The amazing world of oceans and seas. The fascinating underwater world of the oceans. Flora of the oceans and seas

The underwater world of the oceans is hidden from our view. Only an inquisitive and trained person can dive and enjoy the bright colors and grandeur. Diving reveals to us a beauty that can captivate any imagination. Underwater, a scuba diver gets acquainted with the life of fish, swims among corals, delves into mystical caves and finds. The underwater kingdom of each of the four oceans has its own flavor, and I really want to introduce you to it better.

Pacific Ocean

Diving into the waters of the Pacific Ocean promises many unforgettable experiences. This is the largest body of water on our planet, and underwater inhabitants it contains more than 100 thousand species.

The largest representative of these waters is the gray whale Rigel. The weight of this beauty is about 35 tons. Habitat: lower layers of water. From time to time, huge whales surface in shallow bays, usually during breeding season.

The underwater world of the oceans is inhabited not only by peaceful inhabitants, but also by predators. For example, in the Pacific Ocean lives an unusual one. Many divers, having spotted a predator with an original color, try to take a photo with it. But this could end badly. In a calm state, a leopard shark will not attack, but if a diver is injured on sharp coral or rock, it will react to the smell of blood. The maximum length of such a shark is a little more than two meters, weight - 20 kg. Small representatives of this species often end up in aquariums or private aquariums of wealthy people.

In the Pacific Ocean you can find snakes, stone fish, shellfish, sea ​​urchins. All of these representatives secrete a paralyzing poison, and communication with them can be dangerous for a scuba diver.

There are many in these waters small fish, swimming in silvery or motley flocks. Watching their movements is especially interesting. Valuable salmon fish, fur seals and many other representatives are also found here.

Atlantic Ocean

The underwater world of the oceans is interesting to observe in the Atlantic. The second largest body of water on Earth is divided into two parts by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Many fish and mammals live here. An unusual sight is represented by flocks of huge flying crayfish, sea wolf and many other inhabitants.

The underwater kingdom of the Atlantic has surprised scientists many times with previously unknown species of fish, worms and jellyfish. Extreme divers can dive to sunken ships, visit the Bermuda Triangle and tickle their nerves while hiding from predatory sharks.

Indian Ocean

Diving into the waters Indian Ocean looks like a fairy tale. The riot of colors and diversity of living creatures is breathtaking. IN warm waters The reservoir is home to the brightest inhabitants of the World Ocean. Here you can find giant coral octopuses, sea beauties and colorful sea ​​worms.

The unique conditions of the Indian Ocean make its fauna very interesting to observe. Many species of fish and shellfish representing undersea world oceans, live only here and are not able to survive in other latitudes. However, we must not forget about the dangers lurking in the underwater kingdom.

Arctic Ocean

This body of water is considered the smallest of all oceans. Its waters are harsh and restless, but even here there is an underwater world of its own. Don't expect much variety, the main local inhabitants are phytoplankton, kelp, various jellyfish and some species of large and small fish. In addition, whales can be found here.

The giant mussel and the world's largest jellyfish, the cyanea, look very unusual.

Dangerous inhabitants of the depths

When talking about danger, almost everyone imagines huge predatory sharks. The deep sea shark is very dangerous to humans. And you must follow certain rules so as not to become its prey. Scientists know more than 350 species of sharks, but this figure is not final, since unknown representatives continue to come into their field of view. Different kinds dangerous predators live in the waters of all oceans. The following species can attack humans:

  • White shark;
  • fox;
  • hammerhead fish;
  • sandy;
  • brindle;
  • gray nanny and others.

It must be borne in mind that any shark whose size exceeds 1 meter can be potentially dangerous.

Considered very dangerous predatory moray eels, big sea ​​bass and so on. It is better for a person not to get in their way.

Barracuda is called the ocean pike. This predator is found in subtropical and tropical waters. The fish hunts in schools, very quickly, attacks unexpectedly and quickly disappears. The speed of a barracuda during hunting can reach 60 km/h.

One of the predators that can attack a person is the moray eel. This fish waits in ambush and attacks prey that finds itself in its territory. And given the size of the predator (some individuals have a body length of more than three meters), the damage can be very serious.

Small fish can also pose a danger. Nature provided them with poisonous spines, fins and growths for protection.

The unusual, bewitching beauty of the underwater kingdom cannot but attract attention. But no matter how hard a person tries, he will never be able to unravel all the mysteries and study this world completely.

Life on planet Earth originated in the ocean. It was from the water that the first animals came to land. The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are distinguished by their enormous species diversity. All marine representatives organic world live in the water column and on the ocean floor. Scientists count more than 150 thousand inhabitants of the oceans and seas, including plant and animal organisms that inhabit the sea and ocean spaces of the planet.

Inhabitants of the seas and oceans: diversity and living conditions

Everyone knows that the aquatic environment is strikingly different from the land-air environment. Significant depths are excommunicated by low temperatures, high blood pressure. The inhabitants of the seas and oceans, living at great depths, practically do not see sunlight, but despite this variety of life forms, it is amazing.

Almost all useful substances that are necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the deep sea dissolve in water. The water space warms up very slowly, but heat transfer occurs over a long period of time. Of course, at significant depths the temperature changes almost imperceptibly.

An important component for all creatures in the water column is the presence of oxygen. In the absence of free oxygen, hydrogen sulfide is formed, this is typical for the Black Sea and Arabian Sea.

For full development, the inhabitants of the seas and oceans need protein, which is found in large quantities in

Flora of the oceans and seas

Sea plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment. With its help, the energy of the sun is accumulated. Water splits into oxygen and hydrogen, then hydrogen enters chemical reaction with carbon dioxide from the environment aquatic environment. After this, starch, sugar and proteins are formed.

At relatively shallow depths there is a rich flora. The inhabitants of the depths of the sea find their food in these “sea meadows”.

One of the most common algae is kelp; their length can reach six meters. It is from this plant that iodine is obtained, and they are also used as fertilizer for fields.

One more brightest inhabitants seas and oceans (mainly southern latitudes) are marine organisms that are called - But they should not be confused with plants, these are real animals. They live in large colonies, attaching themselves to rocky surfaces.

Plants need sunlight, so plants are found at least 200 meters deep. Below only live the inhabitants of the seas and oceans who do not need the light of the sun.

Sea creatures

Previously, it was believed that no one lives below six kilometers depth due to high pressure, which water columns have on living beings. But scientists conducted deep-sea studies that confirmed the hypothesis that at great depths there are various species (crustaceans, worms, etc.).

Some deep-sea inhabitants of the seas and oceans periodically rise to depths of up to a thousand meters. They do not float higher, because... Closer to the surface, large differences in water temperature are observed.

For many deep sea inhabitants who spend their entire lives at the bottom have no vision. But some parts of their body have special flashlights. They are needed to escape predators and to attract potential prey.

Animals of the seas and oceans feel comfortable in their environment, many of them do not need to adapt to seasonal environmental changes.

The octopus is the most intelligent cephalopod

A special role in the lives of many sea ​​creatures play single-celled organisms, which are called plankton and move with the help of the current. Many fish feed on them, which constantly move after them. With increasing depth, the number of plankton decreases sharply.

Scientists have long proven that the inhabitants of the seas and oceans live in all water layers. These animals and plants are distinguished by great species diversity, as well as unusual shapes and colors. You can endlessly admire the various species of fish, corals and other marine inhabitants of the most bizarre forms that seem to be aliens from another planet and admire the perfection of nature.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention an unusually interesting documentary dedicated to different inhabitants of the seas and oceans titled "The Most Dangerous Animals. Depths of the sea." Look, it will be interesting!

And in more detail, with interesting representatives underwater world, you will be introduced to these articles:

Not all food in the ocean comes from the part of the ocean it enters. sunlight. The floor of the Atlantic Ocean is divided in two by a huge chain of volcanic mountains that stretch around the globe continuously for 45,000 km. In places they are torn apart by large cracks, of which hot water, saturated with dissolved minerals, bursts into the icy depths. Clouds of sulfides crystallize into “chimneys” that reach the height of a three-story building. Four hundred degree hot cocktail chemical substances would be lethally toxic to most life forms, but surprisingly, a special genus of bacteria thrives here. It lives and finds food here and a huge amount of shrimp. Therefore, beyond the furthest reaches of sunlight, there exists an independent, rich colony that takes all the energy it needs directly from the Earth's molten core.

On the other side of the planet, in the western Pacific Ocean, near Japan, there are Dragon chimneys, another series of hot springs that erupt in the darkness of the underwater world. More different bacteria live here. There are also more crustaceans living here, but of slightly different species than around the Atlantic hot springs. These squat lobsters, clad in furry armor, jostle each other near jets of superheated water behind best places to collect bacteria. As in the Atlantic, these holes in the crust, like isolated oases, are so far apart that each colony is unique.

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, close Galapagos Islands, There are also earthly fissures from which hot streams erupt. This place is known as " northern latitude " Rising chimneys support amazing life giant tube worms. These sources release so much energy that some worms reach three meters in length. They are known as the fastest growing marine invertebrates. It is said that more than fifty different species live here. The inhabitants of these vibrant communities may grow very quickly, but their existence may be short-lived because the springs do not always erupt. Suddenly they may stop activity.

In just a few months, what was recently the hub of bustling life will turn into cold, sterile monuments of minerals. When unknown convolutions deep in the earth's crust redirect volcanic energy to another place, the entire microcosm dies out.

Scientists suggest the existence of about thirty thousand such underwater volcanoes. The height from the seabed of some of them is higher than Everest. Sheer cliffs rise to volcanic peaks submerged in the ocean. Powerful currents rush along the slopes of seamounts, lifting them to the peaks from deep waters nutrients. Hard rocks provide excellent anchorage for large colonies of a variety of amazing colors. Several meters of soft corals collect sea snow drifting past. Long corals stretch with the current. Giant sponges filter nutrients into cold water. A diverse, rich community lives and thrives here, subsisting on nutrients in the icy currents on the slopes of the seamounts. These inhabitants of the seabed thrive in the crater of an extinct volcano at a depth of many kilometers, inaccessible to the sun.

Some of these isolated underwater volcanoes rise nine thousand meters from the seafloor, almost reaching the ocean surface. Around these peaks in the favorable light of the sun sea ​​life abounds in amazing grace. Fish swarm here because the volcano releases nutrients to the surface, where plankton multiply.

Birds Frigates spend months in continuous flights over the sea, but during the laying season, they flock here from all over the ocean. The island's barren slopes of volcanic ash and lava would seem to provide ideal nesting sites, but frigate birds choose an even more isolated site - this Skua Island, lonely cliff off the coast Ascension Islands. Frigates are the lightest birds in the world. They have such a wingspan that they can soar in the air for weeks with minimal effort. They seem much more comfortable in the sky than in a crowded colony on the ground. They flock here from all over the Atlantic.

Gannets also fly here. To raise their small chicks, they search for such uninhabited islands all over the world.

“Swimmers” also come here to breed. Female green turtle approaching the shore. She hasn't eaten even once in two months. Green turtles are one of the few representatives of their kind who can travel thousands of kilometers.

The ocean is huge. I would like to see and show you every corner, but alas, this is not in our power. We can offer you only a small piece of it. Or rather, the underwater world of the ocean, photos from different places.

In the film, you can see all the miracles that were written about above:

And a few photos of the underwater world of the ocean:

The nature of our world is amazing in its essence, but we strive to remake it, cutting down forests to build houses or improving wildlife, introducing into it all sorts of elements of civilization. However, few people know about the beauty of the underwater world of the seas and oceans, where the most beautiful marine life is found.

Nowadays, more and more more people start diving and learn about this unique nature ocean waters, containing numerous secrets and mysteries. It is notable not only for the large number various types fish and corals, there are also unusual caves, mystical territories, sunken cities and treasures.

There are 4 oceans on the globe, each of which carries its own impressions and has its own special “local” flora and fauna.

Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the first largest body of water on the planet and houses more than one hundred thousand of a wide variety of fish species. The largest inhabitant of this ocean and the entire underwater world is considered to be the gray whale Rigel, swimming in lower layers water space. The weight of such whales reaches 35 tons, and they can be seen during their breeding season, when the whales swim into the shallow waters of the bays.

Of course, there are also predators in the Pacific Ocean, among which the most dangerous are leopard shark, deadly poisonous stone fish, sea urchins, snakes and dragons that paralyze a person with their poison. Of course, there are quite a lot of such fish, so before you go scuba diving, you should definitely ask which fish pose a danger to humans and try not to get close to them.

There are also plenty of small fish here, the schools of which avid divers from all over the world want to admire. In the ocean you can find fur seals, salmon fish, telescope fish, smallmouth macropinna, as well as completely unusual fish- the herring king.

Almost the entire ocean is surrounded by mountainous terrain, making the bottom Pacific Ocean forms a volcanic "ring of fire". Not far from Australia lies a large barrier reef, surrounding the largest coral lagoon. There's movement everywhere in the ocean earth's crust, which produces world catastrophes in the form of a tsunami.

Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is second in size after the Pacific Ocean. The ocean floor is divided into two almost equal parts by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Its space is also inhabited by a huge number of fish and mammals. Among the most unusual and rarely seen species are flying fish, sunfish, blue sharks, giant crayfish, sea ​​dog and many others.

Behind last years exploring the depths Atlantic Ocean scientists have found several species of fish that were not known before today modern science. Thus on seabed New varieties of sea worms and cucumbers, ctenophores and jellyfish were found, which are distinguished by their bright colors and unusual structure.

It should also be noted that it is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean that are full of numerous mysteries of sunken ships. Here is the famous Bermuda Triangle, the sunken Titanic, numerous ship cemeteries, underwater icebergs and endless mystical legends.

Indian Ocean.

Most of the Indian Ocean is washed by southern continents, where the water temperature reaches 23-25 ​​degrees. In this part of the ocean there is a rich underwater world of marine life from small fish to tiger sharks. The shallow waters are home to numerous coral reefs, colorful algae and polyps where mudskippers live.

Among large fish in the Indian Ocean you can see families of whale fish, sperm whales, dolphins, fur seals, killer whales and several species of sharks, including great white, tiger and other representatives. Among the local fauna there are many luminous fish, for example, the platytroct fish.

The island of Amsterdam is located in the Indian Ocean and is favored by seals and penguins. Popular places for diving in Indian waters are the coasts of Australia and the resort of Sri Lanka, where pearl fishing is famous for the local craft.

Northern Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean occupies the smallest part of the world's water space. Of course, being located in the northern hemisphere affects inner world underwater territory. Mainly phytoplankton, kelp, jellyfish and other fish species live here.

Despite the poverty of Arctic waters, in the ocean you can also find big fish. Its waters are home to bowhead whales, minke whales, seals, walruses and other mammals.

Among unusual inhabitants Ocean waters include giant mussels, the world's largest cyanide jellyfish and sea spiders.

Nautical animal world is the realm of many millions of living beings. Those who at least once had to descend into depths of the sea, were amazed by the enchanting beauty and bizarre forms of the underwater world.

Amazing fish, fabulous algae, creatures that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from plants. For example, sponges. For a long time scientists argued whether to attribute them to animals or plants. After all, sponges have no bark, no stomach, no brain, no nerves, no eyes - nothing that makes it possible to immediately say that this is an animal.

photo: Jim McLean


Sponges are primitive multicellular animals that mainly live in the seas and oceans, from the very shore to great depths, clinging to the bottom or to underwater rocks. There are more than 5000 species of these animals. Most of them are heat-loving animals, but some have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Sponges have various shapes: some look like a ball, others look like tubes, others look like glasses. They are not only different shapes, but also have different colors: yellow, orange, red, green, blue, black and others.

The body of the sponge is very uneven, easily tears, crumbles, and everything is penetrated by numerous holes and pores through which water penetrates and brings oxygen and food to the sponges - small planktonic organisms.

photo: Katalin Szomolanyi

Despite the fact that the sponge does not move and cannot even move, it is very tenacious. Sponges don't have many enemies. Their skeleton consists of large quantity needles, they protect the sponges. In addition, if a sponge is divided into many particles, even into cells, it will still connect and live.

During the experiment, two sponges were separated into parts and united into two former sponges, with each part of the sponge uniting with its own. The life expectancy of sponges is different. It is short in freshwater - a few months, in others - up to 2 years, and some of them are long-lived - up to 50 years.


Corals, or more precisely coral polyps, are primitive marine invertebrate animals that belong to the type of coelenterates. The coral polyp itself is a small animal, shaped like a grain of rice covered with tentacles. Each small polyp has its own well-known skeleton - corallites. When the polyp dies, the connected corallites form a reef on which the polyps settle again, changing generation after generation. This is how reefs grow.

photo: Charlene

Coral colonies amaze with their beauty; sometimes they form real underwater gardens and reefs. There are three types: 1) rocky or limestone, living in colonies and forming coral reefs 2) soft corals 3) horn corals - gorgonians, which are distributed from the polar regions to the equator.

Most corals can be found in the waters of tropical seas, where the water is never colder than + 20 degrees. Therefore, there are no coral reefs in the Black Sea.

Now science knows more than 500 species coral polyps that form reefs. Most corals live in shallow waters and only 16 percent reach depths of 1000m.


Although corals create strong reefs, the polyps themselves are very delicate, vulnerable creatures. Corals lie on the bottom or grow in the form of individual bushes and trees. They come in yellow, red, purple and other colors and reach a height of 2 m and a width of 1.5 m. They need a clean one salty water. Therefore, near the mouths large rivers which carry a lot of fresh water into the ocean muddy water, corals don't live.

Sunlight plays an important role in the life of corals. This is due to the fact that microscopic algae live in the tissues of the polyps, which provide respiration to the coral polyps.

Corals feed on small sea ​​plankton, which sticks to the tentacles of animals and then pulls prey into the mouth, which is located under the tentacles.

Sometimes the ocean floor rises (for example, after an earthquake), then coral reef comes to the surface and forms an island. Gradually it is populated by plants and animals. These islands are also inhabited by people. For example, ocean islands.

Starfish, urchins, lilies

All these animals belong to the phylum Echinodermata. They are very different from other types of animals.

Echinoderms live in salt water, so they inhabit only seas and oceans.

Starfish have 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 50 “rays”. At the end of each is a tiny eye that can sense light. Starfish come in bright colors: yellow, orange, red, purple, less often green, blue, gray. Sometimes starfish reach a size of 1 m across, small ones - a few millimeters.

photo: Roy Ellis

Starfish swallow small shellfish whole. When a large mollusk comes across, it hugs it with its “rays” and begins to pull valve after valve off the mollusk. But this is not always possible. The star is able to digest food from the outside, so a 0.2 mm gap is enough for the star to push its stomach in! They are capable of attacking even live fish with their stomachs. The fish swims with the star for some time, gradually digesting it while still alive!

Sea urchins omnivores, they devour dead fish, small starfish, snails, mollusks, their own relatives and algae. Sometimes hedgehogs settle in granite and basalt rocks, making a small hole for themselves with their incredibly strong jaws.

photo: Ron Wolf

sea ​​lilies- creatures that really look like a flower. They are found on the ocean floor and lead a sedentary lifestyle as adults. There are more than 600 species, most of which are stemless.

Jellyfish- unique marine animals that inhabit all seas and oceans on Earth.

The bodies of most jellyfish are transparent, as they are 97 percent water.

Adult animals do not look like young jellyfish. First, the jellyfish lays eggs, from which larvae emerge, and from them a polyp grows, which resembles an amazing bush. After some time, small jellyfish break away from it and grow into an adult jellyfish.

photo: Mukul Kumar

Jellyfish come in a variety of colors and shapes. Their sizes range from a few millimeters to two and a half meters, and the tentacles sometimes reach 30 m in length. They can be found both on the surface of the sea and at great depths, which sometimes reaches 2000m. Most jellyfish are very beautiful, they seem to be creatures that are not capable of offending. However, jellyfish are active predators. On the tentacles and mouth opening jellyfish have special capsules that paralyze their prey. In the middle of the capsule there is a long coiled “thread”, armed with spikes and a poisonous liquid, which is thrown out when the victim approaches. For example, if a crustacean touches a jellyfish, it will immediately stick to the tentacle and poisonous stinging threads will be inserted into it, paralyzing the crustacean.

photo: Miron Podgorean

Jellyfish venom affects humans differently. Some jellyfish are quite safe, others are dangerous. The latter includes the cross jellyfish, the size of which does not exceed an ordinary five-kopeck coin. On her transparent yellow-green umbrella you can see a dark cross-shaped pattern. Hence the name of this very poisonous jellyfish. Having touched the cross, a person receives a severe burn, then loses consciousness and begins to suffocate. If timely assistance is not provided, a person may die. Jellyfish move thanks to the contraction of a dome-shaped umbrella. In one minute they carry out up to 140 such movements, so they can move quickly. Jellyfish spend most of their time at the surface of the water. In 2002 in the central part Sea of ​​Japan A huge jellyfish was discovered. The size of her umbrella reached more than 3 m in diameter and a weight of 150 kg. Until now, such a giant has not been registered.

Interestingly, jellyfish of this species, measuring 1 m in diameter, began to be found in the thousands. Scientists cannot explain the reasons for their sudden increase. But it is believed that this is due to an increase in water temperature.

photo:Amir Stern

There are also many mammals that inhabit the oceans, seas and fresh water bodies. Some of them, like dolphins, spend their entire lives in water. Others go there mainly to search for food, as otters do. All aquatic animals are excellent swimmers, and some even dive to great depths. The size of land animals is limited by the strength of the limbs that can support the weight. In water, body weight is less than on land, which is why many species of whales have reached enormous sizes in the process of evolution.

photo: Alaska Region U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Four groups of mammals live in the seas and oceans. These are cetaceans (whales and dolphins), pinnipeds (real seals, eared seals and walruses), sirens (manatees and dugongs) and sea otters. Pinnipeds and sea otters come to land to rest and reproduce, while cetaceans and sirenians spend their entire lives in the water.

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