Climatic conditions in different parts of the country Panama. Useful information about Panama. State system and politics


Juan Carlos Varela

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K: Settlements founded in 1519


The city also has an airport. Marcos Gelabert (Aeropuerto Internacional Marcos A. Gelabert ; IATA: PAC, ICAO: MPMG), also known as Albrook Airport, for intra-Panamanian flights. It is located near the city center, on the territory former Zone Panama Canal.

Since 2014, for passenger flights, the aircraft created on the site of the former American military air base has been used. international Airport Panama Pacifico.

The Passenger Port of Panama serves many Canal cruise ships every year.

Municipal bus services are run by MiBus. In order to ensure traffic safety, all buses are personally consecrated by the Archbishop of Panama, Jose Domingo Uyoa.

Residents also make extensive use of taxis. A trip around the city usually costs less than 3 US dollars, to and from the airport - 30 dollars.

In December 2010, the construction of the light metro began. The project, which is being implemented by a consortium of Mexican, Brazilian, Spanish, Italian and Japanese companies, required an investment of $1.8 billion. The opening of the first branch (14 kilometers, 13 stations) took place on April 5, 2014. This is the first metro in Central America, the commissioning of which will allow the capital to significantly relieve ground transport, which can not cope with the flow of passengers. During rush hours in a city of 1.3 million people constantly experience traffic jams.


    View of Panama from Cerro Ancon

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    View from the university

    Gateway west of Casco Viejo, Panama City.jpg

    Caso Viejo

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    View of the city from the old harbor

    Causeway connecting the islands of Naos, Perico and Flamengo to the mainland.

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    Square in Casco Viejo

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    View of lower city from the yacht club

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    Casco Viejo

    DirkvdM panama bridge.jpg

    Bridge of the Americas across the Panama Canal.

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  • Mellander, Gustavo A. (1971) The United States in Panamanian Politics: The Intriguing Formative Years. Danville, Ill.: Interstate Publishers, OCLC 138568
  • Mellander, Gustavo A.; Nelly Maldonado Mellander (1999). Charles Edward Magoon: The Panama Years. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial Plaza Mayor. ISBN 1-56328-155-4. OCLC 42970390.


An excerpt characterizing Panama (city)

Wing adjutant Wolzogen, the same one who, passing by Prince Andrei, said that the war should be im Raum verlegon [transferred into space (German)], and whom Bagration hated so much, drove up to Kutuzov during lunch. Wolzogen came from Barclay with a report on the progress of affairs on the left flank. The prudent Barclay de Tolly, seeing the crowds of wounded fleeing and the disorganized behinds of the army, having weighed all the circumstances of the case, decided that the battle was lost, and with this news he sent his favorite to the commander in chief.
Kutuzov chewed the fried chicken with difficulty, and with narrowed, cheerful eyes looked at Wolzogen.
Wolzogen, casually stretching his legs, with a half-contemptuous smile on his lips, went up to Kutuzov, lightly touching his visor with his hand.
Wolzogen treated his Serene Highness with a certain affected carelessness, intended to show that, as a highly educated military man, he leaves the Russians to make an idol out of this old, useless man, while he himself knows with whom he is dealing. “Der alte Herr (as the Germans called Kutuzov in their circle) macht sich ganz bequem, [The old gentleman calmly settled down (German)] thought Wolzogen and, looking sternly at the plates that stood in front of Kutuzov, began to report to the old gentleman the state of affairs on the left flank as Barclay ordered him and as he himself saw and understood him.
- All points of our position are in the hands of the enemy and there is nothing to recapture, because there are no troops; they are running, and there is no way to stop them,” he reported.
Kutuzov, stopping to chew, stared at Wolzogen in surprise, as if not understanding what he was being told. Wolzogen, noticing the excitement of des alten Herrn, [the old gentleman (German)], said with a smile:
- I did not consider myself entitled to hide from your lordship what I saw ... The troops are in complete disorder ...
- Have you seen? Did you see? .. - Kutuzov shouted with a frown, quickly getting up and advancing on Wolzogen. “How dare you… how dare you…!” he shouted, making menacing gestures with shaking hands and choking. - How dare you, my dear sir, say this to me. You don't know anything. Tell General Barclay from me that his information is incorrect and that the real course of the battle is known to me, the commander-in-chief, better than to him.
Wolzogen wanted to object something, but Kutuzov interrupted him.
- The enemy is repulsed on the left and defeated on the right flank. If you have not seen well, dear sir, then do not allow yourself to say what you do not know. Please go to General Barclay and convey to him my indispensable intention to attack the enemy tomorrow, ”Kutuzov said sternly. Everyone was silent, and one could hear one heavy breathing of the out of breath old general. - Repulsed everywhere, for which I thank God and our brave army. The enemy is defeated, and tomorrow we will drive him out of the sacred Russian land, - said Kutuzov, crossing himself; and suddenly burst into tears. Wolzogen, shrugging his shoulders and twisting his lips, silently stepped aside, wondering at uber diese Eingenommenheit des alten Herrn. [on this tyranny of the old gentleman. (German)]
“Yes, here he is, my hero,” Kutuzov said to the plump, handsome black-haired general, who at that time was entering the mound. It was Raevsky, who had spent the whole day at the main point of the Borodino field.
Raevsky reported that the troops were firmly in their places and that the French did not dare to attack anymore. After listening to him, Kutuzov said in French:
– Vous ne pensez donc pas comme lesautres que nous sommes obliges de nous retirer? [So you don't think, like the others, that we should retreat?]
- Au contraire, votre altesse, dans les affaires indecises c "est loujours le plus opiniatre qui reste victorieux," Raevsky answered, "et mon opinion ... [On the contrary, your grace, in indecisive matters, the one who is more stubborn remains the winner, and my opinion …]
- Kaisarov! shouted Kutuzov to his adjutant. - Sit down and write an order for tomorrow. And you,” he turned to another, “drive along the line and announce that tomorrow we will attack.
While the conversation was going on with Raevsky and the order was being dictated, Wolzogen returned from Barclay and reported that General Barclay de Tolly would like to have a written confirmation of the order that the field marshal had given.
Kutuzov, without looking at Wolzogen, ordered that this order be written, which, quite thoroughly, in order to avoid personal responsibility, the former commander-in-chief wanted to have.
And through an indefinable, mysterious connection that maintains the same mood throughout the army, called the spirit of the army and constituting the main nerve of the war, Kutuzov’s words, his order for battle on the next day, were transmitted simultaneously to all parts of the army.
Far from the very words, not the very order, were transmitted in the last chain of this connection. There was not even anything similar in those stories that were passed on to each other at different ends of the army, to what Kutuzov said; but the meaning of his words was communicated everywhere, because what Kutuzov said did not follow from cunning considerations, but from a feeling that lay in the soul of the commander in chief, as well as in the soul of every Russian person.
And having learned that tomorrow we will attack the enemy, having heard confirmation from the highest spheres of the army of what they wanted to believe, the exhausted, hesitant people were comforted and encouraged.

The regiment of Prince Andrei was in reserves, which until the second hour stood behind Semenovsky in inactivity, under heavy artillery fire. In the second hour, the regiment, which had already lost more than two hundred men, was moved forward into a trodden oat field, to that gap between Semyonovsky and the kurgan battery, on which thousands of people were beaten that day and on which, in the second hour of the day, intensely concentrated fire was directed from several hundred enemy guns.
Without leaving this place and without releasing a single charge, the regiment lost another third of its people here. In front, and especially on the right side, in the smoke that did not dissipate, cannons boomed, and from the mysterious area of ​​​​smoke that covered the entire area in front, cannonballs and slowly whistling grenades flew out without ceasing, with a hissing quick whistle. Sometimes, as if giving rest, a quarter of an hour passed, during which all the cannonballs and grenades flew over, but sometimes for a minute several people were pulled out of the regiment, and the dead were constantly dragged away and the wounded carried away.
With each new blow, fewer and fewer accidents of life remained for those who had not yet been killed. The regiment stood in battalion columns at a distance of three hundred paces, but, despite the fact, all the people of the regiment were under the influence of the same mood. All the people of the regiment were equally silent and gloomy. Rarely was a conversation heard between the rows, but this conversation fell silent every time a blow was heard and a cry: “Stretcher!” Most of the time, the people of the regiment, by order of the authorities, sat on the ground. Who, having removed the shako, diligently disbanded and again gathered the assemblies; some with dry clay, spreading it in their palms, polished the bayonet; who kneaded the belt and tightened the buckle of the sling; who diligently straightened and bent over the new hems and changed shoes. Some built houses from Kalmyk arable land or wove braids from stubble straw. Everyone seemed quite immersed in these activities. When people were wounded and killed, when stretchers were pulled, when ours were coming back, when they were visible through the smoke large masses enemies, no one paid any attention to these circumstances. When artillery and cavalry rode forward, the movements of our infantry were visible, approving remarks were heard from all sides. But the events that were completely extraneous, which had nothing to do with the battle, deserved the greatest attention. As if the attention of these morally tormented people rested on these ordinary, everyday events. The artillery battery passed in front of the front of the regiment. In one of the artillery boxes, the tie-down line intervened. “Hey, that tie-down! .. Straighten it! It will fall ... Oh, they don’t see it! .. - they shouted from the ranks in the same way throughout the regiment. Another time, a small brown dog with a firmly raised tail drew general attention, which, God knows where it came from, ran in an anxious trot in front of the ranks and suddenly squealed from a close-hitting shot and, tail between its legs, rushed to the side. There were chuckles and squeals all over the regiment. But entertainment of this kind continued for minutes, and for more than eight hours people had been standing without food and doing nothing under the unceasing horror of death, and pale and frowning faces grew paler and more and more frowning.
Prince Andrei, just like all the people of the regiment, frowning and pale, walked up and down the meadow near the oat field from one boundary to the other, with his hands folded back and his head bowed. There was nothing for him to do or order. Everything was done by itself. The dead were dragged behind the front, the wounded were carried away, the ranks closed. If the soldiers ran away, they immediately hurriedly returned. At first, Prince Andrei, considering it his duty to arouse the courage of the soldiers and set an example for them, walked along the rows; but then he became convinced that he had nothing and nothing to teach them. All the strength of his soul, just like that of every soldier, was unconsciously aimed at refraining from contemplating the horror of the situation in which they were. He walked in the meadow, dragging his feet, scratching the grass and watching the dust that covered his boots; either he walked with long strides, trying to get into the tracks left by the mowers in the meadow, then, counting his steps, he made calculations how many times he had to go from boundary to boundary in order to make a verst, then he scoured the wormwood flowers growing on the boundary, and He rubbed these flowers in his palms and sniffed the fragrant, bitter, strong smell. From all yesterday's work, there was nothing left of thought. He didn't think about anything. He listened with a tired ear to the same sounds, distinguishing the whistle of flights from the rumble of shots, looked at the closer faces of the people of the 1st battalion and waited. “Here it is… this one is here again! he thought, listening to the approaching whistle of something from a closed area of ​​smoke. - One, the other! More! Horrible ... He stopped and looked at the ranks. “No, it moved. And here it is.” And he again began to walk, trying to take long steps so that in sixteen steps he would reach the boundary.
Whistle and blow! In five steps from him, the dry earth blew up and the core disappeared. An involuntary cold ran down his back. He looked again at the ranks. Probably vomited many; a large crowd gathered at the 2nd battalion.
“Mr. adjutant,” he shouted, “tell them not to crowd. - The adjutant, having fulfilled the order, approached Prince Andrei. On the other side, the battalion commander rode up on horseback.
- Watch out! - a frightened cry of a soldier was heard, and, like a bird whistling on a fast flight, squatting on the ground, a grenade splashed softly, a few steps from Prince Andrei, near the horse of the battalion commander. The first horse, without asking whether it was good or bad to express fear, snorted, soared, almost dropping the major, and galloped off to the side. The horror of the horse was communicated to people.
- Lie down! - shouted the voice of the adjutant, lying on the ground. Prince Andrew stood in indecision. A grenade, like a top, smoking, spun between him and the recumbent adjutant, on the edge of arable land and meadows, near a sagebrush bush.
“Is this death? - thought Prince Andrei, looking with a completely new, envious look at the grass, at the wormwood and at the wisp of smoke curling from the spinning black ball. “I can’t, I don’t want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air ...” He thought this and at the same time remembered that they were looking at him.
“Shame on you, officer! he said to the adjutant. “What…” he didn’t finish. At the same time, an explosion was heard, the whistle of fragments of a broken frame, as it were, the stuffy smell of gunpowder - and Prince Andrei rushed to the side and, raising his hand up, fell on his chest.
Several officers ran up to him. On the right side of the abdomen, a large bloodstain spread across the grass.
The called militia with stretchers stopped behind the officers. Prince Andrei lay on his chest, his face down to the grass, and heaved, snoring, breathing.
- What's up, come on!
The peasants came up and took him by the shoulders and legs, but he groaned plaintively, and the peasants, after exchanging glances, let him go again.
- Take it, put it, everything is the same! shouted a voice. Another time they took him by the shoulders and put him on a stretcher.
- Oh my god! My God! What is it?.. Belly! This is the end! Oh my god! voices were heard among the officers. “It buzzed by a hair’s breadth,” said the adjutant. The peasants, having adjusted the stretcher on their shoulders, hurriedly set off along the path they had trodden to the dressing station.
- Walk in step ... Eh! .. peasant! - the officer shouted, stopping by the shoulders the peasants who were walking unevenly and shaking the stretcher.
“Make things right, Khvedor, but Khvedor,” said the man in front.
“That's it, it's important,” said the rear one happily, hitting the leg.
- Your Excellency? A? Prince? - Timokhin ran up in a trembling voice, looking into the stretcher.
Prince Andrei opened his eyes and looked from behind the stretcher, into which his head was deeply buried, at the one who spoke, and again lowered his eyelids.
The militia brought Prince Andrei to the forest, where the wagons stood and where there was a dressing station. The dressing station consisted of three spread out tents with rolled-up floors on the edge of a birch forest. There were wagons and horses in the birch forest. Horses in the ridges ate oats, and sparrows flew to them and picked up spilled grains. Crows, smelling blood, cawing impatiently, flew over on birches. Around the tents, more than two acres of space, lay, sat, stood bloody people in various clothes. Around the wounded, with dull and attentive faces, crowds of porter soldiers stood, who were vainly driven away from this place by the officers in charge of order. Not listening to the officers, the soldiers stood, leaning on the stretcher, and intently, as if trying to understand the difficult meaning of the spectacle, looked at what was happening in front of them. Loud, angry cries, then plaintive moans were heard from the tents. From time to time paramedics ran out of there for water and pointed to those that had to be brought in. The wounded, waiting at the tent for their turn, wheezed, moaned, cried, shouted, cursed, asked for vodka. Some were delusional. Prince Andrei, as a regimental commander, walking over the unbandaged wounded, was carried closer to one of the tents and stopped, waiting for orders. Prince Andrei opened his eyes and for a long time could not understand what was happening around him. Meadow, wormwood, arable land, a black spinning ball and his passionate outburst of love for life came to his mind. Two paces from him, speaking loudly and drawing general attention to himself, stood leaning on a bough and with his head tied, a tall, handsome, black-haired non-commissioned officer. He was wounded in the head and leg by bullets. Around him, eagerly listening to his speech, a crowd of wounded and porters gathered.
- We fucked him up like that, so we threw everything away, they took the king himself! shouted the soldier, shining with black, heated eyes and looking around him. - Come only at that very time, the reserve, his b, my brother, there is no rank left, therefore I tell you right ...
Prince Andrei, like everyone around the narrator, looked at him with a brilliant look and experienced a consoling feeling. But isn't it all the same now, he thought. – What will happen there and what was it here? Why did I feel so sorry for losing my life? There was something in this life that I did not understand and do not understand.

Panama is a country located in Central America. She is world famous for her dramatic history associated with the Panama Canal. But besides this, Panama attracts with its even climate, advantageous location, exotic nature, rich and interesting culture.

Origin of the country and its name

Before the arrival of the Spaniards, Panama was inhabited by the Indian tribes of Chocos and Guayas. But already in 1510, a Spanish colony was founded here, and soon a Scottish one. However, both of them failed and already in 1821 Panama declared independence from Spain and became part of Colombia. After the discovery of gold in California in 1879, the construction of the Panama Canal began in Panama, which was supposed to connect the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

After the separation of Panama from Colombia, the construction of the canal continued, but the United States established control over it. Following this, riots, coups and even a declaration of war with the United States reigned in the country for almost 100 years, and only in 1999 control over the canal was transferred to the authorities of Panama, and five years later the political situation in the country began to stabilize.

Geographic location

The geographical location of the Republic of Panama is quite interesting. It occupies the narrow Isthmus of Panama, connects South and Central America and at the same time separates the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Panama borders Colombia and Costa Rica. In the south it is washed by the waters Pacific Ocean, and in the north caribbean. The total area of ​​the country, including its islands in the Pacific Ocean, is 78.2 thousand square meters. km

by the most big cities Panama are considered Panama, Bocas del Toro, Colon and Tocumen. But the most beautiful is the capital of the country - Panama. Its advantage is the abundance of greenery and architectural diversity.


Panama is located in the subequatorial zone climate zone. Throughout the year, the weather in the country is humid and hot. It is hottest on the Pacific coast of Panama. The air temperature here from March to September ranges from +34.. to +36 degrees during the day and from +20.. to +22 degrees at night. From September to March, the temperature during the day rises to +33 degrees, and at night it drops to +17 degrees.

On the Caribbean coast of the country there is no sharp transition of day and night temperatures. From March to September, the temperature does not exceed +32 degrees and does not fall below +25. In the period from September to March, the air temperature reaches +30 degrees.


About 70% of the population of Panama is made up of the Mestizo ethnic group - descendants of mixed marriages between Spaniards and Indians, another 25% are from the West Indians. The remaining 5% are Indians - the indigenous population of Panama. To the north- east coast Panama is home to the Kuna Indian tribe, the Choco in the forest areas, and the Guaimi in the mountainous areas.

Panamanians are distinguished by their hot temperament and sociability. However, one must be careful considering low level life in the country sociability and hospitality can hide selfish goals. In addition, people from such countries as Colombia, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Costa Rica, China, and the USA live in the country.

State-political structure of the country

Panama is a unitary state. It is divided into 9 provinces, which in turn are divided into districts. The main law is the Constitution, adopted in 1972 with amendments in 1978 and 1983. According to the Constitution, the head of state is the president, who is elected for five years, and two vice-presidents are elected with him. supreme body legislature it is a unicameral Legislative Assembly of 72 deputies. executive power represented by the Cabinet Council headed by the president. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, tribunals and other courts.


The monetary unit of Panama is the Balboa. One balboa consists of 100 centesimos. This currency unit was introduced in the country a little over a hundred years ago and named after the Spanish conquistador Nunez de Balboa.

By the way, you will not find paper balboas in Panama, because they simply do not exist, and American dollars are used instead. Only once were banknotes issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 20, but they lasted exactly a few days.

Traditions and religion

Almost 85% of Panamanian believers are Catholics, another 10% are Protestants, and almost 5% are Muslims. Also on the territory of Panama there are communities of Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons.

Panamanians are very fond of dancing. Each ethnic group has its own dance festival, the most popular of which is considered to be the Black Christ Festival, where the descendants of black slaves demonstrate their art. This and other similar festivals contribute to the preservation of the original culture of this territory.

National cuisine of Panama

Panamanian cuisine is a mixture of Spanish and Indian culinary traditions, similar to other Central American countries. However, it also has its own characteristics.

The basic elements of Panamanian cuisine are legumes and corn, as well as rice and meat. Popular traditional dish considered "tamales" - meat that is baked under tomato sauce in palm leaves with potatoes or corn, and also "fried food" - meat, mostly pork, with fried bananas, eggs and herbs.

Also in Panama there is a great abundance of seafood, due to its geographic location. Favorite Panamanian fish dishes are "ceviche" - fish fried on coals and "pargo royo frito" - marinated perch fried with rice, coconut and vegetables. A favorite dessert in Panama can be called "plantan tortillas" - banana cakes with corn and coconut meringue.

Exotic Panama is a country located on the border between Central and South America. It is located on the Isthmus of Panama and is practically sandwiched between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

The country borders Costa Rica to the north and Colombia to the south. The name of the country is translated from the language of the Cueva Indians as "a place where there are a lot of fish." This immediately speaks of what is the basis of the state economy. is the city of the same name, sometimes referred to as Panama City.

The first inhabitants of this territory were the Guayami, Choco and Kuna Indians. Then begins the European period of the history of Panama. At the beginning of the 16th century, the first contacts of local natives with the Spaniards, in particular, Christopher Columbus, took place.

Climatic features and nature of the country

The climate throughout the country is subequatorial, so the rainy season here lasts quite a long time - from May to December. And only from December-January to mid-April, tourists will be able to enjoy dry weather. The air temperature fluctuates between +25…+28°С all year round, varying within 2-3 degrees in winter and summer. Rains are more intense in the foothills of the Caribbean coast, where tropical hurricanes often rage.

If you look at a photo of Panama taken from an airplane or satellite, you can see why the locals are proud of their amazing nature. The relief here is predominantly uneven, with many hills. A mountain range stretches across the entire central part of the country, bordered on both sides by coastal lowlands, and the jungles of Panama delight travelers with their luxurious vegetation and rich fauna. From the birds here you can see the sacred Indian bird quetzal, the largest feathered predator of the planet - the harpy eagle, many parrots, herons and toucans. Animals such as monkeys, cougars, anteaters, sloths, ocelots, deer, peccaries, armadillos, alligators, snakes, and kinkajou are also found in Panama.

The highest point in the country is considered (3475 m), located in the province of Chiriqui. Between the mountain ranges of the western and eastern parts of Panama, the famous is laid, dug in the lowest part of the isthmus.

Both the Caribbean and the Pacific coasts are characterized by the presence of deep bays and small islands located near the land. One of the most famous in Panama - where pearls have been mined for several centuries.

Political system and symbolism

In the Democratic Republic of Panama, the president is the head of state and government. He appoints the Cabinet, and the President and Vice President are elected to their office by popular vote after a five-year term. The legislature of the State of Panama is the unicameral National Assembly. The country consists of 10 provinces and includes 3 autonomous regions - comarca. The coat of arms and the flag of Panama look quite interesting. In the central part of the emblem there is an image of the Isthmus of Panama, in the upper two quarters a rifle and a silver sword are drawn, in the lower quarters - a bird and a cornucopia.

The flag of the country consists of two white, blue and red rectangles, symbolizing the conservative and liberal parties. Two stars are drawn on a white background: blue and red.

The national currency of Panama is the balboa, issued in denominations of 1 and 5 balboas. However, in practice, the US dollar is used more often in calculations.

The population of Panama, as the census shows, is very heterogeneous in composition. Most of it is made up of descendants of the indigenous Indian population and the Spanish colonizers who intermarried. The official language of Panama is Spanish, but many locals also speak English and French.

The largest cities in the country

Most Big city- This is located on the Pacific coast, with a population of over 1 million people. The basis of its economy is the banking sector, real estate construction, transport and services. Most of Panama's exports and imports pass through the city's port, located at the entrance to the Panama Canal. But this is not the only important transport hub of the country. On the Caribbean coast of Panama, it competes with Colón, which is also connected to the capital by a high-speed highway and railway.

Resort life of the country

The import of any currency is not limited, but amounts over $10,000 and gold jewelry must be declared. You can not import vegetables, perishable products, fruits, drugs, weapons. You do not need to pay a fee if you carry with you no more than 500 g of tobacco, gifts worth no more than $ 50, three bottles of alcohol and the same number of bottles of perfume.

The Republic of Panama is located on the isthmus of the same name, called the Isthmo by geographers, on one side of which is the Pacific Ocean and the other side is washed by the Caribbean Sea. The country is located between Costa Rica and Colombia at 9° northern latitude and 80° west longitude. The area of ​​the state is 75.5 thousand square kilometers. Length coastline 2 thousand 490 kilometers. Panama has only two land borders.

The Colombian-Panamanian border forms impenetrable jungle 225 kilometers long and on the other side there is a border with Costa Rica 330 kilometers long. The territory of Panama is divided into ten provinces and autonomies - Panama, Colon, Chiriqui, Cocle, Darien, Herrera, Veraguas, Los Santos, Bocas del Torro, San Blas. From one of the Indian languages, the name "Panama" can be translated as "a place where there are a lot of fish."

Type of government - democratic republic. The head of state and government is the president. The current president is Ricardo Martinelli and the vice president is Juan Carlos Varela. The Cabinet of Ministers is appointed by the President, and the President and Vice President are elected by popular vote every 5 years. The legislative body is the unicameral National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional) - 71 deputies, elected by the population for a five-year term.

Relief of Panama

The relief of the country is mainly made up of coastal plains, mountainous inner part And tropical jungle in the northwest and east. The main part of the minerals and natural resources that can be found on the territory of Panama is copper, teak and mohagon wood, asbestos quarries, fruit (bananas, pineapples, two types of coconuts, mangoes, etc.) plantations, a huge amount of fish and shrimp, hydro -electricity, huge reserves of fresh water.

From western border from Costa Rica to central regions Panama stretches the Cordillera de Veragua mountain range. Within the ridge in its western part there are several volcanoes, including the highest point in the country - the active volcano Baru. It is the only active volcano in Panama. Its height reaches 3475 m. The width of the volcano caldera is 6 km. IN last time the volcano erupted in 1550, it is expected that its next eruption will occur in 2035. Located on the slopes of the volcano national park Volkan-Baru. Also in the western part of Panama are the extinct volcanoes of La Eguada and El Valle.

The climate of Panama

Panama has a subequatorial type of climate. It is hot and humid throughout the year, and fluctuations average monthly temperatures do not exceed 2-3 degrees. The hottest is the Pacific coast of the country. Here, in the period from March to September, during the daytime, the air warms up to +34..+36 degrees, and at night it cools down to +20..+22 degrees. In the period from September to March, daytime air temperatures rise to +31..+33 degrees, and nighttime temperatures drop to +17..+19 degrees. On the Caribbean coast of Panama daily course temperature is not so noticeable. From March to September during the day the air warms up to +30..+32 degrees, and at night it cools down to +23..+25 degrees. In a relatively cool season from September to March, daytime air temperatures reach +28..+30 degrees, nighttime temperatures drop to +20..+22 degrees. In the central mountainous regions of the country at altitudes of more than 1000 m above sea level, the air temperature is 7-8 degrees lower than on the coasts.

During the year, up to 3500 mm of precipitation falls in Panama on the northern slopes of the mountains and on the Caribbean coast, and up to 2000 mm on the Pacific coast. Relatively dry season lasts from December to mid-April, rainy - from May to December. On the Pacific coast, these seasons are more pronounced: during the dry season, less than 50 mm of precipitation falls per month, and during the rainy season - 300-400 mm. On the Caribbean coast and on the northern slopes of the mountains, there is enough a large number of rainfall - from 200 to 400 mm monthly. Also during rainy season powerful cyclonic eddies often come to the Caribbean coast, characterized by strong gusty winds and heavy downpours, but the main path of tropical hurricanes, characteristic of the Caribbean Sea, passes to the north. It is worth noting that the rainy season has nothing to do with the phenomenon of the same name in East Asia. It doesn't rain continuously. Precipitation usually falls within 2-3 hours, and if It is raining in the capital, the sun may shine on the Caribbean or Pacific coast.

The best time to travel to Panama is during the dry season. From the end of May, temperatures and humidity begin to rise rapidly, making moving around the country a real torture. Showers, although short-lived, are very intense, and the sun that comes out after them quickly dries the earth, but saturates the air with moisture.

Flora and fauna of Panama

The eastern part of Panama and the coast are covered with wet tropical forests- selva. There are many species in the country valuable trees, such as bacout tree, or guayacán. Main decoration flora Panama - orchids, of which there are more than 300 species.

Jaguars, cougars, and ocelots are still preserved in hard-to-reach areas. There are armadillos, tapirs, monkeys, sloths, tree porcupines. In mountain forest areas there are deer and peccaries. There are up to 850 species of birds. Lots of snakes, scorpions, spiders, various insects. Panama is often called the kingdom of butterflies: more than 1100 species are known in the country, of which at least 5 species of giant butterflies "morpho" (wingspan - 15 cm).

Nature and national parks of Panama

About 30% of the territory of Panama is reserved for nature protection zones. There are more than 1,300 plant species in the country, many of which are relics, and about 950 bird species. Panama is considered one of the the best places on the planet for bird watching.

Not far from Panama City is the Metropolitan National Park. The park is adjacent to the Panama Canal and is the only park Latin America, which protects the tropical forest within the metropolitan area. Here, on an area of ​​265 hectares, you can see a variety of birds (parakeets, toucans and orioles), butterflies, small mammals (sloths, titi monkeys and anteaters) and reptiles. Also, an exhibition of orchids is open for tourists, where species that grow only in Panama are presented. The Metropolitan Park has Observation deck from where you can see the Panama Canal. The information center of the park is very interesting, where you will be told in detail about the possibilities of recreation here. Of the routes, we can highlight the 45-minute Mono Titi route and parts of the historical routes of Camino de Cruces and Cienequita, which were used by the Spaniards in ancient times. The Camino de Cruces route links many National parks.

In the vicinity of Panama City are also interesting botanical gardens Summit area of ​​250 hectares. The gardens were formed in 1923. To date, the Summit has collected about 15,000 different exotic plants. A zoo was also set up here, where national bird harpy eagle and tapir. For harpy eagles, the zoo has one of the largest exhibition areas in the world ever created for a single species of bird. Here the life and features of this bird are presented in great detail.

Soberania National Park. The area of ​​the park is 20 thousand hectares. It is located 40 km north of Panama City on the banks of the Panama Canal. Here, in the short period of time that the tour lasts, you can see the largest number of bird species. In total, there are about 200 species of birds in the Soberania National Park, among which is one of the few populations of the largest bird of prey the world - the harpy eagle.

Barro Colorado Island, along with several peninsulas of the lake, is part of the Barro Colorado National Park in Gatun Lake, adjacent to Soberania National Park. The total area of ​​this protected area is 5.4 thousand hectares. Gatun Lake and Barro Colorado Island appeared during the construction of the canal, when a dam was built on the Chagres River. Inside the flooded lake, the lake remained unflooded small plot land with a height of 171 m. In 1923, the island of Barro Colorado was declared a protected area. In 1946, the Tropical Research Institute began to manage the reserve, which established the Tropical Research Laboratory here. In 1979, in addition to the island of Barro Colorado, the reserve included several peninsulas and the reserve received the status of a national park. The only way to get to the park is by boat from the village of Gamboa, which is located 38 km from Panama City. In order to visit Barro Colorado National Park, you must obtain a permit from the Tropical Research Institute. Visits to the park are paid, the ticket price includes lunch at the information center of the park. The information center of the park shows films about the history of the creation of the park and about its inhabitants. Barro Colorado Island can be circumnavigated in one day. The walk along the main route lasts only 45 minutes. All routes of the park pass through the forests, where many birds live.

Not far from here, on the banks of the Chagres River, lies the Chagres National Park. It was created to protect the ecosystems of the river banks, which are the main sources of water for the Panama Canal, sources drinking water for many major cities this part of the country, as well as sources of electricity for the cities of Panama City and Colon. The area of ​​the park is 129 thousand hectares. Its main attractions are the Chagres River and Lake Alajuela, on the banks of which numerous colonies of birds settle. The park also offers excursions to the villages of the Indian tribes "Embera" and "Wounan" living in these protected areas. During the excursions, you can get acquainted with the culture of the tribes, preserved from ancient times, with the process of making and coloring the cake by local craftsmen. Parts of two ancient roads pass through the park, along which Europeans exported Inca gold in the 16-18 centuries - these are Camino de Cruces and Camino Real. Cerro Jefe observation platform (1007 m) offers a breathtaking view of the Panama Canal.

North of the Chagres National Park on the Caribbean coast is Portobelo National Park. Of the 34.9 thousand hectares of the park, about 20% is in the sea, the rest is occupied by tropical rainforests.

Of the other protected areas in the central part of the country, the Altos de Campanha National Park can be distinguished, which is located 60 km southwest of Panama City. The park protects tropical rain forests growing on the slopes of the mountains, and several mountain rivers. The total area of ​​the park is 4.8 thousand hectares. Monkeys live in the forests wild pigs, over 175 species of birds, as well as reptiles, including the endangered endemic golden frog.

Further south on the east coast of the Azuero Peninsula lies the Sarigua National Park. The area of ​​the park is 8 thousand hectares. It is known for its archaeological sites - the ruins of the oldest Indian villages of pre-Columbian times, dating back to 9500-7000 BC. Fragments of ceramic objects and stone products were found here.

Also on the Azuero Peninsula is the Cerro Joya National Park, which guards one of the last tracts of untouched Azuero forest.

Off the southern coast of the Azuero Peninsula, on the islands of Canas and Iguana, there are wildlife preserves. The Kanas Island Sanctuary was established in 1994 to protect a 13 km stretch of coast where many turtles come to lay eggs every year. The most common type of turtle found here is olive turtle Ridley. In the reserve, tourists are offered nightly observations of turtles. The Iguana Island Sanctuary covers an area of ​​53 hectares. Several species of turtles lay their eggs on the local beaches between April and September. The park also protects one of the largest reefs in the Gulf of Panama with an area of ​​16 hectares. Every year, humpback whales can be seen near the reefs, which migrate from the polar regions to the tropical regions through these places.

Off the west coast of the Azuero Peninsula in Chiriqui Bay is the National marine park Coiba Islands. Coiba Island is the second largest island in the Eastern Pacific (after Vancouver Island). Its area is 49 thousand hectares. In addition to the island of Coiba, the national park includes several other small islands. The total area of ​​the park is 270.1 thousand hectares. In 1910, a prison was built on the island of Coiba, which is still there today. Because of this, the forests that cover the island have remained virtually untouched. human activity. In order to visit the Coiba National Park, you must obtain permission from the directorate of the colony. His undersea world considered one of the richest in the world, in addition, on some islands of the park from April to September, you can see turtles that sailed here to lay eggs, and this is the only place in the country where flocks of red macaws live. Damas Bay of Coiba Island is surrounded by 135 hectares of coral reef, which is the largest coral reef in Central America.

In the extreme west of Panama is part of the La Amistad International Park. This is the first in the world biosphere reserve, which was created on the territory of two states. The other part of the park is located in Costa Rica. The Panamanian part of the reserve covers mountain ranges stretching from Costa Rica, and covers an area of ​​​​207 thousand hectares. It is located on the territory of two provinces - Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro. Information Center The park in the province of Chiriqui is located in the village of Las Nubes, and in the province of Bocas del Toro, in the village of Panayungla. On the mountain slopes of the national park, there are forests inhabited by rare mountain cougars, jaguars and many birds, among which is the most beautiful bird of Central America - the quetzal.

Volkan Baru National Park is located next to the La Amistad National Park in the province of Chiriqui. The park is located on the slopes of the highest point in the country - Baru volcano (3475 m). It occupies an area of ​​14.3 thousand hectares, on which tropical rainforests and volcanic landscapes extend. In clear weather, both coasts of Panama can be seen from the top of the Baru volcano. The park also offers routes to several craters of the volcano, during which you can see a huge variety of orchids, ferns, mosses and birds, such as quetzals and toucans.

Off the northwest coast of Panama, in the southern part of the Bocas del Toro archipelago, is the Bastimientos Island National Marine Park. This is one of the few protected areas in Latin America where wild nature, indigenous tribes of the islands and Coral reefs. Many of the park's beaches are nesting grounds for rare, endangered turtle species. Not far from here is Bird Island, which is famous for its colony of sea gulls.

In the eastern part of Panama, on the territory of 579 thousand hectares, the Darien National Park is located. This is the biggest protected area countries and throughout the Caribbean. The park has a colossal diversity of flora and fauna, and the park is also notable for the tribes that have lived here since time immemorial and still retain their identity. On the territory of the park there are mountain ranges up to 2500 m high, navigable rivers, sandy beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves and swamps. Most of the park is covered by tropical rainforests, which are home to many endemic plant species and are home to about 200 species. large mammals, among which is rare view, like the jaguar, and about 500 species of birds, including the harpy eagle. The park is home to two Indian tribes, Embera and Waunan.

Population of Panama

The population of Panama as of July 2010 was 3.4 million. Annual increase - 1.5% (fertility - 2.5 births per woman). Infection with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - 1% (53rd place in the world, 2007 estimate), 20,000 people. Ethno-racial composition: mestizos (Mestizo) 70%, blacks, mulattoes and sambos 14%, whites 10%, Indians 6%.

Birth rate - 20.18‰ (96th place in the world), mortality - 4.66‰ (196th place in the world), infant mortality 12.67 per 1000 newborns (139th place), average life expectancy - 77.25 years (74. 47 years for men, 80.16 years for women). Literacy - 91.9% (according to the 2000 census). The share of the urban population is 73%.

The basis of the ethnos "Panamanians" are the descendants of the Spanish colonialists of the 16th century, partially mixed with the Indians, that is, mestizos, and mulattoes, who together make up 70% of the country's population. In addition to the Spaniards, here in the 19th and 20th centuries. other immigrants from Europe also migrated, mainly Italians. The minority are representatives of the indigenous population, the Indians of the Macro-Chibcha and Zhe-Pano-Caribbean families. There are also forest blacks (descendants of runaway black slaves living according to African traditions), cholos (Indians who lost their roots and switched to Spanish), and antillanos (immigrants from Jamaica and other Antilles. The consolidation of the nation occurred in the 19th century Repeated attempts to secede from Colombia led the Panamanians to declare independence in 1903. According to cultural traditions, they are closest to the Colombians, Costa Ricans and Hondurans.

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