Trends in the development of air defense radars in NATO countries. Complete failure of NATO air defense. Testing and operation

Materials provided by: S.V.Gurov (Russia, Tula)

The promising mobile anti-aircraft missile system MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defense System) is designed to defend groups of troops and important objects from operational-tactical ballistic missiles with a range of up to 1000 km, cruise missiles, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles of the enemy.

The development of the system is carried out by the Orlando (USA)-based joint venture MEADS International, which includes the Italian division of MBDA, the German LFK and the American company Lockheed Martin. The management of the development, production and support of air defense systems is carried out by the NAMEADSMO (NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Design and Development, Production and Logistics Management Organization) organization created in the NATO structure. The US finances 58% of the costs of the program. Germany and Italy provide 25% and 17%, respectively. According to the initial plans, the United States intended to purchase 48 MEADS air defense systems, Germany - 24 and Italy - 9.

The conceptual development of the new air defense system began in October 1996. In early 1999, a $300 million contract was signed to develop a prototype of the MEADS air defense system.

According to the statement of the first deputy inspector of the German Air Force, Lieutenant General Norbert Finster, MEADS will become one of the main elements of the country's and NATO's missile defense system.

The MEADS complex is the main candidate for the German Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS) - a new generation air and missile defense system with a flexible network architecture. It is possible that the MEADS complex will become the basis of the national air defense / missile defense system in Italy. In December 2014, the Polish Armaments Inspectorate informed that the MEADS International project will participate in the competition for the Narew short-range air defense system, designed to defend against aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles.


The MEADS system has a modular architecture, which makes it possible to increase the flexibility of its application, to produce in various configurations, to provide high firepower while reducing maintenance personnel and reduce the cost of material support.

The composition of the complex:

  • launcher (photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4 Thomas Schulz, Poland);
  • interceptor missile;
  • paragraph combat control(PBU);
  • multifunctional radar station;
  • detection radar.

All nodes of the complex are located on off-road vehicle chassis. For the Italian version of the complex, the chassis of the Italian ARIS tractor with an armored cab is used, for the German one - the MAN tractor. C-130 Hercules and Airbus A400M aircraft can be used to transport MEADS air defense systems.

The mobile launcher (PU) of the MEADS air defense system is equipped with a package of eight transport and launch containers (TLCs) designed to transport, store and launch guided interceptor missiles. PU provides the so-called. batch loading (see photo1, photo2) and is characterized by a short transfer time to the firing position and reloading.

Lockheed Martin's PAC-3MSE interceptor missile is expected to be used as a means of destruction as part of the MEADS air defense system. The PAC-3MSE differs from its prototype, the anti-missile, by its 1.5-fold increased impact area and the possibility of being used as part of other air defense systems, including shipborne ones. The PAC-3MSE is equipped with a new Aerojet double-acting main engine with a diameter of 292 mm, a two-way communication system between the missile and the PBU. To increase the effectiveness of defeating maneuvering aerodynamic targets, in addition to using a kinetic warhead, it is possible to equip the rocket with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead of directed action. The first test of the PAC-3MSE took place on May 21, 2008.

It was reported on the conduct of research and development work on the use of guided missiles and air-to-air missiles, upgraded for ground launch, as part of the MEADS complex.

The PBU is designed to control a network-centric air defense system of an open architecture and ensures the joint operation of any combination of detection tools and launchers combined into a single air defense and missile defense system. In accordance with the "plug and play" concept, the means of detection, control and combat support of the system interact with each other as nodes of a single network. Thanks to the capabilities of the control center, the system commander can quickly turn on or off such nodes, depending on the combat situation, without turning off the entire system, ensuring quick maneuver and concentration of combat capabilities in threatened areas.

The use of standardized interfaces and an open network architecture provides the PCU with the ability to control detection tools and launchers from various air defense systems, incl. not included in the MEADS air defense system. If necessary, the MEADS air defense system can interact with complexes, etc. The PBU is compatible with modern and advanced control systems, in particular, with NATO's Air Command and Control System (NATO's Air Command and Control System).

A set of communication equipment MICS (MEADS Internal Communications Subsystem) is designed to organize the joint operation of MEADS air defense systems. MICS provides secure tactical communication between radars, launchers and control units of the complex through a high-speed network built on the basis of the IP protocol stack.

Multifunctional three-coordinate X-band pulse-Doppler radar provides detection, classification, identification of nationality and tracking of air targets, as well as missile guidance. The radar is equipped with an active phased antenna array (see). The rotation speed of the antenna is 0, 15 and 30 rpm. The station ensures the transmission of correction commands to the interceptor missile via the Link 16 data exchange channel, which allows the missile to be redirected to trajectories, as well as the selection of the most optimal launcher from the system to repel an attack.

According to the developers, the multifunctional radar of the complex is highly reliable and efficient. During the tests, the radar provided the search, classification and tracking of targets with the issuance of target designation, suppression of active and passive interference. The MEADS air defense system can simultaneously fire at up to 10 air targets in a difficult jamming environment.

The composition of the multifunctional radar includes a system for determining the nationality "friend or foe", developed by the Italian company SELEX Sistemi Integrati. The antenna of the "friend or foe" system (see) is located in the upper part of the main antenna array. The MEADS air defense system became the first American complex that allows the use of cryptographic means of other states in its composition.

The mobile detection radar is being developed for MEADS by Lockheed-Martin and is a pulse-Doppler station with an active phased array operating both in a stationary position and at a rotation speed of 7.5 rpm. To search for aerodynamic targets in the radar, a circular view of the airspace is implemented. The design features of the radar also include a high-performance signal processor, a programmable probing signal generator, and a digital adaptive beamformer.

The MEADS air defense system has an autonomous power supply system, which includes a diesel generator and a distribution and conversion unit for connecting to an industrial network (frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz). The system was developed by Lechmotoren (Altenstadt, Germany).

The main tactical unit of the MEADS air defense system is an anti-aircraft missile battalion, which is planned to include three firing and one headquarters battery. The MEADS battery includes a detection radar, a multifunctional radar, a PBU, up to six launchers. The minimum system configuration includes one copy of the radar, launcher and PBU.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Testing and operation

01.09.2004 NAMEDSMO has signed a $2 billion and €1.4 billion ($1.8 billion) contract with joint venture MEADS International for the R&D phase of the MEADS SAM program.

01.09.2006 The PAC-3MSE interceptor missile was chosen as the main means of destruction of the MEADS complex.

05.08.2009 The preliminary design of all the main components of the complex has been completed.

01.06.2010 When discussing the draft US defense budget for FY2011. The Senate Armed Forces Commission (SASC) has expressed concern about the cost of the MEADS program, which is $1 billion over budget and 18 months behind schedule. The Commission recommended that the US Department of Defense stop funding the development of MEADS if the program does not pass the stage of protection of the working draft. In a response from US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to the commission, it was reported that the program schedule had been agreed, and the cost of developing, manufacturing and deploying MEADS had been estimated.

01.07.2010 Raytheon has proposed a modernization package for the Patriot air defense systems in service with the Bundeswehr, which will increase their performance to the level of the MEADS air defense system by 2014. According to Raytheon, a phased modernization process would save from 1 to 2 billion euros without reducing combat readiness. armed forces Germany. The German Ministry of Defense decided to continue the development of the MEADS air defense system.

16.09.2010 The MEADS air defense system development program has successfully passed the stage of defending the working draft. The project was recognized as meeting all the requirements. The results of the defense were sent to the countries participating in the program. The estimated cost of the program was $19 billion.

22.09.2010 As part of the implementation of the MEADS program, a work plan has been presented to reduce the cost of life cycle complex.

27.09.2010 The possibility of joint operation of the MEADS PBU with the NATO air defense command and control complex was successfully demonstrated. The unification of NATO's layered missile defense facilities was carried out on a special test bench.

20.12.2010 At the Fusaro air base (Italy), for the first time, a PBU was demonstrated, located on the chassis of the Italian tractor ARIS. Five more PBUs, planned for use at the testing and certification stages of the complex, are in the production stage.

14.01.2011 LFK (Lenkflugkorpersyteme, MBDA Deutschland) announced the delivery of the first MEADS SAM launcher to the joint venture MEADS International.

31.01.2011 As part of the work on the creation of the MEADS complex, tests of the first multifunctional radar station were successfully completed.

11.02.2011 The US Department of Defense announced its intention to stop funding the MEADS project after FY2013. The reason was the proposal of the consortium to increase the development time of the complex by 30 months beyond the originally announced 110. The extension of the time will require an increase in US funding for the project by $974 million. The Pentagon estimates that total funding will rise to $1.16bn and production start will be delayed to 2018. However, the US DoD decided to continue the development and testing phase within the budget established in 2004 without entering the production phase.

15.02.2011 In a letter sent by the Ministry of Defense of Germany to the Bundestag budget committee, it was noted that due to the possible termination of the joint development of the complex, the acquisition of the MEADS air defense system is not planned in the foreseeable future. The results of the program implementation can be used in the framework of national programs for the creation of air defense / missile defense systems.

18.02.2011 Germany will not continue the MEADS air defense / missile defense system program after the development phase is completed. According to a representative of the German Defense Ministry, it will not be able to finance the next stage of the project if the United States withdraws from it. It was noted that the official decision to close the MEADS program has not yet been made.

01.04.2011 MEADS International Business Development Director Marty Coyne reported on his meetings with representatives of a number of countries in Europe and the Middle East who expressed their intention to take part in the project. Among the potential participants in the project are Poland and Turkey, which are interested in purchasing modern air defense / missile defense systems and gaining access to technologies for the production of such systems. This would allow the completion of the MEADS development program, which was in danger of being closed after the US military department refused to participate in the production phase.

15.06.2011 Lockheed Martin has delivered the first set of communication equipment MICS (MEADS Internal Communications Subsystem), designed to organize the joint operation of MEADS air defense systems.

16.08.2011 Testing of the software for the combat command, control, control, communications and intelligence complex in Huntsville (Alabama, USA) has been completed.

13.09.2011 With the help of an integrated training complex, a simulated launch of the MEADS SAM interceptor rocket was carried out.

12.10.2011 MEADS International has started comprehensive testing of the first MEADS MODU at a test facility in Orlando (Florida, USA).

17.10.2011 Lockheed Martin Corporation has delivered MICS communications equipment kits for use as part of the MEADS complex.

24.10.2011 The first MEADS SAM launcher has arrived at the White Sands missile range for comprehensive testing and preparation for flight tests scheduled for November.

30.10.2011 The US DoD has signed Amendment #26 to the base memorandum, which provides for the restructuring of the MEADS program. The amendment provides for two test launches to characterize the system prior to the completion of the MEADS design and development contract in 2014. According to a statement by representatives of the US Department of Defense, the approved completion of the development of MEADS will allow the US defense department to use the technologies created under the project in the implementation of programs for the development of advanced weapons systems.

03.11.2011 The directors of national armaments of Germany, Italy and the United States approved an amendment to the contract to provide funding for two tests to intercept targets for the MEADS system.

10.11.2011 At the Pratica di Mare air base, a successful virtual simulation of the destruction of aerodynamic and ballistic targets using the MEADS air defense system was completed. During the tests, the combat control center of the complex demonstrated the ability to organize an arbitrary combination of launchers, combat control, command, control, communications and intelligence into a single network-centric air defense and missile defense system.

17.11.2011 The first flight test of the MEADS system as part of the PAC-3 MSE interceptor missile, a lightweight launcher and a combat control center was successfully completed at the White Sands missile range. During the test, a missile was launched to intercept a target attacking in the rear half-space. After completing the task, the interceptor missile self-destructed.

17.11.2011 Information has been published on the start of negotiations on Qatar's entry into the MEADS air defense system development program. Qatar has expressed interest in using the facility to secure the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

08.02.2012 Berlin and Rome are pressuring Washington to continue US funding for the MEADS development program. On January 17, 2012, the participants of the international consortium MEADS received a new proposal from the United States, which actually provided for the termination of funding for the program as early as 2012.

22.02.2012 Lockheed Martin Corporation announced the start of comprehensive testing of the third MEADS PBU in Huntsville (Alabama, USA). PBU tests are planned for the whole of 2012. Two PBUs are already involved in testing the MEADS system at Pratica di Mare (Italy) and Orlando (Florida, USA) airbases.

19.04.2012 Commencement of comprehensive testing of the first copy of the MEADS multifunctional air defense radar at the Pratica di Mare air base. Earlier it was reported about the completion of the first stage of testing the station at the facility of SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA in Rome.

12.06.2012 The acceptance tests of the autonomous power supply and communication unit of the MEADS air defense system, designed for the upcoming comprehensive tests of the multifunctional radar station of the complex at the Pratica di Mare airbase, have been completed. The second copy of the block is being tested at the technical center for self-propelled and armored vehicles of the German armed forces in Trier (Germany).

09.07.2012 The first MEADS mobile test kit has been delivered to the White Sands missile range. A set of test equipment provides real-time virtual tests of the MEADS complex for intercepting targets without launching an interceptor missile for various air attack scenarios.

14.08.2012 On the territory of the Pratica di Mare airbase, the first comprehensive tests of the multifunctional radar were carried out together with the combat control center and launchers of the MEADS air defense system. It is reported that the radar has demonstrated key functionality, incl. the possibility of a circular view of the airspace, the capture of a target and its tracking in various scenarios of a combat situation.

29.08.2012 A PAC-3 interceptor missile at the White Sands missile range successfully destroyed a target simulating a tactical ballistic missile. As part of the test, two targets imitating tactical ballistic missiles and an MQM-107 unmanned aircraft were involved. A salvo launch of two PAC-3 interceptor missiles completed the task of intercepting a second target, a tactical ballistic missile. According to published data, all test tasks were completed.

22.10.2012 On the territory of the Pratica di Mare air base, the next stage of testing the system for determining the nationality of the MEADS complex has been successfully completed. All scenarios of the system were tested in conjunction with the American system of identification "friend or foe" Mark XII / XIIA Mode 5 radar complex airspace control ATCBRBS (Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System). The total volume of certification tests was 160 experiments. After integrating the system with the MEADS multifunctional radar, additional tests were performed.

29.11.2012 The MEADS air defense system provided detection, tracking and interception of the MQM-107 target with an air-breathing engine on the territory of the White Sands missile range (New Mexico, USA). During the tests, the complex included: a command post, a light launcher for PAC-3 MSE interceptor missiles and a multifunctional radar.

06.12.2012 The Senate of the US Congress, despite the request of the President of the United States and the Department of Defense, decided not to allocate funds for the MEADS air defense program in the next fiscal year. The Senate-approved defense budget did not include the $400.8 million needed to complete the program.

01.04.2013 The US Congress decided to continue funding the MEADS air defense system development program. As Reuters reported, Congress approved a bill guaranteeing the allocation of funds to cover current financial needs until September 30, 2013. This bill provides for the allocation of $380 million to complete the development and testing phase of the complex, which will avoid cancellation of contracts and negative consequences on an international scale.

19.04.2013 The upgraded detection radar was tested in joint operation as part of a single set of MEADS air defense systems. During the tests, the radar ensured the detection and tracking of a small aircraft, the transmission of information to the MEADS PBU. After its processing, the PBU issued target designation data to the multifunctional radar of the MEADS complex, which carried out additional search, recognition and further tracking of the target. The tests were carried out in the all-round view mode in the Hancock airport area (Syracusa, New York, USA), the distance between the radars was more than 10 miles.

19.06.2013 A press release from Lockheed Martin reports on the successful testing of the MEADS air defense system as part of a single air defense system with other anti-aircraft systems in service with NATO countries.

10.09.2013 The first launcher of the MEADS air defense system on the chassis of a German truck was delivered to the USA for testing. Tests of two launchers are planned for 2013.

21.10.2013 During tests at the White Sands missile range, the MEADS multifunctional radar for the first time successfully captured and tracked a target simulating a tactical ballistic missile.

06.11.2013 During the tests of the MEADS air defense system, to assess the capabilities of the all-round defense complex, two targets were intercepted, simultaneously attacking from opposite directions. The tests took place on the territory of the White Sands missile range (New Mexico, USA). One of the targets simulated a class ballistic missile, the QF-4 target simulated a cruise missile.

21.05.2014 The system for determining the nationality "friend or foe" of the MEADS complex received an operational certificate from the US Department of Defense Airspace Control Administration.

24.07.2014 Demonstration tests of the MEADS air defense system at the Pratica di Mare airbase have been completed. During two-week tests, the complex's ability to work in various architectures, incl. under the control of higher control systems were demonstrated to the German and Italian delegations.

23.09.2014 Six-week operational tests of the multifunctional radar from the MEADS air defense system at the Pratica di Mare airbase (Italy) and at the German air defense center of the MBDA concern in Freinhausen have been completed.

07.01.2015 The MEADS air defense system is being considered as a candidate for compliance with the requirements for next-generation air and missile defense systems in Germany and Poland.

Not so long ago, Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, Chief of the Operations Directorate of the Russian General Staff, told reporters that the main goal of creating the American missile defense system is to significantly neutralize Russia's strategic nuclear potential and almost completely eliminate the Chinese missile threat. And this is far from the first sharp statement by Russian high-ranking officials on this score, few US actions cause such irritation in Moscow.

The Russian military and diplomats have repeatedly stated that the deployment of the American global missile defense system will upset the delicate balance between nuclear states that was established during the Cold War.

The Americans, in turn, argue that global missile defense is not directed against Russia, its goal is to protect the “civilized” world from rogue states, for example, Iran and North Korea. At the same time, the construction of new elements of the system continues near the Russian borders - in Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania.

Experts' opinions about missile defense in general and the US missile defense system in particular vary greatly: some see America's actions as a real threat to Russia's strategic interests, while others speak of the ineffectiveness of US missile defense against the Russian strategic arsenal.

Where is the truth? What is the US anti-missile system? What does it consist of and how does it work? Does Russian missile defense exist? And why is a purely defensive system causing such an ambiguous reaction from the Russian leadership - what's the catch?

History of missile defense

Missile defense is a whole range of measures aimed at protecting certain objects or territories from being hit by missile weapons. Any missile defense system includes not only systems that directly destroy missiles, but also systems (radar and satellites) that provide missile detection, as well as powerful computers.

In the mass consciousness, the missile defense system is usually associated with countering the nuclear threat posed by ballistic missiles with a nuclear warhead, but this is not entirely true. In fact, missile defense is a broader concept, missile defense is any kind of protection against enemy missile weapons. It can also be attributed active protection armored vehicles from ATGMs and RPGs, and air defense systems capable of destroying enemy tactical ballistic and cruise missiles. So it would be more correct to divide all missile defense systems into tactical and strategic ones, as well as to single out self-defense systems against missile weapons into a separate group.

Rocket weapons first began to be massively used during World War II. The first anti-tank missiles appeared, MLRS, German V-1 and V-2 killed the inhabitants of London and Antwerp. After the war, the development of rocket weapons went at an accelerated pace. It can be said that the use of missiles has radically changed the way warfare is fought. Moreover, very soon missiles became the main means of delivering nuclear weapons and became the most important strategic tool.

Appreciating the experience of the Nazis combat use rockets "V-1" and "V-2", the USSR and the United States almost immediately after the end of World War II began to create systems that could effectively deal with the new threat.

In the United States in 1958, they developed and adopted the MIM-14 Nike-Hercules anti-aircraft missile system, which could be used against enemy nuclear warheads. Their defeat also occurred due to the nuclear warhead of the anti-missile, since this air defense system was not particularly accurate. It should be noted that the interception of a target flying at great speed at an altitude of tens of kilometers is a very difficult task even at the current level of technology development. In the 1960s, it could only be solved with the use of nuclear weapons.

A further development of the MIM-14 Nike-Hercules system was the LIM-49A Nike Zeus complex, its testing began in 1962. Zeus anti-missiles were also equipped with a nuclear warhead, they could hit targets at an altitude of up to 160 km. Successful tests of the complex were carried out (without nuclear explosions, of course), but still the effectiveness of such a missile defense system was a very big question.

The point is that in those years nuclear arsenals The USSR and the USA grew at an unthinkable pace, and no missile defense could protect against the armada of ballistic missiles launched in the other hemisphere. In addition, in the 60s, nuclear missiles learned to throw out numerous false targets, which were extremely difficult to distinguish from real warheads. However, the main problem was the imperfection of the anti-missiles themselves, as well as target detection systems. The deployment of the Nike Zeus program was supposed to cost the American taxpayer $10 billion, a gigantic amount at the time, and this did not guarantee sufficient protection against Soviet ICBMs. As a result, the project was abandoned.

In the late 60s, the Americans launched another missile defense program, which was called Safeguard - "Precaution" (originally it was called Sentinel - "Sentry").

This missile defense system was supposed to protect the deployment areas of American silo-based ICBMs and, in case of war, provide the possibility of launching a retaliatory missile strike.

The Safeguard was armed with two types of anti-missiles: the heavy Spartan and the light Sprint. The Spartan anti-missiles had a radius of 740 km and were supposed to destroy enemy nuclear warheads while still in space. The task of the lighter Sprint missiles was to "finish" those warheads that could get past the Spartans. In space, warheads were supposed to be destroyed using streams of hard neutron radiation, more effective than megaton nuclear explosions.

In the early 70s, the Americans began the practical implementation of the Safeguard project, but they built only one complex of this system.

In 1972, one of the most important documents in the field of control over nuclear weapons– Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Missile Defense Systems. Even today, almost fifty years later, it is one of the cornerstones of the global nuclear security system in the world.

According to this document, both states could deploy no more than two missile defense systems, the maximum ammunition of each of them should not exceed 100 anti-missiles. Later (in 1974) the number of systems was reduced to one unit. The United States covered the ICBM deployment area in North Dakota with the Safeguard system, and the USSR decided to protect the capital of the state, Moscow, from a missile attack.

Why is this treaty so important for the balance between the largest nuclear states? The fact is that approximately from the mid-60s it became clear that a large-scale nuclear conflict between the USSR and the USA would lead to the complete destruction of both countries, therefore nuclear weapon became a kind of deterrent. Having deployed a sufficiently powerful missile defense system, any of the opponents could be tempted to strike first and hide from the "response" with the help of anti-missiles. The refusal to defend their own territory in the face of imminent nuclear destruction guaranteed an extremely cautious attitude of the leadership of the signatory states to the "red" button. This is also why NATO's current deployment of missile defenses is such a concern in the Kremlin.

By the way, the Americans did not begin to deploy the Safeguard missile defense system. In the 70s, they got Trident sea-based ballistic missiles, so the US military leadership considered it more appropriate to invest in new submarines and SLBMs than to build a very expensive missile defense system. And Russian units still defend the skies of Moscow today (for example, the 9th anti-missile defense division in Sofrino).

The next stage in the development of the American missile defense system was the SDI program (Strategic Defense Initiative), initiated by the fortieth US President Ronald Reagan.

It was a very big project. new system missile defense of the United States, which is absolutely contrary to the 1972 Treaty. The SDI program provided for the creation of a powerful, layered missile defense system with space-based elements, which was supposed to cover the entire territory of the United States.

In addition to anti-missiles, this program provided for the use of weapons based on other physical principles: lasers, electromagnetic and kinetic weapons, railguns.

This project was never realized. Numerous technical problems arose before its developers, many of which have not been resolved to this day. However, the developments of the SDI program were later used to create the US national missile defense, the deployment of which continues to this day.

Immediately after the end of World War II, the creation of protection against missile weapons was also taken up in the USSR. Already in 1945, specialists from the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy began work on the Anti-Fau project.

The first practical development in the field of missile defense in the USSR was System A, work on which was carried out in the late 50s. A whole series of tests of the complex was carried out (some of them were successful), but due to the low efficiency of System A, it was never put into service.

In the early 60s, the development of a missile defense system for the protection of the Moscow Industrial District began, it was called A-35. From that moment until the very collapse of the USSR, Moscow was always covered by a powerful anti-missile shield.

The development of the A-35 was delayed; this missile defense system was put on combat duty only in September 1971. In 1978, it was upgraded to the A-35M modification, which remained in service until 1990. The radar of the Danube-3U complex was on combat duty until the beginning of the 2000s. In 1990, the A-35M missile defense system was replaced by the A-135 Amur. The A-135 was equipped with two types of anti-missiles with a nuclear warhead and a range of 350 and 80 km.

The A-135 system should be replaced by newest complex anti-missile defense A-235 "Aircraft-M", now it is at the testing stage. It will also be armed with two types of anti-missiles with a maximum range of 1,000 km (according to other sources, 1,500 km).

In addition to the above systems, in the USSR in different time work was also carried out on other projects for protection against strategic missile weapons. One can mention the Chelomeev missile defense system "Taran", which was supposed to protect the entire territory of the country from American ICBMs. This project involved installing several powerful radar stations in the Far North that would control the most possible trajectories of American ICBMs - through North Pole. It was supposed to destroy enemy missiles with the help of the most powerful thermonuclear charges (10 megatons) mounted on anti-missiles.

This project was closed in the mid-60s for the same reason as the American Nike Zeus - the missile and nuclear arsenals of the USSR and the USA grew at an incredible pace, and no missile defense could protect against a massive strike.

Another promising Soviet missile defense system that never entered service was the S-225 complex. This project was developed in the early 60s, later one of the S-225 anti-missiles was used as part of the A-135 complex.

American missile defense system

Currently, several missile defense systems (Israel, India, Japan, the European Union) are deployed or are being developed in the world, but all of them have a short or medium range. Only two countries in the world have a strategic missile defense system - the United States and Russia. Before turning to the description of the American strategic missile defense system, a few words should be said about general principles operation of such complexes.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (or their warheads) can be shot down in different parts of their trajectory: in the initial, intermediate or final stages. Hitting a rocket on takeoff (Boost-phase intercept) looks like the easiest task. Immediately after the launch, the ICBM is easy to track: it has a low speed and is not covered by decoys or interference. With one shot, you can destroy all the warheads that are installed on the ICBM.

However, interception at the initial stage of the missile's trajectory also has significant difficulties, which almost completely negate the above advantages. As a rule, the areas of deployment strategic missiles located deep in enemy territory and reliably covered by air and missile defense systems. Therefore, it is almost impossible to approach them at the required distance. In addition, the initial stage of the missile's flight (acceleration) is only one or two minutes, during which it is necessary not only to detect it, but also to send an interceptor to destroy it. It's very difficult.

Nevertheless, the interception of ICBMs at the initial stage looks very promising, so work on the means of destroying strategic missiles during acceleration continues. Space-based laser systems look the most promising, but there are no operational systems of such weapons yet.

Missiles can also be intercepted in the middle section of their trajectory (Midcourse intercept), when the warheads have already separated from the ICBM and continue to fly in outer space by inertia. Mid-segment interception also has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of destroying warheads in space is the large time interval available to the missile defense system (according to some sources, up to 40 minutes), but the interception itself is associated with many complex technical issues. Firstly, warheads are relatively small, have a special anti-radar coating and do not emit anything into space, so they are very difficult to detect. Secondly, to further complicate the work of missile defense, any ICBM, except for the warheads themselves, carries a large number of decoys that are indistinguishable from the real ones on the radar screens. And thirdly: anti-missiles capable of destroying warheads in space orbit are very expensive.

Warheads can also be intercepted after their entry into the atmosphere (Terminal phase intercept), or in other words, at their last stage of flight. It also has its pros and cons. The main advantages are: the ability to deploy a missile defense system on its territory, the relative ease of tracking targets, and the low cost of interceptor missiles. The fact is that after entering the atmosphere, lighter decoys are eliminated, which makes it possible to more confidently identify real warheads.

However, interception has final stage trajectories of warheads and significant disadvantages. The main one is the very limited time that the missile defense system has - on the order of several tens of seconds. The destruction of warheads at the final stage of their flight is, in fact, the last line of missile defense.

In 1992, US President George W. Bush initiated a program to protect the United States from limited nuclear strike- this is how the project of non-strategic missile defense (NMD) appeared.

The development of a modern national missile defense system began in the United States in 1999 after the signing of the relevant bill by President Bill Clinton. The goal of the program was declared to be the creation of such a missile defense system that could protect the entire territory of the United States from ICBMs. In the same year, the Americans conducted the first test under this project: a Minuteman missile was intercepted over the Pacific Ocean.

In 2001, the next owner of the White House, George W. Bush, said that the missile defense system would protect not only America, but also its main allies, the first of which was named the United Kingdom. In 2002, after the NATO summit in Prague, the development of a military-economic justification for the creation of a missile defense system for the North Atlantic alliance began. The final decision on the creation of a European missile defense was taken at the NATO summit in Lisbon, held at the end of 2010.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that the purpose of the program is to protect against rogue states like Iran and North Korea, and it is not directed against Russia. Later, a number of Eastern European countries joined the program, including Poland, the Czech Republic, and Romania.

Currently, NATO missile defense is a complex complex consisting of many components, which includes satellite systems for tracking ballistic missile launches, ground and sea missile launch detection systems (RLS), as well as several systems for destroying missiles at different stages of their trajectory: GBMD, Aegis ("Aegis"), THAAD and Patriot.

GBMD (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) is a ground-based complex designed to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles in the middle section of their trajectory. It includes an early warning radar that monitors the launch of ICBMs and their trajectory, as well as silo-based anti-missiles. Their range is from 2 to 5 thousand km. To intercept ICBM warheads, the GBMD uses kinetic warheads. It should be noted that at the moment GBMD is the only fully deployed US strategic missile defense system.

The kinetic warhead for the rocket was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in order to intercept hundreds of enemy warheads, a massive use of anti-missiles is necessary, the operation of at least one nuclear charge in the path of warheads creates a powerful electromagnetic pulse and guaranteed to blind missile defense radars. However, on the other hand, a kinetic warhead requires much greater pointing accuracy, which in itself is a very difficult technical problem. And taking into account the equipping of modern ballistic missiles with warheads that can change their trajectory, the effectiveness of interceptors is even more reduced.

So far, the GBMD system can "boast" 50% of accurate hits - and then during the exercises. It is believed that this missile defense system can only work effectively against monoblock ICBMs.

Currently, GBMD anti-missiles are deployed in Alaska and California. It is possible that another system deployment area will be created on Atlantic coast USA.

Aegis ("Aegis"). Usually, when people talk about American missile defense, they mean the Aegis system. Back in the early 1990s, the idea was born in the United States to use the shipborne Aegis CICS for missile defense needs, and to adapt the excellent Standard anti-aircraft missile, which was launched from a standard Mk-41 container, to intercept medium and short-range ballistic missiles.

In general, the placement of elements of the missile defense system on warships is quite reasonable and logical. In this case, missile defense becomes mobile, gets the opportunity to operate as close as possible to enemy ICBM deployment areas, and, accordingly, shoot down enemy missiles not only in the middle, but also in the initial stages of their flight. In addition, the main direction of flight of Russian missiles is the Northern Arctic Ocean, where to place anti-missile mine installations there is simply nowhere.

In the end, the designers managed to place more fuel in the anti-missile and significantly improve the homing head. However, according to experts, even the most advanced modifications of the SM-3 anti-missile will not be able to intercept the latest maneuvering warheads of Russian ICBMs - they simply do not have enough fuel for this. But these anti-missiles are quite capable of intercepting a conventional (non-maneuvering) warhead.

In 2011, the Aegis missile defense system was deployed on 24 ships, including five Ticonderoga-class cruisers and nineteen Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. In total, the US military plans to equip 84 US Navy ships with the Aegis system by 2041. Based on this system, the ground-based Aegis Ashore system has been developed, which is already deployed in Romania and will be deployed in Poland by 2019.

THAAD (Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense). This element of the American missile defense system should be attributed to the second echelon of the US national missile defense. This is a mobile complex, which was originally developed to deal with medium and short-range missiles, it cannot intercept targets in outer space. The warhead of the THAAD missiles is kinetic.

Part of the THAAD systems are located on the US mainland, which can only be explained by the ability of this system to fight not only against medium and short-range ballistic missiles, but also to intercept ICBMs. Indeed, this missile defense system can destroy warheads of strategic missiles in the final section of their trajectory, and it does this quite effectively. In 2013, the American national missile defense exercise was held, in which the Aegis, GBMD and THAAD systems took part. The latter showed the greatest efficiency, shooting down 10 targets out of ten possible.

Of the minuses of THAAD, one can note its high price: one interceptor missile costs $30 million.

PAC-3 Patriot. "Patriot" is a tactical-level anti-missile system designed to cover military groups. The debut of this complex took place during the first American war in the Persian Gulf. Despite the extensive PR campaign of this system, the effectiveness of the complex was found to be not very satisfactory. Therefore, in the mid-90s, a more advanced version of the Patriot appeared - PAC-3.


The most important element of the American missile defense system is the SBIRS satellite constellation, designed to detect ballistic missile launches and track their trajectories. The deployment of the system began in 2006 and should be completed by 2019. Its full complement will consist of ten satellites, six geostationary and four in high elliptical orbits.

Does the American missile defense system threaten Russia?

Can a missile defense system protect the United States from a massive nuclear strike from Russia? The unequivocal answer is no. The effectiveness of the American missile defense system is estimated by experts in different ways, but it will definitely not be able to ensure the guaranteed destruction of all warheads launched from Russian territory.

The ground-based GBMD system has insufficient accuracy, and so far only two such complexes have been deployed. The shipborne Aegis missile defense system can be quite effective against ICBMs at the booster (initial) stage of their flight, but it will not be able to intercept missiles launched from the depths of Russian territory. If we talk about the interception of warheads in the middle part of the flight (outside the atmosphere), then it will be very difficult for SM-3 anti-missiles to deal with maneuvering warheads latest generation. Although obsolete (non-maneuverable) blocks may well be hit by them.

Domestic critics of the American Aegis system forget one very important aspect: the most deadly element of the Russian nuclear triad are ICBMs deployed on nuclear submarines. The missile defense ship may well be on duty in the area where missiles are launched from nuclear submarines and destroy them immediately after launch.

Destroying warheads in the mid-flight (after their separation from the missile) is a very difficult task, it can be compared with an attempt to hit another bullet flying towards it with a bullet.

At present (and in the foreseeable future), the American missile defense system will be able to protect the US territory only from a small number of ballistic missiles (no more than twenty), which is still a very serious achievement, given the rapid spread of missile and nuclear technologies in the world.

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Compact and poor Georgia with a population of about 3.8 million people continues to develop its air defense system, focusing on the modern and very expensive standards of the leading NATO countries. The other day, Georgian Defense Minister Levan Izoria declared that 238 million lari (more than $96 million) was allocated for the development of air defense in the 2018 budget. A few months earlier, she began retraining specialized military specialists.

Contract documents are classified as "secret", but everyone knows that high-tech air defense products are very expensive. There are not enough own funds, and Georgia intends to pay for expensive defense systems in debt or in installments, for many years. One billion dollars for weapons after August 2008 was promised to Tbilisi by the United States and parts of it are fulfilling the promise. A five-year loan (with a floating rate ranging from 1.27 to 2.1%) for 82.82 million euros was favorably guaranteed by the private insurance company COFACE (Compagnie Francaise d "Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur), which provides export guarantees on behalf of the French government.

Under the terms of the agreement, 77.63 million euros out of 82.82 million euros are directed to the purchase of modern air defense systems from the American-French company ThalesRaytheonSystems: ground-based radar and control systems - more than 52 million euros, anti-aircraft missile systems(ZRK) of the MBDA group - about 25 million euros and another 5 million euros Georgia will spend to compensate for other expenses of COFACE. Such an air defense system is clearly redundant for Georgia. American patronage is worth a lot.

precious iron

What does Tbilisi get? A family of versatile, multi-purpose ground-based radars based on common units and interfaces. A fully digital radar system simultaneously performs air defense and surveillance functions. Compact, mobile and multifunctional, the Ground Fire radar deploys in 15 minutes and offers a high level of performance, tracking air, ground, surface targets.

Multiband radar medium range Ground Master GM200 is able to simultaneously monitor the air and the surface, detect air targets within a radius of up to 250 kilometers (in combat mode - up to 100 kilometers). GM200 has an open architecture with the ability to integrate with other Ground Master (GM 400) systems, control systems and air defense strike systems. If the pricing policy of ThalesRaytheonSystems has not changed much since 2013, when the UAE purchased 17 GM200 radars worth $396 million, then one radar (without missile weapons) costs Georgia about $23 million.

The Ground Master GM403 airborne early warning radar station on a Renault Truck Defense chassis was first demonstrated in Tbilisi on May 26, 2018, in connection with the 100th anniversary of the independence of the republic. The GM403 radar is capable of monitoring airspace at ranges up to 470 kilometers and at altitudes up to 30 kilometers. According to the manufacturer, the GM 400 operates in a wide range of purposes - from highly maneuverable low-flying tactical aircraft to small objects, including unmanned aerial vehicles. The radar can be installed by a crew of four in 30 minutes (the system is placed in a 20-foot container). After being deployed on the spot, the radar can be connected to work as part of the joint air defense, has a remote control function.

The Ground Master radar line in Georgia is supplemented by combat vehicles of the Israeli SPYDER anti-aircraft missile system with Rafael Python 4 anti-aircraft guided missiles, the German-French-Italian SAMP-T air defense system, which allegedly can shoot down Russian Iskander missiles (OTRK), as well as French anti-aircraft missiles. third-generation Mistral complexes and other strike assets.

Radius of action

The republic has a maximum length from west to east of 440 kilometers, from north to south - less than 200 kilometers. From point of view national security, it makes no sense for Tbilisi to spend huge amounts of money on airspace control within a radius of up to 470 kilometers over the western part of the Black Sea and neighboring countries, including the South of Russia (to Novorossiysk, Krasnodar and Stavropol), all of Armenia and Azerbaijan (to the Caspian Sea), Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Nobody threatens Georgia, neighbors have no territorial claims. Obviously, a modern and developed air defense system in Georgia is necessary, first of all, to cover up the probable (prospective) deployment of NATO troops and further aggressive actions of the alliance in the South Caucasus region. The scenario is all the more realistic given that there are hopes in Tbilisi for revenge in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and Turkey is becoming an increasingly unpredictable partner for NATO.

I believe that is why, at the 51st International Air Show in Le Bourget in the summer of 2015, Georgian Defense Minister Tinatin Khidasheli signed a contract for the purchase of ThalesRaytheonSystems radar stations, and later a second contract was signed in Paris, directly related to rocket launchers capable of shooting down enemy aircraft. At the same time, Khidasheli promised: "The sky over Georgia will be completely protected, and our air defense will be integrated into the NATO system."

Earlier, ex-Minister of Defense Irakli Alasania spoke about the supply of anti-missiles to Georgia, capable of shooting down even the missiles of the Russian operational-tactical complex Iskander. Such cooperation between Georgia and a number of countries of the North Atlantic Alliance in neighboring Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia is naturally perceived as real and is forced to react to a change in the military-political situation.

The development of the Georgian air defense system does not make the life of all the peoples of the South Caucasus any safer.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

The first flight of the Tu-22M3M long-range supersonic bomber-missile carrier is scheduled for August this year at the Kazan Aviation Plant, RIA Novosti reports. This is a new modification of the Tu-22M3 bomber, put into service in 1989.

The aircraft demonstrated its combat viability in Syria, striking terrorist bases. They used Backfires, as they called this formidable car in the West, and during the Afghan war.

As the senator points out Viktor Bondarev, ex-commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the aircraft has great potential for modernization. Actually, this is the whole line of Tu-22 bombers, the creation of which began in the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 60s. The first prototype made its launch flight in 1969. The very first serial machine Tu-22M2 was put into service in 1976.

In 1981, the Tu-22M3 began to enter the combat units, which became a deep modernization of the previous modification. But it was put into service only in 1989, which was associated with the refinement of a number of systems and the introduction of new generation missiles. The bomber is equipped with new NK-25 engines, more powerful and economical, with electronic system management. The on-board equipment has been largely replaced - from the power supply system to the radar and weapons control complex. The aircraft defense complex has been significantly strengthened.

The result was an aircraft with a variable sweep of the wing with the following characteristics: Length - 42.5 m. Wingspan - from 23.3 m to 34.3 m. Height - 11 m. Empty weight - 68 tons, maximum takeoff - 126 tons. afterburner - 2 × 25000 kgf. The maximum speed near the ground is 1050 km / h, at an altitude of 2300 km / h. Flight range - 6800 km. Ceiling - 13300 m. Maximum missile and bomb load - 24 tons.

The main result of the modernization was the arming of the bomber with Kh-15 missiles (up to six missiles in the fuselage plus four on the external sling) and Kh-22 (two on the suspension under the wings).

For reference: Kh-15 is a supersonic aeroballistic missile. With a length of 4.87 m, it fit into the fuselage. The warhead had a mass of 150 kg. There was a nuclear version with a capacity of 300 kt. The rocket, having risen to a height of up to 40 km, when diving on a target in the final section of the route, accelerated to a speed of 5 M. The range of the X-15 was 300 km.

And the Kh-22 is a supersonic cruise missile with a range of up to 600 km, and maximum speed- 3.5M-4.6 M. Flight altitude - 25 km. The missile also has two warheads - nuclear (up to 1 Mt) and high-explosive-cumulative with a mass of 960 kg. In this connection, she was conditionally nicknamed the "killer of aircraft carriers."

But last year, an even more advanced Kh-32 cruise missile, which is a deep modernization of the Kh-22, was put into service. The range has increased to 1000 km. But the main thing is that the noise immunity has significantly increased, the ability to overcome the zones of active action of the complexes electronic warfare enemy. At the same time, the dimensions and weight, as well as the warhead, remained the same.

And this is good. The bad thing is that in connection with the cessation of production of Kh-15 missiles, they began to be gradually removed from service since 2000 due to the aging of the solid fuel mixture. At the same time, the replacement of the old rocket was not prepared. In this connection, now the Tu-22M3 bomb bay is loaded only with bombs - both free-falling and adjustable.

What are the main disadvantages of the new weapon variant? Firstly, the listed bombs do not belong to high-precision weapons. Secondly, in order to completely "unload" the ammunition, the aircraft must carry out bombing in the very heat of the enemy's air defense.

Previously, this problem was solved optimally - at first, Kh-15 missiles (among which there was an anti-radar modification) hit the radar of air defense / missile defense systems, thereby clearing the way for their main strike force - a pair of Kh-22s. Now bomber sorties are associated with increased danger, unless, of course, the collision occurs with a serious enemy who owns modern air defense systems.

There is another unpleasant moment, because of which the excellent missile carrier is significantly inferior, if possible, to its counterparts in the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force - the Tu-95MS and Tu-160. On the basis of the SALT-2 agreement, equipment for refueling in the air was removed from the "twenty-second". In this connection, the combat radius of the missile carrier does not exceed 2400 km. And even then only if you fly light, with a half rocket and bomb load.

At the same time, the Tu-22M3 does not have missiles that could significantly increase the aircraft's strike range. The Tu-95MS and Tu-160 have such, this is the Kh-101 subsonic cruise missile, which has a range of 5500 km.

So, work on upgrading the bomber to the level of the Tu-22M3M goes in parallel with much more secret work on the creation of a cruise missile that will restore the combat effectiveness of this machine.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Raduga Design Bureau has been developing a promising cruise missile, which was declassified to a very limited extent only last year. And even then only in terms of design and characteristics. This is the “product 715”, which is intended primarily for the Tu-22M3M, but can also be used on the Tu-95MS, Tu-160M ​​and Tu-160M2. American military-technical publications claim that this is almost a copy of their subsonic and most distant air-to-surface missile AGM-158 JASSM. However, this would not be desirable. Since these, according to Trump's characteristics, "smart missiles", as it recently turned out, are smart to the point of self-will. Some of them, during the last unsuccessful shelling of Syrian targets by the Western allies, which has become famous all over the world, against the will of the owners, actually flew to beat the Kurds. And the range of the AGM-158 JASSM is modest by modern standards - 980 km.

Improved Russian analogue this overseas missile - Kh-101. By the way, it was also made in KB "Rainbow". The designers managed to significantly reduce the dimensions - the length decreased from 7.5 m to 5 m or even less. The diameter was reduced by 30%, "losing weight" to 50 cm. This turned out to be enough to place the "product 715" inside the bomb bay of the new Tu-22M3M. Moreover, immediately in the amount of six missiles. That is, now, finally, from the point of view of tactics of combat use, we again have everything the same as it was during the operation of the Kh-15 missiles being decommissioned.

Inside the fuselage of the modernized bomber, missiles will be placed in launcher revolver type, similar to the drum with cartridges in a revolver. During the launch of the missiles, the drum rotates step by step, and the missiles are sequentially sent to the target. This placement does not impair the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft and, therefore, allows for economical fuel consumption, as well as the maximum use of the possibilities of supersonic flight. Which, as mentioned above, is especially important for the "single-refueling" Tu-22M3M.

Of course, the designers of the "product 715" could not even theoretically, while simultaneously increasing the flight range and reducing the dimensions, also achieve supersonic speed. Actually, the Kh-101 is not a high-speed missile either. On the cruising section, it flies at a speed of about 0.65 Mach, at the finish line it accelerates to 0.85 Mach. Its main advantage (in addition to range) is different. The rocket has a whole set of powerful tools that allow you to break through missile defense enemy. Here and stealth - RCS of the order of 0,01 sq.m. And the combined flight profile - from creeping to a height of 10 km. And an effective electronic warfare complex. In this case, the circular probable deviation from the target at a full distance of 5500 km is 5 meters. Such high accuracy is achieved due to the combined guidance system. In the final section, an optical-electronic homing head operates, which guides the missile along a map stored in memory.

Experts suggest that in terms of range and other characteristics, the "product 715", if inferior to the X-101, is insignificant. Estimates range from 3,000 km to 4,000 km. But, of course, the striking power will be different. X-101 has a warhead mass of 400 kilograms. So much "will not fit" into a new rocket.

As a result of the adoption of the "product 715", the bomber's high-precision ammunition load will not only increase, but will also be balanced. So, the Tu-22M3M will have the opportunity, without approaching the air defense zone, to pre-process radars and air defense systems with “babies”. And then, coming closer, strike at strategic targets with powerful Kh-32 supersonic missiles.

The integrated air defense-missile defense system in the theater of operations provides for the integrated use of forces and means against air and ballistic targets in any part of the flight path.

The deployment of a joint air defense-missile defense system in the theater is carried out on the basis of air defense systems by including new and modernized means in their composition, as well as introducing "network-centric principles of construction and operational use" (network-centric architecture & operation).

Sensors, fire weapons, centers and command posts are based on ground, sea, air and space carriers. They may belong different types Aircraft operating in the same zone.

Integration technologies include the formation of a single picture of the air situation, combat identification of air and ground targets, automation of combat control and weapon control systems. It provides for the fullest possible use of the control structure of existing air defense systems, interoperability of communication and data transmission systems in real time and the adoption of common standards for data exchange based on the principles of open architecture.

The formation of a unified picture of the air situation will be facilitated by the use of sensors that are heterogeneous in physical principles and the placement of sensors integrated into a single information network. Nevertheless, the leading role of ground-based information facilities will remain, the basis of which is over-the-horizon, over-the-horizon and multi-position air defense radar.


Ground-based over-the-horizon air defense radars as part of an information system solve the problem of detecting targets of all classes, including ballistic missiles, in a complex jamming and target environment when exposed to enemy weapons. These radars are modernized and created on the basis of integrated approaches, taking into account the criterion "efficiency / cost".

The modernization of radar facilities will be carried out on the basis of the introduction of elements of radar subsystems developed as part of ongoing research to create advanced radar facilities. This is due to the fact that the cost of a completely new station is higher than the cost of upgrading existing radars and reaches about several million US dollars. At present, the vast majority of air defense radars in service with foreign countries are stations in the centimeter and decimeter ranges. Representative examples of such stations are radars: AN / FPS-117, AR 327, TRS 2215 / TRS 2230, AN / MPQ-64, GIRAFFE AMB, M3R, GM 400.

Radar AN / FPS-117, designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. uses a frequency range of 1-2 GHz, is a fully solid-state system designed to solve the problems of early warning, positioning and identification of targets, as well as for use in the ATC system. The station provides the possibility of adapting the operating modes depending on the emerging interference situation.

Computing tools used in the radar station allow you to constantly monitor the state of the radar subsystems. Determine and display the location of the failure on the monitor of the operator's workplace. Work continues to improve the subsystems that make up the AN / FPS-117 radar. which will make it possible to use the station to detect ballistic targets, determine their place of impact and issue target designation to interested consumers. At the same time, the main task of the station is still the detection and tracking of air targets.

AR 327, developed on the basis of the AR 325 station by specialists from the USA and Great Britain, is capable of performing the functions of a complex of low-level automation tools (when it is additionally equipped with a cabin with additional jobs). The estimated cost of one sample is 9.4-14 million dollars. The antenna system, made in the form of headlights, provides phase scanning in elevation. The station uses digital signal processing. The radar and its subsystems are controlled by the Windows operating system. The station is used in the automated control systems of European NATO countries. In addition, interfaces are being upgraded to enable the operation of the radar.

AR 327, developed on the basis of the AR 325 station by specialists from the USA and Great Britain, is capable of performing the functions of a complex of low-level automation tools (when equipped with a cab with additional jobs), the estimated cost of one sample is 9.4-14 million dollars. The antenna system, made in the form of headlights, provides phase scanning in elevation. The station uses digital signal processing. The radar and its subsystems are controlled by the Windows operating system. The station is used in the automated control systems of European NATO countries. In addition, interface means are being upgraded to ensure the operation of the radar with a further increase in the power of computing facilities.

A feature of the radar is the use of a digital system of the SDC and an active jamming protection system, which is capable of adaptively reconfiguring the operating frequency of the station in a wide frequency range. There is also a “pulse-to-pulse” frequency tuning mode, and the accuracy of determining the height at low target elevation angles has been improved. It is planned to further improve the transceiver subsystem and equipment for coherent processing of received signals to increase the range and improve the accuracy of air targets detection.

French three-coordinate radars with phased array TRS 2215 and 2230, designed to detect, identify and track ATs, developed on the basis of the SATRAPE station in mobile and transportable versions. They have the same transceiver systems, data processing facilities and components of the antenna system, and their difference lies in the size of the antenna arrays. Such unification makes it possible to increase the flexibility of the logistics of stations and the quality of their service.

Transportable three-coordinate radar AN / MPQ-64, operating in the centimeter range, created on the basis of the station AN / TPQ-36A. It is designed to detect, track, measure the coordinates of air objects and issue target designation to interception systems. The station is used in the mobile units of the US Armed Forces in the organization of air defense. The radar is able to work in conjunction with both other detection radars and with short-range air defense information systems.

The GIRAFFE AMB mobile radar station is designed to solve the problems of detecting, determining coordinates and tracking targets. This radar uses new technical solutions in the signal processing system. As a result of the modernization, the control subsystem makes it possible to automatically detect helicopters in hovering mode and assess the degree of threat, as well as automate combat control functions.

The M3R mobile modular multifunctional radar was developed by the French company Thales as part of the project of the same name. This is a new generation station designed for use in the combined GTVO-PRO system, created on the basis of the Master family of stations, which, having modern parameters, are the most competitive among long-range mobile detection radars. It is a multifunctional three-coordinate radar operating in the 10-cm range. The station uses the technology of "intelligent radar control" (Intelligent Radar Management), which provides for optimal control of the waveform, repetition period, etc. in various operating modes.

The GM 400 (Ground Master 400) air defense radar, developed by Thales, is intended for use in the integrated air defense-missile defense system. It is also being created on the basis of the Master family of stations and is a multifunctional three-coordinate radar operating in the 2.9-3.3 GHz band.

In the radar under consideration, a number of such promising construction concepts as “fully digital radar” (digital radar) and “fully environmentally friendly radar” (green radar) are successfully implemented.

The features of the station include: digital control of the antenna pattern; long target detection range, including NLC and BR; the ability to remotely control the operation of radar subsystems from remote automated workstations of operators.

In contrast to over-the-horizon stations, over-the-horizon radars provide longer warning times for airborne or ballistic targets and advance the detection line of air targets to considerable distances due to the characteristics of the propagation of radio waves in the frequency range (2-30 MHz) used in over-the-horizon systems, and also make it possible to significantly increase effective scattering surface (ESR) of detected targets and, as a result, increase the range of their detection.

The specificity of the formation of transmitting radiation patterns of over-the-horizon radars, in particular ROTHR, makes it possible to carry out multi-layer (all-altitude) coverage of the viewing area in critical areas, which is relevant in solving the problems of ensuring the security and defense of the US national territory, protection against sea and air targets, including cruise missiles . Representative examples of over-the-horizon radars are: AN / TPS-7I (USA) and Nostradamus (France).

The United States has developed and is continuously upgrading the AN / TPS-71 ZG radar, designed to detect low-flying targets. A distinctive feature of the station is the possibility of its transfer to any region of the globe and relatively fast (up to 10-14 days) deployment to previously prepared positions. For this, the station equipment is mounted in specialized containers.

Information from the over-the-horizon radar enters the target designation system of the Navy, as well as other types of aircraft. In order to detect carriers of cruise missiles in areas adjacent to the United States, in addition to stations located in the states of Virginia, Alaska and Texas, it is planned to install an upgraded over-the-horizon radar in the state of North Dakota (or Montana) to control the airspace over Mexico and the surrounding areas of the Pacific Ocean. A decision was made to deploy new stations to detect carriers of cruise missiles in the Caribbean, over the Central and South America. The first such station will be installed in Puerto Rico. The transmitting point is deployed on about. Vieques, reception - in the southwestern part of about. Puerto Rico.

In France, under the Nostradamus project, the development of an oblique-reciprocating sounding radar, which detects small targets at ranges of 700-3000 km, has been completed. Important distinguishing features of this station are: the ability to simultaneously detect air targets within 360 degrees in azimuth and the use of a monostatic construction method instead of the traditional bistatic one. The station is located 100 km west of Paris. The possibility of using elements of the over-the-horizon radar "Nostradamus" on space and air platforms to solve the problems of early warning of a raid by means of air attack and effective control of interception weapons is being considered.

Foreign specialists consider over-the-horizon surface-wave radar stations (OHS RLS) as relatively inexpensive means of effective control over the air and surface space of the territory of states.

The information received from such radars makes it possible to increase the warning time necessary for making appropriate decisions.

A comparative analysis of the capabilities of over-the-horizon and over-the-horizon surface wave radars for the detection of air and surface objects shows that the ground-based ZG radars are significantly superior to conventional ground-based radars in terms of detection range and ability to track both low-observable and low-flying targets, and surface ships of various displacements. At the same time, the ability to detect airborne objects at high and medium altitudes is reduced slightly, which does not affect the effectiveness of over-the-horizon radar facilities. In addition, the costs of acquiring and operating a surface bath MG radar are relatively low and commensurate with their efficiency.

The main models of surface wave radars adopted by foreign countries are SWR-503 stations (an upgraded version of SWR-603) and OVERSEER.

The SWR-503 surface wave radar was developed by the Canadian branch of Raytheon in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Department of Defense. The radar is designed to monitor the air and surface space over the ocean areas adjacent to the eastern coast of the country, detect and track surface and air targets within the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone.

Station SWR-503 Can also be used to detect icebergs, monitor the environment, search for ships and aircraft in distress. Two stations of this type and an operational control center are already in use to monitor air and sea space in the Newfoundland region, in whose coastal zones there are significant fish and oil reserves. It is assumed that the station will be used to control air traffic aircraft over the entire range of altitudes and observation of targets below the radar horizon.

During testing, the radar detected and tracked all targets that were also observed by other air defense and coastal defense systems. In addition, experiments were carried out aimed at ensuring the possibility of detecting missiles flying over the sea surface, however, in order to effectively solve this problem in full, according to the developers of this radar, it is necessary to expand its operating range to 15-20 MHz. According to foreign experts, countries with a long coastline can install a network of such radars at intervals of up to 370 km to ensure complete coverage of the air and sea surveillance zone within their borders.

The cost of one sample of the SWR-5G3 air defense radar in service is 8-10 million dollars. The processes of operation and complex maintenance of the station cost about 400 thousand dollars a year.

The OVERSEER ZG radar represents a new family of surface wave stations, which was developed by Marconi and is intended for civil and military use. Using the effect of wave propagation over the surface, the station is able to detect air and sea objects of all classes at long ranges and different heights, which cannot be detected by conventional radars.

The subsystems of the station combine many technological advances that allow you to get a better information picture of targets over large areas of sea and air space with fast data updates.

The cost of one sample of the OVERSEER surface wave radar in a single-position version is approximately 6-8 million dollars, and the operation and comprehensive maintenance of the station, depending on the tasks being solved, are estimated at 300-400 thousand dollars.

In the implementation of the principles of "network-centric operations" in future military conflicts, according to foreign experts, it necessitates the use of new methods for building information system components, including those based on multi-position (MP) and distributed sensors and elements that are part of the information infrastructure of advanced detection systems and air defense and missile defense control, taking into account the requirements of integration within NATO.

Multi-position radar systems can become the most important component of the information subsystems of advanced air defense and missile defense control systems, as well as an effective tool in solving problems of detecting UAVs of various classes and cruise missiles.


According to foreign experts, in NATO countries much attention is paid to the creation of advanced ground-based multi-position systems with unique capabilities for detecting various types air targets (ATs). An important place among them is occupied by long-range systems and "distributed" systems created under the programs "Silent Sentry-2", "Rias", CELLDAR, etc. Such radars are designed to work as part of control systems when solving problems of detecting CC in all altitude ranges in the conditions of the use of electronic warfare. The data they receive will be used in the interests of advanced air defense and missile defense systems, detection and tracking of targets carried out at long ranges, as well as detection of ballistic missile launches, including through integration with similar means within NATO.

MP radar "Silent Sentry-2". According to foreign press reports, radars, which are based on the possibility of using radiation from television or radio broadcasting stations to illuminate targets, have been actively developed in NATO countries since the 1970s. A variant of such a system, created in accordance with the requirements of the US Air Force and the US Army, was the Silent Sentry MP radar, which, after improvement, received the name Silent Sentry-2.

According to foreign experts, the system makes it possible to detect aircraft, helicopters, missiles, control air traffic, control airspace in conflict zones, taking into account the secrecy of the work of US and NATO air defense and missile defense systems in these regions. It operates in the frequency ranges corresponding to the frequencies of TV or radio broadcasting transmitters existing in the theater.

The radiation pattern of the experimental receiving phased array (located in Baltimore at a distance of 50 km from the transmitter) was oriented towards Washington International Airport, where targets were detected and tracked during the testing process. A mobile version of the radar receiving station has also been developed.

In the course of work, the receiving and transmitting positions of the MP radar were combined by broadband data transmission lines, and the system includes processing facilities with high performance. According to foreign press reports, the capabilities of the Silent Sentry-2 system for detecting targets were confirmed during the flight of the MTKK STS 103 equipped with the Hubble telescope. During the experiment, targets were successfully detected, tracking of which was duplicated by onboard optical means, including a telescope. At the same time, the capabilities of the Saileng Sentry-2 radar to detect and track more than 80 ATs were confirmed. The data obtained during the experiments were used for further work on the creation of a multi-position system of the STAR type, designed to track low-orbiting spacecraft.

MP radar "Rias". Specialists from a number of NATO countries, according to foreign press reports, are also successfully working on the problem of creating MP radars. The French firms Thomson-CSF and Onera, in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force, carried out the relevant work within the framework of the Rias program. It was reported that in the period after 2015, such a system could be used to detect and track targets (including small-sized and made using stealth technology), UAVs and cruise missiles at long ranges.

According to foreign experts, the Rias system will allow solving the problems of air traffic control of military and civil aviation. Station "Rias" is a system with correlation processing of data from several receiving positions, which operates in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz. It consists of up to 25 distributed transmitters and receivers equipped with omnidirectional dipole antennas, which are similar to over-the-horizon radar antennas. Transmitting and receiving antennas on the 15th masts are located at intervals of tens of meters in concentric circles (up to 400 m in diameter). An experimental model of the "Rias" radar deployed on about. Levant (40 km from Toulon), during the test, ensured the detection of a high-altitude target (such as an airplane) at a distance of more than 100 km.

Estimated foreign press, this station provides a high level of survivability and noise immunity due to the redundancy of the system elements (the failure of individual transmitters or receivers does not affect the efficiency of its operation as a whole). During its operation, several independent sets of data processing equipment with receivers installed on the ground, on board the aircraft (when forming MP radars with large bases) can be used. As reported, the version of the radar, designed for use in combat conditions, will include up to 100 transmitters and receivers and solve the tasks of air defense, missile defense and air traffic control.

MP radar CELLDAR. According to foreign press reports, on the creation of new types of multi-position systems and means using the radiation of cellular network transmitters mobile communications, specialists from NATO countries (Great Britain, Germany, etc.) are actively working. The research is carried out by Roke Mainsr. "Siemens", "BAe Systems" and a number of others in the interests of the Air Force and the Ground Forces as part of the creation of a variant of a multi-position detection system for solving air defense and missile defense tasks using correlation processing of data from several receiving positions. The multi-position system uses radiation generated by transmitting antennas mounted on cell phone towers, which provides target illumination. As receiving devices, special equipment is used, operating in the frequency bands of the GSM 900, 1800 and 3G standards, which receives data from antenna subsystems in the form of phased array.

According to foreign press reports, the receivers of this system can be placed on the surface of the earth, mobile platforms, on board aircraft by integrating the AWACS system and transport and refueling aircraft into structural elements of aircraft. To improve the accuracy characteristics of the CELLDAR system and its noise immunity, together with receiving devices, it is possible to place acoustic sensors on the same platform. To make the system more efficient, it is also possible to install individual elements on UAVs and AWACS and control aircraft.

According to foreign experts, in the period after 2015 it is planned to widely use MP radars of this type in air defense and missile defense detection and control systems. Such a station will provide detection of moving ground targets, helicopters, submarine periscopes, surface targets, reconnaissance on the battlefield, support for actions special forces, protection of objects.

MP radar "Dark". According to foreign press reports, the French company "Thomson-CSF" conducted research and development to create a system for detecting air targets under the "Dark" program. In accordance with the requirements of the Air Force, the specialists of the lead developer, Thomson-CSF, tested an experimental sample of the Dark receiver, made in a stationary version. The station was located in Palaiseau and solved the problem of detecting aircraft flying from the Paris Orly airport. Radar signals for target illumination were formed by TV transmitters located on the Eiffel Tower (more than 20 km from the receiving device), as well as television stations in the cities of Bourges and Auxerre, located 180 km from Paris. According to the developers, the accuracy of measuring the coordinates and speed of movement of air targets is comparable to those of the detection radar.

According to foreign press reports, in accordance with the plans of the company's management, work on further improvement of the receiving equipment of the "Dark" system will be continued, taking into account the improvement in the technical characteristics of the receiving paths and the choice of a more efficient operating system of the computer complex. One of the most convincing arguments in favor of this system, according to the developers, is the low cost, since in the course of its creation, well-known technologies for receiving and processing radio and TV signals were used. After completion of work in the period after 2015, such a MP radar will effectively solve the problems of detecting and tracking ATs (including small ones and those made using the Stealth technology), as well as UAVs and KR at long ranges.

AASR radar. As noted in foreign press reports, specialists from the Swedish company Saab Microwave Systems announced that work was underway to create a multi-position air defense system AASR (Associative Aperture Synthesis Radar), which is designed to detect aircraft developed using stealth technology. According to the principle of operation, such a radar is similar to the CELLDAR system, which uses the radiation of transmitters of cellular mobile communication networks. According to the publication AW & ST, the new radar will ensure the interception of stealth air targets, including KR. It is planned that the station will include about 900 junction stations with diversity transmitters and receivers operating in the VHF band, while the carrier frequencies of the radio transmitters differ in ratings. Aircraft, KR and UAVs made using radio absorbing materials will create inhomogeneities in the radar field of transmitters due to absorption or re-reflection of radio waves. According to foreign experts, the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the target after joint processing of data received at the command post from several receiving positions can be about 1.5 m.

One of the significant drawbacks of the radar station being created is that effective target detection is possible only after it passes through the defended airspace, so there is little time left to intercept an air target. The design cost of the MP radar will be about $156 million, taking into account the use of 900 receiving units, which theoretically cannot be disabled by the first missile strike.

NLC Homeland Alert 100 detection system. Specialists from the American company Raytheon, together with the European company Tkhels, have developed a passive coherent NLC detection system designed to obtain data on low-speed low-altitude ATs, including UAVs, CR and targets created using stealth technology. It was developed in the interests of the Air Force and the US Army to solve air defense tasks in the context of the use of electronic warfare, in conflict zones, and to ensure the actions of special forces. protection of objects, etc. All Homeland Alert 100 equipment is placed in a container mounted on the chassis (4x4) of an off-road vehicle, but it can also be used in a stationary version. The system includes an antenna mast that can be deployed in a working position in a few minutes, as well as equipment for analyzing, classifying and storing data on all detected sources of radio emission and their parameters, which makes it possible to effectively detect and recognize various targets.

According to foreign press reports, the Homeland Alert 100 system uses signals generated by digital VHF broadcasting stations, analog TV broadcast transmitters, and terrestrial digital TV transmitters to illuminate targets. This provides the ability to receive signals reflected by targets, detect and determine their coordinates and speed in the azimuth sector of 360 degrees, elevation - 90 degrees, at ranges up to 100 km and up to 6000 m in height. Round-the-clock all-weather monitoring of the environment, as well as the possibility of autonomous operation or as part of an information network, allow relatively inexpensive ways to effectively solve the problem of detecting low-altitude targets, including in difficult jamming conditions, in conflict zones in the interests of air defense and missile defense. When using the Homeland Alert 100 MP radar as part of network control systems and interacting with warning and control centers, the Asterix / AWCIES protocol is used. The increased noise immunity of such a system is based on the principles of multipositional information processing and the use of passive modes of operation.

Foreign media reported that the Homeland Alert 100 system was planned to be acquired by a number of NATO countries.

Thus, the ground-based air defense-missile defense radar stations in the theater that are in service with NATO countries and are being developed remain the main source of information about air targets and are the main elements in the formation of a unified picture of the air situation.

(V. Petrov, S. Grishulin, "Foreign Military Review")

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