Cement slab. Crimeans will receive housing in new houses outside the sanitary zone of the bridge to the Crimea. “Some wise men complained to Ukraine”

People, goats and cows will be resettled from under the Kerch bridge
40 goats and 16 cows were not left without attention
- for their resettlement from Cementnaya Slobidka
allocate land.
Residents of Cementnaya Sloboda in Kerch will receive
free coal and possibly electricity

The second meeting was held yesterday in Kerch Public Council for construction Crimean bridge. Its participants - scientists, environmentalists, historians, journalists, business representatives, athletes (including Duma member Valuev), cultural and art figures - discussed issues of resettlement from barrack-type buildings located in the sanitary protection zone of the bridge across the Kerch Strait. More than 80 families live in premises without communal amenities, which will move to new buildings. This village is called Cement Slobidka....
Before the meeting, the members of the Public Council examined the housing stock located a few kilometers away on Cementnaya Slobodka Street - these are economic and barracks complexes of the 50s, built for the military from the Kerch fortress.

So, in July of this year, I visited this village several times, but, unfortunately, I took few photos, but even they show that not all houses are drawn to barracks, as it is presented in the article. Some houses built in the 1950s may well claim to be monuments of civil architecture of that period. I think that experts will determine the project on which they are built.

When I asked in the Kerch bridge group on the social network VKontakte about what will happen to the houses after resettlement, they say that they are being demolished so that the view is not spoiled. And they are resettled because of sanitary standards and some kind of security zone (the fact that they are not fortresses). And just a year ago, it was stated that houses simply interfere with construction. bridge. Of course, it is necessary to resettle people from dilapidated housing, but is it worth demolishing? In order to save a couple of suburban houses, our result-oriented managers from the project Kerch bridge they won’t think of a hundred, but in fact in these picturesque houses it would be possible to make a museum of the same notorious Kerch bridge or place some other tourist infrastructure.
Let's go back to the summer of 2016.

On the morning of June 30, 2016, we went to the Kerch fortress. To warm up, we decided to inspect the so-called "anti-aircraft battery" on a hill, separated by a cut road from the Cement Sloboda.
A few photos of the Cement Sloboda from a quadcopter from Wikimapia to get your bearings. The first photo, taken from the north, clearly shows the old military concrete road leading to the Kerch fortress in a zigzag through the Cement settlement, and a cut under the road. "Anti-aircraft battery" remained behind the right edge of the photo. In the background, the forward fortification of the Kerch Fortress is one of the unique monuments of fortification art. This fortification, built according to the project of Totleben, served as a prototype for the forts of the outer contours of Russian fortresses in the last third of the 19th century. This photo clearly shows how Cement Sloboda partially ate the glacis of the right flank of the Forward Fortification. Left in the background - improvised Observation deck from where you can observe the construction of the Kerch bridge. In front of it, as Wikimapia says, is the location of the infirmary of the Kerch fortress

View from about the same angle, but enlarged. Two two-story houses at numbers 44 and 45a (from right to left) stand along the concrete road. Most of the space is occupied by sheds, garages and other typical "Shanghai".

View from the southwest of houses 45, 44 and 45a. In the background, a cement plant and a site for storing metal structures are infrastructure facilities for the construction of a bridge.

Having made a decent zigzag and driving directly across the steppe with holes and boulders hidden in the grass, we drove to a concrete ring on a high-rise. We cast a glance towards Kerch and the Kerch Gulf. On the right is the industrial zone providing the construction of the Kerch bridge

In the foreground is the enterprise "Kerchholod", in the background - Mount Mithridates

To the south, behind the ramparts of the Advanced Fortification, the already familiar silhouette of the Kerch Fortress was visible.

And to the east, behind the notch with the road, was the same Cement Sloboda, the discussion of the fate of which took place yesterday

And here is this very ring with a diameter of about 8-10 meters, built of rubble stone on cement mortar, and from the inside it is also covered with high-quality cement coating

There is not the slightest sign of the placement of an anti-aircraft battery. Most likely it was some kind of fire tank from which water could be supplied by gravity to the houses of the settlement. Although no input / output pipes were visually detected. In the background, two more buildings are visible at Cementnaya Slobidka, 50. Judging by Wikimapia, this is the headquarters and canteen of the former military unit A2439

As I said, almost all we know about the history of the settlement is that it was built in the 1950s, used by the military as a housing stock (hostels), and then was settled by those who, for some reason, could not find the best housing. Administratively, scattered buildings scattered around the Fortified Fortification of the Kerch Fortress are combined into Cementnaya Slobidka Street.
We drive into Cement Sloboda. Some kind of animal crosses the road. We stop and take a couple of shots. Pictured is house number 45a. Probably the most beautiful building in the settlement with a pediment facing the fortress. I don't know what the layout is inside.

We pass to the eastern outskirts of the settlement. It can be seen that the field road has not been traveled for a long time and, moreover, is blocked by a fresh fence. Behind it begins the territory of the construction of the Kerch bridge

A month later, we returned to Cementnaya Sloboda to explore the Advanced Fortification. Here are some shots from July 28, 2016, taken from the Forward Fortification.
View of the Cement Sloboda from the rear of the right flank of the fortification

View of Cementnaya Slobidka from the Gorge part of the rampart

View of the moat on the right flank of the Forward Fortification. The "Michurin gardens" of the inhabitants of the settlement descending into the moat are clearly visible. In such a pure form, this is the outgoing nature of the Soviet past. Something similar can be found in the Volyn fortification of the Brest Fortress

Let's go back to the press reports about the resettlement of people and animals from Cementnaya Slobidka
"People, goats and cows will be resettled from under the Kerch bridge. 40 goats and 16 cows were not left without attention - a land plot will be allocated for their resettlement from Cementnaya Slobidka. Residents of Cementnaya Slobidka in Kerch will receive coal and, possibly, electricity for free" . How do you like the turnover "from under the Kerch bridge" or "coal and, possibly, electricity." Are they being resettled again in shacks with stove heating and candle lighting?
But it looks like the same 40 goats and 16 cows (frogs, snakes, newts and hedgehogs were relocated last year).

And to top it off, an eloquent frame: "What? Should I be resettled? Wouldn't you go to ...."

PS: I really hope that the builders of the bridge will approach the issue of settling the settlement as diligent owners and will keep a couple of houses surrounded by mulberries. Moreover, during the "dismantling" of the slobok, damage will not be done to the Forward Fortification of the fortress, and when the "shanghai" is demolished, it will be carefully sorted construction material. After all, it is no secret that in the recent past the limestone blocks of the casemated buildings of the Advanced Fortification were used, among other things, for the construction of the "Shanghai" settlement.

Valentina and Natalia

66 families are subject to resettlement. People are worried: the demolition is scheduled for September-October of this year, but no new housing has been built for them.

"We will ask ourselves"

“I’ve been working for four years, but I’m going to the suburb for the first time,” taxi driver Sergey checks the route with the dispatcher by phone. - Is it off the beaten track? Okay, I kinda figured it out.

The cement settlement is really on the outskirts - a couple of kilometers from the main residential area of ​​​​Kerch. Two two-story houses of Stalinist construction and a dozen rickety barracks. Nearby, the “construction of the century” rumbles: KamAZ trucks loaded with sand scurry about, piles are driven in huge piles higher than houses, workers shout over each other.

There is no activity on the street itself. Behind the fence of a one-story house I hear shuffling steps. I'm knocking. The gate opens elderly woman in a scarf. Nadezhda Mikhailovna has been living here since 1960. Hearing that I am a journalist, he calls me into the house.

“I don’t know when they will be resettled. And where we will live - they do not say. They don't answer and that's it. Guess what they do? she mutters as we pass through the threshold.

House of Nadezhda Mikhailovna built in 1945. Since then, it has never been repaired.

“You can’t live here, of course,” she says. - There are no amenities, the walls are crumbling, the wiring has not been changed for 71 years.

In the only room with swollen walls sits the daughter of Nadezhda Mikhailovna, Valentina. Watching TV. Because of the noise from the construction site, we have to turn it on so loudly that at first the woman does not hear us entering. Then, noticing me, he gets up frightened from the sofa and asks: “Mom, what happened?”

“They came to see our apartment,” says Nadezhda Mikhailovna.

“Ahhh,” Valentina drawls. Are you from the builders? When will we be settled?

Having learned that it was not from the builders, Valentina does not hide her disappointment.

“We're just completely unaware,” she says. - What to prepare for? In January we had a meeting, Kirichenko came from the city executive committee ( deputy head of the city administration.I. Zh.). He said that we would be resettled by this autumn in Nizhny Solnechny, a microdistrict in Kerch.

“They said, and they don’t do anything,” Nadezhda Mikhailovna intervenes.

- Well, yes. There were houses to be built. Whether they are built or not, we do not know.

- Then the rumor spread that it was no longer in new houses, but in the secondary housing.

Are there empty apartments? I'm interested.

“They don't tell us anything. Officials don’t come here anymore,” says Valentina.

- Here Putin will speak on the 14th ( meaning "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin". — I. Zh.). We will ask him where and when we will be settled, - Nadezhda Mikhailovna looks out the window.

“If they send you to a hostel, there will be a war”

Natalia Mezhiba has been living on Cementnaya Slobidka Street since the 80s. She is a housewife, but not in classical understanding of this word: her household is two cows, a bull, calves and ten hens. From them she receives income: she sells milk, cottage cheese and eggs. It comes out to 12,000-13,000 rubles a month.

“Of course, I want to get a new apartment,” she says. - There are frankly no houses in our suburb, and even this construction site - the walls are shaking. But then I think, where to put the cattle? You can't take him to an apartment. Most of all, Natalya is worried about the unknown.

- At first they said that they would be resettled by the autumn. Now there are rumors that we will live here this winter. Officially, no one communicates with us anymore. But I need to get ready, I need to know whether to store hay for livestock or not? Buy firewood - we have stove heating - or not?

Natalya's neighbor, Valentina, joins the conversation.

“At first I didn’t want to move. Only two years ago they started the repair, put in a new bathroom, and then ... But now I already want to, of course, if everything goes like they did ( officials.I. Zh.) promise: new houses, 15 square meters per person by social norms.

Valentina and her husband are counting on 40 square meters: 30 according to social norms and 10 more in the city administration promised to give out from above “for the family”.

“Here, however, completely different information has gone,” Natalya doubts. - What if by the time of the demolition they don’t build housing for us, then they will be moved to the hostels of the Kerch shipbuilding plant. Apparently temporarily. This is something we do not agree on. If they send us to hostels, there will be war.

— Where do the rumors about the hostel come from? I ask.

- From the two-story buildings, people went to the city hall, they seemed to be told so.

“You see, we don’t really trust officials here,” says Valentina. - When Yanukovych ran for president in 2003 and came to Kerch, we wanted to tell him about our problem: even then our houses were dilapidated, the floors were falling through. They were waiting for him. But what did the local government do? Blocked the way to us with concrete blocks. And Yanukovych was told that no one lives here anymore.

“Some wise men complained to Ukraine”

A blue ZAZ is parked in the courtyard of a two-story Stalinka. The driver introduces himself as Alexander.

“I don’t really want to leave here. I have here a two-room apartment with high ceilings, renovated. To the sea 100 meters. And so far, there are only promises with new housing: either these houses have been mortgaged, or not.

— Who are you talking to? A woman in a green jacket comes up to the car. Looks at Alexander with reproach.

- Yes, here is a journalist from Moscow.

“We won’t tell you anything,” the woman turns to me. - What's the point of raising a storm? Here, some wise men have already complained to Ukraine. A film crew came and asked questions. They also introduced themselves from Russia. And they were from Ukraine. Then on all Ukrainian channels they showed how badly we live here. And then collect the trouble ...

- What kind of trouble?

We won't say anything. Sasha, let's go home.

Two women are drinking tea at the neighboring “Stalinka”. One introduces herself as Tatyana, the other immediately dismisses the conversation.

“Our problem is that there are no activists, no one goes to the mayor's office, no one is interested in when there will be housing,” says Tatyana. “People live in anticipation. This is what worries me: Kirichenko said that they would demolish us in the fall. And the houses on Nizhny Solnechny have not yet been laid down. But after all, it cannot be that they will demolish us, but they won’t provide us with houses?

Will Moscow decide?

The issue of resettlement of Cement Sloboda in the administration of Kerch is supervised by Deputy Mayor Roman Kirichenko. In the press service of the administration " Novaya Gazeta“They said that he is rarely at the workplace - he is constantly on the road. They promised to contact him. However, they failed to do so within two weeks.

He made his last official statement about the problems of migrants at a meeting with residents in July last year. Kirichenko's speech was filmed.

“How your problem will be solved will be decided at the federal level. You may be eligible for a federal program as emergency housing resettlers. There may be some other options. Only one thing can be said unequivocally: there will be demolition, there will be a bridge, Crimea does not provide for itself. I really want those people who live in the immediate vicinity of the construction site to be resettled immediately. But understand: the housing that is in the city fund today is simply unsuitable for living. And to build a house, you need money. And it's not all up to us."

Later, in November 2015, in an interview with local media, Kirichenko said that the Kerch administration had received a “road map” from the Council of Ministers of Crimea to solve the problem of Cement Sloboda. “If people have privatized housing, then they will get another “meter by meter”, and if not privatized, then according to social norms: if a person lived alone in a three-room apartment, then he can only count on a one-room apartment,” the deputy mayor said. - Demolition of housing on the Cement Sloboda will be in September-October 2016. By this time, new houses should already be built.

I went to the Nizhny Solnechny microdistrict, where housing for migrants is to be built. Grass still grows on the site of the promised houses...

Every city that develops is regularly rebuilt and forced to make a choice between historical buildings and new projects. Often new construction covers an area already inhabited by people. In such cases, the owners of the plots at the site of the future construction are agreed to provide them with other housing in other areas or monetary compensation for relocation. There are cases when private global construction projects were broken by pride and unwillingness to change their place of life ordinary people. Due to the small unredeemed plot, plans for the construction of large-scale shopping centers. However, when we are talking about about state construction - other rules work. Residents from the necessary territories are evicted without fail (compensation, of course, is issued to every forced migrant). A similar situation is developing at the construction site of the Kerch bridge.

If from the side of mainland Russia the bridge enters uninhabited territory, then from the side of Crimea, construction is being carried out very close to the center of the city of Kerch. According to sanitary standards, there should be no residential buildings for almost 300 meters around the future bridge. Therefore, residents of the small area of ​​Cementnaya Slobidka will be relocated from their current housing. As soon as they decided on the place where the Kerch bridge would land on the Crimean land and the information about the sanitary zone was made public, the residents of the houses adjacent to this territory became keenly interested in their fate. Officials regularly meet with citizens whose housing will be subject to demolition, promising to resolve all issues with resettlement.

Since the beginning of the construction of the Kerch bridge on the coast of the strait, all residents of Kerch have felt certain inconveniences. This is an increase in the traffic of trucks and construction vehicles, the sound of construction work. What can we say about those who today live in close proximity to the work site. A quick move to new housing will help to partially reduce the negative impact of construction on the life of migrants from Kerch.

Head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin at a meeting with Kerch residents spoke about the construction of houses for residents of Cementnaya Sloboda. New housing will be built in the Nizhny Solnechny area, it is planned to build two houses with three floors. 78 apartments were allocated for IDPs. The housewarming party is scheduled to take place on November 1, 2016.

Despite the generally accepted practice of paying extra for larger apartment footage, Sergey Aksyonov promised that IDPs would not have to pay out of their own pockets. These costs will be reimbursed by reserve fund. New housing will be handed over with an economy class finish apartment renovation. That is, linoleum will be laid in the premises, wallpaper will be installed on the walls, doors, plumbing, gas boilers will be installed.

The head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin, the head of the contractor building the bridge, the contractor who will build houses for migrants, as well as the head of the administration of Kerch Sergey Pisarev and his deputies met with the people of Kerch.

The developer assured those present that the deadlines were more than realistic. At the peak of construction, 80 people will work at the facility. The site has been allocated, the technical conditions for connecting communications have been issued, the project is under examination. Fifteen days to check the estimated cost.

Rescue archaeological excavations ancient mound "Cement Slobidka-1"(mound No. 4) were completed in Kerch on the site of the future Tavrida highway. The excavations were carried out by employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of Ph.D. I.V. Rukavishnikova. Archaeologists discovered a vaulted crypt of the Bosporan nobility of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC. and several burials of the 2nd century BC. - first centuries AD The crypt was moved to the territory of the Kerch fortress for use as a museum.
Photos are clickable, with geographic coordinates and binding to the Yandex map, 06.2017.

1. Video interview of the head of the excavations, Irina Rukavishnikova, for the Kerch-net channel. The sound is very bad due to strong wind so you have to listen

2. View of the mound "Cement Slobidka-1" from the south. A crypt between gazelles and a bulldozer. It can be seen that the Tavrida highway passes right through the mound, the photographer is standing on the future road

4. And here is the actual upper part of the crypt

5. The vaulted crypt was repeatedly robbed and destroyed, besides it was reused

6. The upper part of the crypt was destroyed by the fortifications of the Great Patriotic War, horse bones were also found here. Many mounds were used for military purposes, as observation points and firing points.

7. The crypt of the late 4th - early 3rd century BC, belonged to the Bosporan nobility. But like many, it was reused. In the photo, the archaeologists have reached the level of the secondary burial, before the owner of the crypt still digs and digs. Pieces of a South Pontic pseudo-Kos amphora of the second half of the 1st century BC were found here. BC, fragments of red-glazed ceramics, single-horned lamp, red-clay urn, two faience pendants in the form of a scarab and a demon

8. Human bones and fragments of ceramics

9. Away from home microdistrict Nizhny Solnechny

10. View from the mound towards the Crimean bridge

11. Industrial zone of bridge construction

14. View of the dromos (entrance corridor) and stones covering the entrance to the crypt

15. Six more burials from different eras were found around the crypt, two of them were cremation burials

16. On the stairs of the dromos, a children's burial of the Roman period of the 1st century AD was found. Next to the remains is a crushed vessel, a glass bottle, bronze bells and beads. There was also a pixida (a round jewelry box) and a funeral urn with ashes.

19. View from the crypt along the future highway "Tavrida" in the direction of the excavations of the Bronze Age settlement Hospital-2, the mound Hospital-1 and the settlement Hospital-1, about which there will be separate articles

20. After the end of the excavations, it was decided to move the crypt to the territory of the Kerch fortress and museumify it. Further on the photo is the crypt in the process of transfer. Several rows of blocks have already been moved. The marking of the crypt is clearly visible for subsequent collection at a new location

21. The crypt is completely cleaned and the floor slabs are clearly visible. You can compare with photo 18, the crypt is one block below

22. View of the entrance to the crypt and dromos

30. Marking for assembly. Later, when the crypt had already been transported to the fortress but had not yet been assembled, a funny incident happened with the markings. Heavy rains with hail passed in Kerch and the markings began to be smeared, archaeologists had to urgently take measures to protect and restore it

People, goats and cows will be resettled from under the Kerch bridge
40 goats and 16 cows were not left without attention
- for their resettlement from Cementnaya Slobidka
allocate land.
Residents of Cementnaya Sloboda in Kerch will receive
free coal and possibly electricity

In Kerch, due to the construction of the Kerch Bridge, the so-called Cement Sloboda, located on the northern flank of the Forward Fortification of the Kerch Fortress, is sent for demolition. I will leave out of this version of the post all the overdrinking of the demolition and the probable damage to the fortress. In the context of the community, I'm more interested in whether these buildings have any historical value, as examples of civil architecture of the 50s. And then in the press, and possibly in official documents, these houses are diligently called barracks ...

In July of this year, I visited this village several times, but, unfortunately, I took few photos, but even they show that not all houses are drawn to barracks. I think that experts will determine the project on which they are built.

When I asked in the Kerch bridge group on the social network VKontakte about what will happen to the houses after resettlement, they say that they are being demolished so that the view is not spoiled. And they are resettled because of sanitary standards and some kind of security zone (the fact that they are not fortresses). And just a year ago, it was stated that the houses simply interfere with the construction of the bridge. Of course, it is necessary to resettle people from dilapidated housing, but is it worth demolishing? Our result-oriented managers from the Kerch Bridge project will not think of a hundred pounds to save a couple of suburban houses, but in fact in these picturesque houses it would be possible to make a museum of the same notorious Kerch bridge or place some other tourist infrastructure.
Let's go back to the summer of 2016.

On the morning of June 30, 2016, we went to the Kerch fortress. A few photos of the Cement Sloboda from a quadcopter from Wikimapia to get your bearings. The first photo, taken from the north, clearly shows the old military concrete road leading to the Kerch fortress in a zigzag through the Cement settlement, and a cut under the road. In the background, the forward fortification of the Kerch Fortress is one of the unique monuments of fortification art. This fortification, built according to the project of Totleben, served as a prototype for the forts of the outer contours of Russian fortresses in the last third of the 19th century. This photo clearly shows how Cement Sloboda partially ate the glacis of the right flank of the Forward Fortification.

View from about the same angle, but enlarged. Two two-story houses at numbers 44 and 45a (from right to left) stand along the concrete road. Most of the space is occupied by sheds, garages and other typical "Shanghai".

View from the southwest of houses 45, 44 and 45a. In the background, a cement plant and a site for storing metal structures are infrastructure facilities for the construction of a bridge.

To the east, behind the recess with the road, was the same Cement settlement.

As I said, almost all we know about the history of the settlement is that it was built in the 1950s, used by the military as a housing stock (hostels), and then was settled by those who, for some reason, could not find the best housing. Administratively, scattered buildings scattered around the Fortified Fortification of the Kerch Fortress are combined into Cementnaya Slobidka Street.
We drive into Cement Sloboda. Some kind of animal crosses the road. We stop and take a couple of shots. Pictured is house number 45a. Probably the most beautiful building in the settlement with a pediment facing the fortress. I don't know what the layout is inside.

We pass to the eastern outskirts of the settlement. It can be seen that the field road has not been traveled for a long time and, moreover, is blocked by a fresh fence. Behind it begins the territory of the construction of the Kerch bridge

A month later, we returned to Cementnaya Sloboda to explore the Advanced Fortification. Here are some shots from July 28, 2016, taken from the Forward Fortification.
View of the Cement Sloboda from the rear of the right flank of the fortification

View of Cementnaya Slobidka from the Gorge part of the rampart

View of the moat on the right flank of the Forward Fortification. The "Michurin gardens" of the inhabitants of the settlement descending into the moat are clearly visible. In such a pure form, this is the outgoing nature of the Soviet past. Something similar can be found in the Volyn fortification of the Brest Fortress

Let's go back to the press reports about the resettlement of people and animals from Cementnaya Slobidka
"People, goats and cows will be resettled from under the Kerch bridge. 40 goats and 16 cows were not left without attention - a land plot will be allocated for their resettlement from Cementnaya Slobidka. Residents of Cementnaya Slobidka in Kerch will receive coal and, possibly, electricity for free" . How do you like the turnover "from under the Kerch bridge" or "coal and, possibly, electricity." Are they being resettled again in shacks with stove heating and candle lighting?
But it looks like the same 40 goats and 16 cows (frogs, snakes, newts and hedgehogs were relocated last year).

And to top it off, an eloquent frame: "What? Should I be resettled? Wouldn't you go to ...."

PS: I really hope that the builders of the bridge will approach the issue of settling the settlement as diligent owners and will keep a couple of houses surrounded by mulberries. Moreover, during the "dismantling" of the settlement, the Forward Fortification of the fortress will not be damaged, and when the "Shanghai" is demolished, the building material will be carefully sorted. After all, it is no secret that in the recent past the limestone blocks of the casemated buildings of the Advanced Fortification were used, among other things, for the construction of the "Shanghai" settlement.

To admin: I couldn’t come up with a tag, because I don’t know the project, but there is no Crimea and Kerch

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