Another tragedy in the family of Mikhail Krug. "All my life I fought for the truth." Mother of Mikhail Krug about the famous son City of love and death

Recall that Mikhail Krug himself died under tragic circumstances back in 2002. At night, the attackers entered the cottage of the famous chansonnier, who at that moment was in the company of his wife Irina, mother-in-law and three sons. During the attack, the artist was twice wounded with a pistol and lost consciousness. After the attackers fled the scene of the crime, the seriously wounded Mikhail, with the help of neighbors, was taken to Tverskaya city ​​hospital However, despite all the efforts of doctors, the singer did not live to see the morning.

Despite the fact that more than 16 years have passed since the death of Mikhail Krug, his work is still alive in the hearts of a huge number of fans. By the way, famous song « Vladimir Central"became a real classic in the genre of Russian chanson.

The death of the mother of the famous chansonnier became known from the staff of the creative heritage fund of Mikhail Krug. IN official group community, tragic news was published. Numerous fans of the work of Mikhail Krug hurried to remember the mother of the great artist with a kind word: “ Everlasting memory. May the earth rest in peace for her ((", "She went to her son, to the legend. Thank her for her son! Eternal memory!". The farewell memorial service will take place tomorrow, January 12. In addition, it became known that Zoya Petrovna would be buried next to her son , at the Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery in Tver.

Name Michael Krug

The famous Russian chanson singer Mikhail Krug tragically died in his private house in Tver in 2002. He was killed by unknown individuals who were never found. Many years later, the criminal case was suspended.

Until now, many people listen to his songs. Meanwhile, little is known about his personal life, about how many children he had and who they became almost 15 years after his death.

Children of Michael Krug

Mikhail Krug was married twice. His first wife Svetlana was a singer and performed with her musical group. It was she who inspired the author of future hits to try to become a pop performer. Prior to that, Mikhail worked at a factory, and wrote songs in his spare time.

So many wonderful hits appeared, including the famous song "Vladimir Central", which became the standard for all chanson performers.

The son of Mikhail Krug from his first marriage was born a year before their separation from Svetlana, who could not stand her husband's constant betrayals and left. Mikhail himself, speaking about their divorce, said that the reason was Svetlana's inability and unwillingness to create a cozy family hearth. Svetlana toured a lot.

Mikhail met his second wife Irina in a restaurant where she worked as a waitress. He was 14 years older than her, so the girl did not immediately decide to marry him, although she already had a broken marriage and a little daughter behind her.

The son of Mikhail Krug and Irina was born a month before his death.

It is tragic that Mikhail could not see how his children grow up, could not participate in their upbringing, he passed away too early.

Eldest son of Mikhail Krug

Dmitry was born in 1988. When the boy was barely a year old, his parents divorced. The famous artist decided that the child should stay with his father. He won the trial, although it is usually very difficult. Little Dima began to live in his father's family.

Michael was a very busy person. Constant touring, songwriting, performances took all the time. Therefore, Dima's upbringing was handled by her grandmother Zoya Petrovna, Krug's mother.

By the way, real name Mikhail Krug - Vorobyov. His son has the same surname.

Zoya Petrovna herself took Dima to kindergarten, and then to school, spent everything with him free time. Mother Svetlana took her son to her place only for the weekend.

Grandmother notes that the grandson was very different in character from his father in childhood. Dima grew up quieter, calmer, he liked to sit at the computer and make something.

The education that Dmitry Krug received

The son of Mikhail Krug from his first marriage was left without a father at the age of 14. It's an explosive adolescence. Therefore, all relatives: grandmother, elder sister father Olga Medvedeva, mother Svetlana - they decided that the child should be protected first of all. The idea was submitted by one of the close friends of the late artist Vasily Ivanovich Kisilev, who at that time was the head of the traffic police in the Tver region.

He offered to transfer Dmitry from an ordinary school to a cadet corps. At first, the boy did not like it there, but over time he got involved. Constructions, roll calls, form - there was no time for various sad thoughts.

After graduating from the cadet corps, Dmitry decided to enter the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Aunt, Olga Medvedeva, persuaded him for a long time to change his mind and enter Tver, after all, the house is closer, but Dmitry insisted on his own and graduated with honors from the university, receiving the rank of lieutenant.

Career success

In the newspapers now and then there is information about the awarding of one or another title to Dmitry Vorobyov. On this moment he rose to the rank of captain. Dima devoted more than 10 years to the police service, his superiors praise him very much.

Interestingly, the artist himself always spoke very negatively about the employees. law enforcement, dedicating all his songs to prisoners, criminal authorities and thieves in law.

Dmitry notes that he is very pleased with the police service, he likes working there.

Appearance and character of Dmitry

The first son of Mikhail Krug is very similar to him. Here, the figure, and appearance, and voice - everything resembles a favorite artist. But despite the obvious similarities, Dmitry does not know how to sing at all and has never studied music.

He does not like to give interviews and be photographed. Moreover, Dmitry Krug, the son of Mikhail Krug, is reputed to be a closed and closed person.

His aunt explains that he has always been like this. Meanwhile, the eldest son of Mikhail Krug, although laconic, is kind and sympathetic, he loves good companies and is great at telling jokes, likes to joke. In this he also took after his father.

Personal life of Dmitry Vorobyov

Little is known about Dmitry's personal life. He continues to live with his old grandmother in Tver, in the house where his father was killed.

Dmitry will soon be 30 years old, but he is still not married. He likes to spend his free time in his house, enjoys reading fantasy novels, plays on the computer, goes in for sports.

In his house, a whole room is dedicated to his father, the famous chansonnier and songwriter Mikhail Krug. There are many things he remembers, all the walls are hung with photographs. Such a kind of home museum.

Alexander Mikhailovich Krug

According to the grandmother - the mother of the Circle, Sasha sings well, composes poetry. No wonder his mother predicts glory and success in the pop field for him in the future.

Alexander and his family

Zoya Petrovna Vorobieva, Sasha's grandmother, grandson and ex-daughter-in-law rarely visit. But these meetings are simply unforgettable for the old woman. She lives with memories, and the voice younger grandson reminds her of the voice of her beloved son Misha.

When Irina Krug, after the death of Mikhail, decided to marry again after five years, Zoya Petrovna was the first to bless her for a third marriage. She knew better than anyone what the young woman had gone through. Indeed, on the night of the murder of the Circle, Irina and three children were in the same house, but on different floors. And only miraculously survived the shootout.

WITH new husband businessman Sergei Irina met in a year later they got married. Sasha treated his stepfather well, because he never had a real father.

Now Sasha and Sergey spend a lot of time together, go hiking, go fishing, they have many common hobbies. The boy even began to call Irina's new husband dad. But, of course, he does not forget his origin either, he has many photographs of Mikhail, he is familiar with his repertoire and often listens to his songs.

In 2013, Irina gave birth to a son, Andrei, so Sasha got a little brother.

With his older brother Dmitry, he has friendly relations. Dmitry comes to stay with them in Moscow, they have common interests, such as ship modeling.

The famous chansonnier Mikhail Krug would celebrate his 55th birthday on April 7, 2017. He would write many more songs, release more than one album, give joy to fans and those whom he loved infinitely. But fate decreed otherwise.

"Parisian" childhood

Ekaterina Evseeva, AiF in Tver: Zoya Petrovna, how did Mikhail Krug grow up?

Zoya Vorobyova: We were a simple family. My husband worked as an engineer at a wagon factory, I worked at a cotton mill. They lived in the Morozov barracks. Then it was a mini-city with its own hospital, nursery, maternity hospital, theater. In the houses on each floor there was a cube with boiling water, where they took hot water. They were heated with peat briquettes. Yes, they lived modestly, closely, but amicably. I remember that time with nostalgia. I myself grew up in the town, my children were born here - Olya and Misha. Then my husband was given an apartment on Ordzhonikidze Street. However, we still often came to the barracks, where Misha's grandmother remained. Later, the son will sing throughout the country about the Court of the Proletarian, the barracks, "Paris", as one of them was then called.

- What was your son like?

As a child, I told him: “Mishka, you will probably be extraordinary with us.” He was so different from the rest of the family! We are all serious, but he constantly joked, was the soul of any company. But trouble, I confess, they knew a lot with him. The boy grew up as a tomboy. An eye and an eye are needed for him, and my father and I work all day.

At the parent meeting at the school they announced: one student had three comments, the other had seven, and mine had 47!

At the parent meeting at the school they announced: one student had three comments, the other had seven, and mine had 47! I didn’t say hello to the teacher, climbed the wrong stairs, didn’t bring change of shoes, etc. I blushed, talking to my son at home. And he has his own truth for everything: he says that I don’t greet the teacher, because she is unfair. He was principled: he never did what he did not like. Classroom teacher always said that Misha is the first bully in the class, but also the first assistant. He could instantly gather the guys even for a subbotnik, even for weeding the garden. Years later, I met that class teacher on the bus. She admitted that after leaving school, only Misha congratulated her on the holidays, and apologized for calling me to school so often.

As an adult, the son also fought for the truth. When he worked as a driver, there was such a case. Misha was picking up products from the dairy and saw that identical cans were placed on different sides. He asked what was the matter. It turned out that in some cans - high-fat milk for party officials. In others - diluted, for ordinary Tverichans. Oh, how it pissed him off! In general, he changed the cans in places. When the deception was revealed, Misha was asked to resign. But together with his son, as a sign of solidarity, five more people wrote a letter of resignation. I had to leave everyone.

In some cans - high-fat milk for party officials, in others - diluted, for ordinary Tverichans. Oh, how it pissed him off! In general, he changed the cans in places.

And how he loved pranks! Somehow he comes home, hands on his hips and says with a challenge: “I'm not alone! With a grandmother! Everyone was dumbfounded, our father was sick at that time. And Mishka pulls out a rag doll from behind his back, which they put on a teapot: “Here is a woman!” The son kept his personal experiences to himself. He had his first love Marina. All the crumbs that he then had, he spent on her. But the girl did not wait for him from the army. Misha was very worried, but he did not accept consolations. He replied that the man would figure it out himself. Didn't get married for a long time. I kept asking what was the matter, and Misha affectionately answered: “Mom, I want someone like you.” He was loving son, cared, gave gifts. When he had money, he built a house for me, brought clothes from abroad, original vases. But most of all I remember his bouquet of thirty roses. I have never received so many flowers.

City of love and death

- Many people leave Tver for megacities, and Mikhail always sang about his native city. Where does such love come from?

Our whole family is from Tver, for us this is really our homeland. When Misha became famous, local crime bosses offered him patronage. The son dismissed and was indignant: they say, why does he need this in his hometown? Tver is its "roof"! He was called to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, they offered housing and contracts, but he was not going to move. He loved our city very much. When he was sad or excited, he got behind the wheel and drove around the streets, enjoying the scenery. It calmed him down. Ironically, Misha was killed precisely on the Day of the city of Tver, which he sang.

fateful day

- Terrible crime has not yet been disclosed. How is it going?

There were rumors that Krug was in prison, hence his thieves' songs. However, it is not. The singer grew up on the work of Vysotsky, and learned jargon from a rare edition of 1924 for NKVD workers.

A few years ago, newspapers wrote that members of the Tver Wolves criminal gang were detained, allegedly one of them was involved in the murder of Misha. Whether this is true, we do not know. The investigation is still going on. Versions are different: from a robbery to a contract crime. Misha was shot dead in his own house when he returned from a performance at a festive city concert. He was only 40 years old.

That fateful day remains a terrible mystery to us. On the morning of July 1, 2002, I was washing dishes when they told me that Misha had died. I couldn't believe! It seemed that if I touched my son, I would whip him on the cheeks, he would come to his senses. Alas ... For a long time then she lived on injections, because of the experiences, her hearing was impaired. You know what's scary? Misha had a premonition of his death. A couple of months before his death, his son Sasha was born with his wife Irina. Mikhail kept rocking it and anxiously repeated: "If only the Lord would let me raise him." IN Lately he often took my hands and asked: “Mom, just live long. OK?".

Misha was buried by the whole city, half of the streets in the center were then blocked. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev and many others came to say goodbye famous people and hundreds of ordinary people from Tver.

- Do your son's fans support you today?

They often call me, send flowers and gifts strangers. Thank you notes were placed in the mailbox more than once. My daughter Olga conducts excursions in Tver called "Come to my house." Tourists come from different regions. We show them the city, places associated with Mikhail: the Morozov barracks where he was born, the city garden, Kaposvar and Gagarin squares, which are mentioned in his song, the Krug Museum in the building of the Lazurny restaurant. Those wishing to sign up for a tour, as a rule, contact my daughter Olga Medvedeva through social network"In contact with". Misha was a hospitable person, and we try to keep the doors of our house always open.

"I can see from above"

- You have two grandchildren from Mikhail. How was their fate?

The eldest, Dmitry, born from Mikhail's first marriage, is already 28 years old. He lives with me in his father's house. Dima works in the police, a very serious person. He doesn't play the guitar or sing. He achieves everything himself: as a child, Misha gave him an order not to hide behind his name. Irina, Mikhail's second wife, lives in the Moscow region with her son Sasha, her other children and her new husband. She tours a lot, Sasha is studying in the eighth grade of Preobrazhensky cadet corps. We keep in touch, we communicate. I used to be very upset younger son Misha didn't even really see it. And then I had a dream where Mikhail smiles and says: “Mom, I see everything from above!”

On January 9, in the 82nd year, the mother of the world-famous chansonnier Mikhail Krug, Zoya Petrovna Vorobyova, passed away. It is reported by the singer's Creative Heritage Foundation.

Zoya was born in Tver, in maternity hospital No. 2, where later, years later, her children will also be born: Mikhail and Olga. They first lived in the legendary Morozov town, in barracks No. 156, and then, when Zoya Petrovna married Vladimir Vorobyov in 1957, the young family moved to barracks No. 48, which in the future will become famous as the Krug barracks and about which the chanson star will later write songs.

- There were no special courtship, just dad came up to mom and said: "Let's get married." After the wedding, my mother moved to barracks No. 48. The room was divided in half with a wardrobe: in one half lived a grandmother with her daughter - my aunt, in the other - new family Vladimir and Zoya Vorobyov. Father worked as an engineer at a scientific institute at a railroad car factory, mother worked as a rationing worker at a cotton mill, - recalls Olga Medvedeva (Krug's sister).

In 1963, the Vorobyov family was given a two-room apartment, and they moved out of the barracks. But the memory of friendly and good neighbors, about life in the Courtyard of the Proletarka remained forever.

- Misha asked me more than once: “Mom, would you like to go back and live as before?” I really wanted to: now you will not find such friendship, trust, mutual assistance, which were between the inhabitants of the town. We lived in the barracks as one family, no one even locked the doors, - Zoya Petrovna recalled in her interview with TIA, which we recorded last year for the project. Elderly woman she told us in a fascinating way about how the inhabitants of the barracks survived the occupation of Kalinin, how and from what their life and relationships with neighbors developed.

Relatives and friends of Mikhail Krug always said that Misha loved his mother very much and dedicated several songs to her: "Hello, Mom", "Letter to Mom", "Let Me Go, Mom", "Forgive me, I'm not a good son", etc.

Zoya Petrovna Vorobyova will be buried at the cemetery in Dmitrovo-Cherkassy, ​​where the grave of her famous son is located. The editors of TIA express their condolences to family and friends.

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