Amazon forests, interesting facts. Amazon rain forests Amazon rainforests

Amazon rainforests- a real jungle that stretches around the Amazon River. They are located on a wide and almost flat plain, stretching across the entire reservoir of the Amazon River. The site of this humid and virtually impenetrable forest is 5.5 million square kilometers.

The forest stretches across several countries at once: Brazil, Colombia, Suriname, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Venezuela, French Guiana, Ecuador. The local forests are the real big forest on the planet. Here the largest stocks of wood are concentrated, the largest "factory" for the production of oxygen grows. wet forests South America provided with different types of flora and fauna. The variety of animals and plants here is even more extensive than in the forests of Africa.

For example, any tenth described animal or plant species is concentrated in the forests of the Amazon. Over the years of research, more than 3 thousand species of fish, 40 thousand species of plants and 1,300 species of birds were found in the forests. Almost 500 popular species of mammals, 400 species of amphibians, the same number of reptiles and a little more than 100 thousand species of various invertebrates live here.
The diversity of plants growing in the Amazonian forests is even more amazing. According to the analysis of professionals, there are 150 thousand species per square kilometer of forest. higher plants, including 75 thousand species of trees. In addition, the local forests are teeming with animals that pose a threat to humans. TO big predators include: jaguar, caiman and anaconda. The rivers of the Amazon are rich in eels and candiru, and tailless amphibians from the Arboretum family hang from the branches of trees. The skin of these animals releases a powerful poison that leads to death in a matter of moments.

You also want to change the situation, you are driven by a thirst for knowledge, then fly to Brazil for new experiences. Just do not forget that rest in the forests of the Amazon is unlikely to be passive, rather extreme. But if you listen to the local guide, follow all the recommendations, then save only the most important things about this place. Nice memories and will definitely come back again and again.

Amazon forests - an amazing and primitive world

The Amazon forests have always been a curiosity for foreigners. The beauty and richness of nature Amazon rainforests conquered almost everyone. And some daredevils are ready for a lot to see all the splendor at least once.

Just imagine that in the jungle of the Amazon grows more than forty thousand different types plants, and there are so many animals in the Amazon that some species are still unknown to man.

Do you want to see the largest water lily in the world? You will only find it in the Amazon. The dimensions of some Victoria regia water lilies are impressive, 3 meters in diameter, and even with a load of 50 kg, the plant will remain on the surface of the water, as if this insect decided to take a break for a moment. And the flowers, which, by the way, are also not short, 30-40 centimeters in diameter, exude a delicate aroma that will remind you of a walk in an apricot garden. The water lily pleases with its flowering for a long 5 months, from March to July. Therefore, you will definitely have time to admire this miracle of nature.

If you decide to come here, be prepared for hot days and cold nights, especially after heavy rains. not without reason Amazon forests called rainy and wet, heavy rainfall here is a constant phenomenon.

Animals of the Amazon - amazing creatures

Separately, I would like to talk about animals of the amazon. Some are very dangerous to human life. Therefore, it is better if you admire them from a distance or in photographs.

Jaguar is one of major representatives feline. The weight of the male can reach up to 120 kilograms. You probably don't want to come face to face with this "kitty". However, locals claim that if the jaguar is not provoked, it will not attack. And some look at the person rather with curiosity. But, it is better if you do not climb to the jaguar with tenderness.

Dangerous to humans are caimans and alligators. That's why, if you want to swim in the river, be sure to ask your guide about a safe place. Do not enter the river without permission, no matter how hot it is for you.

Also dangerous are snakes in the forests of the Amazon, especially the anaconda. Attacks on a person, although rare, at least so the researchers say, but few people want to suffocate in her arms. In addition, the anaconda does not disdain pets.

The most insidious snake in the Amazon is the zhararak. It is very common in the jungle, because of the favorable conditions for its living. Most often, people and pets die from its poison. And some settlements were forced to look for another place of residence, fearing for their lives and their children. Therefore, be careful, especially if you decide to take a walk deep into the forest. The size of this snake reaches about one and a half meters, so you can notice it. The saddest thing is that bite antitoxins are very expensive, and even if a person was saved on time, he may remain disabled, since the limbs affected by necrosis will have to be amputated. So, once again, be careful. Don't take a single step without a guide.

In addition to crocodiles, there are other dangerous animals in the water, such as electric rays and piranhas. Even before the trip, you should read the literature to be ready. Knowledge + a competent guide and you will be able to maintain your health. Electric ramps in some cases, they can kill a person. And piranhas can attack even if you have a small bleeding wound.

Beware of mosquitoes, carriers of malaria. Surely, you know that before traveling to Brazil, you should go through medical examination and get all necessary vaccinations. Many diseases are better prevented than treated later. By the way, do not ignore mosquito nets, they will also serve as good protection. And in the Amazon they are strung over every bed.

Despite the fact that not all animals are safe for humans, some do not bear any harm. On the contrary, they cause admiration and smiles. For example:

1. Marmosets. These are tiny monkeys, weighing only about 100 grams. They are rarely shown to humans, as they are very shy. However, this cutest creatures. If you are lucky enough to see this baby, you will definitely not remain indifferent.

2. Among monkeys of intellectuals it is necessary to allocate a woolly monkey. Perhaps you can see them, firstly, they are much larger than marmosets, and secondly, they live in groups of ten to seventy individuals. They are very interesting to watch.

3. In the Amazon jungle there are also very unusual animals - paki. Imagine a rodent weighing about 10 kilograms, and even with hooves instead of claws. Our mice will seem to you not so scary. No, paki will not attack you, they are very fond of mangoes and avocados, and are good at climbing trees.

4. The armadillo is also an interesting animal. Armadillos weigh an average of 6 kg and feed on insects and worms. If you think that you can catch him, then you are mistaken, he will run away from you at a gallop and hide in a hole. He usually doesn't move that fast though.

5. Another animal harmless to humans is the tapir, although it is the size of a pony. They are very skittish. But if you really want to watch them, go to the river, they usually live there, because they like coolness and swimming. Tapirs have a small trunk that moves well. From the outside it looks funny.

6. Did you miss the bears? Brazil has its own ukumari bear. By the way, he is also a vegetarian, with the exception of insect larvae. He can get them with his claws. And so it usually eats roots and fruits. Do not be surprised, but sometimes he builds nests in a tree, and lives there for several days until he eats all the fruits.

7. And, probably, the most striking and cheerful representatives of the fauna of the Amazon are parrots. But where without these talkative, beautiful birds. In addition, they quickly get used to people. By the way, therefore, near some hotels in the Amazon you can watch a whole home zoo. Knowing what tourists will want to see first, locals they feed parrots and monkeys, and they are happy with tasty and plentiful food, so they do not hide from people, and suddenly something else falls to them.

Amazon rainforests are endangered

Amazon jungle not only unusual and interesting for researchers and tourists, they are also considered lungs of the planet because they produce enough oxygen. However, there is a danger that these majestic forests may disappear. Until 2011, the most global problem was deforestation in the Amazon. People cleared land for plowing and grazing domestic animals. However, for several years now, such land has been depleted and become unsuitable for growing vegetables or grain crops, since it was not reclaimed and the environment was not taken care of. By the way, scientists say that if the felling is not stopped, it can lead to a sad outcome, a decrease in yield by about 30%. And over time, deforestation can lead to an ecological disaster, to the disappearance of plants and animals that are not adapted to another area.

That's why, deforestation in the Amazon must be suspended so as not to lose this wonder of the world.

In addition, the Amazon is the only home for two hundred thousand Indians, whose descendants have always lived on this land. And some of them are still isolated from civilization, they simply do not know how to live differently, and even if they meet people from another world, they are not very friendly towards them, because they are afraid that their life, their foundations and traditions may be destroyed.

If you are attracted nature of the Amazon If you want to look at least one eye into the past, be sure to come to Brazil. You will be captivated by the primitiveness of the inhabitants, amazing flora and fauna, and you will finally be convinced that life is beautiful.

Journey to the Amazon Jungle, video:

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In this animation of Landsat 5 and 7 images from 1975 to 2012, huge swathes of the Amazonian forest disappear in the Brazilian state of Rondonia.

According to data provided by the Brazilian government, the felling rate rainforest Amazon last year grew by 28%. Minister for Protection environment Isabella Teixeira said that 5843 square kilometers rainforest were destroyed between August 2012 and July 2013.

Environmentalists blame the rise in deforestation on the easing of sanctions that target companies involved in infrastructure development, including the construction of dams, highways and railways. Teixeira said on Wednesday that she would demand clarification from regional authorities when she returned from a UN climate change summit in Warsaw.

“The Brazilian government should not be tolerant of illegal logging. We must stop the destruction forest areas" said Ms. Teichera, adding that she firmly believes that the damage done to the rainforests can still be repaired.

The stoves used to produce charcoal are seen from a police helicopter during Operation Hileia Patria in Nova Esperanza do Piria. RICARDO Moraes / REUTERS.

There are several reasons that accelerate deforestation:

Firstly, because of the constantly growing production of soybeans and cereals in Brazil.
Photo 2.

Second, according to researchers at Stony Brook University, cocaine production in Colombia also has a huge impact on increasing deforestation. Their destruction is accelerated by the spread of the coca bush, which in tropical forests in Lately became too much.

One of the main reasons for excessive deforestation in the Amazon is also an increase in the export of Brazilian beef. It turns out that 60-70 percent of deforested land is used for cultivation cattle mainly by small farmers.

Forests absorb about one-third of fossil fuel emissions (about 2.4 billion tons of carbon annually they remove from the atmosphere). And in order for environmentalists to have a chance to seriously engage climate change– global deforestation must be stopped. Or at least kept to a minimum.

An aerial view showing a section of the Amazon rainforest that has been cleared for Agriculture near Santarem. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Deforestation in the Amazon is already much more than a regional problem. This - global problem, because the Amazon rainforest plays a key role in the Earth's hydrological and climate system and has a significant impact on the world's climate.

Photo 3.

The Amazon rainforest covers a significant amount of land and extends over Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Suriname, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana and French Guyana, which represents about 40% of South America and can be compared to the size of 48 states located on the North American continent. . The Amazon Rainforest covers the Amazon Basin, where the second long river globally after the Nile and the largest globally, including more than 1100 tributaries that are important source daily bread for plants, animals and people. Although the Amazon rainforest has been accessed by humans and impacted by their presence, the importance of this rainforest to the earth continues to be recognized. There are several types of vegetation and ecosystems in the Amazon rainforest, some of which are savannas, deciduous forests, rainforests, flooded forests and flooded forests.

Photo 4.

A fisherman's house is seen along the Tapajos River near Santarem. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Africa's most important rainforest is now in the Congo Basin. The Congo rainforest is second in size to the Amazon rainforest, and extends over other countries like Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Cameroon. About two thirds of the rainforest still preserved, but the rainforest is under threat of human intervention. The Congo Rainforest is home to gorillas, bonobos, peacocks, chimpanzees, elephants and a wide variety of birds, insects; in total, about 600 species of trees and about 10,000 species of animals; accounting for 70% of Africa's biodiversity, ecosystems and tropical forests. More than half of the people democratic republic The Congo, which has a population of roughly 60 million people, depends on the rainforest for survival. The rainforest is an integral part of the culture, diet, signs, habitation and traditional practices. The rainforests of the Congo also have a very long and interesting historical backdrop for tribal warfare, ethnic violence, and the Arab ivory slave trade. Commercial logging and community clearing is a big threat to the rainforest.

Once upon a time, rainforests covered vast parts of the land in Central America, making it virtually an area covered by deep rainforests. The tropical forests of Central America are endowed with many rare and specific varieties of plants, trees and animals. The southwest of Costa Rica, for example, the Osa Peninsula is known for its diverse flora and fauna and animals such as the Harpy Eagle, jaguars, tapirs, macaws, cougars, arrow frogs and the fer-de-lance, Costa Rica's deadliest snake. Some of the birds in this rainforest are rare and have been declared endangered. The rainforest of the Osa Peninsula has been described by National Geographic as 'one of the most biologically intense places on earth'.

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Photo 7.

An aerial view shows a section of the Amazon rainforest that has been cleared for agriculture near Santarem. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 8.

A tractor works on a wheat plantation on what was virgin tropical forest Amazons near Uruara. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS.

Photo 9.

An area of ​​smoke from the Amazon rainforest being burned to clear land for agriculture near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 10.

Sawmills that process illegally harvested trees from the Amazon rainforest are visible near Uruar. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 11.

A truck driver eats canned food next to his truck after a rainstorm near the city of Uruara. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS.

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A truck transports a shovel excavator at a sawmill near Morais Almeida. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS.

Photo 16.

A man walks past a car ready to drag a log from the forest to national park Zhamanshim near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 17.

A tractor works on a wheat plantation on land that used to be virgin Amazon rainforest near Santarem. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS.

Photo 18.

A man carries his chainsaw past fallen trees in Jamanshim National Park near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 19.

An aerial view of a hydroelectric dam construction site along the Teles Pires River, which flows into the Amazon, near the town of Alta Foresta, Para state, on June 19, 2013. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS.

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Photo 21.

The construction site of an illegal sawmill is spotted by a police helicopter during Operation Hileia Patria in Nova Esperanza do Piria. RICARDO MORAES/REUTERS.

Photo 22.

An area of ​​the Amazon rainforest that has been burned to clear land for grazing is spotted near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

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A tree lying on the ground in the Amazon rainforest in Jamanshim National Park near the city of Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 13.

A tractor used to haul logs from the Amazon rainforest is set on fire by police near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Photo 27.

A policeman inspects a tree illegally cut down in the Amazon rainforest in Jamanshim National Park near Novo Progresso. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

Police guard a man after he was arrested for illegally felling trees in the virgin Amazon rainforest near Morais Almeida. NACHO DOCE / REUTERS.

By the way, here is environmental theme: , and here and , well, somewhat shocking me The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

The Amazon originates in the west of South America, in the Andes, not far from the coast. Pacific Ocean, but flows to the east, across the entire continent into the Atlantic Ocean. This is one of largest rivers globe, its length is more than 6000 kilometers, and about 2000 fish are found in its waters.

Wet tropical climate river flow has formed a surprisingly rich vegetable world her pool. The Amazon forests are evergreen lush and dense multi-tiered forests, very diverse in their own way. species composition. Several facts below eloquently testify to the great importance of the Amazon forests for the life of our planet and their uniqueness.

The Amazon River basin, the so-called Amazonia, occupies more than 7 million square kilometers and covers Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana.
The Amazon forests make up two-thirds of the world's rainforests.
Scientists believe that 25% of the carbon dioxide absorbed by forests is accounted for by the Amazon forests. They are, without exaggeration, the real "lungs" of our planet.
Botanists estimate that the Amazon rainforest is home to over 60,000 plant species, of which 3,000 are arboreal.
Scientists say that on every hectare of the Amazon forests it is very difficult to find at least two trees belonging to the same species.
Trees upper tier Amazonian forests can have a height of 50 or 60, and some even 90 meters! Life is in full swing in their crowns, but under the canopy of these crowns it is always twilight and the lack of light does not allow the plants of the lower tiers to develop normally.
The Amazon forest is the kingdom of orchids, among which there are species that have flowers up to 90 centimeters in diameter. Orchids are epiphytes, their roots hang in the air - they absorb moisture from it, and orchids receive the minerals necessary for life from dust deposited on tree trunks.
The abundance of heat and moisture allows the plants of the Amazon basin to develop to giant size. For example, the size of one leaf of the Amazonian giant lily can exceed 2 meters in diameter.
The Amazon forests are home to the rubber tree. In addition to this exotic plant in the Amazonian forests, you can find breadfruit, mango plants, pineapple, papaya.
There are practically no roads in the Amazon and the only way for a person to travel long distances in the Amazon forests is the river itself.
The forests of the Amazon have formed entire civilizations of the peoples living in the river basin, but in our time they are cut down very intensively. It is estimated that at the end of the 20th century, the Amazonian forests lost up to 1 million trunks every day due to deforestation!

About the forests of the Amazon written art books and scientific works, but most of them are practically unknown to man. This is a world that people have just peeped into.

In August, the whole world watched the fires in Siberia. "Russia is on fire" - foreign media wrote. A month later, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru were on fire. Catastrophic fires have taken over the Amazon rainforest. “Rain forests” are burning, how can this even happen?

Burning forests of the Amazon, Brazil

Changing of the climate

It led to the fact that fires began to occur more often, capturing new territories and increasingly destroying old ones. At the same time, fires themselves also become the cause of climate change, a vicious circle is obtained: the more it burns, the worse it gets. That is, the Siberian fires were not in vain for the entire planet: they exacerbated global warming. The peak fire season in the Amazon is in September and October, so the situation will get even worse.


But at the same time, the main cause of ignition is almost always a person. In Russia, this is most often due to unextinguished fires, abandoned cigarettes, and the mossy tradition of burning grass, although this is already punishable by law. In the Amazon forests, the responsibility lies with the companies that use this barbaric method to clear forests for growing soybeans, tobacco, coffee, and also for grazing livestock.

In 2018, 790,000 hectares of forest were cut down in the Brazilian part of the Amazon alone. In 2019, by preliminary estimates, will disappear even more. Forests are being destroyed because the global demand for cheap food is growing, and it is easiest to grow it just in the tropics on the site of cut down rainforests. Products grown on the lands of the destroyed forest are scattered all over the world, and the Russians are also actively eating them. What do you think we buy the most?

Did you smell the cappuccino and the aroma of crispy bread? Of course, we buy coffee, especially since it is really difficult to grow it in Russia, but we buy about several times more ... meat.

More than 30% of all pork exported from Brazil and approximately 10% of beef are brought to us. Every year Russia spends up to 60 billion rubles on the purchase of Brazilian meat. Russia also actively imports soybeans.

Saving the Amazon forest is not only the responsibility of Brazil, Colombia and Peru, who are now trying to stop the fires, but also of other countries, companies and consumers: where the products come from, how they are produced and how much they are consumed.

Forests in the Amazon are being burned for agriculture

It seems that Brazil is far away, but there are no other people's fires. We are losing our Amazon, where 10% of all animal and plant species that inhabit our planet live. Here is the largest variety of plants on Earth, including 16 thousand species of trees. And also, the more forests burn there now, the higher the likelihood that our Siberian forests will burn more strongly in the future due to climate change.

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