Konstantin - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Positive qualities of the name Konstantin. Photo gallery: famous personalities named Konstantin

The bright name Constantine, translated from Latin, means “permanent”, “persistent”. This common name is endowed with positive energy, perseverance, calmness, patience, increased stamina and peacefulness. When pronouncing this name, there is a lack of softness and warmth, which Kostya very often lacks in life, love and fate.

The secret of the name Konstantin

As a child, Konstantin experiences bouts of fear, anxiety and anxiety, he is timid, modest and lack of initiative. Parents need a lot of time and work to turn Kostya into an open and courageous boy, capable of exploits, frank statements and bold deeds. Among his peers, he does not stand out in any way, often growing sickly and shy. At a transitional age, Konstantin reveals himself for real, reveals his essence, talents and capabilities, this is really a turning point and a fateful moment for him. Adult Kostya is an interesting and bright personality, he is extraordinary, cheerful, emotional, sociable and groovy, the complete opposite of Kostya-child. This is a kind, decent, sympathetic and fair person, stubborn and persistent in business, work and achieving the main goal. His intuition and sharp, quick-reacting mind help Kostya in his career, he carefully calculates everything and brings it to the end. This person is perfectly oriented and adapts to life, to any twists and turns of fate, he is a very viable character. The combination of activity and wisdom makes Konstantin a born manager, mentor and leader in the team. If he makes a mistake, he will correct it for a long time and stubbornly in order to exhaust his guilt and the mistake made to the very bottom. In the first place for him - the profession and business, and only then family and leisure.
Konstantin's appearance is unremarkable, he is a man of average build and height, of normal build, he dresses according to his means, he is not particularly chic. But Kostya is damn sexy, all the women around feel it well. The health of this person is directly related to his activity and movement, he must be in a constant tone in order to feel good and not get sick.

Constantine Name Compatibility

Konstantin is a rather amorous man, often he marries several times. He is very hard going through and enduring a divorce, but he does not run away from new relationships, on the contrary, with pleasure and joy he opens up to fateful meetings and interesting acquaintances. Kostya loves children, literally drags them around in his teeth, provides enough for his family, is economical and reasonable in spending and expenses. IN intimate life Konstantin is forced to restrain his powerful erotic energy flow, otherwise women will simply run away from him. In bed, this is a dreamer and an experimenter, you definitely won’t get bored with him, he loves women, appreciates them, gives his partner pleasure and joy, without demanding anything in return. This is a sincere and affectionate lover, temperamental, attentive and gentle.
To create a strong prosperous family Kostya will suit women with names: Anastasia, Galina, Vera, Anna and Maria. Girls are no less suitable for creating a long and respectful relationship: Alexandra, Valentina, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Zoya, Lyubov, Natalia, Nina and Evgenia. And in marriage with Olga, Tatyana, Tamara and Elvira, he will have many children. In his remarriage with Yana, Claudia, Elena and Anfisa, happiness and success await him. He is close in spirit and character to girls with names: Clara, Barbara, Sophia, Angelica, Eva and Venus. A fragile marriage and relationship will be with Alice, Agatha, Ada, Evdokia, Lucia, Vanessa and Xenia. There is no compatibility with Kira, Stanislava, Vasilisa, Seraphim, Jeanne and Eleanor.

At the heart of this name is a Latin root, meaning "persistent, constant."

In childhood, very timid, constantly in a state of anxiety. It is very difficult to get used to strangers and new surroundings. Getting used to kindergarten and school will require considerable efforts from Konstantin and will cost parents considerable worries. With age, it will get rid of the fear complex, but it will be difficult to get along with people. He has few friends, but they are all time-tested.

Konstantin is a responsible and conscientious worker. He gives his whole soul to his work. Delicate with subordinates, his orders are more like requests. Can get frustrated over little things.

Konstantin has a subtle flair for beauty. He is able to see subtle virtues in a person and reveal them to others. At the same time, Konstantin can be carried away by a bright and spectacular woman, seek her favor. Having married such a woman and discovering her spiritual and moral emptiness, he quickly cools in his feelings. Divorce is hard to bear. He is wary of his mother-in-law. Make friends with older children.

Suitable for marriage: Anna, Victoria, Evgenia, Inna, Lyubov, Polina, Rimma, Sophia.

Less suitable: Alexandra, Veronica, Irina, Claudia, Marina, Natalia, Olga.

According to P. Rouge

Green color.
Main features: will - activity - sociability - intelligence.
Type: Constantine - bright personalities, whose behavior is always a mystery. Their totem is an ibis - a bird with mysterious powers. They are very confident in themselves, they have the nature of a commander, a boss: they are interested in some business only when they hold the steering wheel in their hands.
Mind: extroverts, active only when directly involved in social or industrial affairs. They are not influenced, but listen carefully to any advice and suggestions.
Will: it dominates in people with a similar character. Even in old age do not give up adventures and adventures.
Excitability: React to everything, kind-hearted, well aware of the value of someone else's life. Treat others with love and kindness without asking for anything in return.
Reaction speed: they are in control of themselves, but their patience should not be abused.
Activity: very active and dynamic. They manage to remain objective, and if sometimes they impose their decisions, it is only in order to force subordinates to work with full dedication.
Intuition: they have excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone is leading them, "whispering" the correct solution to life's problems.
Intelligence: Such men have a clear mind, which allows them to quickly and well navigate life.
Susceptibility: impressionable.
Morality: They have an innate sense of decency that they never think about.
Health: excellent. Such people need only air, sun and sea rest, although it is desirable to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.
Sexuality: very developed, but controlled by reason.
Field of activity: to achieve success, they need to carefully choose the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication of their forces. They are not the kind of people who are willing to do anything to get a degree. They reach leadership positions on the condition that they persevere and learn to make decisions. A well-developed imagination helps them become outstanding inventors.
Sociability: huge. They are elegant, discreet, know how to behave and know what to say to please others.
Additionally: these are individuals with rich inner content.

Sexuality of the name Konstantin

He is an incredible lover of secular entertainment and friendly conversations. Konstantin has a pragmatic attitude towards sex - he should not distract him from other tasks that are more important for Konstantin, and at the same time give pleasure.

He's quite a passionate man intimacy for him it is, as it were, part of courting a woman. His life is a continuous romance, where one does not have time to end, as another begins. Not all of his novels have a happy ending, it happens that Konstantin fails, but in any situation he does not lose his presence of mind, he has enough optimism to start all over again.

Konstantin loves to meet a woman in a homely atmosphere, where there are no distractions. Proximity somewhere in the bosom of nature is not for him. In an erotic game, he shows great freedom of action, while striving for the other side to receive pleasure. If his partner is able to correctly accept everything that comes from Constantine and share his passion, she will receive complete sexual satisfaction.

He loves being caressed, hot and tender words are spoken during intimacy - this inspires him even more, but Konstantin does not tolerate the domination of a woman. Not every woman can turn his head, but if this happens, he idolizes her, although he does not allow himself to be made dependent on her. "Winter" Konstantin for a long time does not dare to marry. He chooses a woman with sufficient life experience and, most importantly, very neat and clean. He is the leader in the family, does not tolerate objections, demands that everything go as he determines, and if his wife is also a “winter” woman, there is every chance that this marriage will not be cloudless. Many Constantines are married more than once.

Elena and Konstantin are ill-suited for romance. A man is impressed by this strong and independent lady who knows how to please opposite sex. He is attracted to her by an unprecedented force that pushes him to get to know each other and express his feelings violently. However, she is not interested in his sensual impulses. This woman seeks to find the same strong-willed and authoritative partner as she herself. Because of this, she rejects the courtship of this gentleman and continues to search for a new love.

These people rarely start a family. Marriage becomes a test for both spouses that they are unable to overcome. A man is usually the first to not withstand the moral onslaught of his wife and files for divorce.

Compatibility in friendship 58%

Elena and Konstantin can become friends. A man is interested in this woman with a logical mindset and indefatigable practicality. Outwardly, it seems to him that everything is smooth and clear in their friendship. Therefore, he opens his soul to a friend. When a woman realizes that a friend completely trusts her, she begins to demonstrate her superiority. A man does not tolerate neglect in his address, which provokes quarrels.

The friendship of these people grows stronger if a woman begins to respect her friend more respectfully.

Compatibility in work 21%

Elena and Konstantin hardly get along with each other and do not seek business cooperation. A woman does not need such a partner. He looks in her eyes a true loser and a fool. A man is subconsciously afraid of such a serious partner. He perceives her as his direct rival. A woman may be interested in such a partner only as an executor of her brilliant plans. However, a man almost never goes for it.

According to Florensky

Konstantin is a nature gifted and, mainly, with a subtle sensitivity to all kinds of spirits and all sorts of suggestions. He instantly recognizes the most subtle shades and tastes, but his sensitivity is passive and similar to that of a woman. He is proud of his sensitivity and gets used to considering it the only worthy quality, a sign of superiority, refinement, exclusivity. He does not see other qualities and virtues, except for sophistication. But, having no duty in his soul, he is generally deprived of those experiences that last a long time. Impressionism is his element. Meanwhile, every style and everything really perfect is defended for many years. Therefore, Konstantin poorly understands the profound difference between the achievements of great culture and the theatrical or exhibition elegance of the present hour, more precisely, he does not understand it poorly, but rather does not want to reckon with it and practically prefers the fleeting. Moreover, long-term creations of human constancy can even irritate him with their immutability, requiring constancy both from those around him and from himself.

Constantine, in pursuit of the exquisite, is inclined to prefer a cheap but spicy novelty to an age-old one, and will even be glad to deal with the first, because the next day it can be disgustedly discarded, taking up a new toy, and the age-old may not even notice Konstantin near him, and in with some secret foreboding, he tries in advance to express his contempt for the latter. But his giftedness and his naturally delicate taste do not leave him unaware of the true value of what is neglected and the cheapness of what is chosen. He chooses the latter, but is hostile to himself for such a choice and immediately prepares to abandon the chosen one in order to go after a new one. However, his taste in the very depths is unmistakable, and, unfaithful to anything external, Konstantin is sometimes unfaithful to himself; learns something first-class, not noticed by others and, contrary to the consenting voice of all around, will try to bring it to the fore and exalt it above all else. Perhaps, here, along with Konstantin's sensitivity, a certain whim is at work - the sophistication inherent in Konstantin, prompting him to act in defiance of the crowd.

By Higiru

At the heart of this name is a Latin root, meaning: persistent, constant, (Konstantin is the son of a constant). Growing up as a fearful, anxious child. Kindergarten, especially in the early days - a problem, a new teacher - tears, entering a dark room - for nothing ...

Later, already a teenager, Konstantin skillfully hides his fears, choosing for this a playfully ironic tone of communication. Outwardly, he is friendly and even with almost everyone, but not everyone can call him his friend. His true friends are tested by years of companionship. They are usually childhood friends. Konstantin is a responsible and conscientious person. At the same time, he is cunning and stubborn. But he gives his whole soul to the work he does. Delicate. With subordinates, he is soft, rather asks than orders. Has a predisposition to alcohol. Strongly developed imagination. Can get irritated over trifles.

Compatibility and marriage named Konstantin

The character of Constantine is complex and contradictory, it is an amazing mixture of constancy and inconstancy. He has a subtle flair for the beautiful that almost every person has to varying degrees. In an unremarkable, it would seem, girl, he will discern the virtues invisible to others and will, with great perseverance, “discover” these virtues for others. When he finally reaches the goal and everyone, including Konstantin's parents who did not agree to marry earlier, will fall in love with his chosen one, he will feel cool towards her. Such is his nature - he cannot share the opinions of the majority. In addition, he is a great lover of the refined, although he often takes purely external attributes for him, admitting, however, later his mistake. This means that he can be carried away by a bright, spectacular woman, realizing that her brilliance is ostentatious and spiritual and moral emptiness is hidden behind us.

Divorce Konstantin endures hard. Despite this, it happens in repeated marriages. Gloomy at times. Old people love Konstantin, and Konstantin loves old people. Mother-in-law is wary. Friends with an adult son.

Konstantin will be lucky in marriage with Anna, Venus, Victoria, Eugenia, Inna, Lyubov, Polina, Rimma, Rose, Sophia, Yana. Happiness with Alexandra, Veronica, Evdokia, Irina, Claudia, Maria, Natalia, Olga, Ruslana is unlikely.

1. Personality: brilliant men

2. Color: green

3. Main features: will - activity - sociability - intelligence

4. Totem plant: acacia

5 Spirit Animal: Ibis

6. Sign: lion

7. Type. These are bright personalities, whose behavior is always a mystery. Their totem is an ibis - a bird with mysterious powers. They are very confident in themselves, they have the nature of a commander, a boss: they are interested in some business only when they hold the steering wheel in their hands.

8. Psyche. Extroverts are active only when they are directly involved in social or industrial affairs. They are not influenced, but listen carefully to any advice and suggestions.

9. Will. She dominates people with a similar character. Even in old age, they do not refuse adventures and adventures.

10. Excitability. They react to everything, they are kind-hearted, they are well aware of the value of someone else's life. Treat others with love and kindness without asking for anything in return.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. They control themselves perfectly, but their patience should not be abused.

12. Field of activity. To achieve success, they need to carefully choose the area of ​​application of their forces. They are not the kind of people who are willing to do anything to get a degree. They reach leadership positions on the condition that they persevere and learn to make decisions. A well-developed imagination helps them become outstanding inventors.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone is leading them, "whispering" the correct solution to life's problems.

14. Intelligence. Such men have a clear mind, which allows them to quickly and well navigate life.

15. Susceptibility. Impressive.

16. Morality. Have decency they never think about

17. Health. Simply great. Such people need only air, sun and sea rest, although it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.

18. Sexuality. Very developed, but controlled by the mind.

19. Activity. Very active and dynamic. They manage to remain objective, and if sometimes they impose their decisions, it is only in order to force subordinates to work with full dedication.

20. Sociability. huge. They are elegant, discreet, know how to behave and know what to say to please others.

21. Conclusion. These are individuals with a rich inner content.

According to Mendelev

The name is good, but not very strong and rather quiet than loud, with implicit and not very prominent features. Psycho-emotional analysis confirms lexical meaning name (from the Latin "constance" - constant) - the sign "short", according to academician Lyapunov, is interpreted as conservative, stable, committed to constancy.

Konstantin is a rather tough and inflexible, but pleasant person, devoid of aggressiveness and more reliable than dangerous. His success is average: the fact is that it is difficult for Konstantin to determine the type of activity that would satisfy him.

In his youth, Kostya is all wide open, easily and simply converges with people, although sometimes he conflicts with them, since he does not retreat from his views, right or wrong, and tries to live in harmony with them. Moreover, his character is quick-tempered and impulsive.

Konstantin's intuition and activity are not enough, but diligence and perseverance are enough. great heights he rarely reaches a career, but he is never the last. An ideal friend and assistant in any business, not afraid of low-profile, monotonous and boring work.

Sexuality and color of the name Konstantin

His sexuality is average, sometimes slightly above average. In any case, he should not be afraid of problems in this area.

It should be noted that Konstantin has a noticeably overestimated self-esteem, he tends to wishful thinking and overestimate his successes. Konstantin does not rush to sky-high heights, but appreciates the conveniences, pleasures and comforts of everyday life.

Colors change - blue, blue, white.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

He is an incredible lover of secular entertainment and friendly conversations. Konstantin has a pragmatic attitude towards sex - he should not distract him from other tasks that are more important for Konstantin, and at the same time give pleasure. He is a rather passionate man, intimacy for him is, as it were, part of courting a woman. His life is a continuous romance, where one does not have time to end, as another begins. Not all of his novels have a happy ending, it happens that Konstantin fails, but in any situation he does not lose his presence of mind, he has enough optimism to start all over again.

Konstantin loves to meet a woman in a homely atmosphere, where there are no distractions. Proximity somewhere in the bosom of nature is not for him. In an erotic game, he shows great freedom of action, while striving for the other side to receive pleasure. If his partner is able to correctly accept everything that comes from Constantine and share his passion, she will receive complete sexual satisfaction. He loves to be caressed, hot and tender words are spoken during intimacy - this inspires him even more, but Konstantin does not tolerate the domination of a woman.

Not every woman can turn his head, but if this happens, he idolizes her, although he does not allow himself to be made dependent on her. "Winter" Konstantin for a long time does not dare to marry. He chooses a woman with sufficient life experience and, most importantly, very neat and clean. He is the leader in the family, does not tolerate objections, demands that everything go as he determines, and if his wife is also a “winter” woman, there is every chance that this marriage will not be cloudless. Many Constantines are married more than once.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Permanent, persistent" (Greek)

The nature of the name Konstantin

There is no overkill in this name, it is rather calm, steadfast, not malice, but there is a noticeable lack of warmth in it, which can childhood become a source of suffering for Kostya. Even more similar influence can be amplified by such associations as "bone, crutch, etc." It is quite possible that from childhood, Kostya will involuntarily reach for something beautiful, will try to find warmth in relations with his comrades, but here it is easy to slip on painful pride. It is very good if he finds this warmth, but if not, then the fear of ridicule, most likely, will lead to the fact that Kostya will begin to hide his true soul behind the mask of a kind of rude cynic. Thus, among the Konstantins, two main types can be distinguished - the charming and gentle Kostya and Konstantin - a cynic and a mocker. However, the second type is just a public mask, behind which, most likely, a vulnerable soul is hiding.

One way or another, however, Kostya most often throughout his life remains indifferent to how others perceive him. He knows how to play a vital role well, and the search for his worthy place in the circle of children in adulthood usually finds continuation in ambitious dreams of a career. Sometimes it can be very difficult to understand what is on Konstantin's mind, so many tend to consider him cunning, but he is more secretive than cunning. Another thing is that sometimes, suddenly opening up, others may be surprised by Kostya's true plans. Sometimes it even comes to outright indignation, forcing one to suspect him of an intriguer. In fact, Konstantin just patiently walked towards his goal, especially not wishing harm to anyone.

Positive qualities of the name Konstantin

Of the positive qualities, in the development of which Konstantin owes much to his name, one can note his steadfastness, balanced patience and ability to take a decisive action. It is most favorable if he manages to rid his self-esteem of morbidity and combine it with softness. At the same time, soft Kostya can be wished for a little more ambition and firmness, without which it will be difficult for him to reach good heights. In a word, if he manages to bring these qualities into balance, then his life can turn out more successfully, and well-developed artistry will help ensure success in a public career.

Secrets of communication: Often, in order for you to see a nice person instead of Kostya the cynic, it is enough just to start a frank conversation with him. If you are sincere and he can believe you, then it is quite possible that you will find a reliable friend who will not betray you for any good of the earth. But in the event of a conflict, Konstantin can remember evil for a long time, and sometimes it is very difficult to notice this behind his everyday mask.

Notable people named Konstantin

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

"The earth is the cradle of mankind. But one cannot live forever in the cradle" - this bold phrase belongs to one of the greatest scientists (and concurrently prophets) of our time, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857–1935). It must be said that the fate of this amazing person from the very beginning it was extraordinary. Who knows, if the son of a forester from the Ryazan province had not lost his hearing in childhood, maybe the world would have been a little different now. And so Tsiolkovsky passed the fate of his peers who received a secondary education, and he grew up as a self-taught genius, reaching everything with his own mind. Self-taught, who at the end of his life could rightfully say: “My whole life consisted of thinking, calculating, practical work and experiences."

True (especially at first), the scientist often reinvented the wheel, discovering already known things, but this did not apply to all of his discoveries. So, it was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky who first designed an airship, studied the aerodynamics of an aircraft, and then really "fell ill" with space. And despite the fact that he often failed to confirm his guesses with mathematical calculations, however, he was sure of many things. For example, in the fact that the optimal altitude for a flight around the Earth is 300-800 km - the altitude at which orbital flights actually take place now. Or that the rocket must certainly be multi-stage. Much of his knowledge was taken, as it were, from nowhere, simply from the conviction that it should be this way and not otherwise, and this state of affairs to a large extent influenced Tsiolkovsky's worldview, his philosophy.

Indeed, the topics that worried the scientist are far from being limited to the sphere practical application. In his works, he wrote a lot about the future of mankind, about the exploration of other planets, about millions of inhabited worlds in the Universe and about the creatures that inhabit them, tried to understand the world and its laws.

“I’ll be honest,” Konstantin Eduardovich wrote in one of his books, “I used to explain all mysterious phenomena by known laws of nature, deceit, ignorance, etc. And now I think that more than 99% of these phenomena are exactly like that. But not all of them. Some very small part of them, although natural, cannot be explained without the intervention of intelligent forces emanating from conscious and unknown beings.

Meaning of the name

Konstantin is an original and extraordinary man who is self-confident, attentive to others, powerful and mysterious at the same time. His kindness, sincerity, humanism and sympathy endear him, although this man absolutely does not need someone else's approval, because even without him he lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. But with his enemies, Constantine is cruel and ironic, so it’s better not to abuse his patience if you don’t want to fully know the negative qualities of this man, whose character formation is largely influenced by the time of year in which he was born.

Characteristics of the name Konstantin

Winter Constantine - nature is persistent and stubborn. He is not used to retreat, so any obstacle for him is a challenge and an opportunity to prove that he can take any height. At the same time, in the company of friends and relatives, this man turns from a closed pragmatist into a sincere and liberated romantic and joker, who will be welcome in any company. Winter Constantine is liked by women, but he does not like to play with feelings, and therefore he will never offend his chosen one.

Spring Constantine selfish, impulsive and fickle. He lives exclusively for today, not thinking about what tomorrow morning will bring him. Such life position reckless Konstantin is the reason that he often gets into adventures that do not always have a positive outcome. Women love this man for his cheerful and easy disposition, but it is extremely difficult to build a serious and stable relationship with him.

Summer Constantine - an interesting personality with extraordinary thinking. His creative nature is constantly in search of something new and unusual. It is interesting that this man knows how to gather around him the same like-minded people who are ready to work for years on creating perpetual motion machine. For summer Konstantin, who is distinguished by kindness and responsiveness, it is important that he is surrounded by spiritually developed and filled personalities who understand and accept this imperfect world.

Autumn Constantine purposeful, energetic and active. Authority and self-confidence in him are perfectly combined with cordiality and sincerity. But this man cannot be called an altruist, therefore, in any business, he is always looking for benefits. Autumn Konstantin has few friends, since not everyone can withstand his complex and changeable character. Things are no better with women: they are simply afraid of the straightforward and tough Konstantin.

Stone - talisman

The talisman stone of Constantine is beryl, symbolizing constancy and sincerity of feelings, well-being, prosperity and longevity. It is not surprising that in the days of medieval Europe, the princes, going on a visit to each other, put on products with this stone, thereby demonstrating their good intentions.

It is believed that beryl favors people whose profession is associated with mental stress, as it develops intelligence, enhances perception and concentration.

Beryl is a stone of friendship, love, success and good luck, which has the following properties:

  • neutralizes evil spells;
  • cleanses the body of negative energy;
  • removes the evil eye and damage;
  • treats nervous disorders;
  • gives sociability and friendliness;
  • cures laziness.

This stone contributes to the preservation of good spirits, sharpens intuition and encourages philosophical contemplation.






The animal is a symbol

Constantine's totem animal is the ibis.

This bird had a special symbolic meaning primarily for the Egyptians, who considered it a sacred and inviolable creature. The ibis was the personification of wisdom, abundance, dawn and the search for knowledge. It was this bird that was considered the earthly incarnation of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, for this reason it was embalmed and then buried in beautiful earthenware jars.

But the Jews, on the contrary, attributed negative symbolism to the ibis, calling this bird "unclean", lazy and sinful.

At the same time, the ibis is mentioned in the Fifth Book of Moses as a bird endowed with wisdom. In addition, ancient people believed that this bird protects and increases the harvest.


Acacia and forget-me-not are plants-symbols of Constantine.


This tree, symbolizing vitality, stamina and immortality, is considered powerful energy donor(especially for the fair sex). In addition, acacia is the personification of the dual unity of life and death.

IN Ancient Egypt acacia was identified with rebirth, fertility, innocence, purity and solar energy, thanks to which life exists on Earth.

Vedic monks used this tree as a material for obtaining the so-called "sacred fire".

South American Indians believe that acacia can not only cure various diseases, but also fulfill wishes.

In the Mediterranean countries, the acacia is a symbol of constancy, life, true friendship and platonic love, while due to its hard and incredibly durable wood, this tree personifies the overcoming of death.


This incredibly delicate flower symbolizes love, only this feeling has to be checked. It is the forget-me-not that personifies devotion and a long memory of the days spent next to your loved one.


The metal of Constantine is aluminum - a symbol of lightness, but at the same time strength, love and true friendship, good luck and perseverance, helping to achieve your goals.

Aluminum also symbolizes stability, reliability, calmness and sociability, which contributes to the acquisition of useful connections and building relationships.

auspicious day


origin of the name Konstantin

Name translation

WITH Latin in Russian, the name Konstantin is translated as "persistent", "permanent", "solid".

Name history

The first world-famous owner of the name Constantine is rightfully considered Constantine the Great, who was later canonized by the Christian Church. Constantinople was named after him ancient city, which was once a world cultural and commercial center.

Interesting fact! After Constantine the Great, all his successors, of whom there were 11, received this particular name. When Byzantium ceased to exist, the name Constantine lost its popularity.

But! Catherine the Great, naming one of her grandchildren Constantine, returned this name to its former glory.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The derivatives of the name Konstantin are: Kostik, Konstantinka, Kostya, Kostyukha, Kotya, Kostyush, Kostyunya, Kostyan, Kostyakh, Kostyash, Kosya, Kotechka.

The secret of the name Konstantin

name patrons

  • Martyr Constantine of Amorite (or Phrygian).
  • Martyr Prince Konstantin of Aragveta.
  • Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine the Great.
  • Martyr Prince Konstantin Gruzinsky.
  • Regimental Judge Constantine of Ephesus.
  • Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Konstantin.
  • Rev. Konstantin Kossinsky (or Starorussky).
  • Prince Konstantin of Murom.
  • Equal-to-the-Apostles Slovenian teacher Konstantin Moravsky.
  • Prince Konstantin Yaroslavsky.
  • Tsar Constantine of Greece.
  • Martyr Constantine.
  • Martyr Constantine the Wonderworker.
  • Tsar Constantine III.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 8 number.

February: 11th and 27th.

March: 6th, 18th, 19th and 25th.

May: 24 number.

June: 3rd, 5th, 11th, 15th, 18th, 21st and 29th.

July: 8th, 14th, 16th, 22nd and 27th.

August: 2nd, 11th, 17th and 26th.

September: 16th, 19th and 23rd.

October: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 15th and 22nd.

November: 3rd, 4th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 27th.

December: 2nd, 11th, 15th and 23rd.

The legend of the name Konstantin

There is a legend about Constantine the Great, who suffered from leprosy, which (according to the court doctors) could only be cured by washing the body in the blood of innocent babies. Fortunately, the children did not have to be sacrificed (the babies were returned to their mothers), since in a dream Saints Peter and Paul appeared to the emperor, ordering Constantine to send for Saint Sylvester.

Obeying the order of the saints, the emperor not only got rid of leprosy, but was also converted to the Christian faith by pouring holy water on his head. At the same time, Constantine stood before the saints on his knees and without clothing (only in a loincloth).

The baptism of the emperor was watched by astonished and puzzled soldiers. This plot symbolizes one of the most important points in the history of development and formation Christian Church, namely its official recognition directly by the Roman Empire.

It was Constantine who was the first of all the kings of the earth who began to spread Christianity in his state. In addition, he was engaged in the construction of temples and defended the holy faith from the attacks of pagans and heretics. It should be noted that Emperor Constantine dreamed of finding the Life-Giving Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Famous people

Famous writers and poets named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Balmont;
  • Konstantin Simonov;
  • Konstantin Paustovsky;
  • Konstantin Raikin;
  • Konstantin Sluchevsky;
  • Konstantin Batyushkov;
  • Konstantin Aksakov;
  • Konstantin Vanshenkin.

Famous actors and artists named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Khabensky;
  • Konstantin Varlamov;
  • Konstantin Stanislavsky.

Famous painters named Konstantin:

  • Konstantin Korovin;
  • Konstantin Makovsky;
  • Konstantin Yuon;
  • Konstantin Vasiliev.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - Soviet inventor and scientist, who is the author of revolutionary developments in the field of astronautics.

Konstantin Ernst - producer, as well as the non-replaceable head of the 1st channel of Russian television.

Konstantin Dzyu - Russian boxer.

Konstantin Melnikov - Soviet architect, whose work caused a lot of controversy at one time.

Konstantin Chernenko - the famous Soviet party leader.

Konstantin Kinchev - Russian singer and leader of the Alisa group.

Konstantin Rokossovsky - a talented Soviet military leader.

Konstantin Ushinsky - Russian teacher, considered the founder of scientific Russian pedagogy.

Konstantin Beskov - Soviet football player and coach.

The meaning of the name Konstantin

For a child

Konstantin is a fickle child and has a contradictory character. On the one hand, this is a sensitive, vulnerable and kind boy, ready to help a friend, and on the other hand, a sharp, independent, stubborn and self-confident child who is used to acting solely in accordance with his desires.

Therefore, parents should carefully consider the upbringing of their child in order to instill in him the right priorities, because the future of the boy will largely depend on this. At the same time, excessive softness will only harm Konstantin, who is already growing up as a pampered and lack of initiative child. But even a tough upbringing can lead to the fact that a vain and despotic man will grow out of a good-natured boy, not taking into account anyone's opinion. In the case of Konstantin, it is better to adhere to the principle of the "golden mean".

Thanks to such qualities as cunning and prudence, Kostya easily makes his way to his goal, but he will not trample on the principles of morality in order to achieve his dream.

It must be said that this creative child has an original point of view on everything, which distinguishes him from his peers, who because of this often dislike Kostya. In addition, the owner of this name belongs to the category of inquisitive why-and-sees who want to know everything, which also does not make him popular in the team (after all, children often love active games without much semantic load).

Konstantin treats his studies without much zeal, but still tries to keep up, because he understands that his future well-being largely depends on his education.

For teenager

Konstantin is an active and bright teenager who always tries to express himself and show his individuality. His character, as in childhood, is extremely contradictory, which can cause both him and those around him a lot of trouble and trouble.

This young man loves to draw attention to himself, he is especially flattered by the manifestation of sympathy from the girls (and Konstantin is clearly not deprived of their attention). But behind boyish hooliganism and selfishness, this teenager hides his fears, his loneliness, and irony and sarcasm help him in this, through which Kostya fences himself off from others.

Kostya has very few friends, despite his rather cheerful disposition, and all for the reason that he does not consider it necessary to trust anyone with his thoughts, and even more so secrets.

IN young Constantine combine steadfastness and inconstancy, sensitivity and rigidity, softness and diplomacy, curiosity and indifference to the problems of others, isolation and sincerity. Such a "cocktail" makes it interesting and repulsive at the same time, but never leaves indifferent.

Kostya will always listen to all opinions and advice, but in the end he will do as he sees fit, even if his idea is doomed to failure in advance. The experiment is what attracts this young man, fills him with energy and vitality.

For a man

Adult Konstantin is a connoisseur and admirer of beauty, therefore in his life there is a place only for ideal things and extraordinary personalities. The opinion of the majority for him is not authority, on the contrary, he prefers what others cannot appreciate.

This man brings everything to the end, while doing nothing in a hurry, because it is important for him to prove his superiority and his talent. From a job well done, he gets real pleasure.

At the same time, it should be noted that Konstantin is characterized by such rather feminine character traits as capriciousness, impulsiveness and impetuosity. He reacts sharply to any negative surprises of fate. But gifted people are forgiven a lot, so many turn a blind eye to Kostya's shortcomings, especially since this man can be sensitive and compassionate.

A distinctive feature of Constantine is selflessness. So, he will work tirelessly to provide himself with a decent standard of living, but he will never enrich himself at the expense of others or help with the expectation of a mutually beneficial relationship.

In general, this is a reliable, diligent, decent, faithful to his principles, patient and determined man, who, if necessary, can be cynical and mocking, therefore, in communicating with him, it is better not to overstep the bounds of what is permitted.

Description of the name Konstantin


Konstantin is a decent and moral man who does not allow himself to live at the expense of others, but, on the contrary, tries to help others to the best of his ability.


Men named Konstantin have truly good health, but in old age they are advised to pay close attention to the work of the internal secretion system.


Love for Konstantin is a relative concept, because he does not believe that sincere feeling can be carried through a lifetime. Yes, and to the women themselves, he is quite consumerist, believing that they are created in order to satisfy the whims and desires of men.

Konstantin is attracted by spectacular and bright women, although even in the most ordinary representative of the fair sex, this man can consider a beauty, and it is with such a woman that he can fall in love (rather, not even with her, but with her riddle and secret). But as soon as the intrigue dries up, Kostya will become uninteresting with the once adored chosen one.

I must say that Konstantin is not ready to give his heart to the first girl he liked. On the contrary, he chooses his companion very carefully, in which he is helped by the ability to perfectly understand people.


Konstantin is wary of marriage, especially if he experienced unhappy love in his youth. With age, he comes to the conclusion that marriage can be successful if you approach the institution of marriage from a commercial point of view. As a result, Kostya is looking for a business partner and a true friend in his wife, and only then a beloved woman who will be close to him in spirit and desirable. With a soft and gentle woman, this man will be bored and uninteresting.

Divorce is always extremely difficult for Konstantin, which does not stop him from searching for the ideal chosen one.

Family relationships

Konstantin treats his wife with attention and care, but nothing more, because it is important for him to create an aura of family happiness, which is often ostentatious. If his wife treats marriage as a mutually beneficial cooperation, then such a tandem can have a stable and strong future. If the wife wants warmth, love and affection, then she is unlikely to expect such feelings from Konstantin.

In the family, Konstantin is an indisputable leader who does not tolerate objections, he makes all decisions on his own, without consulting his wife, which ultimately leads to misunderstanding and quarrels.

Kostya loves and pampers children, especially sons, to whom he tries to transfer all his skills and abilities. But still, the family is not in the first place for him - the leading position in Kostya's life is assigned to work and career advancement.


Konstantin is a passionate and temperamental man, while he treats the sexual side of life quite pragmatically and practically: of course, intimacy gives him pleasure and is an integral part of life. But at the same time, this man is not fanatical about sex issues, because he faces a lot of other tasks that are much more important than sexual pleasures.

Note that in terms of intimacy, the component of comfort is important for Kostya: a romantic meeting should take place in an atmosphere of comfort, while various distractions are completely unacceptable. Spontaneous intimacy in the bosom of nature does not inspire Konstantin.

Important! Domination of a woman in sexual life Konstantin will not tolerate!

Mind (intelligence)

Konstantin is distinguished by a clear mind and a sober calculation, thanks to which he is perfectly oriented in life and can quickly adapt to all its surprises.


Perseverance and incredible diligence are the main assistants of Konstantin during the construction successful career. This man is rapidly achieving leadership positions, and, having become the boss, he shows loyalty, respect and patience to his subordinates. It is not surprising that in the team he is appreciated and obeyed.

But even as a performer, Konstantin is no less responsible and assertive, which is appreciated by his leadership.

It is work that is the main thing for Konstantin life priority, therefore, he chooses a profession for a long time and carefully, because work should bring not only material, but also spiritual satisfaction.

The owner of this name is more drawn to creative professions, although he can handle any business that he undertakes.


Konstantin easily achieves success in business, because he has discipline, independence, reliability, responsibility and perseverance. In addition, he has excellent business intuition, which helps in making ambiguous decisions.


Family vacations, social entertainment and friendly communication - these are the main hobbies of adult Konstantin, who loved to design as a child.

Character type


The soul of Konstantin is darkness in which even those who know him well can get lost. But, in spite of everything, he is always delicate and diplomatic, self-confident and open to communication. He keeps his personal feelings to himself.

This man, even in old age, remains an incorrigible adventurer who is ready for new discoveries and adventures that energize him. At the same time, Kostya cannot be called reckless, because in life he appreciates stability, a sense of security and peace.

Let's make a reservation right away that Konstantin is a born leader, and therefore those around him will have to put up with and reckon with his authoritative opinion. Otherwise, in his person you can get an implacable enemy, ready to go to the bitter end.


Konstantin has a highly developed intuition, but still he prefers to rely more on his living mind, rather than trust his fate to chance.

Horoscope named after Konstantin

Constantine - Aries

This open, cheerful, cheerful and sincere man makes acquaintances with great pleasure, especially since he sees only others in others. good traits. Constantine-Aries will always lend a helping hand, even if it promises him big trouble. As a companion, this man chooses a sincere, kind, sympathetic and cheerful woman who will become not just his addition, but also a continuation.

Constantine - Taurus

Decisiveness, firmness, ambition and determination are inherent in Constantine-Taurus, who knows how to defend his opinion and achieve what he wants, no matter what it costs him. This is a real workaholic who is focused on a career, which harms his personal life. Constantine-Taurus will be happy with a patient and cheerful woman who can decorate his gray life with bright colors and unforgettable emotions.

Konstantin - Gemini

The good-natured and charming Konstantin-Gemini are glad to see in any company, because where he is - there is a holiday, and fun, and unbridled laughter. This frivolous adventurer does not know how to keep his word, and often completely forgets about his promises, so his career is not always successful.

Chaos also reigns on the personal front of Konstantin-Gemini, since he has many fans, and he finds it difficult to make a choice, fearing to offend anyone.

Constantine - Cancer

Reliable, serious, practical and reasonable Konstantin-Rak is unsure of himself, although outwardly he gives the impression of a narcissist. In fact, this man constantly needs care, support and approval, which a loving, understanding and easy-to-communicate woman can give him. In response, Konstantin-Rak will not only open up and throw off the mask of alienation, but will also become a husband that one can only dream of.

Konstantin - Leo

This is a consumer who believes that the world revolves exclusively around him and for him. Undoubtedly, Konstantin-Leo has a special charm, but this does not give him the right to treat others with disdain. Charisma is good, just remember that the world is ruled by love and kindness, not vanity and arrogance. Next to him, Konstantin-Lev sees a spectacular and ideal partner in all respects.

Constantine - Virgo

This is an addictive nature who is interested in everything in the world: how the world works, why good triumphs over evil, etc. It is not surprising that Constantine-Virgo cannot spend a day in harmony with himself, because he is constantly in a state of searching for himself in this vast and multifaceted world. Next to him will be able to get along with the same restless and energetic woman who cannot imagine her life without discoveries and accomplishments.

Konstantin - Libra

Simplicity, sincerity and friendliness distinguish Konstantin-Libra, who prefers the company of his close friends to noisy parties. This man never tries to appear as someone he is not, and his kindness is really captivating. Constantine-Libra will be happy with a calm, gentle and soft woman who can surround him with warmth. He will be able to entrust his most secret thoughts and dreams to such a companion.

Constantine - Scorpio

This man with a complex character is extremely difficult to understand: firstly, his behavior and mood change very quickly; secondly, he is not used to listening to anyone, although he always expresses his thoughts and emotions without a share of embarrassment. This behavior becomes the reason that Constantine-Scorpio repels others from himself. With women, this man is arrogant and arrogant, so only a very patient woman can share with him all the hardships of family life.

Konstantin - Sagittarius

This is a sentimental romantic who hides his true feelings behind a mask of carelessness and fun. In fact, Konstantin-Sagittarius needs support from loved ones, because he is insecure and vulnerable. This man dreams of a reliable, faithful and understanding companion who will always be there in sorrow and in joy. He will give the universe to such a woman, show her what real and selfless love is, which millions of people dream of.

Constantine - Capricorn

Ambitious, stubborn, self-confident and purposeful, Konstantin-Capricorn always knows what he expects from life. He is a real careerist, for whom the family is in the background, although this man dreams of a real life. perfect family, it’s just that he simply doesn’t have time to build it. Constantine-Capricorn rarely falls in love, but at the same time his feeling is always real and deep, which captivates his chosen ones, who, unfortunately, are not capable of mutual feelings.

Constantine - Aquarius

The traveler and adventurer Konstantin-Aquarius loves to discover new horizons and conquer new peaks. For him, life is an adventure during which he meets new people and characters. Constantine-Aquarius needs an open and easy-going woman who can share his passion for travel. At the same time, it is important for him that his chosen one has a strong character.

Konstantin - Pisces

Shy, vulnerable and sentimental Konstantin-Pisces is distrustful of people. And all for the reason that he is afraid to show his real face, to open up to others. He is afraid of betrayal, so he has very few friends. Konstantin-Pisces also treats women with distrust, especially since in life he has to deal with female deceit.

Compatibility of the name Konstantin with female names

Konstantin and Olga

This couple has every chance to become successful. But nevertheless, Konstantin's authoritativeness and his zealous attitude to work can stand in the way of happiness.

And if at first the difference in characters brings these two people together, then later they diverge, as the abyss between them becomes deeper and deeper.

Konstantin and Svetlana

The unpredictability of Svetlana is liked by the detailed Kostya, who rarely dares to do crazy things. But often Svetlana forgets about common sense and rationalism, which slowly but surely leads to the breakup of this couple.

Konstantin and Christina

This is a tandem, the participants of which can be called one without a twinge of conscience, because Christina and Konstantin perfectly complement each other, which in modern life is extremely rare. Nothing and no one threatens their couple.

Constantine and Victoria

In these romantic relationship comfortable and independent Victoria, and imperious Konstantin. And if a woman sometimes tries to show all the strength of her character, then a man in this union looks at it condescendingly, which helps to save the marriage.

Konstantin and Xenia

Freedom, independence and lightness - this is what Xenia expects from a relationship with Konstantin, only for him family happiness measured in different categories. As a result, the couple not only disperses, but also remains implacable enemies.

Konstantin and Yana

Yana treats life lightly and optimistically, which cannot be said about the solid Kostya, whose every step is thought out to the smallest detail. She cannot understand his scrupulousness, and he cannot understand her frivolity, which ultimately adversely affects life together this couple.

Konstantin and Valeria

The unpredictable and headstrong Valeria cannot live according to the strictly drawn up life plan of Konstantin, who tries to control his companion always and everywhere. When Valeria's patience ends, her family life with Kostya comes to an end.

Konstantin and Daria

Principle and authority are inherent in both Konstantin and Daria, only the main problem is that in this union, neither a man nor a woman is ready to make concessions. Only patience and compromise will save this couple from parting.

Constantine and Lydia

These two live "soul to soul", nothing can interfere with their happiness. Constantine and Lydia are brought together by the desire for the material well-being of their family, for the sake of which both give a lot of time and effort to work. But we should not forget about the joint pastime.

Konstantin and Alena

Restless and overly active Alena expects romance and follies from her chosen one, but it’s not in Kostya’s character to waste time on such childishness. For him, the family is work, not a waste of time. A serious relationship is unlikely to develop with this couple.

Konstantin and Hope

The owners of these names are purposeful, stubborn and able to achieve what they want. It is not surprising that they family life full of understanding and trust. Bring together Konstantin and Nadezhda common goals and outlook on life. Outcome: happy and long family life.
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