January in Tenerife: a vacation on the Atlantic coast that will not be forgotten. January in Tenerife: an unforgettable vacation on the Atlantic coast What to see in Tenerife in January


Climate and weather in Tenerife in January: weather, holidays and prices in winter

Island eternal spring, which is what Tenerife is often called, is always beautiful. Here everything is constantly blooming, it is always warm here and almost always sunny. Why is it always sunny? Yes, just in winter months precipitation is possible over the island, and in general, the weather in Tenerife in January 2020 is the coolest for the whole year. The water temperature in the first month of the year does not rise above twenty degrees Celsius, and the air warms up to +17, which is great for walking and excursions, but not suitable for beach holidays and swimming in the ocean.

However, January is one of the months when there are many tourists on the island. There is only one reason: Christmas and New Year holidays in most countries of the world. Agree, many will agree to relax in a place where it is +17 during the day, and not where it is minus seventeen. And tourists are not even embarrassed by the fact that you can’t swim, they are attracted by the availability of tours in Tenerife at this time of the year.

We’ll talk about prices and availability later, but for now it’s better to pay attention to the weather. As already written above, during the day the thermometer stays at +17 degrees. Of course, this is not ice what temperature for the region, but everything is better than severe frosts in Russia. Although sometimes the sun is a little more active and warms the air up to +22 degrees Celsius. But even on these rare days, swimming does not pull, as the blowing wind is not very pleasant, and sometimes cold.

As darkness falls, the temperature drops. local climate and geographical position the island does not allow the air to cool down to minus temperatures and even to zero, so at night it is about +12 +15 degrees. There are almost no sharp temperature drops at night, so you should not expect frost or, on the contrary, warmer nights. Walking in the evening is possible, but it is worth putting on warm clothes to feel more comfortable. Better yet, spend evenings in restaurants or other places where there will be no wind and it will be clearly warmer than the weather outside.
The ocean off the coast of Tenerife rarely changes its temperature at all. It is extremely difficult to warm up or vice versa to freeze such an amount of water. In January, the water here will be +20 +22 degrees. For comparison, the warmest sea in this area is in September and it warms up to +24 degrees. But in September, the weather is different during the day, about +30 heat, so in the fall you can swim here, and almost not in winter. Plus, in the middle of winter, the winds that blow from all sides raise waves on the sea. For surfers, this is a paradise, and ordinary tourists can only watch how at least someone enjoys the sea.

Daylight hours are slowly getting bigger. At the beginning of the month it was 10.4 hours, and at the end it was about 10.8 hours. Of course, the increase is not so significant, but you need to know where Tenerife is located geographically and everything will become clear by itself.
There are 31 days in January and 18 of them will be sunny. 18 is the average figure that was calculated based on observations over the past five years. Also, if we take these observations, we can say that 1-2 days this month are rainy. It turns out that for about 10 days it’s just cloudy weather, when there is no precipitation, but there is no sun either.
As for precipitation, their amount is 26 millimeters per month. This is not much, and when compared with two months earlier, it is a mere trifle.

Features of the weather in Tenerife in January

In January, Tenerife is warmer than Mallorca. It is not for nothing that the island is called the island of eternal spring. Precipitation mainly takes place in the northern part of Tenerife and it is there that the main vegetation grows. In the north of the island, at any time of the year, there are huge banana groves, vineyards, dates and other forests.
The island is not the largest, but its area is impressive. But this is not the main thing, and the main thing is that the weather in different regions Tenerife is completely different. For example, they ate the sky somewhere in the clouds, then on the other side of the island at the same time the sun shines and warms the tourists. The same goes for cloudy weather. At the same time in different places islands can be sunny all day, or the sky can be overcast with thick clouds.

Today I would like to tell my review about our winter trip to the picturesque in January. The plan was this: to celebrate the New Year 2014-2015 at home, and then escape for a week to bask in the warm sun, which we missed so much in cold and gloomy St. Petersburg.

Since we were flying with the whole family, we began to prepare for the rest in advance: we booked apartments and bought plane tickets to the Canary Islands. Early in the morning of January 3rd, we were already sitting on our suitcases and waiting for a taxi. Our journey has begun!

Flight from St. Petersburg to Tenerife

On the flight, we decided to save money by buying at a promotional offer: in Berlin and Munich. Considering that we had a great New Year's walk, the choice of such a difficult route was a mistake. The flight from St. Petersburg to Berlin took about two hours, from Berlin to Munich an hour and another 4 hours from Munich to Tenerife itself. We flew with the German airlines AirBerlin, from which I was also not thrilled. Even during the five-hour flight from Munich to the south, we were offered only cold sandwiches.

Advice: Take your pick whenever possible, especially if you're flying. Do not start your vacation with negative impressions. And don't forget to grab something to eat on the plane.

Hello Canaries!

Despite all our fatigue after a long flight, we were incredibly amazed by the beauty and unusualness of the place where we found ourselves. At first glance, it reminded me of some mountain desert. Although it was January outside, the weather and air temperature were far from wintery: about 25 degrees Celsius. To get to our pre-booked apartments from we decided to take a taxi. What I was very surprised at was the inability of taxi drivers to speak English fluently. It took us about five minutes to explain where we were actually going.

Advice: At home, print out the address of your future home so that you do not have to waste time explaining.

Apartments for rent

We agreed with the owner of the apartment on Airbnb. In fact, there are a huge number of profitable and not very offers for renting housing in Tenerife, you just need to be able to search. Our apartments, located in the area, were really huge. Two floors, 6 rooms, amazing view from the balcony: what more can you ask for!

Of course, in the house there were such necessary modern man things like fridge, stove, washing machine, dishwasher and internet. In the yard there was our private pool, in which, unfortunately, we swam only a couple of times. The ocean water was cold for us. Despite high temperature air and clear, the whole week was quite windy.

Advice: If you are traveling in a large company or with your family, be sure to book an apartment in Tenerife, it will be cheaper than if you huddle in a hotel.

Where to go?

Since we had children with us, unfortunately, we almost did not manage to visit. However, we did a lot of walking around the area. Our favorite itinerary was walking along the embankment. Since it was blowing from the sea strong wind, then it was not hot at all to walk. But swimming in January was quite problematic: it was about twenty degrees. Personally, I only had enough for a few heroic swims.

On the shore there is a huge number of all kinds of restaurants and eateries where you can have a bite to eat or drink some sangria. By the way, I definitely recommend trying real Spanish sangria: it's incredibly delicious! As for souvenirs, the island does not strike the imagination: ordinary magnets, key chains and a bunch of phallic-shaped wooden openers. Although this is, of course, an amateur. Separately, I would like to say about shopping. You can find many shops on famous brands. Most of the brands, although they are Spanish, are no cheaper than in the same Russia. However, the choice in stores is not bad, so it's still worth bringing something from clothes.

Advice: Do not run headlong to the first eatery on the beach that you will be called to by the employee of this institution. Go around several places, compare prices and assortment.

Village "Mask"

One hour by bus and you can be in this amazing place. Mountains, small houses, neat flower beds: all this fascinates. Definitely recommend to visit!


During our entire trip, we were only a few times: in Japanese and fish. The food was delicious, but if you had the opportunity to cook at home, it was useless. Most often, we bought groceries in a huge supermarket called Mercadona. There you can find fresh fruits / vegetables, and sanctioned sweets, and the freshest seafood for every taste. The quality of products is much higher than in our stores, and the price is quite reasonable. The only downside is that the big shops are closed on Sundays, so you had to buy in advance or go to the mini-markets, where, of course, there is no such choice.

Advice: If you have the ability and desire to cook at home, then do not spend money on restaurants. Believe me, the food you cook will be no worse, and maybe even tastier.

Impressions and conclusions

  1. The island is good at any time of the year, but still I would advise you to come here in summer / autumn, when the water temperature allows you to swim in comfort.
  2. If you have the opportunity to do laundry at home, then you should not take a lot of things with you. It will be enough shorts, a few T-shirts / T-shirts and a swimsuit.
  3. It is better to go for a longer period than for a week. There are so many places on the island that are worth visiting, in a week you run the risk of not having time to go everywhere you planned. Even with a small child, we found so much to relax and do in Tenerife in January!

That's all I wanted to tell you. I hope mine was helpful to someone. Thank you for your attention and have a wonderful trip!

Angry boss sent on vacation in the winter? Do not be sad, and at this time of the year there are many places on the map where you can go on vacation. One such place is the island of Tenerife, largest representative Canary archipelago, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. The weather here is exceptionally favorable, so a holiday in Tenerife in January can be unforgettable.

Weather in Tenerife in January

Winter in Tenerife is no less comfortable in terms of climate than other seasons. In general, the climate is, in a way, a feature of the island. The warm subtropical climate makes it weather comfortable, but not exhaustingly hot, although Tenerife is located with the Sahara desert at the same latitude. This is what attracts many Europeans here who want to spend the New Year and Christmas holidays in the warmth.

January, due to the rains passing in the northern part of the island, is characterized by rapid evergreen flowering. Those who were lucky enough to visit the north of Tenerife will long remember the subtropical riot of colors and colors in the middle of winter. It is safe to say that Tenerife justifies its nickname "the island of eternal spring" one hundred percent. The southern part of the island is less rich in this respect, but it is also less rainy.

As for the average temperature, it reaches the minimum values ​​of the year in January. However, one should not be very scared, it did not fall below +11 for the entire known history islands. On average, the air warms up to +20 degrees during the day and +15 - at night. Rains in January in Tenerife fall less frequently than in late autumn and early winter - only about 35 mm, but the air humidity remains generally higher than in summer.

In general, the north of the island is more capricious in terms of weather than the docile south. This happens due to the fault of the northeast trade winds, which are quite cold at this time of the year. There are more days when the sky will be covered with clouds than absolutely cloudless ones, but the amount of rainfall in general does not exceed an average of 3 days per month. When planning a vacation, it is worth considering that the relief of the island is so complex and diverse that the weather in different parts of it can vary significantly. While it will be raining in the north, in the south it may well be warm, windless weather without any precipitation. So, the northern resort town of Puerto de la Cruz is located in the low part of the island, respectively, it is cooler here than in its western brother Guia de Ezor. However, the difference between them usually does not exceed 1-2 degrees.

More significantly, the thermometer can fall in settlements, which are located in the central part of the island and at a considerable distance from the ocean. In such places, the temperature ranges from about +7 to +15 Celsius. Much colder around the village of Vilaflor and on the way to the top of the Teide volcano. Tourists without a warm jacket and closed shoes are at risk of catching a cold. In addition, at higher elevations, the likelihood of rain and dense fog increases, which can spoil the impression of the tour - it will hide many of the beautiful landscapes that open on a clear day.

If you are going to Tenerife in January, you must definitely take care of the presence of warm clothes. This is especially important if you are planning an active holiday and hiking, climbing the volcano.

beach holiday

Sunbathing in Tenerife in January is quite possible, the weather is conducive to this, the sun is warm and not scalding, so the risk of getting burned is minimal. Best Places for sunbathing at this time - Las Americas, Los Cristianos and Costa Adeje. You can snatch a few sunny hours from winter without any problems.

The water temperature in Tenerife in January is about 19 degrees. You can swim in such water, but there are very few who want it - it is very cool and refreshing water. For especially heat-loving tourists, almost all 4-5 star Tenerife hotels provide heated pools. The temperature in them is maintained at +24, which allows you to comfortably relax with children. all year round.

But for fans of surfing and windsurfing in Tenerife in January - complete freedom of action! Thanks to good winds, there are a lot of them at this time of the year on the island.

What to do in Tenerife in January?

For those who still do not know what to do in Tenerife in January, we want to give you some ideas for spending your leisure time.

Since the weather is cool in January, a good alternative beach holiday this month can serve as walking tours in national park Teide. Climbing mountains in cool weather is much more comfortable than on a hot summer day. Feel like a pioneer, walk around and see the volcano, visit the observatory and admire the famous lunar landscape. The climate for this kind of research in January is quite favorable, and believe me, there will be many impressions from independent discoveries.

Entertainment establishments in Tenerife are open all year round. Lovers of good music will like local nightclubs with their modern hits and sets of famous DJs.

Tenerife is called the "Island of Eternal Spring" due to its mild climate. Here even in January it is sunny and warm. Unfortunately, tourists are unlikely to swim, but there are many places worthy of attention on the island - so those who come at the beginning of the year will not be bored. Moreover, due to the absence of an influx of tourists, no one will interfere with a measured inspection.

The cost of package tours

Immediately after everyone can be met New Year on canary islands, you can go there to rest at very attractive prices. In winter, a holiday in the Canary Islands is quite interesting, since all the main attractions (Loro Park, the Teide volcano, Siam Park and everything else) are open all year round and the season does not affect the quality in any way. But prices until April will be very attractive.

The only negative is the cold ocean, but if you wish, you can plunge into it. Most of the time should be spent by the pool.


The beginning of the year on the island is quite warm, even weather will continue throughout the month. average temperature air rarely falls below + 19˚С, as it rises above + 23˚С. Traditionally, the south is characterized by higher rates (Costa Adeje, Los Cristianos, Playa de Fanabe, El Medano). While in the north the temperature is lower by 2-3˚С (Las Palosam, Santa Cruz de Tenerife).

The daily amplitude is 5-7˚, so warm clothes will not be superfluous, especially if you plan trips around the island, since at an altitude of 2000 m above the level of national park Teide will be cold.

Water temperature

Despite the influence of the warm Caribbean current, the water Atlantic Ocean in January, only rare tourists will call it warm. For most people, temperatures starting from +22˚С are comfortable, and in Tenerife it does not exceed +20˚С. Three recent years the water temperature here only once reached +21˚ ... +22˚С.

weather features

The island of Tenerife is flooded with sunshine at the beginning of the year. Especially its southern part, where the number of clear days reaches 27-28, while in the north there are no more than 20. And if you can’t swim because of the cool water, then nothing will prevent you from returning with a beautiful tan. A sunny day lasts about 9 hours.

Another plus is the lack or low rainfall. During the month, no more than 26 mm falls in the north and less than 11 mm in the south of the island.

The wind will not interfere with rest, the strength of which in January is not as strong as, for example, in December. Differs in complete calmness East Coast(Santa Cruz de Tenerife and El Medano).

Airfare prices

Although January is not the peak tourist season on the island, prices remain at the level of summer, and sometimes even exceed them. The only way to save money is to use early booking. Find better deals on departures by day, different dates and choose the most profitable and convenient option for you in the form below.

On average, the cost of a room in a 3-star hotel on the island is 2-3 thousand rubles per day, these are the rates in Costa Adeje and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It will be cheaper to stay in hotels in Puerto de la Cruz, where a similar room costs from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles per day. Those who want to visit Playa de las Americas will have to pay 3.1-5.2 thousand rubles for a room.

Thus, for an economical tour in Tenerife in January, a minimum amount of 45 thousand rubles is required, this includes the cost of a round-trip flight for two and a week's stay in a 3-star hotel.

What the island has to offer

The first month of the year is usually chosen by tourists who prefer a measured rest to noisy fun and recreation to swimming. It is ideal for sun and air baths.

Apart from the celebration of the New Year and Christmas, which are considered here family holidays and take place in a close circle, in the first month of the year there are several events.

The first one is dedicated to St. Antonio, therefore, it received the name - Romeria de San Antonio Abad. It is celebrated in Costa Adeje in mid-January with a festive procession, in which residents of cities with pets participate. The consecration of such a procession should bring health to both people and their pets.

The month ends with an annual music festival"De Música de Canarias".

A trip to Tenerife in January is definitely more affordable than in high summer and autumn seasons. But is it justified, and what can you do on the island in the dead of winter? This is what our Tour-Calendar tried to figure out.

Weather in Tenerife in January

Thanks to the Canaries warm current, enveloping the island in a direction from north to south, even in the winter season Tenerife has a very mild climate. In fact, it warms the atmosphere and does not allow it to cool, so in January it is much warmer here than in the same Mallorca. No wonder Tenerife is called the "island of eternal spring." This month, however, as always, its northern part, due to the greater share of precipitation falling on it, is buried in greenery: banana groves, vineyards, date palms, subtropical relict forests and lush gardens with tropical flowers. Southern regions rather sparse in vegetation. In general, Tenerife is still many-sided and beautiful, the only changes that have taken place are in the weather. Temperature regime this month is the coolest of the year, at the same time the amount of precipitation is slightly reduced compared to November and December. The average value of the thermometer from the absolute maximums is about +20 °C, and the absolute minimums - +14 °C. Nevertheless, the complex rugged relief was the reason for the formation on such a small area at the same time of several climatic zones. Therefore, if on one coast of Tenerife the sky is covered with thick clouds and it is about to start raining, then on the other coast it is possible that it will be sunny and dry. In the capital in January, the delta of daily temperatures ranges from +14 to 20 °C. Puerto de la Cruz has a more northerly position and lies in a lowland, so it is fair that it is somewhat cooler here - +12..+18 °C. In the secluded western resort of Guia de Ezora, these values ​​​​are slightly lower - + 11 + 17 ° C. In areas far removed from coastline or located closer to central zones, meteorologists fix from 6..+8 °C to +13..+14 °C. There is snow in the mountains at this time, take this into account when planning your excursion there. Despite the decrease in precipitation, the humidity of the air this month throughout the island, with the exception of its southern part, remains elevated. In the north, the weather is characterized by great instability, as cold trade winds come here from the northeast. The number of cloudy and rainy days here exceeds the number of sunny days. In the depths of Tenerife, frequent showers are still possible, and on southern resorts precipitation is reduced to 5-6 days.

Of course, the first thing to do when you arrive in Tenerife is to explore it far and wide. The weather for this is the most favorable. The sensations brought while traveling through cities and villages are simply unforgettable. You can also go shopping, there is a very low VAT rate (branded alcohol will cost you much cheaper than in the duty free of the local airport, and even more so than in Moscow stores). Well, you should not deny yourself big and small entertainment: all kinds of shows, discos in nightclubs, restaurants, etc.

beach holiday

Comfortable swimming in Tenerife in January, unless you practice winter swimming or belong to the Balts, is unlikely. Water on the southern coast of the Atlantic Ocean is kept at +19 ° C, and on the northern coast this figure can be one notch less. However, here on the coastal strip, except for windsurfers and surfers, no one "lives". On the northeastern beaches of "Roque de las Bodegas" and "Almaciga" there is a meeting of big waves, winds and ... a person.

In particular warm days when dry and sunny weather sets in, it is quite possible to get your portion of tan and vitamin D on the island. The most likely to do this in resorts such as Las Americas, Costa Adeje and Los Cristianos.

Entertainment and excursions

Fascinated by wildlife, we can recommend a visit to "Laura Park", which is located in the northern city of Puerto de la Cruz. It is a huge complex, on the territory of which there is a zoo, an aquarium, and Botanical Garden. But most importantly, why tens of thousands of tourists flock here, this is an incomparable show of killer whales and sea ​​lions. No less interesting can be a trip to the “Park of the Eagles” (“Jungle Park”) in the south of the island, which is home to about 500 species of animals, including tigers and cougars.

Amateur photographers (and not only them) should definitely take gorgeous pictures against the backdrop of the volcanic sand of Playa de la Arena. And if this seems insufficient, you can take part in an excursion called "A trip to the most beautiful places islands." And do not forget to bring Canarian wines and liqueurs, which are famous for their excellent taste, as a gift to your relatives. And also keep in mind that the price tag for perfume here is much lower than in Russia.

Holidays and festivals

On January 6, the Feast of the Three Wise Men / Kings, also known as Epiphany, is celebrated everywhere on the island. On this day in the capital of Tenerife and in many other major cities one can observe their solemn procession, as well as a huge crowd of people, among which there are a lot of children. Wise men generously give them sweets and gifts. This is a kind of tribute to a distant event, when the three wise men Caspar, Melchior and Belshazzar came to the newborn Jesus to bow to him. On January 27, on the beach of Almaciga, located in the north of the country, a feast is held in honor of Our Lady of Nuestra Señora de Begoña / Nuestra Señora de Begoña. In the middle of the month, in the southern city of Arona, the memory of St. Antonio-Abad "Fiesta de San Antonio Abad" is venerated. At the end of January (sometimes at the beginning of January), Santa Cruz de Tenerife hosts one of the most important classical music festivals in Europe, the Festival de Música de Canarias.

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