Sergey Zverev Jr VKontakte. The son of Sergei Zverev burst into tears after learning the results of a DNA test. Singer and actor - why not

Many are haunted by the fate of the son of Sergei Zverev, who at one time actively attended all social events with his father and suddenly disappeared. Favorite girl 21- summer boy revealed the secret of his birth and told reporters where her boyfriend now lives, how he earns a living and why he ran away from the stylist and his glamorous sweet life.

It turns out that Sergei Zverev Jr. moved away from the bustle of the metropolis and annoying paparazzi in the suburbs. The guy got a serious job and intends to start a family with his chosen one Maria Bikmaeva, who has nothing to do with the capital socialites with pouty lips and fake hair.
Sergei keeps in touch with his famous father. “They have a normal relationship,” Maria assured reporters. - And how could it be otherwise, if one is a son, and the other is a father. It happens that they swear, but in my opinion this is not a reason to draw any conclusions about their relationship. I repeat once again - nothing terrible happened in their lives and relationships.
The girl also named the new place of residence of Zverev Jr. “Seryozha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his own feet without resorting to the help of his dad. Sergei Anatolyevich once said to Serezha: “If you want, you will work in show business.” But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he answered his father that he would achieve everything himself and make money, ”the stylist’s son explained to the refusal of life in the capital. - Sergei Anatolyevich is sympathetic to the fact that his son has matured and has the right to choose life path. He knows where his son is, what he does, how he spends his time. They see each other regularly, Seryozha comes to see dad.”
There was information in the media that the offspring of the star became a programmer. In fact, this is not so. “He worked in many places: both as an auto mechanic and as a salesman on Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ of the park-hotel in our Kolomensky district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Serezha's great-uncle, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasyev," Bikmaeva said.
The girl also denied the words of Stas Sadalsky that Sergei - Foster-son Zverev, adopted by him in the 90s. "Seryozha - native son Sergei Anatolievich Zverev. His mother died in an accident some time after he was born. He doesn’t even remember her,” Maria debunked another myth about her boyfriend.

It is curious that the stylist himself told everyone that the child's mother tragically died many years ago, and he remained a single father. As Dni.Ru already wrote, while Sergei Zverev stubbornly adhered to this version, his secret was leaked to the Internet famous artist and scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky. The actor made a sensational statement on his blog in LiveJournal. Stanislav wrote that Zverev adopted a child in the 90s and since then has often appeared in the company of a blond boy. The star stylist brought the baby from the Irkutsk shelter when he was three years old. Moreover, this was not an ordinary adoption: Sergei had to save a literally dying child.
Sadalsky quoted the stylist’s story in his blog: “When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalled Sergey Zverev. “The wooden cribs were gnawed away!” I thought: “Rats!” And these are children ... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and taken home. I grabbed that boy and ran out!”
Having adopted a child, Sergey Zverev brought him to Moscow, where all these years the boy, to whom he gave not only his last name, but also the same name - Sergey Zverev Jr., was brought up as his own. By the way, Valentina Zvereva, the stylist's mother, also has a childhood in an orphanage behind her. During the war years, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. She lost her husband at a young age and raised two children alone. Seryozha's paternity was perceived with hostility, because the newly-minted grandmother understood that all the hardships of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

People tend to be actively interested not only in the personal lives of stars, but also in the biography of their children. The younger generation is a reflection of the parents. Accordingly, if the child shows only good qualities, then others think that his famous parent has become an excellent mentor, and if he has a bad job in life, then everyone condemns the star, and his child becomes just another reason for negative PR. So, everyone is actively discussing in Lately the life of the son of Sergei Zverev. Let's find out what deserved such close attention of the public Zverev Sergey Jr., how his childhood passed and how the guy's personal life is developing now.

The childhood of the son of Sergei Zverev

Zverev Sergey (junior) was born on August 25, 1993. As the artist stated earlier, the boy is his son from an early marriage with his common-law wife, who died in a car accident. But a few years ago, the following information was leaked to the press: Sergey Zverev (junior) is the adopted son of a famous hairdresser. Previously, no one knew about this fact, because Sergey did not mention it anywhere, and the birth and earlier childhood of the boy fell on the years when the artist was not yet popular.

The stylist himself admits that, despite the fact that Zverev Sergey Jr. is his adopted son, he loves him like his own. The artist took him at the age of three from an orphanage in the city of Irkutsk. As he says, there were terrible living conditions: children were literally fed garbage, there was not enough space for living, there was no health care. As a result, in 1995, Sergei moved the boy to Moscow, where he began to treat him and raise him as his own son, but he still has many chronic diseases to this day.

The boyhood of Sergei Zverev - Jr.

The boy grew and grew stronger, while Sergei Zverev, meanwhile, was gaining popularity by leaps and bounds. He first spoke about his son in the late nineties, at the same time he began to bring his son to light. The people around noted that the boy was very similar to the artist, and this is true, even despite the fact that they are not related by family ties. Sergei Zverev, the youngest, whose biography is discussed in this article, had the same facial features and hair color as his adoptive father, so those around him had no doubt that they were father and son by blood.

As a teenager, the son of Sergei Zverev often attended fashion shows and social events with his father. The stylist really wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and become a hairdresser and stylist. But, while still a teenager, he realized that he did not like such a life.

The wedding of the son of Sergei Zverev

At the end of 2014, information appeared that Sergei Zverev, Jr., was going to marry. This year general public shocked by the information that the artist kicked his son out of the house because of disagreements over money: Sergei Jr. did not want to follow in his father's footsteps and accept his financial assistance, the latter was extremely upset.

Whether in spite of dad, or because of pure love, Sergei Zverev, the youngest, got married. The wedding was very modest: there were no gourmet treats, expensive outfits from world-famous couturiers and hundreds of eminent guests. In total, there were about thirty people at the wedding, and reliable sources claim that Sergei Zverev, the eldest, was not at the wedding. However, he had a day off, as the paparazzi captured him in one of the Moscow cafes. From this we can conclude that the disagreements between the artist and the son have not passed.

Rumor has it that the famous stylist is unhappy with the choice of his offspring's wife: Maria Bikmaeva is far from the world of glamor, she is not distinguished by beauty and attractiveness. However, Sergei Zverev, the youngest, whose wedding did take place, was completely absorbed in love.

Divorce of the son of Sergei Zverev

Already in 2015, six months after the marriage, it became known that Sergei Zverev Jr. and Maria Bikmaeva were getting a divorce. Their marriage did not even last six months. The journalists learned this news from the stylist, who said that within a few months after the wedding, they realized that they were being tied up in more friendly than love relationship. Maria also added that she hopes that the news of her son's divorce will be joyful for the outrageous stylist. She sincerely hopes that soon the Zverevs - the elder and the younger - will reconcile after several years of lack of communication.

The relationship of Sergei Zverev - Jr. with his father

According to sources, the famous stylist did not find common language with my son to this day. Sergei Zverev - the youngest does not communicate with his father. The latter is very upset that his offspring refused to follow in his footsteps and chose the life of an ordinary worker. The younger Zverev admits that he does not like glamor and everything connected with it, so he does not deceive his father's expectations and says everything in plain text. But this does not make the situation easier: the relationship between father and son is still spoiled. We can only hope that the situation will soon change for the better.

No one could believe that such a shocking and scandalous figure could have a family and children at all!

They said it was younger brother, a student who will get all the secrets of barber science, and even the nephew of a stylist from Irkutsk.

Zverev himself often says in the media that this is his own son, and his wife left them or died tragically. In a word, the testimony is confused. And there is no evidence that this woman existed.

But Zverev really has nephews. The stylist had an older brother Alexander. Due to work at a "harmful" enterprise, he fell ill with asthma and died in 1990. Sasha's widow Galya and their two children live in Ust-Kamenogorsk. But Alexander's son lives with his mother and never left for Moscow.


It turns out that 12 years ago, Sergei Zverev brought a three-year-old boy from an orphanage in Irkutsk. And it was not an ordinary adoption. The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in orphanages at that time was catastrophic.

When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear, ”recalls Sergey Zverev. - Wooden cribs were gnawed! I thought: "Rats!" And these are children ... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and taken home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!

Zverev brought a sick baby to Moscow. In the apartment where he lived with his mother Valentina Timofeevna. By the way, Valentina Zvereva also has a childhood in an orphanage behind her. During the war years, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. She lost her husband at a young age. Anatoly crashed on a motorcycle, and two sons remained in his arms. And when the children were already on their feet, the eldest died - the pride of the whole Alexander family. The heartbroken woman lost everything. And most importantly - health.

Therefore, the "fatherhood" of Serezha was perceived at first with hostility. The newly-appeared grandmother understood: all the burdens of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

I was so scared when he brought it! - Valentina Timofeevna says with a tremor in her voice. - I remember exclaiming: “So he doesn’t walk ?!” All sick, my God! There was no place to live. Punctured from head to toe. Shame. I still treat him to this day. If not for me, he would have died long ago! He needs constant treatment. And I go everywhere with him every year, every year. He wouldn't have survived there. How many sleepless nights! He didn't speak at all. I couldn't walk. Didn't know anything - no sweets, no games. He repeated only the words "enough" and "then." Everything was taken away from them in the shelter.

The stylist's mother, who herself lost her health, began to take little Earring to medical institutions. It was not possible to cure, and now the 15-year-old guy has chronic diseases.


In the course of our investigation, terrible facts were revealed: the boy turned out to be, in fact, a toy for Zverev. It turned out that the star "son" at the age of six was sent back to the boarding school! Only already Moscow. Imagine how the unfortunate child suffered - after all, he probably thought that they decided to get rid of him again. The poor boy again had to go through the stress in an orphanage. Boarding school No. 45 is engaged in the education and upbringing of children with severe speech pathology, providing specialized care, contributing to overcoming speech disorders and related features of mental development. Why a wealthy stylist did not hire the same specialists at home - this question remains unanswered. But the exhausted boy needed a sense of family so much!

Further - worse. After the boarding school, Serezha Jr. changed schools like gloves. It was not easy for him: for example, at school No. 128 of the Central District, classmates mocked him. In this situation, it was necessary to pay attention to a difficult teenager, but a popular father began to only drag a minor child to parties.

The boy has recently become very nervous, - Nadezhda Konstantinovna, a concierge from the entrance of the Zverevs, shared her pain with Life. - Doesn't get enough sleep. They comb it, make up like a doll, and drive around the parties all night. They bring him home in the morning - and he goes to school. Here Seryozhka comes back after lessons, puts down his briefcase and goes to sleep in my closet. He is an agreeable, kind boy - he treats me. Not like his family! Grandma - checkmate. And my father is on the set all the time.

The Zverev family is also in conflict with the neighbors. A complaint came to the guardianship and guardianship authorities: “Deal with lawlessness!” AND social workers dealt with this issue in earnest. It is not yet known who will win this battle.

I'm afraid of them, - Zverev Jr. shares his feelings about visiting specialists from the guardianship authorities of their home.

One can only guess how these "military actions" affect the child himself.

The appearance of the boy in scandalous shows like "Full Fashion" clearly affected his psyche. Looking at the report card with grades, you can track the deterioration in the performance of Zverev-son. Due to night parties and lack of sleep, Serezha hardly finished the 7th grade. Teachers at a prestigious school have to stretch their grades to Cs. In their opinion, Zverev Sr. neglects his parental responsibilities. And Seryozha Jr. wants fatherly love so much ...

Evgeny Shaposhnikov, professor of medical psychology

With such an unnatural way of life, the boy has a threat of neuroticism, psychological neglect, confusion in his head, loss of real life orientations.

In order for the child not to lose himself as a person, the father should stop. It is imperative to coordinate with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

I never cease to be surprised how some parents ignore elementary educational principles aimed at the free abilities and inclinations of the child.

Based on psychological analysis, the father wants to protect the boy from the harsh realities of life, but by doing so he does not give him the opportunity to develop in a natural way, to go his own way. The father brings up his copy, only of a hypertrophied look.

Sergei Zverev managed to break out of a simple village boy into a respected and popular stylist of the most famous stars Russian show business. Despite the fact that a hairdresser and designer-stylist is not a male profession, Sergey knew from childhood what he wants to become in the future.

The guy decided on his dream and confidently walked towards it step by step. Today, the name of Sergei Zverev is on everyone's lips. He made his own career, achieved success through his skill and talent, and is a prime example how to work on yourself.

The popular and outrageous stylist has radically changed his appearance, millions of eyes are always riveted to him, which means that everyone wants to know how tall, weight, and age he is. How old is Sergei Zverev, each of us wonders, because he looks pretty young. Few people believe, but this year he has an anniversary - 55 years!

The growth of the famous hairdresser of the country is 187 cm, weight is 75 kg. Sergey is rather thin for his height, he rarely visits gyms. If anyone surprises with his appearance, then this is Sergey Zverev. Photos in my youth and now are very different. Now the designer has changed beyond recognition.

Biography of Sergei Zverev

The biography of Sergei Zverev is very interesting and significantly different from the standard life stories. The future popular stylist and hairdresser was born in a small town Irkutsk region. Father - Anatoly Andreevich Zverev, mother - Valentina Timofeevna Zvereva. Sergei's father worked as a mechanic at a nuclear enterprise, and his mother worked as a technologist at a meat processing plant. Unfortunately, his father died in a car accident, after almost two years Valentina Timofeevna got married a second time, so Sergei had a stepfather and step-brother. The family moved to Kazakhstan, and later returned to their native Irkutsk.

After receiving a secondary education, Sergei Zverev managed to enter a school where they did not want to take him, because then the art of makeup and hairdressing was considered a purely female specialty.

Even while studying at a vocational school, young Zverev won prizes in various competitions. According to Zverev himself, he went to study in the fashionable capital of the world - Paris, but no facts were found to confirm his words.

Few people believe, but a young man with such a rare calling (especially during the Soviet era) managed to serve his homeland in the ranks Soviet army. Sergei Zverev served in Poland, in the army air defense. Here Sergei succeeded, rising to the rank of sergeant.

After completing his military service, Sergei Zverev returned to improving his skills in fashion design, makeup and hair. At the same time, he worked as a model.

Thanks to the first star client Tatyana Vedeneeva, who was satisfied with the work of the young stylist and hairdresser, Sergey Zverev began to cut his hair the most popular artists of the country. The golden hands of the master were so in demand that a line of Russian stars lined up.

Meanwhile, Sergey continued to take part in international competitions, having managed to reach decent heights and titles.

Although Sergey Zverev (in his youth, the photos are very different from the current ones) has changed significantly in his face, which is noticeable to the naked eye, he himself speaks of the forced operations that he needed after the accident. But, it is hardly possible to call a change in the cheekbones and the shape of the lips - forced operations.

To date, Sergey Zverev has succeeded not only in hairdressing, but also began to sing, shoot videos, participate in television shows, and also got his own beauty salon in the capital of the country.

Personal life of Sergei Zverev

The personal life of Sergei Zverev is no less bright than his profession. The list of his girls included such famous people as a singer Vetlitskaya Natalya, Oksana Kabunina, Yulianna Lukashevich, Irina Bilyk.

According to some reports, he was married four times, but all marriages were not long-term. Zverev has a son, about whose origin there are discussions and many assumptions are made. Sergei Zverev himself claims to have adopted a boy. However, many facts from the personal life of the stylist are contradictory and confusing. The yellow press has not yet managed to get to the bottom of all the secrets of the country's popular hairdresser and makeup artist.

Family of Sergei Zverev

Initially, the family of Sergei Zverev is he and his parents. After tragic death father, his family was his mother, stepfather and stepbrother. The stylist's mother grew up in orphanage, so it was important for her that there was order and discipline at home. She raised her son in strictness, and taught to follow the rules. This is what helped Sergei Zverev achieve such success in life and career. He is very grateful to his mother for raising him and believes that without her he did not have such a future.

Today, the most close person singer and showman - his adopted son. Coincidence or not, but he is somewhat similar to his father.

Children of Sergei Zverev

Are there any children of Sergei Zverev? Yes, I have. The stylist raised his adopted son alone. There was a lot of controversy about the boy's mother, but in the end, his identity was never established. Although Sergei Zverev claims that he took his son from an orphanage, the public sees the guy's resemblance to his father, which means that Sergei simply does not want to reveal the name of his son's mother.

Today, Zverev's son is already an adult guy who managed to get married and divorced.

The popular presenter, singer, designer and makeup artist has many female fans, and most likely, many of them dream of giving Sergei an heir, but the stylist himself does not want to have a family or children yet.

The son of Sergei Zverev - Sergei Zverev Jr.

The only son of Sergei Zverev, Sergei Zverev Jr., was born in 1993. The child lived from birth in a baby house, and when he was three years old, the singer and presenter adopted him.

Despite the fact that Sergei Zverev planned the future of his son, was going to break his way to fame, wanted him to choose the same profession as his father, nevertheless, the son refused his father's privileges. He completely abandoned his father's idea and did not consider the profession of a stylist and hairdresser. He was more interested in music, now he works as a DJ.

In 2015, the son of Sergei Zverev got married (there is a photo from the wedding on the net), his father was not at the wedding, as he was against this marriage. Sergei Zverev believed that the girl was not suitable for his son, and he was not mistaken. A few months after the wedding, the young people divorced.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Natalya Vetlitskaya

First and former civil wife Sergei Zverev - Natalia Vetlitskaya. Roman Zverev and the popular pop singer did not last long. The initiator of the relationship was Zverev, he was so fascinated by the girl that he immediately offered cohabitation.

According to some reports, they broke up due to past passion. Other sources report the adventures of Vetlitskaya, who did not triple Sergei. Although the romance was not long, the couple managed to attract attention and make a lot of noise in the press. Today, the singer lives in Spain, she has a husband and a daughter.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project)

The former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev is Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project). Extravagant and bright girl immediately attracted the attention of Sergei. In their relationship there were beautiful courtship, violent passion, living together, which Zverev insisted on. The fact is that due to the busy schedules of both celebrities, young people saw each other very rarely.

But who would have known that this would be the beginning of the end of their love. There are few details about the breakup, everyone left annoying journalists and did not answer questions about the reasons for the breakup.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk

Another ex-civil wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk, famous singer Ukraine. This relationship was different. Here, rather, passion flared up, which entailed an intimate relationship between Irina and Zverev.

According to journalists, the Ukrainian performer was delighted with the man. It is known that she was attracted to extraordinary personalities. But, having lived together for more than a year, the couple also broke up. exact reasons former lovers are not called. But the press suspects that this was another fleeting romance of a popular fashionista and stylist.

Civil wife of Sergei Zverev - Elena Galitsyna

Sergei Zverev met Elena Galitsyna in one of the capital's nightclubs. A conversation began, and then meetings, dates. The couple has a lot common interests and their communication is easy and not forced.

According to many, soon, the fourth common-law wife of Sergei Zverev, Elena Galitsyna, may acquire the status official wife stylist. This is constantly written in the media, and the lovers themselves do not deny this fact. It is interesting that Sergey and Elena are even somewhat similar to each other, which others could not help but notice.

Discussions of photos of Sergei Zverev before and after plastic surgery cause great resonance. Obviously, the celebrity has repeatedly visited a plastic surgeon. According to the most sought-after hairdresser in the country, initially, he had to go under the scalpel due to an accident.

Sergei got into a car accident, as a result of which he was disfigured. Then, the plastic surgeon corrected the consequences of the accident. Then, Zverev corrected the consequences of plastic surgery that did not suit him. If you look at how Sergei Zverev looked before and after the operation, the photos differ dramatically.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Zverev

Many fans of the popular presenter, make-up artist and stylist draw information and photos of a celebrity by viewing the data that contains Sergey Zverev's Instagram and Wikipedia. Instagram is replete not only with fresh photos of the stylist, but also with videos from various events.

Sergei Zverev is often invited to the opening of elite nightclubs, restaurants, and various beauty contests. And he shares everything that happens with his fans. There are also quite detailed information celebrity on wikipedia.

A real sensation on the Internet was the pictures of the grown-up son of Sergei Zverev, whom the stylist once saved from the Irkutsk shelter. Many remember the glamorous boy, whom the outrageous barber diligently taught from infancy to secular life, but, judging by the photo, the artist did not cope with this task.

Journalists began to look for information about the stylist's son. In the process of collecting data, unexpected facts were revealed to the public. So, for example, a boy who was passed off as a native turned out to be adopted. According to media reports, Sergei Zverev took his future son from the orphanage when he was three years old.

Further more. Zverev Jr. grew up and decided: he does not want to follow in the footsteps of his famous father and be part of the crowd. He stopped accepting financial assistance from Sergei Zverev, refused to go out with him to events, make outrageous makeup and follow his father's style.

On those discovered by reporters in in social networks photographs of Sergei Zverev Jr. - this is exactly how the stylist presented his blond offspring to the public - it is clear that he is in locality, similar to a village, far from the chic and splendor of the metropolis.

In personal pictures, the stylist's heir is dressed very simply, without pathos and high-profile brands. Close to the people, Zverev Jr. masterfully owns a shovel and is well versed in the insides of a car.

Sergey’s girlfriend was also found in several pictures - not a glamorous blonde with pumped lips and facial expressions killed by Botox injections, but a natural Russian beauty.

And yet, apparently, already without the participation of his star father, Zverev Jr. learned to smoke a cigarette and pumped up his noble muscles.

Only his “duck” selfies from the toilet remind of the past glamorous life of the blonde.

At one time, when the stylist took the boy with him to all parties, shootings and photo shoots, pen sharks and fans of the star wondered in shock where the boy came from.

Sergey himself told everyone the legend that the child's mother tragically died many years ago, and he remained a single father. While the stylist stubbornly adhered to this version, his secret was leaked to the Internet by the famous artist and scandalous showman Stanislav Sadalsky.

Stanislav wrote that Zverev adopted a child in the 90s and since then has often appeared in the company of a blond boy. The star stylist brought the baby from the Irkutsk shelter when he was three years old. Moreover, this was not an ordinary adoption: Sergei had to save a literally dying child.

Sadalsky quoted the stylist's story: “When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” Sergei Zverev recalled. “The wooden cribs were gnawed away!” I thought, "Rats!" And these are children ... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and taken home. I grabbed that boy and ran out!”

Recently it turned out that the guy has not lived with his father for a long time, he works in a hotel in Kolomna near Moscow, and does not communicate with journalists.

A year and a half ago, Sergei married 18-year-old waitress Maria Bikmaeva, with whom the father of the groom really did not come to the wedding. And the newlyweds did not wait for a gift from Zverev.

- No bride. None at all, - said Zverev Sr. - And I'm so upset, I think, what the hell, I won't go to any wedding. I think that he should have a beautiful, talented girl who will not pull him as a passenger in the subway, but will be a worthy rear.

Six months later, the marriage of Zverev Jr. broke up.

Sergei Zverev will soon turn 54 years old. But you can't tell from him! He admits that he has long been ready to become a grandfather: “Why not? My cousin gave birth to a son four years ago. When I play with him, I already feel like a grandfather.” The appearance of their own grandchildren, too, apparently, is not far off.

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