Holiday for children about the winter months of January. Winter months: January. It was in January

Winter is in full swing in January. Frost and cold create their fairy tale from the patterns on the windows, blizzards and blizzards sing and circle. The days are already getting longer. The sun, of course, does not yet have time to warm the earth, so in the cold the air becomes frosty. Children can tell the proverb: "The sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost." You can’t stand in one place for a long time: you want to run, move in order to keep warm. There is another proverb: “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.”

But at night you can admire clear sky and stars sparkling like diamonds.

Tell the children about January.

January second month of winter. There are 31 days in January. The name of the month comes from the name of the god Janus, who was worshiped by the ancient Romans. Janus was considered the god of the Sun and the beginning, entrances and exits, so he was usually depicted with two faces facing in opposite directions to the past and the future.

The ancient Slavs called January "prosinets" (because at this time the ice on the river turns blue) or even "cut" (at this time they chopped, "cut" the forest).

People say: “January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

Observations of inanimate nature in January

In January, there is a lot of snow, if the frost is not strong, then you can make a snowman, play snowballs. In severe frost, the snow is dry, crumbles and it is practically impossible to sculpt from it.

In the sun and under the light of lanterns in the evening, the snow glitters very beautifully. Children can be asked what kind of snow. (White, fluffy, hairy, plump). Children can be shown pictures of artists about winter, recall the caric verses of Russian poets.

Review snowflakes with children. They are very different. Remember. The shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather. When there is no wind, snowflakes fall slowly, they are large, shiny, like stars. During the thaw, they form flakes.

Playing with snow, children learn its properties. Children know that snow protects the ground from freezing, a loose layer of snow retains heat better, since there is a lot of air there, so there is no need to compact the snow near the trees.

When the snow is removed, it is taken to the gardens, to the fields, because the snow cover is a source of moisture for plants. And it is also useful to water indoor flowers with melted snow.

During the thaw, children often see icicles on the roofs of houses. You can tell them where they come from.

Where do icicles come from

Icicles are formed when low temperatures, usually a few degrees less than zero and when water enters. On the roofs of houses under the influence of sunlight, the snow begins to melt, water forms. Under the influence of gravity, the water flows down, and thanks to the cold air, it freezes. On one frozen drop flows another, also freezing. then the next one, and so on. When there are already too many drops, the icicle may break down and fall to the ground.

Watching flora and fauna

In winter, you can cut a branch of a tree and put it in warm water. She won't bloom for a long time. And only at the end of winter, cut branches will give young shoots. The trees are at rest.

When walking, pay attention to the beauty of nature.

In frosty foggy weather, frost appears on the branches of trees and shrubs - ice coristals. This is a very beautiful sight. The trees seem to be standing in a fairy tale. Hoarfrost is often confused with hoarfrost - small ice coristalls that look like tiny snowflakes. But frost never forms on thin branched objects. It lies on the ground on clear cold nights, forms elegant patterns on our windows.

Trees often crackle in the forest. Cracks may appear on them, so they say "biting frosts."

But even in such severe frosts, life in the forest does not stop. Cones ripen on fir-trees and pines. seeds are poured out of them, on which there are small wings. They fly apart and are blown away by the wind.

Grouse and black grouse burrow into the snow. And at the top of the spruce crossbills hatch their chicks. In reservoirs under the ice, life also continues - burbot spawns.

January is the coldest month of the year. at this time it is very difficult for the birds. Therefore, together with the children, feed the arriving birds.

Our grandfather also made a bird feeder, and every day we pour grains and seeds into it for the birds that arrive. This is titmouse, sparrows.

On walks, talk with children about animals, how they hibernate, for example, about a hare. Hares are not noticeable in the snow in winter, because their fur coat has become white. They feed more often at night, eating aspen bark. Hares have sharp teeth like scissors.

In the park you can see traces of squirrels. In severe frosts, the squirrel hides in its nest,

Read stories and fairy tales about animals to children.

Holidays in January

There are a lot of holidays in January. 1st of January - New Year, January 7 - Christmas. For the holidays, we decorated the Christmas tree, prepared gifts. Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated with apples, nuts and cornfets.

January 13 - Old New Year. It was on this day that the New Year was celebrated until 1918. Then in Russia they began to use a different calendar, but the tradition of celebrating the new year remained.

And in January, the most fun winter holidays for children. The children had a rest, played snowballs, rolled on sleds, skates, skis. You can have fun during your winter holidays.

Signs of January

  • If January last year was warm, January this year will be colder.
  • Dry January - the peasant is rich.
  • If January is cold, July will be dry, hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
  • If it's January in March, fear January in March.
  • January hangs a lot of frequent and long icicles- the harvest will be good.
  • Frosts in the last week of January promise a cold summer.

More about January:

  • the month of January is the sovereign of winter;
  • in January and the pot on the stove freezes;
  • January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints cunning patterns on the windows, darkens the eye with snow. yes, the ear tears with frost;
  • in January, the cold hung over the earth. cold and hungry at this time to the beast and bird.

Proverbs and sayings about January

January - I sang all year long.

January is a fierce, crackling, snowman.

January - clematis, take care of your nose.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

The snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.

If there is no snow, there will be no trace.

In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.

As the day grows in January, the cold also grows.

Snow is the breadwinner of the earth, which is a warm casing.

January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.

Tell the children about January, signs, talk about the weather, read books about animals. While walking, watch the birds.

And our photos in January

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Best regards, Olga.

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which both schoolchildren and teachers may need when compiling stories and reports about this time of year. primary school to introduce students to the topic "Winter. winter months. winter phenomena nature. winter omens about the weather.", in which case the story can be presented as a presentation. You will get a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last multi-colored leaves have finished falling and wrap the earth in their motley carpet, and the gray rain drops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its severe cold. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and soothed by the discordant but melodic tune of a blizzard. However, this exciting time of the year declares itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius and makes it chilly to wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, in contrast to the mild autumn November, already very rarely pampers nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold and frost, lowering the temperature column on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm snow blanket. Thanks to such care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of timid sunlight. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the more sonorous its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to give up its positions, and the cold December nights are getting longer. Short frosts are already beginning to show their severe character, and a thin crust of ice fetters the movement of meandering rivers. Sometimes December indulges in small thaws and a pleasant rise in temperature, but it can remind you of itself with sharp frosts, and the Arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. In a day winter solstice On December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon for the entire year.

With the onset of December, a lot of folk signs about the weather are connected. Here are some of them:

  • If in December the sky is overcast and the clouds hang low, then it is worth waiting for a big harvest next year.
  • If thunder often rumbles this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The lack of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • A lot of snow, hoarfrost and frozen ground signify a good harvest in autumn.
  • If the bullfinches arrived this month, then the winter will be with frost.

In Rus', at the beginning of December, they already began to break through sledge tracks and arranged trekking. From December 9, in the evening, it was worth staying closer to the houses, as the wolves began to come closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also the eager anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of a new year, but also the time of gaining new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Each person on this holiday becomes a child and is looking forward to the onset of a bewitching fairy tale and the fulfillment of all dreams. The smell of pine needles and the unique taste of tangerines evoke warm memories and makes the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


Winter is in full swing in January. She reigns serenely in nature and continues her snowy and frosty procession. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter fairy tale from the intricate patterns on the windows, they sing about her, whirling in the whirlpool of a blizzard, and boldly look at the cloudless blue sky. crackling frost makes itself felt with clubs of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling of the cheeks and nose. All this magic is supported by the temperature already established in the range of -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually getting longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing ground. However, the piercing light of the bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold claims its rights even stronger and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, at night you can admire the clear sky and sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind does not have such force as in December and does not shake the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its bewitching beauty, but also for the onset of the most important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This Holy holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together under the chime of bells.

The days from January 7 to 19 are called Christmas time. They are illuminated by the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune-telling and carols. Most often they guessed on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to know who would be their betrothed, and married women sought to find out what the weather would be like in summer and whether it was worth waiting for a big harvest. Christmas time was also a period of noisy weddings. In Rus', sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun were organized these days.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if January 21 will blow South wind, then the summer will be rainy, and if there is frost on the haystacks on the 23rd, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the cloudy gray sky, which continues to wrap the sleeping earth with a soft cap of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows bright sunbeams to often peep through dense clouds. Winter still reminds of itself with the discordant tune of a blizzard and a cheerful carousel of snowflakes swirling with a blizzard, but the premonition of spring gradually begins to enliven everything around. Pink from the prickly frost, the cheeks gradually begin to warm up timidly. solar heat. The snow is covered with a thin crust and begins to slowly give up, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer, and the clear sky is increasingly pleasing to the eye with its unique blue.

IN southern regions In Russia, buds appear on the willows - the first harbingers of spring, and the thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face with small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with long-awaited thaws. However, bewitching snowstorms and stubborn cold will not soon surrender to the mercy of the beautiful spring.

February is associated with many folk signs about the weather.

  • If the weather is very cold and frosty this month, then the summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a poor harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles, then it is worth waiting for strong winds.
  • Rainy February speaks of the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frosts, and dim - thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very strong, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter coming

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low-hanging clouds. They envelop the sky like a fur blanket and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their veil and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and already warms not so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this with sparkling snowflakes, neatly, like sparkling silver, covering everything around.

Thick cover of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of the year, fluffy snowflakes do not melt under timid sunlight, but, gradually increasing, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is famous for its frosts. Gradually it gets colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle your cheeks and nose and make you wrap yourself more tightly in winter clothes. Her permanent companions - a hat and mittens - are added to a warm jacket.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves. However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees they do not want to part with their green needles and continue to please them even in winter.

IN winter time little food so some animals hibernate, and those that remain awake grow fluffy and thick fur. A hare, for example, turns white, and a hedgehog and a bear hibernate.

It is also not easy for birds to endure cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly away to warmer climes, and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of the year, there are such interesting and unusual natural phenomena as:

  • Blizzard
  • black ice
  • icicles
  • Frost patterns

A snowstorm arises with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, drags it into a mysterious winter dance. It's very harsh a natural phenomenon, which is better not to meet on the way. The snowstorm boldly disposes of the snowy landscape and disposes of fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold rule their ball.

Icing like sweet winter dream, binds reservoirs and covers with a thin crust of ice not only the continuous flow of rivers, but also all roads. This happens if after rain or sleet the temperature column drops below zero. The ice on the rivers hinders navigation, but gives wide scope for all kinds of winter activities, such as sledding, skating or skiing.

Another interesting winter phenomenon is icicles. They, like ice daggers, pierce the ground as they fall and shatter into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow begins to melt on rooftops or other flat objects, and the resulting water freezes at night in low temperatures.

Frosty patterns, like frost, are an incredible lace creation of winter. Their bizarre pattern and bewitching beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse in snow fairy tale. This is made possible by the formation of ice crystals that settle on the irregularities of the glass. They overlap each other and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only a beautiful time of the year, but also a very unusual one. She's like big mystery which is yet to be unraveled. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and there are no two identical snowflakes in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they fall to the ground so slowly.
  • In Antarctica, you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • IN different countries and parts of the world ice has different temperature. For example, the coldest ice is found in the Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, while the warmest (0 degrees) is on the peaks of the Scandinavian Mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the inhabitants of the Earth have never seen real snow at all.
  • On February 18, 1979, snowfall was recorded in the Sahara desert, and this is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • Enjoy yourself warm winter possible in North Sudan. There, at this time of the year, the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the air temperature there averages -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of the year, when, despite the short day and frosty air, life does not stop, but is filled with new light and sound. The snow-white cover of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, unique patterns on glass and ice crust that bind rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly rubbing your cheeks, reminds you of how many games there are on fresh air hides this time of year and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.

January opens a new year for us, this is the most favorite month among winter months, although not the most prosperous in terms of temperature conditions. If we describe January as the weather period of the year, then it can be described as the coldest time, when the coldest frosts, and at least sell snow on the street to warm countries.

Winter in January, as they say, is in its juice, its height, when the days, although they are added, are still quite short, and the nights are long. Frosts in January are crackling and pinching our noses and ears. Prosinets January acquired one of its names, primarily from filled bright sun days.

Description and characteristics of the nature of January

Here comes January, the middle of winter with real winter weather. Severe frosts are crackling in the yard, the sky is blue and clear, and the sun, although it shines, is still almost not warm. The brighter the daylight hours, the stronger the expectation of frost, and the snowdrifts blind our eyes. Such is he winter january, opening the year and dividing the winter in half.

This can be said to be the most winter month of the winter months, it has the coldest temperature days. In nature, complete calm and serenity reigns, all animals and birds lurk waiting for warmth, some slightest thaw and the opportunity to rest, gain new strength before the next portion of the cold.

The temperature in our country is usually quite low in January, usually below 10 degrees Celsius (in the European part of our vast homeland), regardless of the region in a rare case there are thaws this month, and even then they are short-term.

Days from the beginning of the month begin to increase, little by little, and nature wakes up, feels an increase daylight. Even if you take a twig from a tree and put it in a bowl of water and on the window where the January sun shines, the first leaves will appear on it very soon.

This means that winter has turned to summer, nature reacts quite sensitively to such changes, feels such a turn, and it is already in the agonizing expectation of warm days.

The first month of the year in the folk calendar is full of all sorts of events, most of which are festive, loved by the people and widely celebrated. We all know about the New Year, Christmas Eve, Epiphany and other January festivities, in which we ourselves have repeatedly taken part.

You can recall how Christmas time is held from January 7 until the 19th of the month. The days of January earlier, as well as now, were usually divided into New Year's Eve and New Year's. Let us remind those who have forgotten and tell those who did not know - before Christmas time is coming Christmas Eve, after it comes Christmas, and before it it was customary before, and even now - to adhere to the Christmas fast.

The sun in January is quite strong, but due to severe frosts it does not fully display its strength. This month, you can expect anything from nature, up to significant positive temperatures, which in the last couple of decades has been repeatedly recorded on the territory of our country, its European part, although in January this is almost an exceptional episode.

Usually January in terms of climatic regimes and weather precipitation in the form of snow, is quite stable and rarely surprises us. We are already accustomed to the fact that this particular winter month is the coldest and most predictable.

January is also called - lulled by snowstorms, it is because of it that nature falls asleep sweet and long sleep. At this time, trees and shrubs crackle from frost in the forest and parks, rivers freeze completely and right up to the very spring, and snowdrifts grow larger every day.

People say this about this month - Winter-zimushka wandered into us and brought her rights. Children rejoice in January, especially during the New Year holidays, frost and heavy snow do not allow them to sit still, they are all on the move - they play snowballs, sled and ski, sculpt a snowman.

The nature of January and its description

In conclusion, we will remind those who have forgotten about the signs of January, or we will tell those of you who do not know about them, what this winter month warns about, what it tells you and me ...

Remember the first week of January, if it turns out to be warm and sunny, then the beginning of next May should be cold and windy;

If the beginning of January is with hard frosts, then the summer will surely turn out to be hot;

In January, slight frosts (warm enough), we should expect a late arrival of spring.

January is characterized as the most cold period of the year, but for you and me he is expected and loved, it is easy to describe his expectation, because it is from this month that we are used to starting new life, give a start to new ideas, we connect our hopes with him, which will certainly come true!

Time rushes faster and faster, accelerating at the corners ... but at the same time, each new day is a gift, this is the happiness of the moment, these are new emotions and new discoveries. In our heading, it's time for January. Today we will tell the children about January, and we ourselves will learn interesting signs, poems and proverbs.

About January for children

We have an old proverb " January - the beginning of the year, the middle of winter". Indeed, January is the second winter month and the first month of the year. This is the coldest month. Previously, in the old days, January was called "Sechen", since it was in this month that they went to the forest to cut frozen trees. It was also called "Prosinets" because of the color of the ice.

They say: " The month of January - the sovereign of winter". Indeed, this is the middle of winter, when the frost is getting stronger, the ice on the river is getting thicker, and the snowdrifts are bigger. At this time, the day begins to increase again, the sun rises earlier. If the thaw begins, the snow becomes soft, you can make a snowman or play snowballs. All plants and trees are still in hibernation. Animals and birds are getting hungry. But spring is still far away.

Holidays in January

But the fact that it is very cold outside is not a reason to be sad at all. After all, in January there are many wonderful fun holidays.

The most beloved is the New Year, it is celebrated on January 1st. In this magical night you can make your deepest desires under the chiming clock and look for long-awaited gifts from Grandfather Frost.

January 7 all Orthodox world celebrates Christmas. On this day, they prepare a delicious dinner and wait for the first star in the sky, after which the whole family gathers at the table, chatting, joking. The evening ends with a trip to godparents and carols.

We also celebrate the so-called Old New Year on January 13th. Why is he old? Yes, because until 1918, the New Year familiar to us was celebrated on this day. The calendar has changed, but the good tradition remains. This day is usually spent quietly in the circle of loved ones. Also on this night it is customary to guess.

It is worth mentioning the Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 19th. The holiday is also dedicated to Jesus Christ. On this day, it is customary to go to church and bless the water, which then you need to drink a little. Much has been written about miraculous water. amazing stories. The most daring swim in the ice-hole in the ice water that night.

Us from the Old Testament
This bright holiday is given.
Christ came from Nazareth
And went down to the Jordan.

John, Christ the Baptist,
I saw a miracle of miracles.
As on earth, to our monastery,
The Spirit descended from heaven.

He flew off easily, like a dove,
From the open heights.
And since then at Epiphany in the hole
Orthodox people are coming.

Where Christ took off his clothes,
The church is amazing.
Gives travelers hope
Favors those who suffer.

January holidays are also interesting, such as:

January 3rd is Straw's birthday. Today, straws are not only familiar to us for drinking juices and cocktails, but also have all sorts of colors and shapes. And we, parents and educators, often use them for other purposes - to create fun and unusual crafts with kids.

January 11th is International Thank You Day! Teaching children courtesy and gratitude is extremely important, I think. And the best teaching in this case is your own example.

Read the article "" to learn how to teach gratitude to children. About the International Day of Thank you and poems about Thank you, there is in the article "".

January 17 is Children's Invention Day! Children are little geniuses! It was in the child's head that such inventions as fur headphones, water skis and popsicles on a stick were born and received a real embodiment in life. Let's support our children!

January 21 - combines two unusual holidays: Hug Day and World Snow Day. Hug your babies more often and don't forget to play some fun winter games.

January 23 is Handwriting Day, or Handwriting Day. Oh! how much effort is spent in each family until the child learns to write beautifully and correctly. This day is a great occasion for motivation))

January 24 is International Eskimo Day! It's great that the delicacy loved by millions has its own holiday! If you want to entertain a child, then cook a real popsicle with him, or please ice cream, which has absolutely no contraindications -

The last Sunday of January is World No Internet Day. Modern man I can hardly imagine my life without the Internet. This holiday was created to distract humanity from the screens for at least one day and turn their attention to those who are nearby...

January is a fabulous and colorful month, anything can happen. Our ancestors knew how to observe and note what happened, so so much has been written about this month: poems, sayings with proverbs, and riddles.

Poems about January for children

Of course, many poets sang of winter, including such an incredible month of January. An example of this is the numerous verses dedicated to the first month of winter.


Hello, well done January,
Hello, sir!
Ride us on a sled
Give me frost
Let heaven bloom on the windows:
Dahlias, roses.
Rides like a squirrel at dawn
New Year in January
Through the tall firs
For the kids to eat
Chocolates in kindergarten
Well, at least once a year.

M. Sukhorukova


We tear off the calendar, January begins.
In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.
Snow on the roof, on the porch,
The sun is in the blue sky.
Stoves are heated in our house -
Smoke rises into the sky.

S. Marshak

It was in January

It was in January
There was a tree on the mountain
And next to this tree
The bad wolves roamed.

Once upon a time, at night,
When it's so quiet in the forest
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year
Fall into the clutches of a wolf!
The rabbits rushed forward
And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears
They hung like toys.
Sparrows flew past
Sat at the top.

ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived.
It was in January,
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

A. Barto


January, an old man in sovereign dignity,
Sits in the wind sled, -
And the deer rushes
Air waltz touches
And more intoxicating than laziness.
His run is directed to the wilds,
Where he cuts the road with a boar,
Where the piebald elk roams deafly,
Where did the poet happen to be ...
The higher the whip, the faster the run,
The faster the run; everything is patterned
Fluffy silver lace.

And how much screeching, how much creaking!
Now the oak will fall, then the linden -
Like a bare rib.
He loves, this reveler king
With the soul of an arrogant Pole,
Rampant wild ride...
Let sin lead the soul to sale:
Older inflames everyone, even
Heaven's pole star!


Riddles about January

Riddles perfectly develop the horizons of the child and entertain. In addition, they also continue to introduce the baby to the second winter month - January. Offer your kids these riddles about January:

Pinches ears, pinches nose, frost climbs into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will not be water that will fall, but ice.
Even the bird does not fly, the bird freezes from the frost.
Turned the sun to the summer, what, say, in a month is this? ( January.)

Starts the calendar
A month with a name... ( January)

All gifts are received!
He is beloved! And not in vain -
Well, what else happens
More fun... ( January)

Look in the yard
All trees are in silver.
Dancing white blizzard
On a wonderful New Year's day.
Holidays gone,
Pranksters say:
"The old year is a little sorry,
And on the street...!” ( January)

Walked during the holidays
They rested very well.
But soon to take up the primer -
It's about to end... January)

Who is close friends with frost?
Who has a lantern lit, -
Sunshine well of light?
Who is this sovereign? ( January)

He goes first in the count
It will start the new year.
Open the calendar soon
Read! Written - ... ( January)

In the frost from dawn
The snowmen lit up.
Hey frost
Hit harder
Start the year... January)

Proverbs and sayings about January for children

Which were invented back in ancient times for a reason, they carry the doctrine of life, express in oral form the worldview, observations of phenomena. There are quite a lot of them among the people. Below are proverbs and sayings not only about January, but also about winter in general.

  • The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
  • January - I sang all year long.
  • As the day grows in January, so does the cold.
  • In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.
  • Snow is the breadwinner of the earth, which is a warm casing.
  • January is a fierce, crackling, snowman.
  • Snow will inflate - bread will arrive.
  • January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.
  • January - clematis, take care of your nose.
  • There will be no snow - there will be no trace.

Not only proverbs and sayings convey the wisdom of the people. For centuries, people have observed nature and its changes and formed interesting signs about January. Some of them have survived to this day.

  • January - frosts, February - snowstorms.
  • January is a dead time in the forest.
  • If January is cold, then July will be dry and hot, do not expect mushrooms until late autumn.
  • Fear the January spring, tenacious frail spring: winter warmth summer cold.
  • There are no cold Januarys in a row.
  • In January, many frequent icicles hang, very long - the harvest will be good.
  • If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
  • If January last year was warm, January this year will be colder.
  • Dry January - the peasant is rich.
  • If January is cold, July will be dry, hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
  • If it's January in March, fear January in March.
  • In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
  • Frosts in the last week of January promise a cold summer.

January for children

The long and beloved winter holidays allow you to spend time with children in a bright and useful way. Whether you stay at home or go for a walk, this wonderful days when you can be with your child. Tell your children about January, about winter, about winter weather, watch the behavior of animals and birds, read children's books, walk in the fresh air. After all, for children in January, you can come up with hundreds of different fun activities.

You can start with an ordinary walk in the park, or you can get out to see the folk festivals in the city center, where the atmosphere of celebration and magic reigns. Be sure to visit one of Christmas trees. This will be an unforgettable adventure for your child.

It's great if you can get to a Christmas play or a nativity scene. Time allows you to go on some interesting winter excursion, see the sights. From modern entertainment, you can give preference to children's quests and adventure games. It perfectly develops the intelligence of the child. You can also visit one of the many master classes, do something with your own hands.

What to do on a walk

January - great time for walks, despite the frost. In January, the sun rises higher, shines brighter, the day becomes a little bit longer. And the air is so clean and the snow is so soft and white. Children enjoy walking in winter.

In nature, you can observe plants and animals. Playing snowballs, building a snow fort or making a snowman will be fun fun. For the most active among the winter activities, one can single out sleigh rides, cheesecakes or ice rinks, as well as skiing or ice skating.

On the rink

Evening. Music plays,
Lanterns are burning all around.
Spruce elegant shines.
A lot of guys on the rink
Cut with sharp skates
Bluish smooth ice.
And sparkling with lights
Snow flakes round dance.

7 things to do at home with kids in January

If the January day turned out to be completely frosty and you don’t feel like going out at all, then there is a lot of entertainment for home gatherings. At home, you can also find a lot of interesting activities.

  1. For example, on one of the days you can organize a delicious workshop on making your favorite sweets. For example, gingerbread in the form of animals. Children will be delighted with the process of joint cooking and then eating cooked with their own hands.
  2. The next day, arrange a fun day with prizes and gifts.
  3. Another one hundred percent option is to arrange theme party with or without guests at your discretion.
  4. A joint film screening of an atmospheric film on a cozy sofa will come in handy.
  5. All kids love it. Do something with your hands together. It develops fine motor skills and intellect. The finished craft can be used to decorate your home.
  6. Children also love to draw. Why don't you draw a winter landscape in the spirit of the best artists?
  7. Be sure to take the time to read. - this is something amazing that your child will definitely like.

The article "" has a large selection of ideas on what to do on a winter evening. Take a look)))

Speaking about January, you can watch instructive cartoons with the smallest ones. For example, this one. The owl tells the children everything about January.

January is a truly amazing month. It is the first of the year and the most special. This month, life seems to begin anew. Therefore, use the tips on how to relax on winter holidays and spend time with your child in a fun and useful way. And do not forget to plan your year so that you always have time for yourself, for children and for everything else.

Cheerful mood and magical emotions to you!


Description. IN proverbs about january the second winter month is characterized as "the beginning of the year, the middle of winter, the turning point of winter." In January, daylight hours are added by 2 hours, so they say:

January will add two hours of the day.
January is on the threshold, the day has arrived at the sparrow's lope.

In January, frosts crackle, rivers freeze even deeper, thick snows fall - these signs are said proverbs:

January - month bright stars, white trails, blue ice.
In January, the frosts are meaner, and the burbot is livelier.

In the popular names of January, its main features are also displayed: January-clematis, cracker, fierce. The second winter month was nicknamed Prosinets for the fact that it “paints the ice blue” and there is a clearing - the skies turn blue. And the cut cuts January, divides the winter in half.

Signs of January are associated with the behavior of animals and birds, with weather events. A folk calendar talks about signs that fall on major church holidays.


January - fierce, cracker, snowman, cut, clematis, blueberry.

January clematis - take care of your nose.
January - frosts, February - blizzards.
January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.
January-father - frosts, February - blizzards.
January will add two hours of the day.
January is on the threshold - the day has arrived at the chicken step.
January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.
January is the grandfather of spring.
January in the forest is a deaf time.
January - I sang all year long.
January is the middle of winter, but grandfather is spring.
January is the beginning of the year, the pinnacle of winter.
January is on the threshold, the day has arrived at the sparrow's lope.
January is the turning point of winter, the dark dawn of the year.
January underwater is a dark month.
January puts wood in the stove.
January is blue (clearing comes - the skies turn blue).
January - cut: cuts the winter in half.
January cracks - the ice on the river turns blue.
January is the month of bright stars, white trails, blue ice.
January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints cunning patterns on the windows, comforts the eye with snow and tears the ear with frost.
The month of January is the sovereign of winter.

In January, the pot freezes in the oven.
In January the day arrived at the chicken step.
In January, the frosts are meaner, and the burbot is livelier.
As the day grows in January, so does the cold.
In January, the cold hung over the earth.
From January the sun turns to summer.
In December, the day was completely dead, but in January it was resurrected

Frost is not terrible when the nose is warmly covered
If you accumulate snow in the fields - more bread in the bins.
Winter is not summer - she is dressed in a fur coat.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.
With a sweet husband and winter is not cold.
Sun for summer, winter for frost.
Take care of your nose in a big frost.
The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
Frost is not terrible when the nose is warmly covered.
There will be no snow, there will be no trace.
Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in the field.
Snow to the earth-nurse is like a warm casing.


If January is cold, then July will be dry and hot, do not expect mushrooms until late autumn.
Fear the January spring, tenacious frail spring: winter warmth, summer cold.
There are no cold Januarys in a row.
In January, many frequent icicles hang, very long - the harvest will be good.

January will be dry - the peasant will be rich.
If January is cold, July will be dry, hot - do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
If frost hits in the last week of January, expect a cold summer.
The snow is deep - the bread is good.
The snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
Whiter winter - greener summer.
Titmouse starts squeaking in the morning - wait for frost.
Sparrows will swim in the snow - to the thaw.
The swan flies - to the snow, and the goose - to the rain.
The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
If in January March, wait in March January.
If a lot of long and frequent icicles hang in January, there will be a good harvest.
There will be frequent snowfalls and blizzards in January - expect frequent rains in July.
If there are many stars in the sky before Christmas, there will be many mushrooms and berries.
Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - to grain production.
A circle near the sun or a month portends long snowstorms with frost.
If crows and jackdaws curl in the air - wait for a snowfall, sit on the snow - to an early thaw, and if they sit on the tops of trees - to frost.
In January, the trees are frosted - the sky will soon be blue.
If at severe frost cloudless, frosty weather will be prolonged.
If it's a wet January, it's a problem for the bread.
If spring is in January, then winter does not come in April.
January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases very much - wait for a dry and hot summer.
Dry January - the peasant is rich.
The January cold fills the bins.
January is dry and frosty - to be a hot summer.
If it is very cold in January, then the mushrooms will appear later.
Raw January - trouble for bread.
If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.
Slush in January, rain in July.
If in January the echo goes far, the frosts get stronger.
If the bees stir in January, the spring will be rainy, wet.
Frosty January is a fruitful year. Fogs in January - for a wet spring.
If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
If a woodpecker knocks in January - to early spring, knocks in March to late spring.
Few stars in January - bad weather.
Clear days in January - to a good harvest.
Cold Januarys are almost never repeated in a row.
If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
The warm days of January respond unkindly.

More January signs - see Folk calendar.

Folk calendar (months)

Vasiliev day, avsen, tausen. New Year.
Divination; boil porridge, generosity, sprinkle with grain, etc.
Ugly, God, every living thing in the bin, for the whole baptized world.
Protector of pigs. Pig holiday.
On Basil the Great, a pig's head on the table (Vologda).
At Vasiliev, the evening of the day arrives at a chicken step (for an hour).
New Year's first hour of the day is gaining. If the first day of the year is cheerful (happy), then the year will be like that (and vice versa).

January 2, old style, January 15, new style.
A chicken coop is fumigated on Sylvester. They are talking feverishly.

January 3, old style, January 16, new style.
On the prophet Malachi is beaten to death by hungry witches (southern).
A kazhenik (spoiled) is reprimanded against Malachi.

January 4, old style, January 17, new style.
Latest Christmas divination. They drive the devil out of the village.

January 5, old style, January 18, new style.
Epiphany evening. Epiphany Christmas Eve; second Christmas Eve.
Bright baptismal stars will give birth to white brights. Epiphany under full month to a big spill (Perm.).
Epiphany snow is collected for whitening canvases; also from various ailments.
See the Lord's baptism (at midnight the bowl of water will sway by itself).
Chalk crosses are placed on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

January 6, old style, January 19, new style.
On Epiphany night, before Matins, the sky opens.
Whatever you pray to the open sky, it will come true.
In Jordan they bathe, who dressed up about Christmas time.
On Epiphany, the day is warm, the bread will be dark (i.e., thick).
At baptism, a blizzard - on a holy blizzard.
If they go to the water, there will be fog - there is a lot of bread.
At Epiphany, snow flakes - for the harvest; clear day - to crop failure.
When the ice-hole (Jordan) is full of water, the overflow will be large.
At baptism at noon, blue clouds - for the harvest (Vyatsk).
Starry night at Epiphany - harvest for peas and berries.
If dogs bark a lot at baptism, there will be a lot of animals and game (Perm.).
Before. three days, before the first Savior, and after baptism, linen is not twig.
Do not crack, cracks have passed.
Blow don't blow, it didn't go to Christmas, to Great Day.

January 8, old style, January 21, new style.
If it blows on Omelyan from Kyiv (south) - a formidable summer.

January 10, old style, January 23, new style.
On Gregory of Nikiy, frost on haystacks - to a wet year.

January 16, old style, January 29, new style.
Petra - semi-feed: half of the winter feed is out.
If there is a broom and a fire, there will be bread before Peter; and azure and bells - they will bring the end of bread (names of various weeds).

January 18, old style, January 31, new style.
Athanasius Lomonos. Athanasius take care of your nose. Afanasiev frosts.
On Athanasius, healers drive out witches.

January 20, old style, February 2, new style.
There is a blizzard on Efimiya - all the oil is blizzard.
A pomelo (sweeps) with a broom at the Masleny - the madam of the sweeper will arrive.
On Efimiya at noon the sun is early spring.

January 22, old style, February 4, new style.
Timofey poluzimnik. Timofeevsky frosts. The crawl has passed.

January 24, old style, February 6, new style.
Aksinya half-bread, half-winter. Winter break.
Winter grain lay in the ground half the time before emergence.
Half of the old bread is eaten.
Half of the term is left before the new bread.
A snowstorm for a half-winter season will sweep away food.
On the half-winter road sweeps the road, sweeps the food.
If there is enough bread for Aksinya's half-bread, then half will be up to the new one, and a third to the feed.
If the price of bread for a semi-bread box is low, then it will not rise to new bread (and vice versa).
A bucket for a half-winter - red spring (north).
What is Aksinya, such is spring.

January 28, old style, February 10, new style.
On Ephraim, the Sirin is fed by the brownie, leaving him porridge on the cuff.

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