How many degrees are there in January in Israel? The best prices for tours to Israel at the moment. January is a rainy month

The visit to Israel was planned for a purposeful purpose. Religious tour guide. I didn’t plan a beach resort vacation; I went in January.

What weather to expect in January

Israel was greeted by the morning cool. I knew it was winter on the calendar, but I was expecting warmer weather. My ears were frozen in my baseball cap. During the day the sun warmed up and it became more fun. I didn't have to take out my winter hat. The next week showed: I grabbed the sunglasses correctly. The thermometer showed 18 degrees, the sun was peeking through the clouds. If you fly in January, take clothes from Russian September.

Jerusalem tourist

For any believer, a trip to Jerusalem is special.

About spiritual values, details of the most important excursion Christendom enough has been said. I want to tell you what bothered me. Before leaving for Israel, I was mentally attuned to an introverted, serious wave. It was not possible to concentrate on religious values. The Path of Christ became its apogee. A narrow street, bounded on both sides by walls. A huge number of excursion groups, mostly Japanese (what are they doing here en masse?!), tried to get between us with loud shouts, emotional explanations, and running up in crowds to photograph any significant inscription. The main dissonant impression is the market. Merchants stand along the Path, narrowing the small passage. They sell everything. I especially remember tomatoes and strawberries; the illicit fruits were lying right under my feet, I was afraid of stepping or slipping. Sacred thoughts gradually disappeared.

When planning a trip like this, don’t be surprised:

  • market on the Way;
  • chaotic excursion groups;
  • flash photography where prohibited;
  • just dirt (I remember the clean postcard Vatican).

The place is holy, great. Not a landmark, much more significant, more important. I would like more respect for the shrine.

Eilat is the southernmost city in Israel, which is why we chose to spend the longest stay here during our New Year holidays. Out of 7 days in Eilat, only 2 days were cool and windy, the remaining 5 we enjoyed the weather of +24-+25 degrees and a beach holiday.

The water temperature in the Red Sea is from +20 to +22 degrees Celsius. It’s very invigorating, so if you like to swim longer, it’s better to go to warmer countries in January.

In general, the weather is not stable and you will have to rest according to the principle of “as you’re lucky.” Even if you sunbathe and swim during the day, take a light autumn jacket for the evening. After sunset (approximately 17:00), the air temperature drops sharply and the wind increases.

Eilat borders Egypt and Jordan.

Cross the border here and travel even further great option. You can get to the Border with Egypt in less than an hour, for example, by regular city bus 15.

Eilat is a duty free zone. That’s why even locals shop here, not to mention tourists. But you won’t be able to get Tax Free. There are good sales and discounts in January. This is where we bought Israeli cosmetics. In all stores the prices are approximately the same, but still, before you decide to buy (if there is a large volume, you can get a discount), walk through all the stores and ask the price.

The city of Eilat is very small, in the center, almost immediately by the sea, there is an Airport. Taxi is cheap 25-30 shekels for a trip around the city. But there may be a surcharge if there are more than 2 people and you have a lot of luggage. The difference is not significant and, to be honest, it is not worth going into it too much.

Also, just two and a half hours drive from Eilat is the Dead Sea and you can easily take an excursion or go there on your own by bus ( you can find out about my vacation at the Dead Sea here .)

What is interesting about a holiday in Eilat?

I was on holiday in Eilat in January 2016 with my parents. We flew to Tel Aviv Airport and first drove to Jerusalem, and then, on bus 444, which runs to Eilat several times a day, we reached the southernmost city of Israel. (You can find out more about our journey from Tel Aviv to Eilat here...)

When choosing housing, the entire city can be conditionally divided into 2 parts: the one by the sea, and the rest, located a little higher on the hill. Therefore, when choosing an accommodation facility on the map, take this factor into account. We had the opportunity to live both there and there.

The first Rich Luxury Suites were located on Mt. Accordingly, among the advantages we received: a low price and an inexpensive supermarket around the corner.

The more expensive apartments of the same chain, Rich Royal Suites Eilat, are located closer to the sea and very original, right opposite the airport.

We were pleased with our stay in both apartments.

The city of Eilat did not leave any strong impressions on me personally. The most interesting thing is probably the planes flying overhead right above the beach.

Pleasant promenade only at coastline near expensive hotels.

These are probably the best views.

I really liked the tangerine trees growing on the balconies.

In Eilat we mostly had beach holiday. Comfortable temperature for sunbathing and swimming from approximately 10:00-11:00 am to 17:00 pm. Sun loungers and umbrellas, changing cabins, are everywhere along the entire beach strip. The cost of a sunbed is 12 shekels. The sea in Eilat is clean, you can swim without special shoes, there are almost no fish or corals.

To look at them, we went on the above bus 15 to the coral beach. The fare is 6.90 shekels. We got off at the next stop after Dolphin Reef, under the sign of Coral Beach Club.

This beach is less suitable for the average tourist, due to the inconvenient entrance; it is best to take swimming slippers with you. There are umbrellas and sun loungers for rent, but there are almost no hotels nearby.

But many dive clubs will delight lovers of the underwater world.

Moreover, for these services, even with the price for a Russian tourist almost doubling, it seemed to me quite adequate.

There is information in Russian.

Near the shore there are a little more living creatures and corals than on the city beach, but there is nothing special to see there. Pay attention to places like:

Neptune's Tables, Dolphin Reef, Satil, Paradise Reef, Yatush, Eel Garden, Nature reserve(Coral Beach Nature Reserve), Japanese Gardens, Lighthouse Reef, The Caves. In general, the price list suggests going to some of them.

But I postponed diving until a warmer season.

From the beach we walked along the highway to the Dolphin Reef stop. We came to check out the information.

Just relax on this beautiful artificially created beach with palm trees -67 shekels. You pay for the SPA -339 shekels (time spent in the SPA is 2 hours) and spend the rest of the time on the beach for free, if you arrive in the morning, you have free breakfast, including, as I understand, champagne and wine, which is also included in the price.

The SPA has 3 swimming pools: warm with sea ​​water, with music and the usual fresh water, as well as baths. You can pay extra for an instructor who will teach you how to properly relax in the pool with music.

The same thing, if you decide to swim with dolphins for 290 shekels, you get the rest of the day at the beach for free.

I’m not a fan of such entertainment with animals, but there is information about this dolphinarium that dolphins live in natural conditions in the bay and if they don’t want to swim with you, then excuse me, they won’t force you.

Again due to temperature regime, we decided to postpone this attraction until a better time and went back to the city center. Please note that bus number 15 goes back with number 16.

There is also an underwater observatory in Eilat, for those who want to do without extreme diving and admire the local inhabitants of the underwater world.

Perhaps we missed something else while vacationing in Eilat, but this is just a reason to return there again.

January - best month to visit holy places in Israel. This month is characterized by rainy and cool weather, so the number of tourists is much less than in summer or early autumn, and last-minute tours around low prices they offer it to Israel much more often. At the beginning of the year, you can safely travel to sacred places - to Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and other holy cities.

Visiting holy places in 2020

Most of the pilgrims flock to this country not only to visit biblical places, but also to take part in the festive liturgy, which takes place in Bethlehem, in the sacred Church of the Nativity of Christ, in early January, on the sixth day. And at night, January 19, thousands of pilgrims descend to the Jordan River and take a bath in its cool water. An indispensable stop on a pilgrimage tour to Israel is a visit to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem - the main shrine of all Christians.

Is it worth taking trips to Israel in winter? Of course it's worth it! Especially if there is an offer for a resortEilat . The January climate here is cool; at night the temperature can drop to 0°C, but during the day it is quite warm. Don't forget to take warm clothes, especially if you're going on holiday in January with children.

If you come to Eilat, be sure to take a walk around Botanical Garden, spread out on ancient stone terraces. Here you can walk along winding footpaths with signs, admire the smooth surface of lakes, waterfalls, wooden buildings, and climb one of the three observation platforms, see the vast expanses of the Red Sea and the picturesque Mountains of Edom.

The Dead Sea is the best place for healing

But even in winter, no one abolished medical and health operations. The best place for medical procedures the coast of the Dead Sea is considered, the waters of which have amazing and beneficial properties. This place is called a “natural pressure chamber”. Due to the fact that the water in this sea is saturated with minerals, it is always warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. It is worth noting that it does not rain that much in this place, and if it does it will rain, then it will be short-lived and will not harm a great time.

Another resort Dead Sea- Ein Bokek, with an extensive network of hotels, featuring spas and health centers with rooftop pools and heated water amazing sea. From what is described above, it is clear that Israel in winter is just as interesting as in summer, but the prices are much lower.

Weather in Israel in January

The first month of winter is rich in frequent rains. Water temperature: in the Mediterranean Sea – about 17°C, in the Red Sea – about 22 degrees. Only desperate daredevils can swim, but those who come to the sea will not be afraid and the temperatures are much lower. The temperature in Israel in January on the Mediterranean Sea is indicated by a number - during the day - 17°C, at night - about 10°C.

According to reviews from vacationers, a holiday in Israel in January means relaxing walks, visiting holy places, restaurants with excellent oriental cuisine, and a variety of fruits and sweets. In a word - it's a fairy tale! Do you know what is East market? This is an incredible variety of juicy selected fruits and vegetables placed on the shelves and such an unimaginable diversity! For this reason, it is worth going to this country in January.

There are a considerable number of tourists in the world who believe that January holiday in Israel, despite the rains, is incomparable. They book a hotel, buy plane tickets and spend their winter holidays in this country with great interest. Tour-Calendar will try to figure out what a trip to the Holy Land in the dead of winter might promise.

Weather in Israel in January

January in Israel is considered the coldest and rainiest month of the year. However, the definition of “cold” in to a greater extent closer local residents than tourists. For Russians, the weather prevailing during this period of time is akin to that in the central regions of Russia in mid-September. Agree, return to your the Velvet season in the middle of a fierce snowy winter - a great luxury, and also affordable (which will be discussed at the very end of the article). The warmest place, as always, is in Eilat, located in the south of the country. It may still be chilly in the morning, but by lunchtime the air usually warms up to +21 °C. However, at night, due to the wide range of temperatures inherent in the city, it becomes very cold - on average +10 °C. Nevertheless, this is the most favorable coastal resort for recreation, because the amount of precipitation in January does not exceed 4 mm, which is the equivalent of about 2 stormy days. Despite the mild subtropical climate in cities located on the coast Mediterranean Sea, it might be a little chilly. During the day in Netanya and Tel Aviv, about +18 °C is recorded, and after sunset environment cools down to +10 °C. In the northern resort of Haifa, daily fluctuations in the thermometer range from + 11 °C to +16 °C.

Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Eilat

However, the point is not only in temperature indicators, but also in the amount of precipitation, which reaches its maximum in January, and in the level of air humidity (usually increasing in the evening), which affects the general perception weather conditions. The northern and central parts of Israel are the rainiest. For example, in Eilat at least 15 days are expected, marked by precipitation, in Tel Aviv this period is reduced to 11 days, Jerusalem is limited to 10 days (in the evening the air here cools to +6 °C), and in the Dead Sea resorts there are only 8 of them However, it should be understood that the nature of the January weather is quite changeable and no one can give a guarantee that there will be as many rainy days as indicated. Sometimes in the north the rains turn into daily or prolonged downpours that cover almost the entire month. It’s as if the heavens are being torn apart, and no one can patch up this “hole.” In the south, on the contrary, the weather tends to present surprises in the form of windless sunny days, when it’s quite possible to put on a swimsuit and go to the beach.

What to do in Israel in January?

Israel is good at any time of the year. In particular, in January, a holiday here will be appreciated by those who cannot tolerate two things: days exhausted by hot weather and dust storms, as well as the general tourist rush, manifested in huge queues to religious and historical monuments. The holiday bustle is already behind us, which means you can enjoy a calm and measured holiday. And the joy received from this cannot be overshadowed even by the most heavy showers, which nature is very happy about: the soil, abundantly absorbing moisture, responds with a riot of lush greenery. So sightseeing can be combined with pleasant contemplation of out-of-season spring landscapes.

Beach holiday

In order to go swimming in the Mediterranean Sea of ​​Israel in January, you need to be either a strong original or a real Siberian who doesn’t care about anything, given the fact that in January there is already very little sun, and most of the days are marked by windy, cloudy weather.

In addition, the water cools to an average of +18 °C (the only exception is the northern resort of Haifa with +17 °C), and large waves often arise. The Dead Sea in January is somewhat warmer, however, the water is very invigorating - no more than +20 °C. Of course, Eilat remains the leader among resort destinations in January with +22 °C. The water off the coast does not cool below this level due to the deep-sea warm current.

There are no strong winds in the Gulf of Eilat, so the most popular activity here is not swimming, but scuba diving. Those who are not indifferent to the “kingdom of Neptune” will encounter kilometers of the most beautiful things in the world coral reef, home to many species sea ​​creatures, landscapes rugged by grottoes and gorges, and, if desired, underwater photography with colorful fish.

Entertainment and excursions

If the weather permits, be sure to go to the Negev Desert, which clearly demonstrates where Jews lived several centuries ago and what was on the site of modern Israel. Do not hesitate to visit the nearby authentic cities of Ashkelon and Ofakim, and then stop by the capital of the desert, Beer Sheva, where the popular tourist site is located - the Well of Abraham. For those who fuel their energy by shopping, Israel will be able to experience what shopping on a grand scale is all about. To do this, you need to take your willpower and come to the world's largest Diamond Exchange, where multi-million dollar transactions are concluded every day.

“What does will have to do with it?” - you ask. And despite the fact that the temptation to spend $5,000-$10,000 (if you have that amount of money) on some nice little ring is very great. January is also good (read - not difficult) in terms of caring for own health, since the cost of treatments in Dead Sea SPA centers in the middle of winter decreases.

Holidays and festivals

According to the Jewish calendar, in January 2013, Israelis celebrate an important holiday for all their people “ New Year Trees" ("Tu Bishvat"), which falls annually on the 15th of the month of Shevat. This event symbolizes the end of the rainy season and the beginning of a new growing season (deeper meaning: the rebirth of nature to a new life). On this day it is customary to plant trees.

The Dead Sea is perhaps one of the most amazing places on a planet where many people dream of visiting. In addition to the fact that there are a lot of interesting and remarkable places, local waters can offer vacationers their own healing properties. Representatives of the tourism business will also complement the overall picture, as they are also trying to create the maximum comfortable conditions for their guests, and to their credit, they do it very well.

It is impossible not to say a few words about the weather at the Dead Sea at this time of year. The rainy season is in full swing here, so precipitation will be quite common, which, of course, will affect the overall popularity of the resort at this time of year. But it probably won't be hot here. The air temperature during daylight hours will rarely rise above +20 degrees. The water in the Dead Sea will be approximately the same warm. But at night it will be noticeably cooler, the air temperature can drop to ten degrees. But, thanks to the good heating system in the hotel, this will not create any problems for vacationers.

It is also impossible not to mention the local prices for holidays in January. As noted above, winter in Palestine is the rainy season, which, in turn, affects prices. On average, they are reduced by 30 percent. For example, if high season the cost of a trip for two, which includes everything, can reach $ 1,600–2,000, then in January married couple will be able to afford a week-long vacation to the Dead Sea for about $1,200.

Of course, it is important to pay attention to the reviews about holidays in January left by tourists who have visited the Dead Sea. It's safe to say that most of the reviews are very positive. Travelers talk with great pleasure about the magical time they spent on the world famous coastline. Excellent hotel service, rich tourist programs, lack of heat: all this and much more, of course, cannot leave anyone indifferent. Dissatisfaction and complaints in reviews are an extremely rare exception. And even then the only thing left to complain about is the rains, which periodically remind us of themselves.

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