The roots are essential for the plant. Caring for plant roots: what stimulants will help make the root system strong. The union of the mycelium of the fungus with the root system of the plant

In order to absorb moisture and mineral salts from the soil and to be firmly held in the ground, maintaining balance, the plant needs roots.

The roots of most plants grow only in the ground, and not only vertically down, but often in all directions. This helps the plant collect the necessary nutrients. At the same time, only the very tips of the roots grow. In search of moisture, they overcome more and more obstacles that arise in their path.

Young roots are covered with tiny hairs that help them absorb nutrients from the soil. That is why, if a plant with an undeveloped root system is pulled out of the ground, the soil, as it were, sticks to the surface of the roots.

In some plants, the entire root system is just a single cone-shaped root, consisting of pulp, like a carrot, or covered with dense wood, like a pecan. In other plants, the root system consists of several roots, approximately the same in length. It's called fibrous.

Ordinary grass has a fibrous root system, which just helps to protect the soil from erosion. But above we have mentioned far from all varieties of the root system of plants. So, for example, in geraniums, lateral roots originate from a larger central root. Well developed roots are real storages of sucrose and starch. So, beets and ordinary potatoes are nothing more than the roots of plants, in other words, their root crops.

But not all plants have a root system that develops in the ground. Some representatives of tropical fungal plants settle directly on tree trunks, their root system is very similar to a sponge. It absorbs moisture directly from the air. Many varieties of ivy, with the help of special additional "air" roots, wrap around trees and walls of houses.

In some plants, the roots grow directly from the stem that protrudes above the ground and then sink into the soil, forming the so-called "supports". And potato root tubers can even “bloom”. In this case, small dense "buds" appear on their surface, from which stems with leaves develop. By the way, these stems can be removed from the tuber and used as seedlings.

The root is a vegetative organ of a plant with positive geotropism (growing in the direction of gravity), having a cylindrical shape and radial symmetry. As long as there is an apical (apical) meristem at the root tip, the root is capable of growth. The key difference between a root and a shoot is that the apical meristem is protected by a root cap that covers it. Remember also that leaves can never be found on the root. The main functions of the root:

  • Support function - fixes the plant in the soil (anchoring)
  • Absorption of water and minerals dissolved in it from the soil solution
  • Synthesis of organic substances - in the cells of the root, compounds important for the plant are formed (alkaloids, hormones, amino acids)
  • Storage of nutrients - the root accumulates starch, oils
  • Vegetative propagation - can be carried out by parts of the root
  • Sometimes adventitious buds are laid on the roots - this is the name of the buds that are laid outside the typical places for the development of the kidneys (outside the leaf axil and the top of the shoot). Shoots sprout from them, often called root shoots or root offspring.

  • Symbiosis with bacteria, fungi
  • Nodule (nitrogen-fixing) bacteria are combined on the roots into special formations - nodules. These bacteria are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen (molecular substance) into nitrogen-containing complex substances that are absorbed by plants. With the mycelium of fungi, the root forms a symbiosis, which is called mycorrhiza (or fungus root).

Root system and origin of roots

The root system is made up of all the roots of a plant. It provides reliable anchoring of the plant in the soil. There are three main types of plants:

  • Tap root system
  • Well expressed, developed main root, stands out from the rest of the roots. Lateral and adventitious roots are not distinguished, they occupy a subordinate position in relation to the main one. It is typical for dicotyledonous plants: clover, medicinal dandelion, burdock.

  • fibrous root system
  • The main root is not developed or quickly dies off, adventitious roots growing from the shoot predominate. Roots are equivalent to each other. The fibrous system is characteristic of most monocotyledonous plants: onion, cereals, large plantain, caustic buttercup.

  • Mixed root system
  • You can distinguish the main root, it stands out in size. However, multiple adventitious and lateral roots are well developed. A mixed root system is typical for strawberries, strawberries.

Root zones are a reflection of its growth and development. I always tell my students that imagination is the most important thing. Imagine a root growing deep into the soil. He faces many problems and tasks that root zones help to solve. As it grows deeper, the root zones replace each other in the direction of growth. So, what are the zones of the roots?

  • Breeding zone (division)
  • This zone is represented by small, rapidly dividing cells of the apical (apical) meristem located at the top of the growth cone. Such young cells are especially vulnerable, therefore, in order to protect the breeding zone, it covers the root cap. Its cells constantly die from contact with the soil, forming a mucous membrane that promotes root growth deep into the soil and reduces friction on the soil.

    The root cap in cereal plants is formed from meristematic cells, the totality of which is called calyptrogen. Dicotyledonous plants have a dermatocalyptrogen, from which, in addition to the root cap, a protoderm develops, from which the rhizoderm (epiblema) further differentiates.

  • Growth zone (stretching)
  • In this zone, the divided "young cells - grow up", gain cytoplasmic mass, increase in size. It is due to their growth that the root division zone is pushed deep into the soil, which ensures root growth.

  • Suction zone
  • Here, cell differentiation occurs, the main types of tissues are formed. Rhizoderm cells (epiblema) form root hairs - a hair-like outgrowth. It is important to note that the root hair is an outgrowth of a single cell. However, there are a lot of cells, and together all their root hairs significantly increase the root absorption area. Growing into the soil, root hairs perform one of the most important functions of the root - the absorption of water and mineral salts dissolved in it from the soil solution. The length of the suction zone is 1-1.5 cm.

  • Venue
  • As the root grows deeper into the soil, the root hairs fall off, the once active suction zone now becomes another extremely important zone - conduction. In terms of length, the root conduction zone surpasses all others: it stretches up to the root collar - the place where the root passes into the stem, reaches tens of centimeters.

Dive (dive) of the root

This is the removal of the top of the main root along with the breeding zone. Thus, gardeners stop the growth of the main root and stimulate the development of lateral and adventitious roots, the root system is branched, and the plant gives a good harvest.

In the roots, the process of respiration takes place, just as in other organs. For normal growth and development, fresh air containing oxygen must be supplied to the root. With a poor soil structure, its saturation with water leads to a real oxygen starvation of the roots - asphyxia, and not all plants are resistant to this phenomenon. There are species that do not tolerate flooding at all and require good soil aeration - pedunculate oak, beech.

Note for yourself the importance of aerating the roots of the plant by looking at the following experiment. With the help of a pear on the left side of the picture, air is pumped into the water, partially dissolving in water - the roots receive oxygen, the plant develops. On the right, root respiration is difficult, plant development is slowed down, and if root asphyxia continues, the plant will die.

Root modifications

©Bellevich Yury Sergeevich

This article was written by Yury Sergeevich Bellevich and is his intellectual property. Copying, distribution (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder is punishable by law. To obtain the materials of the article and permission to use them, please contact

In the structure of the roots of most plants, several zones are distinguished (listed from the root tip):

    root cap,

    dividing zone,

    growth zone,

    suction area,

    holding area.

Each zone has its own groups of tissues and its functions.

The root is constantly growing with its tip (tip). Therefore, the cells of one zone gradually transform into cells of another, located farther from the root tip (with the exception of the root cap). So, the upper cells of the division zone become the cells of the growth zone, and the cells of the growth zone that are farthest from the tip of the cell of the growth zone become the cells of the absorption zone, the cells of the absorption zone sooner or later become the cells of the conduction zone.

root cap

The root cap covers the tip of the root. At the roots of many plants, it can be seen without magnifying instruments. The root cap looks like a darker and denser formation at the root tip.

The main function of the root cap is to protect the root tip, where the division zone with the cells of the educational tissue is located, from damage.

The cells of the root cap are alive, but short-lived. They are gradually sloughing off. From the division zone, new cells of the root cap are formed.

Those cells that separate from the cap remain alive for some time and secrete mucus, which facilitates the penetration of the root among the soil particles, and also dissolves minerals. After all, only in dissolved form they can be further absorbed by the root.

In the center of the cap there are starch grains, with their help the root determines where the top is, and where the bottom is. The root has positive geotropism, that is, it grows downward.

Root division zone

The division zone is located under the root cap. Its size is about 1 mm. In this zone, cells are constantly dividing.

The cells of the division zone are small, close to each other, their nuclei are quite large, and the cytoplasm is dense. Together they make up the educational fabric.

Root growth zone

Above the division zone is the root growth zone, which is several millimeters long. Sometimes this area is called stretch zone. Here the cells increase in size, mainly due to elongation. Accordingly, this leads to the growth of the entire root in length. In the cells of the growth zone, the cell wall is not yet rigid, which is what allows them to stretch.

root suction zone

The suction zone is located above the growth zone, usually its length is more than a centimeter. Here, each surface cell forms an outgrowth, which is called root hair. Root hairs can be seen with the naked eye in seedlings of many plants. Together they look like fluff, consisting of whitish fine hairs. Each hair is usually no more than 1 cm long.

The root hair consists of a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, leukoplasts and vacuole.

Root hairs live in most plants for only a few days. The upper hairs are older and gradually die off. But from below, the upper cells of the growth zone become the cells of the conduction zone. Here, hairs grow on the surface cells.

The main function of the suction zone is the absorption of water and minerals dissolved in it from the soil. This function is carried out with the help of root hairs. They penetrate between the soil particles, entangle them and, thus, absorb an aqueous solution from the soil.

After the surface cells have absorbed the aqueous solution, it moves along the inner cells of the root to the central axis, where the cells of the conduction zone are located.

Root holding zone

After the suction zone, closer to the stem is the conduction zone. In this zone, the main function is to conduct the aqueous solution absorbed in the suction zone up to the stem. The aqueous solution moves through the vessels. On the other hand, organic nutrients go from the stem to the root, the root needs them for growth, development and other life processes. Organic substances move through other types of cells.

Fibers of the conducting system are present not only in the root conduction zone. Its cells enter other zones located closer to the root tip.

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What is important to know about plant roots

Plants get their nutrients from the soil or nutrient solution. They enter the plant organism with water, which is actively absorbed by the root system. In addition to transporting water, the roots perform other functions: strengthening in the soil and substrate, the synthesis of hormones and organic compounds, and the storage of nutrients.

To better understand the functions of the roots, you need to understand their anatomy. The root is divided into several zones. The outer layer is a root cap that protects the growing points. Above it is a division zone. It consists of many cells filled with cytoplasm, which divide very quickly. Next comes the stretch zone, where young cells are stretched and saturated with water. The elongation zone is followed by the region of root hairs. As the cells age, the hairs disappear, the membranes coarsen, and the so-called corky zone is formed. The plant produces root hairs throughout its life. Most of the water is absorbed by the elongation zones and root hairs, but the corked area of ​​the root also plays a small role in this process.

Types of root systems

Each plant has more than one root - many lateral and adventitious roots. The main root appears from the germinal, lateral ones come from it, and the adnexal ones appear from the stem and absorb moisture from atmospheric precipitation. The root system, in which the main root is clearly distinguished and located in the center, is called the tap root. If you cannot visually isolate the main root, then the system is fibrous. It is characterized by the presence of identical roots, which do not have a large length, but at the same time occupy a significant area near the surface and wrap around particles of the substrate or soil more densely. As a result, the aqueous solution is more efficiently absorbed by the fibrous system. There is also a mixed type of root system.

textile bag-pot. With it, creating favorable conditions for the development of a fibrous root system is much easier! The main function of the accessory is the air trimming of excess roots that have made their way through the fabric.

Why is it important?

Because different types of root systems adapt differently to existing conditions. The fibrous root system has an advantage in this matter. If the plant grows indoors, the roots can get confused, and the direction of their growth can change in a chaotic manner. This leads to squeezing of the rhizome, which disrupts the absorption of water and the supply of nutrients.

Absorption function of the roots

In both the root and fibrous systems, the main task is to absorb water with nutrients dissolved in it. Absorption occurs in the area of ​​the root hairs, which is not protected by a waterproof bark.

Continuous absorption ensures the process of transpiration. It refers to the cycle in which the plant releases moisture through the leaves and replenishes it through the roots. Transpiration provides a continuous flow of water with dissolved salts and prevents overheating of the flora.

In some conditions, for example, with insufficient watering or drought, the absorbency of the substrate is higher compared to the root. This leads to the fact that the root system does not absorb moisture, but gives it away. Accordingly, this affects the plants negatively.

The resistance of water is affected by its temperature. The colder the liquid, the more viscous it becomes and the more difficult it is for the roots to absorb. As a result, the leaves of the plants become sluggish. In neglected situations, rot and harmful fungi appear.

  1. Do not water plants with ice water, use water for watering at room temperature;
  2. The degree of moisture content of the substrate should be optimal. Do not over-moisten the growing medium;
  3. In excessively loose media it is not possible to achieve good contact with the root hairs. As a result, the absorption of water becomes more difficult.

Water transportation

The root system of a plant absorbs water in the following way. Initially, it enters the conduction zone, through which nutrients are further distributed to all parts of the plant.

When transplanting plantings or transferring from one environment to another, the roots not only have to adapt to new conditions, but also provide a supply of water. In this regard, the use of root formation stimulants can help the green pet grow root hairs more quickly, restore nutrition and transport functions.

The union of the mycelium of the fungus with the root system of the plant

Evolution has led to the fact that the roots of individual plants began to perform functions that were previously unusual for them. Separate plantations entered into mutually beneficial symbioses. One of these is the interaction of the root system and fungi. This association is called mycorrhiza. It has several varieties, in which the hyphae of the fungus braid the surface and are even located directly at the very root.

The benefit of mycorrhiza is that the suction capacity of plantings increases. The digestibility of water improves, and with it the nutrients. In addition, mycorrhiza releases specific enzymes that break down dead particles, turning them into substances useful for crops. As a result, green spaces grow faster, produce large inflorescences and strong fruits, their resistance to stress becomes higher. Mushrooms also protect against late blight and some other diseases. All that is taken in return is soluble carbohydrates.

A mycorrhizal partnership can only take place under certain circumstances. This is the temperature of the environment not lower than 18 C, the presence of moisture and soluble phosphates up to 8%, the inaccessibility of ultraviolet rays.

You can independently take measures to create a useful alliance. For this purpose, there is Funky-Fungi mycorrhiza from B.A.C. The product is unique in that it contains 4 types of fungi that penetrate even into hard-to-reach areas of the root, ensuring maximum effectiveness of symbiosis. The drug is recommended for use when growing in substrates and in any soil mixtures.

The role of microorganisms

Bacteria play an important role in the functioning of the root system. Under natural conditions, they are closely intertwined with higher plants. Bacteria are involved in the decomposition of complex elements, breaking them down to those that are easily absorbed by plantations.

In order to recreate the processes that naturally occur in nature, when growing on bioponics (hydroponics with the use of organic fertilizers), it is necessary to use a complex of microorganisms Bioponic Mix, due to which complex compounds are broken down into a form more accessible to plants. When introducing microorganisms into containers with a nutrient solution, it is recommended to install

The little secret of a big harvest

Growing in substrates, soil and hydroponics has its advantages and disadvantages. Monitoring the state of the root system of a plant is easier to do in hydroponics. There is also an advantage to traditional cultivation - the soil is a natural environment that has the ability to self-regulate, while with hydroponic cultivation, a person must constantly monitor the EC and pH values.

A useful find for the grower will be a textile pot bag. With it, creating favorable conditions for the development of a fibrous root system is much easier! The main function of the accessory is the air trimming of excess roots that have made their way through the fabric. This is important because different types of root systems adapt differently to the conditions at hand. The fibrous system has an advantage in this matter. If the plant grows indoors, the roots can get confused, and the direction of their growth can change in a chaotic manner. This leads to squeezing of the rhizome, which disrupts the absorption of water and the supply of nutrients.

The potty bag provides sufficient ventilation and protection from UV rays. It also absorbs excess moisture so the roots don't rot. The unique polyester fiber material makes the product very durable. It can be reused many times. The pot is not afraid of alkali, fungus, fertilizers, mold and acids.

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Tips from Agrodom

The operation of the TDS meter is based on the electrical conductivity of water - electrodes immersed in an aqueous medium create an electric field between themselves. Pure distilled water does not conduct current by itself, it is formed by various impurities and compounds dissolved in water.


A salt meter or TDS meter is a stationary small-sized device for measuring the hardness of water and the percentage of various types of substances in it.


Coconut substrate, made from coconut peel and fibers ground into small crumbs, is a fairly young material.

The root system of the plant absorbs the necessary nutrients and distributes them to the rest of the plant. As the culture grows and develops, the root mass also increases. Growers who focus their energy on caring for and maintaining a healthy root system are more likely to have fewer crop problems and higher yields. For complete care, they use a plant root growth stimulator.

Gardeners are constantly striving to find methods and tools that will help increase the yield of their garden. A plant with a strong and healthy root system has been proven to have strong and healthy stems, leaves and flowers. Simply put, healthy roots will help achieve a generous harvest.

Unfortunately, when caring for indoor flowers, plants do not always give the root system the attention it deserves. Since the roots are usually hidden from the view of gardeners, they can often be forgotten. Growers who focus some of their energy on developing the root system generally have better yields and less problems with seed development overall. There are several different ways to help stimulate root growth and keep roots healthy.

Conditions for the development of plant roots

In order for a plant to develop, its roots need certain conditions, namely:

  • Oxygen. Many gardeners don't think about the important fact that plant roots need oxygen to thrive and survive. To increase the amount of oxygen in the soil, the manufacturer can add various soil additives. Perlite, pumice, hydroton, or any other porous substance that can greatly increase the soil's ability to hold oxygen.
  • Nutrients. In addition to increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to the root system, attention should be paid to nutrients, which will play an important role in root health. A good fertilizer usually contains the nutrients needed for healthy root growth.

Phosphorus and potassium are the two main nutrients associated with root growth.

  • root stimulants. Plant hormones known as auxins can also be used to stimulate root growth. The most commonly found rooting formulations are a pair of hormones, indole butyric acid and naphthylacetic acid. These two hormones are considered root stimulants. Some gardeners use these hormones to stimulate root growth during the early stages of the growing season. Auxins are known to promote lateral root development, so they are more suitable for cuttings and seeds.
  • Beneficial microorganisms. There is a vast invisible world living in and around the root system of virtually every living culture on the planet. This microscopic world is made up of millions of bacteria and fungi. Favorable microorganisms are associated with root strengthening and overall cutting growth.

Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants differ from each other in the structure of the seed. Monocotyledonous plants have a fibrous root structure. After germination, the main root most often slows down in growth, and the adventitious ones take over the functions of the long-standing plant root. Most often, representatives of this class are flowers, less often trees and shrubs.

The anatomical structure of the root of dicotyledonous plants is usually pivotal. The main root develops from the germinal.

Plant Root Growth Stimulants

Phosphorus is one of the nutrients that plants need in large quantities, and one of its many functions is to promote root development. Some root stimulants may contain phosphorus, but a phosphorus product alone can be used.

Before using phosphorus, it is important to remember that any amount not used by the plant ends up being leached out, which can lead to the formation of unwanted and sometimes dangerous algae. Therefore, you need to make sure that the culture uses all the phosphorus that is given to it.

The same can be said about nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizers can be helpful to help seedlings or cuttings form new roots. But you should be careful with excessive fertilizer.

Mycorrhiza. Although it is not a growth hormone, mycorrhizal fungi have been known for hundreds of years as plant root helpers. The mutually beneficial relationship between these fungi and the root system of a living culture is complex. In general, mushrooms stimulate beneficial bacteria, which in turn produce chemicals that increase plant growth.

If there is concern about whether or not to use artificial hormones, or just not sure which product to use, you can make your own organic root stimulant using willow branches and leaves. Fast growing trees such as willow produce large amounts of auxins. Willow tea, or willow water as some call it, is easy to prepare using young, thin willow branches.

To make willow infusion, you need:

  • cut thin branches with leaves into twigs 4-5 cm in size;
  • put them in a container with a lid;
  • to boil water;
  • add boiling water to a container with branches and leaves;
  • let it brew until the water cools to room temperature;
  • twigs and leaves are removed and the auxin-enriched water can be immediately used to water the cuttings.

Unused amount may be frozen for later use. If it is not possible to find a willow to borrow a few branches, the same mixture can be made with other fast growers such as poplar or maple.

Another perennial and proven natural product for root development is honey. While it does not act as a growth hormone, it does protect the cuttings so they can develop their roots without risking disease. There is an idea that the sugar in honey is also good for root development.

About different types of root and plant growth stimulants in the video.

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