Styles of the literary language and their features. Functional styles of the modern Russian language. In book speech are used

Style is directly related to extralinguistic reality, since the formation of a style norm is related to the area in which human activity it is used. Features of style are determined by the peculiarities of communication in this area.

Style- a kind of literary language, which is traditionally fixed in society for one of the spheres of life. At the same time, each variety has certain linguistic features (primarily vocabulary and grammar) and is opposed to other similar varieties of the literary language, which correlate with other areas of life and have their own linguistic features.

Since style is associated with the state of society, it is historically changeable. In Lomonosov's time, one could only speak of the styles of bookish speech; three styles were distinguished: high, medium and low. The literary language is changing, and now four styles are distinguished in the language: three book styles (scientific, official business, journalistic) and a colloquial style.

One can only speak of the relative isolation of the functional styles of the literary language. Most of the language means in each style are neutral, interstyle. However, the core of each style is formed by the language means inherent in it, with the appropriate stylistic coloring and uniform norms of use.

Stylistic means are used by the speaker or writer consciously. The style of a speech work is associated with its content, purpose, the relationship between the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader).

Hence, style- a variety of literary language that has historically developed at a certain time in a particular society, which is a relatively closed system of linguistic means that are constantly and consciously used in various areas ah life.

Each functional style has its own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. Each style includes works of different genres that have their own characteristics.

Most often, styles are compared on the basis of their inherent word usage, since it is in word usage that the difference between them is most clearly manifested. However, grammatical characteristics are also important here, for example, the style of many tabloid press texts should be defined as journalistic largely on the basis of the syntactic structure; in the field of word usage, we can see both colloquial and non-literary (colloquial, slang) units in general. Therefore, when creating a work related to certain style, one should observe not only the lexical norms of style, but also morphological and syntactic norms.

Conversational style associated with the sphere of direct everyday communication. This sphere is characterized by a predominantly oral form of expression (except for private correspondence of a domestic nature), which means that intonation and facial expressions play a large role. In everyday communication, there are no official relations between speakers, contact between them is direct, and speech is unprepared. In colloquial style, as in all others, neutral words are widely used. (lay down, blue, house, ground, left), but bookish words are not used. Normative use of words with colloquial stylistic coloring (joking, chattering, locker room, hype, completely, lack of time, sort of). It is possible to use emotionally evaluative words: affectionate, familiar, reduced (cat, brag, headless, intrude), as well as words with specific evaluative suffixes (grandma, daddy, sun, house). Phraseological units are actively used in colloquial style (hit your pocket, play the fool, two inches from the pot). Words are often used that are formed by contracting a phrase into one word or a long compound word into a shortened word. (unsuccessful, cash, communal, ambulance, condensed milk, electric train).

The morphological norm of conversational style, on the one hand, generally corresponds to the general literary norm, on the other hand, it has its own characteristics. For example, in oral form, the nominative case prevails - even where it is impossible in writing. (Pushkinskaya, come out? Child, look) truncated forms of function words are often used (at least, so that eh, really). The norm of the use of the verb allows you to form forms that do not exist in normative book speech with the meaning of multiplicity (sitting, talking) or, conversely, one-time (pushed, punched). In a colloquial style, the use of participles and gerunds, which are considered a sign of book speech, is inappropriate. More often a prepositional case is formed with the ending -y (on vacation), plural with ending -a (reprimand). For colloquial style syntax, the norm is the use of such sentences in which some component is omitted, but some component is easily restored. (Heback. To meincomplete). Such proposals are called elliptical. Dominated simple sentences, sentence words are often used (I see. No. You can. Why?), as well as interjections and interjection phrases (Here's more! Moms! Oh! Oh you!).

Formal business style serves the sphere of purely official relations. This is the style of administrative and clerical documentation, legislative acts, diplomatic documents. It is characterized by the ultimate concreteness of the content while being abstract, typified, stamped means of expression. Official speech is characterized by specificity, standard presentation and the nature of the prescription, obligation. This determines the language norm of style. Against the background of neutral and general words (worker, commission, control and marriage, dominate) words and phrases are used that can be attributed to professional (legal, accounting, diplomatic, etc.) terminology, such as plaintiff, impute, contractor, taxpayer, declaration, notice, memorandum, tariff scale, rent, federal bodies, budgetary institutions, as well as clerical stamps, the use of which in an official business style is not a drawback, and even less a mistake, but a special stylistic norm: appropriate, the foregoing, for the purpose of improvement, come into force, past, bring to the attention. An extremely dry and neutral style of presentation should be free not only from colloquial and especially jargon or dialect words, but also from literary words that have an emotionally expressive coloring. Compound abbreviated words are often used in official business style (CIS, GKO, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, AIC, St. Petersburg State University, JSC, IMF) and nouns formed from verbs (documentation, storage, non-compliance), since this style is characterized by a clear predominance of the name over the verb.

The official business style is characterized by the frequent use of verbs in the form of the imperative mood and in the indefinite form in the meaning of the imperative mood. (release from rent, establish a monthly surcharge). If verbs are used in the present tense, they also have a prescriptive character. (the law establishes, the benefit does not apply). The norm is the use of the so-called logical, bookish syntax: the use of narrative, two-part, complete sentences with direct word order; proposals complicated homogeneous members, participial and participle turnovers; complex sentences. An important role is played by details - constant elements of the content of the document.

As an example, here is a fragment from the Law of St. Petersburg "On the creation and operation of complexes (zones) of small retail trade in St. Petersburg":

Article 3 . Targeted programs for the placement (reconstruction) of complexes (zones) of small retail trade are approved executive body government of St. Petersburg.

Article 4. Land plots on the territory of historical and cultural monuments of federal (all-Russian) significance are not subject to allocation for the purposes provided for by this Law.

Article 5

Journalistic style focused, on the one hand, on the communication of information, and on the other hand, on the impact on the reader or listener. Therefore, it is characterized by a combination of expressiveness (for maximum impact) and standard (for speed and accuracy of information transfer). This is the style of newspaper and magazine articles, interviews, reports, as well as political speeches, radio and television shows.

In addition to neutral in a journalistic style, evaluative and emotional words are often used. (ambition, totalitarian, foppishness, narrow-mindedness, bully), words in a figurative sense (dirt in the meaning of "immorality", penny in the meaning of "petty", emphasize meaning "bring to the fore"). “Political” vocabulary can be considered typical for journalism: president, parliament, faction, dissident, deputy, patriot, society, speaker, constitution. Used in a journalistic style and high book vocabulary: uplift, raise, mark. This style is characterized by the use of metaphor as a way of assessing the surrounding reality, for example, "military" metaphors (mobilize, landing),"building" metaphors (“the building of obsolete politics”, “cellars of culture”, “national apartments”),"road" metaphors (political impassibility", "ship of reforms", "federation train"). Colloquial words and phraseological units are also used in this style. (to paint, to get hold of, strong in hindsight, hang noodles on your ears, sinfully in half).

Morphological norms of journalistic style largely determine the possibility of combining bookish and colloquial. Often adjectives and adverbs are used with evaluative meaning: serious, minor, significant, contemptuously, magnificent). The pronounced personality of style determines the frequency of personal pronouns. Often the present tense of the verb is used (the so-called "present reporting"): "Halfway make a decision climb the other way, "Starting to look neighborhood” Along with the present, the past tense is often used: “Everything and always wrote only about love and war”, “Offers acted of the most varied nature."

The syntactic norms of journalism are associated with the need to combine expressiveness and information richness: exclamatory sentences, interrogative (including rhetorical questions), repetitions, changing the order of words in a sentence to highlight a word are used (This is a short-sighted policy).

In modern journalism, borrowed words associated with new economic, political, everyday, scientific and technical phenomena are extremely frequent, such as broker, distributor, investment, impeachment, inauguration, dianetics, kidnapping, killer, croupier, sponsor, rating, display. The terms of various fields of knowledge are rethought, most often economic, political, "computer": wild market, consensus, stagnation, data bank. Colloquial and slang vocabulary is intensively used, which becomes a special expressive means: scoop, hangout, disassembly, rubbish, fan, lawlessness. Religious vocabulary is also becoming an expressive means of journalism: faith, orthodoxy, righteous. Book words are used that used to be of little use; it is through journalism that half-forgotten words return to us, such as mercy, charity. However, the journalistic style still remains mainly a bookish style, as evidenced not only by word usage, but also by the syntactic structure - the syntax of journalism is bookish-oriented.

Changes in the system of styles of the modern Russian language most of all affected precisely the journalistic style; as for such book styles as official business and scientific, the changes here are small.

Functional styles of the modern Russian literary language

1. Background.

2. Stylistic richness of the Russian language.

3. Specificity of conversational style.

4. Features of the official business style.

5. The main features of the journalistic style.

6. Style of scientific literature.

7. Style of fiction.

1. Background
The term "style" comes from the Greek word stilos, meaning writing stick. The first theoretical developments in stylistics appeared in the 17th century. Then, in the first Russian rhetoric, a theory of three styles was developed, or, as they said then, “three kinds of verbs”. At the same time, the concept of style appeared, and in the 18th century both the concept and the term denoting it became widespread. A detailed study of the problems of Russian stylistics was carried out by M.V. Lomonosov in his theory of "three calms".

Lomonosov undertook a classification of lexical and other means of the language on the basis of an increase (decrease) in style from mediocre (average). He also formulated the genre principle for the selection of these means, developed the concept of the relative isolation of styles. Lomonosov's stylistic developments were used in philological science until relatively recently.

After Lomonosov, many linguists also turned to stylistics. For example, F.I. Buslaev, an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, who carried out an encyclopedic coverage of the problems of linguistics and related disciplines, showed interest in the problem of the individual style of the writer, in practical style.

In the 20s of the 20th century, stylistics took shape as a special scientific discipline. Scientists such as G.O. Vinokur, E.D. Polivanov substantiated the idea of ​​the need to study the language in its functional aspect, in its various social varieties and forms. In the 1950s, interest in stylistics increased again, and many scientific works devoted to functional stylistics appeared. M.N. Kozhina, V.V. Vinogradov, D.E. Rosenthal and other scientists conducted a study of individual functional styles, were engaged in identifying their specificity, patterns of functioning of language means. The traditions of domestic stylistics, laid down during this period, are still alive.

2. Stylistic richness of the Russian language
Style is the central concept of stylistics, the main category that reflects the essential properties of the language in its functional aspect. The concept of style in a language characterizes the type of language that is used in any social situation: in business, in everyday life, in scientific speech, etc. One variety differs from other varieties of the same language by a number of phonetic, lexical, and grammatical features. The selection of language means within a particular sphere of human activity is regulated by various circumstances: the specifics of the situation, the conditions, the nature of the goals and objectives of communication, the number of participants in communication, etc.

Academician V.V. Vinogradov gives the following definition of style: “Style is a socially conscious, functionally determined, internally integrated set of methods of using, selecting and combining means of communication in the sphere of a particular national language, correlative with other similar ways of expression that serve for other purposes, perform other functions in the speech social practice of this people.

In the very system of the national language, layers of linguistic means have formed, which have a high frequency of use in certain areas of communication. These layers are called language styles, they potentially exist in the language system and are realized in human speech activity, forming speech styles.

Speech styles are usually called functional, and this indicates the basic principle of their differentiation - the function, the purpose of a particular set of language means.

The existence of different functional styles in the language and speech is ensured, first of all, by the presence of synonymic means in the field of vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax, which makes it possible to convey a statement approximately the same in content in different ways. In addition, these means allow, if necessary, to express one or another attitude to this content.

Functional styles are formed in the language under the influence of the following conditions:

1) features of the communication situation (official or informal setting, the number of participants in communication, etc.);

2) the functions and goals of communication (talk, inform, convince, instruct, etc.).

As a rule, the following spheres of human activity are distinguished, each of which has its own special functions and is implemented under certain conditions:

1) the sphere of everyday communication (communication is implemented in an informal setting, as a rule, in the form of a dialogue; the purpose of communication is a casual conversation, a conversation on everyday topics);

2) the scope of educational and scientific activities (communication is carried out, as a rule, in an official setting, with the aim of communicating or obtaining scientific data in written or oral form);

3) the scope of business communication (communication is carried out in an official setting for the purpose of communicating information of a stating, instructing or other business nature);

4) the sphere of socio-political activity (communication is carried out with the help of the media, as a rule, with the aim of influencing the broad masses of readers or listeners, shaping public opinion and consciousness).

In accordance with this, the following functional styles are distinguished: colloquial, scientific, official business, journalistic. Each of them is characterized by leading stylistic features, which are manifested both in the content and in the selection of language means.

There is also a style of fiction (artistic style). On the allocation of the language of fiction into a separate functional and stylistic variety in linguistics for a long time there was a fierce discussion. Some scientists argued that the language of fiction is multi-style, does not have specific language means, but combines various stylistic layers. This style and its special aesthetic orientation lead beyond the system of functional styles. Academician V.V. Vinogradov, who distinguished between the style of language, the style of speech and the style of fiction.

However, opponents of such a distinction noted that, to one degree or another, the aesthetic function is characteristic of all styles. In addition, other styles are also not closed systems, but allow the penetration of “foreign” stylistic elements. For example, scientific terminology is often included in the official business style. M.N. Kozhina argued that the style of fiction is connected with other functional styles by its communicative function.

The style of fiction, scientific, journalistic and official-business are classified as book styles, contrasting them with colloquial.

Today, all functional styles exist in both written and oral form. But for the colloquial style, the oral form is more typical (in writing, it is realized only in one genre - epistolary, the genre of personal writing), while book styles are more fully manifested in writing.

Functional styles are large speech varieties and capture the deepest style features. Each of them is subject to further intra-style differentiation. In addition, within the framework of functional styles, the manifestation of the author's individuality is permissible. The least predisposed to this is the official business style - after all, the personality of the person who writes the statement or draws up the act is of no fundamental importance. But in journalistic, artistic and colloquial styles, the individuality of the speaker or writer can manifest itself very clearly. The richness of linguistic means allows expressing a wide range of shades of content within the framework of one functional style: approval or disapproval, contempt, joy, familiarity, etc.

Thus, the Russian language has a developed, diverse system of functional styles, which has the widest communicative possibilities.

3. Specificity of conversational style
Conversational (or colloquial-everyday) style is fully aimed at the implementation of the function of communication. Along with the domestic environment (at home, on the street, in transport, in a store, etc.), it is also widely used in the professional field. We repeat that it can manifest itself both orally and in writing (in the form of notes, private letters).

The situation of communication dictates the main characteristics of the conversational style:

1) unpreparedness, impromptu speech;

2) naturalness, ease, informality;

3) the predominance of the dialogue form of communication;

4) emotionality and appraisal;

5) the personal nature of statements.

This, of course, affects the functioning of the language units serving the colloquial style. Consider the features of this style at different language levels.

At the phonetic level, colloquial and dialectal pronunciation elements can penetrate into the everyday style. Often there is a phenomenon of phonetic abbreviation of words: "tya" instead of you, "shonya" instead of Today, "check" instead Human, "grill" instead speak.

To word-formation features colloquial speech includes the use of suffixes that give the word an emotional or expressive appraisal. For example, for nouns, these are diminutive suffixes (-to-: ear, button; -hic-: table, column; - points-: handbag, box). The suffixes -un are widely used ( babbler, mute), -jag- ( hard worker, poor), -w- (when designating females: cashier, ticket clerk, manager). Suffixes of adjectives of estimated value are also used ( tiny, bespectacled, hefty). In verb forms, the use of the suffix -nu- ( to butt, toss, to flaunt).

The vocabulary of the colloquial style is rich in emotionally and expressively colored words ( slob, well done, ailment, cutie and etc.). Synonyms are common that characterize the approving or disapproving attitude of the speaker to something (“Nice boots?” One girl asks the other. “Awesome!” She replies). Diverse and colloquial phraseology. As a rule, the use of phraseologism in everyday communication is intended to reflect the speaker's experiences ( Time after time it doesn't get any easier! Appeared - not dusty!). Conversational style gives a person space for speech creativity, for a language game. Here it is permissible to rethink and update stable combinations (“Lady from the stagecoach - the pony is easier”, “Do not spit in the well. If you fly out - you won’t catch!”).

From a morphological point of view (that is, from the point of view of the use of parts of speech), verbs in colloquial style are more common than nouns. Verbal forms are diverse: specific shades of multiplicity are used ( spoke, wandered) and the already mentioned forms with the suffix -nu-, indicating a single action ( pushed, pushed). Exceptionally common pronouns ( me, you, our etc.), possessive adjectives ( Natashin, mother).

A specific sign of colloquial speech are interjections ( Oh! Oh! Jump! Boom!). Rare in the colloquial style are participles and participles; they are usually replaced by synonymous syntactic constructions.

The syntax of colloquial speech is also peculiar. Its distinguishing features are emotionality and brevity. Colloquial speech is characterized by incomplete sentences (“Wonderful!”, “Enough!”, “Where did you go?”, “Would you like some tea!”). The order of words in colloquial speech phrases is the most free in comparison with other styles.

As you can see, the colloquial style is characterized by a diverse originality of the linguistic means serving it. We can also mention the possibility of using non-linguistic (non-verbal) elements in colloquial speech that contribute to the introduction of additional semantic and emotional nuances into the statement. So, for example, the word Well done, pronounced with a certain intonation, may not mean praise at all, but reproach.
4. Features of the official business style
The official business style serves the sphere of relations that arise between state institutions, between various organizations or within them, as well as between organizations and private individuals in the course of their official, economic and production or legal (legal) activities.

The most important varieties of the official business style are: a) the actual official business style (it is also called clerical); b) legal (language of laws and decrees); c) diplomatic.

Official business style is the style of state acts, treaties, decrees, laws, codes, charters, diplomatic notes, powers of attorney, statements, certificates, business correspondence, memoranda and explanatory notes, etc.

The most common is the clerical version of the official business style. Linguists emphasize that it is in it that the main specific features inherent in this style as a whole are most clearly and consistently expressed. They also appear in legal and diplomatic varieties, but with some shades. So, for example, the diplomatic substyle is characterized by an allegorical expression of meaning, the presence of euphemisms (from Latin “I speak well”) - emotionally neutral words that replace sharper words. The opposite side is given the opportunity to "read between the lines" a little more than what is said in a particular diplomatic act.

We note the most characteristics formal business style in general.

1) Imperative (prescriptive-obligatory) character - a feature, first of all, of official state and legal documents (laws, decrees, orders, etc.). Language means of implementation: a) a large number of verbs in the infinitive form ( count, prepare, prepare and etc.); b) adverbial words ( must be firmly eradicated, must be strictly observed, strictly prohibited).

2) The impersonality of expression, or rather the impersonal nature of communication. This style feature is manifested in the use impersonal proposals (All employees must urgently provide information on advanced training to the dean's office). In addition, nouns denoting groups of persons are widely used ( citizens, residents, employees, faculty and so on.).

3) The accuracy of the wording, which does not allow for other interpretations. This requirement is realized in the use of special terminology ( defendant, plaintiff, tenant, act, agreement and so on.). To avoid ambiguity, synonyms are practically not used in the official business style; as a consequence - the repetition of the same terms. ( To receive benefits, you must provide a certificate of employment. The certificate must contain the address and telephone number of the employing organization, information about the position held and the average monthly salary. The certificate must be submitted no later than December 31 of the current year. In the absence of a certificate from the place of work, as well as in case of incorrect execution of the certificate, recalculation will not be made).

4) Cliche - the use of templates, stylistic clichés, standard wording, stable turns. For example: "in accordance with the article ...", "on the basis of the decision ...", "in the prescribed manner", "take note of", etc.

Emotionally colored vocabulary and expressive means of the language are not used in the official business style. Syntactically, this style is characterized by a large number of enumeration constructions, participial and participle turns, complex sentences.

5. The main features of the journalistic style
The journalistic style is inherent in the periodical press, socio-political literature, political, judicial speeches, etc. It is used, as a rule, to highlight and discuss current problems and phenomena of the current life of society, to develop public opinion. The features of this style are most fully manifested in newspaper publications, in publications of a socio-political nature. In addition, it is used on radio, television. The main genres of writing journalistic speech are: articles, notes, news reports, reports, interviews, essays, etc. The most important genres of oral journalistic speech are speeches at rallies, meetings, in government structures. At the same time, written and oral forms of speech in a journalistic style often converge. Thus, television and radio broadcasts of an informational nature, as a rule, represent an oral reproduction of a pre-written text.

Journalistic style exists not only in language, it can be realized not only in verbal form, but also in graphic, pictorial (in the form of a poster, caricature), photographic and cinematographic, etc.

One of the central functions of the journalistic style is the information function. Realizing it, this style also performs another function - voluntarily (the function of influencing readers and listeners). This function is associated with the upholding of certain ideals, with the conviction of others in the justice and justification of these ideals.

Publicism is designed for a wide audience, which dictates such style features as public accessibility and simplicity of presentation. This distinguishes the journalistic style, for example, from the scientific one. Public orientation leads to widespread use of collective nouns ( youth, humanity, society etc.), the use of the pronouns “we” and “our”, the use of the forms of the 1st and 3rd person in a generalized sense. Collectivity demonstrates that the expressed point of view belongs to more than one author, that it is supported and shared by the majority.

On the other hand, the voluntarily function of the journalistic style contributes to the inclusion of invocative and declarative elements in the presentation. The facts stated in journalism, as a rule, receive a certain interpretation and assessment, accompanied by appropriate comments and conclusions. The consequence of this is the emotionality and expressiveness of journalistic speech. The most important role is played by a variety of expressive means (emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, the use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons, rhetorical questions). The means of expressiveness are also colloquial turns of speech, phraseological units, literary images. This brings the journalistic style closer to the style of fiction.

It should be noted that journalism, seeking to form public opinion, often resorts to different ways attracting the attention of a mass audience. This forms a special stylistic expressiveness, orientation towards the novelty of presentation, attempts to use original, unhackneyed phrases. It was the press that brought additional shades to the meaning of some words: the word "duck" began to mean false information in the newspaper, the word "geography" - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bexistence of something ( Geography of the participants of the competition - from Ufa to Kaliningrad.).

Journalists often resort to the already mentioned method of the language game, transforming, for example, stable combinations of words. As a result, unusual, attention-grabbing headlines appear: “Paper does not endure everything”, “A rare bottle will reach Poland” (about the problems of the Belarusian customs control; the winged saying "A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper") has undergone a change.

Since the media claim to be reliable and objective, a number of texts are characterized by strict documentaryism, focusing on the accuracy and verification of the facts presented. Such speech is usually replete with professional terminology, statistical or other numerical data. Emotionality here gives way to restraint, formality. In such texts, the journalistic style approaches the official business and scientific style.

The closeness of the journalistic style to other functional styles of speech still does not mean their confusion. Publicistic speech is characterized by its own functions, its own heat, its own stylistic features.

Some categories of words are typical for journalistic style: socio-political terminology ( humanity, democracy etc.), professional vocabulary of journalists ( interview, correspondent and etc.). From a word-formation point of view, suffixes of foreign origin are productive in journalism (-change-: bureaucracy, humanism), frequency words ending in -iya ( production, falsification, provocation). Evaluative nouns with the suffix -schin- ( hazing, military).

6. Nonfiction Style
In connection with the specifics of scientific knowledge and its influence on different spheres of human life, the following types of scientific style are distinguished:

Actually scientific, addressed to scientists; its purpose is to obtain new knowledge about nature, man, society;

Scientific and technical, addressed to technical specialists; its goal is the application of scientific achievements in practice;

Educational and scientific, addressed to students; its goal is the formation of a scientific picture of the world;

Popular science, addressed to the general population; its goal is to raise the general cultural level of the people.

The scientific style serves various branches of science and technology, provides the educational process in higher educational institutions of the humanities, natural and technical profiles. The main thing that unites all the substyles of scientific speech is the implementation of the function of communicating information. However, the reported information in this case has its own specifics: it is of an intellectual nature, which means that it requires accuracy and evidence. From this follow two main stylistic features of the scientific style of speech: 1) abstract generalization and 2) emphasized logical presentation. By what means is this type of presentation achieved?

1) Abstract generalization is manifested, first of all, in the fact that almost every word in a scientific text or educational literature acts as a designation of an abstract concept or abstract object - “speed”, “time”, “quantity”, “quality”, “pattern” , "development"; "molecule", "skeleton", "cell". Often these words are used in plural, which is not typical for other styles: “values”, “fats”, “frequencies”, “speeds”, “voids”, etc. But even in the singular, a noun in scientific speech often serves not to indicate a specific object, but to express a set of homogeneous objects. For example: "Birch grows in the temperate and cold zones of the northern hemisphere." This is not about a specific birch, but about the name of the species. Compare: "A clumsy birch huddled to the very edge of the cliff."

The abstract and generalized character is emphasized both by special lexical units (for example, the adverbs "as a rule", "usually", "regularly"), and by grammatical means (indefinitely personal sentences, passive constructions). For example: "Corn seeds are sown in trays filled with soil, or placed on paper towels covered with soil, and kept at room temperature"; "It is known that identically charged particles repel each other." Verbs in the scientific style of speech are more often used in the present tense form in the so-called timeless meaning. For example: “The earth revolves around the sun,” the verb is used in the present tense, but it is obvious that this happens not only in this moment, but always.

A characteristic feature of the scientific style is the use of the author's "we", which can be a means of expressing modesty ("we explored", "we discovered") or can denote in the aggregate the author and his readers or listeners ("Imagine the culture of a particular nation in the form of a sphere ... ”, “During heating, we can see a change in the color of the solution”). At the same time, any such construction can be replaced by an impersonal or infinitive (“It was investigated ...”, “I can imagine ...”, etc.)

The generalization and abstractness of the scientific style does not mean that imagery is contraindicated for it. Great scientists, as a rule, have not only the ability for scientific analysis, but also a developed imagination, the ability to think figuratively and present complex scientific information in an original way. It is they who create popular science literature that is popular with a wide variety of readers: both children and adults who are far from science, and even specialists. As an outstanding lecturer, contemporaries remember, for example, Lev Davidovich Landau.

Evidence of the figurativeness of scientific speech is the now obliterated terms-metaphors, which at the time of their appearance were, no doubt, vivid figurative means - “tongue”, “umbrella”, “coupling”, “caterpillar”, “sole”, “ridge”.

More often than other figurative means in a scientific style, comparison is used, since it is one of the forms logical thinking. Comparison in scientific speech is intended to illustrate a particular phenomenon.

2) The emphasized logic of scientific speech is another of its specific features. Logic is necessarily present at all language levels: in a phrase, a sentence, between two adjacent sentences, in a paragraph and between paragraphs, in the text as a whole. The principle of consistency is implemented by using the following means:

The use of adverbs indicating the sequence of the flow of thought ( first, first of all, next, then and etc.);

The use of water words expressing the relationship between parts of the statement ( therefore, so, finally, thus, first of all and etc.);

The use of unions ( because, because, in order to and etc.);

The use of specific syntactic constructions and phrases ( Now let's focus on ...; let's move on to ...; consider ...; further we note ...; Let's illustrate this statement with examples...).

Lecture 4. Functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Scientific style.

1. The system of functional styles of the modern Russian language.

2. The concept of stylistic norms.

3. Scientific functional style, its language features.

4. Speech norms of educational and scientific fields activities.

functional styles are called special varieties of a single literary language that are used in any field, perform certain tasks (functions) and have some features in the selection and use of language means. In the modern Russian literary language, four functional styles are distinguished: colloquial, journalistic, official business, and scientific. Conversational style It is used in the sphere of everyday communication and is realized mainly in oral form. This style is opposed to other styles that are associated with different areas. social activities and implemented primarily in written form. The main function of conversational style is the function of communication. The conversational style has such stylistic features as ease and emotionality. Distinctive feature This style is the use of language means with colloquial coloring: special vocabulary and phraseology, as well as incomplete sentences.

Journalistic style implemented in the social and political sphere. Its main function is the function of social impact. Initially, it appeared as a book style and was used in newspapers and magazines, ᴛ.ᴇ. journalism (hence its name), but today an oral variety of journalistic style is also actively developing, incorporating many features of colloquial speech. Style features - passion, appeal. In the journalistic style, socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, incentive and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions and appeals are actively used. Genres of journalistic speech: article, essay, interview, information, reportage, commentary, campaign speech, etc.

Formal business style used in the field of administrative and legal activities. most important role V official business speech plays the function of communication and social regulation (information-directive function). Stylistic features - insincerity, standardity. Typical language tools: neutral words, official business terminology, standard expressions and turns. The genres of business speech are extremely diverse. Among them are an autobiography, a statement, a report, a protocol, an order, an explanatory note, a law, a charter, an agreement, etc.

scientific style used in science and technology. The main task of the scientific style is communication and logical proof of the truth of what is being reported (information-argumentative function). The scientific style has three sub-styles: proper-scientific, scientific-educational and popular science. The scientific style is dominated by neutral words and words with a generalized and abstract meaning. (reliability, research, analysis, etc.), special terminology and general scientific vocabulary are actively used (function, element, system, etc.). In morphology, the noun prevails over the verb, impersonal forms over personal ones, the so-called "real timeless" (Volga flows into to the Caspian Sea). The scientific style is dominated by a logically defined, bookish syntax. Among the genres of scientific speech, one should name an article, a monograph, a review, a review, a summary, an abstract, an annotation, a textbook, teaching aid etc.
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Abstract and abstract are of great importance in the system of these genres, the content and construction of which most clearly and clearly reflects the orientation of scientific speech towards a concise transmission of objective information.

Each functional style involves the purposeful use of linguistic phenomena, taking into account their meaning and expressiveness. The development of a particular style is associated with the choice of expressions, language forms, constructions that are most suitable for the purposes of communication in a particular social environment, for the most effective expression of certain thoughts. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the selection of specific functional styles takes into account the uniqueness of various areas of application of linguistic phenomena and the specificity of expressiveness (expressiveness) inherent in a particular style.

It must be borne in mind that functional styles, representing the largest speech varieties, fix the deepest style features. Each of them is also subject to further intra-style differentiation. This differentiation can be roughly compared to a nesting doll: the main functional styles are subdivided into a number of varieties, each of which includes even more particular varieties, and so on. For example, the scientific style, while retaining its basic style features, is divided into proper scientific and scientific and technical. In turn, both of them can have popular science presentation options.

At the same time, each of the stylistic varieties of the scientific and scientific-technical style must be differentiated in relation to specific types of science (biology, geology, history, ethnography, etc.). At the same time, differences arise both of a lexical nature and manifested in a number of linguistic features. Such stylistic varieties have an even finer differentiation: they take into account the genre and the way of presentation. Given the dependence on the genre, the scientific style can be implemented in dissertations, monographs, abstracts, articles, reports, scientific information, etc. This style acquires additional variability in connection with the method of presentation: description, narration, reasoning. Moreover, certain stylistic varieties differ from each other and, based on the author's individuality, bear its features.

As you can see, stylistic differentiation is associated with the action of a large number of non-linguistic factors. Without taking them into account, it is almost impossible to implement it. These factors affecting the allocation of private stylistic features, are unequal in their role in the process of style formation. In addition, not all factors influencing speech are classified as style-forming. Many linguists believe that the development of style is based on the principle of choosing the necessary language means, but some, say, individual factors (gender, age, etc.) exclude the possibility of such a choice from the author of a particular statement.

Each functional style has its own rules. These norms are called stylistic, violation of them is the cause of stylistic errors. (For example: "Girl, what issue are you crying about?")

Functional styles have their own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. Each style includes works of different genres that have their own characteristics.

Most often, styles are compared on the basis of their inherent word usage, since it is in word usage that the difference between them is most clearly manifested. At the same time, grammatical characteristics are also important here, for example, the style of many tabloid press texts should be defined as journalistic, largely on the basis of the syntactic structure; in the field of word usage, we can see both colloquial and non-literary (colloquial, slang) units in general. For this reason, when creating a work related to a certain style, one should observe not only the lexical norms of the style, but also morphological and syntactic norms.

Conversational style associated with the sphere of direct everyday communication. This sphere is characterized by a predominantly oral form of expression (except for private correspondence of a domestic nature), which means that intonation and facial expressions play a large role. In everyday communication, there are no official relations between speakers, contact between them is direct, and speech is unprepared. In colloquial style, as in all others, neutral words are widely used. (lay down, blue, house, ground, left), but bookish words are not used. Normative use of words with colloquial stylistic coloring (joking, chattering, locker room, hype, completely, lack of time, sort of). It is possible to use emotionally evaluative words: affectionate, familiar, reduced (cat, brag, headless, intrude), as well as words with specific evaluative suffixes (grandma, daddy, sun, house). Phraseological units are actively used in colloquial style (hit your pocket, play the fool, two inches from the pot). Words are often used that are formed by contracting a phrase into one word or a long compound word into a shortened word. (unsuccessful, cash, communal, ambulance, condensed milk, electric train).

The morphological norm of conversational style, on the one hand, generally corresponds to the general literary norm, on the other hand, it has its own characteristics. For example, in oral form, the nominative case prevails - even where it is impossible in writing. (Pushkinskaya, come out 7 Child, look), truncated forms of function words are often used (at least, so that eh, really). The norm of the use of the verb allows you to form forms that do not exist in normative book speech with the meaning of multiplicity (sitting, talking) or, conversely, one-time (pushed, punched). In a colloquial style, the use of participles and gerunds, which are considered a sign of book speech, is inappropriate. More often a prepositional case is formed with the ending -y (on vacation), plural with ending -a (reprimand). It is important to note that for the syntax of the colloquial style, the norm is the use of such sentences in which some component is omitted, but some component is easily restored. (He is back to Me - incomplete). Such sentences are called elliptical. . Simple sentences predominate, word-sentences are often used (I see. No. You can. Why?), as well as interjections and interjection phrases (Here's more! Moms! Oh! Oh you!).

Formal business style serves the sphere of purely official relations. This is the style of administrative and clerical documentation, legislative acts, diplomatic documents. It is worth saying that it is characterized by the utmost concreteness of the content with abstract, typified, stamped means of expression. Official speech is characterized by specificity, standard presentation and the nature of the prescription, obligation. This determines the language norm of style. Against the background of neutral and general words (worker, commission, control and marriage, dominate) words and phrases are used that can be attributed to professional (legal, accounting, diplomatic, etc.) terminology, such as plaintiff, impute, contractor, taxpayer, declaration, notice, memorandum, tariff scale, rent ͵ federal bodies, budgetary institutions, as well as clerical stamps, the use of which in an official business style is not a drawback, and even less a mistake, but a special stylistic norm: appropriate, the foregoing, for the purpose of improvement, come into force, past, bring to the attention. An extremely dry and neutral style of presentation should be free not only from colloquial and especially jargon or dialect layers, but also from literary words that have an emotionally expressive coloring. Compound abbreviated words are often used in official business style (CIS, GKO, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, AIC, St. Petersburg State University, JSC, IMF) and nouns formed from verbs (documentation, storage, non-compliance), since this style is characterized by a clear predominance of the name over the verb.

The official business style is characterized by the frequent use of verbs in the form of the imperative mood and in the indefinite form in the meaning of the imperative mood. (release from rent, establish a monthly surcharge). If the verbs are used in the present tense, they also have the character of a prescription. iwkoh establishes, the exemption does not apply). The norm is the use of the so-called logical, bookish syntax: the use of narrative, two-part, complete sentences with direct word order; sentences complicated by homogeneous members, participles and participles; complex sentences.

The journalistic style is focused, on the one hand, on the communication of information, and on the other hand, on the impact on the reader or listener. For this reason, it is characterized by a combination of expressiveness (for maximum impact) and standard (for speed and accuracy of information transfer). This is the style of newspaper and magazine articles, interviews, reports, as well as political speeches, radio and television programs.

In addition to neutral in a journalistic style, evaluative and emotional words are often used. (ambition, totalitarian, foppishness, narrow-mindedness, bully), words in a figurative sense (dirt in the meaning of ʼʼimmoralityʼʼ, penny's meaning ʼʼpettyʼʼ, emphasize in the meaning of ʼʼ to bring to the foreʼʼ). Typical for journalism can be considered ʼʼpoliticalʼʼ vocabulary: president, parliament, faction, dissident, deputy, patriot, society, speaker, constitution. Used in a journalistic style and high book vocabulary: uplift, raise, mark. This style is characterized by the use of metaphor as a way of assessing the surrounding reality, for example, ʼʼmilitaryʼʼ metaphors (mobilize, landing),ʼʼconstructionʼʼ metaphors (ʼʼbuilding of obsolete politicsʼʼ, ʼʼcellars of cultureʼʼ, ʼʼnational flatsʼʼ),ʼʼroadʼʼ metaphors (political off-road ʼʼ, ʼʼship of reformsʼʼ, ʼʼtrain of the federationʼʼ). Colloquial words and phraseological units are also used in this style. (smear, slouch, hindsight is strong, hang noodles on your ears, with a sin in half).

Morphological norms of journalistic style largely determine the possibility of combining bookish and colloquial. Often adjectives and adverbs are used with evaluative meaning: serious, minor, significant, contemptuously, magnificent). The pronounced personality of style determines the frequency of personal pronouns. The present tense of the verb is often used (the so-called ʼʼpresent reportageʼʼ): ʼʼHalfway make a decision climb the other way, ʼʼLet's start looking around neighborhoodʼʼ Along with the present - often past tense: ʼʼEverything and always wrote only about love and warʼʼ, ʼʼOffers acted of the most varied nature.

The syntactic norms of journalism are associated with the extreme importance of combining expressiveness and information richness: exclamatory sentences, interrogative (including rhetorical questions), repetitions, changing the order of words in a sentence to highlight a word are used. (This is a short-sighted policy).

In modern journalism, borrowed words associated with new economic, political, everyday, scientific and technical phenomena are extremely frequent, such as broker, distributor, investment, impeachment, inauguration, dianetics, kidnapping, killer, croupier, sponsor, rating, display. The terms of various fields of knowledge are rethought, most often economic, political, ʼʼcomputerʼʼ: wild market, consensus, stagnation, data bank. Colloquial and slang vocabulary is intensively used, which becomes a special expressive means: scoop, hangout, disassembly, rubbish, fan, lawlessness. Religious vocabulary is also becoming an expressive means of journalism: faith, orthodoxy, righteous. Book words are used that used to be of little use; it is through journalism that half-forgotten words return to us, such as mercy, charity. At the same time, the journalistic style still remains mainly a bookish style, as evidenced not only by word usage, but also by the syntactic structure - the syntax of journalism is focused on bookishness.

The scientific style is used in the field of science and technology. The scientific style is used in the field of science and technology. The main task of the scientific style is the message and the logical proof of the truth of the reported (information-argued function). Within the framework of the scientific style of speech, the following substyles were formed:

1) actually scientific (academic);

2) scientific and educational;

3) scientific and technical;

4) popular science

The academic style is the core of the scientific functional style. It has such features as accuracy, responsibility, generalization, logic. On the academic basis, scientific monographs, articles, dissertations are written, discussions are held between specialists.

The scientific and technical substyle is used in the manufacturing sector. It is worth saying that abstraction is less characteristic of it, due to the extreme importance of a specific description of production processes. IN this respect scientific and production sub-style is approaching the language of documents, official business style.

In the scientific, educational and popular science substyles, the use of expressively colored and figurative language means is allowed. At the same time, the scientific and educational substyle is distinguished by a more systematic presentation, which is associated with its main task - to teach the basics of a particular discipline.

The task of the popular science style is essentially to interest the mass reader, to encourage him to raise his cultural level. Among the genres of scientific style, one should name an article, a monograph, a review, a review, a summary, an abstract, annotation, a textbook, a teaching aid, guidelines and etc.

The scientific style is dominated by neutral words and words with an abstract and generalized meaning. Almost every word appears in a scientific text as a designation of an abstract concept or an abstract object - ʼʼspeedʼʼ, ʼʼtimeʼʼ, ʼʼlimitʼʼ, ʼʼquantityʼʼ, ʼʼregularityʼʼ, ʼʼdevelopmentʼʼ. Often such words are used in the plural, which is not typical for other styles: ʼʼsizeʼʼ, ʼʼprivateʼʼ, ʼʼstrengthʼʼ, ʼʼlengthʼʼ, ʼʼbreadthʼʼ, ʼʼemptinessʼʼ, ʼʼspeedʼʼ. The scientific style actively uses special terminology and general scientific vocabulary (function, element, system, etc.). The use of grammatical categories and forms is distinguished by its specificity in the scientific style. The noun here prevails over the verb, the impersonal forms over the personal, the so-called ʼʼpresent timelessʼʼ (for example: ʼʼCarbon is the most important part of the plantʼʼ, ʼʼThe sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuseʼʼ.). Forms of the 1st and 2nd person are uncommon in the scientific style singular verbs and personal pronouns. Adjectives in scientific speech are not used as often as in other styles. As a rule, they are part of the terms, have an exact and highly specialized meaning (hence the predominance of relative adjectives over qualitative adjectives in scientific speech).

Scientific speech is distinguished by emphasized logic and bookishness. Logic is extremely important at all language levels: in a phrase, a sentence, between two adjacent sentences, in a paragraph and between paragraphs, in the whole text. Consistency is ensured by using the following tools:

1) linking sentences with repeated nouns, often in combination with demonstrative pronouns ( the one given etc.);

2) the use of adverbs indicating the sequence of the flow of thought ( first, first of all, next, then);

3) the use of introductory words expressing the relationship between parts of the statement ( therefore, secondly, finally, so, thus);

4) the use of unions ( because, because, in order to);

5) the use of constructions and turnovers of communication ( now let's dwell on the properties ...; let's move on to the issue ...; further note... etc.)

The requirements of strict logic of a scientific text determine the predominance of complex sentences with an allied connection, especially complex ones.

The abstract, being summary any information, is self-sufficient in certain situations and when business communication, because - unlike annotations, abstracts and abstracts - is a complete text. At the same time, annotation and summarizing, due to their importance in such relevant areas for modern youth as scientific and business, and certain difficulties in mastering the skills of writing them, require more attention. For this reason, teaching these types of written speech is considered separately as an additional, but very important aspect of speech communications.

Word annotation comes from the Latin annotatio - remark, note. Annotation is currently called a brief description of a book (or article), containing a list of the main sections, topics or issues considered in the work. The summary of the book may also include an indication of the features in the presentation of the material and the addressee (for whom it is intended). Speaking schematically, an annotation for a book (first of all, a scientific or educational book) answers questions about what / from what parts? How? for whom? These are, as it were, its basic, standard semantic elements. Each of them has its own language means of expression, which are indicated below.

Annotation for a book is placed on the reverse side of its title page and serves (along with its title and table of contents) as a source of information about the content of the work. After reading the abstract, the reader decides how much he needs the book. At the same time, the ability to annotate the literature read helps to master the skills of summarizing.

Word abstract comes from the Latin referre, which means ʼʼ to report, informʼʼ. Today, an abstract is primarily called a brief, most often written, presentation of a scientific work - an article or a book (or several scientific papers). The presentation of one work usually contains an indication of the topic and composition of the work being reviewed, a list of its basic provisions with arguments, less often - a description of the methodology and the conduct of an experiment, the results and conclusions of the study. Such an abstract will be called simple, informational. Special abstract journals are published in Russia, which contain abstracts of this kind and thus introduce the latest Russian and foreign literature in various fields of scientific knowledge: in physics, philosophy, etc.

Students in Russian universities usually write essays on certain topics, which are offered to them in the departments of general engineering and social disciplines. It is worth saying that for writing such thematic abstracts, it should be extremely important to involve more than one source, at least two scientific papers. In this case, the abstract is not only informational, but also an overview.

A simple informational abstract may contain an assessment of certain provisions, which are called by the author of the work being reviewed. This assessment most often expresses agreement or disagreement with the author's point of view.

The abstract contains quotations from the work being reviewed. Οʜᴎ are always put in quotation marks. Three types of quotation should be distinguished, while punctuation marks are placed, as in sentences with direct speech.

1. The quote is after the words of the compiler of the abstract. In this case, a colon is placed after the words of the compiler of the abstract, and the citation begins with capital letter. For example: The author of the article claims: ʼʼIn our country, there has really been a rapid growth of national self-consciousnessʼʼ.

2. The quotation is before the words of the compiler of the abstract. In this case, a comma and a dash are placed after the quotation, and the words of the compiler of the abstract are written with a small letter. For example: ʼʼIn our country, there is really a rapid growth of national self-consciousnessʼʼ, the author of the article claims.

3. The words of the compiler of the abstract are in the middle of the quote. In this case, they are preceded and followed by a semicolon. For example: ʼʼIn our country, - says the author of the article, - there is indeed a rapid growth of national self-consciousnessʼʼ.

4. The quotation is directly included in the words of the compiler of the abstract. In this case (and it is the most common in the abstract), the quote begins with a small letter. For example: The author of the article claims that ʼʼin our country there is really a rapid growth of national self-consciousnessʼʼ.

Lecture 4. Functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Scientific style. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Lecture 4. Functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Scientific style." 2017, 2018.

Styles of the Russian literary language

High culture of speaking and writing, good knowledge and development of the native language flair, the ability to use it expressive means, its stylistic diversity is the best support, the surest help and the most reliable recommendation for every person in his public life and creative activities.

V.A. Vinogradov

Language- it is a means of communication between people, a tool for the formation and expression of thoughts and feelings, a means of assimilating new information, new knowledge. But in order to effectively influence the mind and feelings, the native speaker of a given language must have a good command of it, i.e., have a speech culture.

M. Gorky wrote that language is the primary element, the main material of literature, that is, that vocabulary, syntax, the entire structure of speech is the primary element, the key to understanding the ideas and images of the work. But language is also an instrument of literature: “The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for the sharpness of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper this weapon, the more accurately directed - the more victorious it is.

Stylistics(the word "style" comes from the name of the needle, or stylet with which the ancient Greeks wrote on waxed tablets) is a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of the literary language (functional styles of speech), the patterns of language functioning in different areas of use, the features of the use of language means in depending on the situation, content and goals of the statement, the scope and conditions of communication. Stylistics introduces the stylistic system of the literary language at all its levels and the stylistic organization of correct (in compliance with the norms of the literary language), accurate, logical and expressive speech. Stylistics teaches the conscious and expedient use of the laws of language and the use of linguistic means in speech.

There are two directions in linguistic stylistics: language stylistics and speech stylistics (functional stylistics). Language stylistics explores the stylistic structure of the language, describes the stylistic means of vocabulary, phraseology and grammar. Functional stylistics studies, first of all, different types of speech, their conditionality by different goals of the utterance. M. N. Kozhina gives the following definition: “ Functional style- this is a linguistic science that studies the features and patterns of the functioning of the language in various types of speech, corresponding to certain areas of human activity and communication, as well as the speech structure of the functional styles that develop in this case and the "norms" of selection and combination of language means in them" 1. At its core, style should be consistently functional. She must reveal the connection different types speech with the subject, the purpose of the statement, with the conditions of communication, the addressee of the speech, the attitude of the author to the subject of the speech. The most important category of style is functional styles- varieties of literary speech (literary language), serving various aspects of public life. Styles-This different ways use of language in communication. Each style of speech is characterized both by the originality of the selection of language means, and by their unique combination with each other.

Thus, five styles of the Russian literary language are distinguished:

Ø colloquial

Ø official business

Ø scientific

Ø journalistic

Ø artistic.

Conversational style

Conversational style refers to the oral form of the existence of a language. Distinctive features oral speech can be fully attributed to the colloquial style. However, the concepts of "oral speech" and "conversational style" should not be confused. Oral speech- a phenomenon wider than style. Although the conversational style is mainly realized in the oral form of communication, some genres of other styles are also carried out in oral speech, for example: report, lecture, report, etc.

The intra-style features of the conversational style include the ease of presentation, its concreteness, expressiveness, the expression of a subjective attitude to what is being stated, the direct influence of extra-linguistic elements, and so on.

The actual linguistic features of the colloquial style are due to its intra-style features.

The vocabulary of the colloquial style is divided into two large groups:

1. common colloquial words;

2. accelerating words, socially or dialectally limited.

Common vocabulary, in turn, is divided into colloquial-literary (connected by the norms of literary use) and colloquial (not bound by strict norms of use), colloquial speech adjoins the latter.

Colloquial vocabulary is also heterogeneous:

1) colloquial speech, which is on the verge of literary use, not rude in its essence, somewhat familiar, everyday, for example: potatoes instead of potatoes, ingenuity instead of ingenuity to become instead of happen, to be fined instead of to be guilty.

2) non-literary vernacular, rude, for example: drive up instead of trying, plop instead of fall, weave instead of talking absurd, dragging around, wandering around instead of walking around; this includes vulgarisms proper, and swear words thorn (eyes), sting, die; dude, lackey, etc. Such words are used for certain stylistic purposes - usually when depicting the negative phenomena of life.

Colloquial vocabulary, socially or dialectally limited, includes such lexical groups as colloquial professionalisms (for example, the names of brown bear varieties: vulture, oatmeal, anthill, etc.), dialectisms (gut - speak, veksha - squirrel, stubble - stubble) slang vocabulary (plaisir - pleasure, fun; plein air - nature), argotic (split - betray; salaga, salazonok - young, inexperienced; crusts - boots). Many jargonisms arose even before the revolution in the speech of the ruling classes, some jargonisms were preserved from the speech usage of the declassed elements. Slang vocabulary can also be associated with the age community of generations, for example, in the language of youth: cheat sheet, couple (two).

All these categories of vocabulary have a narrow scope; in terms of expression, they are characterized by extreme reduction.

The main lexical layer of the colloquial style is made up of commonly used words, both actually colloquial and colloquial. Both of these categories of words are close to each other, the line between them is unsteady and mobile, and sometimes difficult to catch, it’s not for nothing that many words in different dictionaries are provided with different marks (for example, the words squatting, really in “ explanatory dictionary» ed. D.N. Ushakov are classified as colloquial, and in the four-volume "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" _ as colloquial; words rich, carminative, sourness in the Explanatory Dictionary, ed. D.N. Ushakov are rated as colloquial, but in the "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" they do not have marks, that is, they are classified as interstyle - stylistically neutral). In the Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. S.I. Ozhegov expanded the boundaries of colloquial vocabulary: many words marked in other dictionaries as vernacular are classified as colloquial. Some colloquial words in dictionaries have a double tag - colloquial and regional, as many common dialectisms go into the category of colloquial words.

The colloquial style is characterized by the predominance of words with an emotionally expressive coloring, labeled "affectionate", "joking", "abusive", "ironic", "diminutive", "contemptuous", etc.

The syntax of colloquial speech is also characterized by omissions, incomplete statements, an abundance of ellipses and incomplete sentences, sentence words, numerous repetitions, plug-in constructions, the use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, a rhetorical question as a form of emotional statement or summing up, inversion various parts speech (especially adjectives as definitions in nominal phrases), the weakening of syntactic forms of communication between parts of the statement, the use of non-union complex sentences, synonymous with complex sentences, the predominance of composing sentences over subordinating ones, the dialogical nature of the statement.

Colloquial speech can be used for certain stylistic purposes. In the author's speech, it performs the functions of stylization and evaluation.

In the evaluative function, colloquial speech in combination with book speech (in the speech of the author and in the speech of characters) serves the purpose of satirical reduction (this explains its ability to act in an evaluative function), a means of creating a comic effect. Colloquial speech is also used to realistically depict the life of a certain social environment, to convey the manner of a simple, relaxed speech. It is also a wonderful means of speech characterization.

Vernacular, which does not have the emotional connotations of harsh condemnation, gives the statement a rough tone, and therefore its use in literary speech is very limited. It is used mainly for artistic and expressive purposes (as a means of speech characterization of a character). In official business and scientific styles, vernacular is unacceptable.

In the works of modern fiction, elements of colloquial style are very often used in improperly direct speech.

At present, the literary and colloquial variety of the colloquial style is the main functional and stylistic variety of the national language, on the basis of which and due to which book styles are enriched.

Formal business style

Let us dwell on the characterization of the book style that is the most closed from a functional point of view - the official business style.

The official business style includes various documents: from state acts to business correspondence. Despite the difference in the language of different documents (depending on their purpose), this style as a whole has many common features specific to it. The main intra-style features of this style include clarity, accuracy, imperativeness, prescriptive nature, completeness and objectivity of the statement, concreteness, clarity of wording, which is determined by the main purpose of documents - to inform about indisputable facts. This is also the logic and conciseness of presentation, special forms of material arrangement.

Intra-style features form the entire proper language structure of the style.

Standardization, uniformity of speech means, speech standards and even a well-known template inherent in a number of documents are necessary for the convenience of communication in this area.

According to the degree of standardization, official business documents are heterogeneous. Some without a certain standard form lose their legal value (for example, a passport), others print as a stereotype for ease of communication (for example, letterheads), others (for example, reports, protocols, business correspondence, etc.) do not have stable standard forms.

However, all three groups share some specific linguistic characteristics. This is at the lexical level: a kind of vocabulary and phraseology that is not found in other styles (for example: lives, occupies an area instead of lives, a person instead of a person, enrolled instead of accepting, leave is given instead of given): the use of words in their direct specific meanings; lack of emotionally colored and other-style (colloquial, colloquial) vocabulary; widespread use of speech standards (including those with denominative prepositions for purposes, at the expense of, from the outside, in the area and verbal nouns) and other verbal stencils, which are quite appropriate in a number of genres of official business style.

Some types of official business documents are characterized by the use of words not in a direct, but in a figurative sense, as well as the use of "high" vocabulary. “High” vocabulary (the ambassador has departed (not left), now, power, etc.) is used to give significance and solemnity to the speech.

To comply with international etiquette, diplomatic juments use the so-called etiquette, complimentary vocabulary: His Highness, Madam, His Excellency, etc.

At the syntactic level, for the official business style, a clear construction of a complex sentence with a distinct division into certain segments and a pronounced connection between the parts of the sentence (union, prepositional, pronominal, adverbial), with adverbial and participial turns is specific. Word order is usually direct. Introductory words are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence. The adverbial clause is placed before the main clause if the emphasis is on the circumstances of the action, and at the end if they only explain main idea; the circumstance is placed closer to the word to which it refers. Passive constructions are widely used in official business style. They are used in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the very fact of performing an action (for example: 125 people were hired, a telegram was sent, etc.) without indicating the subject of the action. Use passive constructions for speech etiquette(for example, we have repeatedly indicated, emphasized, noted, etc.).

There are standard speech models for a number of documents. So, a service document is usually built according to the scheme: introduction, main part, evidence, conclusion. In the introduction, the question is justified or the reason for its occurrence is indicated; A reference is given to a higher organization, in pursuance of the order or decision of which an official document is drawn up. The main part sets out (and proves) the essence of the issue. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn that should logically follow from the presentation.

scientific style

What are the features of the second, relatively functionally closed style - scientific?

Scientific style is a broad concept. It is used in the field of science and technology, but combines types of literature that are heterogeneous in form, which are very diverse in purpose and content.

TO scientific literature include monographs, articles in scientific journals, scientific and reference, reference and encyclopedic, educational literature, scientific and technical information (abstract, abstract, etc.), industrial and technical literature, etc.

For the scientific style, the specific intra-style features that form its entire language system are abstract generalization, logicality, objectivity and accuracy, in contrast to artistic speech, common property which is an artistic-figurative concretization.

Scientific presentation is designed for logical, not emotional-sensory perception. Therefore, emotional linguistic elements do not play a decisive role in scientific works. However, this does not exclude emotional elements in scientific works (especially in polemical ones). Moreover, they give scientific prose a deep persuasiveness, especially because they sharply state with the general "dispassionate", dry nature of scientific presentation.

What is typical for the scientific speech of our days?

First of all, the scientific style is characterized by saturation with factual material, accurate and concise information.

The task of a scientific work is the proof of certain provisions and hypotheses, their argumentation, a systematic presentation of scientific problems. Therefore, a scientific work mainly consists of a chain of reasoning and evidence.

As you know, the task and content of the statement determine the form of the expression. A scientific statement has its own form of expression, its own style, determined by the content of the scientific message and the goals that it faces.

The scientific style refers to the written and bookish type of speech (although it can manifest itself in oral speech in the form of conversations, reports, messages, speeches, questions, remarks in discussions, lectures, etc.) and therefore has all its features, and, first of all, by the fact that scientific works are written in a general literary, strictly standardized language. But the scientific style is characterized by a special stock of words, phrases and constructions necessary in this area of ​​communication.

The following general linguistic features of the scientific style can be named: compliance with the norms of the literary language, accuracy, clarity and conciseness in expressing thoughts, a high percentage of terms, the use of words in their objective specific meanings, “impersonality”, the monologue nature of the statement, consistency, completeness, completeness of the statement, close connection of individual parts of the statement, which is achieved by the wide use of complex sentences with allied, pronominal, adverbial connections, participles, participles, enumerations, the use of nominal combinations (definitions with a defined word) with a “chain” of genitive cases (especially in titles), the use of conditional signs and symbols.

The scientific style is heterogeneous in its composition. In it, first of all, one can distinguish such varieties, sub-styles as scientific-technical and scientific-humanitarian speech.

Scientific works may differ in their linguistic features depending on genre differences, the reader's address, the individual writing style, etc.

The lexical and phraseological composition of the scientific style includes book and written vocabulary.

The basis of any scientific presentation, more than half of its entire vocabulary, is made up of commonly used words in their direct concrete meanings.

In scientific works, foreign-style vocabulary is not used, words that correspond to marks in the dictionary of the Russian language: abusive, ironic, playful, affectionate, familiar, etc., words with bright stylistic coloring, taken from other styles (for example, vernacular), are rare there are figurative meanings of words.

The main attention in scientific works is drawn to the logical side of the presentation. Therefore, it is widely used manual and technical terminology (since it has the function of transmitting scientific concepts) and general scientific vocabulary, including abstract words denoting abstract concepts.

At the syntactic level, the scientific style is characterized by the widespread use of the phrase (including polynomial, especially nominal) and the genitive case in nominal combinations, for example: The analysis of the concentration values ​​of individual measurements in each series is low.

A specific feature of scientific speech is its completeness, completeness and logical sequence of presentation, close connection between individual sections of the text, individual sentences. The main structure of scientific speech is a narrative sentence with neutral (in terms of style) lexical content, with logical right order words with an allied connection between the parts of the sentence.

Interrogative sentences perform specific functions in scientific speech related to the desire of the writer to draw attention to what is being stated.

A scientific text is characterized by complex and complicated sentences of various types. At the same time, a complex sentence in scientific works is distinguished by a clear logical structure, clarity of syntactic links.

In scientific works, complex sentences are more common than complex sentences. This is due to the fact that subordinating constructions express complex causal, temporal, conditional, investigative and similar relationships, and the fact that the individual parts in a complex sentence are more closely related to each other than in a compound one.

Syntactic expressive means are used in scientific literature to a very limited extent and for a different purpose than in fiction or journalistic literature. Here it is, as a rule, a means to help the reader more easily assimilate scientific truths.

In general, scientific speech is characterized by a very clear syntax, which allows one to widely argue one or another position, avoid ambiguity, ambiguity of the statement, and logically state the train of thought.

Journalistic style

As for the latter, the proper communicative book style (journalistic) and aesthetic-communicative (artistic), these styles do not have functional isolation and, in essence, include elements of many styles.

Journalistic style is a heterogeneous concept, and this is due to the variety of journalistic genres.

The intra-style features of the journalistic style include informative richness of speech, concreteness, factuality, logicality, conciseness and expressiveness, emotionality, motivation of presentation.

The journalistic style, which serves the sphere of politics and ideology, aims to accurately, quickly and in an accessible form inform the population about the most important events that have taken place in our country and abroad, as well as to influence the reader, causing him a certain attitude to the depicted, because journalism It is a media and propaganda medium.

The informative function of the journalistic style, its logicality and factuality lead to the widespread use of information sentences in this style, reporting on an event or fact. Such stylistic features of the journalistic style as expressiveness, emotionality, motivation, lead to the widespread use of lexical and phraseological and syntactic means of expression (tropes and figures) in this style.

The journalistic style is realized in the periodical press, on television, radio, in political speeches. Newspaper and journalistic genres are not the same and multifaceted. Features of the language of the newspaper are determined by the functional diversity of newspaper genres and their stylistic heterogeneity. Some genres are pure journalism (reportage, review note), others border on fiction (feuilleton, essay, pamphlet), and others border on official business literature (leading article).

The basis of newspaper journalism is the principles of social and evaluative use of linguistic means. In the language of newspaper journalism, the organic unity of the logical and figurative principles, the generalization of reasoning and evidence of scientific presentation and the figurative concretization of artistic description are realized. Hence, the language of the newspaper combines informativeness, logicality and obligatory emotionality, evaluativeness, the unity of such opposing linguistic tendencies as an orientation towards the standardization of speech, the use of speech standards (speech clichés), on the one hand, and the desire for expression, to enliven speech, on the other.

At the syntactic level, the newspaper-journalistic style is characterized by the simplicity of syntactic constructions; streamlining the sentence structure; frequent inversion of sentence members that are the logical center of the phrase; the use of elements of poetic syntax (rhetorical question, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, etc.), especially in propaganda works; the use of elements of colloquial syntax (ellipsis, attachment, question-answer form, etc.).

The report combines strict documentation, objectivity and protocol with the emotionality and picturesqueness of the image (the effect of the presence of the author).

The editorial article is specific in language and style and contains the most important material in the ideological and political sense, and poses problems of national and international importance. This is both a directive and journalistic work. Hence the presence in the leading article of speech clichés, on the one hand, and emotionally expressive structures, on the other.

Diverse in terms of linguistic and stylistic features are essays (a genre bordering between journalistic and fiction), in which the presence of the author's "I" is especially noticeable, and a feuilleton, and a pamphlet, the basis of which is satirism, a satirical attitude to reality and a direct assessment of negative facts, and hence the use of emotionally expressive means.

In general, the language of the newspaper is characterized by a bright journalistic passion; the use of semantically significant language units, expressive-modal forms; the convergence of book speech with colloquial (democratization of the language), which leads to stylistic looseness, a variety of means of expression; conciseness, accuracy, clarity, accessibility.

Art style

The concept of the language of fiction is ambiguous. It includes the concept of the language and style of the writer. The language of the writer is understood as the language units used in the text and performing certain functions there. The style of the writer, his work of art is the reflection and implementation in the text of the work of the elements of the artistic style of speech, his figurative system. __

The language of fiction occupies a special place in the literary language, because it uses all the means of the national language to create artistic images and impact on the mind and feelings of the reader.

The features of the style of fiction include, firstly, the unity of the communicative and aesthetic functions, which is determined by the dual task of fiction: not only to tell, but also to influence the reader; secondly, this is the variety of linguistic means used in fiction: here, in essence, elements of any functional style can be used; thirdly, this is the widespread use of tropes, figures and other figurative and expressive means of the language; fourthly, it is the presence of the image of the author, his author's individuality, his worldview, worldview, ideological and aesthetic views, etc.

Fiction is a special way of reflecting and cognizing reality. In a work of art, according to V. V. Vinogradov, an emotional-figurative, aesthetic transformation of the means of the national language takes place. The task of the writer is to give a true artistic and social understanding of the facts depicted.

The distinctive intra-style features of artistic speech are artistic imagery, semantic capacity and polysemy of the artistic word, artistic-figurative concretization and emotionality. All linguistic means and stylistic devices in artistic speech are subject to the disclosure of the ideological and artistic concept of the work, and it is the intention of the work that determines the expediency and motivation of the language means and stylistic devices used by the author.

“In the style of the writer, in accordance with his artistic intentions, all the linguistic means used by the artist are internally connected and aesthetically justified.”

When analyzing a work of art, it is necessary to reveal the features of the verbal form that expresses the ideological content.

The style of fiction is wider and more diverse than individual functional styles. The style of fiction is not a set of techniques, but the most important property of poetic figurative thinking. The writer takes from all the functional styles of the common language what he needs to reveal the topic he has chosen.

In a work of art, three actual speech planes are distinguished: the author's narration, the speech of the characters, the author's characterization of the hero.

In the author's narration, which is a model of the literary language among true artists of the word, the normative literary language is realized, usually with a wide use of non-neutral language units, elements of colloquial literary speech are widely used, especially in works written in the form of a casual conversation with the reader.

In the author's characterization of the characters, expressive and stylistically colored language units of the literary and colloquial variety of the colloquial style of speech are most often used. Sometimes colloquial elements are also used.

In the speech of the characters there can be (depending on the social position of the hero, for the speech characteristics of the hero) all the elements of colloquial speech: literary and non-literary (colloquial, slang, dialect, etc.).

When analyzing speech characteristics characters, it is important to remember the stylistic features of the colloquial everyday style, since it is they that are realized in the speech of the characters. These are ease, liveliness, specificity of speech, its emotionality and expressiveness, a kind of standardity and stereotype in the choice of language means, which is associated with the stereotype of many life situations. But in the speech of each character, these features are realized in different ways. Therefore, when analyzing the speech characteristics of the characters, special attention should be paid to the individual characteristics of the speech of the characters, which reveal the speech portrait of this character. The character's language corresponds to his inner appearance, reveals his character, thoughts and moods, and also corresponds to his social, professional status and cultural environment.

Special attention should be paid to the issue of figurative speech in a literary text. Imagery here is created not only by the figurative meaning of the word and special lexical and syntactic devices. And stylistically neutral means of language, connected by the unity of the poetic tone of the passage or the entire work, can play a role in creating the image. The figurativeness and poetic power of a word sometimes lie in special phrases, 8 of which the most ordinary words acquire great power, and in separate stressed keywords. An example is the many prose works of Pushkin and Chekhov, in which, it would seem, the most everyday words (and not paths) create an image.

Both grammatical forms of the word and various syntactic means of the language can acquire greater expressiveness. Not only stylistic figures, but also parallel syntactic constructions, word order, etc.

Thus, two types of language means are used to create figurativeness: firstly, these are actually figurative means of the language itself - lexical, semantic, phraseological poetisms, tropes, figures; secondly, these are elements that are generally neutral in language, which become figurative in the structure of a work of art.

In general, the individual style of a writer's work is determined by its subject matter and lexical composition.


1. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture / B.N. Golovin.-M.: Higher School, 1988.-320p.

2. Pustovalov P.S. Handbook for the development of speech / P.S. Pustovalov, M.P. Senkevich.- M.: Enlightenment, 1987.-288s.

3. Cheshko L.A. Russian language / L.A. Cheshko.- M.: Vyssh.shk., 1981.-261p.


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The style of the language is its variety, which serves any side of public life: everyday communication; official business relationship; agitation and mass activity; science; verbal and artistic creativity. Each style is characterized by the following features: the purpose of communication, a set of language tools and forms (genres) in which it exists. Each style uses linguistic means of the national language, but under the influence of a number of factors (theme, content, etc.), their selection and organization in each style is very specific and serves the most optimal communication. The functional style of speech is a peculiar character of speech of one or another of its social varieties, corresponding to a certain field of activity and a form of consciousness correlative with it. Thus, the style of the literary language is called functional, as it performs a specific function in speech.

The colloquial style of speech is used in everyday speech, in conversations with friends in a relaxed atmosphere. The purpose of the conversational style is communication, the exchange of thoughts. In conversational style, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures.

The form of implementation of this style is a dialogue. There are several styles in book speech: scientific, journalistic, business. The authors turn to the artistic style if they need to paint a picture with words, to convey their feelings to the reader. Scientific style is a kind of literary language used in the scientific works of scientists to express the results of research. The purpose of scientific style is communication, explanation of scientific results. The form of implementation of this style is a dialogue.

The scientific style uses linguistic means: terms, special phraseology, complex syntactic constructions. The scientific style is implemented in the genres: monograph, article, dissertation, report, abstract, thesis, etc. The official business style is used in the official business sphere - in the correspondence of citizens with institutions, institutions with each other, etc. The task of style is to inform accurate information of practical importance, give precise recommendations, instructions. The official business style has its own genres: charter, code, law, decree, order, power of attorney, receipt, act, protocol, instruction, statement, report.

The usual form of implementation is a dialogue. The journalistic style is used in the socio-political sphere of life, in newspapers, in radio and television broadcasts, in speeches at meetings.

The purpose of the style is to communicate information of socio-political significance; influence listeners and readers. It is implemented in the form of a journalistic article, essay, feuilleton. Artistic style is used in verbal and artistic creativity.

Its goal is to draw a living picture, depict an object or events, convey the author's emotions to the reader, and influence the feelings and thoughts of the listener and reader with the help of the created images. Readers widely use language tools various styles Russian language, including colloquial. In artistic speech, there is a deep metaphor, figurativeness of units of different language levels, the rich possibilities of synonymy, ambiguity are used. The most important feature of the literary language is its normativity, which is manifested in written and oral form.

A language norm is a uniform, exemplary, generally recognized use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences); rules for the use of speech means of the literary language. Characteristics norms of the literary language: relative stability, prevalence, common use, general obligatoriness, compliance with use, custom, and the possibilities of the language system. To the main sources language norm include the works of classical and contemporary writers, analysis of the language of the media, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, scientific research by linguists.

Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional slang, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural. The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out.

Language means that are appropriate in one situation (everyday communication) may turn out to be ridiculous in another (official business communication). For example, in Russian one cannot use such forms as “my last name”, “they ran”; it is necessary to say “my last name”, “they ran”. The norms are described in textbooks, special reference books, as well as in dictionaries (spelling, explanatory, phraseological, synonyms). The norm is approved and supported by the speech practice of cultured people. The norm in colloquial speech is the result of a speech tradition, determined by the appropriateness of using an expression in a given situation. Depending on how clearly the words are pronounced, there are three styles of pronunciation: full, neutral, colloquial.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. The change in literary norms is due to the constant development of the language.

What was the norm in the last century and even 15-70 years ago may become a deviation from it today. For example, in the 1930s and 1940s the words "graduate student" and "diploma student" were used to express the same concept: "a student doing a thesis". In the literary norm of the 1950s-1960s. there was a distinction in the use of these words: the former colloquial "graduate" now means a student, a student during the defense of a thesis, receiving a diploma. The word "diplomat" began to be called mainly the winners of competitions, prize-winners of reviews marked with a diploma (diploma winner of the All-Union Piano Competition).

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