Remote controlled television reconnaissance complex. Radar complex for reconnaissance and fire control “Zoo. Scheme of interaction of the Tipchak complex

The KRUS Strelets reconnaissance and communications complex still looks like a fantasy today, although in fact the Strelets, included in the Ratnik combat equipment program, is in service Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of “Sagittarius” is relevant, produced since 2011 and constantly improved.

According to the apt description of the general designer of Radioavionics OJSC, Alexander Kaplin, the Strelets KRUS is a personal computer with peripherals distributed over a soldier’s unloading vest. Its capabilities, like any other computer, are limited only by the assigned tasks and the imagination of the developers. The complex guarantees the solution of all information problems that a serviceman may encounter.

When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the unit commander’s computer will display the necessary information about his subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier only needs to press a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander’s computer. The head of the department will be able to easily combine the received data with electronic card area, or from

Computer screen KRUS “Sagittarius” with aircraft flying towards the target and having received target designation

a photograph of a given area obtained from a satellite. At first, such complexes were received and mastered by military intelligence officers.

The Strelets reconnaissance and communications complex (KRUS) provides solutions to the main tasks:

combat control,
– communication and information transfer,
– individual and group navigation,
– detection,
– coordinate measurements and target identification,
– targeting,
– generation of data for application small arms.

It interfaces with all domestic reconnaissance, surveillance, aiming, target designation devices, radars, rangefinders, inclinometers, unmanned aerial vehicles

One of the first options, the vest version is quite primitive, there is no weight balancing and the many wires are especially “impressive”: the base platform 83t215-VR version ZHRGA.461264.008

Vest option - basic platform 83t215-VR version ZHRGA.461264.008-01 (extreme option)

Complex modules:

– AK1 – Hardware container;
The hardware container contains all the KRUS computer hardware. As standard, it is located in the unloading vest on the fighter’s left side. The computer can operate at temperatures from -40 to +60°C, and is reliably protected from water, dirt and shocks

– KPE1 – primary power supply container;
The primary power supply container, also known as the KRUS battery. To increase operating time without recharging, two or more batteries can be connected to the system at the same time. In the latest modifications of the complex, the container contains a built-in charger.

– MCNS – satellite navigation system module;
Satellite navigation system.

– TMG – telephone-microphone headset;
The headset with active noise cancellation protects the soldier's hearing from the roar of gunfire, but at the same time amplifies quiet sounds

– MIRS – individual radio communication module;

– POU – operational control panel;
The operational control panel is located on the fighter's chest in open form and gives instant access to the main functions of KRUS. The remote control is built on the finger-button principle and is controlled by touch. There is a radio push-to-talk button, a “wounded” button, a subscriber switching button, a KRUS on/off button and a programmable hot key.

– MFP – multifunctional remote control.
The multifunctional remote control gives access to all KRUS functions through the context menus of the alphanumeric indicator. The remote control buttons are large enough to be easy to press with gloves on.

– Cables for connecting additional devices, in particular a rangefinder and goniometer.

Versions of the KRUS “Sagittarius”, depending on the purpose:

– 83t215VR-1/2 – basic/extended;
– 83t215VR-3 – rangefinder; range finder PDU-4;
– 83t215VR-4 – radio operator; VHF radio station R-168-5UN-2;
– 83t215VR-5 – operator of a satellite radio communication station; Microwave satellite radio station R-438-M;
– 83t215VR-7 – commander;
– 83t215VR-8 – radar operator; Fara-VR radar.

The complex is continuously being improved by Radioavionics specialists, and if the first KRUS backpack samples, bristling with antennas, were a complete headache for a soldier, then the soldier practically does not notice the load from placing a modern complex on the Ratnik transport vest.

Also, according to information from the Spetsmedtekhnika company, within the Strelets complex, the use of the Russian Railways vital activity recorder has begun, intended for remote medical control indicators of the functional state of a serviceman’s body, reflecting the degree of impairment of combat capability for the purpose of modern medical and evacuation measures to reduce the number of combat losses, information about the functional state collected by the registrar is transmitted to KRUS-MS by the gunner-medic, medical instructor and medical squad commander.

The Strelets reconnaissance, control and communications complex is supplied primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our intelligence officers, having experience in operating foreign analogues “FELIN”, “IdZ-ES” and “Normans”, asked the developers to improve the existing model of the Strelets complex. First, the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements from 2000. The designers responded with understanding to the military’s request and the modernized KRUS “Strelets” is being tested.
The first samples of KRUS were somewhat inconvenient for soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the serviceman when passing the assault strip, and covered access to pouches and a first aid kit. Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks.
After successful tests, the complex began to be massively provided to ground units. By 2013, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had received more than one thousand units of the Strelets complex and there were no significant comments on the use of the Strelets complex from military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly supplied

KRUS "Sagittarius" can have several configuration levels. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of squads, up to the squad commander. The next level of equipment is intended for the platoon commander; the package includes a powerful computer complex with a multifunctional console. The third, most complete level of equipment is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

A built-in standard radio station with a communication frequency of ~2.0 GHz ensures the interaction range of the complex as part of a squad - about one and a half kilometers, but any of the individual Strelets complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted via radio, and the recipient can view or listen to them after receiving them. This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that scouts were not distracted from completing the mission and did not lose visual control.
KRUS "Sagittarius" operates for 12 hours on one battery (and 24 hours on two) in continuous voice communication and data transmission mode. The complex operates at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 60 °C, and can withstand severe impacts, immersion in water and dirt.

To ensure communication between departments, tablets developed at the Scientific and Technical Center “Svyaz” (part of the “Constellation” concern) are used. Two types of tablets are offered for the work of departments: the “TT” tablet and the “AK” tablet. Both tablets are protected by technology whose standards exceed IP68, and can be kept for a short time at a depth of two meters under water.

The TT tablet is intended for commanders of infantry units. It is advisable to issue it to fighters of the “machine gunner”, “grenade launcher”, “sniper” specialties to increase their combat effectiveness. The computer allows you to determine where the unit is located and display it on the map, and with its help the commander can transmit orders. Voice data is transmitted over a secure communication channel, but it is possible to use a backup channel of the Wi-Fi standard, the information transmission speed of which reaches 11 Mbit/s.

The tablet, “AK,” is intended for personnel and supports all the basic functions of the commander’s model. The tablet acts as a digital compass with the ability to use digital maps.

KRUS includes an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a serviceman to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the satellite navigation coverage area. Switching between navigation systems occurs automatically in the complex. The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover.

At the Zapad-2009 exercises, the Strelets KRUS was once again used to interact with aviation, namely to provide target designations to Su-24M bombers. It looks like this: using the PDU-4 laser range finder (range 3-5 km), the coordinates of the target are determined, which are sent to the commander’s personal computer.

Then the commander sends them on board the aircraft. The range of action using the R-853-V2M radio station is 8 km, when using a ground repeater - up to 200 km, when using an aircraft repeater at an altitude of 9-10 km - up to 300-400 km. In addition, each aircraft equipped with the SVP-24 system serves as a repeater in itself.

The Strelets and Strelets-M reconnaissance and control complexes (KRUS) for combat equipment of the military personnel "Ratnik" are produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionics".

The complex was put into operation by the Russian Army in 2007.

Tactical tablets JSC MKB KOMPAS

Czechoslovakian passive electronic reconnaissance stations

Station KRTP-86 "Tamara" in transport position at the Leshany Museum © Ivan Motlik

Station KRTP-91 "Tamara" in combat position © Miroslav Gyurosi

Model of the Flora station complex © Miroslav Gyurosi

Russian station KRTP-86 "Tamara" on combat duty on the slope of Mount Akhun near the city of Sochi © German Vlasov (Climbing Mount Akhun. German Vlasov's PHOTO COLLECTION)

Modern electronic reconnaissance complex "Vera-E" in combat position © Miroslav Gyurosi

Workplaces of operators of the "Vera-E" complex © Miroslav Gyurosi

Radar stations or radars in common parlance are usually designed for airspace reconnaissance and detection of ground and sea targets. Currently, radars are often equipped with passive radio reconnaissance equipment, which pose a serious threat to a possible enemy. The covert operation of such systems is practically undetectable by conventional devices that can detect electromagnetic radiation from radar detection, tracking and firing systems. The basic principle of operation of a radar as an active system is to emit electromagnetic energy and receive its reflection from objects in the air, on land or at sea. The received reflected signal is further processed and analyzed, which makes it possible to determine the speed, location and other important parameters of the target. A serious drawback of the radar is its operating principle. Radiating electromagnetic waves, the radar detects its combat position. Despite intensive work in searching for methods to hide radar signatures, there has been little success in this area. On the other hand, the potential of electronic reconnaissance and other passive information collection systems for target detection is inexhaustible for many years to come.

Scientists from the former Soviet bloc, well aware of the pros and cons of radar, have been working in the field of passive signals intelligence for many years, but without much success. However, in the late 50s, a major breakthrough in such developments was made in the former Czechoslovakia, the basic principle of which was later called TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival). Its essence is to measure with three receivers, which are located at some distance from each other, the time difference in radiation emitted by an air, ground or sea target. On what basis can one “passively”, i.e. without irradiating the target, determine its location. This principle was protected by patent law - closed patent No. 773 was registered to Vlastimil Pech on November 13, 1961, and closed patents No. 830, 852 and 859 were registered to Vladimir Zarybnicky (March-June 1962). The important thing is that, in accordance with this method, receiving stations can be located on the same line, in contrast to the method, which is based on the principle of triangulation. A description of the TDOA method is available on the ERA website.

The TDOA method was studied and further developed in Czechoslovakian research institutes. In 1963, the first prototype was created to test the technology of this idea, on the basis of which the production model PRP-1 "Kopac" (Presny Radiotechnicky Patrac, Precise Radiotechnical Detector) appeared. The system consisted of four cabins located on semi-trailers towed by Praga medium-duty trucks. The deployment time of the PRP-1 "Kopac" was several days. The system used analog signal processing complexes, waveguides and coaxial technologies. The PRP-1 "Kopac" reconnaissance complex was capable of detecting radars operating in the L, S and X wavelength ranges, airborne transponders and transponders of the TACAN navigation system. The complex was capable of tracking from one to six targets. In the armed forces of the former Czechoslovakia, the PRP-1 "Kopac" was used until 1979.

The next, second, generation of passive electronic reconnaissance systems, which were truly, fully functioning, received the name "Ramona". The system was initially developed under the PRP-2 code by Tesla (Pardubice) in 1967. In 1980-81, it was put into service and received a new designation KRTP-81 (Komplet Radiotechnickeho Pruzkumu - Electronic Intelligence Complex). Later, the system was modernized, which received the designation KRTP-81M "Ramona-M". The complex was intended for reconnaissance at the strategic level. "Ramona" consisted of three 25 m masts topped with a bulky dome covering antennas, microwave parts and mid-frequency preamplifiers and radio relay transmitters to ensure the exchange of information between base station and neighboring ones. The KRTP-81 complex is capable of detecting air, ground or sea targets emitting electromagnetic energy in the range of 0.8 - 18 GHz. Compared to the PRP-1 "Kopac" complex, the new "Ramona" and its modification "Ramona-M" were significantly more effective and capable of tracking up to 20 targets in a semi-automatic mode in a sector of 100 degrees relative to the central station of the complex.

A total of 17 units were produced in Czechoslovakia. "Ramona", 14 pcs. modernized Ramona-M stations and one training station. Of this quantity, 14 KRTP-81 "Ramona" stations and 10 KRTP-81М "Ramona-M" stations were supplied to the USSR, one KRTP-81 station was sold to the GDR, one "Ramona", two "Ramona-M" and one training the complex was delivered to Syria, and finally, one "Ramona" and two "Ramona-M" were in service in Czechoslovakia.

The Ramona stations, despite their high characteristics, remained very difficult to operate, bulky and required from 4 to 12 hours to deploy. One system was placed on 13 heavy Tatra T-138 trucks.

In the NATO classification, the Ramona/Ramona-M stations received the designation "Soft Ball".

After many years of development and operation of the stations of the first generations PRP-1 and KRTP-81, an understanding emerged that the customer really needed mobile system with much high performance for target detection. Plus, by this time a new element base had appeared. All this made it possible to begin the implementation of a new project in 1981-1983, which was given another female name"Tamara". In contrast to the Soviet geographical principle of naming their own air defense systems, the Warsaw Pact countries, especially Poland and Czechoslovakia, used radar stations female names. The new electronic intelligence system "Tamara" entered testing at the end of 1983. There were three versions of this system in total. Testing of the mobile reconnaissance station took place from September 1984 to the end of 1985. Military tests of the station under the designation KRTP-86 were carried out in the summer of 1987, and on October 10, 1987 the system passed state tests.

Station "Tamara" can be used for both strategic and tactical reconnaissance. "Tamara" is capable of detecting radars, radar emitters, Friend or Foe system transmitters, TACAN navigation systems, DME system rangefinders, JTIDS tactical information exchange systems, as well as active jammers operating in the range of 0.82-18 GHz. During testing new system detected a target of the F-16 type at a range of 400 km, CF-18A - 355 km, F-15 - 365. Older fighters of the F-4 type were detected at around 395 km, F-104 - 425 km.

The KRTP-86 "Tamara" passive electronic reconnaissance station was adopted by the Czechoslovak People's Army at the beginning of 1989. The main version of the system was mobile. Self-propelled "Tamara" consists of 8 units of equipment placed on the Tatra T-815 automobile chassis. It consists of three RS-AJ/M receiving devices, one hardware cabin of the RS-KB receiving complex, a hardware cabin for signal processing RS-KM, and an additional ZZP-5 command module with information display systems can be deployed.

The RS-AJ/M receiving device is a cylindrical antenna mounted on a telescopic lifting device, which is mounted on a Tatra T-815 automobile chassis with an 8x8 wheel arrangement. The chassis was modified by installing four hydraulic jacks to level the antenna-mast device, and a bulldozer blade was hung in front of the driver’s cabin to prepare a combat position. The antenna-mast device can rise to a height of 8.5 m or in the range from 12.5 to 25 m. The cylindrical shape of the AMU radome contains the necessary antennas and receivers, microwave transmitters for exchanging information between the components of the complex. The raised antenna can withstand wind speeds of no more than 50 m/s, and the station can operate with a wind force of no more than 30 m/s. At the combat position, the RS-AJ/M receiving devices are located at a distance from each other from 10 to 35 km.

The stationary version "Tamara" consists of three antenna modules installed in special containers with dimensions of 3.5x3.5x3 m on 25-meter masts. During the period 1994-1995. this version of the complex was offered at international exhibitions by the Czech company HTT-Tesla Pardubice under the designation "Flora".

The detection range of the Tamara radio reconnaissance station is 450 km and is limited only by the radio horizon. The system is capable of tracking up to 72 targets in a sector of 100 degrees in almost real time. Relatively central station. "Tamara" is in mass production and is constantly being modernized by incorporating new subsystems and updating information processing algorithms. The updated complex received the designation KRTP-91, its field of view increased to 120 degrees. The Tesla company, located in the city of Pardubice, built 23 Tamara electronic intelligence systems, of which 15 were delivered to the USSR, 1 complex to the GDR, and 4 complexes were put into service by Czechoslovakia. In 1991, the United States managed to obtain one modernized Tamara (KRTP-91), purchasing it through Oman. Two systems have not yet found their buyer. Self-propelled versions of "Tamara" received the designation "Trash Bin" in the NATO classification.

One of the Tamars purchased Soviet Union, in November 2005, discovered on the slope of Mount Akhun, not far from Sochi. By appearance- this is an early version of the Tamara complex - KRTP-86.

After the division of Czechoslovakia into two independent states (the Czech Republic and Slovakia), the development of electronic intelligence equipment continued in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the experience gained during the creation of the Kopac, Ramona and Tamara complexes, the fourth generation of passive radar equipment appeared, which was given the next female name “Vera”. The development of the new complex was carried out by the company "ERA" (the legal successor of the HTT-Tesla company), which, after its readiness, began to offer it for export deliveries under the designation "Vera-E".

The purpose of the "Vera-E" system did not differ from its predecessors. Nevertheless, modern technologies and a new element base made it possible to reduce the size and weight of individual elements, which increased the mobility of the system. The frequency range in which the station can detect emissions from airborne and ground targets is 1-18 GHz and can be further expanded to a range from 0.1-1 GHz to 18-40 GHz. The Vera-E station can detect emissions from secondary transponders of airborne radars and state identification system transmitters (1090 MHz - 5 MHz), TACAN navigation systems and DME rangefinders (1025-1150 MHz). The “Vera-E” viewing sector has increased to 120 degrees, and at the customer’s request it can be circular. The maximum target detection range is 450 km. The Vera-E system can simultaneously track up to 200 targets. Information update rate from 1 to 5 seconds. The antenna module is a cylinder 2 m high, 0.9 m in diameter and weighs 300 kg. A two-way microwave radio link links the antenna module to the hardware module. In addition, ERA is promoting other versions of this system, including the civilian Vera-P3D and Vera-ASCS systems.

In January 2004, the Czech arms export company Omnipol received two export licenses from the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade to supply six Vera-E systems to China for a total amount of $58 million. As soon as the first Chinese contract worth $23 million became known, the US government immediately protested to the Czech Republic. The Czech press widely covered the alleged letter from US Secretary of State Colin Powell to his Czech counterpart Cyril Svoboda regarding the sale of Vera-E stations to China, as well as Colin Powell’s personal appeal to Czech Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla, in which the American Secretary of State asked to cancel the contract with China. Ultimately, after such pressure, on May 19, 2004, the Czech government canceled the licenses for the export of Vera-E complexes to China, which it notified Omnipol a little later.

Currently, in the Czech Republic there is only one radio intelligence station, "Vera-E". Its assembly was completed in November 2004, and already in December of this year it was adopted by the Czech Army. "Vera-E" is based in the 53rd Center for Radio Intelligence and Electronic Warfare in Plana, near Ceske Budovice. The new electronic intelligence unit with headquarters in Opava will be combat-ready in 2006 and will be created on the basis of the existing electronic intelligence units in České Budovice and the electronic warfare unit in Opava.

Having dissuaded the Czech Republic from selling the Vera-E station to China, the United States itself purchased one Vera-E set at the end of 2004 or beginning of 2005 for its own needs. As practice shows, Americans buy in single copies military equipment only to study it and find ways to counteract its capabilities. The cost of the contract, including service and personnel training, amounted to $10 million.

In the summer of 2005, the Czech Republic sold another Vera-E station to Estonia for $4 million. Delivery should be made soon.

During this period, reports appeared that China was not abandoning attempts to acquire Vera-E complexes. According to information from the Prague weekly Euro, the Chinese side, during the visit of Czech Prime Minister Jiri Paroubka to Beijing, again raised the issue of purchasing Vera-E, and the solution to this issue was associated with the provision of favorable conditions for Czech contracts in China. In addition to China, Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Vietnam are also showing increased interest in Vera-E.

The press claims that a number of Tamara electronic intelligence stations were delivered to Yugoslavia, which made it possible to shoot down the F-117 stealth aircraft during the US aggression against this country. However reliable facts There is no such supply, and the F-117 was shot down by the modified S-125M air defense system.

Currently, the competitors of Czech electronic intelligence stations are the no less famous Ukrainian radar "Kolchuga", the sales of which are closely monitored by the US government, and the Russian development - the 85B6-A "Vega" electronic intelligence complex, which is only moving into export markets.



NATO name

Year of adoption

Production and supply of systems

from 1963 to 1979

KRTP-81 "Ramona"

"Soft Ball"

17 pcs.:

USSR – 14 pcs.;

GDR – 1 piece;

Syria – 1 piece;

Czechoslovakia – 1 pc.

KRTP-81 “Ramona-M”

14 pcs + 1 training station:

USSR – 10 pcs.;

Syria – 2 pcs. + 1 educational;

Czechoslovakia – 2 pcs.

mobile option; stationary version "Flora"

"Trash Bin"


23 PC.:

USSR – 15 pcs.;

GDR – 1 piece;

Czechoslovakia – 4 pcs.;

USA – 1 pc.

"Vera-E" - export;

Vera -P 3D, Vera -ASCS – civil stations

December 2004

3 pcs.:

Czech Republic – 1 piece;

USA – 1 pc.

Estonia – 1 pc.

Information sources:


TAMARA MCS-93 ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT) system. Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems

TOPIC No. 51: “Reconnaissance and signaling means of reconnaissance. Complex of intelligence control and communications". Lesson No. 1 “Technical characteristics, design of the RSS 1 to 18 complex (Realia), products 83 T 215 VR (KRUS).

Study questions: 1. Purpose, composition, TTX complex RSS 1 to 18 (Realia). 2. Purpose, composition, performance characteristics of the product 83 T 215 VR (KRUS).

Product 1 K 18 -1 is designed for remote detection of the movement of troops and equipment behind enemy lines and at the borders of probable contact with him and for transmitting information about detected objects via a radio channel to information receiving and display devices (IRIDs) in near real time. In addition, the product can be used to protect particularly important objects in the rear of our troops.

The product remains operational when following conditions: temperature environment from -30 to +50 degrees Celsius; the presence of interference created by the natural background (noise mountain rivers, wind, noise of separately falling stones); when exposed to unintentional interference created by communication radio stations operating in the frequency range of the product’s radio line; after immersing the RSU and RT in water to a depth of 1 meter; after transportation in packaged form by all types of transport in covered vehicles; when exposed to atmospheric precipitation, dust and solar radiation; when used at altitudes up to 5000 meters above sea level.

Set 1 K 18 "Realia" 1. Device for receiving and displaying information (UPOPI)-1 T 813 - 1 pc. 2. Three types of reconnaissance and signaling devices (RSD): - seismic-acoustic detector-classifier 1 B 36 4 pcs. - seismic detector 1 B 37 - 18 pcs. - detector - magnetic cable counter 1 B 40 - 4 pcs. 3. Repeaters of information radio signals (RT) 1 L 59 9 pcs. 4. Control stand SK-E 38 – 1 pc. 5. Single spare parts kit – 1 set.

Features 1. Message transmission range: - using one repeater. . . up to 15 km; - using two repeaters. . . . up to 40 km; - without using a repeater. . . up to 1 km. 2. Operating frequency range of the product. . . . VHF 3. Number of fixed frequencies used. . . 8 4. Type of transmitted messages - digital (message duration - 5 s.); transmission speed - 1300 baud. 5. The number of simultaneously installed DCS, which ensures the reception of information at the UPOI. . . up to 30. 6. Memory capacity. . . . 21 messages. 7. Probability of detecting and identifying an object. . 0.7 -0.8. 8. Nutrition. . . . from elements A 343 (device 1 E 38) or RC 85 (device 1 E 38 -1). 9. Performance. . . . from - 30 to + 50 degrees. 10. The self-destruction device (SID) is triggered in the following cases: - when trying to move the device to another place; - when trying to remove the PIM from the device body; - when the device is tilted at an angle of 15 -20 degrees; - after 20 or 60 days of continuous operation of the devices. 11. Weight of the product. . . . 1200 kg.

Strengths 1. High degree detection and recognition of objects. 2. Possibility of control large areas using repeaters. 3. High efficiency, speed of information flow. 4. Relatively high secrecy of action. 5. Possibility of interfacing with means of destruction. Weak sides 1. Limited number of sensors and their types. 2. A limited number of sensors delivered behind enemy lines by intelligence agencies. 3. One-time use of sensors using PIM. 4. Low efficiency of precise installation of sensors using helicopters. 5. Possibility of false triggering of the sensor. 6. The absence of sensors and RT in the system that can be delivered to the installation site by firing a shot from a howitzer gun. 7. Possibility of system failure promising means Electronic warfare in the VHF range.

The UPOI is designed to receive information coming from the DCS and display it on a light display. The UPOI has a sound and light alarm about the receipt of a package (information) from the DCS, as well as a clock for determining the time of receipt of information. The design of the 1 T 813 makes it possible to operate it in a car, armored personnel carrier, helicopter, both parked and in motion (flight) without connecting to an external radio antenna.

DEVICE 1 B 36 is designed to detect, determine the type and number of moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (mines). 9 E 144 device 1 E 38 R. 5. 1 cable K 1 A

DEVICE 1 B 37 is designed to detect moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (mines).

DEVICE 1 B 40 is designed to detect and count the number of moving objects, as well as to detect shell explosions (min.).

The 1 L 59 repeater is designed for search-free, tune-free retransmission of digital messages transmitted by the DCS (devices 1 B 36, 1 B 371, 1 B 40), in the absence of direct radio visibility of the DCS and UPOP or when they are located at a great distance. R 5.2 R 5.1

Device 1 E 38 is designed to power devices 1 B 36, 1 B 37 -1, 1 B 40, 1 T 813, 1 L 59 and products 1 K 18 -1.

In 2007, the command and control and communications intelligence complex (KRUS "Strelets") was put into service, which is designed to solve the main set of information support tasks (combat control, communications and information transfer, individual and group navigation, detection, coordinate measurement and target identification, target designation , generating data for the use of small arms and close combat weapons). Basic specifications Communication range: within the unit up to 1500 m with a higher one up to 10 km (VHF), up to the VU unit 5000 km (satellite repeater) Weight of the set is 2.4 kg. Transmission speed Up to 11 Mbit/s of data via internal communication channel Continuous operation time 12 -14 hours Error in determining coordinates No more than 20 m GLONASS, GPS satellite navigation systems used

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