Definition of paragraph in Russian. The meaning of the word paragraph in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Dictionary of linguistic terms

A piece of writing between two red lines. A., denoting a kind of “caesura” (see), is a unit of division, intermediate between a phrase and a chapter, and serves to group homogeneous units of presentation, exhausting some of it... ... Literary encyclopedia

Paragraph- PARAGRAPH in its original meaning is the same as the red line. But A. also means a passage of written speech contained between red lines. A paragraph can be viewed from two points of view: 1) descriptive expediency, 2)… … Dictionary of literary terms

- (German Absatz from ab from and setzen put, put.). The beginning of the text, a new line when typographically setting letters. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PARAGRAPH German. Absatz, from ab, from, and setzen, to put, put.… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Cm … Synonym dictionary

The kitten [will not shit anymore]. 1. Unlock Joking. It's all over with whom l., with what l. UMK, 47; Maksimov, 11. 2. Jarg. school Joking. About a student answering a lesson at the blackboard. VMN 2003, 17. Take a paragraph. Jarg. they say Take three puffs when smoking. Nikitina 2003.15.… … Big dictionary Russian sayings

paragraph- PARAGRAPH, a, m. 1. Something strange, special, unusual, outstanding. I have never seen such a paragraph before. 2. The end, the end of something. The asshole showed up right before work, and asked for money. 3. in sign. intl. Expresses any emotion. Paragraph, how many people!… … Dictionary of Russian argot

Paragraph- a part of the text that represents a semantic unity, highlighted by an indentation in the first line, and starting with an uppercase (capital) or lowercase letter. The paragraph ends with a period or a semicolon if the previous paragraph ends... ... Official terminology

paragraph- (wrong paragraph) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

- (German Absatz) 1) indentation in the initial line of the text. 2) Part of the text (complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and indented in the 1st line ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

PARAGRAPH, ah, husband. 1. Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. Read the first a. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • A paragraph, a kirdyk and OK"sUMORon, or what to do? , Lissy Moussa. The very essence of OK"sUMORon is in this book, everyone will find in it real support and help in solving difficult life problems. And although this is one of Lissy Moussa's most fun books, it helps in...
  • Paragraph (2002 ed.) , . The book includes works by 33 authors, very famous and not so well-known, written in different genres (prose, journalism, drama, comedy, poetry, lyrics and pop monologues, etc.).…

PARAGRAPH, -a, m. 1. Red line, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with a paragraph. 2. Text between two such indents. Read the first a.

View value PARAGRAPH in other dictionaries

Paragraph- Red line
synonym: indent
Synonym dictionary

Paragraph- paragraph, m. (German: Absatz) (special). 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of a line to separate one part of the text from another; Red line. When typing, make a paragraph. 2. Text between two such........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Paragraph M.— 1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of printed or handwritten text; Red line. 2. The part of the text between two such indents, characterized by........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Paragraph- -A; m. [German] Absatz].
1. Indent to the right at the beginning of the first line. parts of the text; Red line. Start with a paragraph. Do a. when typing.
2. Part of the text between two such........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Paragraph— This word, denoting an indent at the beginning of a line or text between two such indents, was borrowed in the 60s of the 19th century. from German language, where the word Absatz has the same meaning.
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Paragraph of the Regulatory Legal Act- - a part of the text that represents a semantic unity, indented in the first line and starting with a lowercase letter, except for the first paragraph of the part, which......
Legal Dictionary

Paragraph- (German Absatz) - 1) indentation in the initial line of text. 2) Part of the text (complex syntactic whole), representing a semantic unity and highlighted by indentation in the 1st line.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

A paragraph is the portion of text between two indents, or red lines. A paragraph differs from a complex syntactic whole in that it is not a unit of the syntactic level. A paragraph is a means of dividing a coherent text based on compositional and stylistic principles.
The functions of a paragraph in dialogical and monologue speech are different: in a dialogue, a paragraph serves to delimit remarks different persons, i.e., performs a purely formal role; in monologue speech - to highlight compositionally significant parts text (both from the point of view of logical-semantic and emotional
nal-expressive). The functions of a paragraph are closely related to the functional and stylistic affiliation of the text and its stylistic coloring; at the same time, they also reflect the individual author’s peculiarities of text design. In particular, the average length of paragraphs often depends on the writing style.
A paragraph and a complex syntactic whole are units different levels divisions, since the bases of their organization are different (a paragraph does not have a special syntactic design, unlike a complex syntactic whole), however, these are intersecting units, functionally touching, since both of them play a semantic-stylistic role. That is why a paragraph and a complex syntactic whole can, in their particular manifestations, coincide and correspond to each other. For example:
We climbed the embankment and looked down at the ground from its height. Fifty fathoms from us, where potholes, holes and heaps merged completely with the darkness of the night, a dim light blinked. Behind it, another light shone, followed by a third, then, retreating about a hundred paces, two red eyes shone next to each other - probably the windows of some barracks - and a long row of such lights, becoming denser and dimmer, stretched along a line to the very horizon, then it turned left in a semicircle and disappeared into the distant darkness. The lights were motionless. In them, in the silence of the night and in the dull song of the telegraph, something in common was felt. It seemed that some important secret was buried under the embankment and only lights, night and wires knew about it... (A. Chekhov).
But the coincidence of a complex syntactic whole with a paragraph is not necessary. Because a paragraph can emphasize the emotional and expressive qualities of a text, it is able to break a single complex syntactic whole and combine several syntactic wholes. This is especially true of literary texts. In scientific texts, there are much more matches between a complex syntactic whole and a paragraph, since they are entirely focused on the logical organization of speech.
The night was August, starry, but dark. Because before in my life I had never been in such an exceptional environment as I found myself in by chance now, this starry night seemed dull and inhospitable to me.
and darker than she actually was. N I was on the line railway, which was still under construction. A high, half-finished embankment, heaps of sand, clay and rubble, barracks, pits, wheelbarrows scattered here and there, flat elevations above the dugouts in which the workers lived - this whole jumble, painted in the same color in the darkness, gave the land some kind of strange , a wild face reminiscent of times of chaos. There was so little order in everything that lay in front of me that among the hideously pitted, unlike anything else, it was somehow strange to see the silhouettes of people and slender telegraph poles, both of them spoiled the ensemble of the picture and seemed out of this world . And it was quiet, and we could only hear the telegraph humming its boring song above our heads, somewhere very high (A. Chekhov). There are three syntactic integers in one paragraph.
Paragraph division pursues one common goal- highlight significant parts of the text. However, parts of the text can be highlighted for different specific purposes. Accordingly, the functions of the paragraph differ.
[In dialogical speech, the paragraph acts as a formal means of distinguishing the remarks of different persons. For example:
  • You're probably not from here, are you? - she said.
  • Exactly the same with: I just arrived from the provinces yesterday.
  • Did you come with your family?
  • No way, sir. I came alone.
  • One! But you are still so young.
  • I have neither father nor mother.
  • You are here, of course, on some business?
  • Exactly the same with. I came to submit a request to the Empress.
(A. Pushkin)
In monologue speech, a paragraph can perform different functions - logical-semantic, accent-emphasis, expressive-emotional. Moreover, the functions of a paragraph are closely related to the nature of the text and its stylistic characteristics.
Official business, scientific, popular science, educational texts are guided by the logical-semantic principle of paragraph division, although in some cases the principle of accentuation is not alien to these texts (for example, in the texts of laws, regulations, etc. paragraph division can even break a separate sentence that has a number of homogeneous syntactic components).
In literary texts, where the functional diversity of paragraphs is revealed, the same accent-excretive function is subordinated to the emotional-expressive function.
A paragraph that breaks a single syntactic whole plays an accentuated role when highlighting individual links is considered important general structure, private details in the description, in the disclosure of a particular topic. This is the role of paragraphs in the following text, which is one complex syntactic whole (five paragraphs):
There is such spiritual confidence when a person can do anything.
He can almost instantly write such poems that his descendants will repeat them for several centuries.
He can contain all his thoughts and dreams in his mind in order to distribute them to the first people he meets and not regret it for a minute.
He can see and hear magical things where no one notices them: a silver stump on a moonlit night, the sound of air, a sky similar to an ancient one. nautical chart. He can come up with many amazing stories.
Lermontov was experiencing approximately the same state now. He was calm and happy. But not only with the love of Shcherbatova. Reason said that love can wither in separation. He was happy with his thoughts, their strength, breadth, his plans, the all-pervading presence of poetry (K. Paustovsky).
Continuous written or printed text, not broken into paragraphs, is not only difficult to read, but also loses in semantic terms, since the structural and logical parts of which it consists are not distinguished. And the text looks completely different in the works of masters of artistic prose:
Dagny went out to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.
Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was still unclear to her, but which gripped her entire being...
And she laughed, looking with wide open eyes at the lights of the steamers. They slowly swayed in clear gray water (K. Paustovsky).

A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. They are united around one general theme. One of the proposals carries main idea entire paragraph, and all other sentences reveal the topic more broadly. A proposal with a main purpose is required. It is this that briefly conveys the general narrow meaning of the entire paragraph. Usually the main sentence, which is also called the topic sentence, is not the very first one.

The paragraph begins with a sentence on a slightly different topic. With each subsequent statement the topic is clarified. By the end of the paragraph, sentences have a specific function. They help clarify the details and nuances of the topic. The right paragraph should talk about one specific topic. The paragraph should contain everything necessary information for a full disclosure of the topic. All sentences that make up the paragraph must have the correct location. Each of them, in turn, should be directly related to the main topic. Also, each previous unit should prepare the reader for the next one.

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