The best defense of the Crimean bridge is the destruction of anti-Russia. Under the supervision of the military: how the Russian authorities guard the Crimean bridge Protection from Ukraine

Crimean bridge at night

My dear readers, today is a story about how the Crimean bridge is guarded. The bridge is being built at an accelerated pace, construction teams are working in shifts day and night. There are rumors that the bridge will be commissioned ahead of schedule, of course, this is joyful, I think both Russians and Crimeans are happy, although we are also Russians.

But thoughts come that not everyone is happy about the completion of such a huge construction project, there is a certain number of people who are far from happy with this construction site, but, as they say, “eyes prick”. There are certain people who still do not believe that the bridge is being built. In a previous article, I talked about the trip of Crimean bloggers to the construction site of the century - to the Crimean bridge under construction, they climbed there, jumped on the bridge, they showed everyone that the bridge exists, it is under construction. I have a video posted in the article " ". I do not know whether or not those who still did not believe were convinced. Well, yes, this is not the worst thing, it is much worse that there are people hatching plans for the destruction of the Crimean bridge. There are such people, and these are the problems of Crimea, although not only Crimea, this bridge is needed by all of Russia. How are bridge protection problems solved? In Crimea, created special unit to guard the Crimean bridge under construction, then, after the construction is completed, this unit will continue to guard the finished bridge. Subdivision marine brigade for the protection of the Crimean bridge is part of the Federal troops of the National Guard and is equipped with unique technical means. There are night vision aids, there are underwater vision aids, and many others that are not known to us, and they will not be shown to us. Yes, we don’t need to know all the intricacies of protecting the bridge, I’m sure that they are ultra-modern and reliable, as well as the people who will protect it. It is planned to install Russian hydroacoustic systems to protect the bridge, which will allow to find the direction of the intruder. Such systems are produced by a subsidiary of the concern - the Atoll Research Institute. This institute specializes in the methods of hydroacoustic, radar, optical-thermal imaging detection of illegal actions in the protection of water and near-water facilities. Now these systems are used to protect hydroelectric dams, protecting them from unauthorized intrusion and possible illegal actions. As you can see, there are wonderful Russian funds protection and we do not need foreign.

Modern watercraft are also being purchased, for example, the Grachenok anti-sabotage boats, however, their delivery date is November 2019. These boats are specially designed to combat sabotage and terrorist forces. Director of the National Guard Viktor Zolotov told how the Crimean bridge is guarded. He explained that the boats were equipped with: “the IC Mostik-21980 system”, the MG-757 Anapa sonar for detecting underwater sabotage forces and means, the Falcon remote-controlled underwater vehicle with a working depth of up to 300 meters. There is a search and survey complex "Kalmar" that allows you to explore the bottom surface at a depth of up to 200 meters at a boat speed of up to 8 knots. The boat is equipped with a ship diving complex with a pressure chamber (SVK), designed to provide diving descents during rescue, underwater technical and other types of underwater work.

“The armament of each boat consists of a marine pedestal machine gun mount (MTPU) with an installed 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun, a 98U small-sized remote-controlled anti-sabotage grenade launcher system, a DP-64 Nepryadva double-barreled anti-sabotage grenade launcher and 4 portable anti-aircraft missile systems"Needle-1". And now there is a group of military scuba divers on the bridge.

These are the times now, it is not enough to build, and it is necessary to protect. Although there have always been such times, only the threat of terrorist attacks was once less, sometimes more. I remember Soviet films about spies, border violators, now they seem naive and funny, but the people who lived at that time were also under the threat of terrorist attacks. I think we should not worry, the problem of how to protect the Crimean bridge will be solved. How quickly time flies, most recently I wrote about the beginning of the construction of the Crimean bridge, (you can read) and now it is already more than half built. Not far off is the day when the first car and the first train will solemnly cross the bridge, someone will be very lucky, someone will be the first passenger of this train.

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The Russian military and special services are preparing to repel a sabotage attack on the Crimean bridge, which has already been announced in Ukraine. Patrol boats and combat swimmers have been relocated to the facility area. The bridge itself is equipped additional protection.

The main responsibility for the safety of the "road of life" to the peninsula lies with the National Guard. The service is ready to use a platoon of sea boats stationed in Crimea to protect the bridge, which consists of three vessels (two small patrol boats of project 04024 "Afalina" and one "Strizh-4D"), but will soon be deployed to the detachment. The leadership of the Russian Guard has already agreed with the Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant on the construction of four Grachonok anti-sabotage boats that will patrol the waters in the Kerch Strait, reports Svobodnaya Pressa.

Each "Rook" is equipped heavy machine gun KPVT and four portable anti-aircraft missile systems "Igla-1". Main caliber such a boat is the DP-65 small-sized remote-controlled anti-sabotage grenade launcher system and the DP-64 Nepryadva hand-held double-barreled anti-sabotage grenade launcher. Within a radius of 400 m from the boat, they are able to exterminate all life under water.

The approaches to the bridge on the water will also be guarded by combat swimmers of the National Guard. A similar unit was formed in the internal troops back in 2008, and in December 2016, representatives of the Russian Guard agreed with the administration of Kerch to allocate several sites around the city for the construction of military camps. One of them will be located right on the seashore.

In addition, the city authorities offered the National Guard to occupy the empty building of the former Ukrainian frontier post on the island of Tuzla, through which the Crimean bridge is being laid. Tuzla is closer to Taman than to Crimea, but still it is easier to control both banks from here. Best place for basing combat swimmers of the Russian Guard in the vicinity simply does not exist.

In addition to the forces of the National Guard, the bridge will be guarded by high-speed anti-sabotage patrol boats of project 03160 Raptor. Each one is equipped with a universal remote-controlled combat module "Uprava-Kord" with a caliber of 14.5 mm and two machine guns 6P41 "Pecheneg" with a caliber of 7.62 mm. In September, they were transferred from Sevastopol to the Kerch region.

Serious security measures are taken at the construction site. Special engineering barriers have been installed at all construction sites of the Crimean Bridge. Equipped with 30 access posts. More than 120 video cameras with the possibility of long-term data storage conduct round-the-clock monitoring. The control of cargoes brought to the construction site is carried out by mobile inspection complexes at specially equipped sites on both sides of the strait.

Soon, complex sonar systems developed by the Morinformsystem-Agat concern will stand guard over the bridge. Among them, perhaps, will be the Amulet-P hydroacoustic warning device. When divers are detected, it first turns on the alarm with the requirement to leave the territory. If this does not work, the intensity sound signal rises to a pain threshold that a person is not able to withstand. He either gives up or dies.

In a word, a line of defense in depth against attack from the air, from land, from the surface of the sea, and from sea ​​depths. All potential attacks on the facility will be reflected, military experts are sure.

The implementation of the Crimean bridge project passed the equator. “The main object of this year and next year is the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait. Now more than 50% of the (construction) scope of work on this structure has been completed, ”TASS quotes the words Deputy Head of the Federal Road Agency Igor Astakhov.

It should be borne in mind that we are talking about the entire construction site, which includes both a road and a railway bridge. The road bridge is well over 50 percent complete.

“There is no doubt that by the end of 2018 the traffic on the highway part will already be launched,” Igor Astakhov emphasized.

“It is necessary to form a new formation - a marine brigade”

The fact that the Crimean bridge is of strategic importance for Russia is not a secret. Just as the threats coming from Kyiv are not a secret, where hotheads are seriously discussing plans for sabotage against the bridge.

To the protection and defense of the object state significance the Russian authorities are taking it seriously. The Crimean Bridge will be protected by a naval brigade, which will be formed in the structure of the National Guard.

This was stated at a meeting of the Federation Council director of the National Guard Viktor Zolotov.

“In order to solve the tasks assigned to the Russian Guard to ensure the safety of the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait, a new formation will have to be formed - a marine brigade,” RT Zolotov quotes.

A few days ago it became known that the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation intends to purchase four anti-sabotage boats of project 21980 - code "Rook". This information is posted on the public procurement website.

In September 2017 General Director of the Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant Renat Mistakhov, where project 21980 boats are manufactured, announced its readiness to offer them to the National Guard.

Boats of the Rook project: weapons against saboteurs

Anti-sabotage boats "Rook" are designed to combat sabotage and terrorist forces and means in the waters of base points and near approaches to them, as well as to assist the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia in solving the problems of guarding and protecting the state border of Russia.

The standard set of equipment includes: navigation radar station MP-231 "Pal", multifunctional optoelectronic television complex illumination of the near air and surface situation MTK-201M3, automated complex communications AKS R-779-9, integrated bridge system IM "Mostik-21980", sonar detection station for underwater sabotage forces and means MG-757 "Anapa", remote-controlled underwater vehicle ROV "Falcon" developed by Saab Seaeye Co. LTD with a working depth of up to 300 meters, the Kalmar search and survey complex, which allows you to explore the bottom surface at a depth of up to 200 meters at a boat speed of up to 8 knots, as well as a ship diving complex with a pressure chamber (SVK), designed to provide diving descents during rescue, underwater technical and other types of underwater work.

The armament of each boat consists of a marine pedestal machine gun mount (MTPU) with a 14.5 mm KPVT machine gun, a 98U small-sized remote-controlled anti-sabotage grenade launcher system, a DP-64 Nepryadva hand-held double-barreled anti-sabotage grenade launcher and 4 Igla- 1".

boats this project are built at once at three Russian enterprises - in addition to Zelenodolsk, in Rybinsk and Vladivostok.

Boat of the project "Rook". Photo: RIA Novosti / Ildus Gilyazutdinov

Hydroacoustic security and defense systems: neutralization of combat swimmers at the touch of a button

Currently, 14 boats of the project have already been put into operation, and 4 are under construction. Also signed contracts for the construction of several more boats.

In early October 2017, it became known that the Crimean Bridge would be equipped with special Russian-made hydroacoustic systems, which are being developed by the Atoll Research Institute. The system will consist of underwater and surface equipment for active sonar in the protected water area. The signal will undergo primary processing and will be transmitted to a stationary surface observation point for immediate detention of the intruder or neutralization of a potentially dangerous object.

Systems of this kind are now used to protect the objects of the Russian Navy and strategically important civilian enterprises.

Without going into details, we can say that these systems allow not only to control the coastline, surface and depths of the sea, but also to neutralize combat swimmers-saboteurs with a simple push of a button.

In 2016, the media reported that the National Guard was planning to create a detachment of combat scuba divers, whose tasks would include repelling saboteur attacks and searching for explosives. At the same time, it was also about providing the new unit with high-speed anti-sabotage boats, as well as special small arms.

Naval units of the Internal Troops have existed for 40 years

In fact, the creation of a naval brigade for the protection and defense of the Crimean bridge is not something completely new. In March 1978, it will be 40 years since the creation of naval units in the structure of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The foundation for the creation of such units was laid in 1976, when the Order of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU of May 5, 1976 "On the protection of artificial structures on the Trans-Baikal and Far Eastern Railways" was issued.

The main task assigned to such units is to ensure the protection of important state facilities and structures on communications located in the coastal part of the territorial sea. Russian Federation, on rivers, lakes and other surface water bodies.

With the creation Federal Service troops of the national guard, these units became part of it. Today, naval units of the guards serve in Khabarovsk, Murmansk, Severobaikalsk, on the lakes Irtyash, Sinara and Silach, as well as in the Leningrad region.

According to available information, at the present time, points are already being planned for the deployment of new units of the Russian Guard, which will be engaged in ensuring the safe operation of the Crimean bridge.

I would like to believe that even the information that can be disclosed publicly will discourage the desire to try to do something about the bridge.

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