Were there our pre-Christian secret societies. Do "our" secret societies exist? “Power is not with officials, but with groups”

In this "LOWER WORLD" Rus' has become an energy Superpower, but the main energy source here is not gas and oil, but ancient magic. In this SECRET MOSCOW, the Grand Duke's secret services are waging an invisible battle not only with the West, but also against a hostile artificial race. Once here, the "hit" from our world will have to go through a dueling arena and magical "training", become a fighting sorcerer, participate in secret special operations, save the princely family and uncover a deadly secret...

The search for the Tablets is over.
But all this time the Darkness was not inactive...
Her Seven Seals dominate the mystery of Salvation.
Angel de Coitet - The Secret of the Seals (books 1-6)

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If you love history, then this book is for you! If history seems boring to you, read the book by Kir Bulychev and you will love history more than any other school subject!

This mysterious science is full of mysteries. Sometimes it is possible to solve them, and sometimes the riddle remains unsolved - but the more interesting it is to learn about it and try to find the answer yourself.

The history of Ancient Rus' is also rich in secrets. Who killed the last mammoth? What is the mysterious "Book of Veles"? Why did Princess Olga go...

Secret without fiction. Fortune Dion. In order to give an impartial assessment of Spiritual Science, we must study the primary sources and try to penetrate the minds of the great mystics and intellectuals, whose works testify to the direct knowledge of the supersensible worlds. There are states of consciousness that transcend the normal, and then such states prevail, we can recognize forms of existence with which, as a rule, we do not come into contact. All seers are of the same opinion on ...

The secret of the Chinese economic miracle. Andrey Illarionov
One of the most important events in the world economic history of the last quarter of the 20th century was the unprecedented success of the Chinese economy. From the beginning of economic reforms in 1978 to 1997, the gross domestic product of this country increased by 5.7 times, or by 9.6% on average per year. This means that it has doubled at a record rate - every 7.5 years!

Secrets of Tibetan medicine. The art of relaxation. Viktor Vostokov
Stress is the basis of many diseases. It's slow, but

Inevitably kills a person. Fast rhythm, high intensity

Modern life and the inability to manage oneself lead to the fact that

The person is constantly under pressure. Voltage - main

Lack in the culture of modern man. Therefore, relaxation

The main condition for his healing.

The 19th century in Russia can be called the "age of secret societies." The ideas of the thinkers of the Enlightenment, which formed the basis of the French Revolution, albeit to a much lesser extent than in Europe, also penetrated the Russian Empire.

The first years of the emperor's reign Alexander I, who ascended the throne in 1801, were marked by expectations of change among the advanced part of Russian society. To a certain extent, the Secret Committee could also be called a "secret society", which included close associates of the young monarch, who discussed projects of various reforms with him.

Expectations, however, did not materialize. Over time, the policy of Alexander I became more and more conservative, which is largely due to the fight against Napoleon, which represented the changes made in Europe by the French Revolution.

But if the emperor revised his views, then the young Russian nobles, infected with the ideas of freethinking, were not going to abandon them. Disillusionment with the possibility of "reforms from above" led to the creation of secret societies in which the possibilities and methods of change in Russia were discussed.

Emperor Alexander I. Source: Public Domain

"Union of Salvation"

On February 9, 1816, a secret political society was established in St. Petersburg, called the Union of Salvation. This society is considered the first major organization of the Decembrists.

The founders of the organization were members of two previously existing associations - the Sacred Artel and the Semyonovskaya Artel. These circles united young nobles, mostly guard officers, who stood up for the approval of the basic law in Russia - the Constitution. Among the organizers of the "Union of Salvation" were Prince Sergei Trubetskoy, as well as guards officers Alexander Muraviev, Matvey And Sergey Muravyov-Apostles. The movement was also joined by new members who were not part of pre-existing organizations, in particular, Pavel Pestel.

In 1817, the Society adopted a charter ("Statute"), drawn up by Pavel Pestel. According to the charter, the Union of Salvation was renamed the Society of True and Faithful Sons of the Fatherland. The goals of the society were proclaimed the destruction of serfdom and the replacement of autocracy with a constitutional monarchy. The majority intended to achieve these goals peacefully, through pressure on public opinion. A minority advocated an armed conspiracy and even regicide. A radical disagreement regarding the methods of achieving the goals led to a split and the dissolution of the organization.

Pavel Pestel. Source: Public Domain

"Prosperity Union"

In 1818, the former members of the Union of Salvation create a new organization called the Union of Welfare. The organization included more than 200 members. The goal of the Union of Welfare was proclaimed Christian education and enlightenment of the people, assistance to the government in good undertakings and mitigation of the fate of the serfs. Those members of the society that were included in the asset - "Indigenous Council" - were entrusted with the real goal, which was the elimination of serfdom and the establishment of a constitutional order.

Despite the fact that the society was considered secret, Emperor Alexander I knew about it, who was even familiar with the charter of the organization - the so-called "Green Book". Until 1821, he was loyal to him, remembering his own views at the beginning of his reign. However, then, against the backdrop of another revolutionary upheaval in Europe, Alexander I ordered to stop the activities of all Masonic lodges and secret societies in the country.

The Union of Prosperity, by that time faced with new serious contradictions among the members of the organization, decided to dissolve itself. At the same time, the most trusted members were told that the organization would continue, but with a smaller number of participants.

"Northern Society"

The collapse of the Union of Welfare led to the creation of two Decembrist secret societies at once - the Northern in St. Petersburg and the Southern in Kyiv.

The "Northern Society" in St. Petersburg, which was considered more moderate, headed Nikita Muraviev. The leader of the society created the so-called "Constitution of Nikita Muravyov". According to her, Russia was to become a federation of 13 powers and two regions. Nizhny Novgorod was named the new capital, and the bicameral "People's Council" was to act as the legislative body. The state system of Russia was supposed to be a constitutional monarchy, the head of the executive power was declared the emperor, whose powers were significantly curtailed. The "Constitution of Nikita Muravyov" assumed the abolition of serfdom, declared freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and also affirmed the principle of equality of all citizens before the law.

The "Northern Society" organized and carried out an armed uprising in St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825.

After the defeat of the uprising and the shooting of the rebel regiments from guns, 61 people from the "Northern Society" were put on trial. Two members of the "Northern Society" - Kondraty Ryleev And Petr Kakhovsky— were hanged. The leader of the "Northern Society" Nikita Muravyov was sentenced to 20 years in hard labor.

Carl Kolman. "Decembrist revolt". Source: Public Domain

"Southern Society"

The leader of the more revolutionary "Southern Society" was Pavel Pestel, who drew up his own draft Constitution, called "Russian Truth".

Pestel saw Russia as a single and indivisible republic, consisting of 10 regions. Pestel also proposed to make Nizhny Novgorod the capital. The supreme legislative power belonged to the unicameral People's Council, which approved the executive power - the Sovereign Duma, consisting of five people.

Russkaya Pravda assumed the elimination of serfdom, the partial redistribution of arable land in favor of the peasants, the equality of all citizens before the law, freedom of speech, the press, religion, and the elimination of the estate system.

As a way to achieve the goal, the leaders of the "Southern Society" considered a military coup. It was supposed to seize power in the capital, forcing the emperor to abdicate the throne.

The "Southern Society" was preparing an armed uprising in the middle of 1826, but already in the autumn of 1825 the plans of the conspirators became known to the government. The unsuccessful performance of the "Northern Society" in December 1825 forced the "southerners" to act immediately.

On December 29, 1825, members of the society raised an uprising in the Chernigov regiment. Unlike St. Petersburg, it dragged on for several days, but ended in a similar way - on January 3, 1826, the rebels were defeated by troops loyal to the government.

37 members of the "Southern Society" were brought to trial, of which three - Pavel Pestel, Sergey Muravyov-Apostol And Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin— were hanged.

Of the 4,000 soldiers who were ordinary participants in the armed uprisings of the Decembrists, a combined regiment was created, sent to fight in the Caucasus.

"Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood"

The defeat of the Decembrist movement only temporarily dampened the activity of people dissatisfied with the political system of Russia. Circles of freethinkers continued to emerge, despite the extremely harsh measures taken by the authorities in relation to even those who did not harbor revolutionary ideas.

In 1845, at the initiative of the historian, poet and publicist Nikolai Kostomarov The anti-serfdom secret society "Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood" was created. It united students and teachers of Kyiv and Kharkov universities.

Nikolay Kostomarov. Source: Public Domain

The brotherhood was based on Christian and pan-Slavic ideas and set the task of liberalizing political and cultural life in the Russian Empire within the framework of the pan-Slavic union of peoples.

The planned all-Slavic federation was to include Ukraine, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Bulgaria. The supreme legislative power was to belong to the bicameral Sejm, the executive power to the president. The society intended to achieve the realization of its political ideals by peaceful reformist means.

Cyril and Methodius promoted freedom, equality, fraternity as the basis of a new society. Concrete measures to achieve this were seen in the abolition of serfdom, the elimination of legal differences between classes, and the availability of education for workers.

The secret society consisted of 12 members, one of which was a Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko.

The society existed for about two years, and in 1847 it was defeated by the gendarmes on the denunciation of one of the students. The leader of the society, Kostomarov, was sent into exile, Shevchenko was given to the soldiers, the other members of the brotherhood were also subjected to prison sentences and exile.

Taras Shevchenko. Source: Public Domain


One of the most high-profile cases of secret societies in Russia in the middle of the 19th century was the “case of the Petrashevites” - participants in regular political discussions that took place from 1844 in the house Mikhail Butashevich-Petrashevsky.

The Petrashevites were not a revolutionary organization in the literal sense of the word, it was rather a debating club in which political literature banned in Russia was studied and ideas for reforming society were discussed. The participants in the discussions used the Petrashevsky library, part of which were books banned in Russia on the history of revolutionary movements, utopian socialism, and materialist philosophy. Butashevich-Petrashevsky himself advocated the democratization of the political system of Russia and the liberation of the peasants from the land.

The Petrashevites included young writers, the most famous of which is Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

In 1848, at the initiative of Petrashevsky, the participants in the discussions began to discuss the possibility of creating a real secret society pursuing revolutionary goals, but it was not possible to form it due to serious disagreements between the participants. This fact was also recognized by the investigation in the “case of the Petrashevites”.

After the uncovering of the association, 40 people were arrested, half of whom were brought to a military court. “A handful of absolutely insignificant people, mostly young and immoral, dreamed of the opportunity to trample on the most sacred rights of religion, law and property,” the court documents said.

All the defendants were sentenced to death by firing squad; but, taking into account various mitigating circumstances, including the repentance of all the defendants, the court considered it possible to petition for a reduction in their sentence. The punishment was indeed reduced, but the condemned themselves were not informed about this.

On December 22, 1849, a mock execution took place on the Semyonovsky parade ground in St. Petersburg. The convicts went through all the death procedures, three were blindfolded and tied to a pole. Only at the last moment was the lights out, and the verdict was read out in its final form. Petrashevsky was sentenced to indefinite hard labor, Dostoevsky received 4 years of hard labor, followed by promotion to the rank and file. Other members of the society received lesser sentences. At the same time, the staging of the execution seriously affected the psyche of the Petrashevites, some of whom later suffered from mental illness.

“The rite of execution on the Semyonovsky parade ground”, drawing by B. Pokrovsky, 1849.

The world is full of large organizations, whose activities, however, are not always visible. However, there are also secret societies, whose activities seem to most people, in principle, sinister. Although these organizations are secret, everyone knows about their existence, even professed principles and goals are assumed. Most secret societies are formed with real political and religious goals, while their focus on covert activities has made the existence of organizations part of endless conspiracy theories. As a result, secret organizations are credited with activities ranging from occult pursuits to world domination. In reality, such clubs are much more harmless than they are made out to be, but it cannot be discounted that they are still engaged in fascinating, but strange practices, besides influencing world events. With that in mind, below are ten of the most famous and powerful secret societies in history.

Order of the Oriental Templars

Order of the Eastern Templars (Orientis Ordo Templi). The most famous member of this organization is Aleister Crowley. The Order is a mystical organization that emerged in the early twentieth century. The scheme is similar to a less hidden association, the Freemasons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move members of the community from one level to another. The general philosophy of the order is based on a new era of esoteric principles and practices, as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the eccentric famous occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the influence and popularity of the Order waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, these are the USA, Great Britain, European countries. The rise in popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his offspring, the Order of the Oriental Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. Chief among these is the union of sexual passions, especially the teachings of the "worship of the phallus" and the magic of masturbation.

bilderberg club

Bilderberg Club. This organization does not have such explicit leaders and well-known members as the previous one. However, many include Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, representatives of the royal families of the Netherlands and Spain, senior officials of the World Bank, and representatives of large corporations. As such, the club is not a secret society, but it operates under its proper veil of secrecy. Not surprisingly, conspiracy theories and heated discussions immediately arose. The Bilderberg Club was founded in 1954 and has since convened its members by exclusive invitation only. As a result, a conference of various world leaders, industrial and media magnates is assembled. Initially, the club's goal was to fight the dominance of Americanism in Europe after World War II, but over the years there has been a broad discussion to achieve mutual understanding between the two rich cultures. The controversy surrounding the activities of the Bilderberg Club is conducted for a completely understandable reason: the press is not allowed there, what the members say remains unknown. The public is officially told only minor details. This secrecy, along with the heightened security of the venue, which includes armed police, security guards and even fighter jet patrols in the sky, has created a number of conspiracy theories about the club. The most popular versions say that the group is trying to control the direction of the policy of states, financial markets and the media in certain directions prescribed by them. Bilderberg is even called the "One World Government". Versions that the club as its main goal seeks to achieve universal agreement and the end of the spread of nuclear weapons seem simply unconvincing and naive.

Order of Assassin Assassins (Hashshashin)

Order of assassins assassins (Hashshashin). There were no known members in this organization. The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the mainstream sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since there were very few members of the Order, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations. The Assassins introduced their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Covert assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and the victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to history the enemy leaders. Waking up in the morning, found on the pillow a dagger of assassins with a note "You are in our power." Over time, the legend of the secret Order grew. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, assassins became famous supposedly fulfilling orders for such historical figures as King Richard the Lionheart. Around the same time as the Order collapsed, the entire library containing records of the Nizari was destroyed. So much information has been lost that today the Assassins are nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group looks disputable. The word "Hashshashin" itself translates roughly to "Users of Hashish", indicating the possible use of stimulants in combat. The term itself was discredited, but later the Nizari transformed it into the modern word "assasin" (murderer).

black hand

Black hand. The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society "Black Hand" (another name is "Unity or Death") was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. The Black Hand was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the "People's Defense", a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe. In view of its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers to overthrow state power in the province. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to get out of the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the "Black Hand" was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of the Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization. Today, the activities of this terrorist organization would be forgotten if it were not for the participation of the "Black Hand" in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from "Mlada Bosna" (a branch of the "Black Hand") killed the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, initiating the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides stepped in. On the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently the Cold War. Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

Knights of the Golden Circle

Knights of the Golden Circle. The organization's most famous members were rumored to be John Wilkes Booth, Jesse James, and Franklin Pierce. This secret society flourished in the US during the American Civil War. Initially, the group sought to support the accession to the country of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights shifted their focus from colonizing to fervently supporting the new Confederate government. The organization had several thousand followers, who even formed their own partisan detachments and began to raid fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had a great influence. Many newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who is a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it doesn't just care about rare encounters and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico. During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port at San Francisco. For a short time, they even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. With the end of the Civil War, the activities of the organization gradually faded away, although it is she who is accused by many of organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

Thule Society

Thule Society. The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their hidden motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven. Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas were quickly replaced by occult ones, over time, the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This embodied in a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society boasted several thousand of its members, even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized the political organization "German Workers' Party". Later, the young Adolf Hitler became a member, and she herself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism. Members of the Thule Society, long before the advent of Nazism, took part in strange activities. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to the legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the region of the North Pole, and Iceland is all that remains of the land that has gone under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it was she who gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

Sons of Liberty

Sons of freedom. Famous members of this society are Paul Revere, John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock. The Sons of Liberty are a loosely organized group of dissidents who have been active in America since before the Revolutionary War. Their purpose was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies. The Sons of Liberty did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense of the word, but rather as an association of factions of patriots in support of a common goal. They usually met in Boston, near the elm, which has since been called the "Freedom" tree. It was here that the group developed its policy of resistance, which included the distribution of pamphlets and even some sabotage and terrorist acts. Such actions led the British to persecute the "Sons of Liberty", considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called "Sons of Violence." As a result, the group became most visible among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and for creating the famous phrase "No taxation without representation!". Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the most prominent faction, the factions were spread across 13 colonies. One faction in Rhode Island plundered and burned the British merchant ship Gaspi to protest unjust laws, while others simply denigrated British supporters. But the most famous case involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community disguised as Indians threw tea from British ships into the sea. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones. The most famous representatives of this secret society are George W. Bush and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale University's "Skull and Bones" is the most famous of them. The organization arose in 1833, its members must be from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real condition is that the applicant must be the leader of their campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, members of the student council and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, and Supreme Court judges have come out of Skull and Bones. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting the political elite of the country. No one denies that this club is well funded - alumni created the Russel Trust Association, which keeps the society's money. Rumor has it that the group even owns their own island in upstate New York. Although the secret practices of the Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors of obligatory rites still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is not known what it is about. To the dismay of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are pretty harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks. Skull and Bones is famous for the legends about how new members are required to talk about their sexual fantasies, and also analyzes the sexual stories of childhood and adolescence. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the "Long Devil", the one with the greatest sexual experience is called "Magog" (this name was with William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, could not conquer the group with his talents, having received the nickname "Temporary".


Illuminati. The most famous members of the order are Goethe and Ferdinand of Brunswick. In popular culture and the realm of strange and mysterious conspiracy theories, the existence of this secret society is no secret to anyone. The Illuminati end up appearing in books, movies and television. As usual, most people perceive the Illuminati as just a myth, but the facts say that in the late 1700s such a real organization did exist in Germany. At that time, the members of the group were enlightened freethinkers who became a radical offshoot of the Enlightenment. But society soon turned away from this group, whose views on morality, upbringing and applied methods were too radical. Rumors soon spread that the dissidents intended to overthrow the government or even deliberately fomented the French Revolution. Although the secret society soon disintegrated, its influence remained strong. According to rumors, they simply continued their activities, completely going into the shadows. The Illuminati is credited with the creation of the United States and the October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to a constant in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, directing the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction. The Bush, Winston Churchill, and Barack Obama families are believed to be the Illuminati in our time, but no evidence of the existence of such a group has ever been found. Nevertheless, the secret society of the Illuminati today is one of the most famous and popular.


Masons. The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive, one can only recall Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today, they are less influential and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous brotherhoods in the world. Only officially members of Freemasonry are about 5 million people. Masons were officially born in 1717, although there are some documents that testify to the activities of the group as far back as the 14th century. Initially, the brotherhood was created for people who share key philosophical ideas, including belief in a higher being. Freemasons paid much attention to morality, as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable work and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and even political groups. Traditionally, churches of all denominations criticize Freemasons, as their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and the lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice, called the method of induction, remained unchanged. The initiate must be recommended in the group by someone who is already a Mason, and to reach the level of "Master" the individual must pass three different degrees. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

Did the “Secret Society of the Invisibles” actually exist in the 18th century in St. Petersburg, which I conditionally called the “Slavic Union”, which aimed to “merge together all the disparate branches of the great Slavic root and raise them against the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon races, conquer the East and part West to Constantinople! And lead the Slavic race to world domination? ... "...

The historian Vogel pointed to this future role of the Slavs. “On the day when the Slavic kingdom turns the small Danubian principalities into its vassals, it will not only destroy their autonomy, but also the security of all of Europe, upset its balance and seize not only all of Hungary and the Empire, but also Constantinople ... Becoming the mistress of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles , it will not cost anything for Russia to turn the Marmara and Black Seas into a huge military port ... ".

The propaganda of this grandiose idea of ​​Vogel "about the future role of Russia is carried out by the Society of the Invisibles, so named because none of its members knows another, except for the one who recruited him."

The historian Vogel, in this story about the "Petersburg gang", is a real figure, but I read the story of the "Society of the Invisibles" in the book "The Fire Eaters" by the famous French writer-diplomat and traveler of the 19th century Louis Jacollio, who was admitted to many secret documents and left behind him a library of the rarest books about the greatest mysteries of mankind.

It was Jacollio who leaked information about the Union of Nine Unknowns, who ruled the entire civilized world, who for 22 centuries recorded all the most valuable knowledge in nine books stored .... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. Exactly as he stated in his book "The Fire Eaters" ("Union of Nine Unknowns"). And since in the same book Jacolliot speaks of the "Society of the Invisibles", the question arises: does the "Society of the Invisibles" coincide with the "Council of Nine Unknowns" or not.

It is clear that a writer who lived 100 years before our days could not write about today's "Petersburg", unless these plans were made a century ago, which is quite real for a society that has ruled the world for almost 22 centuries.

According to my estimates, this story too closely reproduces today's reality, making us think that the St. Petersburg "Society of the Invisibles" continues to move towards its goal even today ...

Particularly visible are the analogies, in part, of the "Real Invisibles" and the "Imaginary Invisibles", who use the propaganda of the ideas of the Invisibles for their own ambitious purposes.

According to Louis Jacolliot, “a few young people belonging to the best families of Russia, ambitious, energetic, enterprising, but ruined, dreamed of restoring their former splendor to their coat of arms and their former position, exploiting this political idea. Taking advantage of this predisposition of their compatriots and their natural inclination towards secret societies, they decided to exploit the popularity and power of the society of the Invisibles in their favor, acting on its behalf.

... One of these people is Ivan Yaroslavov, a member of the Supreme Council of the Invisibles, who wants to enter into an advantageous marriage in order to buy himself the status of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Invisibles, or, at least, the ruler of the Far East. The events of this book are developing on the territory of St. Petersburg, Paris, Australia, the USA, the Orenburg province and the Urals.

The main characters and rivals: Ivan Yaroslavov, aka Colonel Ivanovich, member of the Supreme Council of the Society of the Invisible, No. 222 (!) And Count from France Olivier Lorague d "Entrague, whom his associates called Count Swan.

So, Count Swan against Colonel Yaroslavov! Symbolically, in the context of the name of my site "Rus and Swans", its website address and the article "How America Rules the World with the Sacred Number 22: Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. e. 22nd of the 2nd month. And these - 222, I reproduce all my life in my officialdom.

This is Group 222 of the Financial Academy, where Mikhail Prokhorov studied. Andryusha Kozlov studied here - the former first deputy. Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Khloponin Sasha - Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kiselev Misha - Deputy. Chairman of the Board of OJSC AKB Rosbank ... Andrey Kazmin, who headed Sberbank for 12 years. Further in this interview, about 10 more, of a similar level, figures of the financial world are named.

It can be said without exaggeration that this group of Financiers 222 has a significant influence on contemporary Russian politics.

Even before this “revelation” by M. Prokhorov about his Group 222, I published an article about my student group No. , 27.06.-4.07.2002).

Perhaps this "Society of the Invisibles" gives such numbers as 222, 77 and unites in one group those who, thereby, are intended to influence the fate of the Slavic world ...

However, let's get back to our hero 222 - Ivan Yaroslavov - Member of the Supreme Council of the Invisibles, with whom I feel kinship, and Count Swan, who is very sympathetic to me.

Both of them achieve the hand of Princess Vasilchikova, heiress of a huge fortune, which included rich mines in the Urals and Orenburg. According to the secret obligation of the father of Princess Vasilchikova to the "Society of the Invisible", the wealth of the princess should go to society and serve the idea of ​​world domination of the Slavic race. Only marriage to one of the Invisibles can save the princess from the fate of a dowry. Count Lebed is in love and he is ready to take the princess as his wife, even if she is deprived of her fortune. But with such a version of the development of events, the plan of one of the Invisibles, Colonel Ivanovich, who has views on the capital and raw material deposits of the princess, collapses. Those. if the Society of the Invisibles receives the fortune of the princess in any case, then for Colonel Ivan Yaroslavov, marriage to Princess Vasilchikova is fateful.

Strange, but in St. Petersburg, during the first months of my life in it, a woman named Vasilchikova provided me with invaluable help ...

And here history again “grows” into modernity, already in the case of another “oligarch Mikhail”, but Khodorkovsky.

In the 19th century, the "Yaroslavov Estate" was owned by the Vasilchikov princes, represented by the director of the St. Petersburg "Hermitage" Alexander Alekseevich Vasilchikov and Princess Anna Alekseevna Vasilchikova. And after them - Grabbe. A.V. Bobrinsky was a frequent visitor to the estate. Such unique family estates were sold, as a rule, only in good hands and, as a rule, to relatives. Thus, between the Yaroslavovs and the Vasilchikovs there could well be a relationship or a hint of it, which corresponds to the plot of the book by Louis Jacollio.

But at present, the Koralovo estate is owned by the family of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The history of the smooth transition of the Koralovo estate into the ownership of Khodorkovsky is described in the article “Did Karl steal Koralovo from Clara?” , where, in particular, it says: “What is Koralovo, few clearly represent. Firstly, this is the fertile and most expensive land of the near Moscow region - 40 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, Odintsovo district, directly adjacent to the Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway. Showcase of the Novorussian nobility. The new owners did not get tired of repeating that they had preserved and increased this county-princely corner, mentioned in the annals since the 14th century ... "

Like this! Thanks to the mysterious French diplomat Zhakolio, I learn that M. Khodorkovsky organized his boarding school Podmoskovny in Yaroslavov's Estate. This is one of the projects of Open Russia, whose board includes: Lord Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, Senator Bill Bradley, Professor, Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky.

And again the Hermitage... And again Rothschild... And again Kissinger...

Stalin took a fancy to "Yaroslavova's mansion". And Khodorkovsky's Yaroslavov's Estate.

And from the nest of this "Estate of Yaroslavov", which passed into the hands of Khodorkovsky, some "chicks" began to fly and try to "run into" me! ("Split in SPS")

Sitting in the estate, saturated with the "Spirit of the Yaroslavovs" and making plans against the nee Yaroslavova! This is dashing…

I cannot say that Khodorkovsky made plans against me, but that he was "used", just as the "Imaginary Invisibles" used the influence of the "True Invisibles", that's for sure.

Was it not in what happened later with M. Khodorkovsky, "God's Providence" ..., as Catherine II would say.

Meanwhile, Alexei Mikhailovich Yaroslavov, who created the Manor in Koralovo, which M. Khodorkovsky liked so much, and Ivan Mikhailovich Yaroslavov had a sister, Maria Mikhailovna Yaroslavova - the main character of my article “Remember your name: Phantom of the Yaroslavovs and Cherevins in the Malaya Tretyakov Gallery "Neronovo's estates...". By the way, the article contains her portrait and a portrait of their father Mikhail Yaroslavov, who loved to write diaries in secret writing. The offspring of Maria Mikhailovna Yaroslava to this day is represented on the Rodovid website. Here is the secret of "Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky" ...

So this Maria Mikhailovna Yaroslavova loved to go to Paris, just in those years that Louis Jacolliot describes. And she had relatives there. Why did V.A. Chudinov conclude that the connections of secret societies in St. Petersburg and Paris were practically not interrupted. And they probably still exist.

Therefore, we will return to Paris again to the heroes of the book "The Fire Eaters": Ivan Yaroslavov and Count Lorague, who are too similar to real historical prototypes.

The desire to remove Count Lebed from his path for Ivan Yaroslavov becomes a matter of life. This is a personal revenge that the “Masked Man” (Colonel Ivanovich) implements, relying on the resource of the Invisible society, chasing Count Swan all over the planet, like Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick. Colonel Ivanovich deprives Count Lebed of all his income in order to weaken his competitor. And he goes to Australia, in search of gold mines and new wealth. He's lucky. The gold mine gets the name "Swan mine". "Swan" is also the name of the ultra-modern vehicle on water, land and air, which helps Count Loragüe in his rivalry with the "Masked Man".

Ivan Yaroslavov is rich. Membership in the Supreme Council of the Unseen allows him to sign checks for unimaginably large sums with one stroke of the pen, which even one carriage cannot take away. But the fortune of Princess Vasilchikova, apparently, is a multiple more, as long as he goes to such expenses.

Despite such convincing arguments by the author of The Fire Eaters regarding the motives of Ivan Yaroslavov, the question still remains open: What other prospects did the marriage with Princess Vasilchikova open up, besides the money that the colonel already had enough without it. It seems that the key was what was stored in the Urals and in Orenburg.

One day, Count Lorague - Swan receives the following letter

"To Count Olivier Lorague d" Antrague!

Hello! May God receive you in His mercy!

We, members of the society of the Invisibles, delegates of the Supreme Council, authorized to carry out his decrees, sentences and prescriptions, notify Count Olivier Lorague d "Entrague that by a sentence of March 20 of this year, approved by the Great Invisible, head of all the Invisibles, he is sentenced to death This sentence must be carried out within three days from the moment of its announcement.

Sergei Chernyaev, Petr Artamonov, Ivan Yaroslavov.

This is a story from a book.

But, I will note that the Dukes of Loragüe are a real dynasty of France, mentioned in the study “Jews in the History of France” (E. Drumont).

The Yaroslavovs are also a real dynasty. I have been studying the history of this kind, as a nee Yaroslavova, for more than 10 years. Here it should be noted that on one of the pages of the book, its author, Louis Jacollio, makes a reservation that the "Man in the Mask" could well be presented by the name of the Member of the Supreme Council Ivan Yaroslavov, without being him, but thereby using his power and influence . But anyway. it turns out that Ivan Yaroslavov was a member of the governing structure of the "Society of the Invisible"

Prince Urusov also acts on the side of the "Invisible" Ivan Yaroslavov. Also a very real figure for the history of Russia. It is symbolic that my first friend in Tyumen, where we moved when I was 12 years old, was Vera Urusova. Still, there is an attraction of surnames ...

Historians involved in modern politics and "resting" on linguistics like to pay attention to the series: Urusov, Urus, Ursus (Ursus) - Medved, Medvedev. Thus, the idea is carried out that Russia is a country that has the Bear as its symbol. This symbolism was clearly known to the French writer Louis Jacolliot. And he chose the name Urusov for one of his heroes as a connoisseur. It is no coincidence that his main character has the surname Yaroslavov, because it is often associated with the militancy of Yarri, with Yar-power, which partly corresponds to the characteristics of the "Masked Man".

The author of the book is a Frenchman, and Jacolliot, of course, has the Frenchman Loragüe as a positive hero. Whereas Ivan Yaroslavov is the embodiment of deceit and treachery. Well, and, accordingly, from this whole plan of “World Slavic domination”, to which the “Society of the Invisible” leads the planet, the book breathes with the same features: Bear, Ursus, Veles, Perun, Thunder and Lightning.

In principle, if Yara is not understood correctly, i.e. if it is not taken into account that this is a refracted, softened, blessed fire that gives fertility to all living things, then such an interpretation is common.

As I have written more than once, almost 90% of those who turn to the topic of Yar see only a military incarnation in him. It seems that this is the result of some kind of special propaganda (“Europe, illuminated by Sophia of the Russian Yaroslavna, and Yar, as “foreign technologies” of Masons for Russia”).

I must admit that I have observed a similar, internal conflict of the Yaroslavovs more than once. If their ambitions and energy are not balanced by innate humanism and the time for wisdom has not yet come, then they are able to show the qualities that Ivan Yaroslavov is endowed with - the hero of the book "The Fire Eaters", or the one who chose his name for cover.

Taking into account everything that has been read, as well as those symbols that the author chose quite deliberately and unmistakably (222, Lebed, Yaroslavov, Urusov), as well as how they “sprouted” in the present, I have reason to believe that Louis Jacolliot was doing a deliberate LEAKING information about the real history of 22 centuries.

One of the birthplaces of Ivan Yaroslavov, along with St. Petersburg, is Orenburg. And Ivan Yaroslavov is a retired Cossack colonel.

Were the real Yaroslavovs connected by Orenburg and the Cossacks, where one of the main actions takes place?

In the 17th century, Mikhail Yaroslavov, a Cossack Yesaul under Stepan Razin, arrived in this region. This is one of the heroes of the book by V. Shukshin "I came to give you freedom!". He could leave offspring on the Volga and on the Kama, along with offspring in those places from where he was forced to leave in the Time of Troubles, when the Yaroslavovs fell into disgrace, were deprived of power and wealth. And the “Petersburg Group” was just organized by those representatives of noble families who, under the Romanovs, lost their fortunes and wanted to return their proper signs and regalia to their coats of arms. The princes of Yaroslavov and their descendants fit this definition quite well.

I do not exclude that the Cossack - Yesaul Mikhail Yaroslavov could be related to the boyars of the Yaroslavl province Tikhon Mikhailovich Yaroslavov and Ivan Mikhailovich Yaroslavov. The grandchildren of the latter were precisely Alexei Mikhailovich Yaroslavov - the owner of Koralovo, Maria Mikhailovna Yaroslavova, a lover of Paris - who knew the secret legend about the ancestor of the Yaroslavov family, who saved our family, as well as Ivan Mikhailovich Yaroslavov, the namesake of Ivan Yaroslavov - the hero of the book by Louis Jacollio.

In the years in question (18th century), P.D. was the governor in the Orenburg province. Aksakov, after Voeikov. Both surnames were related to the Yaroslavovs:

“At the end of 1739, by personal decree of Empress Anna, instead of the governor, the Ufa province was ordered “to be under the control of the vice-governor of the brigadier rank with his subordination to the Orenburg General.” On October 1, 1740, a decree was issued in the Senate, according to which “Major General and the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Second Major Pyotr Voeikov, who was appointed vice-governor in Ufa, should still be in the Life Guards, and for determination in Ufa in vice-governors to the king of arms, having chosen, to present candidates worthy people. The choice among the three candidates was made, and on November 7, 1740, "the Senate decided to appoint Aksakov as vice-governor in Ufa with his promotion to the rank of brigadier." (“From the Aksakov family”). Right next to it, in Samara, was Urusov.

With the Aksakov family in question, the Yaroslavov branch "crossed" twice. Nowadays, in the village of Nikolo-Berezovka, where the Aksakov Foundation, created by the descendants of the Aksakovs, restored the church of St. Nicholas Zakamsky. This is the place of my birth and the place of birth of my father, which I wrote about in the article “Second Life with the Berezovskaya Miraculous Icon of Nikola Zakamsky”

And in the 18th century, when Anna Nikolaevna Aksakova married Nikolai Yaroslavov. Her father, subsequently, became the Yaroslavl governor. And the son Alexander Nikolaevich Yaroslavov - the leader of the Vologda nobility

I devoted two articles to these mysterious stories:

  • “Why did the Yaroslavovs under Paul I defend the Maltese Cross (Order of St. John of Jerusalem)?”)
  • “Descendants of Yaroslav and the female line: Cilicia, the Cilician Cross, Van-“ the sea ”and the Church of the Holy Cross”

So, Ufa in those years was formally subordinate to Orenburg (after the subjugation of Kazan), where, according to the "leaks" by Louis Jacollio about the "Nine Unknowns" that have ruled the entire civilized world for the 22nd century, 9 books were kept, in which everything secret was painstakingly collected for the 22nd century knowledge.

9 books - 9 Invisible.

One book - for one Manager of the world. Now these books are somewhere distributed in different parts of the world. This is not surprising, because the “Invisible” Ivan Yaroslavov also “had no borders” and the consuls of many countries who also belonged to the “Society of the Invisibles” obeyed him, according to the plot of Louis Jacolliot.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Cossacks of Ufa, Birsk and Orenburg still maintain the same unity that was in the 18th century. In December 2009, Yevgeny Alekseevich Yaroslavov was re-elected as the chieftain of the Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack Army of the Union of Cossacks of Russia (OKV TFR) ("News of the OKV TFR"). This site of the Orenburg Cossack Army of the Union of Cossacks of Russia did not do without Maltese symbols. The inscription on this site’s photograph reads: “Yuri Petrovich Belkov, a well-known businessman in Orenburg, the head of the Slavyansky Bazaar shopping complex, recently became a knight of honor of the oldest Orthodox order of hospitallers on the planet, founded in honor of John of Jerusalem back in the 11th century.” ("Knight of Our Time")

I can’t say what kind of “branch” of the Order of Malta this is. The one that B. Yeltsin recognized.? Or the one recognized by Patriarch Alexy II? Or are there other sources?

I cited this information only to show the echoes in our time of the series: "Yaroslavov, Yesaul, Cossacks, Orenburg-Ufa, Order of Malta (Orthodox Order of the Hospitallers of John of Jerusalem)".

In the 18th century, a secret "Society of United Slavs" operated in Stavropol and up to Orenburg: M. Orlov - the son of Yaroslavova, Raevsky, Lunin, Obolensky ... All relatives

Whether this secret "Society of United Slavs" was the "Society of the Invisibles", which had as its goal the unification of the Slavic root on planet earth, I do not know.

But it is obvious to me that Louis Jacolliot “wrote us the future”, which often happens in politics ...

For example, before Obama became President, literature first appeared about the first black president of the United States ...

Society was accustomed to thought... Some secret society organized preventive propaganda...

I quote below the 14th chapter from the book “FIRE EATERS”, in order to make it clear that the above was read by me from the French diplomat of the 19th century Louis Jacollio and filled with evidence of the 18th-20th centuries that became known to me in connection with the study of the history of the Yaroslavov family "according to my father's will "Find your roots: Boris Yaroslavov's testament"

Society of the Invisibles.

We already know the bold plan of Count d "Antrague and his friends - to take possession of the Supreme Council of the Invisibles and the Great Invisible himself during the first general meeting, which should take place somewhere on Russian territory. Red Captain, as a born Yankee who did not recognize any obstacles, and a Canadian Dick undertook to recruit a sufficient number of adventurers ready to take part in this dangerous enterprise.

It was far from an easy task for Luce to escort this whole company to the appointed place at the appointed time - a company of at least a hundred people - and do it in such a way that no one, not only from among the Unseelie, but also from the police, the Russian police, the most suspicious in the whole world.

But before continuing the story of this struggle between the Count and the Invisibles, it is necessary to say a few more explanatory words about their society.

... It, as we have already said, has as its task the delivery of world domination to the Slavic race. The historian Vogel pointed to this future role of the Slavs. “On the day when the Slavic kingdom turns the small Danubian principalities into its vassals, it will not only destroy their autonomy, but also the security of all Europe, upset its balance and seize not only all of Hungary and the Empire, but also Constantinople, the original object of his dreams, this incomparable capital, thanks to the position of which the Greek Empire could outlive for ten centuries the Roman Western Empire. Having taken possession of Constantinople, it will be difficult for Russia to prevent it from settling also in the Adriatic; then, having become the mistress of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, it will cost nothing for Russia to turn the Sea of ​​​​Marmara and the Black Sea into a huge military port, and with the help of the Greeks create the most powerful fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, which will be a threat to all Europe, and flaunt, without risking, the second Crimean campaign . Considering Russia to be the head of the entire Slavic world, the upper classes of this country, whose aspirations extend far beyond the borders of their vast fatherland, dream of making Russia the main center of the Slavs and gradually subjugating all the still independent southern and western Slavic peoples, not embarrassed by the strife of religions and traditions. These tendencies are quite clearly seen in the press and are supported by people of high social position, they even influence the government itself, not to mention active propaganda in Austria-Hungary, German Poland, the Czech Republic, right up to the borders of Italy. The Austro-German Union is the first dam blocking the path of this stream for the time being ... "

Such is the opinion of a well-informed German historian.

This grandiose idea of ​​Russia's future role is propagated by the Society of the Invisibles, so called because none of its members knows anyone other than the one who recruited him.

About seventy years ago, several young people belonging to the best families of Russia, ambitious, energetic, enterprising, but ruined, dreamed of restoring the former splendor of their coat of arms and their former position, exploiting this political idea. Taking advantage of this predisposition of their compatriots and their natural inclination towards secret societies, they decided to exploit the popularity and power of the society of the Invisibles in their favor, acting on its behalf. They dealt with such art and such dexterity that only later, when some of their crimes, especially bold and desperate ones, finally opened the eyes of the third department, in which lies the protection of the internal peace of the state, their true role became clear.

But all the same, they could not get to the leaders, and even if they guessed about the means to which they resorted, it was impossible to obtain any indisputable evidence that would allow laying hands on the real culprits. As a result, the case had to be shut down. And a dozen daredevils continued to exploit for several more years the actual members of the society of the Invisibles for their own personal purposes and to satisfy their ambition and their thirst for luxury.

... When it was necessary to carry out some decision of this company, each of its members outlined one of the most fanatical members of society, and the latter received an order to do this or that; being sure that this order came from the highest authorities of society, he carried it out unquestioningly, without delving into the motives, but considering it undoubtedly necessary for some kind of higher goals of society. So, for example, one fine day the State Bank received an order to immediately transfer two million rubles to Orenburg to pay salaries to the troops and for other administrative expenses.

Only a few Cossacks accompanied the money transport. In one of the gorges of the Ural Mountains, the transport suddenly came across a hundred well-armed people. The Cossacks, realizing their small numbers, retreated, and the boxes of money were immediately transferred to other wagons and disappeared without a trace in a few minutes. Then the expropriators immediately rushed in all directions and dispersed to different villages and cities; as the investigation later proved, not one of them knew why they were forced to gather in this gorge, nor to whom and for what this money was needed; they did not even know that the boxes they stole were with money; on the contrary, they were assured that it was necessary to steal some kind of German proclamations, which had the goal of rousing some newly subjugated Asiatic tribes against the tsar; contributing to the theft of public money, they innocently believed that they were serving the political interests of their fatherland.

Even high officials and people of the highest court ranks were involved in the actions of these imaginary Invisibles. Although they were not compromised by active participation in their affairs, they were present at their meetings, entered into relations with them, and thereby gave more weight and authority to this small group of impudent impostors.

This dangerous company eventually collapsed of itself due to the discovery of its existence, but before this happened, a number of the most outrageous crimes were committed by impudent impostors. In Russia, they predominantly operated in the Orenburg region, where, due to its remoteness from the capital and the very nature of the local population, their intrigues should have had the greatest success.

The attempt of these imaginary Invisibles to take possession of the Ural mines belonging to the Vasilchikov family, by marrying one of them with Princess Maria Feodorovna, the only heiress of all the wealth of her father, was one of the most desperate deeds of this gang and failed only thanks to the incredible energy and courage of the young Count d "Entrague and the boundless devotion of his friends…”

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