Draw a project of wealth given to people. Presentation on the topic "wealth given to people." Questions of the educational topic

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The project around the world "Wealth given to people"

The purpose of the project: To tell about the wonderful deeds of my fellow countrymen for the benefit of other people. Project objectives: Collect information in the form of photographs, facts from the biography. Prepare a story presentation. Introduce your classmates to your project. Project plan: Last name, first name, patronymic of the person to be discussed in the project. Justification of the choice, why this particular person was chosen. Story about the hero of the project. Your attitude towards this person and his affairs. What source of information did you use when creating the project. Thanks for the help at work

Denis Matsuev Outstanding contemporary pianist, public figure and patron.

I chose Denis Leonidovich Matsuev because I think that he does a lot for Irkutsk and Irkutsk. He seeks to interest and arouse people's interest in classical music, and to teach people to understand, feel and love music the way he loves it. To revive the spiritual wealth of Russia.

Denis Matsuev was born in Irkutsk in 1975 into a family of musicians. Parents say that already at the age of two, Denis played various tunes on the piano by ear. In Irkutsk, Denis studied at secondary school No. 11 and at the art school.

Moscow In 1990, Denis moved to Moscow with his family, he really did not want to leave his beloved city, leave his friends here (Denis had football team and he wanted to be a football player). And I went only because to go to the Spartak match.

In Moscow, he entered the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory and graduated brilliantly.

Fame Matsuev was widely known for his victory at the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1998, the artist at that time was only 23 years old. His speech caused a worldwide response.

Denis gives 100 concerts a year around the world.

Public activity Denis Matsuev seeks to awaken in people a love for classical music and to instill in young people an interest in it. He says about music: “I always try to play in such a way that a person feels, understands the mood, feelings of the composer.

On September 14, 2011, Matsuev opened a concert hall for 60 people in his native Irkutsk - Denis Matsuev's House of Music

Matsuev manages many charitable programs, holds children's and youth music competitions, festivals such as "Stars on Baikal" and "Crescendo".

In 2012, Denis became the Artistic Director of the First International Festival and Competition for Young Pianists Astana Piano Passion.

Speech at the closing ceremony of the winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi

Awards and titles National artist Russian Federation Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art in 2009 Honorary citizen of Irkutsk Laureate of the Dmitry Shostakovich International Prize Charitable Foundation Yuri Bashmet Winner XI International Competition them. P. I. Tchaikovsky

UNESCO Ms. Irina Bokova - CEO UNESCO from Bulgaria. She presents the honorary title of "UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador"

Denis Matsuev I am inspired by the fact that Denis has grown from an ordinary Irkutsk boy to a world celebrity. He is honest and sincere. He loves his city and despite the titles and honors remains a simple man open to the world. I would like to be like him.

When creating the project, I used the Internet. Thanks to my mother for help and support and to my teacher Nadezhda Innokentievna for interesting task. Thank you for your attention!

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PROJECT on the topic: “Wealth given to people” Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Completed by: Student of the 3rd “A” class Andrey Roshkov

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Purpose: 1) To study the biography and contribution to the development and prosperity of the Fatherland V.V. Putin, our president 2) Tell classmates about his life 3) Prepare a presentation on the topic Tasks: 1) Select information on the topic 2) Prepare electronic presentation and a report on the topic of the project 3) Introduce classmates to the project

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I chose for the project a person whom everyone knows, who will leave a big mark in history. This is a person whom someone condemns, and someone is proud of him. This is our president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This is a man who will go down in history as a big enough political leader clearly protecting the interests of the state, problem solver country's security. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin created the image business man able to solve problems. Almost all leading politicians have a successful dialogue with him, and it is impossible not to listen to the opinion of our president.

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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Russian statesman and politician, President of the Russian Federation Born October 7, 1952 St. Petersburg, Married to Lyudmila Alexandrovna Putina (1983-2014) Parents Maria Ivanovna Shelomova, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin Children Maria Vladimirovna Putina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Putina

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Putin is a candidate economic sciences. Fluent German, currently learning English. In 1973 he became a master of sports in sambo, in 1975 - in judo. Repeated champion of St. Petersburg in sambo.

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In 1975, Putin graduated from the law faculty of the Leningrad state university. He served in the First Main Directorate (foreign intelligence). On May 7, 2000, he took office as President of the Russian Federation.

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I have a positive and respectful attitude towards this person, because he is a person who in many ways contributes to Russia's restoration of its role as one of the leaders of the world economy. When creating my project, I used materials from the Internet. I would like to thank my mother, who took Active participation in creating my project.

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The project "Wealth given to people" Prepared by a student of grade 3 B high school No. 46 Evdokimova Anastasia

The purpose of the project: To tell about the wonderful deeds, deeds and achievements of our countrymen Project objectives: To collect information in the form of photographs and facts from the biography; Prepare a story presentation; Introduce your classmates to your project

The names of many world-famous figures of science and culture are associated with the Ryazan Territory. In medicine PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936) A native of the city of Ryazan. Great Russian physiologist, academician, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, the first laureate in Russia Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine. Wealth of the Ryazan Territory

TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 - 1935) A native of the village. Izhevsk, Ryazan province. An outstanding Russian scientist and inventor, the founder of Russian cosmonautics. Theoretically investigated the problems of aviation and astronautics In astronautics

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich (1776 - 1831) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian navigator. It occupies an honorable place in the history of the Russian navy and Russian geographical science. Repeatedly committed circumnavigations. In navigation

SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKY Petr Petrovich (1827 - 1914) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian geographer, traveler, statistician, collector, animal connoisseur, outstanding public figure. Until the age of 14, the future scientist re-read the entire rich library of his father. Studied foreign languages. He studied at St. Petersburg University, in Germany, in Italy. In 1856, he traveled deep into the Tien Shan, where no European traveler had penetrated before him. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky was the leader of many dozens of scientific expeditions. In geography

The great Russian breeder, talented experimenter - MICHURIN Ivan Vladimirovich (1855 - 1935) also a native of the Ryazan province. Michurin found his life calling early. He wrote: "... I, as I remember myself, was always and completely absorbed in only one desire for occupations to grow certain plants ..." Contribution to science Developed methods for breeding fruit and berry plants by the method of distant hybridization, brought new improved varieties. In biology and breeding

ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925) A native of the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. The great Russian poet who glorified the beauty of Russian nature and the spiritual greatness of the Russian people. One of the main themes in his work is the theme of the Motherland. “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than the expanses of Ryazan,” Yesenin argued, being away from native land. And of course in poetry And many, many others...

One ancient sage said: "Earthly beauties are the crown of nature, and the gems on it are people." Ryazanians can rightfully be proud that the Ryazan land is not deprived of either marvelous, pacifying and soul-warming nature, or its best decoration - wonderful people.

The main idea of ​​the project “Wealth Given to People” is to tell about a spiritually rich person whose fate inspires respect and admiration. This person lived before or lives now; he is well acquainted with the laws of goodness, he is inherent in real, human greatness. He generously gives his wealth to people, which can be seen in his deeds, thoughts, and actions.

This story is about Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, the world's first theoretician of astronautics and an ordinary school teacher. He knew a lot, achieved a lot, and gave everything he had to people. It was thanks to the great contribution of Tsiolkovsky to space that it became a reality.

Tsiolkovsky's life was difficult. At the age of ten, he learned about the terrible disease of scarlet fever and the world became almost inaudible for him, he almost completely lost his hearing. But this trouble did not break him. He worked all his life for people, became a world-famous scientist.

At the same time, Tsiolkovsky was a simple school teacher. He taught children mathematics, physics, chemistry. How could a person teach who constantly used his own invention - an auditory tube? There are no barriers for a true teacher. Tsiolkovsky knew a lot, and knowledge is a great wealth. And he gave this wealth to people. I just couldn't do it any other way. He needed to be needed.

In order for the children, his students, to study better, Konstantin Eduardovich resorted to various tricks. He was very fond of simple, visual experiments, he showed whole physical "performances". For conscientious teaching work, Konstantin Eduardovich was awarded the orders of St. Stanislav and St. Anna.

Dozens of Tsiolkovsky's students became teachers. His own children also acquired knowledge and gave it to their children. His father was also a teacher. There was a whole family teacher's dynasty.

How did you manage to do everything on time great person, because he worked not only as a teacher, but also for world science? It is science that is the key business of his whole life. There are people whose greatness of soul is amazing. Love for people is a special kind of love. People who have beauty and amazing strength of soul can change the world, make it better, even if they come into contact with insurmountable obstacles, barriers. “Love for people is the wings on which a person rises above everything,” wrote A.M. Gorky.

The life of Tsiolkovsky is an example of the noble service of man to people.

OBOSHI "Lyceum - Boarding School No. 1", Kursk


"Wealth given to the people"

Completed by 3rd grade students

under the direction of

teachers primary school

Trepalina Tatyana Nikolaevna

2014-2015 academic year

Methodical passport educational project

Project "Wealth given to the people"

Item : the world

Class: 3B

Objective of the project: give an idea of ​​people endowed with wealth inner world and giving these riches to others;

find information about interesting people who are rich in inner peace.

Planned results.

During the course of the project, students will learn:

    find ways to solve the problem raised;

    collect material in additional local history literature, on the Internet;

    compare, generalize, draw conclusions based on the information received;

    select illustrative material;

    make a journal;

    present the project;

    evaluate the results of work;

    enjoy the results of their own activities.

Project type : information and research , individual work.

Time : 4 classes.

Project result (product): a magazine about people endowed with a rich inner world. Each student prepares information about one person, draws up information on an A-4 sheet. From the pages we will form a magazine.

Project work plan

Stage 1. Preparatory.

    Communication of the purpose and objectives of the project.

We have to learn about people endowed with a rich inner world and giving these riches to others.

Stage 2. Planning and organization of activities.

    Discussion of the name of the project.


Discuss how you will work, in what form you will present the result of the project.

    Collection of material.

    Work form.


Stage 3. Practical

Carrying out the planned work; alteration.

Stage 4. Presentation

Presentation and defense of works.

Stage 5 Reflective (control and evaluation)

Analysis of the results of work on the project of each member of the group, self-assessment.

A Lyokhin Vasily Vasilievich , was born on January 17, 1882 in the city of Kursk. During the years of study at Moscow University, he showed a great inclination to scientific work and after graduating from the university he was left at the department of botany to prepare for a professorship. In 1907, a young scientist visits the steppes near Kursk. As a result of research, he managed to find areas that had never been touched by a plow. The first scientific works of V. V. Alekhin were devoted to the description of the vegetation of the Streltsy and Cossack steppes, later turned into a reserve.

A Seev Nikolai Nikolaevich - was born on June 28, 1889 in the city of Lgov, Kursk province. The famous Russian Soviet poet, friend of V.V. Mayakovsky, B.L. Pasternak. Author of poems and collections of poems "Thoughts", "Lad", "My very poems", " Kursk region”, “Bogatyrskaya poem”, “Mayakovsky”. A street in the city of Moscow is named after the poet. The Kursk Regional science Library. In the city of Lgov there is a literary - memorial museum poet, a street is named after him.

IN inokur Vladimir Natanovich , was born on March 31, 1948 in the city of Kursk. Artist, humorist, singer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Order of Honor, the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd and 4th degrees.

IN Orobyov Konstantin Dmitrievich , was born on November 16, 1919 in the village of Nizhny Reutets, Kursk district, Kursk province (now Medvensky district Kursk region).Writer, author of novels and stories about the war. Member of the Great patriotic war. Escaped from captivity twice. In 1943-1944 he was the commander of a partisan group as part of a partisan detachment operating in Lithuania. Awarded the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize. In 2009 A monument to the writer was unveiled in Kursk.

G Aidar (Golikov) Arkady Petrovich - was born on January 9, 1904 in the city of Lgov, Kursk province. Famous Soviet writer. At the age of 14 he entered the Red Army, at 15 he became a company commander, at 17 he became a regiment commander. He is the author of the well-known stories "In the days of defeats and victories", "Distant countries", "Blue stars", "The fate of the drummer", "Timur and his team". Killed during the Great Patriotic War.

D eineka Alexander

Aleksandrovich , was born on May 20, 1899 in the city of Kursk. Painter, graphic artist, sculptor. People's Artist of the USSR. Author of works: “Defense of Petrograd”, “Future Pilots”, “Defense of Sevastopol”, “Good Morning”, etc. On November 3, 1969, the Kursk Art Gallery was named after A.A. Deineka. Also, one of the streets of Kursk and a children's art school are named after the artist.

Z Elenko Ekaterina Ivanovna , was born on September 14, 1916 in the Zhytomyr region. She graduated from seven classes of incomplete secondary school No. 10 in the city of Kursk. Pilot, senior lieutenant, member of the Soviet - Finnish war 1939-1940, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The only woman in the world who committed an air ram (September 12, 1941 near the village of Anastasevka, Sumy region). After the war, her remains were transported to the city of Kursk. Posthumously, back in 1941, was presented to the title of Hero Soviet Union, but then she was awarded the Order of Lenin. On May 5, 1990, by decree of the President of the USSR, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A sea vessel, streets in Kursk, Voronezh, Sumy were named after her. A small planet was named after her. solar system"Katyusha".

TO Lykov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - sculptor , was born on October 19, 1939 in the village of Marmyzhi, Soviet District, Kursk Region. He is the author of world famous monuments. In the Kursk region, he is the creator of monuments: "The acquisition of the icon Mother of God"The Sign", to the singer N.V. Plevitskaya, Seraphim of Sarovsky, Alexander Nevsky, Prince A.I. Baryatinsky, Father Ippolit, Kursk Antonovka. In memory of V. M. Klykov, an avenue in the city of Kursk was named. And in 2007, a monument was unveiled.

H Osov Evgeny Ivanovich , was born on January 15, 1925 in the village of Tolmachevo, Kursk region. Russian writer, author of novels and short stories. Participated in the operation "Bagration", in the battles on the Rogachev bridgehead across the Dnieper. Fought in Poland. In the battles near Koenigsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously wounded, awarded orders and medals, State Prize RSFSR and other awards, Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded the Pension of the President of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of Kursk.In 2005, a monument to the writer was unveiled in Kursk.

P Levitskaya Nadezhda Vasilievna , was born on January 17, 1884 in the village of Vinnikovo, Kursk district, Kursk province. Singer, performer of Russian folk songs and romances. According to legend, Emperor NicholasIIcalled her "Kursk nightingale." On June 13, 1998, the consecration and grand opening of the monument to Plevitskaya took place in the village of Vinnikovo. October 3, 2009 of the yearin the village of Vinnikovo a museum dedicated to her life was opened.

P Ovetkin Alexander Vladimirovich , was born on September 2, 1979 in the city of Kursk. Boxer is a professional boxer who competes in the heavyweight weight category. Champion of Russia in 2000, 2001, 2002, champion of the Goodwill Games in 2001, absolute champion of Russia in 2002, European champion in 2002 and 2004, world champion in 2003, Olympic champion in 2004. In October 2004 he became an Honorary Citizen of the Kursk Region, awarded the order Friendship. On December 18, 2010, during a rating fight with N. Firth (USA) in the first two rounds, A.V. Povetkin injured right hand(tear tendon of the hand), but, despite the damage, he managed to continue the fight and win it, acting with only one hand.

Reverend WITH erafim sarovsky and all russia miracle worker , was born July 19, 1754 in Kursk. Hieromonk of the Sarov Monastery, one of the most revered Russian saints. On August 1, 1998, a monument was unveiled to him in the Root Desert. It happened on the day of finding the relics Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky.

At Fimtsev Anatoly Georgievich , was born on November 12, 1880 in the city of Kursk. The inventor is self-taught. Lanterns designed by A.G. Ufimtsev were installed and worked on the streets of Kursk, Sevastopol and other Russian cities. The most significant contribution of A.G. Ufimtsev contributed to the development of wind energy, created the world's first wind wheel as in modern helicopters, designed a wind turbine, a wind farm. The wind farm was built in the courtyard of the estate of A.G. Ufimtseva and gave the first electricity February 4, 1931. Named after A.G. Ufimtsev in the city of Kursk named a street, in the house of A.G. Ufimtsev is the Regional Center for Technical Creativity of Students. There is a memorial plaque on the facade of the house.

F et Afanasy Afanasyevich , Russian lyric poet, translator. In 1877 A.A. Fet bought an estate 15 km from the Root Desert. Manor of A.A. Fetis located in the village of Vorobyovka, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region. L.N. Tolstoy, P.I. Tchaikovsky visited the estate. Fetov readings have been held in Vorobyovka since 1986.

W Ukhov Vladimir Grigorievich , was born on August 16, 1853 in the Kursk province. Engineer, architect, inventor, scientist; corresponding member and honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Labor. He is the author of projects and technical manager for the construction of the first Russian oil pipelines and an oil refinery with the first Russian installations. VG Shukhov is the inventor of the world's first metal building structures. The most famous project is the Shukhov Tower (radio tower on Shabolovka in Moscow. Golden medal named after V. G. Shukhov is awarded for the highest engineering achievements.

WITH Yromyatnikov Sergei Vasilievich , was born in 1921 in the city of Kursk. Guards lieutenant, deputy squadron commander of a fighter aviation regiment. On March 19, 1943, in an unequal air battle, S.V. Syromyatnikov died. For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown by S.V. Syromyatnikov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, enrolled forever in the lists of the 1st squadron of the N-th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. His name was given to the Kursk flying club and a street in the city of Kursk.

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