertain news or its delay, a ghostly omen.

Deadly influence, period of stagnation, inaction.

Universal skills, flower delivery, award news.

A small message, a false step, a message about the birth of a child.

Growing popularity career, useful news.

News about big changes, moving, traveler news.

The meaning of the Lenormand "Horseman" card.

This card is positive.

Playing cards.

Nine of Hearts. (Unexpected event)

Patron planet.

Mercury (communication, intelligence, trade).

Zodiac sign.

Aquarius - air element - (January 21-February 21)
Month of the Horseman - January (1st month of the new year)

Numerological meaning.

Number 1. In numerology, it can mean strength, innovation, courage, leader and desire for something new.

Key concepts.

Information, news, news, movements, messages, guest visits, travel.

Description of the map.

The card shows a man riding a horse. He's in a hurry somewhere. He needs to get to the right place as quickly as possible.

A horse on which a person rides. Has the same great importance. After all, this is a way of transportation. A horse is a proud, smart and fast animal.

The man leaves the house. Which looks serene and calm.

Time frame.

From 3 to 5 weeks.

It is also of great importance where the card is located in the layout.

If the card is close to the questioner's card, the news will come “from
near edges” and very soon; if far away - from abroad.
When the card is on the front line - new information, behind – received
message, above - breaking news, below - neglect of the message.

Appearance person.

These are active people with an athletic or slim physique. Young. Age up to 35 years. Blonde hair, as well as blue or gray eyes. Most likely involved in active sports. Often choose extreme sports.


A sociable, inquisitive person, looking for communication and relationships with other people. They are active sometimes cutting. They are often superficial. They love to be the center of attention. Very intuitive and sometimes reserved. Their personal life is under a veil of secrecy.

Body parts.

Legs, knee joints, feet.

Love relationship.

The cards in the environment of which the “Horseman” is located are very important here. Thanks to them, you can understand whether the influence is positive or not.

  1. For a person who is not in a relationship. This card promises a new acquaintance that will develop quickly. But it will be superficial. May mean dating via the Internet.
  2. It can also indicate a relationship that has already existed.
  3. Married couple. In this case, it may indicate a strained relationship that has cracked. The partner is looking for adventure on the side. Also, if there are other cards, it can mean treason.
  4. During quarrels, it can mean. If close to the questioner’s card, reconciliation. Far away, nothing will change.
  5. With bad cards. May mean that you will not meet very well good man. Relationships that will be superficial. He will often change jobs and lovers.
  6. If the ring card falls out, it may promise quick marriage.
  7. Also, this card in combination with others can indicate an imminent pregnancy.
  8. Receiving news from a loved one from afar.

Work, career and finance.

At work, news and new opportunities await you. Possible meetings with foreigners. Business trips, negotiations and new contracts. A lot of communication and communications.

If you are looking for a job, you will find it soon.

Fast promotion career ladder.

In financial matters, you need to look in pairs with other cards. Usually this is a quick receipt of money.


A person who is constantly on the move and works with transport. Driver, courier, postman.

A person who works with communication: manager, writer, publisher, editor, programmer.

A person who is associated with trade and entrepreneurship.


Can be infectious disease. And, the card also promises a quick recovery.

Damage and negativity.

In definitions of magical negativity, this card means a person who carries damage to the threshold, as well as a person who asks about you on cards or by any other means. He doesn’t ask himself, he goes to a specialist and consults.


Take active steps. It's time to go forward and achieve your goal.

Reversed card.

Bad news: Braking.

Position of the card in the layout.

The present.

Events will happen soon. If there are nearby negative cards, then braking will occur.

There is still time to prepare for future events.

Everything has already passed.


Combination with other cards.

2. Clover - Opportunity is near. Take your luck.

3. Ship - Urgent trip. Business trip. Meeting with a foreigner.

4. Home - Moving to new house, news in the house, changes.

5. Wood - New opportunities. Rapid improvement in health. A surge of strength.

6. Clouds - Unpleasant and unexpected news. Conflict situations. Confusing information.

7. Snake - Gossip, information from a wise woman, difficult period.

8. Coffin - Unpleasant and painful news. News of death or serious illness. An important and transitional period that will be very difficult.

9. Bouquet - Receiving a gift or valuable parcel. Congratulation. Dating or flirting.

10. Scythe - Breakdowns. Depriving a person of means of communication. Injuries, operations. Breakup or separation. Accident or accident.

11. Broom - Conflicts and quarrels. Conversations and disputes. Gossip. Fight.

12. Owls - Anxious and depressive thoughts. Valuable information from a wise man. Experiences. Thinking through the situation.

13. Child - New beginnings. Close birth. Your child and messages from him.

14. Fox - Tricks. Don't trust the information you receive.

15. Bear - News and messages from superiors or influential person. New source of income. A man's help will come.

16. Stars - Messages promising success. Favorable prospects. Hope and dream. Help.

17. Stork - Messages that will bring changes in life. It is possible to change your place of residence.

18. Dog - News from a friend. Visiting a friend. Conversation with a friend.

19. Tower - Appeal to government agencies and authorities. Red tape with documents. Business acquisition.

20. Garden - New environment. Arrival of guests. Activity. Meeting at the company.

21. Mountain - News from afar. A message from a person who cannot reach you. Eg. hospital, prison, army. Obstacles and delays in plans. We have to wait for news.

22. Fork - Ambiguous news. Choice in decision making. More options.

Main meaning:

The Lenormand Tower card has nothing to do with the Tower card in the Tarot; if in the Tarot it is a symbol of destruction, then in Lenormand - achieving results, stability, reliability.

The tower, having a solid foundation, being firmly connected to the ground, rushes upward in columns, which symbolizes a reliable base, a strong foundation, but at the same time high aspirations. So a person, having earned honest labor, begins to engage in charity or philanthropy.

Often shows the end of a long journey, achieving a goal but not being satisfied with it, receiving after the fact, as well as retirement and old age.

The tower is good for work, career and finance, because... in order to achieve a goal, a person is ready to deny himself many things, including emotional attachments, therefore, This card is very difficult for relationships, but professionally it’s positive.

The tower is a state tower house shape, she looks like a mother who protects and protects total mass, but insensitive to the interests of the individual. All achievements are assessed only in relation to society as a whole. The Tower Map talks about social institutions, who keep law and order, about laws, rules and orders that we must respect. Also, the Tower is a hierarchy, bureaucracy, structure.

The tower is state uniform Houses

Negative meaning:

Map shadow

A tower in a negative aspect (if it lies in the position of problems and losses in the layout or is surrounded by negative katas) indicates that it is difficult to reach the goal, obstacles are being erected from the outside. Obstacles from outside official authorities.

The tower serves as a symbol of establishing a border, a separate territory, therefore, in certain combinations it says about divorce, separation, termination of cooperation.

Coercion and violence by those in power. Forced limitation in actions (end up in hospital or prison). Isolation from society. Lack of strength, illness, lack of ground under your feet, precarious position.

Forced limitation in actions

In matters of personal relationships:

In the context of relationships, the Tower must be interpreted carefully, it often talks about separation. It may also indicate that the partners live separately from each other and run the household separately, each with their own budget, they may even live in different cities, a lot of formalities and alienation between people.

IN in rare cases The tower next to the Heart may speak of long union, but more often it is about the fact that one of the partners suppresses another the second is not free to do what he considers necessary and for some reason obeys.

Partners with differences in age or social status (“Anna on the Neck”).

Also, the Tower card may indicate an overly active social life to the detriment of personal Perhaps your loneliness problems are related to the fact that you spend too much time and energy on work obligations. And now you are literally married to your work.

Married to their work.

In matters of business and finance:

Secure position. Investments, bank savings. You can safely invest in the project. Good stable salary. Good business. Long term project. High post. Public service.

Work in large company, remote area or in an isolated facility such as a hospital.

You can safely invest in the project

In medical matters:

Problems with joints and bones, diseases associated with old age, physical wear and tear of the body.

Organs– back and spine.

Physical wear and tear of the body

As a personality card:

Lonely man an introvert, if a man, then most likely a convinced bachelor, in contrast to the family cards House or Tree. A person has his own rigid principles, beliefs and views, he is inflexible, it is almost impossible to move him from one point, to ignite him with an idea is the same as to press for pity, he needs to justify everything, show him a business plan and then perhaps he will take some part in your affairs.

He is very responsible, often to the point of hyper-control; such a boss may die at work, because... I haven't been on vacation for several years. In his circle, such a person enjoys generally recognized authority and power. Farsighted, able to calculate a long period of time ahead (the tower is high and the view from it is much better). But his demands on life and on people may be too high, which also is the cause of loneliness and isolation (I’d rather be alone than with just anyone).

Also, according to the Tower card, there may be a person of retirement age. In any case, this is an adult, socially realized character or a tall person.

In a negative sense, the Tower will give a depressing state of mind, a person loneliness consumes me from within, he is emotionally exhausted, withdrawn into himself, but plunging more and more into this state only aggravates his situation, because... begins to suffocate, getting bogged down in his problems, not seeing any end or edge to them, getting bogged down in everything like in a web that he has woven around himself.

A tower often shows a wall that a person has erected to protect himself from the outside world, isolating himself from society. This is done, among other things, by gaining complete independence and independence, a career, a sustainable social status, a bank account, but at the same time there is complete loneliness and difficulty in contacting other people. These walls reliably protect, but also interfere with forward movement. Not to mention the fact that a person deprives himself of warmth and participation. But the man was so badly hurt in the past, I was so badly burned that I built this prison for myself.

The note:
The tower can show that a person climbs to the very top and from there looks at everything that happens (arrogance, arrogance, aloofness), or that a person at this particular moment is fenced off from what is happening (“I’m in the house,” “my hut is on the edge ").

A man was so badly hurt in the past that he built this prison for himself.

In Lenormand, the Cross is the last, 36th card of the deck. It is a symbol of karma and fate, defeats, exams, worries, sadness, punishment and trials.

The cross is a symbol of fate and destiny; a person must carry his cross and pass the exam. The map symbolizes the world of things, this is the earth and 4 cardinal directions, formed by 4 elements.

The cross can also be associated with an instrument of torture; if it is decorated with leaves and flowers, it becomes a symbol of the tree of life and personifies eternal growth.

In general, the Lenormand Cross is a karmic card, it is connected with the fate and individual plans of each person, you must find creative path solve problems and be ready for a challenge.

The card shows that a person is facing great trials, usually it is negative in any position, the meaning in Lenormand Cross is that everyone has their own cross, problem or misfortune, sometimes it can be behind, or it can only be coming.

The cross can warn of hardships and suffering, a person consciously accepts them for various purposes higher order, this is the so-called cleansing of a person through pain. This is a ruler card that influences surrounding cards, usually it is very negative.

  • She is responsible for the future, showing that it is determined for a person karmically.
  • She says you can start life again after a series of failures.
  • A person must undergo serious changes life priorities, then it will be possible to implement the new ideas that have appeared.

The card may mean that a person has given up on something, but it can also show faith, destiny, hope and trust; there is no need to lose faith in God and yourself. If they fell next to the Cross, then the person probably lost faith.

The advice of the card is that it always encourages you to believe only in the best, in any situation, even the most difficult.

This is a map of destination and life path, depending on other maps it may be straight or rocky.

There is a lot of sadness, sadness, suffering and grief in a person’s life, all this must be endured, it is also the end of some era, period or period.

Lenormand Cross in a relationship reading

If the card falls in the layout for love, then it will be fateful, and at the same time it is subject to tests, not every relationship is able to withstand them.

Often it can mean the end of some relationship and indicate that you have serious trials ahead.

Love will be tested for strength repeatedly, and it can also indicate that a person must take upon himself severe trials, on the other hand, the card means that people are destined for each other and there is a deep mental connection between them on a spiritual level.

It often falls out for preachers, pastors, confessors and priests; if a Book falls next to it, then the person has a calling to write.

Lenormand cross in a scenario for money and work

If the alignment showed it, then it’s difficult to expect something good, things are going badly, then you need to prepare more worse development events, there will be major losses, it is easier to start all over again than to revive the old one.

  • If it happens in a health scenario, then you need to pay attention to the intervertebral cartilage, back, shoulders, arms, neck; in general, your health is not in the best condition, difficult treatment is underway, serious complications and even disability are possible.
  • The map shows chronic diseases that are extremely difficult to cure.
  • This disease may be an atonement for previous mistakes, it may indicate hereditary or genetic diseases, the disease gives a person a chance for complete self-analysis.

It usually falls on adults with a slender physique, they are shy and overly fearful, they can be absent-minded, they usually dress discreetly and hide their eyes, they are calm, somewhat conservative and purposeful people, they are diligent, reliable and faithful, but at the same time they can be sad and despondent .

They perceive life as a heavy cross. They see negativity even when everything seems to be fine; such people are often prone to depression.

Often it can indicate a situation that a person will have for life. If she was shown, her answer is negative. It is important to look at where it is located, a lot depends on how the Cross is positioned and what cards are located nearby and surround it.

If the Horseman fell with the Cross, then the person will overcome difficult moments when he receives the news, troubles and trials will soon end.

If Clover falls with the Cross, then the person will have new opportunity, and the pessimistic period will end.

If there is a Ship in the layout, then the person is tormented by melancholy and languor, but this could also be the end of a bad period, emigration or a long journey.

This is a very stressful card, but never lose hope, you always need to believe and you can overcome all the problems indicated by it.


News, messages, any operational information about something that was not known until recently, but thanks to which changes in circumstances and situations are possible, as well as the emergence of new perspectives.

Travelers and travel within cities and countries, usually not abroad!

Quite often, the Horseman card in Lenormand layouts indicates not so much an object or phenomenon, but rather high speed current events, their dynamics, development and change.

Some fortune tellers associate mental activity with this card, namely the thoughts of the person being told fortunes or those people whose significators the Horseman card appears next to.
In addition, the Horseman card tends to vary its meanings (like most Lenormand Oracle cards) depending on the topic of fortune telling and the position of the card in the layout. For example, if you take out three cards or any other number of cards, where the Horseman will be the last closing card, know that the situation has “gone”, dried up, galloped away :-) in any case, you (or the one for whom you are guessing) for this situation no longer influence.

If the layout is done with the goal of finding out about a person (psychological layout) and again at the end the Horseman card appears, then definitely we're talking about about a person who is used to “merging” (leaving in English:) in certain situations related to the topic of fortune-telling, and is at least inclined to demonstrate inconstancy, and possibly unreliability.


PSYCHOLOGY Basic, personality-characterizing meanings of the Horseman card - people without a home and “without roots”, as well as those whom we call “strangers” - ranging from psychological sensations (people who feel cut off from their family or homeland, emigrants working abroad etc.) to direct physical significance- visitors who find themselves far from home, in a foreign environment and culture (in which they have to stay against or of their own free will, but always for a long time), or in the worst case - they are simply homeless people.

The Horseman card also includes eternal adventurers, constantly moving from place to place, and spending very little time in the place where they were born and raised (where they come from), or where their family and loved ones live. Therefore, the one who is represented in the Lenormand layout by the Horseman card (when we are not talking about a visitor, an emigrant or a homeless person:) can also simply travel a lot or often change his place of residence, either due to his activities, or for another reason (i.e. e. not necessarily due to lack of permanent housing).

In addition, if the Horseman card indicates a person in the Lenormand card layout, it may be that most likely we are talking about a restless, perhaps even nervous and anxious nature. A person may have a tendency to over-communicate and talkativeness, love to gossip and gossip, and generally be a source of information, a chatterbox, and at the same time often poorly keeping his promises, prone to fantasies and lies, or inventions in kind. At best, he is a cheerful person, a good joker, a wit and a lover of jokes, he may be interested in languages, sports, fitness, love shopping and going to restaurants and entertainment venues.

The Horseman card in its psychology symbolizes people who have no roots, therefore, often, especially when it comes to a man, this card can appear to visitors (for example, out-of-town loving guest workers, those who like to get a job at the expense of kind and hospitable local women).

When the layout is made for relationships, and one of the partners is characterized by the Horseman card, often we can talk about a “walker” - often changing not so much partners as places of residence, and not finding peace and shelter anywhere. Such a person can “live for two families” or even more :) and periodically run from one family/woman to another.

PROFESSIONS - Couriers, traveling salesmen, postmen, drivers, and all professions related to transport as such and frequent moves or trips; also, possibly realtors (but, as a rule, with the House card).


The Horseman card is a symbol of such places as roads, parking lots, stops, parking lots, public transport local destinations, or intercity commuter transport.
Regarding things and objects, the Rider first of all points to means of communication, from the telephone to the Internet, and only then denotes transport and means of transportation: private cars, public city and intercity transport.


In descriptions of love and relationships, the Horseman card can speak of a rapidly developing romance or relationship, diversity and change of impressions, or news regarding the love sphere.

At best, the Horseman card will indicate a dynamic relationship; what kind of dynamics will be discussed (travel, emotional diversity, or something else) will be indicated by the cards that fall nearby.
In a less favorable version, the Horseman card talks about episodic meetings, fleeting connections and unstable relationships.


In business, the Horseman card indicates the arrival of a new important information, a business trip or just for the dynamics, perhaps for the rapid development of events, new perspectives, and a lot of information. Business partners passing through this card are actually information sources(even spies), extremely communicative people, not guided, as a rule, by any strategies, always ready for quick start and high speeds.

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