Steve Jobs and biological mother. Steve Jobs: legendary man, billionaire, founder of Apple

Name: Steve Jobs(Steve Jobs)

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: San Francisco, USA

A place of death: Palo Alto, USA

Activity: entrepreneur, founder Apple

Family status: was married

Steve Jobs - Biography

It is easy to talk about a person gifted from childhood, such is the entrepreneur and founder of the era of continuous computerization, Steve Jobs.

Childhood, inventor's family

A Native American from San Francisco was born into a family associated with science. Her father is a teaching assistant at the university, and her mother was educated at the same institution. There was no official marriage in the couple, since the girl's parents were categorically against their acquaintance and life together. Little Steve was born almost secretly, and then he was raised by foster parents.

The Jobs spouses were happy to pay attention to the baby, since they could not have their own children. The real mother wanted her son to get a good higher education. From the very beginning, it seemed that the biography of an unwanted child could not be happy.

Stephen Jobs - businessman

Soon the couple adopted the girl so that the boy would have a sister. The whole family chose Mountain View as their permanent residence and left San Francisco. Adoptive father was an auto mechanic, he found high paying job to pay for the education of the children. Steve was not interested in mechanics, he preferred electronics. Although the town was small, it was believed that all high technologies were located in it. The biography of the boy was a foregone conclusion. Stephen was not stupid, but he was not interested in studying.

Once a miracle happened: one of the teachers managed to instill diligence, and the boy finished two classes at once as an external student. With radio electronics, the student was on “you”, he himself managed to assemble a frequency meter using electronics, he worked in one of the famous companies. Like many teenagers, from the age of 16, a passion for the hippie culture and the Beatles begins. He began to try drugs, gets acquainted with a guy much older than himself. Stephen Wozniak became a friend of Jobs for many years.

The guys were brought together by a passion for computers and electronic technology. They knew how to invent, and the first device invented was a tool for hacking the telephone network. The guys learned how to select tone mode signals. Then the device began to be in demand, and friends helped out a lot of money. Steve Jobs easily entered the college, which taught the liberal arts. But after 6 months he drops out of school, as at that time he is fond of the practices of the East and vegetarian food.


Steve gets a job at a company that produces games for the computer. A old friend creates boards and improves them. The two Stephens set up their own firm. In this duo, it was necessary to take the lead, and Jobs did it perfectly. Thus began the biography of the first computers.

The first copies were primitive, but the companions continued to work on the perfection of their offspring. As a result, the improved Apple II became with a plastic case and a beautiful appearance. IN financial terms the company prospered, but due to the difficult nature of Jobs, scandals often arose between friends. Jobs quit, but immediately organized a new company.

Jobs retrained

Steven bought out George Lucas' animation studio to make commercials, but his cartoons are getting prestigious awards. Jobs is engaged in the creation of animation, and after a while he manages to profitably sell his studio to the famous Disney company. Returns again to his beloved company, the founder of which he was. Managed to find a new market and always strived to act in the spirit of the times. He owns the production of a media player, a touch mobile phone iPhone, a tablet with Internet iPad.

Steve Jobs - biography of personal life

Steve had many favorites and loving women. The first was Chris Ann Brennan. Relations with her were always complex and confusing. When their daughter Lisa was born, her father Steve only recognized her by doing a DNA test. Then in life young man appeared advertising agent Barbara Jasinski, singer Joan Baez, Tina Redse, who works with computers. None of these women became Steve's official wife. official wife became Lauren Powell, she worked in a bank.

A year after the marriage proposal, they got married. The couple had a son, Reed, and daughters, Erin and Eve. The father understood that electronic technology was harmful to the health of young children, and computers and telephones were banned for Jobs' children for a long time. In the future, Steve decided to find his real mother and sister, began to communicate with them, which he had been deprived of since childhood.

Steve Jobs - Sickness and Death

The businessman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, all the treatment undertaken by his relatives did not work. The businessman died, the whole family was with him. Cause of death apple genius was oncological disease. A film was made about Steve Jobs, books and memoirs were written. His biography is interesting to many screenwriters and directors. But do not forget that this man had a talent not for entrepreneurship itself, but for invention and for the latest computer developments.

Steve Jobs - Documentary

In October last year, the legendary Steve Jobs (1955-2011), an American entrepreneur, inventor, founder and head of Apple Corporation, died. He has also been called the “father of the digital revolution”, a perfectionist. The row of enthusiastic names is long. Shortly after his death, it became known that Steve - adopted child and was raised by his adoptive mother Clara Hagopyan, the daughter of Armenian emigrants from Turkey.

In the United States, the book "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson was published, which was based on conversations with Steve Jobs himself, as well as with his relatives, friends, enemies, rivals and colleagues. Jobs had no control over the author. He frankly answered all questions and expected the same honesty from the others. This is a story about a life full of ups and downs, oh strong man and a talented businessman who was one of the first to understand that in order to succeed in the 21st century, you need to combine creativity and technology. We offer readers of "NV" an excerpt regarding the adoption of Steve Jobs.

Paul Jobs, demobilized from the Coast Guard after World War II, made a bet with his colleagues. Their ship's personnel were put ashore in San Francisco, and Paul declared that he would find a wife here in two weeks. Stately, all in tattoos, mechanical mechanic Jobs was remarkably like the actor James Dean. But Clara Agopyan, the good-natured and cheerful daughter of Armenian emigrants, was not attracted by his appearance at all. It's just that Paul and his friends had a car, which the company with which Clara was going for a walk that evening did not have. Ten days later, in March 1946, the young people got engaged and Paul won the bet. The marriage was successful; The Jobs spouses lived together for over 40 years until death separated them.
Paul Reingold Jobs grew up on a dairy farm in Germantown, Wisconsin. His father was an alcoholic, often gave free rein, but, despite this, Paul grew up calm and kind. True, he dropped out of school, having not completed his studies, and went to wander around the Midwest; worked as a mechanic, and at the age of 19 he joined the Coast Guard (although he did not know how to swim). Jobs served on the General M.K. Megs transport ship, which during World War II delivered troops to Italy, to General Patton. Paul proved himself to be a good mechanic and stoker, was presented for an award, was supposed to get a promotion, but he made a mistake and never rose above the sailor.
Clara, his future wife, was born in New Jersey; it was here that her parents settled, who fled from Armenia from the Turks. Later they moved to San Francisco, settled in the Mission District. Clara had a secret that she preferred not to spread: once she was already married, but her husband was killed in the war. Getting to know Paul Jobs gave her the opportunity to start over.
Like many of those who have experienced terrible war, Paul and Clara dreamed of only one thing - to start a family and live in peace. They had little money, so they moved to Wisconsin for a few years with Paul's parents, and then moved to Indiana: Jobs got a job as a mechanic at International Harvester, a truck and agricultural equipment company. In his spare time, Paul loved to tinker with old cars: he bought, brought to mind and sold, which brought additional income. He eventually quit his job and became a used car dealer.
Clara liked San Francisco, and in 1952 she persuaded her husband to return to her beloved city. The couple settled in the Sunset area, south of the Golden Gate Park, on the coast Pacific Ocean. Paul got a job at a financial company seizing non-paying cars. IN free time still buying, repairing and selling old cars. In general, life was enough.
Paul and Clara lacked only one thing. Both really wanted children, but after ectopic pregnancy(when the egg matures not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube) Clara remained barren. And by 1955, in the tenth year of marriage, the couple decided to adopt a child.

Joan Schible, like Paul Jobs, came from a family of German immigrants who settled in Wisconsin and became farmers. Her father, Arthur Schible, moved to the suburbs of Green Bay, where he and his wife had a mink farm, and also successfully engaged in a variety of activities - from real estate to zinc printing. Mr. Schiblet had strict rules, especially as far as his daughter was concerned, and therefore he disapproved of her first love, a certain artist, who, moreover, was not a Catholic. So it's not surprising that when Joan, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, fell in love with Abdulfatta John Jandali, a Syrian Muslim teaching assistant, her stern father threatened to cut her off.
Jandali was the youngest of nine children in a wealthy Syrian family. His father owned oil refineries and numerous other companies, as well as land in Damascus and Homs; at one time he even controlled the price of wheat in the region. Like Shibla, Jandali took education seriously: from generation to generation, the offspring of the family studied in Istanbul and the Sorbonne. Abdulfatta Jandali, although he was a Muslim, was brought up in a boarding school by the Jesuits; He received his bachelor's degree from the American University at Beirut, after which he entered the graduate school of the University of Wisconsin with a degree in political science and got a job there as a teaching assistant.
In the summer of 1954, Joan traveled with Abdulfatta to Syria. They spent two months in Homs; Abdulfatta's mother and sisters taught Joan how to cook Syrian cuisine. Upon returning to Wisconsin, the girl discovered that she was pregnant. He and Jandali were 23 years old, but they decided not to tie the knot for now. Joan's father was dying; he threatened to disinherit his daughter if she marries Abdulfatta. It was impossible to have an abortion in such a way that none of the Catholic neighbors knew about it. So in early 1955, Joan left for San Francisco, where she was taken care of by a kind doctor who provided shelter for single mothers, attended births, and helped put children up for adoption.
Joan set one condition: her child must grow up in a family of people with higher education. By this agreement, the doctor found a suitable married couple, a lawyer with his wife. But after the birth of the baby - the boy was born on February 24, 1955 - the potential adoptive parents changed their minds: they wanted a girl. And so it turned out that the baby was adopted not by a lawyer, but by a mechanic who did not even receive a secondary education, and his kind wife, who worked as a simple accountant. Paul and Clara Jobs named their son Stephen Paul.
The question arose: what about Joan, who insisted that the adoptive parents of her child must have higher education? When the woman found out that the Jobs spouses did not even finish high school, she refused to sign the adoption papers. There was no progress for several weeks. dead center, even though Paul and Clara have already taken Steve in. Eventually Joan relented; The Jobs gave a written promise that they would raise money and pay for their son's college education.
There was another reason why Joan was delaying the signing of documents. Her father was very bad, and after his death she expected to marry Jandali. She hoped - as she later repeatedly told family members, sometimes even with tears in her eyes - that as soon as they were married, she would take her son back.
But it turned out that Arthur Schible died in August 1955, a few weeks after all the adoption formalities were settled. After Christmas, Joan and Abdulfatta Jandali were married at the Church of the Apostle Philip in Green Bay. The following year, Abdulfatta defended his thesis on international politics. The couple had a daughter, Mona. In 1962, Joan and Abdulfatta separated. After the divorce, Joan moved from place to place, never staying anywhere for long; subsequently, her daughter, writer Mona Simpson, ironically described this vagabond life in the novel Anywhere But Here. And since Steve was officially adopted and the location of his new family was kept secret, twenty years passed before he finally saw his mother and sister.

The fact that he was adopted, Steve Jobs knew from childhood. “My parents did not hide from me that I was an adopted child,” he recalled. Steve told how once, when he was six or seven years old, he was sitting on the lawn near the house with a girlfriend from the house across the street.
"So your real parents don't want you?" the girl asked.
- What was there! Steve recalled. - It hit me like an electric shock. I jumped up and rushed home in tears. And my parents looked at me seriously and said, “No, you don't understand. We chose you on purpose." They said it several times. And so weighty that I realized: it's true.
Abandoned. Selected. Special. These three words influenced Jobs' personality and self-image. His best friends think: what own mother abandoned Steve immediately after birth, left a mark on his soul. “It seems to me that Steve’s constant desire to control everything that he does is due to the nature and the fact that his parents abandoned him,” says Del Yokam, a colleague of Jobs who has worked side by side with him for many years. He wants to control everything around him. The product of labor for him is a continuation of his own personality. Greg Calhoun, with whom Jobs befriended after university, sees another consequence: “Steve talked a lot about how his real parents had abandoned him. He admitted that it hurt him. But it taught him not to depend on anyone. He always did his own thing. Stand out from the crowd. Because from birth he lived in a different, his own world.
By the way, when Jobs turned the same age as his biological father was when he was born (that is, 23 years old), he also abandoned his child. True, then he nevertheless began to take care of his daughter. Chrisann Brennan, the girl's mother, said that Steve always worried that he was given up for adoption, and this partly explains his behavior. “Someone who was abandoned as a child is more likely to abandon a child himself,” she says. Andy Hertzfeld, who worked at Apple in the early 1980s, was one of the few who had a close relationship with both Brennan and Jobs. “In order to understand Steve, you must first understand why he sometimes cannot restrain himself and is cruel and vindictive. The thing is that his mother abandoned him immediately after his birth. This is where the root of all the problems in Steve's life lies.
Jobs himself disagrees. “Some people think that I worked so hard and got rich because my parents abandoned me. Therefore, they say, I went out of my way so that they would understand how wonderful I am and regret that they left me. This is complete nonsense,” Steve insists. “I knew I was adopted and felt more independent, but never abandoned. I always believed that I was special. And my parents supported this faith in me.” By the way, Jobs hates when Clara and Paul are called his adoptive parents or hint that they are not related to him. “They are my real parents one hundred percent,” he says. He speaks sharply about his biological parents: “For me, these people are sperm and egg donors. I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just stating a fact. Sperm donors, nothing more.”
Prepared for the newspaper "New time"

A year ago, on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, an American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple Inc. Steven (Steve) Paul Jobs died.

Steven (Steve) Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco (USA).

Steve's parents, American Joanne Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali, abandoned the child a week after his birth. The boy's adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs (Paul Jobs, Clara Jobs). Clara worked as an accountant and Paul Jobs was a mechanic.

Steven Jobs spent his childhood and youth in Mountain View, California, where the family moved when he was five years old.

While studying at school, Jobs became interested in electronics, attended the Hewlett-Packard Research Club (Hewlett-Packard Explorers Club).

The young man attracted the attention of the president of Hewlett-Packard and was invited to work during summer holidays. At the same time, he met with his future colleague at Apple, Steve Wozniak (Stephen Wozniak).

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out after the first semester, but stayed in a friend's dorm room for about a year and a half. I took courses in calligraphy.

In 1974, he returned to California and took a job as a technician at Atari, a computer game company. After working for several months, Jobs left his job and went to India.

In early 1975, he returned to the US and was again hired by Atari. Together with Steve Wozniak, who worked at Hewlett-Packard, Jobs began to visit the "Home computer Club"(The Homebrew Computer Club), where he made a presentation of the computer board assembled by Wozniak, the prototype of the Apple I computer.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple Computer Co., which was officially incorporated in 1977. The roles of the participants were distributed as follows: Steve Wozniak was engaged in the development of a new computer, and Jobs was looking for customers, selected employees and materials necessary for work.

The first product of the new company was the Apple I computer, which cost $666.66. A total of 600 of these machines were sold. The advent of the Apple II made Apple a key player in the personal computer market. The company began to grow and in 1980 became joint stock company. Steve Jobs became chairman of the board of directors of the company.

In 1985, internal problems led to a reorganization of the company and the resignation of Jobs.

Together with five former employees Jobs founded a new hardware and software company, NeXT.

In 1986, Steven Jobs acquired a computer animation research company. The company later became known as Pixar Animation Studios (Pixar animation studio). Under Jobs, Pixar produced films such as Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.

At the end of 1996, Apple, having fallen on hard times and needed a new strategy, acquired NeXT. Jobs became an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of Apple, and in 1997 - an interim chief executive of Apple.

To help Apple recover, Steven Jobs shut down several unprofitable company projects such as Apple Newton, Cyberdog, and OpenDoc. In 1998, the iMac personal computer saw the light of day, with the advent of which the growth in sales of Apple computers began to increase.

Under his leadership, the company developed and launched hit products such as the iPod portable player (2001), the iPhone smartphone (2007) and the iPad tablet computer (2010).

In 2006, Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney Studios, while he himself remained on the board of directors of Pixar and at the same time became the largest individual- a shareholder of Disney, having received a 7% stake in the studio.

In 2003, Jobs became seriously ill - he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 2004, he underwent surgery, during which liver metastases were found. Jobs underwent chemotherapy. By 2008, the disease began to progress. In January 2009, Jobs went on a six-month sick leave. He underwent a liver transplant operation. After surgery and a rehabilitation period in September 2009, Jobs returned to work, but by the end of 2010 his health deteriorated. In January 2011, he went on indefinite leave.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

I don't trust a computer that I can't lift.

With the creator of the iPhone, Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steven Paul Jobs, Steve Jobs, is one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a person who largely determined the course of its development.

The future billionaire was born on February 24, 1955 in the town of Mountain View, California (ironically, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley). Steve Abdulfattah's biological parents John Jandali (a Syrian immigrant) and Joan Carol Schible (an American graduate student) gave their illegitimate child up for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs (née Hakobyan). The main condition for the adoption was that Steve higher education.

Even at school, Steve Jobs became interested in electronics, and when he met his namesake Steve Wozniak, he first thought about a business related to computer technology. The partners' first project was the BlueBox, a device that allows free long-distance communications and was sold for $150 apiece. Wozniak was involved in the development and assembly of the device, and thirteen-year-old Jobs was selling illegal goods. This distribution of roles will continue in the future, only their future business will now be completely legal.

In 1972, after graduating high school Steve Jobs enters Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but quickly loses interest in learning. After the first semester, he was expelled of his own free will, but remained to live in the rooms of friends for about a year and a half, sleeping on the floor, living on the money for the returned Coca-Cola bottles and once a week coming to free lunches at the local Hare Krishna Temple. Then he got into calligraphy courses, which later prompted him to think about equipping the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

Then Steve got a job at Atari. There, Jobs is developing computer games. Four years later, Wozniak creates his first computer, and Jobs, continuing to work at Atari, establishes its sales.


And from the creative tandem of friends, the Apple company grows (the name “Apple” Jobs suggested due to the fact that in this case the phone number of the company went in the telephone directory right before “Atari”). Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 (April Fool's Day), and the first office-shop was the garage of Jobs' parents. Apple was officially registered in early 1977.

And the second most development was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer. It is believed that it was Jobs who convinced Wozniak to refine the microcomputer circuit he had invented, and thereby gave impetus to the creation of a new market for personal computers.

The debut computer model was called the Apple I. In a year, the partners sold 200 of these machines (the price of each was $666.66). A decent amount for beginners, but it's nothing compared to the Apple II that came out in 1977.

The success of Apple I and especially Apple II computers, coupled with the appearance of investors, make the company the undisputed leader in the computer market until the early eighties, and two Steves millionaires. It is noteworthy that software for Apple computers was developed then still young by Microsoft, created six months later than Apple. In the future, fate will bring Jobs and.


The key event was the signing of a contract between Apple and Xerox. Revolutionary developments that Xerox for a long time could not find a worthy application, later became part of the Macintosh project (a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Apple Inc.). In fact, the modern personal computer interface, with its windows and virtual buttons, owes much to this contract.

It's safe to say that the Macintosh is the first personal computer in the modern sense (the first Mac was released on January 24, 1984). Previously, the control of the machine was carried out with the help of intricate commands typed by "initiates" on the keyboard. Now the mouse becomes the main working tool.

The success of the Macintosh was simply stunning. In the world at that time there was no competitor, even close comparable in terms of sales and technological potential. Shortly after the release of the Macintosh, the company ceased development and production of the Apple II family, which had previously been the company's main source of income.

Jobs leaving

Despite significant progress, in the early 80s. Steve Jobs is gradually starting to lose ground in Apple, which by that time had grown into a huge corporation. His authoritarian style of management leads first to disagreement and then to open conflict with the board of directors. At the age of 30 (1985), the founder of Apple was simply fired.

Having lost power in the company and work, Jobs did not lose heart, and immediately set to new projects. First, he founded NeXT, which specialized in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. This market was too narrow, so it was not possible to achieve any significant sales.

Much more successful was the graphic studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), bought from Lucasfilm for almost half the price ($5 million) of its estimated value (George Lucas was getting divorced and needed money). Under Jobs' direction, several super-grossing animated films were released. The most famous: "Monsters Corporation" and the famous "Toy Story".

In 2006, Pixar was sold to Walt Disney for $7.5 billion, while Jobs received a 7% stake in Walt Disney. By comparison, Disney's heir apparent only inherited 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. First, as an interim director, and since 2000, as a full-fledged manager. Several unprofitable directions were closed and work on the new iMac computer was successfully completed, after which the company's business rapidly went uphill.

Later, a lot of developments will be presented that will become trendsetters in the technology market. This and mobile phone iPhone, and iPod player, and iPad tablet computer, which went on sale in 2010. All this will make Apple the third largest company in the world by capitalization (it will bypass even Microsoft).


In October 2003, an abdominal scan revealed that Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. In general, this diagnosis is fatal, but the head of Apple turned out to have a very rare form of the disease that can be cured with surgery. At first, Jobs refused it, because, according to personal convictions, he did not recognize interventions in the human body. For 9 months, Steve Jobs hoped to recover on his own, and all this time, no one from Apple management informed investors about his deadly disease. Then Steve nevertheless decided to trust the doctors and informed the public about his illness. On July 31, 2004, Stanford Medical Center performed a successful operation.

In December 2008, doctors discovered a hormonal imbalance in Jobs. In the summer of 2009, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University (Scientific Medical Center) of Tennessee, it became known that Steve had undergone a liver transplant. March 2, 2011 Steve spoke at the presentation of a new tablet - iPad 2.

Promotion Methods

To define the charisma of Steve Jobs and its impact on the developers of the original Macintosh project, his colleague at Apple Computer Bud Tribble coined the phrase "Reality Distortion Field" (PIR) in 1981. Later, the term was used to define the perception of his key performances by reviewers and fans of the company.

According to colleagues, Steve Jobs is able to convince others of anything, using a mixture of charisma, charm, arrogance, perseverance, pathos, self-confidence. Basically, PIR distorts the audience's sense of proportion and proportion. Small progress is presented as a breakthrough. Any errors are hushed up or presented as insignificant. The difficulties overcome are greatly exaggerated. Certain opinions, ideas and definitions can change dramatically in the future without any regard to the very fact of such changes. In principle, PIR is nothing more than a mixture of political propaganda and advertising technologies.

For example, one of the most typical examples of PIR is the claim that consumers are "suffering" from competitors' inferior products, or that a company's products "change people's lives." Also often unsuccessful technical solutions explained by the fact that it is not necessary for the consumer. The term is often used in a pejorative context to criticize Apple, or its supporters. However, many companies today are moving to a similar technique themselves, seeing how far it has been able to move Apple economically.

Hello again, dear readers! Do you know who is considered a key figure in the computer industry and who founded such successful corporation like Apple? I think you know it's Steve Jobs biography his life, and the success story - that's our topic today.

Steve Jobs is not only the creator of Apple, but also its inspirer, and also the most talented businessman and leader, and until 2006 - the director of the famous film studio Pixar, being also its founder.

Anyone who wants to achieve success in life is always interested in how celebrities like Steve Jobs managed to achieve it.

Let's get started.

Steve's birthplace famous city San Francisco, where he was born February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His parents were unmarried students: his mother, Joan, was from a family of German immigrants, and his father, Abdulfatta, was Syrian.

And of course, Joan's family was against such a marriage, so she had to give the boy to the childless Jobs family for adoption. The boy loved his parents very much, and was offended when someone called them adoptive.

Stephen's childhood years were spent in the sphere high technology, because he grew up in the very center of the development of the computer sphere - in Silicon Valley. Here, most of the inhabitants had their own small garages filled with various electronics.

This is exactly what was reflected in the boy's passions, who was delighted with the IT sphere and technological progress, and led to a great friendship with Steve Wozniak, who was also crazy about technology and was well versed in it.

After leaving school, S. Jobs decided to get an education at the prestigious and very expensive liberal arts college - Reed, which was located in Portland. But he did not study there for long - one semester, and then dropped out.

The guy wanted to find his destiny, became interested in the mystical teachings of the East and the free ideas of the hippies. At the age of 19, he and his best friend Wozniak went to India for Enlightenment.

The beginning of success. Apple

After returning home to Silicon Valley, Jobs and Woz began to work with computer circuit boards, and this was his path to success. Woz was attending a computer club at the time, where he got the idea to build his own computer. For this, he needed only one payment.

Stephen considered in the invention of a friend a product that will be in great demand among buyers. They sold their board, and then Apple was born, which began to grow in Jobs' garage.

In the first year of the company, the guys collected boards, tested them, and tried to find their customers.

Also in parallel, at the initiative of Steven Jobs, they worked on an improved Apple II computer, which was released in 1977, and became the first real breakthrough in the field of computer technology, as it surpassed all previously existing models.

An active search for investors began further development companies. And that person was Mike Marculla, who invested $250,000 in Apple.

Due to the advanced technological capabilities (especially the existing VisiCalc program), such a computer did not know competitors, and already had thousands of users. The company began to grow very quickly, and in four years it reached a national scale. The 25-year-old genius Steve Jobs already had $200 million in his account.

In 1981, when the Apple III was already released, which also blew up the computer market, the company had a serious competitor - IBM. And then Steve started working on the Lisa project, which had a convenient graphical interface with a mouse. This technology was developed by Xerox PARC, and Apple introduced it to users for the first time. Lisa was also a breakthrough.

Due to his impulsive nature, Steve was removed from further work with the Lisa project. He was in a very offended, wounded state, and took up new project Macintosh with a desire for revenge. He wanted to do new model affordable, convenient and easy to use.

At this time, the Lisa project did not justify the hopes of the company, and the Macintosh became its main bet. After the release of this project, the company's business went up again, but not for long. Due to further conflicts with the board of directors, and a demotion, Steve had to leave the company in 1985.

New successes

After leaving Apple, Jobs did not give up, but founded a new one in the same year - NeXT, which was developing a computer platform for business and universities.

The following year, in 1986, he bought a small computer graphics division from Lucasfilm. With great effort, he turned it into the largest studio called Pixar, which is known to the world for its tapes "Toy Story", "Monsters Inc."

In 2005, Steve Jobs spoke to the graduates of Stanford University, where he spoke about his childhood, studies, his aspirations, life and career, gave advice to students on how to go through life and listen to own desires and goals. If you haven't seen this show, I highly recommend it!

In 2006, Steve's studio was bought by Disney, which made him the largest shareholder and member of the board of directors of this famous and successful company.

Return to Apple

Apple could not do without the development of NeXT, and in 1996 bought this company, making Steve Jobs its adviser. A year later, he headed the Apple Corporation.

New colossal successes

Steve saved the company from bankruptcy, which began to turn a profit again. Jobs developed world famous products: iTunes media player, iMac computer, iPhone phone, iPod player and iPad tablet, and also developed online stores iTunes Store, Apple Store, iBookstore.

These products became a huge success, making Apple the most profitable company in the world in 2011. This is a real achievement in the field of business. The list of everything that Steve invented is really huge.

People do not cease to admire this man, but many also criticize him for aggressiveness in management and attitude towards competitors.

And now let's talk a little about the personal life of this person.

Personal life and death of Steve Jobs

Steve's first love was Chris-Anne, who bore him a daughter. But she never became his wife. Steve gave too much time to his work - 150%, as he himself said.

After leaving Apple, which Jobs himself considers a turning point in his life, he met his true love- Lauren, who became his wife, who gave him a son in the early 1990s.

When this great man died

Jobs resigned in August 2011, no longer able to continue working. The world lost Steve on October 5, 2011, who died due to a serious illness that he had been ill with since 2003 - pancreatic cancer.

He died at the age of 56 in Pal Alto.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that everyone should know the success story of this person, draw conclusions from it and learn how to live correctly, set goals, and never lose heart, no matter what.

That's all for me, see you all tomorrow!

Sincerely, Steve Jobs Ruslan Miftakhov))

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