White rhinoceros. The largest rhinoceros Where do rhinoceroses live on the map

Answer from IIFRA[guru]
There are five species of rhinoceroses in the world, two of which - the black and white rhinoceros - live in Africa. These rhinoceroses have two horns. The remaining three species of rhinoceroses live in Asia. Indian and Javan rhinoceroses are one-horned, and the Sumatrian rhinoceros is two-horned. The body of this animal is large and heavy, so it moves very slowly. Rhinoceroses do not hunt and, perhaps, that is why they do not pay attention to their neighbors. So the “horned fat men” eat only plant foods. This huge beast is very difficult to unbalance. But if you tease me, don’t expect mercy. The rhinoceros runs up, reaching speeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour, and tries to hit its opponent with its sharp horn. Sumatran rhinoceroses are considered the smallest, weighing about half a ton, reaching 120-130 centimeters at the withers. The largest in this family are white rhinoceroses. Their weight can reach three and a half tons, and their height at the withers is almost two meters. The huge body rests on four short three-toed paws. Rhinoceroses are considered ungulates. Therefore, they are related to horses. The horn sometimes grows to a very large sizes. The length of the largest known was 158.75 centimeters. Rhinoceroses are also one-horned and two-horned. The first horn is usually located above the nostrils or slightly behind them, and the second grows exactly behind the first, that is, approximately at eye level. The animal's horns are nothing more than compressed shreds of very hard and coarse hair. The rhinoceros's body is smooth, devoid of hairline, with the exception of areas of skin near the ears and, of course, the tip of the tail. The leather is very durable and thick. Rhinos don't like to gather big companies. Therefore, they prefer to travel alone. But sometimes they still live in small families. A female can only give birth to one cub at a time. The baby is born a year and a half after the mating season and then remains next to its mother for seven whole years. In captivity, rhinoceroses live up to fifty years.

Answer from Vvts[expert]
in Africa

Answer from Tatyana Kulikova[guru]
in Africa

Answer from Tatyana Yakimova[guru]
In Africa!

Answer from Lena Kulichenko[guru]
in Africa!

Answer from Hurts[guru]
In Africa

Answer from Yoibirtsev Alexey[guru]
IN THE RHINO HOUSING (DEN) or in the rhino country:))))))

Answer from Goryacheva Ekaterina[guru]
There are five species of rhinoceroses in the world, two of which - the black and white rhinoceros - live in Africa. These rhinoceroses have two horns. The remaining three species of rhinoceroses live in Asia. Indian and Javan rhinoceroses are one-horned, and the Sumatrian rhinoceros is two-horned. The body of this animal is large and heavy, so it moves very slowly. Rhinoceroses do not hunt and, perhaps, that is why they do not pay attention to their neighbors. So the “horned fat men” eat only plant foods. This huge beast is very difficult to unbalance. But if you tease me, don’t expect mercy. The rhinoceros runs up, reaching speeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour, and tries to hit its opponent with its sharp horn. Sumatran rhinoceroses are considered the smallest, weighing about half a ton, reaching 120-130 centimeters at the withers. The largest in this family are white rhinoceroses. Their weight can reach three and a half tons, and their height at the withers is almost two meters. The huge body rests on four short three-toed paws. Rhinoceroses are considered ungulates. Therefore, they are related to horses. The horn sometimes grows to very large sizes. The length of the largest known was 158.75 centimeters. Rhinoceroses are also one-horned and two-horned. The first horn is usually located above the nostrils or slightly behind them, and the second grows exactly behind the first, that is, approximately at eye level. The animal's horns are nothing more than compressed shreds of very hard and coarse fur. The body of a rhinoceros is smooth, devoid of hair, with the exception of areas of skin near the ears and, of course, the tip of the tail. The skin is very durable and thick. Rhinos do not like to gather in large groups. Therefore, they prefer to travel alone. But sometimes they still live in small families. A female can only give birth to one cub at a time. The baby is born a year and a half after the mating season and then remains next to its mother for seven whole years. In captivity, rhinoceroses live up to fifty years.

Answer from Oriy Ustinov[guru]
Two species - black and white, in Africa, one species in Sumatra, this is the island.

Answer from Lyalya Chertova[guru]
With us, they bring us cosmetics and books. Also in Kyiv there is a book club and also Post-Shopping from the same category.

The rhinoceros is a large herbivore whose distinctive feature are huge horns protruding from the top of the head. Some species, such as black and white rhinoceroses, have two horns, while other members of this family, for example, Javan rhinoceroses, have only one. Interestingly, baby rhinos are born without horns at all.

Rhinos can have different sizes depending on the species: the largest is the white rhinoceros, which weighs from 1800 to 2700 kilograms! The Javan rhinoceros is the smallest - from 650 to 1000 kilograms.

Due to his size, strength and aggressiveness during attacks in wildlife The rhinoceros is not threatened by any predators, with the possible exception of humans, although baby rhinoceroses or sick animals can become victims of lions or crocodiles.

The rhinoceros has very thick skin - up to 1.5 centimeters thick. Despite the fact that the skin is very thick, it is quite sensitive to sunlight and insect bites. Rhinoceroses often roll in the mud to protect themselves from the scorching sun and annoying insects.

Rhinoceroses feed on grass, leaves, young branches of bushes and trees. Different types Rhinoceroses have different diets, they have poor eyesight, but excellent senses of smell and hearing.

Female rhinoceros bear offspring for 15-16 months, so they can reproduce once every 2-3 years. Male rhinoceroses generally lead a solitary lifestyle, while females and young offspring are quite social, but each species has developed its own habits.

Depending on the species, as well as the environment in which rhinoceroses live in the wild or in captivity, they can live between 35 and 50 years.

Species of rhinoceroses and their habitat

In our time, from the once large family, only 5 species of rhinoceroses have survived, belonging to 4 genera; all of them have become rare and are protected by people from people. Below is the data International Union Nature Conservation on the number of these animals (data verified on January 5, 2018).

Three species of rhinoceroses live in South-East Asia:

The most numerous of them, Indian rhinoceros(lat. Rhinoceros unicornis), lives in India and Nepal, inhabiting floodplain meadows. The species is vulnerable; the number of adult individuals in May 2007 was 2575 units. 378 of them live in Nepal and approximately 2,200 in India. The rhinoceros is listed in the International Red Book.

The situation is worse with Sumatran rhinoceroses(lat. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), the number of which does not exceed 275 adult individuals. They are found on the island of Sumatra (in Indonesia) and in Malaysia, settling in swampy savannas and mountain rain forests. Possibly, the habitat of several individuals includes the north of Myanmar, the state of Sarawak in Malaysia, and the island of Kalimantan (Borneo) in Indonesia. The species is endangered and is listed in the International Red Book.

(lat. Rhinoceros sondaicus) found itself in a particularly deplorable state: the mammal can only be found on the island of Java in reserves specially created for its conservation. The Javanese lives in flat glades that are constantly wet tropical forests, in thickets of bushes and grass. The animals are on the verge of extinction, and their number does not exceed 50 individuals. The species is listed in the International Red Book.

Two species of rhinoceroses live in Africa:

(lat. Ceratotherium simum) lives in Republic of South Africa, was introduced to Zambia and also reintroduced to Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Uganda, Zimbabwe. Inhabits dry savannas. Presumably in the Congo South Sudan and Sudan, mammals became extinct. The species is close to vulnerable and is listed in the International Red Book, but thanks to protection its numbers are gradually growing, although back in 1892 the white rhinoceros was considered extinct. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the number of white rhinos as of December 31, 2010 was approximately 20,170.

Some facts about the white rhinoceros:

  • The largest species of rhinoceros that now lives on earth. It is also one of the largest land animals. The only thing bigger than him is the elephant.
  • White rhinos are less aggressive than black rhinos.
  • Height at withers: 150-185 cm.
  • Body length 330-420 cm.
  • Weight: 1500-2000 kg (females), 2000-2500 kg (males). One of the largest specimens weighed about 3600 kg.
  • Tail length: 75 cm.
  • Life expectancy: 40 years.
  • Average speed: up to 45 km/h.

(lat. Diceros bicornis) is found in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Also, a certain number of individuals were reintroduced into the territories of Botswana, the Republic of Malawi, Swaziland and Zambia. The animal prefers arid places: sparse forests, acacia groves, steppes, shrub savannas, and the Namib Desert. It can also be found in mountainous areas up to 2700 meters above sea level. Overall, the species is on the verge of extinction. According to the International Red Book, by the end of 2010 there were about 4,880 individuals of this species in nature.

There are slightly more white and black rhinoceroses surviving than their Asian counterparts, but the white rhinoceros has already been declared a completely extinct species several times.

  • Sumatran rhinoceroses are sometimes called hairy rhinoceroses because they have long, shaggy hair, while other members of the rhinoceros family are hairless. This species is the last surviving species of woolly rhinoceroses, which lived on the planet from approximately 350 to 10 thousand years ago.
  • Black rhinoceroses have a peculiar upper lip adapted for grasping, which helps them easily grab leaves and branches.
  • The names "white" and "black" do not mean real color rhinoceroses "White" (in English) "white") is just a misunderstanding of the African word "weit", which means “wide” and describes the wide mouth of this rhinoceros. Another type of rhinoceros was called "black" to somehow distinguish it from the white one, or perhaps because this rhinoceros likes to roll in dark mud to protect its skin and appears darker.
  • Rhinoceroses are considered slow and clumsy animals, but they can reach running speeds of 48 to 64 kilometers per hour.
  • The small birds Voloklui have a symbiotic relationship with rhinoceroses. They remove ticks from the surface of their skin and also warn rhinos of danger with loud screams. In the language of peoples East Africa these birds are called in Swahili "askari wa kifaru", which means “protectors of rhinoceroses.”
  • Rhinos leave behind dung with a scent unique to each individual as a “message” to other rhinos that the area is occupied.
  • The extinct species of rhinoceros Indricotherium is considered the largest mammal that once lived on the planet (reaching up to 8 meters in height and weighing up to 20 tons).
  • Rhino horns are made of keratin, just like human fingernails.
  • Rhino horns are used in folk oriental medicine as a cure for fever and rheumatism. They are also used to make decorative items such as dagger handles.
  • The closest relatives of rhinoceroses are tapirs, horses and zebras.


Rhinoceroses live and move alone, however, they can also form small groups. Mammals live near small ponds, swamps, shallow rivers or streams, as rhinoceroses like to lie in water at shallow depths.

Despite their appearance, rather heavy and clumsy body at first glance, rhinoceroses run quite fast and swim well. A running rhinoceros can reach speeds of up to 45-48 km/h! However, most of the time rhinos prefer to move slowly.

Rhinoceroses are most active at night, and during the day the animals rest. Although natural enemies Rhinoceroses do not have it in nature; the animals are extremely careful and even timid. Therefore, the rhinoceros tries to stay away from humans. However, if the rhino senses danger, it may attack. But in general, reports of a rhinoceros attacking a person are very rare.

Rhinoceroses are herbivores, some of them eat grass, while others eat leaves. In the wild, rhinoceroses live up to 50 years.

Rhinoceroses inhabit mainly savannas, low-lying rainforests, as well as places with colder climates are not for them. In the wild, rhinoceroses are found in Africa and Asia.


It’s hard to believe, but the giant beast doesn’t need meat at all to feed itself. Their diet is only plant food. Moreover, white rhinoceroses in to a greater extent They feed on grass because their lips are folded this way - the upper one is long and flat.

That's why they nibble on greens like cows. But in black rhinoceroses, the upper lip is narrowed and pointed, and with its help, the animal easily tears leaves from branches.

African animals tear off small bushes and huge thickets of even thorny grass straight from the roots and chew them without difficulty. And there were cases when rhinoceroses wandered into farmer’s plantations, then a real disaster happened because they ate everything that could be eaten, trampled down the rest, leaving whole ruts behind.

To saturate the body, the animal needs to eat at least seventy kilograms of grass. They have such strong stomachs that even when they ate poisonous milkweed, it did not in any way affect the health of the animal.

Water plays too important role in the body of a hero. In hot weather, he needs to drink more than one hundred and fifty liters of fluid per day. If the weather is cool, then at least fifty liters of water animalrhinoceros must definitely drink.

Rhino extinction

All from now existing species Rhinoceroses are listed in the Red Book, as these animals are on the verge of extinction. Very a rare representative himself ancient family The rhinoceros is the Sumatran rhinoceros. It is also the smallest member of the rhinoceros family.

Rhinoceroses are endangered due to mass extermination for the purpose of obtaining horns. Rhino horns are highly prized. Previously, they were used to make jewelry, as well as in medicine to prepare medicines. Even in ancient times, people believed that the rhinoceros horn had unique properties, brought good luck and bestowed immortality.

Reproduction and lifespan

As is already known, rhinoceroses live in pairs, but not a male and a female. Formed strong union between mother and calf. And males live in splendid isolation until the mating season comes.

This usually happens in the spring, but not only. IN autumn months Rhinoceroses are also not averse to frolicking. The male quickly finds the female by the smell of her excrement, but if he suddenly happens to meet a rival on the way, then one should expect a fierce fight between them.

The animals will fight until one of them falls with his whole body to the ground. Children are also at risk, as they can be accidentally trampled. It also happened that the fights ended fatal for one of the opponents.

Then, for almost twenty days, the lovers will flirt with each other, be together, and prepare for mating. One sexual act in rhinoceroses can last more than an hour.

Immediately after copulation, the male leaves his lady of the heart for a long time, and possibly forever. The young lady goes on maternity leave for a long sixteen months.

Typically, female rhinos give birth to one baby, very rarely two. The baby weighs fifty kilograms, is full of strength and energy, because after a couple of hours he boldly follows his mother. For 12-24 months, the mother will feed the baby with breast milk.

The next time there will be offspring only three to five years after birth. The previous child either leaves on his own in search of a new home, or is absent for some time by his mother until he can raise a younger brother or sister.




A large and menacing rhinoceros. But in fact, he is attractive, pretty and only a herbivore. Appearance can be deceiving. This is exactly about such mammals.

Today the site - Travel around the world, will tell you about the incredible Javan rhinoceroses. A lot of interesting and sad things.

A long time ago, during the Eocene period (this is a geological era, more than 45 million years ago), these mammals decided: “... enough is enough, we don’t want to be together with other equids,” and separated from their closest ancestors - horses into a separate species .

Currently, there are 5 species on Earth, distributed in Asia and Africa:

  • Sumatran
  • Black (smallest)
  • White
  • Big
  • Javan one-horned

Whites and blacks come from Africa. Others are from Southeast Asia. There were also Vietnamese (but in 2011 it was declared extinct). And Bengal, which disappeared at the end of the 20th century.

Once upon a time there were hairy or furred rhinoceroses. The oldest fossilized specimen was found in Tibet. And has an approximate age of 3.65 million years ago. A warm fur coat helped to survive the cold climate change on the planet.

They are often found on rock carvings in caves around the world.

Where does the rhinoceros live: habitats of the Javan species

In Indonesia, this rare population of animals is represented on the islands of Sumatra and Java. Currently, there are no more than 45-55 individuals of this species. Small three-meter clumsy koloboks. He is no taller than the average person: up to 170 centimeters.

Rhinoceroses live no more than 35-48 years. Many people never manage to reach old age, thanks to human efforts.

Favorite habitats are wet and river floodplains. Currently, this species can only be found in Ujung Kulon Park in western Java.

Rolling around in the mud, in swampy areas of the river with an abundance of grass and vegetation around is the “pink dream” of each of them. Such mud procedures save you from heat and intrusive insects.

Javanese representatives of this genus have only one horn. It has a length of up to 20 cm. Only males are its wonderful owners. In females it is not developed or completely absent.

An adult male Javan rhinoceros weighs no more than 1-2 tons

Poor eyesight is no help in camouflage and escape from people. There are distinctive specific skin folds on the shoulders, back and rump of the animal. A kind of life-saving armor.

Have you heard the expression: “thick-skinned like a rhinoceros”?

This fact is true. The skin of an adult animal can be up to 5 centimeters thick.

Like all other species, Javanese are exclusively herbivorous, harmless animals. Each male marks its habitat with well-known odorous marks.

An adult male Javan rhinoceros weighs no more than 1-2 tons. In other species, the weight reaches 4 tons. For example, a white one “pulls” 3.7 tons on average.

The speed of a rhinoceros does not exceed 50 km/h.

Quick Facts

  1. Horn is made of a protein called keratin. This is the same substance from which human nails and hair are made, as well as the hooves of roe deer, horses and turtle shells.
  2. Structure of the horn: the outer part consists of soft keratin, and in its center there are dense deposits of melanin and calcium. If it breaks, it can grow back.
  3. There are only three northern white rhinos left in the world, and even then they live in captivity.
  4. Javanese cannot be bred in captivity. Not a single zoo in the world has been able to create conditions favorable for their life.

Favorite habitats are tropical rainforests and floodplains

Man is the main predator

Despite the fact that they live in places where lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and other powerful predators prowl, people kill them hundreds of times more. There is a direct threat to whites and blacks complete extinction in wild nature.

Since ancient times, the strong horn of this animal has been used in the production of paper (in machines), handles of daggers and knives. All thanks to the beautiful translucent texture.

Poaching has increased by 900% over the past 5 years. Easy prey seduces. In 2014, one individual was killed every 8 hours!

How much does a horn cost?

The cost of one horn on the black market reaches from 30,000 to 500,000 dollars per kilogram. The approximate weight of one is from 10 to 20 kilograms; the larger the animal, the heavier the growth. You can calculate for yourself how much money poachers are after. And the hunt does not stop for a single minute.

Because poachers cut it down to meat and the animals die from blood loss and infections.

The cost of one horn on the black market reaches from 30,000 to 500,000 dollars per kilogram

The riddle of the rhinoceros - the magical properties of the horn

Even in ancient times it was believed that he had magical properties. With its help, they tried to determine poison in food and drinks and purify water. Surprisingly, these abilities are true. Due to its composition, it enters into chemical reaction with alkaline poisons. A cup made of horn can save a person's life.

Horns crushed into powder are prized. Used in medicinal purposes V Chinese medicine. According to International Fund Rhino, this powder can be added to food or brewed into tea.

The horns are believed to be a powerful aphrodisiac and cure hangovers and fevers, rheumatism, gout and other disorders.

Is the price of treating a hangover too “expensive”?

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The natural world is fascinating and mysterious. There are many interesting animals on Earth. However, it is very sad to realize that today many species are endangered, and therefore are listed in the Red Book. And animals suffer, although it is sad to realize this, mainly due to human fault.

An example of this is white rhinoceroses, who have experienced similar human “care”. The northern subspecies of this animal is already in need of restoration of the genus. Recently the last male died of old age, and there are only 5 females left on Earth.

The article provides some information about one of the largest representatives of the animal world.


The white rhinoceros mainly lives in South Africa: Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. This is Ceratotherium simum simum Burchell, which is a southern subspecies.

The second subspecies is the northern rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum cottoni Lydekker, currently living in the Congo and Sudan.


The white rhinoceros belongs to the order of odd-toed ungulates of the rhinoceros family.

The animal is huge, dangerous, with a powerful and muscular body, sharp horns and impressive hooves. This largest representative family, which is the second largest among land animals (the first is the elephant).

The body weight of an old male can reach 5 tons, body length - 4.2 meters, and height - up to 2 meters. The maximum length of the horn is 158 cm - this is a record. On average, the weight of an animal is about 2.5 tons.

The curious thing is that there is absolutely nothing white in the rhinoceros. Rather, its body color is slate gray, almost dark. Unlike its brother, the black rhinoceros, it is slightly lighter. Why then was he called white? There was a little confusion: local residents they called him wijde (translated from the Boer language - “wide” or “broad-faced”), and the British, due to a similar sound, nicknamed him white, which is translated from their language as “white”. Hence the name of the white rhinoceros spread to other countries.

Difference from black rhinoceros

The main difference between a white and a black rhinoceros is that its upper lip is flat and wide, while in a black one it is pointed, like a proboscis. The structure of the lip of the first one corresponds to its purpose: the main food is herbaceous vegetation, not shrubs.

The animal bites off vegetation close to the ground, and the keratinized sharp edge of the lower lip fully compensates for its missing incisors.


Rhinoceroses usually live in small groups, but sometimes there are herds consisting of 16-18 individuals. Basically, the group consists of females and babies who feed on their own, but do not yet know how to do without their mother. Sometimes old males attach themselves to such groups, but females with their cubs tolerate them only in cases where they do not attempt to mate. Otherwise, they are expelled from the herd, and sometimes it even comes to killing them.

Males, in turn, do not tolerate any competition during the rut. Even a cub located next to its mother at such a moment may be in danger of being killed by adult males. But they are most aggressive towards each other. Often fierce fights end in the death of one of the males.

In case of general danger, white rhinoceroses take a peculiar defensive position: they stand in a tight circle with their heads outward, covering their cubs. In addition, old males mark areas with their scent marks.

As a rule, in hot weather, rhinoceroses take refuge in the shade, and come out to graze at dusk. At moderate temperatures they graze most of the day. Mud baths and watering holes are necessary for these animals, as well as for black species. Where rhinoceroses bathe, they are waiting for them to pull out drunken ticks from the skin of the animal lying in the mud.


What does the white rhinoceros eat? The menu, as noted above, mainly consists of low-growing herbaceous vegetation, in the biting of which the lower lip of this rhinoceros species plays an important role.

They can also eat bushes, but, in comparison with other rhinoceroses, they do this extremely rarely, only when absolutely necessary.

Man and rhinoceros

This species, like other rhinoceroses, has been subjected to extreme pressure from people. If African peoples hunted this animal occasionally (due to the lack of weapons among the tribes), then with the advent of Europeans the situation changed greatly. Uncontrolled hunting in the 19th century brought these animals to the brink of extinction.

How many white rhinoceroses are there in the world? Today, the total number of the southern subspecies is about 11 thousand animals.

White rhinos can legally only be hunted under license. Its value today is hundreds of thousands of dollars. The shooting of animals is strictly controlled. And yet the population of these animals continues to suffer from poaching. This is also due to the fact that among the indigenous peoples of Africa there is a legend about the healing benefits of powder made from the horns of white rhinoceroses. Therefore, they are the desired target of the tribes of this continent. These rhinoceroses, like their Asian counterparts, are victims of such superstition. Poaching has not yet been eliminated in Africa.

In conclusion about the world's last male northern white rhinoceros

As noted above, the last male of the northern subspecies of white rhinoceros that lived in Kenya, in the Al Pejet Nature Reserve, recently died.

Sudan (the name of the rhinoceros) was 45 years old. The veterinarians decided to euthanize him, since he suffered from several age-related diseases: muscles atrophied, bones crumbled, etc. According to doctors, in the last 24 hours he stopped getting up and suffered quite a lot from pain.

Fortunately, scientists have preserved the male's genetic material in hopes of bringing little northern rhinoceroses into the world again.

The rhinoceros can be called one of the largest equids on earth. Its population used to be more numerous, but today only five varieties remain. Three of them live in Asia, and two live in Africa.

Black look

As a rule, where does a rhinoceros live? In the savanna of the African expanses, this animal is found quite often. There are many black individuals here in the east, south and center. There used to be much more of them, before Europeans invaded the continent and began extermination.

In the 20th century, this species numbered 13.5 thousand heads. Since then, the situation has only worsened, and the population has decreased to 3.5 thousand. They are also found in South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and some other countries.

Protected areas have been created where rhinoceroses live in relative safety from poaching, which mainly flourishes in the west. The situation there is unstable, so it is quite difficult to count the number of animals. Statistics must be constantly updated. In protected areas there is a good birth rate and positive indicators, while in the west one of the subspecies has become completely extinct.

White individuals

Where does the rhinoceros live? white? In the same Africa. Its images can be found in elements of rock paintings, which suggests that this species has been here for a very long time.

Europeans met the animal in 1857 in the south of the continent. An active hunt began for it, as a result of which only a few individuals remained after 35 years. Miraculously, this animal survived; it was discovered in 1892 in places where people had not previously penetrated near the river. Umfolozi.

Since 1897, the places where rhinoceroses live began to be protected. In 2010, a statistical report was compiled, according to which 20 thousand individuals remained. Mainly, the species is stable and even shows some growth in the south, although there was a moment when the population dropped from 2,500 (as of 1960) to 5 representatives in 2014. So the threat of extinction inexorably hangs over the species. The places where rhinoceroses live require protection. A photo may be the only way we will be able to see them in the near future if we don't take proper care.

In Asia

Of course, this beautiful animal is not only found in Africa. Investigating the question of which country, we learn that they are also found in the south and southeast of Asia. I especially liked the Indian view of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Once upon a time, these animals were quite typical inhabitants of Iran, as well as China; their remains were found in Yakutia.

Studying history, we can conclude that all the troubles of these animals came from the Europeans, who at one time arrived in Asia and began to cut down the jungle. The population grew, so that wildlife became crowded. Firearms were used to hunt in places where rhinoceroses live. Now, as in Africa, these animals can only be found in places that are carefully protected.

Nowadays, the main habitat of the Indian type is Bangladesh, Nepal, many of it can be found in Pakistan, as well as the Sindh province in India. There are many of them in nature reserves and parks of national importance. In Pakistan and Bangladesh, you can still find a small number of individuals living freely in places where people rarely go.

Kaziranga is working to preserve the population - national park in India, where there are 1,600 such rhinoceroses. The Nepalese Chitwan Nature Reserve also shows good indicators, where there are 600 of them. In Pakistan there is the Lal-Suhantra nature conservation complex, where there are 300 of them.

Sumatran rhinoceros

There is also a Sumatran variety of this animal, which was also widespread in Asia. One could meet its representatives in India, China, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, etc.

As a rule, the places where rhinoceroses live are swamps and forests in the tropics. Now they can be found only on a few islands, the number is 275 individuals. This type was included in the Red Book because it is on the verge of extinction.

Last Hero

Also found in nature is the Javan rhinoceros, the least abundant of which in the world. It used to flourish and could be found in southeast and southern Asia, particularly India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, as well as Malacca, Sumatra and Java. IN this moment the situation is dire as there are only 30-60 individuals left living in Indonesia and Java. In other places the species became extinct in the last century. They tried to keep him in the zoo, however, the idea did not justify itself, since the last representative died in 2008 of this type, living in captivity.

The problem of rhino extinction is quite pressing. Efforts are being made to resolve it. In the centuries preceding our time, these animals were treated somewhat disrespectfully, they were exterminated for selfish purposes, but nature is also patient until certain point, so many species simply could not withstand human pressure.

Now environmental organizations are trying to restore the lost fragile balance. In many medical practices Often the patient is prescribed peace and quiet. Rhino extinction can be called a disease that can be treated by giving the animal calm conditions existence.

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