Occult training in real esotericism. Color - Soul of Metals. Health or disease depends on cells

Occultism as the Science of vital forces provides the key to the art of right living in accordance with the Divine and Natural plans of evolution. The writer sincerely hopes that these Lessons will be of practical help to everyone who reads them.

In order to enhance, whenever possible, important points with a mantramic effect, some words and sentences are deliberately emphasized, which will allow them to be more vividly imprinted in the mind of the reader.

Hidden truths are never comprehended by the usual way of thinking. Boldly departing from the well-trodden paths of conventional beliefs, the sincerely aspiring student must blaze new paths in the Wonderland of World Nature, spiritual and material, always connecting every newly discovered truth with the Unity of the All in One and the One in All.

William Dower (1866-1937)

One who wants to know the origin and fate of things; be able to measure in your consciousness the infinitely great by the infinitely small and the infinitely small by the infinitely great; to know the basic laws of the spiritual and material connection of one’s self with the Cosmic Whole and all other selves and parts, mineral, plant, animal, human and superhuman; to know the Law of one’s interdependence with all life - that is the seeker of Occult Knowledge, and these lessons are intended for all such.

Chapter I. The meaning of occultism

The infinite, reflected in the ultimate - Matter is materialized or crystallized Spirit - Primordial Eternal Substance - There is only one Force - Atomic and molecular bodies - Occult forces in metals - Metals have planes corresponding to the physical, astral and spiritual bodies of man - Composition of atoms: Electricity, Light or God - The Cosmos is built by Number - God is inside the atoms - Our unity in the Ultimate - The scientific basis of the Brotherhood of Man

By Occultism is meant knowledge of the subtler forces of Nature, generally not perceived by the Five external Senses of man. However, there is no clear boundary between internal, subtler forces, and external, grosser ones - just as there is no clear boundary between external material feelings and internal spiritual ones. One gradually turns into another.

External material forces manifest themselves when they are created for this purpose. external conditions. Internal spiritual forces manifest themselves when internal, astral or spiritual conditions are created on the inner planes. The external, however, depends on the internal, as the Material Universe depends on the Spiritual Universe. There is external reflection internal.

Vaporization, Electricity, Magnetism, Chemistry, Gravity, Light and Sound are external, perceived forces based on internal causes.

Thought, Will, Desire, Love, Animal (Vital) Magnetism, etc. - there are occult forces that are not perceived by the five senses except through their consequences. What applies to man also applies to the Universe as a whole. Limitless<зеркально>reflected in the Ultimate, Ultimate.

What we call matter is materialized or crystallized spiritual substance - that is, a single primordial eternal substance of a lower vibrational level. Also, there is only one Power. Higher differentiations of this unified force are the more subtle occult forces of life, simply having a high vibrational level of spiritual substance. External forces there are lower vibrational levels of the same substance. There is no such thing as vibration itself. Something must vibrate.

Atomic and Molecular Bodies

The occult powers and potencies inherent in gross matter are revealed when the proper conditions are created. These energies can manifest themselves on one plane or another. Gold, silver, lead, iron are material substances that in their material form do not have any occult properties. But once we delve deeper and reveal the soul of these metals, we discover and understand the occult, more subtle powers inherent in them. In substance they correspond to the Physical Body. Their molecular nature corresponds to the Astral Body. By its ATOMIC NATURE - to the Spiritual Body. As we approach the atomic nature of matter, from the lowest Inorganic to the highest Organic, more and more amazing forces are released. At the ultimate, the organic and the inorganic are one. The atoms of both are composed of pure ELECTRICITY, or LIGHT, or GOD, whatever you want to call it. Science calls the particles that make up this Divine substance Electrons. A certain number of grouped Electrons form an elemental - the occult basis of such a metal as gold; another number - silver, iron, oxygen, hydrogen, etc. Space is built Number, dividing Time by perfect Measure. This is the Song of Life and Being.

As is above, so below; as is within, so without; as in the beginning, so in the end.

God - Inside Atoms

The human body as a mass of cells does not exhibit any occult properties. It's just organic matter. But cells make a person something more than stones that have no cellular structure. Cells are lives... Cells contain molecules. This is inferior astral man. Molecules contain atoms. This is a spiritual person. Inside atoms - God-Light- the ultimate. In the Ultimate we are one with all creatures - minerals, plants, people or Gods. There is only one single God, only one single Life, only one Ultimate, and we are THAT.

THAT contains every Sound, Number, Color and Form - Eternal and Infinite. Creation is the expression of these Forces in endless variety, combinations, qualities and forms, from the faint glow of a candle to the scorching suns, from ciliates to God.

The purpose of this lesson is to show that the basis of matter and spirit and all life is fundamental and one and is rooted in one life, no matter how different their many manifestations in time and space. Through analogies this lesson also reveals the occult and scientific basis of the Brotherhood of Man and all creatures as one in the Eternal Fatherhood-Motherhood-Brotherhood of God.

The next lesson will concern the occultism of the Physical Body.

Chapter II. Cell Man

Every cell is a being - The physical body is the God of the cell - Difference between amoeba and man - Functions of cells - Description of cell - Health and disease depend on cells - Ego cells

Cell Man

The Physical Body is the Cellular Man. Each of the types of matter that makes up the body, from bone marrow to bone, tendon to muscle, fat to blood and nerve tissue, is made up of billions of microscopic cells. Each cell is a being going through its life cycle from birth to death and possessing consciousness and memory, as well as function - its life work. The collective consciousness of all the cells of the body is the consciousness of the physical man, making him capable of performing all his various functions. In other words, we can say that physical body in general, in relation to each of the cells, is the same as God is in relation to man. In the physical body, each cell lives, moves and has its own existence. In the universal Man-God we live, move and have our Being. Complete identification of consciousness with the Transcendent Being is possible when each Unit has established a complete correlation with the inner light - the life of all Units. Then she becomes Everything.

What is a cell? The evolutionary history of the cell extends from the mud puddle to man, and we have histological proof in the form of living specimens of all stages passed through. Scoop up a handful of dirty water from the nearest puddle - by carefully observing, we will soon identify a small randomly spinning object among the others and, upon closer inspection, we will notice that its shape changes over time. It is almost transparent, but the limiting membrane, or outer cell wall, and inner nucleus are clearly visible. This object is an amoeba, a single-celled creature. What is the difference between it and a physical person? An amoeba consists of one cell; a physical person is made of billions of cells.

Cell function

A physical person has millions of muscle and bone cells, the purpose of which is to help him move from place to place. He also has millions of other types of cells whose purpose is to digest food for him; millions, ensuring the circulation of fluids in his body; millions - receiving and transmitting nervous forces; millions of others - continuing his line; millions more through which he thinks. The amoeba has only one cell for all this. But she performs all these functions independently, on their own lowest level, - one cell, working like countless numbers acting together. For the amoeba has nervous, muscular, digestive, secretory, excretory systems, as well as blood circulation and reproduction - but all of them combined in one cell. It is as if all the functions of the body, provided by many specialized cells, were performed any of them.

Description Cells

A cell can be defined as a microscopic mass of matter called Protoplasm, containing within itself an even smaller mass of matter called the Nucleus. A good example cell structure - egg. The shell is the outer limiting membrane; egg white - protoplasm; the yolk is the core. In the same way, each microscopic cell consists of an outer limiting membrane, a liquid protoplasm and a nucleus. In some lower forms of life the nucleus may be absent. In highly developed nerve cells, there is also a nucleolus inside the nucleus. Protoplasm is very complex body consisting mainly of protein. Granules are often present in the protoplasm; also small cavities - vacuoles - filled with liquid, appearing, disappearing and changing their position over time.

Health or disease depends on cells

The nucleus is the center of the cell's formative activity. It is the vehicle of the Ego cell. The cell itself is a place of nourishment and departure.<функций>. Thus, the terms "health" and "disease" do not refer to the body as a whole, but to the cells of which it is composed.

The Physical Body corresponds to the Spiritual Body. To understand the physical body, we must understand the nature of cells. Subsequent lessons will show how Unity, Cooperation and Brotherhood depend on the smallest units assembled together as cells to form an organ, or as planets to form solar system, before Celestial or Terrestrial evolution becomes possible. These are not small things.

The next lesson will show in part the occult correspondence and the Sevenfold Cell Structure.

Chapter III. Seven cell correspondences

Seven principles of the egg-cell - Structure of the cell - Chlorophyll, the mental center of plants - Center of desire in the cells - Etheric spaces in the cells - All from one Divine Cell - Our Spiritual basis - in Christ - Central Sun - Radiant Center, Christ - In the Radiant Center - all life in general - All in one and one in All

The cell is a small Cosmos in itself and must obey the laws of universal correspondence and thus have in its structure the Seven Planes of Existence. Let us establish this correspondence and the Septenary division of the Cell.

Starting from the outside:

1. The Cell Wall corresponds to the Physical Body;

2. The internal contents of the cell - to the lower Astral Body;

3. Protoplasm - to the Life Principle, Prana;

4. The granules in this protoplasm are to Kama Manas, the Lower Mind;

5. The cavities in this Protoplasm are Kama Rupa, the Lower Desires;

6. Core - to the Higher Manas, or Mind;

7. Nucleolus - Buddhic principle. The radiating Center in the nucleolus - the Centrosome - is the point of contact for Atma, which, however, is not a principle, since everything is contained in Atma.

This can be explained by applying these correspondences to a visible cell with which we are all very familiar.

An egg is a separate cell. Respectively:

1. Outer shell

2. The inner layer on this shell

3. Egg white

4. Granules in this protein

5. Cavities in it (if you look closely)

7. Inside the yolk is a microscopic Germinal Vesicle. Inside it is the Germinal Spot.

Most of the principles mentioned are obvious. Few need explanation. The internal contents of the cell correspond to the lower vital astral body. It is seal vital principle, protoplasm, and chemically represents the same matter, but it takes form, which sets the outer membrane. In an egg, a calcareous substance is deposited on the outside of this inner membrane. The inner contents or membrane, however, is formed first.

Fig.1. Cell structure diagram. 1. cell wall 2. internal contents 3. protoplasmic contents 4. granules distributed throughout the protoplasm 5. cavities or vacuoles in the protoplasm 6. nucleus 7. inside the nucleus - the nucleolus containing the radiating center, the point of contact with Atma

Chlorophyll, Plant Mental Center

The granules, corresponding to the lower mentality, are centers of enormous activity which can be progressive or regressive. Regressive changes in these granules make the cell abnormal and diseased. Progressive changes support the natural functioning of the cell, promoting both its growth and the growth and development of the organism of which it is a part. For example, plant cell granules contain chlorophyll, the green substance of all plants, and it is this that, in the presence of sunlight decomposes the carbon dioxide that the plant breathes through the leaves (lungs), and the carbon released from it binds as part of the woody structure of the plant - and thus builds it. The correspondence to the work of the lower mind is clear. The lower mind extracts and appropriates what it needs, and rejects what it does not need. He is always looking for opportunities to build himself. The same applies to animal cell granules. The lower mind, the granule of a cell, for example, the liver, takes from the blood what it needs and removes everything else; functioning normally, it builds itself and its organ.

Center of Desires in Cells

Transparent cavities - vacuoles - in the protoplasm of the cell correspond to Kama Rupa, the principle of Lower Desires. These cavities may be empty or contain liquid. The etheric or magnetic desire-life of the cells acts through these cavities, bringing the cell into action through the energy of desire transferred to it. These cellular cavities correspond to the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spine, through which the etheric, astral man receives and transmits impulses. These cavities or ventricles are related to the mystery of internal respiration.

Some may deny these significant functions of the granules and vacuoles, the lower intelligence and vehicle of the cell's desires; but it is so, and biologists will show it in the near future. What is said here is based on clear laws of correspondence, confirmed by internal knowledge.

The Universe, with all its worlds and creatures, is an organism, and was emanated, differentiated from one original cell just as a chicken originates and differentiates from one original cell - an egg. In the case of the chicken, we have this one cell differentiating into many cells that form various organs and tissues, up to a multicellular animal. It’s the same with the birth of a person - all our various cells that form organs are produced by the division of one cell - the (fertilized) egg of a woman. As with man, so with the Divine, as with the cell, so with the cosmos. Everything comes from the One and to the One everything must return. Our fundamental spiritual basis is in the Central Sun, the Christ - which is the radiating Point contacting the Nucleus and giving life, energy and creative purpose to all the various constituent parts. Cut off this Radiating Center, and the egg, the cell, the person, the cosmos will disappear. At the Radiant Point, all beings live in common. At this point or on this plane we are all of one blood (life), as the Apostle Paul said, and in this we find the occult justification for the law of Universal Brotherhood - ALL IN ONE AND ONE IN ALL.

Chapter IV. Visible and invisible man

Matter and Spirit are the opposite poles of the World Substance - The Body of the Heavenly Man - Qualities used in the construction of the soul - The unity of spirit and matter and their disappearance as such upon union - Radium and the Supreme Mind - Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays of Radium

In the previous two lessons we dealt primarily with Physical Man and the Physical Universe. And for good reason. We cannot understand spirit without understanding matter. We cannot understand matter without understanding spirit. One is a perfect reflection and correspondence to the other. Matter and spirit are opposite poles of the same World Substance. Each electric battery has two poles. We cannot understand the nature of this battery by studying one of its poles and refusing to recognize the other. Some teachers who do not have synthetic consciousness instruct their students to ignore matter and study only spirit. Others call to ignore spirit and study matter. The consequence of this is the absence peace of mind in such teachings, and those who study them, churning the mental air with either one wing of matter or one wing of spirit, only move endlessly in a limited circle and end up in nowhere.

We must know ourselves as physical creatures. We must know ourselves as beings spiritual. Sometimes we must reside in the physical body and be CONSCIOUS on the seven planes from the lowest to the highest. Otherwise, Mastery is impossible. Hence the importance of the physical. The Universal Laws of Correspondence will reveal the spirit to us - to the extent that we understand the laws of matter. The same laws of correspondence reveal matter spiritual person- to the extent that he understands the laws of his kingdom. The Visible Universe is the Body of the Heavenly Man. Earthly man is this Heavenly Universal Man in miniature, just as a drop of water from the ocean is an exact copy of the ocean with all its elements. The visible Heavenly Man is the material pole of the invisible Spiritual Divine Man, called in his universality God. Accordingly, the material body of man is the external physical correspondence (counterpart) to the forces and qualities that are the real substances that constitute Soulful Man. For Faith, Hope, Charity, Sympathy, Compassion, Justice, etc. There are in fact spiritual qualities of matter from which the soul is built, just like hydrogen, oxygen, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, etc. make up the human body.

Polarity of Matter and Spirit

When the Universal Primordial Substance exhibits polarity, it differentiates into matter and spirit. When a drop of water becomes polarized, it splits into hydrogen and oxygen. The great force of affinity draws hydrogen and oxygen into chemical compound and forms water. Accordingly, Spirit and Matter release colossal energy in search of reunification. This great universal DESIRE for Unity generates incessant forces of attraction and repulsion on all planes, being the true cause of all movement and manifestation of life and movement in space. Just as Hydrogen and Oxygen disappear as such in a drop of water, so Spirit and Matter disappear as such, being United in one another. Infinite balance is achieved in eternal Unity. All is reunited in the One.

Radium and the Supreme Intelligence

The physical bodies of the race are in the process of transmutation. The Divine Light is materialized in the less noble metals of the body and they must be elevated and returned to spiritual expression. This can be well illustrated using the example of radium. This amazing element is known for being transformed into various elements; scientists suggest that lead is the last stage of its de-gradation or materialized expression on this plane. Here we have an example of lowering the vibration of higher qualities and forces until a dense material state is achieved.

Rice. 2. Separation of radium rays by a magnetic field

In occult correspondence, lead is associated with the lower personal mind (mind). If lead is the lowest materialized expression of radium, then radium is the highest pole of lead, and must therefore be a species of the substance of which the Higher Mentality is composed—one might say By the Supreme Mind itself- probably thus explaining where the light of the Supreme Intelligence comes from. The analogy between Radium and the Supreme Intelligence is clear. Both are inexhaustible sources of radiation and illumination, and must draw energy directly from the World Mind. The same law applies to all other elements and metals that make up the physical body. They all have their higher correspondences, and on this higher plane they are the Qualities, Powers and Colors - the Soul, Light or Spirit of the materialized aspect. Figure 2 shows three different rays, called Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays, which emanate from Radium. Each beam has different properties. The diagram shows the particle trajectories of these different rays as a result of the action of a magnet.

Alpha rays are deflected from a magnet. Beta rays are attracted to a magnet. Gamma rays are not deflected at all by a magnet.

Radium is placed at the bottom of a hole in a heavy lead block. Being of sufficient thickness, lead does not transmit any rays.

Alpha rays are made up of particles of electrical matter that are incredibly small and travel at speeds of thousands of kilometers per second. They are positively charged.

Beta rays are made up of even smaller particles of matter, 1/1000 the size of a hydrogen atom, and travel at about 40,000 kilometers per second, carrying a negative electrical charge. Gamma rays are not deflected by a magnet, but rather travel in straight lines radiating from their point of emission. They have high penetrating power, greater than the previous ones.

Gamma rays are not composed of material particles, but are of the same nature as X rays and are therefore assumed to be a form of motion. Their speed is equal to the speed of light - 300,000 kilometers per second. The almost incredible speed of these rays shows that Radium is a substance belonging to the inner and higher state of consciousness. Finally, a point must be reached where the speed of movement and frequency of vibration will eventually transcend space and time and approach the absolute movement and rest in the Infinite Divine Consciousness. The student may exercise his intuition to seek further analogies between Radium, the Higher Mind and the Spiritual Self.

There is only one Power, one Element, from which everything comes and to which everything must return. Having understood this great law, we know the source and destiny of people and things, the fundamental Unity of all things in their essence. And this Unity provides the scientific basis for the Universal Brotherhood of all Creation.

Chapter V. The Nature of the Soul

True Self of the All - Color-soul of metals - Light in atoms - External form and internal light - Glow of the soul - Teacher of Light - Conscious immortality is inherent in the structure of the soul - Light-building material

The study of occultism is the search for the hidden causes that move action in the hearts of people, worlds and things. These deepest reasons inside reasons is the driving force that brings the Great Wheel of Being and Non-Being into constant rotation. When we come to know the true self of something, a blade of grass, a stone on the side of the road, a piece of metal, the true self or essence within the innermost “inside” of an animal, man or god, we come to know the Real Self of the All - or the Divine. In the Infinitely Great we perceive the Infinitely Small. The Infinitely Great is reflected in the smallest atom. In these lessons an attempt is made to reveal the unknown through the known, the invisible through the visible according to the Law of Revelation through correspondences originally inherent in consciousness. With our feet - understanding - firmly planted on the ground, we continue.

Color - Soul of Metals

The Sun is the Radiating Center of Light and Life, since its substance is in a state of Incandescence, implying a high vibrational level. If we place an iron bar in the fire, it will soon become hot. His vibrational level has increased. If we continue to keep it on fire, it will begin to glow dimly, and if the fire is hot enough, after a while the block will become brighter, and eventually reaches a state in which it will emit light. If heating is continued, the iron will burn and release its essential colors or color. These colors are called by science the Spectrum of Metal. The release of this spectrum of colors, the soul of the metal, means that it has reached a very high vibrational level, a kind of movement in which it can no longer maintain its form in manifestation on the outer plane, except in terms of light.

The same applies to other metals or elements. Everything can ultimately be reduced to light and color. It is now known that all the metals and elements known on earth are present in the sun, but not as iron, lead, gold, hydrogen, oxygen, etc., but in a state of Color or Light, which is their spirit. In the elements in the sun all this light and life and energy is actual. In the same elements, as they now exist on earth, this light and energy is latent, only within the atoms, unable to radiate through the dense outer body or metal form, since its vibrations are reduced and it is now too dense.

Outer Form and Inner Light

External shape, as such, loses the ability to achieve that high state of intensity when the soul and spirit can radiate their light and life directly. So, in the case of our human bodies, this light and energy hidden inside us, but cannot radiate until the vibrations of the external form (body) rise high enough, when we, having thus risen, lose the form in its current understanding - but we do not do this, since these inert dense external forms are sweet to most of us. us. The pure luminosity of the soul, however, cannot penetrate the dense veils of matter unless we purify, exalt and elevate them. And this explains the difference between the Sun and the Earth, and also the other planets; the difference between the Teacher of Light and an ordinary person. The Teacher of Light has raised his outer bodily principles to the point where the true light shines within himself, the Light that is His True Self. And it is this Light that “illuminates every person in the world”; this Light is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”; this Light of the Infinite Spirit of Light, which is organized stroke by stroke, element by element, point by point, quality by quality, into a structure or form of the soul built on the Divine plane, which thus becomes the center of CONSCIOUS IMMORTALITY, for it is erected on that inner plane where Light itself is the only building material. And since this Light contains within itself all the colors and possible shades of color, it can express in this organized structure of the soul all the possible shades of forces and qualities according to the plan on which the Spiritual Will of the Inner Self is built. Thus, as we differ in personal characteristics, we also we are distinguished by the properties of the soul, by which each soul will manifest the glory inherent in it alone.

Translation by D.V.Skopin

Dower W.

To be continued...

Since ancient times, esotericism (from ancient Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) and occultism (from lat. occultus- hidden, secret), or rather a set of unique teachings and traditions, special ways of perceiving and describing objective reality, attracted searching, restless minds, hungry for knowledge and insight. Esotericism with its own, and occult sciences accessible only to initiates - magic, alchemy, astrology, theosophy, theurgy, shamanism, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, extrasensory perception, Kabbalah, predictive techniques - all these disciplines arouse interest and desire to educate people with special abilities.

Training in esotericism - secret content and sacred meaning of magic

Regardless of how long you have been practicing magic or other esoteric sciences, you will need tips on effective magical protection from astral and energy attacks, as well as techniques for putting up strong shields to protect against a backlash. High degree mastery are energy attacks without practice of entering the astral plane. Esoterics as a set of practical sciences allows the adept to create ethereal entities during training. By creating an astral image of your enemy - a larva, and sending it to the right person, you will deplete your opponent energetically, deprive him of vitality and the desire to resist you.

Unique ancient occult teachings and traditions are presented to us in a different light. We can consider esotericism and occultism from different points of view, highlighting less and more dangerous types of witchcraft. Necromancy is rightfully the darkest and one of the most ancient types of magic. This is covered with the most scary legends, and chilling myths. There are various variations and shades of occultism, but only the magic of death allows the sorcerer to extend his power beyond the world of the living and beyond the boundaries of the subtle worlds inhabited by spirits. The necromancer is able to penetrate beyond the line of death.

A necromancer for whom death magic is part of esotericism has its drawbacks.

For example, he has virtually no energy field, the necromancer's aura is small and weak. A necromancer is not able to enter the occult worlds without a guide. Only the astral world opens its gates to him, but others subtle worlds are virtually closed to him.

In magical wars, necromancers are very dangerous. And most of all the so-called natural born. These magicians are the most unpredictable, cunning, real attackers, and they require close observation and serious esoteric training. The magician of death carries within himself the energy of cold, decay, decay, and, even without meaning to, can harm others. His abilities allow him to extinguish the flame of life in the hearts of the living and delay death.

Magic as an integral part of esotericism - who you really are

I am sure that from time to time you indulge in thoughts about who you really are, are you living your life or are you wasting your days, what are you capable of and what should you do? What opportunities are you hiding from yourself? The process of inner cognition is activated when you begin to observe your thoughts, analyze your own intentions and actions. This is the beginning of inner work, and this gives reason to believe that you can begin your path in magic or in another discipline of esotericism.

In the process of studying the occult and magic, you will need different tools, including intelligence and logic. Studying magic is an activity for smart people, for those who analyze, do not take their word for it, and question any facts. However, mental activity alone will not make you a magician. Work on your consciousness, your higher nature.

Read reviews You don’t need to look for signs of a love spell, but if you find them, act
What is stronger than a love spell? (Life of Saints Cyprian and Justina)
The power of demons over man is punishment for sin ( Archimandrite German (Chesnokov))
Stories of bewitched men. Signs of a love spell (1)
Stories of bewitched men. I was bewitched (2)
Stories of the Bewitched. Depression set in (3)
How to protect yourself from the evil eye, conspiracy and evil spells ( Valery Dukhanin)

What is needed to practice the occult

To consciously penetrate into the “memory of the earth” requires a certain discipline. Which exactly?

The discipline is much more difficult than the yoga discipline! This is an occult discipline.

First of all, you need to learn to consciously leave your body and enter another, more thin body; use your will to go where you want to go, never be afraid and sometimes face the unexpected and even terrible things; stay calm, develop a visual sense in your mind, train your mind to remain completely peaceful and calm... You know, the list is long and I could go on for hours!

Usually, when you want to study occultism, the first thing your Master does is never tell you about it, never explain it to you, just because of the funny property of the mind that begins to “think” about it and brings you “experiences” ” have no value: they are simply mental formations that turn you into their toy, that’s all. They have no reality.

... You think that the occult is studied in the same way as playing the piano! But all this, in any case, does not happen quite like that. In fact, those who do not have certain abilities can read all the books in the world about the occult and still not know how to practice it. This requires certain abilities.

It's also true that you can read all the books in the world on how to play the piano, but if you don't play, you'll never learn it. However, there are natural musicians, natural artists, and there are people who can work at it their whole lives and achieve nothing at all. The same applies to the occult.

In any case, before you begin to study the occult, you must have, as I told you at the beginning, very great self-control, very great self-control, you must achieve a kind of self-denial, forget yourself, become selfless, uninterested, develop a sense of self-sacrifice, that will allow you to practice the occult without any danger. After all, if you retain all egoistic or passionate movements, if you are filled with desires, you will definitely encounter incidents in the practice of this science that can have fatal consequences. As I said at the very beginning, absolutely the necessary condition is fearlessness, which does not allow any fear to enter into you. For it is very often said, and quite rightly, that when you enter the invisible realm, the first things you encounter are literally terrifying. If you have no fear, then there is no danger, but the slightest fear plunges you into danger. So, before anyone was even allowed to practice this science, it was very for a long time, sometimes for many years the beginner was subjected to a discipline which gave him the confidence that he could practice it without the slightest fear and without any danger.

… Take, for example, mantra, which is a type of occultism; if the mantra is not given by the guru and the guru does not impart his occult or spiritual power to you along with the mantra, you can repeat your mantra thousands of times, it will not have any effect.

So for practice genuine In occultism you need to have a certain quality, ability, inner gift, and this gift serves as your protection. True occultism cannot be practiced by just anyone. And this is no longer magic - neither white magic, nor black, nor gold - this is not magic at all, this is spiritual power that can only be acquired as a result of long discipline; and finally, it is given to you only by divine grace.

So, for example, when you leave the body - I have often told you about this phenomenon - even if the exit is insignificant, if only the mental part leaves the body, then it is precisely that part of the consciousness that leaves the body that controls its ordinary activities, but the part that responds remains. for automatic functions, spontaneous involuntary movements such as blood circulation or internal secretion, etc., as well as other nervous movements or automatic movements of thought; this area remains uncontrolled by the conscious thinking part. In the atmosphere around you there is always a considerable number of small entities, often very small, which are usually formed from the decaying remains of dead human beings: they resemble microbes, microbes of the vital plane. They have a certain form and can be seen, and they also have a will of their own. This is not to say that they always have bad intentions, but they are very fond of playing pranks, that is, they like to have fun at the expense of human beings. As soon as they see that someone has left the body and has insufficient protection, they rush at such a person, take possession of his mechanical mind and create all sorts of troubles - nightmares, various physical disturbances; you feel choked, bite or swallow your tongue, and even experience more serious things. When you want to go into a trance, to have an out-of-body experience, you need someone to be with you, not only to keep an eye on your body, but also to prevent the vital entities from taking over your nerve centers, which, as I said, remain without control and protection from the conscious mind. There is an even greater danger. When a person leaves the body in a more or less concrete or material way, maintaining with it only a thin, fragile contact - a thread of light, so to speak - this thread of contact must be protected, because hostile forces can attack and break it; if it is torn, the person can no longer return to the body, and this means death.

All this means that the occult is not a joke or a game; you cannot do it just to amuse yourself. This must be done properly, subject to necessary conditions and with great caution. What is absolutely necessary, I repeat, is to be completely fearless. If in your dreams you suddenly encounter something terrible and are frightened by it, then you should not engage in occultism. If, on the other hand, you can remain completely calm in the face of the most terrifying dangers, they simply amuse you, if you can manage such situations safely and successfully, this shows that you have some ability in the occult, and then you can try to get serious about them. There are people who behave like real fighters in their dreams; if they meet an enemy, they can confront him and not only defend themselves, but also attack and win.


From the book Occult Wars of the NKVD and SS author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

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From the book Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

1.1. Apocalypse of the early 20th century or the Origins of Russian occultism. 1.1.1. “What the coming day has in store for us.” Any century ends with an apocalypse. The actual process of replacing the old with the new is permanent and regardless of the chronology system - just round dates

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In search of the occult Translation - O. Kolesnikov Receiving numerous letters every day asking for advice best method study of the occult and its connection with modern spiritualism, but not having enough time to answer all these queries, I propose

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SOME OF THE MAIN REASONS FOR FAILURES IN THE FIELD OF OCCULTISM FROM MASTER K. H. Undoubtedly, We failed in successfully creating a large society as intended by the Initiates of the White Lodge when They sent Their representative to the Western

From the book The Teaching and Ritual of Transcendental Magic by Levi Eliphas

Central figures of Russian occultism E.I. BLAVATSKY Elena Petrovna Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831 in Ekaterinoslav. Blavatsky herself recalls her childhood years: “pampering and mischief, on the one hand, punishment and bitterness, on the other. Endless diseases

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[The spread of occultism and esotericism in the United States with the advent of theosophical doctrine] Search, if you like, in the spiritualistic literature before 1877. Search and find, if you can, one word about occult philosophy or esotericism, or some element that

From the book The Other America. The West in the light of spiritual science author Shtegman Karl

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From the book Secrets of the Occult. From the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother by Aurobindo Sri

01. Basic " characters occultism" Occultism (from the Latin occultus - secret, hidden) is a general name for teachings that reveal to those who can understand them secret meaning all the ins and outs of our world. Unlike ordinary human science, which

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14. AT THE ORIGINS OF MECHANISTIC OCCULTISM Mechanical or mechanistic occultism will develop in the West. Thanks to new abilities, certain social forms, which form the basis of current industrialism, will receive a different technical base. (R. Steiner

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2. HEALING POWERS OF “HYGIENIC OCCULTISM” Let us return once again to “hygienic occultism”, because for the healing of our culture the development of spiritual healing powers is of decisive importance. We have seen that these abilities can be developed on the basis

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The Purpose and Process of Occultism But if it is to be fully realized, the real foundation, the true aim and direction, the necessary limitations and precautions of this line of search must be discovered; its most important goal should be the discovery of secret truths and powers

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