Why you need to catch up to 30

The period of life from 20 to 30 years is the best time for adventure. Most people at this age are busy with education and careers, but there are things you simply must do to keep unforgettable memories and accomplishments to be proud of. Much depends on your views on the world and lifestyle, some things that you could do were suggested by the Insider.pro portal, and some we added or adapted to our reality.

1. Visit a new continent

Visit Asia or Africa - it's the easiest. More difficult - in Australia or South or North America, very difficult - in Antarctica. This is an opportunity to get new experience, to get acquainted with a different culture, to meet many interesting people. Yes, just broaden your horizons. Everyone should visit another continent at least once in their life.

2. Visit at least 20 countries

Each new country is a new life lesson and unique memories. The more countries you visit, the more interesting it will be to compare the behavior, culture and customs of the inhabitants of different parts of the world. In addition, being in other countries, we learn a lot about ourselves.

3. Make at least one friend in different countries of the world

It's stupid to travel and not make new friends. By talking to the locals, you can learn amazing things about the city or country you are in and explore secret corners that ordinary tourists can't. What's more, by getting close to the locals, you get the opportunity to save money on your next visit by staying with your friends.

4. Go on a spontaneous journey

Just after coming home from work, or getting up in the morning, collect some things, a wallet, and, most importantly, do not forget yourself, and then get on the bus and go wherever your eyes look. Weak? Or so try one day just to pack everything you need and go into the unknown without planning every detail. It is not even necessary to leave the country: the meaning of the trip is precisely in spontaneity, in meeting face to face what life has prepared for you.

By the end of the journey, you will learn incredible things about yourself and the world.

5. Learn a new language

Do you know what you regret the most? About the fact that he did not study foreign languages. Your travels are a chance to practice your language with the locals. You can learn the basics at home through books, courses, or online programs, but by talking to native speakers, you'll learn a lot more.

6. Take up a sport

Trekking, if you like mountains, dancing, ballet or zumba, or maybe pole dancing, or, as they call it, on a pole? Wakeboarding or skateboarding, rock climbing or anything else as interesting or unusual.

7. Skydive

Experience the irresistible force of gravity and see the world from a different perspective.

8. Face Your Biggest Fear

Whatever your fear is, most likely it is not a real danger, but one of the psychological problems. People suffer from countless different phobias. Challenge yourself and see how far you can go.

9. Stand on top of a mountain

And be sure to climb it on foot. The view from the top is invaluable and unique. You literally feel the power of nature and see how insignificant we really are in comparison with it.

10. Get Financial Independence

Having time to build financial independence before the age of 30 is almost a must. In order not to be deeply in debt and to make money work for you, and not vice versa, you must devote some time to studying finance. These simple tutorials are a great way to get started.

11. Have an emergency supply

The habit of saving money can literally save your life in case of financial problems. Most experts say that your emergency fund should cover at least the amount you spend on living for three months.

It's great to make dreams come true and do crazy things, but it's important to remember that sometimes accidents happen, so a financial cushion will definitely come in handy while you're putting together an alternate plan for dealing with problems.

12. Create your internet business

Now there are countless ways to earn some extra money on the Internet. A great method that almost anyone can try is to monetize skills by creating an online course or book. This is a great way to cover extra expenses and learn a little bit about entrepreneurship from real life experience.

You might even be able to break out of the office routine and start the life of your dreams, earning money from anywhere in the world, just like digital nomads do.

13. Exercise daily

The older you are, the more likely you are to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this is a terrible trend. To avoid this, try to pick up some healthy habits before you are in your thirties. There is no excuse for not being able to set aside at least 20 minutes a day for a workout.

Try bodyweight training, train with YouTube fitness channels, or go for a short run. Your body will be incredibly grateful and will last you much longer.

14. Eat healthy

Problems of malnutrition pose a huge threat to the inhabitants of the modern world. More than a third of US adults are obese, mainly due to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles.

If you want to stay healthy, be sure to get the right eating habits before 30. The longer you put it off, the higher the chance that you will never start eating right.

In a nutshell - eat fresh food, avoid processed foods and junk food with a huge amount of sugar, salt and fat.

15. Get in shape - better than ever

Of course, there are exceptions, like coach CT Fletcher, who reached his peak shape in his 50s. However, for most people, the period between 20 and 30 is the perfect time to do it.

Learn how to eat right, maybe invest in a personal trainer, and promise yourself to completely change your body. There are countless videos on YouTube about the changes people achieve in a year that are a great source of inspiration.

When you reach the result, arrange a photo shoot for yourself - one day you will be able to proudly show your grandchildren how fit you were.

16. Get disciplined

If you want to make your dreams come true, discipline is an extremely useful skill. Without it, you will not be able to stick to your decisions and work towards your goals. If you manage to train yourself to follow your own rules, it will positively affect your entire future.

The reality is that either you control yourself or your ego controls you. If you dream of a meaningful life, then you will definitely strive for the first option.

17. Cultivate the morning person in you

Most of the most successful people are blessed with the ability to wake up early. Whether it's executives, the world's best athletes or other great personalities, almost every one of them starts their day with morning rituals.

A wisely spent morning gives you strength for the day and an advantage over the rest of the world, which is still lying in its beds while you work hard on yourself.

18. Read at least a hundred books

If you start at 20, that's only 10 books a year. Whatever your problem, there is at least one good book out there that has the solution. Books hold incredible treasures and knowledge. Sad but true - more and more people prefer TV shows or video games.

19. Write a book yourself

81% of people think they could write a book, but only a few actually start writing. The truth is that once you start writing, you are a writer. Finishing your first book is not an easy task, but the feeling of satisfaction that comes after is definitely worth it.

Pick a topic and dedicate 30 minutes a day to writing. In a year or less, you will not only dramatically improve your language skills, but also finish the first book.

Now that "samizdat" is gaining popularity again, you can get your work published without the middleman and even discover that writing is your calling. You never know until you try...

20. Write a letter to your future self

Be sure to include your dreams, expectations and plans. Decide how long it will take before you open your letter. This will be the moment of truth and your chance to see if you have become what you wanted to be.

If you prefer modern technology, you can write a letter to yourself using free services such as futureme.org.

21. Spend a month offline

Imagine: no Internet, social networks and sites with funny pictures for a whole month. This 30-day challenge will test your ability to occupy yourself in a technology-driven world, completely off the internet and computers. For greater thrills, you can refuse the TV.

This is a great opportunity to spend more time with friends and family, focus on your hobbies and read more books.

22. Take a photo every day for years

You can hardly think of a better souvenir. At the end of each year, make a video showing how you've changed in those 365 days. 20 years later, you might be crying over these videos.

23. Make a list of things that really make you happy.

And try to make time for them as often as possible. You can have a lot of money and a career that society considers the most successful - and still feel miserable. The fact is that real happiness comes from experience, self-realization and contribution to the future. While you are discovering the world by doing the things on this list, try to figure out what will make you the happiest person in the world.

Whenever you run into trouble, go back to your "happiness list" and do something on it. Longing will recede much faster.

24. Test your willpower

Often our actions do not reflect our thoughts and beliefs. This strange trend is most noticeable when the new year begins, and suddenly it turns out that most people are not able to keep the promises they made to themselves at the end of last year.

The idea is very simple. Pick one task, preferably something slightly outside of your comfort zone like running for 30 minutes a day, set deadlines (like 90 days) and then just do your thing every day without fail.

25. Help those less fortunate

In life, not only we ourselves are important, but also the people around us. There are many who really need help, but whom we do not notice.

If you feel unhappy, know that sharing is the fastest way to become happy.

26. Donate to a local charity

The amount of the donation does not matter - the fact itself is important. Imagine that every financially independent person donates at least 50 euros per month to any charitable foundation. It seems like a tiny amount, but together even small donations can make a big difference in the lives of those who need it.

27. Stop looking for someone else's approval.

This is a particularly useful but very rare skill. We definitely worry too much about how others perceive us, and as a result we lose confidence in ourselves and the ability to find simple solutions. It’s not easy to completely stop looking at other people’s opinions, but it’s worth a try.

28. Learn to say "no"

The ability to say "no" at the right time is a habit that is guaranteed to change your life for the better. Oddly enough, most people tend to do just the opposite. They say yes too often and end up entangled in obligations and responsibilities.

Your 20s and 30s are a great time to realize that there are a lot of things you don't have to agree to.

29. Do something with your hands

The DIY movement is gaining popularity, and sometimes people come up with absolutely incredible ideas. Become an artist and paint pictures, or go in for making bouquets of flowers, creating jewelry, designing, sewing dolls or ... creating furniture. Anything that comes to your mind.

30. Spend the night under the stars

Looking at the night sky is the best way to experience existential delight. This is a good opportunity to reflect on your life, plans, and what awaits you in the future. Set up a tent in nature, build a fire, invite your loved ones and let your imagination reach the stars.

Age is just a number, but approaching the 30-year mark, every girl thinks about what she has already done in life and what she still has to do. The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell you what to do before the age of 30 and how to set priorities correctly.

What to do before 30: turning dreams into goals

Before moving on to the to-do list, let's make sure we're making a plan, and not just another list of pipe "dreams." Do you want to marry Ryan Gosling or dream of buying your own house in the center of Paris with a salary of 10 thousand rubles? Let's put those desires aside for now.

When compiling a list, you need to build on how much you have left before your thirtieth birthday. If you are now 20, then you can not limit yourself by writing everything that comes to mind on your to-do list. If you are much closer to day X, then leave on paper only the most important and realistically feasible.

In the list of things that need to be done before the age of 30, there are usually 3 types of cases:

  1. Treasured dreams. A good job, a long-awaited car, a vacation trip for which you need to collect the right budget.
  2. Reckless actions. Skydiving, canoeing, rock climbing and other adventures that you did not dare to.
  3. Personal growth. Become more confident, lose weight, learn Chinese.

Since we're talking about goals and not dreams, it's okay not to visualize them, but it's highly advisable to review the list at least 2-3 times a week to see if you're moving in the right direction.

What you need to do before 30 to be happy

A person's personality is formed during the first 30 years of life, it is difficult to change something in oneself after this milestone. Therefore, as a gift to our thirty-year-old self, we will present a strong, self-confident personality who is able to create her own happiness.

  1. This is what needs to be done before the age of 30. Let it be a rented apartment or a dorm room. The essence of this practice is that you taste the spirit of freedom. Feel independent and independent. Enjoy temporary loneliness as a reward. Walk around naked in the evenings, fill the fridge with junk food, in general, do whatever you want. This is your territory and your laws.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. We had a week in your own apartment and start accustoming yourself to order: smoke - quit, eat a lot of fast food - switch to proper nutrition, never played sports - take 10 minutes of morning exercises.
  3. Learn to love yourself and be beautiful. Every girl has strengths and beautiful features, the main thing is to learn how to find and emphasize them. Attractiveness does not fade over the years, if you develop it in yourself.
  4. Allocate time correctly. Only in this way will you be in time for everything, which means that this plan will not cause you difficulties.
  5. Don't lose touch with your parents. Call mom and dad once a day or at least every other day, let it be a minute-long conversation, at 30 you will really need their support, do not build walls between you.
  6. . Faithful friends who you can completely rely on and remember your youth are the most valuable treasure that you can bring with you in your fourth decade.
  7. . This is something that a girl under 30 must definitely do. As long as you do everything out of habit, you will not be able to change anything in life. So that the shocks of life do not disturb you so much, give yourself a periodic shake-up.
  8. Learn to cook. This quality is considered the most valuable in a woman. Start a couple of signature dishes with which you can amaze guests or a loved one.
  9. Experiment with appearance - find your style, be the way you like it, so that you don't regret later that you didn't try something.
  10. Start a hobby or habit. Cross-stitch, weave macrame, go to ballroom dancing on Saturdays. There is nothing more attractive than a girl with interests.
  11. Take as many pictures as possible. Your memories should remain not only in your memory, but also in the photo, which will give you a lot of good mood in the future.

What you need to have time to do before 30 years old: note for girls

If the previous list was aimed at developing you as a person, then the site will tell you how to use all these acquired qualities to achieve specific goals.

Here's what a girl under 30 should do:

  • To find a good job. It is better if it is an occupation that you like, then you will not have to suffer from everyday “work depression”.
  • Experience first love. Everyone should have it, someone is happy, someone is unhappy, in any case, this is the first experience, and it is important.
  • Marry. This is not an indispensable condition, but, as psychologists say, after 25 years a person becomes more demanding of others and of himself, and it becomes more difficult to love “from the bottom of my heart”.
  • Settle down. It is important that you have the feeling that you have tried everything you wanted to, and are now aiming for a more or less measured life (which by no means means boring). At 30 you find a house, a family, you have something to risk and what to lose, at 20-25 you still don’t have such attachments, therefore it’s much more pleasant and easier to have a good time.
  • Go abroad or relax in a place you dreamed of visiting. After 30, there are many worries and less time for yourself - do not let excuses prevent you from enjoying the trip.
  • Give a birth to a baby. Many girls take this wish into account, thinking about what needs to be done before the age of 30.

Your list can be 20, 50, 100 or more items, small things or big global issues. Some will take months to resolve, others will take years.

Don't worry if things aren't going as fast as you'd like, but don't procrastinate either. Allocate time rationally - for every event that needs to be done before the age of 30, there is a right moment.

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30 years is the age when we sum up the first results and set ambitious goals for ourselves. There is a lot of energy, there is enough time ahead, and not all dreams come true.

It is interesting to listen to people who have already accumulated certain experience and who have something to say. They had time to test their ideas in practice, had the opportunity to figure out the mistakes. Especially for you, we have collected 13 of the most valuable tips for 30-year-olds.

We are in website we are sure that each person creates his own destiny and that when you finish reading the last, 13th paragraph, you will make at least one important decision.

1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time

No matter how great the temptation to sleep longer on weekends, you should not do this. It is better to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. So your it will be easier for the body to tune in to a certain cycle of sleep and wakefulness and you will avoid the risk of oversleeping during the working day.

2. Start journaling

Get in the habit of writing down your observations and thoughts, describing your life in a diary. This will not only help to unload emotionally, but also will teach you to analyze and better understand many events in your life. And in the future, these recordings will give you many pleasant minutes.

3. Start saving

The time after 30 years is the best time to finally reconsider your attitude to your own savings. Think about retirement savings. Take a financial literacy course to understand how different types of insurance work, a retirement plan, how you can learn how to earn passive income, and how you can create your own personal "savings fund". Life is unpredictable, no one is immune from health problems, lawsuits, divorces and business problems.

4. Get an annual diagnosis from a therapist

At 30, few people seriously think about their health. The increased rhythm of modern life, lack of movement, frequent stress, bad habits affect very quickly. Preventive trips to the therapist are best repeated every year., even if nothing bothers you, because many diseases can proceed without complications.

Watch your diet and exercise regularly. This advice may be a bit old-fashioned, but it really works.

5. Focus on what you're really good at.

After 30 years, it is worth deciding on professional tasks, focusing on your main strengths and trying to bring them to perfection. This will take a lot of time, but will help you achieve more in life and gain advantages in your choice of work and level of income.

6. Maintain good relationships with parents and siblings

Try to spend more time with family and loved ones. If there were any serious grievances in the past, it's time to sort them out. As we age, our relationships change, and what they become depends largely on us. Parents tend to perceive even adult offspring as children, but our actions can show them that we are independent adults.

Time does not stand still - people grow old and die. It is important to have time to build the right relationships in order to enjoy a happy life.

7. Learn to laugh at yourself

Learning to laugh at yourself is important for overall health and happiness. There are often difficult situations in life, and the ability to find humor even in difficult moments facilitates a person's condition. Research also proves that people who can laugh at themselves tend to be more cheerful.

8. Start Maintaining a Healthy Weight and Watch Your Diet

After the age of 30, the body's metabolism slows down and maintaining a healthy weight becomes more difficult. To maintain it, it is important to stay active and eat right. Many studies show that, if you want to lose weight, the role of nutrition is more important than exercise. Although, undoubtedly, the best effect can only be achieved in a complex way.

9. Define your personal values

It is very important to correctly understand what your real life values ​​​​and priorities are.. After all, perhaps you are moving fast, but not at all towards the goal that you actually dream of. Take time, listen to yourself, write down what is important to you, think about what you could do in the coming days to start moving in the right direction. Don't waste your time.

Weird thoughts come into our heads from time to time. For example, if turbulence began on the plane or the car skidded dangerously. At such moments, the thought jumps in my head: “What if I die now?” Some of these thoughts drive away from myself, but not me. I'm not afraid of death. I just think that if it happens, then so be it.

I am not afraid because I was happy and lived a full life. At the same time, I realize that this is not just luck, but my efforts. To live such a life, I had to make many difficult decisions. And today I want to tell you about my 32 tips for those who, at the age of 30, do not want to regret anything.

1. Don't be afraid to do funny things
Some of the best things in my life happened because of my irresponsibility or just on a whim. For example, my wife and I got a dog because I really liked the story from the book I read. The main character had a pet named Hanno. I thought it was a funny name for a dog and within a week we had a dachshund puppy. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Now our dog is already 10 years old.

2. Choose the job that will give you the most experience, not the highest salary.
This is how I evaluate my career and any job opportunities. There are many ways to make money, but few real opportunities to learn.

3. Stop Procrastinating
The books I have had the good fortune to write have not been the result of a week's work. I got up every day and worked on them. While one book was in the printing house, I was already sitting down for another. I am not kidding. 30 years is such a long time. One year is again a long time. Wake up every day and do it. See what happens in a year.
4. The right time is right now
When I moved to live on a farm, a huge number of people told me that they always wanted to do the same. It was not a very difficult process: much easier than getting into Harvard. If you think you want to do it, then just go ahead and do it.
5. Get married. Be in a long term relationship
Most people either want to find a soul mate, or declare it. Yes, being in a relationship is not easy, it takes a lot of effort. Sometimes it is painful and hard. But this is the best thing that will happen to you in life. You need to work on them, and not wait until you meet someone who is perfect for you. Enough of this polyamorous nonsense. This lifestyle works for 1% of the population, so it's likely that this relationship system is not for you.

6. Get rid of toxic relationships
Not all communication is helpful. We often fall under the influence of those we know. If this is a worthy person, then this is fine. What if the relationship is toxic? Make sure you only have people around you that make you better.
7. Keep a diary
The diary will force you to analyze what you are currently doing. Personally, I think I should have started journaling earlier.
8. Making a choice is not as easy as you think.
Most of the best decisions I've made have been very difficult ones. Each time I doubted and feared. I didn't know what I really wanted. Life is complicated and making decisions is also difficult. Weigh the odds and don't divide the world into black and white.
9. Live in a big city
… but not for long. Living in a big city is a good test of yourself. You will feel the energy of millions of people living in this place. But somehow you will feel that you are fed up with the city, leave it. Leave him before he completely changes you.
10. Appreciate quiet moments
It is in calm moments that we understand what matters in life and what is husk. You are standing on the shore of the lake, contemplating the canyon, enjoying nature. The lack of such moments makes you feel like you haven't lived enough. The more contemplation you have in life, the more pleasant it seems.

11. Exercise Every Day
Do not think that in the future you will lose weight and start exercising. Get in shape today. Make sport a part of your daily life, your responsibilities. Endorphins from exercise should enter your bloodstream every day.
12. Don't compare yourself to other people
There is a parable about how Caesar wept at the statue of Alexander the Great: “Alexander at my age was already the king of so many nations, why didn’t I achieve the same?” Ultimately, both of them remained in history. And both left this life. Who cares if someone else did something earlier or later than you? Nobody cares.
13. Earlier is not better
I had the idea that I needed to be a millionaire by 25. Where this idea came from in my head, I don't know. But I made my first million a little later. Do you know what the difference was? No. No one threw a party about it. Achievement doesn't change who you are.
14. Be mindful of your mortality
Don't be afraid to think about death. I often think about it. I like the following position: “You are afraid of death only because you can no longerthisdo?" Under "this" I substitute things that take up my time and are useless. Motivates.

15. Take responsibility
I have a life insurance policy. I have savings. If something happens to me, the people I care about will be taken care of by my savings. Many people spend money on things that they cannot afford, but do not want to put aside for the well-being of loved ones.
16. But don't overdo it with responsibility.
I feel creatively and professionally satisfied because I didn't always finish what I started. I dropped out of college, left a good job. That is why I now live the way I like.
17. Airbag is important
Why was I able to take these risks? Because I had money saved. I did not think in a panic about how I would pay the bills. The airbag will help you make the decisions you want but others see as reckless.
18. Don't live like every day is your last.
This image will lead you to a lack of planning. Instead, live mindfully. Mind your own business, spend time with loved ones, value your time alone, have fun.
19. Travel (but with a clear purpose)
Think about the purpose of your journey. If you really learn something in them that you could not get from another information source, then it's worth it. Travel should have some purpose behind it, and not be just a meaningless movement in space.

20. Don't be afraid to be old
Young people are stupid. Old people are wiser. Who do you want to be?
21. Study the lives of great people
Read biographies. Do not compare yourself with them, but learn, learn from experience. Descriptions of the life of ambitious and strong people will teach you a lot, and maybe even save you from pain and suffering.
22. Don't waste time on resentment
How much precious energy have you lost fighting? A self-sufficient person will never think: “Oh my God, how dare he say that?”. Do not expect any behavior from people, but control your own emotions.
23. Buy a house
Yes, it’s hard to afford it at the age of 20, but try to buy your own corner before the age of 30. If I hadn't bought an apartment, I wouldn't have been able to leave my job to become a writer. Having a home is an amazing feeling. This is the place where you want to return.
24. Work hard, but where you like.
Many people like to repeat this line: “On your deathbed, you will not remember how hard you worked.” I'm willing to bet. I am very proud of what I do. And I will meditate on my work on my deathbed. I definitely won't remember going out to restaurants, playing video games, or meaningless dates. There are many more useless and regrettable things in the world that we do all the time. For example, let's talk about politics. And devoting yourself to what you love is not so bad.

25. Don't do drugs
Of course, there are people who disagree with this. But in fact, drugs will not answer your questions and will not give you anything new. Better understand yourself.
26. Do not accumulate hatred inside
My biggest regret is that I spent a lot of time on envy and hatred. These feelings do not improve anyone. It only makes you unhappier. Life is too short to waste it on hate. Look for something in people that you can love, even if there are not many such traits in a person.
27. Read a lot of books
I prefer to learn from other people's experience. How many stupid things have I avoided because I learned my lesson early? So many that you can't even count.
28. Have a baby
I used to look at people in restaurants and feel sorry for them. The other day I was in a restaurant with my child and had a great time. I realized that I was an idiot. It is unlikely that I will live to 90, so I want to spend as much time with my son as possible.

29. You can do whatever you want
Make sure that there are no unnecessary restrictions in your life about your appearance, hairstyle or diet. Do what makes you feel comfortable. Freedom starts with small things.
30. Avoid Competition
Sometimes competition helps us get better, but more often it just eats up resources. Don't waste years of your life trying to be better than someone else. Be yourself.
31. Make a to-do list every day.
Make yourself a to-do list every day. Even on weekends. Use Tim Ferris's question: "If that was the only thing I did today, would I be happy with my day?"
32. Plan your perfect day
Many of us have big goals for the future. But few people know what their perfect day looks like. Ask yourself about it and try to plan it. Life is too short to live it the way you don't want to.

I would like to end this text with a quote from Mozart, who died at the age of 35. Over the years, he managed to do so much and forever remain in the hearts of music lovers:

Only death, when we come close to see it up close, is the true purpose of our existence. In the past few years, I have entered into such a close relationship with this best friend of mankind that now death is not only not something terrible for me, but, on the contrary, very comforting! I thank my God for kindly giving me the opportunity to study, and as a result I realized that Death is the key that unlocks the door to our true happiness.

By the age of 30, you will most likely already have a family, loans, overweight and a serious face. In the meantime, you are free from all this, try to prolong your youth as long as possible.

To do this, you do not need a magic elixir. Just follow the guidelines in this list. Here's what to do.

Task #1

A change of residence helps to contain materialism and preserves youth. Settled in one apartment for a long time acquires things, strives to nest, and this can be done in ten years. It’s even better to change not five apartments in Moscow, but five cities or countries - then a career will begin that requires the presence of you, irreplaceable, in the office 50 weeks a year, the question of a school for children will arise and other horrors of adult life will appear, the world outside the tourist areas is so and you won't see.

Task #2

As long as you don't have a wife whining about the lack of funds for a kitchen renovation or a husband whining about your lack of attention, try volunteering. Giving your time and energy to the benefit of other living beings is fun, if only for a change - that's how you spend your whole life only doing what you consume. Good news for egoists: it’s worth helping not for the sake of an abstract Universal Human Duty, but because it’s nice to do it, and whether the things you collected will reach the poor negroes or they will be sold by corrupt customs officers - the parish is not yours, at least you tried.

Task #3

Again, you are probably not in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility now to be fired with a wolf ticket in a week without communication, so you can afford it. Inform that you are going to the Himalayas to take away the corpse of a relative who fell off a cliff, and boldly restore the psyche, shaken by communications.

Task #4

Four stars with air conditioning, all inclusive and good internet - this is what you will have every holiday season in the next forty years. In the meantime - low-cost, hostels, hitchhiking, random foreign fellow travelers, donkeys and camels, last-minute tickets, diarrhea pills, coin flip route selection, tasty and dirty eateries for locals, strengthening international friendships through resort romances with the indigenous population - this is it.

Task #5

It's like the old women at the entrances - they scold the "prostitutes" for short skirts, not for reasons of maintaining the level of public morality, but out of envy that they will never wear this again. If such a desire has been glimmering since adolescence, feel free to lighten up, google Manic Panic and Crazy Color, and go ahead, let every first person on the street stare at you. A cheap way to feel like a star, but not like it - a wash to help you, these paints are unstable. Neon colors will not harmonize with wrinkles.

Task #6

Zombie apocalypse, World War III or just a gopnik attack - in any case, bottle shooting is a more useful hobby than ping pong and Tibetan transcendental meditation courses in the basement of your house.

Task #7

Sloppy punks, romantic Tolkienists, goths, metalheads, adepts of the occult - all this is an unforgettable experience of immersion in other worlds if you are in your early twenties. Further, normal people cease to understand why this garbage is when they sell fur coats with a 70% discount, and you also need to read a fresh bestseller recommended by critics in the magazine. Get to feel.

Task #8

This trick cannot be repeated in adulthood if you are not an alcoholic - with age, the body tolerates a hangover worse, and you yourself will stop running into adventures. And without alcoholic adventures, what is youth in Russia? Jump from school straight to old age.

Task #9

Stand up straight, open your mouth and honestly, cheerfully and boldly tell your boss and the whole open space what you think about this rotten office. Never mind the severance pay, half your measly monthly rate is a small price to pay for such a wonderful way to rise in your own eyes. The main thing is to find a job in advance and practice so that your voice does not tremble: a tantrum does not become the hero of the office, whose name and feat are whispered to new employees in the smoking room for several more years.

Task #10

The main expert on the political, economic and international situation in any country at any time is a pensioner at the entrance who does not know anything about state bodies beyond the mode of operation of the social security. You get closer to him every time you spend ten minutes coming up with a particularly witty tweet to fuck off in front of equally useless laymen. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen at your age already commanded dragons.

An excellent vaccine against killing the best years with fruitless criticism is an attempt to start something of your own and develop it to the status of a successful project, whether it is a seed trade in the market or an SMM agency. It’s not a fact that a blogger who has already failed at the stage of filling the project’s Facebook page will stop dunking oil traders in their professional failures, but perhaps, deep down, he will begin to understand what place he occupies on the scale from the right to the trembling creatures.

Task #11

Anyone can sit comfortably in the company of a classmate of his father, and you try to get a place in a company that sincerely admires you. Let it first have to be a free intern for a couple of months - this is the case when experience and a line in the resume will increase your market value, even if you fail to get into the state.

Task #12

Or with the boss, or with a childhood friend of the parents. Now an older lover is an exciting experience, then there will be gerontophilia.

Task #13

Does talking about religion irritate you? Try to infiltrate the Orthodox commune and understand what faith gives them. Technophobe? Make friends with technophiles.

Convinced urbanist? Go to a remote village for a month. These exercises help keep your mind sharp, and it's best to start them early while your neurons are still alert.

Task #14

When you stop wooden twitching and manage to move smoothly, like a panther, this will become a signal for the opposite sex: you own your body, pay attention to it, are confident in yourself, that is, it’s definitely not a deck in bed. This is not to mention the fact that in a decent society, the inability to dance is akin to the manners of a Peisanin, putting his elbows on the table and tearing a steak with his hands.

Task #15

Parents, as it turned out already in high school, are not gods and not always the right example. Teachers are also so-so people, surpassing you at best in a couple of special disciplines. Peers are not lights of wisdom, bosses are pompous fools. So why do you still take to heart the opinions of friends and strangers, if there is your position, the position of the most important person for you? Those who are called natural leaders in popular management textbooks outgrew this dilemma in five years.

Task #16

Surely you have noticed the aunts and uncles whose wrinkled faces hang over pink ruffles and cat prints in the glow of the galaxies. These are people who have not played enough, and they are a little sorry. So while you're young, don't hold back, stock up on Simpsons characters, Slayer's merchandise, "ironic" "aphorisms", hieroglyphs, and celebrity portraits, wear them until persistent disgust arises so that at 35 you don't embarrass those around you with a yard-long "SAMETS" on a beer belly.

Task #17

Kazantip with its balding veterans of the movement in ten years will turn into another platform where progressive pensioners carefully move their limbs. Club discos are an activity for children under 25, in the fourth ten the sky of Ibiza is not at all the same.

Task #18

Without parents, girlfriends, a boyfriend who replaced parents in everyday life, alone with himself. Then a family will happen, and perhaps for the rest of your life you will not understand what you are and what you want.

Task #19

At least at an average level. It is not necessary to fall asleep at evening language courses after work and go broke on a tutor, just watch TV shows with Russian subtitles, then switch to English, and do not be lazy to stop the movie to look up a new expression in the dictionary. As an option for relaxing study - Rosetta Stone.

Task #20

Yes, partak is not for everyone and not everyone likes it. Minus a hundred to the credit of trust of the older generation. It is worth getting a little fat, and you immediately resemble an eunuch who has served time. But try at least a stupid temporary sticker on vacation, or let an artist friend sketch you with a pen, it suddenly turns out that a tattoo is exactly what you lacked in order to feel like yourself. At forty, it will be shameful to engage in such nonsense, but for now it is possible and necessary.

Task #21

Unfulfilled childhood dreams are harmful for an adult - every second one gets hung up on them and lives on the machine, instead of having new, more productive aspirations. Wanted to become an artist, but became an accountant of equipment for agricultural exhibitions? Spend a year doing classes that will show if you have the ability to draw or if your mother praised your scribbles for nothing. Did you rave about flying before graduating from the food industry institute? Try at least to pass on the rights of category B without a bribe and not crash the car in the first year, and there, you see, it’s not far from flying in the passenger seat of a maize maker.

Task #22

Whether for public dating or just to scare the annoying neighbors in the compartment, but an alternative version of yourself is worth considering.

Task #23

Neighborhood children will not forgive you for a hole in their favorite toy, which you will make in an attempt to soar into the sky, before thoroughly taking it on your chest. No adult can resist a trampoline. Know it now, before you become heavy in body and spirit.

Task #24

In the first fifteen years, people wear what mom bought, in the second what they like, and then it’s time to understand: what looks beautiful on Cara Delevingne does not look beautiful on 90% of other girls, the brand tag does not replace the sports club card , and if you dress like a retired circus performer, none of your new acquaintances will see you as a candidate for physics and mathematics. sciences with a quivering searching heart - everyone will see a color-blind freak. Open any site with style recommendations, soberly assess your type of face and figure, draw conclusions.

Task #25

It's okay to want kids - kids are a walking comic, your personal army, an upgrade from a familiar close creature you care for, starting with a fish in first grade. Plus, at least this way you will make you behave like an adult in the good sense of the word: you will try to be more conscious and better, not for yourself, but for an innocent creature.

It's normal not to want children - the planet is overpopulated, you feel sorry for wasting your youth on a backbiter, responsibility is frightening. But for God's sake, decide which of the two positions you occupy, and if the second, protect yourself, or rather be sterilized. The Universe did not give you the right to produce random creatures that even you do not need, which means that at best they will become just unfortunate people, at worst they will become hardened and go to put out honest people with hammers.

Task #26

Let it be just an old change house in a dacha cooperative next door to the great-aunt of your institute head, still owning something completely your own, on your own land, where you can hide from everyone - this is a magical feeling and one of the main joys of adults, especially if the house is not bequeathed to you, but bought with the money you earn.

Problem #27

It is useful for any modern slave of sneakers and gadgets to remember that a person needs much less to be happy than marketers say.

Task #28

You will never force yourself to actively strive for something if you do not know exactly what the object of desire looks like. Therefore, the abstract “oh, money would be” will not turn into will, energy and a plan of action, as long as wealth remains for you a distant attribute of crazy stars from yellow newspapers who buy lurid expensive rags, eat strange food in vulgar resorts and collect golden loaves.

Meanwhile, security is, first of all, not show-offs, but saving time and everyday comfort (twenty minutes of a taxi instead of an hour of a cold packed minibus), health (compare the appearance of the average visitor to Pyaterochka and the average visitor to Azbuka Vkusa) and saving nerves on predictable polite service. For someone who has ever lived in a self-booked "we don't work with Russian tourist groups" Hilton, it is much easier to get your butt off the couch and work than an individual passively adrift in a school of fish of his class.

Problem #29

You can only accept AK-47 music, but if your mother drags Madonna to a concert, don't run from your father's house screaming in horror. Superstars are pros for that, to impress even those who are alien to their music.

Task #30

Do not wait for a round date, on the eve of which you will surely be covered with reflections. Think very carefully and honestly answer yourself what purpose all this daily mouse fuss serves. And then the next thirty years will be much easier and more fun.

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