Features and meaning. Plants of equatorial forests. Moist equatorial forests Plants of the permanently humid forests of Africa

Presentation on the topic: Africa. Moist evergreen forests of Equatorial Africa.

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Presentation on the topic: Africa. Moist evergreen forests of Equatorial Africa.

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Moist evergreen forests of Equatorial Africa. Gilea. In the belt equatorial climate constantly wet evergreen forests (or in other words Hylaea, which means forest in Greek) cover about 8% of the mainland. They are common in the Congo River basin to the north - up to 4 ° N. sh. and south of the equator - up to 5 ° S. sh. In addition, these forests occupy the coast Atlantic Ocean to about 8° N. sh. And in river deltas and on coasts flooded at high tide, especially on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, mangroves dominate. Primary rain forests survived only in the central basin of the Congo River. Elsewhere, especially north of the Gulf of Guinea, they have been replaced by stunted secondary thickets.

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Fauna The humid equatorial forests of Africa have a peculiar fauna, but less rich than the fauna of the open spaces of this continent. In the equatorial African forest, there are few herbivores, and therefore few predators. Of the ungulates, you can meet forest antelopes, very cautious and shy, related to the giraffe, animals - okapi. There are also wild boars, buffaloes, hippos. Of the predatory animals are found wild cats, leopards, jackals and viverras. Of the rodents, brush-tailed porcupines and spike-tailed flying squirrels are common. There are many monkeys here - monkeys, baboons, mandrills, most of which lead tree image life. Two genera of great apes live in these places - chimpanzees and gorillas. Lemurs are also found here. Wet birds rainforest Africa - these are several types of parrots, banana-eaters, beautifully feathered and brightly colored forest hoopoes, tiny sunbirds, African peacocks. There are many lizards and snakes, a blunt-nosed crocodile is found in the rivers. Of the amphibians, there are especially many diverse frogs. From large predators you can meet tigers, lions, puma, jaguars, panthers. The jungle abounds in various reptiles, among which there are many poisonous snakes. A wide variety of insects and arachnids, including poisonous ones.

The geographical position, evenness of the relief contributed to the location geographical zones Africa (equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical) and natural zones twice on both sides of the equator. With a decrease in moisture north and south of the equator, the vegetation cover becomes more sparse and the vegetation more xerophytic.

In the north, there are many types of plants. In the center and in the south, the most ancient representatives of the planet's vegetation have been preserved. Among flowering plants there are up to 9 thousand endemic species. The rich and varied animal world(see. Nowhere in the world is there such an accumulation of large animals as in the African savannah. Elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, buffaloes and other animals are found here. A characteristic feature of the animal world is the wealth of predators (lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, hyenas dogs, jackals, etc.) and ungulates (tens of species of antelopes).Among the birds there are large ones - ostriches, vultures, marabou, crowned cranes, bustards, hornbills, crocodiles live in the rivers.

In the natural zones of Africa there are many animals and plants that are not found in others. For African savannas the baobab is characteristic, the trunk of which reaches 10 m in diameter, the doom palm, the umbrella acacia, the tallest animal in the world - the giraffe, lions, the secretary bird. In the African forest (hylaea) the great apes gorilla and chimpanzee, pygmy giraffe okapi live. The tropical deserts are home to the one-humped dromedary camel, the fennec fox, and the most poisonous snake mamba. Only lemurs live on.

Africa is the birthplace of a number of cultivated plants: oil palm, cola tree, coffee tree, castor beans, sesame, African millet, watermelons, many indoor flower plants - geraniums, aloe, gladioli, pelargonium, etc.

Wet zone equatorial forests(giley) occupies 8% of the mainland - the basin and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The climate here is humid, equatorial, warm enough. Precipitation falls evenly, more than 2000 mm per year. The soils are red-yellow ferralitic, poor in organic matter. A sufficient amount of heat and moisture promotes the development of vegetation. By wealth species composition(about 25 thousand species) and areas of humid equatorial forests of Africa are second only to humid South America.

Forests form 4-5 tiers. Giant (up to 70 m) ficuses, oil and wine palms, ceiba, cola tree, and breadfruit grow in the upper tiers. In the lower tiers - bananas, ferns, Liberian coffee tree. Among the vines, the rubber-bearing liana landolphia and the rattan palm liana (up to 200 m in length) are interesting. This is the longest plant in the world. Red, iron, black (ebony) trees have valuable wood. There are many orchids and mosses in the forest.

There are few herbivores in the forests and fewer predators than in other natural areas. Of the ungulates, the pygmy okapi giraffe is characteristic, hiding in dense forest thickets, forest antelopes, water deer, buffalo, and hippopotamus are found. Predators are represented by wild cats, leopards, jackals. Of these, the brush-tailed porcupine and broad-tailed flying squirrels are common. Monkeys, baboons, mandrills are numerous in the forests. Great apes are represented by 2-3 species of chimpanzees and gorillas.

The transition zone between the equatorial forests and are subequatorial variable-humid forests. They border the humid equatorial forests with a narrow strip. Vegetation gradually changes under the influence of a shortening of the wet period and an intensification of the dry season as one moves away from the equator. Gradually, the equatorial forest turns into a subequatorial, mixed, deciduous-evergreen forest on red ferrallitic soils. The annual precipitation decreases to 650-1300 mm, and the dry season increases to 1-3 months. Distinctive feature these forests - the predominance of trees of the legume family. Trees up to 25 m high shed their leaves during the dry period, a grassy cover forms under them. Subequatorial forests are located on the northern edge of the equatorial rainforests and south of the equator in the Congo.

Savannahs and woodlands occupy large areas of Africa - the marginal rises of the Congo, the Sudanese plains, the East African plateau (about 40% of the territory). These are open grassy plains with groves or individual trees. The zone of savannahs and light forests encircles humid and variable-moist forests from the Atlantic to and extends north to 17 ° N. sh. and south to 20°S. sh.

Savannahs have alternating wet and dry seasons. In the wet season in the savannah, where the rainy season lasts up to 8-9 months, lush grasses grow up to 2 m high, sometimes up to 5 m high (elephant grass). Among the continuous sea of ​​​​cereals (cereal savanna), individual trees rise: baobabs, umbrella acacia, doum palms, oil palms. During the dry season, the grasses dry up, the leaves on the trees fall off, and the savannah becomes yellow-brown. Under the savannas, special types of soils are formed - red and red-brown soils.

Depending on the duration of the wet period, savannahs are wet or tall grass, typical or dry, and deserted.

Wet, or tall grass, savannahs have an insignificant dry period (about 3-4 months), and the annual precipitation is 1500-1000 mm. This is a transitional area from forest vegetation to typical savannah. The soils, like those of the subequatorial forests, are red ferralitic. Among the cereals - elephant grass, bearded man, from trees - baobab, acacia, carob, doom palm, cotton tree (ceiba). Evergreen forests are developed along the river valleys.

Typical savannahs are developed in areas with precipitation of 750-1000 mm, the dry period lasts 5-6 months. In the north, they stretch in a continuous strip from to. In the southern hemisphere they occupy the northern part. Characterized by baobabs, acacias, fan palms, shea tree, cereals are represented by bearded man. Soils are red-brown.

Deserted savannas have less rainfall (up to 500 mm), the dry season lasts 7-9 months. They have a sparse grass cover, and acacias predominate among shrubs. These savannahs on red-brown soils stretch in a narrow strip from the coast to the Somali peninsula. In the south, they are widely developed in the basin.

African savannahs are rich in food resources. There are more than 40 species of herbivorous ungulates here, antelopes are especially numerous (kudu, eland, pygmy antelopes). The largest of them is the wildebeest. Giraffes survived mainly in national parks. Zebras are common in the savannas. In some places they are domesticated and replace horses (not susceptible to tsetse bites). Herbivores are accompanied by numerous predators: lions, cheetahs, leopards, jackals, hyenas. Endangered animals include black and white rhino, African elephant. Numerous birds: African ostriches, guinea fowls, francolins, marabou, weavers, secretary birds, lapwings, herons, pelicans. In terms of the number of species of flora and fauna per unit area, the savannahs of Africa are unmatched.

Savannas are relatively favorable for tropical farming. Significant areas of the savannas are plowed up, cotton, peanut, corn, tobacco, sorghum, and rice are cultivated.

North and south of the savannas are tropical semi-deserts and desert occupying 33% of the mainland. it is distinguished by a very low amount of precipitation (no more than 100 mm per year), scanty xerophytic.

Semi-deserts are a transitional area between savannahs and tropical ones, where the amount of precipitation does not exceed 250-300 mm. A narrow strip in shrub-grass (acacia, tamarisk, tough cereals). IN South Africa semi-deserts are developed in the interior of the Kalahari. The southern semi-deserts are characterized by succulents (aloe, spurge, wild watermelons). During the rainy period, irises, lilies, amaryllis bloom.

IN North Africa occupies vast areas with precipitation up to 100 mm, in South Africa the Namib Desert stretches in a narrow strip along the western coast, in the south is the Kalahari Desert. According to vegetation, the deserts are grass-shrub, shrub and succulent.

The vegetation of the Sahara is represented by individual bunches of cereals and thorny shrubs. From cereals, wild millet is common, from shrubs and semi-shrubs - dwarf saxaul, camel thorn, acacia, jujube, euphorbia, ephedra. Solyanka and wormwood grow on saline soils. Around shotts - tamarisks. For southern deserts characteristic of succulent plants appearance resembling stones. In the Namib Desert, a kind of relic plant is common - the majestic velvichia (stump plant) - the lowest tree on Earth (up to 50 cm tall with long fleshy leaves 8-9 m long). There are aloe, euphorbia, wild watermelons, bush acacias.

Typical desert soils are gray soils. In those parts of the Sahara, where groundwater is close to the surface of the earth, oases are formed. All is concentrated here economic activity people grow grapes, pomegranate, barley, millet, wheat. The main plant of the oases is the date palm.

The fauna of semi-deserts and deserts is poor. In the Sahara, among large animals, there are antelopes, wild cats, fennec foxes are found. Jerboas, gerbils, various reptiles, scorpions, phalanxes live in the sands.

Tropical natural area moist forests found on the island of Madagascar and in the Dragon Mountains. It is characterized by ironwood, rubber and rosewood trees.

The transition zone between tropical deserts and subtropical evergreen forests and shrublands is subtropical semi-deserts and desert steppes. In Africa, they occupy the interior regions of the Atlas and Cape mountains, the Karoo plateau, and the Libyan-Egyptian coast to 30°N. sh. The vegetation is very sparse. In North Africa, these are cereals, xerophytic trees, shrubs and shrubs, in South Africa - succulents, bulbous, tuberous plants.

Zone subtropical evergreen hardwood forests and shrubs represented on the northern slopes of the Atlas Mountains and in the west of the Cape Mountains.

The forests of the Atlas Mountains form cork and holm oaks, Aleppo pine, Atlas cedar with an undergrowth of evergreen shrubs. Maquis is widespread - impenetrable thickets of hard-leaved evergreen shrubs and not tall trees(myrtle, oleander, pistachios, strawberry tree, laurel). Typical brown soils form here. In the Cape Mountains, vegetation is represented by Cape olive, silver tree, African walnut.

In the extreme south-east of Africa, where there is a humid subtropical climate, lush mixed subtropical forests grow, represented by evergreen deciduous and coniferous species with an abundance of epiphytes. The zonal subtropical forests are red soils. The fauna of the northern subtropics is represented by European and African species. In northern subtropical forests red deer, mountain gazelle, mouflon, jungle cat, jackals, Algerian fox, wild rabbits, tailless narrow-nosed monkey magot, canaries and eagles are widely represented among birds, and in the south - earthen wolf, jumping antelope, meerkats.

The natural zones of Africa are located symmetrically with respect to the equator. Northern and - "dry". Deserts and semi-deserts prevail here, the outskirts are occupied by cruel-leaved forests and shrubs. Central (equatorial) Africa is “humid”, humid equatorial and variable-humid subequatorial forests grow there. North and south of Central Africa and in the elevated East - savannas and woodlands.

Equatorial forests are located on both sides of the equator in the Congo Basin and along the Gulf of Guinea north of the equator. Equatorial forests are located on both sides of the equator in the Congo Basin and along the Gulf of Guinea north of the equator. The formation of the zone is due to a large amount of heat and moisture throughout the year. The formation of the zone is due to a large amount of heat and moisture throughout the year. The equatorial forests of Africa are diverse in composition, there are about 1000 species of trees alone. The equatorial forests of Africa are diverse in composition, there are about 1000 species of trees alone. VEGETATION OF THE EQUATORIAL HUMID FORESTS OF AFRICA

Lianas are a variety of climbing plants, both woody, with evergreen or falling leaves, and herbaceous, with relatively weak thin stems. a variety of climbing plants, both woody, with evergreen or falling leaves, and herbaceous, with relatively weak thin stems.

Disconia. Disconia. These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves are arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Young leaves are rolled into a snail. These tree ferns are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, real living fossils and have a unique exotic appearance. The leaves are arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk. Young leaves are rolled into a snail.

Fauna Numerous animals live on trees monkey monkeys, chimpanzees, etc. Terrestrial inhabitants include bushy-eared pigs, pygmy hippos, leopards, gorillas, which are found nowhere else. In loose soil there are snakes and lizards. The tsetse fly is also common there. She is a carrier of pathogens.

The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits the slowly flowing waters of Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A baby pygmy hippopotamus born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare, listed in the International Red Book. The pygmy hippopotamus inhabits the slowly flowing waters of Central Africa. He leads a secretive and solitary life. A baby pygmy hippopotamus born on land weighs about 5 kg. The pygmy hippopotamus is rare, listed in the International Red Book.

Mamba snakes reach a length of 2 to 3 meters. Mamba venom can kill a person in 4 hours if he is bitten on the heel or finger, a bite in the face can lead to death from paralysis in 20 minutes. Mamba reaches a length of 2 to 3 meters. Mamba venom can kill a person in 4 hours if he is bitten on the heel or finger, a bite in the face can lead to death from paralysis in 20 minutes.

Remember: 1. What is a natural area? 2. What are the patterns of changing natural zones on the plains? What are they due to? 3. What do you know natural areas?

Patterns of distribution of natural zones in Africa. You already know that within each of the natural zones there is a similar climate, soil, vegetation and wildlife. Since the equator crosses Africa approximately in the middle, it is characterized by a clear alternation of identical natural zones to the north and south of the equator, that is, there is latitudinal zonality. Moist equatorial forests are replaced by savannahs and woodlands, and those - by tropical deserts and semi-deserts.

Using the map of geographic zones and natural zones of the world (see flyleaf 2 of the textbook), find out in which areas of Africa and for what reasons the latitudinal zonality is violated.

The extreme north and south of the mainland are occupied by subtropical hardwood forests and shrubs.

The location of natural areas on the mainland is due climatic conditions, which are associated with geographical latitude, height above sea level, the influence of sea currents, the redistribution of precipitation depending on the relief. Therefore, the latitudinal zonality is broken in some places and the natural zones are extended along the meridians.

Moist equatorial forests. The zone of humid equatorial forests covers the coast of the Gulf of Guinea to the north of the equator and the basin of the Congo River. It stretches for 1600 km from north to south and 5000 km from west to east. This natural area is original and unique. There are practically no seasons here: both in winter and in summer the air temperature is approximately +24 °C. More than 2000 mm of precipitation falls per year. It rains every day, usually in the afternoon. Water and heat create ideal conditions for the development of all living things, therefore, moist equatorial rainforests grow here - hylaea (from the Greek hile - forest). From the plane, they resemble the green sea (ill. 23).

In the zone of humid equatorial forests, rivers are always full-flowing. During floods, they often flood low banks, and water covers vast expanses.

Under the conditions of the equatorial forest, red-yellow ferrallitic soils (from lat, ferrum - iron) were formed. It is iron compounds that give them their red color. These soils are very poor in nutrients, after all, organic residues due to high humidity and heat are quickly decomposed by microorganisms, and nutrients are quickly absorbed by plants. Therefore, the deforestation of equatorial forests causes an ecological catastrophe. The soil in the bare areas is washed away by rains, and the sun turns the surface of the earth into a dry crust, where nothing can grow.

There are over 25,000 plant species in the equatorial forests of Africa. Only trees - almost 1000 species. These forests are always stuffy, humid and dark. The forest is so dense that it is impossible to see something nearby: there are bushes around, trees braided with vines, fallen giant logs.

Rice. 23. Moist equatorial forest

Rice. 24. Layered African hylaea

The equatorial forest has two character traits: It is evergreen and multi-tiered.

An evergreen forest because the plants never completely shed their leaves. Due to warm and humid weather throughout the year, the leaves can exist on the shoot for 2-3 years.

Layering is the distribution of plants in height in accordance with the need for light.

In forests temperate zone 3-4 tiers of plants. There are 6-8 of them in gelae (Fig. 24)! Below - the realm of shade-tolerant mosses and creeping plants. Shrubs and young trees, unpretentious to light, rise above. There are many tree ferns, bananas. Even higher grow trees 15-20 m tall, which need more light. Among them are many valuable breeds such as redwood, ebony, sandalwood, yellowwoods. There are also grain, nutmeg trees. Ficuses and various types of palm trees reign even higher. There are light-loving seibi trees that are tall, with spreading crowns reaching 60-80 m. In such tall trees, the leaves are hard and evaporate little water. After all, it is difficult to raise it to such a height even for the most powerful root system. Wide root supports help keep the trunk upright.

The branches of the trees of the lower tier are intertwined so tightly that the crowns of the trees cannot be seen through them. upper tier. At the very surface of the earth there is complete darkness. Only 1/120 is included here. sunlight so no grass at all. But creepers rise from the ground - trees with a flexible and long (up to 300 m) stem, which, wrapping around the trunks, bring leaves and flowers to the light. It is difficult and dangerous to make your way through such a forest without a path.

African hylaea is the birthplace of valuable economic tree species: coffee tree, oil palm. Cocoa is also cultivated here.

The fauna of the humid equatorial forests is rich and varied.

All tiers of the forest are inhabited. Great apes live here - gorillas and chimpanzees. A real giant is a two-meter gorilla (Fig. 25) with thick black hair. She has great physical strength. He spends most of his life on the ground, although from time to time he climbs trees. A chimpanzee is smaller than a gorilla (height is up to 1.5 m), has a large brain volume, differs complex behavior. Lives in trees. Of the other monkeys, monkeys and baboons are known.

Rice. 25. Gorilla

Rice. 26. Okapi

A variety of birds flutter among the trees: fruit dove, various types of parrots, hornbills, woodpeckers, sunbirds, bananas. A lot of insects: termites, mosquitoes, beetles, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, scorpions, spiders. Some insects are dangerous to humans: malarial mosquitoes carry pathogens of tropical fever, tsetse fly - sleeping sickness.

Terrestrial animals include lizards, shrews, earth vipers, pythons, whalers and forest pigs, African deer (40 cm high), and forest antelopes. amazing creatures nature okapi (Fig. 26) - an animal with striped hind limbs, like a zebra. Actually this pygmy giraffe, three times lower than its tall relative. Occasionally there is a pygmy hippopotamus, which weighs 10-12 times less than a real one.

As if a giant chain envelops the humid equatorial forests from the north and south of the zone variable-moist forests. This is a transitional zone from moist equatorial forests to open savannahs. The flora and fauna of this zone are similar to the equatorial forest, but the rhythm of their life is determined by the seasons (wet and dry).

Variable-humid forests have been mastered by man more than equatorial ones. The population living near or in the forests themselves is not numerous. Local tribes are engaged in hunting and fishing. Large areas of forests are cut down for valuable tree species. Animals die along with the forest.

Briefly about the main thing!

In Africa, the latitudinal zonality of natural zones is clearly traced, which is mirrored on both sides of the equator. The main natural zones of the mainland are humid equatorial forests (hylaea), savannahs and light forests, tropical desert and semi-deserts.

The humid equatorial forests of Africa grow mainly on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in the Congo River basin in a warm and humid equatorial climate. Nutrient-poor red-yellow ferralitic soils have formed here.

Moist equatorial forests are evergreen and multi-tiered. They amaze with richness of vegetation.

The most common representatives of the animal world are monkeys (gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys), birds (parrots, hornbills, sunbirds, bananas), numerous insects.

1. What are the features of the change of natural zones in Africa?

2. Name and show on the map the main natural areas of the mainland.

3. What kind of soils were formed in the gelae?

4. Name the representatives of flora and fauna of the zone of humid equatorial forests.

5. Think about how plants have adapted to living conditions in humid equatorial forests.

would. Do you think that animals that live in humid equatorial forests can survive if they are relocated to temperate forests? Justify the answer.

In the very center of Africa in the basin of the great African river Congo to the north and south of the equator line and along the shores of the Gulf of Guinea are the humid equatorial forests of Africa. The forest zone is located in the equatorial climate zone. It's hot and humid here all year round. Usually in the morning the weather is hot and clear. The sun rises higher and bakes more and more. As the temperature rises, evaporation increases. It becomes damp and stuffy, like in a greenhouse. In the afternoon, cumulus clouds appear in the sky and merge into heavy lead clouds. The first drops fell, and a violent thunderstorm broke out. It rains for an hour or two, sometimes more. Rushing streams of rainwater rush through the forest. Countless streams merge into wide rivers. By evening the weather clears up again. And so almost every day from year to year.

There is an abundance of water everywhere. The air is saturated with moisture, plants and soil are saturated with water. Vast areas are swampy or subject to flooding. The abundance of heat and moisture favors the lush development of dense evergreen woody vegetation. Plant life in the equatorial forests never stops. Trees bloom, bear fruit, shed old foliage and put on new ones throughout the year.

Eternal twilight reigns under the multi-storey green vault of the forest. Only in some places a ray of the sun breaks through the foliage. Oil palm grows in bright places. The palm vulture likes to eat its fruits. 100 or more species of trees can be counted on 1 hectare of the equatorial forest. Among them are many valuable species: ebony (ebony), red, rosewood. Their wood is used to make expensive furniture and is exported in large quantities.

The forests of Africa are the birthplace of the coffee tree. Bananas are also indigenous Africans. And the cocoa tree was brought here from America. large areas occupied by plantations of cocoa, coffee, bananas, pineapples.

Most animals have adapted to life in trees. Mammals are characterized by a variety of monkeys. Lord of the African equatorial forest, the largest in the world great ape- gorilla. The favorite food of gorillas is the core of banana stalks. There are very few gorillas left and hunting for them is strictly prohibited. There is a forest antelope bongo, an African wild boar, in the depths of the forest you can meet a very rare hoofed animal akapi. Of the predators, there is a leopard, which climbs trees perfectly.

The world of birds is very rich: kalao - a hornbill, a parrot, a Congolese peacock, tiny sunbirds that feed on flower nectar. Many snakes, incl. poisonous, chameleons that feed on insects.

The inhabitants of the equatorial forest zone are excellent hunters. The significance of hunting is all the more great because the development of cattle breeding is hindered by the spread of the tsetse fly. The bite of this fly is fatal to livestock and call serious illness in a person. Rivers abound in fish. And fishing is more important than hunting. But swimming is dangerous. There are many crocodiles here.

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