In what climatic zones is Australia located - description, features and interesting facts. In what climatic zones is Australia located - description, features and interesting facts Why is it warm in Australia

In three latitudes: subequatorial, subtropical and tropical. The northern part of Australia is a subequatorial belt, the southern part is subtropics, and most of the continent is tropics.

The climate of Australia in the northern part is characterized by a large amount of precipitation, about two thousand millimeters. Most of them are brought from the northwest by a wet monsoon in summer time. In winter, the amount of precipitation is significantly reduced, at this time there is more likely a drought, which is brought by hot winds. Average annual fluctuations in air temperature are small.

Tropical latitudes of the continent - it is here that the two main dry and humid tropical are formed. The extreme eastern region is under the influence of humid tropical climate, moisture comes here from air masses Pacific spaces. The eastern slope of the Great Dividing Range and the coastal plains receive annual precipitation ranging from one thousand to one and a half thousand millimeters. The climate of Australia in this part is warm, mild and fairly even "temper": the temperature of the most warm days- about twenty-five degrees, and cold - ten. Located in the tropics and subtropics, the mainland heats up significantly. This means that the climate in Australia is arid and hot.

Almost the entire central part of the mainland is desert. They occupy huge spaces with a length of about two and a half kilometers. The climate of Australia - desert tropical - prevails in the west and in the central part. In summer, the temperature here exceeds thirty degrees, and in winter it does not fall below ten degrees. Big sandy desert- the hottest area on the continent. Here the difference between the temperatures of summer and winter is only ten to fifteen degrees. And the climate of Australia in this region is characterized by a meager amount of precipitation.

Part of the mainland, located in the subtropics, is climatically divided into three zones: Mediterranean, subtropical continental and subtropical humid.

The first zone is close to the mild climate of the Mediterranean countries. In summer it is hot and sometimes dry, and in winter it is humid and warm. As for precipitation, there is enough of it here - from six hundred to a thousand millimeters a year.

The subtropics include the southern part of the continent, where it stretches all the way to the western part of New South Wales. Here, during the year, the temperature jumps significantly, and the precipitation does not differ in particular abundance.

The state of Victoria, the southwestern foothills of New South Wales, has its own climatic features. This part of Australia is mild, warm and rainfall in coastal areas ranges from five hundred to six hundred millimeters per year. Deepening to the center of the mainland, precipitation becomes less and less. This part of Australia is favorable for Agriculture, although there is a need for additional artificial irrigation. At the same time, rivers and lakes in most of the mainland do not have direct drains into the ocean, because the waters of most lakes are salty, and rivers tend to dry up partially during the hot months. In summer, the air temperature reaches twenty-five degrees, and in winter it does not fall below ten.

Of particular interest is the winter in Australia. If summer period relatively even, the winter in different climatic regions is completely different. For example, inner part The mainland is characterized by hot and dry winters, as those coming from the ocean, on the way to the center of the continent, have time to warm up and lose most of the moisture. In the capital, winter is different low temperatures and the presence of snow.

Australia is famous for its blue, cloudless skies and bright sun, relatively mild climate and the absence of sharp fluctuations in temperature. One of the most interesting and unique countries occupies an entire continent in the world.

Climatic features depend on geography. Australia is located on both sides of the southern tropic, between two giant oceans: Pacific and Indian. The shores of the continent are, as it were, elevated, separated by mountains from the body of water, so the influence of the seas is minimal.

Australia is the driest continent on earth. There are very few fresh water and almost half of the mainland is occupied tropical desert, known throughout the world: Victoria, Sandy, Gibson. few and almost all dry up. There are not many lakes and they are salty. There are also mountain peaks, but they are rare and not high.

The sheer size of the country results in a variety of climates, from deserts to snowy mountains, from mild, warm coastal zones to tropical evergreen forests.

There are four climate zones in Australia:

  • subequatorial
  • tropical
  • subtropical
  • moderate.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the order of the seasons is a mirror image of what we are used to in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer begins in December, and June is the first winter month.

Subequatorial part

Covers the northern and northeastern parts of the mainland. It receives the most rainfall, mostly in summer. Winter is dry, droughts are not uncommon due to hot winds blowing from the middle of the mainland. The temperature throughout the year is even, averaging 23-24 degrees.

Tropical zone of Australia (about 40% of the country)

It is divided into two types of climate: tropical continental - hot with minimal rainfall and tropical humid with thunderstorms in summer.

Continental-tropical climate covers large areas deserts and semi-deserts in the center and western part of the mainland. The sand in these places has a characteristic red color due to a large number the iron it contains.

close occurrence groundwater provides a rather rich flora and fauna for deserts.

Acacias and eucalyptus trees grow from solitary shrubs into dense thickets and thickets inhabited by lizards, snakes, ostriches and kangaroos. Here is the hottest region of Australia, almost all summer the temperature does not drop below 35 degrees, in winter - 20-25 degrees.

A narrow band of wet rainforest extends to the east of Australia. Here the southeast winds bring wet air from the Pacific. Here soft warm climate favorable for the development of the richest flora and fauna. Eucalyptus, ferns, palms, araucaria and bamboo grow on red ferralite soil. Many forest dwellers are found only in this part of the planet: koala, bird of paradise, marsupial flying squirrel, echidna, platypus and other species.


In turn, they are divided into three types of climate: continental subtropical arid - in the central and southern parts, subtropical humid with uniform precipitation - in the southeast, mixed or Mediterranean - in the east.

The Mediterranean climate is similar to that of Spain and Southern France, covering the most habitable zone of Australia. Summers are dry and hot (average temperature 23-27 degrees), winters are warm (12-14 degrees) with sufficient rainfall. Evergreen beech forests, palm trees, shrubs grow here.

The subtropical continental climate covers the cities of Adelaide and South Wales. It is characterized by low rainfall and relatively large average annual temperature fluctuations.

The subtropical humid climate covers the cities of Victoria and New South Wales. It has a mild climate and high rainfall, mainly in the coastal part. In summer, on average, 20-24 degrees. In winter 8-10 degrees. The climate is favorable for growing various vegetables and fruits. True, in order to get a high yield in the summer, it is necessary to artificially irrigate the soil. A sufficient amount of forage grasses grows, therefore locals dairy cows and sheep are bred on vast pastures.

temperate zone

It covers the central and southern part of the island of Tasmania, is characterized by heavy rainfall, due to the influence of surrounding water spaces. Differs in cool summer (8-10 degrees) and warm winter(14-17 degrees). IN winter time snow sometimes falls on the island, but it does not lie for a long time. In the lush evergreen meadows of the island all year round sheep and cows graze.

Climate by season

Spring starts in September and lasts until the end of November. On the islands at this time it blooms amazingly beautifully. wild nature. In spring, the country is neither hot nor cold. The whole continent begins to blossom with violent bright colors.

The driest and hottest time summer in Australia lasts from December to February. In the center and not far from the deserts, the air warms up over 40 degrees in the shade. There is almost no rain and dry weather lasts almost the entire season.

Golden autumn in Australia it lasts from March to May. Most of the reserves, parks and forests of the country acquire an amazing red-gold hue. Particularly unique autumn trees in Orange and cloud forests in Yarra. This is the time to harvest from the numerous vineyards of the country.

Winter Australia is the best time of the year. Runs from June to August. The rainy season falls at this time, but they do not come very often. The air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees. In winter, nature and the underwater world are especially beautiful in the country.

Holidays in Australia

Diversity climatic zones country makes it attractive for tourism and recreation. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in Australia and this is the best time to travel to the southern part of the country: the cities and regions of Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.

The Australian dry winter is the best time to visit the northern regions of the country: barrier reef, Darwin, Cairns, national park Kakadu, Kimberly and Broome.

Interesting facts about the climate of Australia

Cloncurry is the hottest place in the country. Here the temperature rises above 50 degrees in the shade.

The city of Marble Bar in the western part of the country experienced the highest mean annual temperature- 34 degrees of heat.

The absolute minimum temperature recorded in Eastern Australia in the state of Mitchell - 28 degrees.

Average annual precipitation: the minimum recorded in Willpum Creek, in the southern part of the country - 126 mm. The maximum - 3535 mm - is noted in the east at Innisfail.

Australia is a continent that is unique in every way, including climate conditions, which makes it an attractive holiday destination throughout the year. This is the driest continent on Earth, but it is represented by 6 climate zones, which provides a wide variety natural conditions- from deserts to sea ​​coasts, from rainforests to snow-capped peaks, from the temperate climate of the island of Tasmania to the desert heat of the central part of the continent. Climate of Australia very varied.

Australia (Sydney) Max. t, C Min. t, C Amount of precipitation, mm
January 26 19 115
February 25 19 110
March 24 16 150
April 23 14 120
May 20 11 80
June 17 8 130
July 16 6 50
August 17.5 7.5 80
September 21 10 65
October 23 13 70
November 24 15 105
December 27 18 75

Because Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, the order of the seasons is a mirror image of the Northern Hemisphere. This means that when it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in Australia - the best time to visit the southern half of the country, including the cities and areas of Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth. And the Australian winter, which is called the dry season, is best time to visit the northern and central regions of the country, including Darwin and the Red Center, Broome and Kimberley.

The hottest time of the year is from November to January. At that time Australian weather monthly pretty warm. The temperature ranges from +20 to +32, and in central regions can reach up to + 38-42. At the same time, already after 1.5 - 2 hours after sunset, the temperature can drop by 10-12 degrees.

On the Pacific coast and the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, the weather is milder. It is relatively cold in June - August, the temperature rises no higher than +15 - +18, and in temperate zone sometimes drops to zero degrees. Rains are frequent in winter.

On the West Coast australia climate somewhat milder due to the influence of the ocean - in the summer it is usually hot at 30 degrees, in winter the air cools down to +18-+20 degrees during the day and +6-+8 at night.

In the very populated area- southeast coast - Mediterranean type reigns Australian climate with hot dry summers and mild rainy winters. So, in Melbourne in the summer on typical January days, the thermometer usually stays around +25-+27 degrees, and in winter it drops to +10-+12, at night to +5.

In the coolest part of the country - on the island of Tasmania, a typical British climate reigns - in summer the daily temperature is + 20- + 22, in winter it is ten degrees cooler. strong changes weather by month not visible. In winter, night frosts occur, but there is no stable snow cover here - in the entire region, snow steadily falls only on the tops of the mountains.

Such diversity climatic conditions allows to offer rest for every taste to the most demanding tourists.

Australia is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. True, this is the most small continent on Earth: its area is 7,686,850 square kilometers, which is about twice less than Russia. Nevertheless, on Australian territory, for example, Great Britain can fit 32 times, and about two times - the whole of continental Europe (except for the Russian part).

Located between Indian and Pacific oceans, Australia is known as a country with a beautiful warm weather and a wide variety of climatic conditions.

According to the generally accepted classification of climatologist Vladimir Köppen, there are six climatic zones in Australia - from hot equatorial in the north of the mainland to cold alpine in the mountains of Victoria, where the most high point continent, Mount Kosciuszko.

But if you do not go into scientific details, the general picture of the climatic conditions of Australia is as follows: the northern and central parts of the mainland in tropical and subequatorial belts, And southern regions where the subtropics and temperate climate dominate.

Like other countries in the southern hemisphere, the seasons in Australia are the opposite of what we are used to. From December to February there is summer, from March to May - autumn, from June to August - winter months and from September to November - spring.

Most of the north of the Australian continent does not experience extreme weather and major temperature fluctuations. Cool winters pass with an average temperature of +13°C, and the average temperature in the warm season reaches +29°C.

This happens because the characteristic tropical latitudes climate brings only two weather season- wet and dry.

During the dry season - from May to October - it is almost always sunny, the average air humidity is 30%. The wet season in Australia lasts from November to April, this is the time of monsoons, tropical cyclones and thunderstorms.

However, in a number of regions the climate can be harsher, with significant temperature differences. This applies primarily to the sparsely populated central Australia, where a desert climate prevails, suggesting a sharp change in temperature during the day. Measurements in Alice Springs, located here, show a rise to + 40 ... 45 ° C during the day and sometimes fall to 0 ° C at night. The central part of Australia is considered uninhabitable, but there are National parks and extractive industries. So biologists and geologists going to Australia should be prepared for such weather.

The southern parts of the country are the most fertile soils and is home to the majority of the population. In the southeast of Australia are also its capital, Canberra, and two largest cities- Sydney and Melbourne.

These regions have a temperate climate. Unlike the north of Australia, it is noticeably cooler here, all four seasons can be distinguished, and the number sundial reaches an impressive figure - 3000 per year! For comparison, the sunniest city in Russia - the resort Anapa - receives only 2,400 hours of cloudless skies annually, and Moscow is almost one and a half times less.

meteorological phenomena

The average annual rainfall in Australia is approximately the same for all seasons and barely exceeds 400 mm (in Moscow - 705 mm). However, the southern agricultural zone is dominated by more humid westerly winds, which can bring up to 700 mm of precipitation per year.

Due to the Australian climate, it is best for international travelers to plan their trip to northern Australia between June and September, before the hot season starts. South Australia is best visited between November and March, when warm and sunny days begin there.

Other times are suitable for those who are interested in the sudden vagaries of the weather. For example, in September (that is, the beginning of spring) 2009 in Sydney, due to a severe dust storm, airports were closed for a whole day, highways were blocked, and most of the city was covered with a layer of tiny reddish dust brought by the wind.

It is in Australia that you can observe one of the most amazing meteorological phenomena in the world - clouds with the name "Morning Gloria". This rare and majestic spectacle occurs from late September to early November in the north of the country, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and is a series of moving cylindrical clouds, reaching a thousand kilometers in length and two kilometers in diameter.

The appearance of "Morning Gloria" is always accompanied by a squally increase in wind and sharp pressure surges on the surface, while the clouds themselves, moving at speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour, do not change their elongated shape.

The weather of the continent can present both pleasant and unpleasant surprises, but in general, coastal Australia, especially its southern part, has a warm sunny climate, almost ideal for both comfortable life, effective work, and for

Climate of Australia: climatic zones
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Australia's climate is not uniform. Because of big size Australia in different parts of it are observed different types climates. Air temperature can vary from zero to snowy mountains in southern Australia to extremely high levels in the Kimberley region in the northwest of the continent.

Again, due to the size of the continent, there is no single seasonal calendar for the entire continent. Australia is located within six climate zones, which are represented by two main climate models.

The first model (“moderate”) is characteristic of the temperate zone, as well as desert and semi-desert. The second model (“wet / dry”) covers the equatorial, tropical, and subtropical zones.

Climatic zones of Australia

Temperate belt ("moderate" model)

The temperate zone extends to the coastal regions of New South Wales, most of Victoria, Tasmania, the southeastern tip of South Australia, and the southwestern part of Western Australia. The seasons in the temperate zone are presented in the same way as in most other places in the southern hemisphere:

  • Summer: December to February
  • Autumn: March to May
  • Winter: June to August
  • Spring: September to November

Based on this, Christmas in Australia is held in the middle of summer. Besides, summer holidays for students fall in the winter.

Two other climate zones that also experience temperate climates are:

  • Semi-desert belt (savanna) - represented by a strip of arid and semi-arid desert in the central regions of the country, as well as in the region north of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.
  • The Desert Belt is an arid and semi-arid region in the center of the continent, extending long distances in South Australia and Western Australia, far south in western Queensland, and far north in the eastern tip of New South Wales, and nearly half of the Northern Territory.

Tropical belts ("wet/dry" model)

The three Australian climate zones that fall into this category are:

  • The equatorial belt is the tip of Cape York, as well as the islands of Bathurst and Melville, north of Darwin.
  • tropical belt- along the northern part of Australia, includes Cape York, the northern part of the Northern Territory, the territory south of the Gulf of Carpentaria, and the Kimberley region.
  • The subtropical belt is a coastal and inland band starting from Cairns, along the coast of Queensland, and moving inward towards the northern regions of New South Wales and the coastal strip north of Perth, towards Geraldton in Western Australia.

Wet and dry seasons

The climate of Australia in the tropical regions in the north of the country, included in the equatorial and subtropical belts, is characterized by high air temperatures, high humidity, and distinct wet and dry seasons.

In the tropics of Australia wet season, called the monsoon season, lasts about six months, from November to March. At this time, it is hotter than in the dry season - the air temperature is kept from 30 to 50 degrees Celsius. During these months, the humidity is high and it often rains, which often causes floods.

dry season it also lasts about six months, usually from April to October. The air temperature is lower at this time, and the sky is daytime is usually cleaner. average temperature- about 20 degrees Celsius.

Air temperature in Australia

As already mentioned, there is no single climate in Australia, so the air temperature also varies, depending on the region. The table below lists the main cities in Australia with monthly average air temperatures.

Sydney (New South Wales)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 26 26 25 23 20 17 17 18 20 22 24 26
Min °C 19 19 17 14 11 8 7 8 10 13 15 17
Melbourne (Victoria)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 26 27 24 20 17 13 13 14 16 19 22 24
Min °C 14 14 13 10 8 6 5 6 7 9 10 12
Brisbane (Queensland, southeast)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 29 29 28 26 24 21 21 22 24 26 27 29
Min °C 21 21 20 17 14 11 10 10 13 16 18 20
Cairns (Queensland, northern part)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 31 31 31 29 28 26 26 27 28 29 31 31
Min °C 24 24 23 22 20 18 17 17 19 21 22 23
Great Barrier Reef (Queensland)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 31.8 31.5 30.7 29.3 27.6 25.9 25.6 26.4 27.9 29.7 30.8 31.8
Min °C 23.5 23.3 22.6 21.0 18.9 17.3 16.3 16.3 17.7 19.8 21.4 22.8
Uluru (Ayers Rock, Northern Territory entity)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 38 36 34 29 23 20 20 23 26 32 34 37
Min °C 21 21 17 13 8 5 3 6 9 14 17 20
Perth (Western Australia)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 32 32 30 25 22 19 18 18 20 22 26 29
Min °C 17 17 16 13 10 9 8 8 9 10 13 15
Canberra (Australian Capital Territory)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 28 27 24 20 15 12 11 13 16 19 22 26
Min °C 13 13 11 7 3 1 0 1 3 6 9 11
Adelaide (South Australia)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 28 28 25 22 18 16 15 16 18 21 24 26
Min °C 16 16 14 12 10 8 7 8 9 11 13 14
Hobart (Tasmania)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 22 22 21 18 15 13 12 13 15 17 19 21
Min °C 12 12 11 9 7 5 4 5 6 7 9 11
Darwin (subject of the Northern Territory))
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Max °C 32 31 32 33 32 31 30 31 33 33 33 33
Min °C 25 25 25 24 22 20 19 21 23 25 25 25

Extreme weather in Australia

Cyclones, snow and floods

The tropics in Australia can experience cyclones during the wet season. In inland, desert regions, total drought can persist for several consecutive years, and rains can lead to floods. Most rainy months in the capitals of the southern states - from May to July.

Along the Bolshoi Dividing Range - mountain range, stretching along New South Wales and Victoria, snow falls regularly. The snow season in the Australian Alps in southeastern Australia lasts from June to September.


Cyclones are a tropical climate phenomenon. They usually take place in Australia between November and April, in the northern part of the country. Their most common places of occurrence are the coasts of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland.

About six cyclones occur annually in Australia. Australia's most famous cyclone is Cyclone Tracy, which hit Darwin in the Northern Territory around Christmas 1974. As a result, forty-nine people died and over 600 were injured. Darwin had to be evacuated as the city was nearly 80 percent damaged. However, Tracy is not the worst cyclone to hit Australia. In 1899, a hurricane in Australia claimed over 400 lives and destroyed an entire pearl and fish fleet in Queensland.

Arid regions of the desert

The driest regions of Australia are located mainly in the central part of Australia in arid and semi-arid desert regions, which are characterized by heat air during the day and low quantity precipitation.

The arid desert regions of Australia are characterized by heatwave during the day and severe cold at night. The air temperature varies from 40 degrees Celsius in summer to 16 and 24 degrees Celsius in winter. At night, the temperature varies from 19 to zero degrees Celsius.


The climate in Australia in the desert regions differs from the conditions during a drought. A drought is an extremely long period of water scarcity - mainly due to lack or lack of rainfall.

Australia has had many severe droughts over the last 200 years. The drought of 1895-1903 lasted eight years, and caused the death of half of all sheep in Australia, and forty percent cattle. The 1963-1968 drought resulted in a forty percent reduction in the wheat crop across Australia. In the central part of Australia, the same drought lasted longer - as much as eight years, from 1958 to 1967.

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