One state in the world. An Orthodox warrior is a world state. Secret world government

Universal electronic card as a sign of the last times
The machine of world power, the global System, is replacing the shattered conglomeration of nation-states. Orthodox see in it the visible features of the predicted kingdom of Antichrist. Secular thinkers call it the matrix of "electronic fascism"...
The publicized economic crisis, the threat of a food crisis looming over the peoples, fads, tsunamis, and man-made disasters seem to be preparing the advent of some kind of global police state capable of distributing resources and “shepherding peoples with an iron rod.” What are the possible parameters of this superproject?
Obviously, this state will be based on the ideas of social, and perhaps national, and some other segregation. Humanity will be divided into a narrow layer of selected sages and an uneducated majority, reduced to a state of homogeneous gray biomass. Already, social elevators have been stopped in many countries of the world. This is especially noticeable in Russia.
The collapse of the education system, the systematic destruction of the national culture - is this not part of the project of a world state?
The ideology proposed to the masses will probably be some kind of quasi-religious doctrine based on the mechanical mixing of all religions into one ecumenical, esoteric compote. With this hastily brewed spiritualistic brew, they will try to spiritually feed all the peoples of the planet.
It is especially important that the creation new system management of nations will be carried out on the basis of the latest media, information, computer and nanotechnologies. In the Charter of the Global Information Society, adopted by the heads of eight states in Okinawa on July 22, 2000, the first paragraph reads: “Information and communication technology (IT) is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of twenty-first century society. Their revolutionary impact concerns the way people live, their education and work, and the interaction between government and civil society.”
The construction of such a world state presupposes the destruction of paper money, which is still valid all over the world, and its replacement with "electronic money". This will significantly strengthen the system of control over both macroeconomic and other processes on the planet.
Already, all over the world, electronic cards are being forcibly introduced to replace ordinary paper passports.
Personal code, TIN, last name, first name, religious affiliation, biometric parameters, biographical data, medical history, driver license, account number, insurance - all this information is easily placed on a tiny strip of a microchip sewn into a rectangular piece of plastic.
Such a card will allow the authorities to instantly accurately establish not only the financial situation, but also the location of every person on Earth. The next step in this direction, excluding the loss of the card, should be the so-called stitching or mark on the human body. The same microchip from the contents of a wallet or pocket will become an integral part of the human body itself.
Orthodox publicists quite rightly draw attention to the fact that “the most convenient place for such a mark is the right working hand or the open part of the forehead, which is almost always naked, and therefore accessible for scanning. Which directly correlates with the well-known verse from the Apocalypse: "And he will do that to everyone - small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves - will be invested with a mark on right hand them or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for its number is human; his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
It is clear that a person without a card or a label will not be able to buy or sell anything. And also will not be able to receive a salary, pension and medical care. He will not be able to use any means of transport, and in general be in any proximity to civilization.
After all, it is quite logical that people without a chip will be outlawed, recognized as robbers, dangerous outcasts and terrorists.
Arguing about the cumbersome last state, one cannot bypass the notorious "number of the beast". It is a well-known fact that the UPS-type barcode most common today, applied to all store products without exception, contains the same apocalyptic three sixes.
One authoritative preacher explains this phenomenon in this way.
»A barcode is a computer type of numeration, where each digit corresponds to lines of different thicknesses. The numbers from 0 to 9 are recorded by the computer in two or three sets. The barcode indicates the country of origin, quality, name, cost of the product. Naturally, the barcodes of different products differ from each other, but there is something that unites them all without exception - on all continents and on all products. This is the number 666. Each of you can easily see it on any barcode - two thin parallel lines that are somewhat longer than all the others and are always at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the barcode. These are computer sixes of the second set. They are called "security parallels". Less often, but it happens that sixes and other sets are used, but this does not change the "security code", the number 666. "
So, double strokes of the code, by chance or by someone's intent, denote the number 6, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of any numerical information reproduced using this barcode.
It is striking that other official theologians, recognizing the presence of the "number of the beast" in the coding of goods, do not see anything apocalyptic in this. Like, so what?
It is with the beginning of the introduction of the mentioned barcode and electronic cards that we are faced with the literal fulfillment of prophecies about the end times.
In Russian Orthodox Church promised to help Orthodox citizens who do not want to use a universal electronic card.
The head of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, spoke cautiously on this subject: “A certain number of people live in Russia who, for one reason or another, will never take this card. Today it is very important to raise the issue that these people are not discriminated against and, moreover, do not switch to an illegal existence.”
However Russian authorities make it clear that the acceptance of a universal electronic card is not a right, but a duty of every citizen of the Russian Federation.
On March 9, the Moscow City Duma adopted a law on a mandatory universal electronic card designed to receive public services, necessary when applying to authorities executive power, when passing through educational institutions, to provide free and paid meals to schoolchildren, as well as when attached to a polyclinic and when registering for a hospital. It is supposed to transfer all types of benefits, subsidies and pensions to the card, to place on it information about benefits, registration of property rights, payment of taxes, duties and fines.
Why are the Russian authorities so persistently and zealously pushing through the adoption of electronic cards? Perhaps this is the main condition for Russia's accession to the WTO? Or is the desire to hastily impose electronic cards on the inhabitants of Russia dictated by something more? For example, a strict directive of the world state?..
The authorities, by means of an electronic card, will distinguish their wards by an identification number, which is assigned to each for life and is preserved posthumously.
This is how hitherto unprecedented social relations are built, where a person is likened to a numbered thing, props. The gloomy metaphysics of the digital name has already found its researchers: "With the advent and development of computer digital technologies, with the change in social relations, sequences of numbers have arisen that look like a number, but at the same time are neither quantities nor serial numbers."
Thus, a digital identifier is not a serial number, but a special digital name that replaces a human name, which changes the basis of the legal, social and spiritual status of an individual.
Another sign is that in the World State all people will have the same type of digital names.
We are talking about improving the systems of control, management, surveillance, isolation and destruction. About the spiritual, social and bodily enslavement of the peoples of the planet - an electronic concentration camp.
The global project for the introduction of digital identification of a person is being carried out, with varying degrees of lagging and advancing, in all countries of the world. In some Western countries, the implantation of chips under the human skin has become widespread. So far, patients of psychiatric hospitals and inmates of prisons are being subjected to forced “chipping”. But dashing trouble is the beginning!
And the Russian authorities decided to support the indicated trend, being, in a sense, ahead of the rest.
We read the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 311 dated August 7, 2007 "On Approving the Strategy for the Development of the Russian Electronic Industry for the Period up to 2025": "The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population. Every individual must be in constant communication with global information and control networks such as the Internet. Nanoelectronics will be integrated with bio-objects and provide continuous monitoring of maintaining their vital activity, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the social costs of the state. Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with his surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread, means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with objects surrounding him will become widespread, vehicles and other people. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to its ubiquitous distribution.
I repeat once again: this is not a fragment of a dystopia! Not the eccentric prospectus of a computer corporation! The ideology of creating cyborgs is openly declared in an official document of the Ministry of the Russian Federation!
After reading the order to implant chips in the brains of Russian citizens, a specialist in biological cybernetics and control systems, Valery Filimonov wrote: “Today, many have no idea that a great, global information revolution is underway, which can really lead to the creation of a new world on planet Earth. formations where the use of high information technologies will be used for political purposes, and the laws governing cybernetic systems will be transferred to human society.”
By the way, Mr. Chubais, who is currently working in the field of nanotechnology, is developing and producing radio-frequency identification devices for goods sold in specially equipped supermarkets, the so-called "smart stores". The tiny chip sends out a radio signal at a frequency of 125 kilohertz. This signal is sent to special scanners that read the identification number through it. The RFID tag is very durable and can store the data recorded on it for more than 10 years. Industrial readers can simultaneously read information from more than a thousand tags per second.
As always, in his activities Chubais tends to confuse the interests of the state and large corporations. However, perhaps there are no fundamental contradictions between these objects and cannot arise? Especially if both are controlled parts of a world state?
As a basis for "smart trading", Chubais offers the same individual electronic card that replaces both a passport and a wallet.
So, information about your purchases in supermarkets becomes the property of retail chains, fully reveals your lifestyle, becomes the basis of targeted marketing, the foundation for manipulating your needs.
Experts note: “Insurance companies will be happy to know, for example, about the amount of alcohol you buy when calculating health insurance, the same data will be of interest to your potential employers from large corporations…”
Chubais spoke about plans to deploy a whole network of "smart" stores throughout the country over the next three years.
Recently, global surveillance of Internet users in the EU countries has begun. A directive has come into effect requiring ISPs to store data about network activity customers: emails sent, websites visited, and phone calls made over the network. There is an opinion that instant spread in the world social networks related not only to the needs of citizens in virtual communication, but also with the involvement of such projects in the shadow projects of the total collection of information about everyone and everything.
In Russia, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications fostered a draft order obliging Internet providers to transmit law enforcement information about IP-addresses of its subscribers. The order also contains a requirement to provide information related to "ensuring the process of rendering communication services". Translating into human language we are talking about the user account and its passwords for access to certain network resources.
The world state, under the cries of "democracy" and "protection of human rights", is rapidly forming a technical base that allows tracking the location and network of any of us.
These are the signs of the times. Such is the secret, but firm step of the World State, familiar to us from the lines of Revelation, written almost two thousand years ago by the hand of Christ's beloved disciple on the island of Patmos.


Daniil Andreev writes that the national structure can be of several types.

1. Liquid state of statehood. The inception of a centralized state power. Constant clashes of poorly organized constituent units among themselves. The power of tribal egregors and vampiric formations such as Velga (chaos, multiplier of victims and suffering). The influence of the superpeople dyad, still very young, mainly on the aesthetic and religious spheres of consciousness.
Examples: Egypt of the era of nomes, Vedic India, Greece of the era of policies, Europe in the early Middle Ages.

2. Solid-viscous state of statehood soft enough for transformative work. Restriction of tyrannical tendencies by the balance of socio-political forces. State leadership is carried out by the demiurge through egregors. His marriage to the Ideal Cathedral Soul.
Examples: Egypt before Tutankhamun, the Buddhist states of India and South-East Asia, the Tang and Song empires in China, Athens in the time of Pericles.

3. Extremely solid statehood. Despotic power-colossus. The tyranny of the demon of great power. The preservation of the ethereal incarnation of the Cathedral Soul, but the extreme narrowing of its freedom of action, that is, its captivity in the blocks of statehood. At the end of this stage, and sometimes even earlier, the demiurge withdraws his sanction from the demon of statehood.
Examples: the great tyrannical empires, Assyria, Carthage, Rome, Baghdad, the empires of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Spain of the 16th century, Britain of the 18th-19th centuries, the empire of Napoleon, the state of Hitler, etc.

4. Hierocracy. Capture by the egregor of the church of power-creating forces. Or its development into a vampiric monster similar to Witzraors, declaring worldwide claims and transferring its abode from the sakwala of egregors to Gashsharva (papacy at the end of the Middle Ages); or - closing within ethnic boundaries and sucking out internal sources (Tibet). In the first case, it is the struggle against it by the dyads of the suprapeople and the synclite, while rebelling even against the distorted myth of international religion. In the second case, the freedom of action of the light dyad is limited by the infraphysics of metaculture, on the one hand, and by the forces of the Highest Transmyth of international religion, on the other.

5. Fragmentation of a single structure of the superpeople into many solid state units. The development of local forces that escaped the control of hierarchies. Weakening of the active creative force of the latter. The state of the Cathedral Soul, similar to the state of a deep illness.
Examples: Mediterranean in the 4th-5th centuries AD. e.; Muslim countries after the Caliphate; Germany after the Thirty Years' War.

6. foreign enslavement. A nation order that has become an instrument of other hierarchies pursuing their own goals, which have nothing to do with this super-people. The position of the Cathedral Soul, equivalent to the state of slavery.

7. State structure of a softened type, created under the condition of the social and ethical maturity of the superpeople and the absence external threat. The subordination of the state principle directly to the forces of the demiurge. The beginning of the withering away of the principle of violence. The opportunity that opens up before the hierarchies to prepare an ideal national order. The position of the Cathedral Soul as the wife of the demiurge.
Examples: to date, this type has been achieved only in certain small countries, in its purest form - in Scandinavia, Switzerland. It can be hoped that in the future this type will acquire supranational dimensions, only under which its supranational metacultural fruits are possible.

8. International association. While only theoretically conceivable state formation, transitional to planetary unification. Co-creation of demiurges.

9. Ideal national structure. The abolition of the state. The transformation of the state system of mankind into Brotherhood. The perfect structure of society, only in which the ethereal expression of the Eternal Feminine born by the hierarchies can be accepted.


On the way to achieving universal Unity, the main obstacle is the state, as a rigid structure based on the energies of power, up to tyranny. On the other hand, the state is a means against social chaos. The state unites people not under the Spirit of Unity, but as the highest authority that prevents the danger of a war of all against all, from the danger of falling into chaos. Some countries are striving to strengthen the all-round dependence of the individual on the state, on the authority in whose hands the state apparatus is located: the parties, the army, the leaders. Many states only disguise themselves as an apparatus of general economic balance and protection of individual rights, and the true goals of these states are world economic domination. They have so many times plunged the world into the abyss of wars and tyranny; where is the guarantee that they will not plunge him again and again?

The transformation of the world state into a brotherhood is not possible by external means alone.
Just as the generation of Israelites who, having left Egypt with Moses, had to give way to other generations before the tribe entered the Promised Land, so the generation of the middle of the 20th century, poisoned by the air of the era of world wars, was destined to leave the arena in order to reign the long-awaited order, glimpsing us through the enfilade of three successively enlightened periods. Because this system is not an external establishment. It will be organic and naturally necessary only when the moral character of the new generations makes it impossible to abuse freedom and turn it into anarchy. No measures of re-education are sufficient to fundamentally transform the psyche of two billion people, which has already been formed in a different atmosphere, saturated with blood and fanaticism. Of course, millions of the best of those who live now would meet the highest requirements of that remote era. But it is necessary that they be answered not by the best, but by the overwhelming majority, so that entire generations are brought up by the Rose of the World, as people of an ennobled image.

Transformation of the essence of the state - after all, what is it? Disarmament of all, true democracy, mitigation of laws, easing of punishments? Of course; but all this is not enough. The essence of the state is soulless automatism. It is guided by the material interests of larger or smaller human masses, understood as a whole. It is indifferent to the interests of the individual as such. Spirituality, on the other hand, is completely unknown to him, just as it is unknown to Witzraors and egregors, and it cannot have the slightest idea about the spiritual good - both of the individual and the people.

The meaning of the first stage of the reign of the Rose of the World is to achieve universal material prosperity and to create the prerequisites for the transformation of the Federation of Member States into a universal monolith. That during this period the most democratic socio-political institutions will become the property of all countries - this goes without saying. Huge communities of jurists, teachers, psychologists, lawyers and religious figures will revise all codes, reform the system of legal norms, procedural norms, soften the scale of punishments and the very principle of punishment will begin to give way to the principle of healing the criminal. During the same period, those cadres of workers of a new type will be trained, which are necessary for carrying out universal reforms, marking the next, second, stage: the stage of transformation of a universal, already softened state into a Brotherhood.

It must be assumed that at the beginning of the second stage the term of the general judicial reform will fall.

Still, the jury - at least some varieties of this court - is, apparently, the most progressive form of court that exists today. But this is by no means the ceiling of development. The most serious shortcomings of this form have been pointed out countless times, and moreover by people standing on a variety of positions. It was pointed out that the principle of freely hiring a professional defense lawyer is imperfect in that it contributes to the transformation of a lawyer into a kind of virtuoso, using eloquence to replace genuine, humanly passionate participation in the fate of the client. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute that the principle of a professional prosecutor's office is imperfect in that nothing saves the prosecutor from degenerating into an official who invariably sees a criminal in each accused and is interested only in that side of his personality, which, in the opinion of the prosecutor, determined the commission of the crime. As for the principle of the jury, it is imperfect because cases that are often psychologically complex, requiring not only the most thorough study, but also high culture, insight and justice on the part of the judges, expose random, unskilled, often even underdeveloped persons to consideration; it is ridiculous to think that a few hours of help from specialists can compensate for their insufficiency.

At present, it is apparently impossible to replace such a form of court with anything better. This will become possible when the leadership of the Rose of the World, which has been going on for several decades, will ensure the formation of a cadre of judicial workers of a new type.

The young man will have to begin to prepare himself for this kind of activity while still in college, having chosen the humanitarian one out of three biases. The system of upbringing and education outlined at the beginning of this chapter will adopt some additional features in the higher legal school, providing for the formation of future judges. Probably, special attention will be paid to the development of such aspects of nature, which will protect more than others from official, formal, and even more selfish, attitude towards a person. The study, along with this, of the arts and philosophy, the history of culture, the history of ethics, the history of judicial institutions, psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry will develop innate insight, understanding of ailments human soul and a correct understanding of how to eliminate them. The notion of value that has entered into flesh and blood human personality and about the duty of the judge-healer will stimulate an extremely cautious, careful, warm approach to the defendant. Because the view will be established on him as a patient, accessible to treatment - not necessarily a patient in the modern psychiatric sense, but a patient in the sense of damage to the ethical structure of the soul. The role of such judicial figures cannot be overestimated: they are the saviors of human souls, and humanity needs them no less than doctors, teachers and priests. Someone will object: such ideal persons are found in units, as exceptions. – But is it really so rare even now, in a completely different, oppressive, poisoned atmosphere, that teachers and doctors of the highest and purest ethical character are formed? Where is the reason to believe that the pedagogical system, which is specially directed towards this, pursuing precisely this goal and acting, moreover, in the most favorable social atmosphere, will be powerless to select from a billion young men a few million who, after a number of years of work on them, will be able to adequately bear the burden of judgment over a criminal and his - not re-education, but rather - healing?

It seems to me - although it is possible, of course, that in reality it will turn out differently - that workers of this kind will make up several groups: investigators, judges and re-educators in the proper sense of the word. Now it is untimely and inappropriate to go into the details of this reform, especially for me, who has neither professional legal education nor experience. I will allow myself to express only one thought: that instead of the institutions of the prosecutor, the defense counsel and the jury, something completely different will be established over time. The debate of the parties will take place, as now, but it will no longer be a struggle of two eloquences, not a competition of artists, one of whom, on duty, denigrates the defendant, and the other tries to whitewash him. These will be successive speeches of not two, but three persons: all of them can be conditionally called interpreters. Using the materials of the investigation and the results of personal communication with the defendant, two of them offer two various interpretations case under investigation. The third seeks to bring both interpretations closer together, if possible, to reconcile them or to identify the advantageous aspects of both. Such a reconciliation of points of view will rarely be feasible in the first round of speeches; however, some steps towards rapprochement will be made. Then the second and third rounds follow. Judges who do not participate in the debate, but who are present at them, thus receive the most profound and objective idea of ​​the case, an idea of ​​it on the merits. The right to speak is reserved, of course, for the defendant as well. Judges, on the other hand, turn out to be not random, unprepared people, like most assessors who are not accustomed to understanding complex psychological and psychopathological collisions, but carefully trained specialists of a new formation. There is no need to be embarrassed if the training of such judges takes not five years, as it is now, but at least ten: in order for the “punitive system” (how disgusting this expression alone is!) to turn into a system of healing, moral and social resurrection of a person, no number of years no regrets.

And of course, prisons as a form of punishment will forever recede into the realm of the past. The word "camp" is now also very compromised: it brings to mind pictures of all sorts of Potmas, Buchenwalds and Norilsks. But I will have to use it conditionally here, for lack of a better one. Now they are trying to re-educate in some places with the help of labor; it is not surprising that the results of this are so weak. Most criminals are at a very low general cultural level; they are people who have gone astray as teenagers and have an insurmountable aversion to work; it is naive to expect that in a camp or prison they will change their attitude towards him just because they are given a shoe hammer or jointer in their hands. The main thing is to raise their general cultural level, then they will feel the charm of work, and not necessarily handicraft or production (after all, not all people have a soul for such work!), But also for mental work. And by raising the general cultural level, I mean not the study of some technical specialty, but specifically general, that is, mental, ethical, aesthetic, social and spiritual culture. Something is being done now in this sense, it seems, by some religious and charitable organizations abroad, especially Catholic and Methodist ones. They should be involved in this work in every possible way, their experience should be studied and some of their methods should be mastered. In any case, the unwillingness to weigh down their mental baggage, the inertia, laziness and carelessness of such criminals, should first be weakened by the fact that their imprisonment will not be a stupidly immovable number of years (with a short term, the criminal nonchalantly awaits the longed-for day, and with a long one, he becomes "do not give a damn" about everything in the world), but the function of correcting the criminal, the more successfully he completes the course of general humanitarian education plus a special course of some socially useful profession, and the sooner the team of his re-educators recognizes him as prepared for life in freedom, the sooner he will leave the walls of the camp.

There can hardly be any doubt that the combination high level general welfare with the inevitable results of a universal educational system and with the universal psychological climate of the second stage will reduce the number of offenses from year to year. If we consider that in some Scandinavian countries, even at the beginning of our century, the number of criminal offenses decreased to several dozen a year, then it will not seem utopian to be sure that under these conditions the number of them all over the world will gradually fall to several thousand a year and will steadily decline. and in the future.

Certain principles of the upbringing-educational course through which employees of the investigation, trial and re-education will be trained will form the basis of the work of others. educational institutions, graduating economists, business executives, engineers, technicians, employees in institutions. I mean those principles that pursue the goal of educating in each of these workers a person in the highest sense of the word. The functions of even the institution that now bears the discredited names of the police or militia will change. In the second stage of the reign of the Rose of the World, this institution will also perform, among other things, the functions of a criminal investigation department. But with each passing decade, this sector within the police will play an ever smaller role. Gradually, the police will become a service of public convenience, a collective and individual universal service, and work in this field will become as honorable and respected by all as any other.

The state is made up of people. People who embody state power on all its steps, most of them are formal, callous, dry, cold. It is impossible to get rid of bureaucracy either by administrative measures or by appeals to conscience and a sense of duty, if this sense of duty and professional conscience have not entered into the flesh and blood of a person from an early age. The system of the Rose of the World will train the cadres of the world state in such a way that negative qualities will be replaced by their opposites. So that everyone, turning to representatives of power or entering an institution, does not meet bureaucrats with the ability of sympathy and participation professionally dulled from monotonous service, and not one-sided fanatics who care about observing only state interests, but brothers.

Of the features by which the universal Brotherhood will differ from the state, and the man of an ennobled image from previous psychological formations, I will note here only a few, those that are not difficult to distinguish even from our temporary distance. But many other traits will also appear in time, it is difficult to imagine or predict them now; they will gradually begin to become clear to the eyes and thoughts of only future, more spiritualized generations.

The "Rose of the World" speaks of the possibility of the development of the world according to two scenarios. Both of these scenarios have as their goal universal unification. The main difference between these scenarios are the principles that underlie the future pan-human association - or high ethical principles that rise above the non-ethical nature of the state ( providential plan), or the principles of any of the doctrines, in their lack of spirituality most suitable for the plans of Urparp ( infernal plane).

Consider the proposed development of the first scenario, in accordance with the providential plan, as given in the "Rose of the World":

1) The emergence in one or more European countries of the League of Transformation of the Essence of the State.
The activities of the League are expanding to all countries of the world. As a result of the practical activities of the League to clarify the essence of the state, the process of curbing the Witzraors of metacultures is greatly facilitated for the providential forces of metacultures and thus the aggressive and tyrannical tendencies of states are sharply limited. Already at this stage, the existence of military-political blocs, as well as aggressive intentions at the level of individual states or special services, should become impossible.

2) Formation of League branches in all countries.
Each branch of the League has several aspects: cultural, philanthropic (charitable), educational, political. There is a sharp increase in type 7 states (according to Daniil Andreev's classification):
"A state structure of a softened type, created under the condition of the socio-ethical maturity of the super-people and the absence of an external threat. The subordination of the state principle directly to the forces of the demiurge. The beginning of the withering away of the principle of violence. The possibility of preparing an ideal national order that opens up before the hierarchies. The position of the Cathedral Soul as the wife of the demiurge." (RM 7.1.55)

3) The political aspect of each branch is transformed structurally and organizationally into National Party of World Religious and Cultural Reform. In the League, all these parties are connected.
Type 8 states are being formed (intermetacultural co-creation of the demiurges). At this stage, there is already only one witzraor who has turned to the Light, and the co-creation of the demiurges can manifest itself in full measure.

4) The work of all national branches of the League in all aspects of their activity should be the impulse that leads society from one stage of international solidarity to the next, through fusion of various regional and religious communities.

5) Holding an international referendum, placing under the ethical control of the League a number of states that have expressed their consent through a referendum, and the formation Federation of States under the ethical control of the League.

6) Holding one or more referendums, until finally the borders of the Federation coincide with the borders of humanity.
Only then do the necessary prerequisites appear for the gradual transformation of humanity by the action of two parallel processes:
- external (political-socio-economic);
- internal (educational-ethical-religious).
From a conglomerate of states to universal Brotherhood. There is a consciously accepted disincarnation of the last of the Witzraors. The poetic image of this possible metahistorical event is presented in the Iron Mystery.

Abolition of the state. The transformation of the state system of mankind into a brotherhood. Realization of the ideal of the Rose of the World in humanity.
It is easy to see that modern events are clearly not developing according to this plan, it has not even begun, and there is not even a hint of the possibility of forming at least somewhere the League for the Transformation of the Essence of the State, or any other organization with similar goals and objectives.

7) Embodiment of the Rose of the World as universal Brotherhood churches.

infernal plane:
1) Urparp's sanction is removed from Zhrugr and his communist Doctrine, as the basis of the concept uniting the world. Urparp's sanction is transferred to Stabing and his concept (cosmopolitanism) as the most soulless and reliable basis for the future unification of the world.

2) Urparp's plans provided for the unification of shrastras without the invasion of igvas and rarugs into other people's shrastras. Only after the "peaceful" collapse of the socialist coalition could the question of the world domination of the cosmopolitan concept be raised.
Without delving into the analysis of metahistorical circumstances, we can state that this goal was achieved in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

3) Since these plans of Urparp were not overthrown and came true, then the question of the world domination of the cosmopolitan concept is on the agenda now. The processes of world unification are in full swing, the task of these processes is the UNSPIRITUAL concept of unification of the world on the basis of cosmopolitanism.

4) The triumph of this concept involves the death of all the Witzraors, with the exception of one - the bearer of this very concept. During the events of 91-2011, the Witzraors of Yugoslavia and the Arab metaculture were destroyed.

5) Urparp's scenario does not provide for the emergence of RM in humanity (i.e., he will do everything to prevent this from happening.) Further development of Urparp's scenario provides for the unification of the world on the basis of cosmopolitanism and, after this, a series of events preparing the transformation of this conglomerate into tyranny . It was then that the question of the transition from lack of spirituality to demonic spirituality and the creation "on the basis of cosmopolitanism of a new seductive, UNIVERSAL doctrine" will be raised.

6) UNIVERSAL teaching has paved the way to worldwide tyranny and the Antichrist himself appears on the scene, becoming the head of the united world.

The current situation confirms the movement exactly according to this scenario and is currently in point 4.

Humanity is now at a decisive stage of its existence, which will determine its further development. This stage is expressed by the presence of a huge number of global problems, the solution of which requires immediate action. These are the problems of lack of water, mineral resources, the North-South problem, the problem of the threat of thermonuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples, catastrophic pollution environment, biodiversity decline, global warming, demographic development problems, social inequality around the world, when in some countries people throw away food, while in others this food is sorely lacking. And this is not a complete list.

To solve all these international problems, the most effective way, it seems, will be the creation of a single world state. This is justified and necessary in a number of respects. Firstly, it will be much easier to solve all international problems, since numerous international legal difficulties associated with the difference in national laws and with different orientation political ambitions of states. For example, the international problem of drug trafficking. Despite its extensive legal regulation by a number of international conventions and treaties, this problem continues to exist and grow in scale. In a single world state, its solution will be facilitated due to the fact that the mechanism for implementing the legal norms governing its aspects will not require procedures for the use of national legislation, as well as international agreements and other elements that hinder the implementation of norms.

Secondly, there is a colossal source of funding available to address these global challenges. According to the World Military Spending Report prepared by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, in 2012 these expenditures amounted to 1.753 trillion US dollars. For comparison: the annual budget of Russia (for 2012) is 0.4 trillion US dollars. If this money is directed to solving the main global problems, then at least one hundred billion dollars would be earmarked for solving each of them. Positive trends in solving these problems, having such funding, would not be long in coming.

Thirdly, our planet is surrounded by outer space, which at any moment can turn it into dust. They talk about it numerous studies astrophysicists and astronomers around the world. According to them, any asteroid with a diameter greater than 10 km, any supernova explosion within a few hundred light years, can destroy our civilization overnight, since we are locked within one planet. This problem can be solved only by combining all the resources of the Earth for a qualitatively new leap in scientific research and active expansion into outer space. In addition, according to Stephen Hawking's research, humanity has no more than a couple of centuries left before the depletion of the mineral resources necessary for space expansion, which means we need to hurry.

On this moment the development of earthly civilization has reached the level when a practically unified society has formed on the planet. One part of him knows what happened on the other side of the planet a minute ago thanks to his developed information sphere. In addition, most modern societies have the same socio-economic structure - capitalist. Similarly, many states now have the same form of government in their states - a republican or symbolic monarchy, which is essentially a republic. Thus, on planet Earth there is a territory and a population, as signs of a single state. In addition, the world has practically formed a single language and a single currency - this English language and the dollar with which you can explain and pay for anything in almost any corner of the Earth. If we talk about the legislation of the United State of the Planet, then it is already partially available, namely, today's international law. Perhaps the only thing missing is the sign of public authority and centralized tax collection, which is impossible without public authority. However, now there are already about 200 public authorities in the world, which means that humanity will be able to organize one more.

In my opinion, the following mechanism is possible to implement this theory. Firstly, it is necessary to convene an international conference, and most likely several, with the participation of all states of the world in order to adopt a global constitution, or possibly adapt the UN Charter for these purposes. Secondly, it is necessary to change the existing constitutions, through existing mechanisms (a referendum in the Russian Federation or other methods of change in foreign states) in accordance with the constitution of a world state.

In addition, it will be necessary to form a world government. This should be done, most likely, on the basis of the existing UN system, but with structural divisions on each continent. Perhaps these units will be based on existing UN offices. In addition, to facilitate the management system, it will be necessary to create special territorial districts. At the same time, at the first stage, it is necessary to preserve the existing government bodies for a more rational and faster implementation of the instructions of the world government. Perhaps the risk of separatism will increase, but as we know, the formation of new territorial entities in place of the old ones does not lead to the unity of the new state. For example, the satrapy of Alexander the Great or the ulus system of the Mongol Empire.

In addition, it will be necessary to create a small number of peacekeeping troops, necessary for two purposes. Firstly, at the first stage of their existence, they will be a kind of guarantor of stability in some regions of the planet, and secondly, in the future they will be able to become a kind of means of protection against an abstract alien space threat.

Why has humanity not yet taken any significant steps towards unification? Perhaps we are afraid of mixing cultures. But these are the inevitable consequences of the process of globalization, which is becoming ever larger. However, this can be avoided by leaving the existing cultural traditions unchanged, preserving national, religious holidays around the world. A shining example of unity different nationalities is Russia, because now on the territory of the Russian Federation there are and are preserved cultures of different peoples.

Perhaps we are afraid that developed countries will be flooded with migrants from underdeveloped countries. However, this will not happen if, having created a single state, we arrange favorable conditions in their home, on their land. After all, a rare person will follow from a flourishing house into an unknown world.

The unification of the world is possible provided that this aspiration is supported by at least 60-70% of the states of our planet. It should arise not only on the basis of one, suddenly manifested problem that will put civilization on the brink of death, but on the basis of the complex of problems that were cited above. If this is not enough, then humanity will not be able to unite under the conditions of one extremely critical problem. This unification cannot be achieved by any ideology or religion, because not a single ideology for the entire time of the existence of mankind has been able to consolidate all tribes, peoples, nations, even at least on one continent. Only the idea and faith in it, the idea of ​​preserving the species, the idea of ​​the possibility of creating a single state can become a unifying link between people. This theory is feasible, if only because each individual in the depths of his consciousness understands that together is better, and the social essence of a person can become a plus here. For the same reason, the new state should be secular, but with the preservation of all existing religions. Undoubtedly, conflicts between some religions will continue, but it is much easier to regulate this enmity within the framework of one state than within the framework of our multipolar world.

According to the theory of the civilizational approach of Arnold Toibi, in its internal structure, civilization consists of a creative minority and an inert majority. The creative minority leads the inert majority in order to respond to the challenges posed by civilization. The majority tends to "extinguish" the energy of the minority, to absorb it. In this case, development stops, stagnation begins. Each civilization in its destiny goes through four stages: the birth, growth, breakdown and disintegration, culminating in death and the complete disappearance of civilization. Now we are at the stage of breaking, which can be overcome only through consolidation within the framework of a single state.


  1. Toynbee A. J. Comprehension of history. Collection. / Per. from English. E. D. Zharkova, M., Rolf, 2001. - 640 p.
  2. Hawking S. World in a nutshell. Per. from English. A. G. Sergeeva. - St. Petersburg: "Amphora", 2007. - 218 p.

World state: utopia or probable future?

"World state: utopia or probable future?"

The question of whether the existence of a world state is possible has worried the minds of people for more than one century. The beginnings of this theory appeared in antiquity, so it, like history, passes from generation to generation. Opinions, both before and now, are divided into two opposite camps: one side believes that the construction of a world state is a utopia, and the other that it is an inevitable phenomenon of the evolution of mankind. Each point of view is not accidental, because there are a number of reasons that can reasonably prove whether the unification of people in one state is a utopia or an inevitable future.

Some scientists believe that the processes taking place in modern society have strengthened the mood of the supporters of the theory of the world state, for whom it has become a kind of program for the development of society. This is explained by the fact that the need to build global state is dictated by the needs of mankind, many real forces can contribute to its creation or, on the contrary, slow down this process, and there are also a number of principles on which it will be based. One of the main ones will be a single world religion, but it should be more simplified, generalized and accessible to the understanding of a wide range of people who are completely different in their origin, and, most importantly, in their worldview. Through this religion, human thoughts and motives can be turned away from their own ego, directed towards the achievement of universal human unity and power. United State is obliged to provide all segments of the population with education of a quality and scale that surpasses all previous experience. The process of education, in accordance with the needs, will continue throughout life, this will contribute to the fact that residents given state will engage in self-education. Extensive employment opportunities in obtaining a certain profession will help to avoid unemployment, in the ideal sense, each person will be involved in the field of activity that is closest and most interesting to him, which means that he will make a greater contribution to the development and functioning of the state and society. Such an outcome of events will contribute to a favorable economic organization of the state, based on the equal distribution of all natural resources, production will be more aimed at general consumption, and not profit. state global humanity

It will be possible to speak about the beginning of a new historical era. Also, the main principle will be to reduce the consumption of all natural resources associated with the military-industrial complex, because even the very concept of "defense" will become meaningless. There will be no wars, which means there will be no reason to create weapons, an army and other elements of defense.

There will be a significant increase in the standard of human life, it will be possible to release a huge potential of talents and opportunities that were previously restricted by social injustice. The world state will allow the destruction of stupefying, hard physical labor by creating various robots, but this does not mean that people will completely stop working, they will work freely, meaningfully and actively.

cannot be ignored and ecological problems which are especially relevant in today's society. The creation of a world state would mark the beginning of a more effective solution to this problem, since it would be in the interests of people to save the entire planet, and not just a separate territory of their state. The protection of animals and endangered species would take on a new meaning, because this would become a problem for the whole world. The economic equality of people would help save the lives of animals from poachers who kill them for their own benefit and the accumulation of wealth.

Of course, the creation of a world state will entail changes in the field of justice, because the existing judicial system will be unusable. Young people will have to be prepared for the activities of this plan from the school bench, this is necessary for the development of insight, understanding of the ailments of the human soul. Such a detailed study will enable an extremely cautious approach to the defendant, and for judges - the issuance of a more objective verdict. The role of such judicial workers is very great. Most likely, prisons as a form of punishment will no longer be so relevant, because the main form of punishment will be correction by labor and psychological assistance to convicts. It is possible to create specialized institutions, the main function of which will be the correction of the offender.

As for state administration, this system will include the training of personnel who can be true professionals in their field, as well as possessing a high degree interest in the prosperity and smooth functioning of the state.

But, unfortunately, no matter how ideal the idea of ​​a world state is, no matter how many prospects for the development of mankind it carries, I believe that the construction of this form of organization of people's lives in the foreseeable future is a utopia.

I see the root cause of the doubtfulness of this theory in its illusory nature and inconsistency with modern world trends and the realities of life. For example, in the more than fifty years that have passed since even detailed plans for the construction of this world structure began to appear, nothing has changed in the system of international law. Nothing happened that could indicate, if not the beginning of the construction of what was planned, then at least the formation of the prerequisites for the further evolution of the idea.

In connection with these conditions, it should be noted that the idea of ​​building a world state is similar to the same majestic and, as the experience of a number of countries has shown, illusory idea of ​​building communism. Both ideas carry the goal of making all of humanity happy, but this is even theoretically impossible to implement.

In order to understand and more objectively evaluate the theory of the world state, and at the same time the theories of the world government, the citizen of the world and others related to it, it is necessary to pay attention to its political, social and economic, as well as historical origins. This means that not a single theory claiming recognition and long-term existence arises from scratch. Speaking about the theory of the world state, it should be noted that it is closely connected with cosmopolitanism. In a certain period of time, some ideas of cosmopolitanism were transformed into the ideas of world law and world state. However, what's the point? After all, the possibility of the existence of a world state in a contradictory world, consisting of a huge number of peoples, nations, states interconnected and interacting with each other, is extremely small. The main problem is that this theory does not take into account the existing realities. modern society, as well as the contradictions that stand in the way of building a world state.

When developing this theory and making claims for its viability, a number of factors were not properly taken into account.

And the first of these factors will be a rather contradictory perception of the idea of ​​world unification by various sections of various national societies. This is not so much about the presence of interethnic, class or other contradictions that traditionally exist in every society, but about a different kind of contradictions, born of incompatibility of interests and views on the world around and its prospects. further development between narrower groups of people. For example, supporters of cosmopolitanism and patriots of their homeland and people, respectively, between supporters of building a world state and its opponents.

The second factor is the contradictions that exist between religious denominations, cultural and everyday ways of different nationalities, which often transform into open confrontation and which do not at all contribute to the formation of some kind of human association, and further creation of a world state on the basis of it. In addition to the problems generated by the cultural orientation of individuals and entire nationalities, there are problems that generally call into question the idea of ​​creating such a state, or at least create huge obstacles to its implementation. Under these problems it is necessary to understand the elusive compatibility of such civilizations and their representatives as Eastern and Western culture, as the Muslim and Christian worldview and worldview, as left-wing and right-wing radical ideology, and others. There is also the problem of the incompatibility of Western civilization and Russian civilization, which is justified by the peculiarity of the development of Western countries and Russia.

The third factor is interstate conflicts that have arisen since the formation of the first states on Earth and in certain periods, escalating to extremes. These circumstances do not create a favorable environment for the formation of a world state. This refers not only to the contradictions between developed and undeveloped countries, but also only between highly developed states that set the pace for the life of the whole world. Basically, the struggle between countries takes place in the economic, technological and financial spheres. The enormous moral and material damage caused by the First and Second World Wars, it would seem, has not been ignored and should contribute to a conflict-free, world state, but in reality everything is not so perfect: the sad experience of losses and destruction is repeated many times.

Also, the negative aspect of this theory lies in the fact that, being created in the interests of the transnational oligarchy and dominating in modern world countries, as rightly noted by G.I. Tunkin: "Disorients peoples, both in domestic and international law", "distracts attention from the pressing problems of improving international relations and organizations as instruments for ensuring peace and developing international cooperation"

Thus, I believe that the creation of a world state, at least in the foreseeable future, is an unattainable phenomenon. This is explained by a number of reasons due to the peculiarities of the modern world community. Firstly, this is a confrontation between various religious movements that will never be able to come to a common compromise. Secondly, conflicts based on national grounds, when one nation exalts itself above others. Thirdly, it is the desire of some, stronger and more developed states to manage others, to control all their activities. And, finally, a different attitude to the very theory of the world state.

Justifying their desire for world domination, violating the sovereignty of other states, in particular through the construction of their military bases, influential circles in the United States also widely use the theory of a "world state", according to which peoples must renounce their sovereignty and submit to a single "world government" in the interests of supposedly deliverance of mankind from wars” and crises allegedly caused by sovereignty.

At the heart of this theory for a long time lay the confidence of the ruling classes in the United States in monopoly possession atomic weapons, in the advantage of owning a system of foreign military bases around the USSR. The reactionary essence and utopian nature of this theory have already been revealed in the works of Soviet scientists. However, its most important official function - an apology for military bases in foreign territories - still remains in the shadows.

American lawyer W. McClud in his extensive work “The World Legal Order. The Possible Contribution of the People of the United States” advocates the creation of a “world community”, a “world order” based on “universal law” and supposedly already in force “supranational customary law”.

Modern bourgeois jurists and sociologists see the reason that the UN was not up to the task assigned to it not in the creation of aggressive blocs and military bases, not in the desire for "world leadership" on the part of the reactionary circles of the United States, but in the sovereign independence of states. They try to prove that the rapid development of science and technology allegedly eliminates the democratic principles of international communication between states and international law that sovereignty is an allegedly “outdated” and “dangerous” idea for the very existence of mankind, from which it should abandon as soon as possible.

The idea of ​​creating a "world state" practically means the denial of the peaceful coexistence of states with different socio-economic systems and the liquidation of the UN with its principle of unanimity of the great powers. In the "world state" controversial issues should not be resolved by agreement sovereign states, but under the coercion of the so-called "international police", based on military bases attached to it in all corners the globe n which is an instrument of military violence of some powers, led by the United States, over others.

The theory of the "world state" is an ideological cover for the organization of such expansionist, aggressive blocs directed against the socialist countries, such as NATO, SEATO, CENTO, the Western European Union, etc., which, in turn, are steps on the path to the military-political integration of capitalist countries under the auspices of the United States.

Calling on the United States to create a world base system, J. Weller says: “The most appropriate basis on which a nation can establish a specified system of military bases (besides such a basis as the threat demonstrated to us during the war) is to assume responsibility as global citizen". Such a "world citizen" (i.e., the United States) is conceived by him as an armed leading center of the "world state", owning military bases in foreign territories.

Many supporters of the "world government", for example, J. Burnham, directly put on the agenda the question of the need for war using a system of military bases against "recalcitrant" states and peoples who do not want to enter the "world state" under the auspices of the United States. He writes: “We see that in our time no world federation can be achieved voluntarily. Other than the Communists, only the United States has the power to enforce the idea of ​​federation by force. It can only be created if the United States, while retaining monopoly control over atomic weapons, assumes responsibility for leading the world.

Under the conditions of the "world state", according to the plans of its authors, the peoples will be subordinated to the "world police", based on a system of military bases in the hands of the United States. Granting the "world government" the right to establish its military bases as "police posts" on the territories of all the united states, to dispose of these countries as a springboard, to quarter the troops of one state on the territory of another, etc., would in fact mean the complete dominance of American financial and military circles in foreign territories. It would be "the American armed world".

Relying on these bases and troops, the "world government" would have unlimited opportunities to suppress the struggle of the peoples against colonialism, against enslaving treaties and concessions, for their self-determination and liberation from capitalist slavery. The creation of a "world state" would mean further expansion and consolidation of the American empire, "legally" relying on American military bases and troops in foreign territories. Fortunately, the peoples are firmly guarding their independence, and even such an ardent geopolist as N. Spykman had to admit that the plans of a "world state" were unrealistic. The peoples, including the American people, do not want the creation of an "international police" either.

World government- the concept of a single political power over all mankind. Various conspiracy theories assign the function of world government to various real or fictional structures (UN, G7, G20 - G20, Freemasonry, Jewish Freemasonry, Bilderberg Club, Committee of 300, Illuminati). There is currently no world army, executive, legislative or judicial power with jurisdiction covering the entire planet.

"Secret world government"- one of the main terms of the conspiracy theory, denoting a narrow group of people, for example, the owners of the largest international corporations, which, according to supporters of such theories, determines the emergence and controls the development of the main events taking place in the world, on the way to the "new world order" .

One of the goals of the secret world government attributed to it by conspiracy theorists is creation of a society built on the principle of the "golden billion". According to adherents, such a "golden billion" includes members of the "highest guilds" and representatives of the "most worthy and developed" nations. Other nations (Africans, Asians) are assigned the role of serving black production, mining, and the entire infrastructure. This " useful part” allegedly amounts to about one and a half billion, while the rest of the population (more than 4 billion), according to supporters of the theory, is classified as “superfluous” and is systematically destroyed with the help of alcohol, smoking, drugs, revolutions.

Freemasonry is one of the most popular groups featured in secret world government conspiracy theories. Sometimes the secret world government is presented as fused with the world's financial institutions.

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