Errors caused by ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word. Errors associated with ignorance of the meanings of words. IV. Logic errors

These types of errors include:

Non-distinguishing of paronym words (paronyms are similar-sounding related, single-root words that differ in meaning), for example:

present and provide

warranty and guaranteed

business trip and business trip

place and place

conduct and produce

pay and pay, etc.

Inattention to the shades of the meanings of synonymous words (synonyms are words that have the same or very close meaning); synonyms are rarely absolutely identical, as a rule, they differ in shades of meaning.

Inattention to them, ignorance of the norms of lexical compatibility of words leads to semantic violations, for example:



build a farm

build a farm

build a bridge

build a kiosk

design defects

defects in education

The presence of pleonasm words in the text (pleonasms are words that are close in meaning); this deficiency is usually the result of an inability to express accurately and concisely, it is often caused by ignorance of the meaning of a borrowed word (when combining words of Russian and foreign origin denoting the same thing), for example:

uselessly disappears

joint cooperation

wasted in vain

advanced avant-garde

practical measures

break interval

mutual assistance to each other

price list

commemorative memorial

time keeping


autobiography of life, etc.

Some pleonasms, however, have acquired a terminological character (for example: "information message") or the character of a stable phrase (for example: "entirely and completely"). Such combinations are also permissible if the word included in the phrase has changed its meaning or acquired a new shade of meaning, for example:

second-hand book (in the sense of "old")

period of time (the word "period" does not mean "time", but "a period of time")

monumental monument ("monumental" - in the meaning of "large", "majestic");

the presence in the text of a tautology (semantic repetitions) that occurs if cognate words are adjacent, for example:

"Achievements reached by the enterprise..."; “the following facts should be taken into account...”; "This phenomenon is manifested in ...".

The repetition of cognate words is permissible if the repeated words are the only carriers of meanings, for example:

“The investigating authorities investigated...”;

verbosity, or speech redundancy, i.e. the use of words and phrases that carry unnecessary information, for example:

Instead of:"Tariffs for the passage of passengers by urban passenger transport"

Necessary:"Tariffs for travel by urban passenger transport"

Instead of:"Program of measures to support the activities of veteran organizations"

Necessary:"Program to support the activities of veteran organizations"

Instead of:“It was found that the existing rates are too high”

Necessary:"The prices were found to be inflated."

Instead: "In his speech, he pointed out certain shortcomings"

Necessary:“In his speech, he pointed out certain shortcomings”;

the use in one phrase of words with opposite meanings, often mutually exclusive, for example:

“The idea of ​​grocery orders was developed jointly with senior officials of the City Hall, and there are enough goods to provide the poor citizens with a minimum necessary products"(if there are "quite enough" goods, then why "minimum"? It should be written: "there are enough goods to provide a minimum");

omission of words, especially verbal nouns of the type: organization, implementation, provision, conduct, approval, etc., for example:

Instead of:"Conducting an experiment on the nutrition of schoolchildren"

Necessary."Conducting an experiment on catering for schoolchildren"

Instead of:"About the program social protection low-income categories of citizens"

Necessary:"On approval of the Program of social protection of low-income citizens".

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Speech is a channel for the development of intellect,
the sooner the language is learned,
the easier and more complete the knowledge will be assimilated.

Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin,
Soviet linguist and psychologist

Speech is conceived by us as an abstract category, inaccessible to direct perception. Meanwhile, this is the most important indicator of a person’s culture, his intellect and, a way of knowing the complex relationships of nature, things, society and transmitting this information through communication.

Obviously, both learning and already using something, we make mistakes due to inability or ignorance. And speech, like other types of human activity (in which language is an important component), in this respect is no exception. Mistakes are made by all people, both in and in oral speech. Moreover, the concept of speech culture, as the idea of ​​"", is inextricably linked with the concept speech error. In fact, these are parts of one process, which means that, striving for perfection, we must be able to recognize speech errors and eradicate them.

Types of speech errors

First, let's look at what speech errors are. Speech errors are any cases of deviation from the current language norms. Without their knowledge, a person can live normally, work and communicate with others. But the effectiveness of the actions taken in certain cases may suffer. In this regard, there is a risk of being misunderstood or misunderstood. And in situations where our personal success depends on it, this is unacceptable.

The author of the classification of speech errors below is Doctor of Philology Yu. V. Fomenko. Its division, in our opinion, is the simplest, devoid of academic pretentiousness and, as a result, understandable even to those who do not have a special education.

Types of speech errors:

Examples and causes of speech errors

S. N. Zeitlin writes: “The complexity of the mechanism for generating speech acts as a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors.” Let's consider special cases, based on the classification of types of speech errors proposed above.

Pronunciation errors

Pronunciations or spelling errors arise as a result of violation of the rules of orthoepy. In other words, the reason lies in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, sound combinations, individual grammatical structures and borrowed words. They also include accentological errors - violation of the norms of stress. Examples:

Pronunciation: “of course” (and not “of course”), “poshti” (“almost”), “plot” (“pays”), “precedent” (“precedent”), “iliktric” (“electric”), “colidor” (“corridor”), “laboratory” (“laboratory”), “thousand” (“thousand”), “right now” (“now”).

stress: “calls”, “dialogue”, “contract”, “catalog”, “overpass”, “alcohol”, “beetroot”, “phenomenon”, “chauffeur”, “expert”.

Lexical errors

Lexical errors - violation of the rules of vocabulary, first of all - the use of words in unusual meanings, distortion of the morphemic form of words and the rules of semantic agreement. They are of several types.

The use of a word in an unusual sense. This is the most common lexical speech error. Within this type, there are three subtypes:

  • Mixing words that are close in meaning: "He read the book back."
  • Mixing words that sound similar: excavator - escalator, ear - colossus, Indian - turkey, single - ordinary.
  • Mixing words that are similar in meaning and sound: subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diplomat, well-fed - well-fed, ignorant - ignorant. "Cashier for business trips" (necessary - seconded).

word writing. Error examples: Georgian, heroism, underground workers, winder.

Violation of the rules of semantic agreement of words. Semantic agreement is the mutual adaptation of words along the line of their real meanings. For example, you cannot say: I raise this toast", since "raise" means "move", which is not consistent with the wish. “Through the door wide open” is a speech error, because the door cannot be both ajar (slightly open) and wide open (wide open) at the same time.

This also includes pleonasms and tautologies. Pleonasm is a phrase in which the meaning of one component is entirely included in the meaning of another. Examples: “May month”, “traffic route”, “address of residence”, “huge metropolis”, “to be on time”. A tautology is a phrase whose members have the same root: “The task was set”, “The organizer was one public organization"," I wish you a long creative longevity.

Phraseological errors

Phraseological errors occur when the form of phraseological units is distorted or they are used in an unusual meaning. Yu. V. Fomenko distinguishes 7 varieties:

  • Changing the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “While the essence and the case” instead of “While the court and the case”;
  • Truncation of a phraseological unit: “It was just right for him to hit the wall” (phraseologism: “hit his head against the wall”);
  • Expansion of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “You turned to the wrong address” (phraseologism: contact the address);
  • Distortion of the grammatical form of a phraseological unit: "I can't stand to sit with my hands folded." Correct: "difficult";
  • Contamination (association) of phraseological units: “You can’t do everything idly by” (a combination of phraseological units “sleeveless” and “idly folded”);
  • The combination of pleonasm and phraseological unit: "A random stray bullet";
  • The use of phraseological units in an unusual meaning: "Today we're going to talk about the film from cover to cover."

Morphological errors

Morphological errors are the incorrect formation of word forms. Examples of such speech errors: “reserved seat”, “shoes”, “towels”, “cheaper”, “one and a half hundred kilometers”.

Syntax errors

Syntax errors are associated with a violation of the rules of syntax - the construction of sentences, the rules for combining words. There are a lot of varieties of them, so we will give only a few examples.

  • Wrong match: “There are a lot of books in the closet”;
  • Mismanagement: "Pay for the fare";
  • Syntactic ambiguity: "Reading Mayakovsky made a strong impression"(did Mayakovsky read or did you read Mayakovsky's works?);
  • Structural displacement: “The first thing I ask of you is your attention.” Correct: “The first thing I ask you is attention”;
  • Extra correlative word in the main sentence: "We were looking at those stars that dotted the whole sky."

Spelling mistakes

This type of error occurs due to ignorance of the rules of spelling, hyphenation, abbreviation of words. characteristic of speech. For example: “The dog barked”, “sit on chairs”, “come to the railway station”, “Russian. language", "gram. error".

Punctuation errors

Punctuation errors - incorrect use of punctuation marks with.

Stylistic mistakes

We devoted a separate topic to this topic.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

How to prevent speech errors? Your speech work should include:

  1. Reading fiction.
  2. Visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions.
  3. Communication with educated people.
  4. Constant work on improving the culture of speech.

Online course "Russian language"

Speech errors are one of the most problematic topics that receive little attention in school. There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course "" to these topics. In the classroom, you will get the opportunity to work out the skill of competent writing using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of the material through simple exercises and special memory techniques.


  • Bezzubov A. N. Introduction to literary editing. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Savko I. E. Basic speech and grammatical errors
  • Sergeeva N. M. Speech, grammatical, ethical, factual errors ...
  • Fomenko Yu. V. Types of speech errors. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 1994.
  • Zeitlin S. N. Speech errors and their prevention. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

Lexical word compatibility- this is the ability of a word to combine with other words of the context without violating the semantic and grammatical patterns of word combinations. Lexical compatibility is determined by the language of the possibility of combining words within a phrase or connecting a subject with a predicate. Phraseological units of a language can be considered an extreme case of the dependence of words on such a possibility.

Deliberate violation of the semantic or grammatical patterns of word combinations underlies some stylistic figures and tropes.

Unintentional, accidental violation of lexical compatibility leads to a speech error. A common case of violation of lexical compatibility is a construction in which parts of synonymous phrases are erroneously combined: play a role (play a role and make a difference), take action (take action and take action).

Lexical redundancy- This common name two stylistic phenomena: pleonasm and tautology, associated with the presence in a sentence of two words instead of one.

Lexical redundancy is used as a stylistic device of amplification: see with your own eyes, hear with your ears.

Pleonasm is lexical redundancy arising from duplication lexical meaning one word to another, whole or any part of it: interior(the interior already matters internal), idle.

There are two types of pleonasms. Pleonasm is obligatory, or structurally conditioned, which is not a stylistic error and is widely represented in the language: come down the mountain(duplication of preposition and prefix), never read.

Pleonasmstylistic error, in which superfluous, redundant words are combined into a phrase or into a sentence. PLEONASM(Greek - excess).

1. A means of lexical expressiveness based on the use in a sentence or text of words that are close in meaning, creating semantic redundancy.

Pleonasm is found in folklore: once upon a time, sadness-longing, path-path, sea-okiya. It is also widely used in fiction, usually with the aim of concretizing the details of the narrative or enhancing emotions, assessments: Indeed, extremely strange! - said the official, - the place perfectly smooth like a freshly baked pancake. Yes, unbelievably smooth! (N. Gogol, "The Nose"); The old fear gripped him again. everything from head to toe (F. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment"); - I didn't see you the whole week I didn't hear you so long. I passionately want, I thirsty your voice. Speak up.(A. Chekhov, "Ionych").

2. A kind of lexical error associated with a violation of the norms of lexical compatibility, when words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view are used in a phrase or sentence. For example, in a sentence They ensured the rhythmic and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise. definitions express similar meanings; here one of them is sufficient. Author's inscription on the cover of the book I dedicate to my dad - Sergey Mikhailovich pleonastic; enough Dedicated to my dad...

Typical examples of non-normative pleonasm are phrases in which the meaning of one word repeats the meaning of another: more important (more redundant because more important means "more important") first premiere(enough premiere- "the first performance of a play, film or performance of a musical work"), atmospheric air (enough air- "a mixture of gases that forms the Earth's atmosphere"), eventually(Right in the end or enough eventually), go back(verb return indicates movement backwards, in the opposite direction), import from abroad(enough import- "to import from abroad").

Some pleonastic phrases have become entrenched in the language and are not considered erroneous, For example: go down, go up, time period, exhibit(Latin exponatus means "exposed"), people's democracy (democracy translated from Greek"People power").

In fiction and journalism, non-normative lexical redundancy can act as a means of speech characterization of characters: - Here you are laughing And bare your teeth, - said Vasya, - but I really, Marya Vasilievna, warmly welcome you adore And I love (M. Zoshchenko, "Love").

Tautology- this is lexical redundancy, in which within the phrase or combination of the subject and the predicate in the sentence, single-root words are repeated: soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

The tautology is humorously demonstrated in the Baby Monitor program in the following poem:

I prefer autumn the most

When everything bears fruit,

And they mow hay in a hayfield,

And butter is on the table.

Often tautological repetitions are not a stylistic mistake, but the only possible characteristic of an object (salt salt, life to live). Tautological combinations of words are found in folk poetic works, in proverbs and sayings: friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Unintentional tautology testifies to the inability to use the synonymous richness of the language, that is, it is a stylistic mistake.

Lexical repetitions Stylistically inappropriate repetition of the same words: I study at a technical school. After graduating from college, I will work in the gas field.

Lexical insufficiency- a stylistic error, consisting in the omission of the necessary component of the phrase: This question worries me to the depths (soul). Lexical deficiency is sometimes associated with a linguistic phenomenon called constriction: he drinks (alcoholic drinks), his brother serves (in the army). But with lexical insufficiency, such semantic contraction does not occur, and the fulfillment of the missing component of the phrase remains necessary.

Tautology, pleonasm, inappropriate repetitions of words make the text dissonant and make it difficult to perceive. The reasons for such errors are common: poverty of speech, inability to use synonyms, ignorance of the lexical meaning of words, as well as underdevelopment of “speech hearing”: the speaker does not notice that he inappropriately uses words that are close in meaning or have the same root.

The use of phraseological units in speech obeys historically established rules fixed by tradition. From the point of view of stylistic phraseological units of the language are heterogeneous. Some of them have a colloquial or colloquial emotional and expressive coloring and therefore are not used in purely bookish styles (official business and scientific). Other shades of bookishness, refer to high vocabulary, are often part of poeticisms.

As a language game, there is a deliberate destruction of a phraseological phrase, the replacement of one of the components in order to give a different, often ironic meaning: The one who shoots first laughs best.

Unintentional destruction of phraseological turnover is a stylistic mistake.

TAUTOLOGY(Greek - the same and - the word) - a kind of pleonasm; the use of single-root words in a sentence or text.

Tautology is found in proverbs and sayings: friendship friendship , A service by service; life to live– not a field to go; free will ; in phraseological turns: walk shaking, crowded, eat by eater .

Expressively colored tautological combinations are characteristic of folklore: Soon fairy tale affects, but not soon the deed is done; sit down sit, bitter grief .

The intentional use of single-root words serves as a means of lexical expressiveness in fiction and journalism: “ Gorky with fur mine laugh "(N. Gogol); " How mind is smart, How business is efficient, // How terrible fear, How darkness is dark!// How life is alive! How death is fatal! // How youth young yuna ! "(Z. Ezrohi)," Law There is law " (from the newspaper).

The tautology is lexical error if the use of cognate words is not justified by stylistic purposes and is random: put together, dance a dance, treat sports in a sporty way, confirm the statement. Usually, an unintentional tautology is said like this: butter oil.

IN Lately with each new legislative act adopted, the rules of the Russian language are simplified, and this simplification sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. It would seem, speak as you hear. However, lexical errors associated with the incorrect use of words, the substitution of meanings, are still striking. It is worth considering this topic in more detail and trying to improve your speech.

Vocabulary (lexicology) is a branch of the science of language aimed at studying vocabulary language from different angles: changing the meaning of words, their origin, introduction, etc.

Lexical norms mean the use of words in the right context, given their meaning; choosing appropriate words depending on the situation the subject is in, and so on. Violation lexical norms found ubiquitously both orally. For a better understanding, it is necessary to turn to practice. Consider the main lexical errors.

  1. Violation of lexical compatibility

The girl gave a lot of care to her brother, who fell ill with the flu a week ago. You can only pay attention, but you should talk about caring using the verb show.

Such lexical errors are common when people “pull out” a verb from an established phrase and use it where it is not appropriate.

There is a triangular pear hanging in the gym. By its meaning, a pear cannot be triangular a priori.

2. Omission of a word, as a result of which a loss of meaning is possible

My sister's character, like my father's, has some oddities. Here it should be explained, as well as the character of the father, otherwise it can be argued that oddities are inherent in the father. Of course, in speech such use is acceptable, however, the author in this situation had in mind just the characters.

3. Verbosity. Such a violation should be divided into its component parts:

The meaningless repetition of a word

Yesterday I went to the store. I bought tomatoes in the store, but when I went home from the store, I remembered that I had not bought potatoes and beets. When I returned to the store, I found that the store was closed.

The word "shop" could be successfully replaced by the pronouns he, there, there, or various synonyms.


They don't like strangers here.

At first it seemed to me that a comma should be at the beginning of a sentence.

Pleonasm - the presence in the text of extra clarifying words

There are many pictures in this book.

Let's look at some more lexical errors.

4. Inappropriate use of the word foreign origin

There was something fascinating in the confrontation between the two wrestlers, from which I could not take my eyes off. Such a duet is admirable.

The concept of a duet is applied to two participants who jointly carry out some kind of activity - singers, actors, etc. Here we are talking about rivalry.

5. Misinterpretation of paronyms and, as a result, substitution of one word for another.

He gave a dinner of silence. Obviously, the sentence should contain the word vow.

Yesterday we went to an idle dinner together. Life can be idle, but dinner can be festive.

Thus, we have analyzed the common lexical errors, examples of which were discussed above. Of course, this list is not exhaustive - you can recall archaisms, neologisms, antonyms, and much more, but I would like to dwell on the popular mistakes that everyone hears about in more detail.

Violation of lexical norms should not become a habit; it is necessary to move away from this state of affairs. There is a popular and proven way to improve speech, which requires only desire and time. Classic. Yes, exactly, read the Russian classics with its turns and twists, thereby minimizing lexical errors in your speech.

Word- the most important unit of the language, the most diverse and voluminous. It is the word that reflects all the changes taking place in the life of society. The word not only names an object or phenomenon, but also performs an emotional and expressive function.
And when choosing words, we must pay attention to their meaning, stylistic coloring, usage, compatibility with other words. Since the violation of at least one of these criteria can lead to a speech error.

The main causes of speech errors:

Outdated words.
Words of foreign origin.
Colloquial and colloquial words.
Professional jargon.
Cliches and stamps.

1. Misunderstanding the meaning of the word.

1.1. The use of a word in an unusual sense.
Example: The fire got more and more inflamed, blazed. The error lies in the wrong choice of the word:
Get hot - 1. Warm up to very high temperature, get hot. 2. (transl.) To become very excited, to become overcome by some strong feeling.
To flare up - to start strongly or well, to burn evenly.

1.2. The use of significant and functional words without regard to their semantics.
Example: Thanks to a fire that broke out from a fire, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest burned down.
In modern Russian, the preposition thanks retains a certain semantic connection with the verb thank and is usually used only in those cases when it refers to the reasons that cause the desired result: thanks to someone's help, support. The error occurs in connection with the semantic distraction of the preposition from the original verb thank. In this sentence, the preposition thanks should be replaced with one of the following: because of, as a result, as a result.

1.3. The choice of words-concepts with different bases of division (concrete and abstract vocabulary).
Example: We offer a complete cure for alcoholics and other diseases.
If we are talking about diseases, then the word alcoholics should be replaced by alcoholism. An alcoholic is someone who suffers from alcoholism. Alcoholism is a painful addiction to the use of alcoholic beverages.

1.4. Misuse paronyms.
Example: A person leads a festive life. I'm in an idle mood today.
Idle and festive are very similar words, the same root. But they have different meanings: festive - an adjective for a holiday (festive dinner, festive mood); idle - not filled, not busy with work, work (idle life). To restore the meaning of the statements in the example, you need to swap the words.

2. Lexical compatibility. When choosing a word, one should take into account not only the meaning that is inherent in it in literary language but also lexical compatibility. Not all words can be combined with each other. The boundaries of lexical compatibility are determined by the semantics of words, their stylistic affiliation, emotional coloring, grammatical properties, etc.
Example: A good leader should show an example to his subordinates in everything.

You can show an example, but not a sample. And a model can be, for example, to follow.
Example: Their strong, tempered in life trials friendship was noticed by many.

The word friendship is combined with the adjective strong - strong friendship.
Distinguish from a speech error should be a deliberate combination of seemingly incompatible words: a living corpse, ordinary miracle... In this case, we have one of the types of trails - an oxymoron.
IN difficult cases When it is difficult to determine whether certain words can be used together, it is necessary to use a compatibility dictionary.

3. The use of synonyms.
Synonyms enrich the language, make our speech figurative. Synonyms may have different functional and stylistic coloring. So, the words mistake, miscalculation, oversight, error are stylistically neutral, commonly used; a hole, an overlay - colloquial; slip - colloquial; blooper - professional slang. The use of one of the synonyms without taking into account its stylistic coloring can lead to a speech error.

Example: Having made a mistake, the director of the plant immediately began to correct it.

The use of synonyms often does not take into account the ability of each of them to a greater or lesser degree. lesser degree selectively combined with other words.
Differing in shades of lexical meaning, synonyms can express a different degree of manifestation of a sign, action. But, even denoting the same thing, interchangeable in some cases, in others, synonyms cannot be replaced - this leads to a speech error.

Example: Yesterday I was sad.

A synonym for sad is quite suitable here: Yesterday I was sad. But in two-part sentences, these synonyms are interchanged. Sadly, I look at our generation ....

4. The use of homonyms.
Due to the context, homonyms are usually understood correctly. But still, in certain speech situations, homonyms cannot be understood unambiguously.
Example: The crew is in excellent condition.

Is the crew a wagon or a team? The word crew itself is used correctly. But to reveal the meaning of this word, it is necessary to expand the context.
Very often, the use in speech (especially oral) of homophones (sounding the same, but spelled differently) and homoforms (words that match in sound and spelling in separate forms) often leads to ambiguity. So, when choosing words for a phrase, we must also pay attention to the context, which in some speech situations is designed to reveal the meaning of the words.

5. Use polysemantic words.
Including polysemantic words in our speech, we must be very careful, we must monitor whether it is clear exactly the meaning that we wanted to reveal in this speech situation. When using polysemantic words (as well as when using homonyms), context is very important. It is thanks to the context that one or another meaning of the word is clear. And if the context meets its requirements (a segment of speech that is semantically complete, allowing you to establish the meanings of the words or phrases included in it), then each word in the sentence is understandable. But it happens otherwise.
Example: He's already cracked up.

It is not clear: or he began to sing, got carried away; or, after singing for a while, he began to sing freely, easily.

6. Verbosity.

There are the following types of verbosity:
1. Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess, excess) - the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically redundant.
Example: All guests received souvenirs.

A souvenir is a keepsake, so memorable in this sentence is an extra word. A variety of pleonasms are expressions such as very huge, very tiny, very beautiful, etc. Adjectives denoting a feature in its extremely strong or extremely weak manifestation do not need to specify the degree of the feature.
2. Use of superfluous words. Superfluous, not because the lexical meaning inherent in them is expressed in other words, but because they are simply not needed in this text.
Example: Then on April 11, Druzhba bookstore will take care of that so that you can smile.
3. Tautology (from the Greek. tauto- the same logos - word) - the repetition of the same root words or identical morphemes. Tautological errors are "full" not only of students' essays, but also of newspapers and magazines.
Example: Business leaders are in a businesslike mood.
4. Splitting the predicate. This is a replacement verbal predicate synonymous verb-nominal combination: fight - fight, clean up - clean up.
Example: The students decided to clean up the school yard.

7. Lexical incompleteness of the statement.
This error is the opposite of verbosity. The incompleteness of the statement consists in the omission of the necessary word in the sentence.
Example: The advantage of Kuprin is that there is nothing superfluous.

Kuprin may not have anything superfluous, but this sentence lacks (and not even one) word. Or: "... do not allow on the pages of the press and television statements that can incite ethnic hatred." So it turns out - "page of television".
When choosing a word, it is necessary to take into account not only its semantics, lexical, stylistic and logical compatibility, but also the scope of distribution. The use of words that have a limited scope (lexical neoplasms, obsolete words, words of foreign origin, professionalism, jargon, dialectisms) should always be motivated by the conditions of the context.

8. New words.
Unsuccessfully formed neologisms are speech errors.

Example: And last year, 23 thousand rubles were spent on patching after the spring thaw.

And only the context helps to understand: “patching” is the repair of pits.
Outdated words.
Archaisms - words that name existing realities, but for some reason forced out of active use by synonymous lexical units - must correspond to the style of the text, otherwise they are completely inappropriate.
Example: Now the university had an open day.

Here the obsolete word now (today, now, at the present time) is completely inappropriate.
Among the words that have fallen out of active use, historicisms also stand out. Historicisms are words that have fallen out of use due to the disappearance of the concepts they denoted: armyak, camisole, bursa, oprichnik, etc. Errors in the use of historicisms are often associated with ignorance of their lexical meaning.
Example: The peasants can not stand their hard life and go to the chief governor of the city.

Governor - the head of some area (for example, a province in tsarist Russia, a state in the US). Therefore, the chief governor is an absurdity, besides, there could be only one governor in the province, and his assistant was called the vice-governor.

10. Words of foreign origin.

Now many people are addicted to foreign words, sometimes not even knowing their exact meaning. Sometimes the context does not accept a foreign word.
Example: The work of the conference is limited due to the lack of leading experts.

Limit - to set a limit on something, to limit. foreign word limit in this sentence should be replaced by the words: goes slower, paused, etc.

11. Dialectisms.

Dialectisms - words or stable combinations, which are not included in the lexical system of the literary language and belong to one or more dialects of the Russian national language. Dialectisms are justified in artistic or journalistic speech for creating speech characteristics heroes. The unmotivated use of dialectisms indicates a lack of knowledge of the norms of the literary language.
Example: A shaberka came to me and sat the whole evening.

Shaberka is a neighbor. The use of dialectism in this sentence is not justified either by the style of the text or by the purpose of the utterance.

12. Colloquial and colloquial words.

Spoken words are included in the lexical system of the literary language, but are used mainly in oral speech, mainly in the sphere of everyday communication. Vernacular is a word, grammatical form or turn of predominantly oral speech, used in the literary language, usually for the purpose of a reduced, rough characterization of the subject of speech, as well as simple, relaxed speech containing such words, forms and turns. Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, in contrast to dialect (regional), is used in the speech of the whole people.
Example: I have a very thin coat.

Thin (colloquial) - full of holes, spoiled (thin boot). Errors occur when the use of colloquial and colloquial words is not motivated by the context.

13. Professional jargon.

Professionalisms act as colloquial equivalents of terms accepted in a certain professional group: a typo - a blunder in the speech of journalists; steering wheel - in the speech of drivers, the steering wheel.
But the unmotivated transfer of professionalism into general literary speech is undesirable. Such professionalisms as sewing, tailoring, hearing and others spoil literary speech.
In terms of the limited use and nature of expression (joking, reduced, etc.), professionalisms are similar to jargon and are integral part jargons - peculiar social dialects characteristic of professional or age groups of people (jargons of athletes, sailors, hunters, students, schoolchildren). Jargon is everyday vocabulary and phraseology, endowed with reduced expression and characterized by socially limited use.
Example: I wanted to invite guests to the holiday, but the hut does not allow it.

Hibara - home.

14. Phraseologisms.

It must be remembered that phraseological units always have a figurative meaning. Decorating our speech, making it more lively, figurative, bright, beautiful, phraseological units give us a lot of trouble - if they are used incorrectly, speech errors appear.
1. Errors in mastering the meaning of phraseological units.
1) There is a danger of a literal understanding of phraseological units that can be perceived as free combinations of words.
2) Errors may be associated with a change in the meaning of a phraseological unit.
Example: Khlestakov throws pearls in front of pigs all the time, and everyone believes him.

Here, the phraseological unit throwing pearls in front of pigs, which means “it’s in vain to talk about something or prove something to someone who is not able to understand it”, is used incorrectly - in the meaning of “invent, weave fables”.
2. Mistakes in mastering the form of a phraseological unit.
1) Grammatical modification of a phraseological unit.
Example: I'm used to giving myself full reports.

Here the form of the number has been changed. There is a phraseological unit to give an account.
Example: He always sits with his arms folded. Phraseologisms such as folded arms, headlong, headlong retain in their composition the old form of the participle perfect look with the suffix -а (-я).
In some phraseological units, short forms of adjectives are used, replacing them full forms wrong.
2) Lexical modification of a phraseological unit.
Example: It's time for you to take control of your mind.

Most phraseological units are impenetrable: it is impossible to introduce an additional unit into the phraseological unit.
Example: Well, at least hit the wall!

The omission of a phraseological unit component is also a speech error.
Example: Everything returns to its spiral! ..

There is a phraseological unit in its own right. Word substitution is not allowed.
3. Changing the lexical compatibility of a phraseological unit.
Example: These and other questions play an important role in the development of this still young science.

There was a mixture of two stable revolutions: plays a role and matters. You can say this: questions have great importance… or questions play a big role.

15. Cliches and stamps.

Chancellery - words and expressions, the use of which is assigned to formal business style, but in other styles of speech they are inappropriate, they are clichés.
Example: There is a lack of spare parts.
Stamps are hackneyed expressions with a faded lexical meaning and erased expressiveness. Stamps are words, phrases and even whole sentences that appear as new, stylistically expressive speech means, but as a result of too frequent use, they lose their original imagery.
Example: A forest of hands went up in the vote.
A variety of stamps are universal words. These are words that are used in the most general and vague meanings: question, task, raise, provide, etc. Usually, universal words are accompanied by stencil appendages: work is everyday, level is high, support is hot. There are numerous journalistic cliches (field workers, a city on the Volga), literary criticism (an exciting image, angry protest).

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