Premonition of one's own death. Does a person feel his death approaching? Physical symptoms of approaching death

A dying person has a number of symptoms that indicate he is approaching death. Symptoms are divided into psychological and physical. Scientists have noticed a pattern that, regardless of exactly why death occurs (age, injury, illness), most patients have similar complaints and emotional states.

Physical symptoms of approaching death

Physical symptoms include various external changes normal condition human body. One of the most noticeable changes is sleepiness. How death is nearer, those more people sleeping It is also noted that it becomes more and more difficult to wake up each time. The time spent awake is becoming shorter and shorter each time. The dying person feels more and more tired every day. This condition can lead to complete incapacity. The person may fall into a coma and will then require full care. Here medical personnel, relatives or a nurse come to the rescue.

Another symptom of approaching death is irregular breathing. Doctors notice a sharp change from calm breathing to rapid breathing and back again. With such symptoms, the patient requires constant monitoring of breathing and, in some cases, artificial ventilation. Sometimes “death rattles” can be heard. As a result of fluid stagnation in the lungs, noise appears during inhalation and exhalation. To reduce this symptom, it is necessary to constantly turn the person from one side to the other. Doctors prescribe various medications and therapy.

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract changes. In particular, appetite worsens. This is due to a deterioration in metabolism. The patient may not eat at all. It becomes difficult to swallow. Such a person still needs to eat, so it is worth giving food in the form of purees in small quantities several times a day. As a result, the functioning of the urinary system is disrupted. There is a noticeable disturbance or absence of stool, urine changes color and its quantity decreases. In order to normalize these processes, enemas should be done, and kidney function can be normalized if doctors prescribe the necessary medications.

The functioning of the brain before is also disrupted. As a result, temperature changes occur. Relatives begin to notice that the patient has very cold extremities, and the body becomes pale and reddish spots appear on the skin.

psychological symptoms of approaching death

Psychological symptoms can occur both due to changes in the functioning of certain systems and organs in the body, and as a result of fear of approaching death. Before death, vision and hearing deteriorate, and various hallucinations begin. A person may not recognize his loved ones, may not hear them, or, on the contrary, may see and hear something that is not really there.

The person himself feels the approach of death. Then he goes through the stages of accepting that this is the end. A person loses interest in everything, apathy and unwillingness to do anything appear. Some people begin to rethink their lives, trying to fix something in the last moments; others are trying to save their souls by turning to religion.

Before death, a person very often remembers his entire life, often the memories are vivid and detailed. There have also been cases when a dying person seems to go completely into some bright moment of his life and remains in it until the very end.

You can often meet people who talk about feeling their death approaching. When a completely healthy and happy man, then there is a feeling of fear and apprehension that this may be true. Often a premonition of death can only be a reflection of existing ones. In some cases, such sensations arise if a person often thinks about death and does not want to live. In this case, there are no serious reasons for worry and this is just a fantasy. Let's look at other reasons.

What does it mean to have a premonition of your own death?

Scientists cannot explain such sensations, so this moment There is no theory or laws in this area. There is an opinion that a person’s premonition of death has a certain physiological basis, that is, all this is caused by hormonal changes. Many are sure that all people on earth have the gift of clairvoyance, but only a few develop it. Therefore, the premonition of death is a manifestation of extrasensory abilities.

Basically, such sensations are a certain warning sent by a guardian angel or one’s own soul. This is a real indication that you urgently need to change something in your life, otherwise your premonitions may come true. Causes of premature and unexpected death may include:

  1. A person has chosen the wrong path in life, which is not intended for him by fate.
  2. Lives without goals and does not want to change the current state of things. There is an opinion that giving up life goals is the end of life.
  3. Filled with aggression and often sins.

A premonition before death is a chance given from above to change your life and avoid death. If a person begins to experience such sensations, he should think on what he is doing wrong, what needs to be changed, etc.

I would like to give an example of a world-famous founder of Apple Steve Jobs. He died at the age of 56, but for the last 8 years of his life he constantly felt his death approaching. Jobs did not give up, did not become a recluse, he began to correct mistakes, do something new, in general, he did good things to change.

A sign of a premonition of death can be considered a phenomenon when a person tries to think about future life and sees nothing but darkness. A person can also see visions that leave behind an unpleasant feeling for a long time. Some people claim that they suffer from visions in which deceased relatives and friends may appear.

Alas, it often comes quite suddenly. If a seriously ill person knows about his diagnosis and when his death will come, then a common person He doesn’t always foresee this, although there are some signs that he will soon be there. Does a person feel his death approaching, even if he does not have a dangerous disease? In some situations - yes. And, although these signs are not absolute, even the presence of one of them can show that a person is in danger of death.

First of all, a person may have a premonition that his days are numbered. This can be expressed by great anxiety, fear, sometimes a strange and incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and melancholy just like that, without visible reasons. This is one of the signs of death, but also not absolute. Depression and similar conditions can precede changes and the fact that a person goes crazy or simply becomes very mentally ill. Each of us may have periods of wakefulness and depression when everything falls out of hand and nothing works out. Therefore, even if someone, a particularly suspicious and anxious person, tells you that he does not have long to live, you should not always believe it. Most likely, it will simply be the result of panic and anxiety.

Does a person feel his death approaching? In fact, this does not always happen. It all depends on his spiritual state and outlook on life. Very often, before his death, a person performs some kind of karmic task, often fearing not having time to do or fulfill something. Some are accompanied by great luck, luck in everything, or something fatal that can cause horror in others. For example, an obedient and kind girl can change before her eyes, get involved with bad company, or behave in such a way that even her close ones will not recognize her. At the same time, her behavior can become not just defiant, but too bold and provocative, and her parents begin to seriously fear for her life. And this is not due to what others will think about her, but to some kind of unconscious anxiety and fear. Quite often they have strange dreams, often repeating scenes of death with the same pictures. At the same time, the person himself does not always feel the approach of his death. Most often, his behavior changes radically. The cheeky reveler suddenly becomes thoughtful and calm, and may even ask to go to church for a service so that the priest can confess and give him communion. A calm and quiet person, on the contrary, can become very cheeky and behave in such a way that he gets into trouble.

Very often, it is not the person himself who sees the signs of approaching death, but his loved ones. Here's what might precede his death:

Sudden change in behavior. A person becomes either very calm and even philosophically inclined, or, on the contrary, dashingly cheeky, which was completely out of character for him before;

He often asks to suddenly distribute his estate, writes wills, or asks to go to church to confess and take communion, although previously he did this extremely rarely or not at all;

Before death, a person’s aura disappears, but only a psychic can see this;

Loved ones begin to see symbolic dreams, which can be strange. For example, a person begins to walk through a mine or electric field, fly, and to those who are going to follow him he answers that “you can’t come here,” leaves by train, flies away on a plane, gets into a rusty elevator, and the doors close behind him. Sometimes a girl begins to get married in a dream and leaves her parents forever. Moreover, if death is really close, then you can see a coffin in a dream, hear the name of a deceased person, or see his loved ones cry.

There are other signs that death is approaching. These are the dreams of the dreamer himself, in which a dead person calls him. And, although such a dream does not cause physical death for everyone, some people simply feel it approaching, which is why they are sure of it. And often such premonitions are justified.

Does everyone have this feeling?

No, not everyone. Some can even name the date of their death, others do not suspect anything even until the very moment of death. Therefore, it is impossible to definitively answer whether a person feels his death approaching or not. Usually this can be determined not by the person himself, but by his relatives, and even then not always. A hint will be certain kinds of dreams and signs that were described above.

Have you ever had a feeling that someone you know is going to die and then your feeling was confirmed? Have you thought about someone's death and then discovered that the thought was real? Is the ability to predict death an innate, although largely hidden, ability of humans?

In December 1970, Linda Wilson, a housewife and mother from New Jersey, visited her neighbors for Christmas dinner and immediately felt something unpleasant. “I felt the “smell” of death,” she says. “I always felt that something was freezing in my nostrils, as if I was outside in the cold.” She found the smell disgusting, overpowering the scent of the Christmas tree and tasty food on the table. The husband of the neighbor who invited Linda to dinner had Parkinson's disease, but no one, including his doctors, expected him to die. (The disease itself is usually not fatal.) Linda Wilson did not enjoy the holiday dinner that day. “I didn’t take my eyes off Peter all evening. It was crazy, but I couldn’t help but be convinced that he would soon die. He ate with a voracious appetite, and he had a blush all over his cheek, but as soon as I glanced at him, "I was shaking. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before." A week later, Peter fell ill with pneumonia. Five days later he died. Did Linda really smell death?

One famous psychic said that he saw death while standing on one of the top floors of a skyscraper, waiting for the elevator. When the elevator arrived and the door opened, he was horrified. All four passengers in the elevator had no aura. Another person entered the elevator, and immediately his glow disappeared. “This is a sign of death,” says the psychic, “I wanted to tell them to get out and wait for another elevator, but I knew that no one would listen.” The door closed and the elevator car flew twenty-two floors, killing the five people inside. For some mysterious reason the emergency brake did not work.

There is evidence that some animals can sense death. Rosalie Abrew, who was the first to breed chimpanzees in captivity, told us about the death of a female from her nursery. At the moment when indoors The chimpanzee was dying, her male, who was in the park, began to scream piercingly. "He screamed for a long time, looking around as if he knew something, and then when another chimpanzee died, he behaved exactly the same. He screamed and screamed and screamed. And he looked. His lower lip hung down like "It was as if he saw something that was inaccessible to us. His scream was not at all like what I usually heard. It made my blood run cold."

How do vultures detect a dying animal? We know that hyenas and jackals are attracted to the place where a dying animal is located by sounds and smells. “But the vultures seem,” says biologist Lyle Watson, “to perceive some other signal and detect even a hidden carcass with incredible accuracy.” Vultures have truly excellent vision, due to the structure of the retina, which gives them the ability to detect the slightest distant movement. As soon as one vulture discovers food, others immediately flock to the meal. But sometimes this cannot explain their appearance. Watson states: "I have seen vultures fly in in the dark and sit like patient funeral processions around a shot antelope, although in this case there were no carrion animals around to attract their attention." Many scientists believe that a dying organism can send out quite a powerful signal if it is suddenly and violently attacked.

Cleve Baxter's work on what he calls "primary perception" in plants is widely known, and it is worth highlighting one of his most fascinating experiments. Baxter is an expert on lie detector recording devices. As one of the leading authorities on the use of lie detectors, Baxter was called to testify before Congress in 1964 about the use of recording devices in the government. He is currently the director of his own school in New York City, where police officers are trained.

Baxter made an accidental discovery; he discovered that plants connected to a lie detector apparently sense when he approaches them with the intent to cause harm. They seemed to read his thoughts.
Months of research began. In one experiment, three philodendrons were placed in three separate rooms. Everyone was connected to a writing device and the room was sealed. In a separate room there was a large pot of boiling water on the fire.

A device was constructed and programmed to drop large numbers of live ocean shrimp into boiling water at a randomly designated time. There was no one in the rooms where the plants were, and no one knew exactly when the shrimp would be boiled alive. Previous experiments had convinced Baxter that plants responded to human thought; Now he was interested in whether there was communication between all living beings. Will plants respond to mass shrimp die-offs?

The experiment was repeated seven times. In five out of seven cases, after the shrimp were thrown into boiling water, the writing devices registered strong manifestations of activity. Baxter was interested in the following: "Could it be that when he dies living cell, does it send a signal to other living cells?" Now, after seven years of experimentation, he is confident of the answer. "I would say this: any living organism that is suddenly killed is sure to send a message. More gradual dying involves preparations for death, and we find that in such a case few or no plants react." If this applies also to human death, then sudden, accidental, violent death must be one of the most common “recognized” by friends and family.

Baxter later discovered that his plants "sympathized" not only with dying shrimp, but responded to all species life forms. They reacted very strongly to an egg being broken in the room. This suggests that plants are aware of all life manifestations and that when these life manifestations die, they send signals in all directions - messages that can be received by receptive recipients.

Apparently this is what happened to twins Bobbie Jean and Betty Joe Eller from Purley, North Carolina. From birth, the girls were so inseparable that they did not become fully individuals. Betty Joe was her sister's shadow in every way - in thoughts, desires, actions. Whenever Bobbie Jean got sick, her sister got sick.

Soon after the twins graduated from high school, their parents noticed that the characters of Bobbie Jean and Betty Joe began to change. Bobbi would sit for hours, staring into space, refusing to talk to anyone. And, as usual, after a while the sister began to behave just as strangely. The girls, deeply attached to each other, continued to move further and further away from outside world. They did not leave their room and cut off communication with friends and family. In January 1961, Bobby and Betty were admitted to Bronton State mental asylum in Morgantown, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. They were kept on medication for a whole year and given intensive psychiatric treatment. But no one could penetrate their world. In 1962, doctors decided to separate the sisters and placed them in opposite wings of the building. They were not supposed to contact each other. Doctors hoped that mental isolation could destroy the strange bond between the sisters.

For several weeks it looked like it might work out. Then one spring evening Bobby suffered a catatonic seizure. Shortly after midnight, the head nurse discovered that she had died. Aware of the girls' unusual closeness, she called her department in concern for Betty Joe. Betty Joe was found dead on the floor. Both girls lay curled up in the fetal position, both on their right sides.

Dr. John S. Rees of the North Carolina Society of Pathologists performed the autopsy and ruled out the possibility of suicide. Leaving the "cause of death" box blank on death certificate forms, he said: "I find no visible evidence of injury or illness that would have caused death." As usual in life and in death, Betty Joe followed her sister. Psychiatric scientists who studied this case were forced to admit that the first death, that of Bobbi Jean, was felt by her sister, who immediately lost the will to live.

The case of the sisters from North Carolina is not isolated. At Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Dr. Thomas Duane, head of the department of ophthalmology, and Dr. Thomas Behrendt studied variations in brain biorhythms large quantity twins Each of the twins was placed in a separate room and electroencephalograms - EEG - were taken for both. Duane writes in Science magazine that when one twin showed an alpha rhythm (8 to 12 hertz), the EEG sensors of the other, located in a distant room, recorded the same thing. The same coincidence of the rhythms of brain biocurrents is observed even when twins are placed on different floors of a building.

There is no special telepathic communication between the twins; synchronization of rhythms occurs completely naturally on a subconscious level. Researchers believe that twins may be predisposed to telepathy due to the great similarity in the structure of their central nervous system and brain. The genetic commonality of twins is known to cause the appearance of similar wrinkles, gray hair, baldness, destruction of the same teeth, and even the simultaneous appearance of cancer. This explains the tendency for twins to die at the same age.

There is evidence that death can not only be recognized, but also predicted. Even in a few months. IN last years Scientists are studying the possibility of predicting death long before any physical sign - thinness or pallor. Scientists from the University of Chicago, after serious study of developmental psychology, discovered that old people experience various psychological changes about a year before their end.

Dr. Morton E. Lieberman of Preitzker Medical School began searching for psychic signs of approaching death after talking with a nurse. She claimed that she could predict the death of her patients in a private hospital about a month in advance because, as she put it, “they begin to behave differently.” Dr. Lieberman became so interested that he began research.

In an experiment that lasted three years, Dr. Lieberman administered carefully designed tests to eighty men and women between the ages of sixty-five and ninety-one who were free of any physical or mental illness at the time of the study. Within a year of the end of the study, forty subjects died. Dr. Lieberman compared the test results of those who died and those who remained, who lived an average of three years longer. He found that those who died within a year had lower levels of adjustment and less energy. For example, they performed poorly on so-called tests of “cognitive function,” such as the ability to learn pairs of unrelated words, and were less likely to be self-reflective than members of the other group.

Those approaching death, Lieberman explains, avoid introspection for fear of noticing it." Those approaching death lacked assertiveness and aggressiveness, and were more submissive and dependent than others. Finally, thirty Four of the forty people who died in a year showed awareness - usually on a subconscious level - of impending death when they were shown a series of images of old people in different situations and asked to talk about what they had drawn, this group showed a tendency to either directly describe cases of death (for example, saving a drowning man), or abstractly, like mysterious journeys to unknown lands. This suggests that dying is a much longer process than doctors believe.

Dr. Lieberman believes that the psychological changes that occur in older people show how the approach of death relates to the physical process of dying. Perhaps, he says, "these are signals from the body that are being expressed mentally." Sometimes patients themselves have a premonition of death. "Several patients told me, 'I won't live another year,'" says Dr. Lieberman, "and they were right." However, for everyone, knowledge of impending death could exist on a subconscious level. Dr. Lieberman believes that if someone nearing death allowed themselves introspection, they could perceive the call of death. It is quite possible that after appropriate training we can learn to recognize the moment of our own natural death years or months in advance.

The nurse who got Dr. Lieberman interested in studying the psychology of aging was able to understand subtle changes in the moods and behavior of her patients, although she was not aware of how she could so accurately predict death. But psychics are more sensitive to these and other changes that herald death. In his autobiography, Beyond Coincidence, psychic Alex Tanu cites numerous cases in which he accurately predicted death healthy person in weeks or months.

While doing aura reading, Tanu advised the young woman not to marry the man to whom she was engaged: he had almost no aura. “I didn’t have the heart to tell her that he was at death’s door,” Tanu writes. A few weeks later, the woman wrote to Tan: "You told me in response to a question about the man accompanying me that you did not see a future for me with this man. He was found dead of a heart attack next to his bed on Sunday morning. Yours sincerely, Florence Wilson." .

Another time, a woman wrote to Tanu about her husband’s poor health. "What do you see in the future for him?" - she asked. “And this time,” Tanu replies, “I saw death. And since the woman asked me the question so directly, I decided to answer her also directly. I wrote to her that her husband has brain cancer and he will die from this.” The woman subsequently wrote to Tan: "Regarding your prediction of a malignant tumor in my husband, which in your opinion would lead to his death. Eight months after your prediction, my husband died of lung and brain cancer. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Elenor D. Murray, South Portland, Maine."

Hundreds of doctors and nurses have reported seeing "ghosts," "haze," "clouds" and "colored lights" around a person's body at the time of death. There are also more subtle harbingers of death - physical, psychological and mental. Doctors William Green, Sidney Goldstein and Arthur Moss of Rochester, New York, studied the medical records of patients who died suddenly. Data show that most of these patients had been depressed for a week to several months before sudden death. In an article in Akayvzov Internap Medicine, doctors argue that depression can be caused by hormonal changes, it prepares the central nervous system to accept death. What leads to depression in the first place? Perhaps their depression came from the awareness, albeit peripheral, that they would soon die.

One man fifty-five years old for a long time worked at the Eastman Kodak Plant in Rochester, New York, and was always quite disorganized and irresponsible both in terms of work and family. One summer he began to put everything in order both at work and at home. He was simply obsessed with it. He felt depressed but physically healthy, but he double-checked his insurance, paid off overdue bills, wrote to friends he hadn't spoken to in years, and finished all his business correspondence. Soon after completing these works, he died of a heart attack. Looking back, the wife of the deceased understands that he knew something about the approach of death. If we collect the testimony of doctors, it turns out that the depression they observe in all patients is not the cause of death, but is the result of a premonition of death.

Another kind of major depression is one of the five “stages of dying,” as defined by thanatologist Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. The case of Mary Sparks business woman from Florida, gives an illustration of Dr. Kubler-Ross's five stages.

Mary Sparks felt that she would soon die. She didn't know whether she had this sensation before or after she first noticed the lump under her right breast. “I put the thought of it out of my head,” she told her twenty-five-year-old daughter Katya shortly before her death. Mary had so successfully repressed her fear of death that for over a year she ignored the lump that she suspected was growing. When the tumor was suspected of being cancerous and a radical mastectomy failed to stop the cancer from spreading, Mary gave herself permission to die. But not at once. First she went through the phases of "denial", "anger", "deal", "depression" and "acceptance".

Denial is the first reaction of a dying person: “No, not me.” This, according to Dr. Kubler-Ross, is a typical reaction. “This allows the patient to pull himself together and eventually resort to other, less radical methods of protection.
Denial ultimately leads to deep anger: "Why me?" A fifty-five-year-old dentist, dying of cancer, told Dr. Kubler-Ross: “The old man I remember from childhood is walking down our street. He is eighty-two years old, and no one in the world needs him. And it hurts me: why didn’t this happen to him?” old George, and with me?"

Anger turns into a deal - an act that often imperceptibly delays the moment of execution of the sentence. A difficult patient may suddenly become sociable; he expects a reward for good behavior, that is, life extension.

After the transaction phase, the patient usually falls into deep depression. This stage, according to Dr. Kubler-Ross, has a positive side: the patient weighs the terrible cost of death, preparing to part with everything and everyone he loves.

Finally, acceptance comes when the doomed person submits to the sentence. During this phase, some begin to talk about visions, voices, tunnels and bright lights - things that people usually see in a state of clinical death. About a week before her death, Mary Sparks, telling her daughter about the peace she was experiencing, said: “If I had known that it would be like this, I would have accepted death from the very beginning, and would not have resisted it and behaved like a child.” .

If Mary Sparks had been Dr. Kubler-Ross's patient, she would have been told about the five stages of dying. More importantly, she would be assured that there is a sixth stage - life after death. “I know that there is life after death,” says Dr. Kubler-Ross, “I don’t have a shadow of a doubt.” This is a powerful statement coming from one of the leading professionals in the field of death studies and a highly regarded specialist. How can Dr. Kubler-Ross be so sure?

In the early 1970s, having already worked for some time in thanatology, Dr. Kubler-Ross experienced her first OBT - just the kind of separation from physical body, coinciding exactly with what happens in a state of clinical death. After a busy day dealing with about eight dying patients, Dr. Kubler-Ross could relax. Her OBE began spontaneously. Later, she could not believe a woman who was in the same room and said that she looked dead - no breathing, no pulse. Knowing about the patterns that characterize near-death experiences, but little informed at the time about OBE research, Dr. Kubler-Ross began reading everything that had been done in the field.

Soon she visited Robert Monroe in Virginia. Dr. Kubler-Ross read about his OBE in the book he wrote, Out of Body Travel, and was impressed great impression experiments with Monroe by Dr. Charles Tart from University of California. By using relaxation techniques, Monroe developed his abilities and at the same time taught people how to experience OBE, and Dr. Kubler-Ross learned instantly. One night in Virginia, while trying to sleep, Dr. Kubler-Ross had a profound experience:

"I had the most incredible experience of my entire life. If I try to put it in one sentence: I went through the death of every one of my thousand patients. I mean physical pain, difficulty breathing, agony, a plea for help. The pain is beyond description. There was no time for thought or anything else; twice I managed to breathe between two unbearable attacks of pain. I could only catch my breath for a split second, and I prayed - I think I prayed to God - for a shoulder to lean on, for a human shoulder, and imagined male shoulder, on which I could lay my head.

She continued to beg the Lord to help her, and again the voice was heard: “It will not be given to you.” She was beside herself with rage: “I helped people so much, but now no one will help me.” This outburst of rage suddenly made her realize that she had to do this alone and no one could help her, and immediately her suffering ceased and was replaced by "the most incredible experience of rebirth."

The experience of rebirth has been described by mystics, mediums and ordinary people, but perhaps no one before Dr. Kubler-Ross had such experience or special training. She is an astute observer, and her journey should be examined in detail, as she recounted it in an interview with Anne Nitzke of Human Behavior. Light, as we will see, plays a huge role in the revival of Dr. Kubler-Ross.

"It was so beautiful that there are not enough words to describe. It all started with the vibration of the walls of my stomach, I looked - with open eyes, in full consciousness - and said to myself: “This cannot be”, I mean anatomically, physiologically this was impossible. They vibrated very quickly. And then everything in the room I looked at: my legs, the closet, the window - everything began to vibrate with a million molecules. Everything vibrated with incredible speed. And in front of me there was something, most of all I looked at it, concentrated on it, and it turned into a lotus bud. And as I looked - in ever-growing amazement - incredibly beautiful colors, smells and sounds filled the room, the bud opened, turning into a beautiful flower.

Behind him rose the sunrise, the brightest light imaginable, but it did not hurt the eyes. And since the flower opened, all its fullness appeared in this life. At this moment, the light was open and full, as if the whole sun was concentrated here, and the flower was open and full. The vibration stopped, and a million molecules, including me - it was all part of the world - merged into one. I was part of this. And at the end I thought: “I feel good because I’m part of all this.”

Dr. Kubler-Ross's impression was so profound that it lasted for months.
“The next morning I went outside, everything seemed incredible. I was in love with every leaf, every bird, even the gravel. I tried to step without touching the gravel. And I said to the gravel: “I can’t walk on you so that not to harm you." They were just as alive as I was, and I was part of this entire living Universe. It took months for me to be able to describe all this in even somewhat appropriate words."

Dr. Kubler-Ross's experience with what mystics call "cosmic consciousness" only gave her the opportunity to assume that life after death exists, that there is a duration of things not only in space but also in time. She was finally convinced of the existence of life after death by a visit from a former patient, Mrs. Schwartz, who appeared after her death and funeral. As Dr. Kubler-Ross recounts her fourth kind of encounter with death, Mrs. Schwartz appeared in fully human form to thank the doctor for her care and to encourage her to continue working with the dying. At first Dr. Kubler-Ross thought she was hallucinating, but as Mrs. Schwartz's presence continued, she asked her guest to write a few words and sign her name. The note is now in the possession of the priest who also took part in Mrs. Schwartz's funeral and who confirmed the authenticity of her handwriting.

Since then, Dr. Kubler-Ross has often seen deceased patients and even recorded the voice of one of them, Willie. "I know this is a bit much," says Dr. Kubler-Ross, "and I don't want people to take things for granted. I'm pretty skeptical myself. The scientist in me wanted Mrs. Schwartz to sign the note, even though I knew it was "It was she who visited my office. And I needed to record Willie's voice on tape. I listen to him and sometimes think that all this is a huge incredible dream. I am left with awe and a sense of miracle."
Dr. Kubler-Ross, who was at one time considered the leading scientist in the field by her colleagues, lost her credibility with many of them because of her "advanced" and stories about the world she saw. But Dr. Kubler-Ross holds fast to his belief in life after death. Her experience proving the duration of space, time and matter is completely consistent with what Dean W.R. Matthews offers a working definition of life after death. His hypothesis, which obviously has a biological meaning, states that “the center of consciousness that exists during life does not cease to exist after death, and therefore the experience of this center after death continues the experience during life, just as if a person woke up after a short sleep.”

"Interesting newspaper. Incredible" No. 16 2012

Due to the nature of my non-scientific activity, I have to deal with various matters that current science arrogantly does not notice. This is even good: they don’t get underfoot. Below are a number of facts that may provide food for thought. They may not give it.

Each of us is born. Everyone will die. Does a person have a presentiment of death? Does he strive for it? Running her? Despises? Trying to understand?

Each person feels his death in his own way. And only those who died know how this happens. But at that moment when a person is about to die, surprisingly, he feels great

People become more attentive and kind and try in every unimaginable way to complete all unfinished business.

I saw people before they died and knew that they would die, I told some of them because they had to confess... They understood... and that’s good.. Everyone behaves differently... Some don’t really believe, some believed and were calm.. .(I’m talking about my relatives) because I try not to talk about it to strangers....They won’t understand....

My grandfather even knew what day it was, he was wrong by 6 hours.

Maybe. My aunt knew that she was going to die and called everyone to say goodbye.

Destruction occurs subtle bodies. Some feel it, some don't.

My mother may bless her, she made a fool of herself before she died, I couldn’t stand it and in the morning I told her you live with dignity or die calmly and at one o’clock in the afternoon she died calmly without any of her quirks and lay peaceful in the coffin, I thought and said everything that I had suffered and she was there It’s better not to suffer physical pain; she had cancer.

There was a lot of mysticism in the life of Mikhail Krug. Many of the people who knew him noted that about two months before his death, Mikhail Krug changed a lot.
If earlier he could easily say to people who were disturbing him in some way: “Get up and get out of here! You are interfering with my work!”, then shortly before his death he simply stopped noticing them.
Another interesting detail. At the studio, Krug often worked six to eight hours a day. He was always dressed simply, most often in a tracksuit, so that he could lie quietly on the sofa during breaks between recordings and generally feel comfortable. But for the last recording of his life, Krug arrived in a formal suit. From the church. The singer seemed to be saying goodbye to the studio people with whom he had worked together for so long.
And here is another piece of evidence that is simply shocking. Irina, the wife of Mikhail Krug, a few days before his death, dreamed prophetic dream. Here's how she talks about it herself:
A week before my death, on Tuesday, I woke up in the morning and told him: “Can you imagine, Mikhail Vladimirovich, I dreamed that you died.” He looked at me like that, and I told him: “That means you will live a long time. After all, there is such a belief that if you dreamed that a person died, it means that he will live a long time.” Misha only smiled in response.
And two days later, not in a dream, but in reality, something strange happened. Irina and Mikhail Krug went to the city center to buy curtains for the windows. When we drove past the car depot where he once worked, Krug suddenly said:
Irina Viktorovna, this is where I worked. And at the entrance, when I die, they will hang a sign saying “I worked here.” famous singer Mikhail Krug.
Irina had never heard anything like this from her husband before.
“That was the first time he said that,” she recalls. - I was simply stunned. I turned to him: “What are you saying?! Stop it, it’s not funny!”

I dream very often strangers. At the same time, in a dream, I clearly feel the approach of trouble and want to warn an unknown person about the threat. But when he turns to face me, it turns out that his eye sockets are missing. At this moment, I understand that this person will soon die, while I see a fragment of his death through his own eyes. I want to warn him, but I can’t, I’m in a stupor. At the same time, with each dream I see faces and details of clothing more and more clearly, each time more and more realistic. What can such dreams mean??? Has anyone dreamed of something similar?

I wanted to write that I have similar nightmares. But not in terms of images, but in terms of what I know - who will die and when.
And these are familiar people...
First I start dreaming about calls. And it’s so real, as if I’m actually sleeping and hear the doorbell or phone ringing. But I turn off the sound on my phones at night... And if I dream of a doorbell ringing, so real that I wake up from it, then no one else heard it... That is. I dream about these calls. But it’s so real that I can’t sleep... Then they become more and more frequent - I hear them, as soon as I close my eyes!
Then, if my grandparents knew this person during their lifetime, they come to me in a dream and take this person away or tell me the date when they will take him away. If they didn’t know him, then they show me this person during the call. Within a week or a month, news comes of the death of this person. The calls stop...
This time - from the start of the calls until they show who will be taken away - is a real nightmare, because... you don’t know where to expect trouble from..

Literally on the eve of departure, already in the evening, finishing her work day, this girl A. did a strange thing for me. She asked me to take care of her clients. She literally said the following words: “I don’t even know who I can give them (the clients) to... Everyone is on vacation, no one is there. I’m flying to Israel tomorrow. I beg you - take care of them, please! I will be immensely grateful to you! "
She asked me about this three times in just 15 minutes, although I immediately promised her that of course I would take care of her clients without any problems, no need to worry.
The strangeness of her request was that in our country the transfer of affairs to another employee during departure is a generally accepted norm; you don’t have to ask for this, you don’t have to thank him for it, and especially you don’t have to beg her to take care of clients. And she was the one who begged!

A week before his death, my son left me on the phone: “Dear mom, don’t cry - everything will be fine. I believe it’s hard for you now, dear mother - forgive me for everything. How I would like to be with you again, mom, but the wings I have... We will always be together everywhere - it’s a pity not to hug you!” I just got scared and left. And a day later he made me listen to it again.

My Slavurka wrote Ksyu (wife) on his phone about two weeks before his death; before it was just Ksyu. I asked why you marked that it was your wife, and he replied: “So that they know where to go if something suddenly happens.” And a few months before his death, I had several strange, frightening dreams. I was missing half of my face (and in the full sense), then I dreamed about myself naked, as if I was running along the road. And the day before Slava passed away I had a dream huge spider It’s as if he’s running, and a lot of ants are attacking him and eating him up. The dream was terrible. During the day I shared it with my husband, when the day was over he said: “So we survived your spider,” and the next day he was gone. So don’t believe in premonitions after this.

And a week before my husband’s death (he was still feeling well - they were preparing for surgery), I had a dream that my husband was getting a new apartment. And my daughter comes and says: “Let’s immediately install good doors, real wooden ones.” And when he died, my daughter says to me: “Let’s buy him a good wooden coffin.” I didn’t tell her anything about this dream then.

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