Interesting unusual stingray fish. Ramp fish. Lifestyle and habitat of stingray fish Where stingrays live

Electric Stingray- it's sea cartilaginous fish , hallmark which is the presence of paired electric organs. The detachment of electric rays consists of 4 families and more than 60 species.

Electric ramp - characteristics and description

The body of the electric stingray is disc-shaped with a slight elongation in the form of a tail, there is a caudal fin and one or two upper fins. The body size of the stingray can reach 50 centimeters. However, there are also major representatives, whose maximum body length reaches 1.2 meters, and the weight is approximately 100 kg. Stingray sea fish can have a different color: from the simplest discreet color to bright and colorful patterns and patterns. The eyes of the electric stingray are located on top, such anatomical structure causes enough poor eyesight in this type of fish. On the sides of the disc-shaped body are kidney-shaped organs that produce electricity, they are located between the head and on pectoral fins. Electric organs of sea stingrays designed for self-defense and catching prey. With the help of them, the stingray releases beam-like electrical ranks power from 6 to 220 volts. Thus, the fish strikes the prey or the enemy and attacks him.

Where do stingrays live?

The habitats of stingrays are quite different. Electric stingray lives on reefs, clay bays, in areas of sandy beaches. Sometimes a stingray can also live in the depths of the seas and oceans, maximum depth The ramp dive is about 1000 meters. You can find this fish only in the waters of the temperate and tropical climatic zones.

Baby stingrays carry an electrical charge from birth. An adult female electric stingray can give birth to 8-14 babies.

The body length of a newborn stingray is negligible and is approximately 2 centimeters.

Sea fish stingray in addition to his electrical ability, he has another undeniable talent. These fish are excellent swimmers, which is due to the shape of the body adapted for this. Rounded fins allow stingrays to soar in aquatic environment, while not spending much effort to overcome long distances. This helps the stingrays in the process of finding food for themselves and their newborn babies.

What does the electric stingray eat and how does it hunt?

The electric stingray feeds mainly on fish and carrion. Smaller representatives of stingrays produce small marine plankton in the form of small fish, crabs, octopuses. More large species eat fish. For example, capelin, mullet, sardines, salmon. When hunting, the electric stingray catches up with its prey and hugs it with its fins. A series of electrical discharges are launched on the victim, as a result of which she dies.

Electric ray discharge

The discharge of an electric stingray for a person is not as dangerous as for small fish, but still has a detrimental effect on human health and vital activity. Small discharges will be reflected severe pain, stronger ones can paralyze the limbs of the body, the most powerful discharges can lead to lethal outcome. To save life and health, a person is advised to avoid swimming in places where an electric stingray lives, and in no case should interact with fish on land and in the aquatic environment.

However, it is known that the electric ray in Ancient Greece actively used as a remedy for pain, as an analgesic during operations and childbirth. An electric ramp was applied to the place of pain, with the help of electrical voltage, the painful sensations disappeared. Such use maritime electric rays led to the emergence of modern electrical medical devices.

Skat fish - the oldest inhabitant water depths. Stingrays are mysterious creatures. They, together with their closest relatives, are the oldest old-timers of the depths of the waters.

These creatures have a lot of interesting features, and this is what distinguishes them from other representatives of the fauna floating in the water. Scientists suggest that in prehistoric times, distant ancestors and stingrays differed little in structure, but the myriad of past years made these animals in no way similar, and the individuals of both species themselves underwent significant changes.

Modern cramp-fish(on photo this is clearly visible in the animal) is characterized by an extremely flat body and a head fancifully fused with the pectoral fins, which gives this creature a fantastic look.

The color of the animal largely depends on its habitat: sea ​​waters and fresh waters. In these creatures, the color of the upper body region can be either light, for example, sandy, or multi-colored, with a fancy ornament or dark. It is this coloring that helps the stingrays successfully camouflage themselves from observers from above, giving it the opportunity to merge with the surrounding space.

The underside of these flat creatures is usually lighter than the top. On the indicated side of the animal are such organs as the mouth and nostrils, as well as gills in the amount of five pairs. The tail of such inhabitants of the waters has a whip-like shape.

Rays are a very large group of aquatic animals that have nothing to do with mammals. stingrayis it a fish or more precisely, a creature belonging to the category of elasmobranch cartilaginous fish.

In terms of size, these inhabitants of the depths also differ significantly from each other. There is an individual only a few centimeters long. Others are meter, and in some cases more (up to 7 meters) size.

The body of the rays is so flat and long, resembling a pancake rolled out with a rolling pin, that the edges on the sides of the creatures look like wings, representing the pectoral fins. In some cases, their range reaches two meters or more.

An example of this is the stingray, which is a member of the bracken family, whose body length reaches five, and the span of peculiar wings is up to two and a half meters. stingraycartilaginous fish. This means that its insides are built not from bones, as in sharks and other animals, but from cartilage.

The coloring of the stingray gives it the ability to camouflage itself on the seafloor.

The habitats of stingrays are as vast as their diversity. Such animals can be found in the water depths throughout the planet, even in the Arctic and Antarctic. But with the same success they settle in tropical waters.

The depth of reservoirs that serve as a haven for animals, likewise varies greatly. The stingray fish lives and is able to successfully take root in shallow water, but also perfectly adapts to exist at a depth of 2700 m.

The nature and lifestyle of stingray fish

Amazing properties various stingray species strike the imagination. For example, "flying rays" can be observed on the coasts of Australia. There are also electric fish stingrays.

In the photo "flying" rays

And such a force given to them by nature turns out to be an excellent weapon in the struggle for survival. Such creatures are able to paralyze the victim using their own electricity, which is produced by all rays, but it is this species that produces it in an amount of up to 220 volts.

Such a discharge, which is especially strong in water, is quite enough to paralyze individual parts of the human body, and even lead to lethal outcome. The most interesting of the species stingray fishnautical devil. This is an animal of enormous size, exceeding two tons in weight.

About such creatures, sailors composed the most incredible legends, the causes of which were the unexpected appearances of such monstrous in size maritime stingray fish from the abyss before the eyes of stunned travelers.

They jumped headlong out of the water, and then disappeared into the depths, flickering with a pointed tail, which often caused panic horror. However, the fears were unreasonable, and such creatures are completely harmless and even peaceful in nature.

In the photo, the slope "sea devil"

And cases of attacks on people for for a long time was not recorded. On the contrary, a person often ate their nutritious and tasty meat, which is still a component and integral part many dishes, as well as a wide variety of exotic recipes.

That's just the process of hunting for the sea devil can turn into dangerous occupation, because the size of the animal completely allows him to turn the boat with the fishermen. The main part of the life of the stingray fish passes at the bottom of the reservoirs. These animals even rest by burrowing into mud or sand. That is why the respiratory system of these animals is different from other fish.

They do not breathe with gills, but the air enters their body through devices called sprinklers, which are located on its back. These organs are equipped with a special valve that helps protect the body of the stingray from foreign particles that enter from the bottom of the reservoir. All unnecessary debris, particles of sand and dirt are removed from the sprinklers released by the ramp with a jet of water.

Stingrays also move in a curious way, not using their tail at all when swimming. They flap their fins like butterflies, and the peculiar body shape helps the animals to practically soar in the water, which is why they are excellent swimmers.

Stingray food

Cramp-fish- a predatory creature. Its main food is fish: salmon, sardines, mullet or capelin. Larger species may be tempted to prey such as crabs. Small species are content with plankton, as well as small fish.

The variety of stingrays and their amazing abilities are also manifested in the extraction of food. To hunt for their victims, various types of these fantastic creatures use the weapons that nature has provided them with.

An electric stingray, having overtaken a prey, hugs it with its fins and stuns it with an electric discharge, waiting for its death. And the weapon of the prickly-tailed stingray is a tail studded with spikes, which it sticks into the enemy. Eating mollusks and crustaceans, he uses special protruding plates that replace the teeth of this creature, grinding his prey with them.

Reproduction and lifespan of stingray fish

Some species of stingrays are viviparous, others lay eggs in capsules. There are also varieties that perform their reproductive function in an intermediate way, being ovoviviparous.

When carrying cubs, the mother's body nourishes the embryos, peculiar outgrowths that penetrate into oral cavity. The female sea devil is able to give birth to only one cub, but its size is very impressive, and its weight is about 10 kg. But the female electric stingray, which gives birth to live cubs, is able to increase the genus of stingrays sometimes by 14 individuals.

The size of newborns is only 2 cm, but from the very first minute of existence they are able to produce electricity. The lifespan of stingrays most often depends on the size. Small species live an average of 7 to 10 years. The larger ones live longer, about 10 to 18 years.

Some species: the electric stingray, as well as a number of others, for example, living near the Cayman Islands, where the most favorable conditions exist for such representatives of the fauna, live for a period of about a quarter of a century.

The stingray fish is an ancient inhabitant of the water depths. These mysterious creatures, along with sharks (their closest relatives), are the oldest inhabitants of the sea kingdom. Skates have mass interesting features, which, in fact, differ from other representatives of the fauna living in the water.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that even in the past, the ancestors of sharks and rays differed little in the structure of bodies. But still, millions of years have made these animals different from each other.

Skat: what type does it belong to

Stingrays belong to the superorder of elasmobranch cartilaginous, five orders and fifteen families are assigned. modern fish the stingray (this is clearly visible in the photo of the animal) is characterized by an incredibly flat body and a head fused with pectoral fins, which gives this creature an interesting and, perhaps, fantastic look. The color of this animal depends mainly on its habitat:

  • sea ​​waters;
  • fresh waters.

Stingray body structure

The color of the upper body of stingrays can be light (sandy), multi-colored (with an interesting ornament), and also dark. Thanks to this coloration, they can easily disguise themselves, merging with the surrounding space and becoming almost invisible to other animals. As for the lower part of the body of these creatures, as a rule, it is light, almost white. On inside stingray are organs, mouth and nostrils, gills (five pairs). tail marine life has a filamentous shape.

Species of stingrays vary greatly in both size and behavior. The size of this species of animals ranges from a couple of centimeters to several meters. The wingspan can reach more than two meters (for example, rays from the eagle family). Electric stingrays have their own important feature in the form of weapons. They paralyze the victim with the help of electrical discharges, which are produced by all types of rays, but in the amount of 220 volts, only electrical ones. This discharge is enough to not only paralyze some parts of the human body, but also lead to death.


Most species of stingrays lead the bottom and feed on mollusks and crayfish. Pelagic species feed on plankton and small fish. Let's see what groups scientists distinguish:

  • electrical;
  • sawtoothed;
  • stingray;
  • tail-shaped.

Various types of stingrays can be found in the most different places our the globe. They are found in Antarctica and in the North Arctic Ocean. If you want to see a flying stingray with your own eyes, then go to the coast of Australia, there are more than enough of them. Most various kinds stingrays, photos of which are presented in this article, fully reveal the entire history of their existence and modern life.

Unique respiratory system

Flying carpets underwater world- These are stingray fish. The species of these animals are unique in nature, because they have a different respiratory system than other fish that breathe with gills. Air enters the body of stingrays through special sprinklers located on the back. These devices are protected by a special valve. If it happens that a foreign thing gets into them, the slope leaves it by releasing a jet of water from the sprinklers.

In movement, the stingrays resemble butterflies. They do not use their tails to move around like other fish do. They move with the help of fins.

Distinctive features

All slopes differ from each other, firstly, in size. In nature, fish are only a couple of centimeters long, and stingrays, whose size reaches seven meters. In addition, the behavior of each species is completely different. Some of them do not mind jumping above the surface of the water, while others prefer to burrow into the sand and rest quietly.

The stingray fish is a predatory animal, the main food is the following marine inhabitants:

  • salmon;
  • sardines;
  • capelin;
  • octopuses;
  • crabs.

The stingrays are so diverse that even in hunting, everyone uses different weapons - what nature has awarded him. The electric one, having caught up with the prey, clasps it with its fins and beats with an electric current, waiting for its death. And the prickly-tailed one kills the victim with the help of his tail, studded with thorns, which he plunges into the enemy. To eat mollusks and crustaceans, they resort to the help of protruding plates that replace their teeth, and they also grind their food with them. As for reproduction, some of the species are viviparous, while others lay their eggs in special natural capsules.

Stingrays: types

  1. Eagles - from the family of large fish, lead a pelagic lifestyle. These large creatures swim freely on the high seas and in tropical regions. Eagle rays move with the help of wavy flaps of their wings - fins. Manta rays and mobuls filter plankton from the water.
  2. Stingrays have sharp spines all over their bodies. The tail of these fish secretes a poisonous secret, which can cause a fatal blow to them. The poison that penetrates the wound can cause tachycardia, vomiting, severe pain and pressure drop, paralysis.
  3. Guitars resemble but they have gills, which refers them to stingrays. They use their tails for locomotion, much like sharks. They feed on small fish and shellfish. They rush at the victims from above, press them to the ground and then eat them.
  4. Gnusovye is a family of electric rays, there are about 40 species. They are inactive, swim very slowly, as a rule, lie on the bottom, buried in the sand. If the prey swam close, one electrical discharge is enough to stun it, and then eat it. They also use electric discharges for defense.
  5. Narcine - slow produce no more than 37 volts. live in temperate latitudes, love closed sandy bays near coral reefs, estuaries.
  6. Sawflies include seven Po general view reminiscent of sharks, live in tropical places. They feed on schooling fish. When they break into a flock of sardines, they beat the fish with a saw, like a saber, and after that they pick up prey from the bottom. It does not pose a danger to humans.

Characteristic and uniqueness

How many types of stingrays are there on Earth? There are about 600 of them in total, but most of them live in salt water: seas and oceans.

Consider those who live in freshwater:

  1. The sea devil is an animal big size, by weight reaches a couple of tons. It was he who inspired the sailors to compose the most incredible and terrible legends. Imagine for a second how a creature weighing 2 tons flies out of the water, and after a moment it goes back to the depths. Despite being the largest stingray, it lacks electrical power, spines, and teeth. And the elongated tail is also not armed with anything. Despite its name, it is good-natured and does not touch people at all.
  2. Electric slope is also called marble. dangerous and scary fish, whose cells generate electricity of 220 volts. This type of fish has been known for a very long time, its size is 1.5 meters in length and 1 meter in width. It weighs from 25-30 kg, the upper part of the body is decorated with white and brown streaks, due to which its shades can change. A female electric stingray can give birth to up to 14 babies at a time. If they are threatened by some kind of danger, she temporarily hides them in her mouth until the threat has passed. These fish have an incredible feature that can make any fish immobile.
  3. The spiny-tailed stingray got its name from its tail. His fish plunges into the next victim, and after the perfect pulls back. The stingray releases its weapon only when it hears danger. The food ration includes mollusks, crustaceans, which he calmly grinds not with his teeth, but with platinum.

unusual fish

When such an unusual and bright fish flies next to a person, it makes an indelible impression. On Earth, there are a wide variety of types of rays. Their names often reflect their way of life. Stingrays are the real butterflies of the seas and oceans, which delight the eye with their unusual beauty.

As soon as these fish are not called! Catfish, sea ​​fox, the sea devil, and from the nicknames of one of them you can make up a whole orchestra - the Americans and the British call this fish a guitar, the Australians call it a banjo, the refined French call it a violin. And the whole multitude of these fish, having different body shapes, sizes, living in all seas and oceans, and even in rivers, is called one short word- SCATS.

They differ from other fish in their shape, body structure, mode of movement, lifestyle. Flat as a pancake, with eyes on the upper body, with wing-fins, these fish have different shape, color, size. The smallest stingray, the Indian electric stingray, is only thirteen centimeters long and weighs negligible. The largest stingray - manta - reaches seven meters in width and weighs up to two and a half tons.

Some stingrays are quite harmless, playful, not afraid of people, sometimes they let people close to them and even allow themselves to be stroked. Others, on the contrary, are aggressive, cautious, do not let themselves in, can cause serious injury to a person, and in some cases cause death, as happened with the famous Australian naturalist Stephen Irwin. On September 4, 2006, during the filming of the film, a stingray hit Irwin with his spike right in the heart.

In general, many consider stingrays to be dangerous animals. Some of them are very formidable in appearance, some can strike with their tail, prick with their poisoned thorn. But nowhere was it that the stingray was the first, for no reason, for no reason, attacked a person himself. Dangerous stingrays become only when they feel threatened. Such is the stingray. The closest relatives of rays are sharks. But, if sharks are active and swift predators, then the stingray is more likely a sybarite. Stingrays love warm coastal waters. And they prefer to hunt from an ambush, waiting until the prey swims up to it itself. Perfectly camouflaged, they burrow into the sand so that only the eyes and part of the tail are visible. And it will be very bad for someone who accidentally steps on a slope.

Unlike its relatives - electric rays - the stingray does not threaten its opponent with an electric discharge. He has another weapon - a poisonous spike at the end of his tail, jagged on both sides. Defending, the stingray inflicts strong blows with its tail. Moreover, in large fish, this blow is so strong that it can even break through the boat. These slopes can be of various sizes. On the coast you can meet both a small stingray, the size of a frying pan, and a giant stingray, reaching more than three and a half meters in length.

The stingray does not seek to harm a person. And never attacks. It just so happens that quite often bathers inadvertently step on a stingray buried in the sand. The consequences can be the most deplorable, as happened with Irwin. Obviously, Steve, by some of his actions, provoked a stingray into defensive actions, and he launched his terrible weapon - a poisoned spike on his tail.

And here is another representative of these interesting fish. giant stingray manta. "Manta" means "cloak" in Spanish. This stingray is also called the sea devil because of its horns in front and giant wings. These manta fins are really like huge wings. They can reach seven meters in span. And these giants swim as if they are flying, slowly waving their wings, making turns, amazing in grace and beauty, turns, as if whirling in a fantastic dance.

Manta rays are the most mysterious of all rays. Until recently, they have been very little studied. Yes, in fact, even now much less is known about them than about any other species. They were known to inhabit all tropical oceans. Most often they are found in the western part Pacific Ocean, off the eastern coast of Australia, off the Great Barrier Reef. They are also known to make small migrations. But where exactly they sail away, where they sail from, was not known.

It was here, at this “cleaning station”, that mantas were photographed from all angles, and scientists found that there were black spots on the snow-white belly of mantas. The location, shape and size of these spots are different for each animal. These spots are like human fingerprints. With the help of these spots, scientists were able to identify manta rays. Now the researchers have more than four hundred individuals in the database. But it is not enough to identify animals. You still need to watch them. And researchers mark manta rays with special beacons, install special tracking devices on the ocean floor so that they can trace the migration paths of mantas.

This is a very important event in order to take measures to preserve these beautiful animals. Hunting for them is prohibited, but some states north of Australia continue to hunt manta rays. They are hunted mainly for the gills of manta rays, which are used for medicinal purposes. The meat of these animals is also in great demand because of its nutritional value and taste.
And so the research of scientists led them to the island state of Yap. Four islands surrounded barrier reef. There is a small strait between the reef and the islands. It is to these islands that manta rays migrate. Here is probably the largest population of these animals. In the thicket mangroves little manta rays feel safe while their giant parents stroll along the wide channels, feasting in these waters. By the way, about the feasts of these giants. It just so happens that the largest animals feed on the smallest. Giants - whales eat the smallest crustaceans, shrimp. Likewise, the most big fish- whale shark. Giant manta rays also eat the same way. They swim majestically in the water column, their huge mouths wide open, filtering plankton.

Another type of these unusual fish is electric stingrays. These rays are distributed throughout the oceans, they are also found in freshwater reservoirs. They have different shapes and sizes. The smallest is the Indian electric stingray. He is generally the smallest among all the stingrays. But there are also giants, reaching up to two meters in length. These stingrays swim reluctantly, prefer to burrow into the sand, putting out only their eyes, and waiting for prey.
They have electric organs in their fins from head to tail. Actually, it's a kind of battery. When hunting, an electric stingray can hit and big fish. After all, the current that it produces can reach thirty amperes at a voltage of fifty to two hundred volts. Of course the stingray is not the source direct current. It releases its charges in short pulses. Each such pulse lasts approximately 0.03 seconds. But the slope is not limited to one category. Usually he sends from twelve to one hundred impulses, and, of course, each subsequent impulse is weaker than the previous one. But this, as a rule, is enough to paralyze the object of hunting, destroy it nervous system. So, for example, the torpedo stingray hunts.

The unusual properties of electric rays have been known since ancient times. The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that these creatures were endowed with some kind of supernatural power, which, even at a distance, could affect a person. In those days, they did not know about the existence, and, moreover, about the properties of electricity. A warrior who touched an electric ramp with a metal spear received a fairly noticeable electric shock. Some healers have used electric rays to treat migraines, provide partial pain relief during surgery, and even during childbirth.

Centuries later, when people learned what electricity is, learned that there are animals that produce this very electricity, the belief was widespread that it is very useful to get a discharge in some diseases. electric current from the slope. And one could see people on the beaches slowly wandering knee-deep in water in the hope of stepping on an electric ramp and receiving a healing discharge in the process. True, sometimes they stumbled upon a stingray, and then the effect was completely opposite.

Talk about the inhabitants sea ​​depths can be very much and for a long time. And still you can't tell everyone. A story about even just one species - about stingrays - can be very long. And take a very long time. Only a little about three representatives of these most interesting fish are told here. But the world of the ocean is so diverse, so interesting that you can talk about it endlessly, and it will not seem boring to anyone.

When summer leaves, for some reason they remember exotic countries. Or simply warm seas and their inhabitants. For example, stingray.

And recently I learned that expensive shoes are made from stingray leather, which is considered one of the most durable leathers in the world. Sometimes they say about it - "shoes on fish fur" due to the fact that the scales of the stingray have a look similar to scales. Pair price men's shoes, which have Far Eastern stingray leather uppers and regular leather soles can exceed 750 pounds.

I myself saw live stingrays in Sevastopol. They swam there in the open pool and, judging by the fact that flocks of children were hovering around the pool, they were harmless creatures ... Although, in my presence, none of the visitors tried to check this and did not lower their hands into the pool.

In fact, it is known that not everyone is safe ... At the same time, the danger of most stingrays is greatly exaggerated.

It is connected, most likely, with the ancient sea ​​legends when people were just learning sea ​​routes and many of the marine animals made shocking impressions on sailors with their appearance or sizes.

Most legends about stingrays are associated with the sea devil or, scientifically, the manta ray. This seven-meter winged stingray, weighing about two tons, has a habit of unexpectedly flying out of the depths of the sea and immediately disappearing into the depths of the sea, dragging its black pointed tail with it. I think this spectacle will impress and pretty scare many of us who already know about it. What to say about the first sailors.

Skates are one of ancient fish living on our planet. They are the closest relatives of sharks, although they do not look like them.

Stingrays - Batoidei - a suborder of fish from the shark order. The skeleton of a stingray, like the skeleton of a shark, does not consist of bones, but of cartilage.

The size of different rays varies from a few centimeters to seven meters. The head and body of most stingrays are flattened closer to the back and belly and merge with overgrown pectoral fins, making the stingray look like a disk.

The skin of stingrays, depending on the species, is naked or covered with spikes.
Five pairs of gill openings are located on the ventral side of the body.
But the stingray does not breathe with gills.

He inhales oxygen through sprinklers located on his back and equipped with a valve that protects the body from sand entering its insides. This is due to the fact that the stingray spends most of its life at the bottom, often burrowing into the sand. Although some stingrays, like the sea devil, love to jump over the water.

The remains of plants and sand, which nevertheless got to the slope, are released back together with a stream of water again through the sprinkler.

Stingrays swim not with the help of a tail, but with the help of fins. Because of what they are sometimes called water butterflies.

Stingrays are found all over the world, even in the Arctic Ocean and on the coast of Antarctica. But still, most of them are inhabitants of the coastal strip of tropical and subtropical seas. Experts say that the easiest way to watch stingrays off the coast of Australia, where they itch about Coral reefs and fly over water.

There are also river rays, for example, stingrays that live in the rivers of South America.

On the territory of Russia, common rays and stingrays live in the Barents, White, Black and Far Eastern seas.

Stingrays look for food, using mainly the sense of smell and touch. Almost all stingrays feed on benthic animals, mainly mollusks, crustaceans, less often fish. Scientists say that stingrays feed on dead fish and fishing waste that has fallen to the bottom.

Food, stingrays grind with protrusions or plates that look like spikes. If a stingray has swallowed a large piece of food or fish, then it usually rises from the bottom and swims in a position close to vertical for some time, since the pharynx and esophagus lying at the bottom of the stingray are flattened, and food cannot enter the stomach.

Due to the sedentary lifestyle, the stingray requires little energy, so the amount of the daily diet, even in juveniles of small stingrays, does not exceed 4% of body weight, in adult stingrays different types it is 0.7-1.5%.

The most dangerous of the stingrays is not the sea devil at all, but the electric stingray, cells whose bodies are capable of generating electricity up to 220 volts. There are many cases when an electric ramp shocked divers.

All stingrays produce electricity, but not as strong as the electric stingray and use it for defense purposes and sometimes for hunting.

There is also a spiny-tailed stingray, which kills the victim by sticking its sharp tail into it, and pulling it back, tears the wound with spikes.
But more often than not, stingrays are only on the defensive.

Stingrays are viviparous or ovoviviparous, when the fry hatch from the egg at the time of its laying.

Common stingrays lay eggs that take 4.5 to 15 months to develop. Fertilized female skates lay five or six pairs of egg capsules or more until the next copulation. Stingrays breed almost throughout the year, and one female, under favorable conditions, can lay up to 120-150 eggs per year.

Despite the long development of embryos, they have a very high survival rate. Juveniles, due to their large size and the presence of many sharp spines, are attacked by predators in rare cases. In case of danger, the stingrays bristle and take the form of a bell.

However, stingrays are threatened by human activities ...
Especially in areas of intensive fishing with bottom trawls, which, while plowing the bottom, often crush embryos, juveniles, and adult fish.

Many stingrays are valuable commercial species, their meat is used for food, technical fat is rendered from the liver.

In view of the fact that the number of stingrays is declining, it may soon become necessary to breed and grow stingrays on special farms ... So it is quite possible that soon, along with farms for breeding ostriches, crocodiles, there may also be farms specializing in breeding stingrays . Why not…

And we will go on excursions and admire sea butterflies flying above the surface of the water ...

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