Words of foreign origin: examples. Foreign words in Russian

Every day, communicating with each other, reading books, we inevitably come across a huge number of borrowed words. Most of them are already so familiar to our ears that we do not even think that the word may have a foreign origin.

What is the reason for such an amount of foreign language vocabulary? First of all, borrowing is one of ways of language development. Foreign vocabulary appears as a result of contacts and relationships between peoples. Most often, foreign words are fixed in the Russian language due to the fact that the necessary concept is not yet in the database. In addition, using them, you can more clearly express some Russian words that have many meanings.

All words of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups: native Russian and borrowings, which, in turn, could come either from Old Slavonic or from any other languages.

native Russian words

Originally Russian, or original, words are the most ancient lexical units of our language. They called those objects and phenomena that a person regularly encountered in his life. These include household items ( pot, samovar, oven), animals and plants ( wolf, rooster, birch, mountain ash), types of kinship ( son, daughter, father, grandson), weather events (snow, dew, rainbow) and others ( cunning, young, friend, see). The volume of native Russian vocabulary is about two thousand words, which is the core of our language. This vocabulary is used both in writing and in oral speech, and is the most commonly used.

Borrowing from other languages ​​- this is a completely natural process. It is impossible to avoid it if the people of the country do not live completely isolated from the rest of the world. Borrowing vocabulary is the result of the relationship between peoples and states.

Most often, words come into the Russian language in the case when the database does not have the necessary concept to correctly and succinctly designate the subject, Living being or a phenomenon. The vocabulary borrowed for this reason includes many concepts from the field of technology, science, medicine, sports and others ( philosophy, algebra, therapy, epidermis, bus, basketball, linguistics etc.). Although there are situations when the dictionary already has the necessary vocabulary, synonymous with a concept that came from another language. In this case, the new lexical unit will be used only to denote some semantic shade.

However, it is not uncommon for a borrowed word to completely replace the original word over time. Examples include what comes from Polish « room"(literally translated means a heated room), which completely replaced the original Russian word" ". A similar situation occurred with the original word " armor”, which was replaced by the ancient German “ armor».

The first stages of borrowing - Proto-Slavic and Old Russian

In the history of our country, periods of predominant borrowing changed one by one.

The earliest of these were to the Proto-Slavic period, approximately from the third millennium BC. e. It was then that the first borrowed words began to appear. Examples are Iranianisms ( lord, hut, axe, food), Celticisms ( dough, servant, belly, pit), Germanisms ( buy, livestock, king, regiment), borrowings from Gothic ( cook, lure, treat) and Latin ( bath, cabbage, altar). These lexical units are already so rooted in the Russian language that it is only professional linguists who can understand whether a word was originally Russian or whether it came to us from another language.

Then, after the Slavs moved to Eastern Europe, Baltisms appeared in the language ( ladle, village, tar) And a large number of Scandinavianism, among which are terms related to trade and navigation ( shark, herring, anchor) and names ( Gleb, Olga, Igor).

With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the development of the Old Russian language was strongly influenced by Byzantium. This explains the emergence of Greekisms in many spheres of life. These include:

  • church vocabulary ( icon, lampada, monastery);
  • names of sciences ( history, arithmetic);
  • names of animals and plants beetroot, buffalo);
  • Christian names ( Eugene, Andrey);
  • Houseware ( notebook, lantern).

The second stage - from the Middle Ages to the present day

The Russian dictionary was regularly updated with vocabulary that has Turkic origin. The most active Turkisms appeared in the language during the period of the Golden Horde ( Cossack, guard, shoe, fog, badger, prison, money), as well as in the XVI-XVII centuries. , when the influence of the Ottoman Empire on Russia was the strongest ( drum, noodles, executioner, chest, oil, ammonia, cast iron). In other periods of time, new words of Turkic origin also appeared, but were no longer so numerous. The most famous of them are the following: sofa, fawn, jasmine, halva, peanut, pistachio and some others.

From the XVI-XVII centuries. , in addition to Turkisms, a lot of Polonisms (of Polish origin) also appeared. They were used mainly in religious literature and in papers of a business nature. These include the following: sign, voluntarily, plate, dance, bottle, thing, enemy. And also there were previously unused constructions ( if, supposedly, so). Polonisms in modern Russian account for about a thousand words.

During the reign of Peter I a huge number of foreign terms penetrated into the language in the field of navigation from the Dutch language: ballast, harbor, drift, sailor, flag, rudder. However, a large part accounted for borrowings from other languages: lease, act, volley, army, port, schooner, barge, office and others.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. active political ties with France contributed to the appearance in our language of borrowed vocabulary from French. The most numerous groups of words of French origin include the following:

At the same time, the Russian dictionary was replenished with terms from Italian and Spanish: guitar, aria, pasta, tenor, currency.

From the beginning of the 20th century to the present The main part of the borrowed vocabulary falls on English words. These are terms related to computer technology ( printer, scanner, file, computer), to sports ( volleyball, arm wrestling), to economics and finance ( broker, dealer, voucher) and others ( show, video, presentation).

Distinctive features of foreign vocabulary

For many lexical units that came to us from other languages, one can distinguish their own distinctive features, by which you can not only find out that the word is a borrowing, but also determine from which country it came from. Let's consider the most typical of them.

Grecisms are characterized by combinations ps, ks ( psychologist), initial letters f and e ( phonetics, ethics), as well as the presence of Greek roots auto, tele, aero, filo, grapho, thermo, etc. ( telegraph, biology, autobiography).

Of Latin origin are characteristic the first letters c and e ( electricity), endings -us and -um ( colloquium, asparagus), prefixes counter-, ex- and ultra- ( ultrasound, counterrevolution).

Borrowings from German differ in combinations of consonants at the root of the word pcs, xt, ft ( sprats, fine). Words with more consecutive consonants also often come from Germany ( guardhouse, leitmotif).

french words often have combinations of vu, kyu, nu, fyu, wa in the root ( nuance, fuselage, veil), endings -ёr, -ans, -аж, -яж ( bathing, director) or -o, -e, -and in case the word is not declined ( coat, coat, puree, chassis).

English loanwords unmistakably determined by the endings -ing, -men, -er (leasing, athlete, coach) and letter combinations j, tch (patch, image).

Turkisms are characterized by synharmonism, or consonance of identical vowels ( chieftain, emerald).

Using Dictionaries

In order to establish the origin of a particular word as accurately as possible, to find out whether it was borrowed or is native Russian, you can use the etymological dictionary. The most authoritative publications are considered"Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" (M. Vasmer) and "Historical and Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" (P. Ya. Chernykh). In addition, at present, it is not difficult to find information on the etymology of any word of interest to us on the Internet: there are a large number of online dictionaries with free access.

In conclusion, let's look at two examples. Suppose we are interested in the question whether volcano borrowed word or not. Since far from each of us has an etymological dictionary at hand, we will use the help of the Internet. And at our request, one of the first results will show that this word is borrowed from Latin, where it was originally the name of the Roman god of fire and blacksmithing, and literally means “fire”.

Another example is the word take . Based on the search results in the same dictionary, we will receive information that it is common to Slavic languages ​​and came into Russian vocabulary at the very first, Proto-Slavic stage of development. The literal meaning is "I carry".

There are adopted words in absolutely every language of the world. They come with any interaction of countries. This article will help you understand what borrowed words are and how to distinguish between them.

In contact with

Loanword Dictionary

Borrowed words in Russian appear in relationships with representatives of other countries, nationalities, in a similar way, speech is supplemented and improved. Borrowed vocabulary appears when an important concept is missing.

Borrowing words from other languages ​​significantly complements speech, where they enter, make people closer friend to a friend, it becomes easier to understand foreigners who use international terms in speech.

The dictionary of borrowed words contains borrowed words that came to Russian in different time periods. Meaning they are revealed very fully, the etymology is explained. Find necessary word You can use the first letter, as in a regular glossary.

Words borrowed from other languages

Foreign words that came through adoption behave differently. Some take root, enter into speech, changing according to all the rules of the Russian dialect (for example, a sandwich), while others do not change, they are used in their original state (a vivid example of the word sushi).

Borrowed words divided into Slavic and non-Slavic. For example, Slavic dialects - Czech, Ukrainian, Old Slavonic, Polish, etc. Non-Slavic - Finno-Ugric, Germanic, Scandinavian, Turkic, etc.

List of foreign words in Russian

Borrowed words in the majority are simply forced to change according to all the rules of the Russian dialect: phonetically, semantically and morphologically. But over time, such terms are so firmly established in everyday life that most simply cease to be regarded as alien. For example, words "school", "sugar", "activist", "banya", "artel" and others were originally brought into Russian from other dialects, only now they are taken for Russian.

Attention! Borrowed from others adverbs, words can change drastically: some change only the endings, others can change gender, others even change their meaning.

Consider the words conservatory, conservative, canned food.

At first glance, their meanings are completely different, even these three expressions came from completely different countries, but they have something in common, something that catches the eye even at first glance - they are similar in spelling.

This is explained very simply. They came to our dialect from Italian, French and Latin. And in their turn came one term from Latin, meaning "preserve."

Important! To correctly determine the lexical meaning of any word, you need to find out where it was introduced from.

If there is no certainty whether an expression came from other languages ​​or is native Russian, dictionaries come to the rescue, which explains not only the meaning, but also the occurrence.

For clarity, below are examples of borrowed words in Russian:

Borrowing language adopted word Semantics
Business Occupation, business
Price list price list
Gameplay Game process
Diving Swimming underwater
Penalty Punishment
Blogger Man posting online diary on internet
parking Parking
Cake Cake
Arab Admiral sea ​​lord
Shop Stock
Robe Honorary Outfit
ancient greek Aristocracy The power of the chosen
Atheism godlessness
Comedy Joyful songs
Optics See
Skeleton withered
Telephone far audible
Tragedy goat song
Photo light recording
Bank Bench
Italian Vermicelli Worms
Paparazzi Annoying mosquitoes
Tomato Golden Apple
Latin gravity severity
Oval Egg
Rail straight stick
Soldier coin for military service, salary
Stimulus animal stick
Pot round cauldron
German Mug Bowl
Camp storage
Mouthpiece Mouth product
Leggings Pants for riders
Market Circle, square
Jail Tower
Apron front handkerchief
Barrier felled tree
State State
Chess Shah passed away
Persian Shashlik six slices
Suitcase Warehouse of things
redneck livestock
Polish begging Kneel
Bouillon Decoction
Conductor drive
French Corset Body
Marauder Robber
Still life dead nature
Dude Pigeon
Masterpiece business professional
Floor platform

foreign words

You can often hear the phrase foreign word. What are foreign words what are they?

Foreign words are adopted terms from other dialects. The introduction of borrowed words occurs in two ways: through conversation and through literature. This is a natural process in the interaction of two different languages and cultures.

There are a number of differences that can be used to determine How do native Russian words differ from borrowed ones?.

The first sign is phonetic:

  1. Starts with the letter a. It is easy to distinguish them, since truly Russian expressions with the letter a begin extremely rarely. They start with a only interjections, imitate sounds and their derivatives.
  2. Native Russian words do not have the letter e at the root, this is typical for adopted terms. Exceptions - , interjections and formed from adopted words.
  3. Letter f. Exceptions are imitation of sounds, interjections, the word owl.
  4. Several vowels at the root of a word indicate loanwords in Russian.
  5. Consonant combinations"kg", "kd", "gb" and "kz" in the roots of words.
  6. Combinations of "ge", "ke" and "he" in the root. Originally Russian words have these combinations only in the stem-end combination.
  7. Combinations of "vu", "mu", "kyu" and "byu" in the root.
  8. Doubled consonants in the root.
  9. A solid consonant sound before the vowel e, read as e.
  10. Words, starting with the letter e.

The second sign is morphological:

  1. Nouns that are not inflected.
  2. Invariability of gender and number of nouns.

The third sign is derivational:

  1. Prefixes of foreign origin.
  2. Suffixes of foreign origin.
  3. Roots such as aqua-, geo-, marine-, grapho-, etc.

Summing up, it should be noted that original Russian and borrowed words easy to distinguish, just paying attention to the above signs.

Borrowed vocabulary

What is borrowed, really? These are expressions that have entered speech from other languages ​​due to external (political, commercial, general cultural ties, definitions of concepts, objects) and internal (the law of savings verbal means, language enrichment, popular term) reasons.

Consider examples of loanwords and their meaning.

Examples of English words

Russian term English term Meaning
Bodysuit Body - body body-hugging outfit
Jeans Jeans - denim This type of trousers is in the wardrobe of almost everyone.
clutch To clutch - squeeze, grab Lady's bag small size, it is carried in the hand
Leggings Leggings - gaiters, leggings

Leg - leg

Tight gaiters of various textures and colors have been extremely popular among fashionistas for more than one year.
Sweater To sweat - sweat The sweater is very warm and the origin of the name is obvious
Stretch To stretch - stretch Highly stretchy fabrics. The Russians transformed it into a "stretch"
Hoodie Hood - hood Hoodie
Shorts Short - short Cropped trousers
Jam To jam - crush, squeeze Jelly density jam
Roast beef Roast - fried

Beef - beef

Most often a piece of meat, grilled
Chips Chips - crispy fried potatoes One of the favorite treats of children and adults
Brand Brand - name, brand Popular Brand
Investor Investor - contributor A company or individual who invests money in projects in order to multiply the invested funds
know-how To know - to know A unique technology that allows you to make an exceptional product or service
Release Release - release Production of products such as a music disc, a book, etc.
Browser Browse - browse Utility for viewing sites on the Internet
Laptop Notebook - notebook laptop computer
Best-seller Best - the best

Seller - sold

The product that serves the best
Loser To lose - lose, fall behind Jonah
puzzle puzzle Puzzle with an impressive number of pieces
Rating To rate - evaluate Product awareness level
Soundtrack sound - sound

Track - track

Most often music written for a film
Thriller Thrill - nervous trembling A movie that can make you chill with fear

List foreign words In russian language
can be continued indefinitely. Finding out from which language the word came into speech, one can trace how the interaction between countries took place.

Examples of native Russian and borrowed words in the science of lexicology are strictly distributed according to their origin.

There are many glossaries explaining what foreign language terms are. They explain, from what language some expression came. It also contains sentences with borrowed words from all ages. Many expressions after a long time began to be perceived as primordially Russian.

Now the most famous dictionary is the School Dictionary foreign words» by V.V. Ivanova. It describes what language the word came from, what it means, and examples of usage. This is one of the most comprehensive glossaries, covering the most basic concepts of the most commonly used terms.

Examples of loanwords

Are borrowed words necessary?


Find out what language some word came, quite simply, having understood its original meaning. The dictionary gives a whole list of expressions, while it is constantly updated. The history of terms and their origin can tell a lot, one has only to look for a word in a glossary.

One of the ways to develop a modern language is the borrowing of foreign words. The development of language is always closely connected with the development of progress and society. Borrowed words in Russian are the result of contacts, relationships with other peoples, professional communities and states. Along with words and expressions that came to us from other languages, anglicisms are very common in our speech. We'll talk about them today.

Specific words and expressions that came into the Russian language from English are called Anglicisms or Americanisms. Over the past 20-30 years, they have been rapidly penetrating the Russian language, and in such quantities that linguists have started talking about a phenomenon called Anglo-Russian bilingualism.

This invasion was caused primarily by the fact that modern society open to international contacts, and international status in English. Here are the main reasons for the massive entry of borrowings into the Russian language (in particular, from American English).

Reasons for borrowing foreign words

In most cases, the borrowing of foreign vocabulary occurs due to the lack of a corresponding concept in the cognitive base of the language. So, for example, English borrowings appeared in Russian such as computer, player, toaster, impeachment, voucher, charter, barrel, surfing.

Among other reasons, the need to express polysemantic Russian concepts with the help of a borrowed word is singled out. Examples: hotel for autotourists - motel, meeting at highest level- summit, figure skiing - freestyle, sharpshooter - sniper, short press conference for journalists - briefing, hitman - hitman, parking lot - parking / parking, sprinting - sprint, falling production - recession, retail - retail and many others.

Foreign words in Russian allow you to increase it means of expression. Especially noticeable in last years the emergence of foreign stylistic synonyms such as service - service, shopping - shopping, motorcyclist - biker, security - security, party - party, loser - loser, girlfriend - girl friend, dancing - dancing, friend - boyfriend, performance - performance, reception - receptionist, others

English borrowings in Russian are also due to the need for specialization of objects and concepts, therefore, many scientific and technical terms are borrowed from English. A significant number of foreign words from the formal / book vocabulary have Russian synonyms corresponding to them. Here is a list of such words:

  • emphasize - highlight;
  • similar - similar;
  • vary - change;
  • vulgar - rude, vulgar;
  • to misinform - to give false information;
  • to decorate - decorate;
  • ideal - perfect;
  • infectious - contagious;
  • memoirs - memories;
  • permanent - constant, continuous;
  • reconstruction - restoration;
  • elastic - flexible, etc.

Some English words in Russian appeared due to the presence of similar semantic and morphological series. In the 19th century, the words gentleman, policeman came into the Russian language from English; already at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, an athlete, a champion, a yachtsman were added to them. Thus, a group of words appears that has the meaning of person and common element- "men". Gradually, the group began to replenish with new borrowings: businessman, congressman, showman, superman.

The most popular anglicisms

In almost any field of activity, you can find words that have come to us from the English language. Foreign language is especially widely used in the names of clubs, TV programs, shops: talk show; dog show; strip show; Coach Center; Show Business; hit parade; Fan club; Tennis Hall; Brain ring; Home Credit Bank; Fan Park (Roev Creek); Second hand; call center; Real comfort; Sweet Mom.

Below is a list of areas and anglicisms that are Lately are most frequently used.


summit, briefing, speaker, rating, electorate, voucher, holding, impeachment, image maker, speechwriter, investment, sponsor, barrel, media, recession, marketing, offshore, leasing, sequestration, tender, retail, price list, (top) manager , distributor, dealer, businesswoman, promoter, mentality.


popcorn, hamburger, hot dog, barbecue, cheeseburger, fishburger, chocopie, pudding, (orange) fresh, yogurt, lunch, Coke-Cola, Nuts, Twix, Sprite, fast food, shorts, boots, bandana, cotton, top, non-roll (pillow), multi-brand, unisex, casual, catering, shopping, shopaholic, sale, Kodak Express, gel, SPA-salon, supermarket, VIP-room, catering, second-hand, discount.


shaping, diving, surfing, fitness, bodybuilding, snowboarding, paintball, frisbee, fitball, freestyle, wrestling, power lifting, training, skating rink, forward, bowling, goalkeeper, biker, sniper, turboslim, scooter, step class, overtime , contest.

Art / radio / TV:

western, video clip, thriller, clipmaker, newsmaker, blockbuster, bestseller, musical, casting, supersta, underground, pop-Art, (had)rock, rock-n-roll (l), shake, breakdance, Brain ring, (current ) show, hit parade, skinhead, weathertime, superman.

Home / life / office:

air conditioning, mixer, toaster, blender, cooler, siding, roller shutters, antifreeze, roll - curtains, boulet magic, Vanish, Fairy, Comet, Head & Shoulders, Dove, Tide, cleaning company, scrub, perfume, spray, adhesive tape, color, diaper, stapler.

Information and Communication Technologies:

computer, display, calculator, monitor, laptop, printer, Internet, scanner, CD, DVD, device, hacker, processor, upgrade, click, SMS, website, blog, emoticon.

Anglicisms are present in all European languages, in languages African peoples and the peoples of other continents who were once politically dependent on Great Britain or subject to American influence (cultural, economic, etc.). So, for example, in Japanese the word "cassette" sounds like tepu-rekoda from the English tape-recorder. The presence of anglicisms was also noted in the Chukchi language, which penetrated through American merchants: the word "sopy" means "soap" (in English language"soap"), "manet" - "money" (in English "money").

One of the sections of vocabulary is etymology, which studies the origin of a word against the background of changes in the entire vocabulary of the language. Originally Russian and are considered just from the standpoint of etymology. These are the two layers into which the entire vocabulary of the Russian language can be divided, in terms of origin. This section of the vocabulary gives an answer to the question of how the word came about, what it means, where and when it was borrowed, and what changes it has undergone.

Vocabulary of the Russian language

All words that exist in a language are called vocabulary. With their help, we name various objects, phenomena, actions, signs, numbers, etc.

The vocabulary is explained by the entry into the system, which led to the presence of their common origin and development. Russian vocabulary is rooted in the past of the Slavic tribes and has developed along with the people over the centuries. This is the so-called primordial vocabulary, which has existed for a long time.

There is also a second layer in the vocabulary: these are words that came to us from other languages ​​as a result of the emergence of historical ties.

Thus, if we consider the vocabulary from the position of origin, then we can distinguish the words originally Russian and borrowed. both groups are represented in the language in large numbers.

Origin of Russian words

The vocabulary of the Russian language has more than 150,000 words. Let's see what words are called native Russian.

Originally Russian vocabulary has several tiers:

Borrowing process

In our language, native Russian and borrowed words coexist. This is due historical development countries.

Since ancient times, as a people, Russians have entered into cultural, economic, political, military, and trade relations with other countries and states. This quite naturally led to the fact that the words of those peoples with whom we collaborated appeared in our language. Otherwise it was impossible to understand each other.

Over time, these language borrowings became Russified, entered the group, and we no longer perceive them as foreign. Everyone knows such words as "sugar", "banya", "activist", "artel", "school" and many others.

Originally Russian and borrowed words, examples of which are given above, have long and firmly entered our everyday life and help build our speech.

Foreign words in Russian

Getting into our language, foreign words are forced to change. The nature of their changes affects different aspects: phonetics, morphology, semantics. Borrowing is subject to our laws and regulations. Such words undergo changes in endings, in suffixes, the gender changes. For example, the word "parliament" is masculine in our country, but in German, where it came from, it is neuter.

The very meaning of the word may change. So, the word "painter" in our country means a worker, and in German it is a "painter".

The semantics are changing. For example, the borrowed words "canned", "conservative" and "conservatory" came to us from different languages ​​and have nothing in common. But in their native language, French, Latin and Italian, respectively, they came from Latin and have the meaning of "preserve."

Thus, it is important to know from which languages ​​words are borrowed. This will help to correctly determine their lexical meaning.

In addition, sometimes it is difficult to recognize native Russian and borrowed words in the mass of vocabulary that we use every day. For this purpose, there are dictionaries that explain the meaning and origin of each word.

Classification of loanwords

Two groups of borrowed words are distinguished by a certain type:

  • those who came from the Slavic language;
  • taken from non-Slavic languages.

In the first group a large mass make up Old Slavonicisms - words that have been in church books since the 9th century. And now such words as “cross”, “universe”, “power”, “virtue”, etc. are widespread. Many Old Slavonicisms have Russian analogues (“lanites” - “cheeks”, “mouths” - “lips”, etc. ) Phonetic (“gates” - “gates”), morphological (“grace”, “benefactor”), semantic (“gold” - “gold”) Old Slavonicisms are distinguished.

The second group consists of borrowings from other languages, including:

  • Latin (in the field of science, politics public life- "school", "republic", "corporation");
  • Greek (household - "bed", "dish", terms - "synonym", "vocabulary");
  • Western European (military - “headquarters”, “junker”, from the field of art - “easel”, “landscape”, nautical terms - “boat”, “shipyard”, “schooner”, musical terms - “aria”, “libretto”);
  • Turkic (in culture and trade "pearl", "caravan", "iron");
  • Scandinavian (household - "anchor", "whip") words.

Dictionary of foreign words

Lexicology is a very exact science. Everything is clearly structured here. All words are divided into groups, depending on the feature underlying them.

Native Russian and borrowed words are divided into two groups based on etymology, that is, origin.

There are various dictionaries that suit specific purposes. So, you can call a dictionary of foreign words, which contains foreign examples that have come to us over the course of many centuries. Many of these words are now perceived by us as Russian. The dictionary explains the meaning and indicates where the word came from.

Dictionaries of foreign words in our country have a whole history. The first was created at the beginning of the eighteenth century, it was handwritten. At the same time, a three-volume dictionary was published, the author of which was N.M. Yanovsky. In the twentieth century, a number of foreign dictionaries appeared.

Among the most famous are the “School Dictionary of Foreign Words”, edited by The dictionary entry provides information about the origin of the word, gives an interpretation of its meaning, examples of use, set expressions with it.

In many languages, the layer of borrowed words is extensive. Russian is no exception - every day we hear and use words that come from a variety of languages. But more than a dozen lexical units have passed from the Russian language to others.

The vocabulary reflects both the history of the people themselves and the history of their interactions with others. Representatives of different countries trade among themselves, fight, live in neighboring territories, monitor each other's political situation. All this is reflected in the language.

There are so many delicious things!

One of the most extensive groups of words that have passed from Russian to other languages ​​is vocabulary related to cooking.
The English language borrowed the names of the famous Russian fish - beluga and stellate sturgeon. Etymological dictionaries of the English language refer borrowing to XVI century- apparently, then, with the beginning of regular trade cooperation between countries, the British "tasted" this fish and began to supply it to England. Now in English there is also a synonym for the word "stellate sturgeon" - stellate sturgeon. "Beluga" is also in French- beluga. The same word is also called one of the models of the Airbus aircraft.
The word "sterlet" (sterlet) also got into many European languages. It is sometimes considered one of the first borrowings from Russian and it is believed that it entered the English language as early as the 14th century.
The “fish” word from the Russian language is even in Japanese - “ikura”. It designates only red caviar as a dish. To designate caviar in general, the Japanese, who know a lot about seafood, use their own words.
Most famous example borrowings from Russian into many languages ​​- the word "vodka". It is available in English, French and German. Moreover, in German, vodka became a “man” - the word acquired the masculine article, der Wodka. And in French there are two words: "wodka" - for Polish and "vodka" - for Russian vodka. In Japanese, the word "vodka" has about five spellings.
From soft drinks only “kvas” has such popularity - kvas in English, Spanish, Portuguese and many other languages. This word entered some of the languages, probably through other Slavic languages. Those peoples who, like the Russians, made kvass, often have their own names for this drink - kali (est.), gira (lit.).

Bread and pies

The Finno-Ugric tribes neighboring the Slavs borrowed more than a dozen words from Russian. Now, in both Finnish and Estonian, the words for bread have come from the Slavs: leipä (Fin.) and leib (Est). The words lusikka (Fin.) and lusikas (Est.) will also seem familiar to a Russian person - both of them probably have a common ancestor - the word "spoon".
In English, there are also “pies” - pirozhki. True, there is a version that this word came into the language through the mediation of Polish, in which "pies" are, rather, dumplings with different fillings(sometimes fried). In Polish, there are also “Russian pirogi” (ruskie pierogi) – dumplings stuffed with a mixture of cottage cheese and potatoes, served with fried onions, sour cream or cracklings.
The word "pies" in a meaning close to us appeared in the Japanese language - "pirosiki". Moreover, this word was taken immediately in plural, and there is no equivalent in the singular.
The word "pies" entered the "home" German Volga Germans, taking the form of birocks or pirogen.
There are even pies in Greek - piroski, but only deep-fried dough products are called that, and not baked in the oven.

Grandmothers, nesting dolls, babalaikas and other symbols of Russia

If an Englishman calls someone babushka, then perhaps he does not mean age. It only indicates the method of tying a scarf - a knot under the chin. But the familiar Russian grandmother in a headscarf in English can also be called that.
The Japanese "babusika" is also associated with a scarf, a scarf. Many Japanese are surprised when they hear the title "grandmother", especially if the grandmother does not wear headscarves.
Among the Greeks and some other European peoples, for example, the Spaniards, baboushka is a matryoshka. Australians also prefer this name. But in general, in most languages, “matryoshka” is matroesjka (Dutch), matriochka (French, along with poupée russe), matrjoska (Hungarian), and so on. The Finnish name maatuska is interesting, reminiscent of our word "mother". The Spaniards also have a similar variant - mamushka (in Spanish there are a number of designations for "matryoshka").
The word "samovar" is no less popular - this object for boiling water is called so in most languages ​​(samovar or samowar - this word has hardly undergone transformation).

Economics and politics

As soon as political and economic relations, there is a need to know which monetary units there in the course, what are the names of the authorities, what administrative-territorial units exist. English merchants, diplomats and travelers from the 16th century wrote down Russian words, which were later used to describe the situation in Russia. This vocabulary included rouble, copeck (penny), voivoda (voivode), boyar (boyar).
The Swedish torg, meaning "square", comes from the Russian "torg" (trading place), "trade".
Between Russian and Norwegian fishermen and merchants in the 17th century, even a special language developed - Russenorsk, in which the vocabulary was divided equally between Russian and Norwegian, and the grammar was simplified as much as possible. The sentences looked something like this: En voga mokka, så galanna voga treska - "One load of flour for half a load of cod." At the beginning of the 20th century, it almost disappeared, remaining only in Svalbard.

Tsars and apparatchiks

The word tsar received an unusual usage. Along with the designation of the king as the head of Rus' in modern English, it is used as an informal title for the position of a person responsible for some important area of ​​​​work, something like an adviser. Even in the American White House there were "tsar'i", however, former president Obama didn't like that word.
Over time, “collective farm”, “perestroika”, “pogrom”, “samizdat”, “nihilist”, “apparatchik”, “special forces”, “siloviki” passed into other languages. Basically, they remained tracing papers, used only to characterize Russian realities.
French has a word bérézina for catastrophe, complete failure. It is easy to guess that it appeared in French in 1812, when Napoleon suffered a crushing defeat on the banks of the Berezina River.
The word “satellite” (sputnik), which is often used in many articles, is used as an example of the transition of a word to another language, in English it did not become a designation artificial satellites in general, but serves as the name of only that very Soviet device.
Many Russian words passed into the languages ​​of the peoples who were either part of Russian Empire, and later in Soviet Union, or "focused" on Russia. Thus, the words “partisan” (palchisan), “tractor” (tyraktors) and some others appeared in Korean. Now they are still used in the North Korean version.
In modern Hebrew, immigrants brought many words from their native languages. From Russian, among others, not even a word, but a morpheme entered - the suffix "nick", denoting a person belonging to some group, or a characteristic of a person (kibbutznik - a resident of a kibbutz, nudnik - a bore, etc.).
Now the process of borrowing continues - both from foreign languages into Russian, and vice versa.

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