Australia. When is the best time to go to Tunisia for a beach holiday: reviews, beach season When to go to Tunisia to relax

The holiday season in the resorts of Tunisia lasts from May to November. The climate in the country is very similar to Turkish. It has very hot dry summers (July-August), cool rainy winters and warm spring and autumn. At the same time, the sea warms up slowly and reaches a comfortable temperature by the end of June.

Dynamics of changes in the cost of tours

The average price of the tour is about 25,000 rubles per person. The most expensive vacation in Tunisia is at the peak of the summer season. At the same time, the best price-to-weather ratio comes in September.

Holidays in the resorts of Tunisia in the spring

In March, Tunisia is already warm (up to +20º) and sunny. You can’t swim in the sea yet), but the weather is just right for visiting.

April is the time of arrival of the first tourist groups. In Tunisia at this time is very beautiful. Everything blooms, transforming the local region into a truly fabulous sight. By the end of the month, the air in the resort area warms up to 23-25º, but the water is still cold (16-17º).

For trips in the spring, it is better to prefer areas from which it is easier to get to the Sahara - the most interesting and popular excursion in Tunisia. These are the resorts:

  • Monastir
  • Mahdia
  • Hammamet
Chocolate spa in hotels in Tunisia

May and June: swimming time

May is not much different from April. Everything is the same, only warmer and sunnier. The average daily air temperature is already stable around the 25º boundary, and sea water reaches 18-20º. It is too early to swim without restrictions, but it is already possible to gradually start this process.

With June comes real summer. Water reaches the psychologically important 20º mark, and air steadily tends to 30º. Locals are actively featured in the markets.

By the middle of June it is already possible to swim, so June best time for holidays in Tunisia with children.

July-August - time for the most persistent

July and August are the hottest months. It is unbearably hot during the day (up to +40º during peak hours). Sea water warms up to 25-28º. The wind from the sea somewhat softens the feeling of sweltering heat, but it is better to refrain from visiting field trips.

The paradox is that in summer all hotels and beaches are overcrowded.

In September, the heat gradually subsides. By the middle of the month the weather becomes comfortable again.

The second half of September is the best time for families with small children.

The Velvet season

The end of September and the whole of October is the "velvet" season. The sun warms pleasantly, but does not burn, the prices for tours are attractive. At the junction of October and November, there is some rise in prices associated with the November holidays and school holidays.

In autumn, for a vacation, it is better to choose southern regions(Fr. Djerba), where warm weather lasts one to two weeks longer.

The climatic conditions of Tunisia make it possible to visit it in a variety of seasons (see also:), because it attracts tourists not only with its magnificent beaches but also unique historical monuments. But the most convenient time for spending holidays here is the period from May to October. To be convinced of this, it is worth considering the Tunisian weather from the point of view of the traveler.

Highest attendance period

The flow of foreign citizens coming here reaches its maximum in the period from June to September. Only from our country at this time landings of almost 250 thousand people landed at local resorts. This season is also considered optimal for tourists from the former metropolis - France, as well as Germany and Great Britain. Our compatriots prefer to relax in and.

The mild climate and measured way of life of the North African country is especially favorable for family holidays with pastime. It is also extremely interesting for lovers of active relaxation on sea ​​coast. Another highlight of the Tunisian resorts is the opportunity to undergo a course of thalassotherapy. For this purpose, a significant number of ladies of middle and Balzac age come here.

Least visited season

Immediately after the end of the European beach season, the flow of tourists coming to Tunisia sharply weakens. In late autumn, winter and spring, the weather here worsens. Often winds blow, carrying sand with them, it rains. However, it is no coincidence that they say that for a European, death is good for a Russian. Local beaches do not remain empty thanks to vacationers from Russia and the CIS countries. According to our ideas, the weather is quite acceptable from November to early April.

In addition to the fact that the local winter can be considered a very warm spring by Russian standards, the economic component is also of no small importance. First, in given period Reduced airfare for most airlines. Secondly, the cost of excursions is lowered by an order of magnitude. Thirdly, at this time, accommodation in 4 and 5-star hotels becomes quite affordable - their owners are happy with every additional tourist and give maximum discounts. Finally, it is in such comfortable hotels that the best spa centers are located, which also significantly reduce the cost of their services.

Adding all of the above, we can consider Tunisia the most economically profitable country to celebrate the New Year in exotic conditions or spending Christmas week here. Particular attention should be paid to the resorts, which will delight you with really resort opportunities among the cold in Russia winter period, which differs here in very worthy weather conditions.

The best time for a beach holiday

Already in the first days of April, the weather in Tunisia becomes summer-like, in our understanding, warm. This is the perfect time for sunbathing. The April sun is not dangerous for the skin and you can spend at least the whole day on the beach. In general, the May tan is considered the most even and does not wash off for a long time. The first two decades of May are characterized by rather changeable weather. Although water and air already reach quite comfortable temperatures It often rains with thunderstorms. At such moments, the excitement on the sea increases, making normal swimming impossible.

But in June you can splash and swim as much as you like. The water temperature rises to +21 °C. June evenings are warm, and during the day the sun is already hot, but not yet burning. its apogee beach season reaches in July-August. The water warms up to +26 °C, and on the island of Djerba - even up to +28 °C. During the day it is very hot here and only evenings bring coolness. But for lovers of night swimming, a real expanse begins, giving unforgettable emotions.

The Velvet season

This period lasts from the first days of September to the very end of October. Tourists begin to gradually leave the local beaches, as if taking with them the African and scalding heat. The water in the sea is cool only in the early morning and is quite comfortable for swimming during the day and in the evening.

Once again, you can sunbathe for a long time, absorbing the ultraviolet rays of the sun's rays on your skin, which become gentle. At the end of September, the clear sky is sometimes covered with fluffy cumulus clouds. The beginning of October is marked by warm rains, and the breeze blowing from the sea often covers the skin of bathers emerging from the water with goosebumps.

excursion season

Not all tourists go to Tunisia in search of a measured beach holiday. abundance historical monuments extremely attractive for educational pastime.

Any connoisseur of natural beauties will also have great impressions from excursions to the great Sahara desert or to the unique salt lake Chott el-Jerid. During such walks, you can get to know the way of life and life of the indigenous people, taste colorful dishes national cuisine, ride camels and learn a lot about desert flora and fauna.

The best period for such trips are the periods from September to November and the season March-June. The heat is not yet scorching, the air temperature is quite comfortable, and sandstorms until they are observed.

When to dive?

Among lovers of underwater travel, the resorts of Tunisia are very popular with Russian tourists. In the coastal waters of this country is the largest in Africa coral reef, and diving off the coast of the legendary one promises interesting finds.

The main diving centers are concentrated in Tabarka, where they will be happy to meet both professionals and beginners. Each vacationer here will be taught the basics of scuba diving by qualified instructors.

The best time for diving is July, August and September. During these months sea ​​water the most transparent. Arriving here during this period, you can take part in various maritime festivals.

When is the best time to go fishing?

Extended coastline and the richness of underwater fauna make beautiful Tunisia interesting for lovers sea ​​fishing. You can fish here both from the boat and directly from the shore. Travelers love hunting with a harpoon on sea ​​sponges or catching pelagic fish attracted by the light of a lantern at night.

Going further into the sea promises magnificent trophies, which you will not be ashamed to show off to your friends. Fishing in Tunisia is possible throughout the year. Since it rains quite often in winter, we will consider spring and summer months as well as September and October.

The best time for recovery

SPA centers in Tunisia, where you can easily get rid of hated cellulite and make your skin amazingly velvety after undergoing a course of thalassotherapy, are known far beyond the borders of the state - in Europe and Russia. However, local resorts are also ideal for recovery after major operations and injuries. For such purposes, you should come here in winter.

Firstly, the prices for procedures will be much lower, and secondly, it is better not to be in the heat during the rehabilitation period. In order to make your vacation truly comfortable, you can choose a hotel with a swimming pool, since the sea is still cool enough for swimming. As for thalassotherapy, wellness centers where such procedures are performed operate year-round.

Period of holidays and festivals

There are many holidays in the Tunisian calendar that are usually celebrated magnificently. On such days, various spectacular events are held in cities and towns, which will be very interesting to see for any traveler. The season opens with the Hawk Hunting Festival held in El Haouaria, which attracts thousands of spectators. It is replaced by an event held in Carthage and lasting about a month and a half.

In July, it invites lovers of jazz music and leading performers working in this genre from all over the world, and Monastir and Hammamet host participants in the "Festival of Arts". At the end of the month, you can visit classical music concerts, which are given in the Colosseum, located near the capital of the country. During the same period, the “Summer Festival” begins in Sousse, it is opened by the President of Tunisia himself, and the celebrations end with an incredibly colorful carnival procession.

In August, the turn of the Arabian Horses festivals in El Batan comes, and the Oasis Festival ends the festive season. In winter, a wonderful "Bedouin Festival" is held. Representatives of this nationality come to the city of Douz from different countries. The program includes performances by folk groups and competitions in national sports.


As follows from all of the above, Tunisia can be a great place to spend your holidays at any time of the year. The variety of entertainment that it provides to visiting tourists will make your vacation incredibly exciting and rewarding!

Every year, Russians ask themselves the question: where to spend their holidays. And often in their search for a suitable place arises hot country Tunisia. When is it better to go on vacation to the Tunisian coast, what to do there and which resort to choose? Let's talk about all the features of recreation in this country.

Geographical position

In the northeast of the African continent is the Republic of Tunisia or, as it is popularly called, Tunisia. When is the best time to visit this country? It depends on the purpose of the trip. The state is located on the coast mediterranean sea and has a very long history of human settlement. Therefore, it can offer tourists a varied holiday.

Tunisia is bordered by Libya and Algeria, and by water it is adjacent to Italy. The northern part of the country occupied the spurs of the African mountain system Atlas, coastal areas are characterized by a flat landscape. The famous Sahara desert is located in the south of the state. And the middle of the country is occupied by a series of salty picturesque lakes.

The capital of the state is the city of Tunis, this is the largest settlement. In addition to it, here you can visit about 15 more major cities. The coastal part of the country is the most populated; the most attractive cities for tourists are located here.


In the ratings of countries beloved by Russians for a beach holiday, Tunisia is not the last. When is the best time to visit this state? This question can be answered by assessing the local climate. The country is located in two natural areas: Mediterranean subtropical and tropical desert. The weather in the state is influenced by two main factors: the Mediterranean Sea, which softens and humidifies the air along the coast, and the Sahara Desert, which contributes to a significant increase in temperature in summer.

Tourists mainly come to the coast, where a mild Mediterranean climate prevails with long and short rainy winters. In summer, the thermometer rises on average from 22 to 32 degrees, and in winter it stays around 7-15 degrees Celsius.

best season

The main question for those who are going to go to Tunisia: when is the best time to go on vacation? It depends on why the tourist is going to this interesting country. For those who are eager to swim and sunbathe, but not much "roast" in the sun, the best time is from April to June and September-early October. In July-August, quite strong heat sets in here up to plus 40-45. But the sea breeze greatly facilitates the existence in such heat. Therefore, these months are referred to as "high" tourist season, which affects prices, which rise by 30-40%.

But for those who want to get acquainted with the culture and history of this ancient country March-April and October-November are perfect. by the most rainy months are January-February, and traditionally at this time the flow of tourists is reduced to a minimum. This is instantly reflected in the prices of hotels and meals, so those who want to see Tunisia and save a lot come here during this period. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question: in Tunisia, what is the best time of the year to relax? It all depends on the needs and possibilities.

Recreation features

When going to Tunisia, you need to soberly weigh the pros and cons. Compared to the usual "beach" destinations, entertainment and animation services are much less developed in this country. The state religion is Islam, and this is reflected in many areas of life, including tourism. In non-resort cities it is not customary to go to beach view, that is, with bare arms, chest, legs. Therefore, it is important to decide when going to Tunisia where it is better to go on vacation - to small non-tourist cities or popular resort places.

The state has a low standard of living, so the prices here are not very high. But far from the tourist routes, one can see almost glaring poverty. The country has a very long history, so the excursion program here is rich and varied.

The hotel base of Tunisia cannot be compared with the same Turkey and Egypt, there are few modern buildings. State for a long time was a French colony, so the main language of international communication here is French, although the service sector speaks English well. But the Russian language is not in use here.


Thinking about which part of Tunisia is better to go on vacation, you should again evaluate your desires and interests. The most famous and popular resorts in the country are Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Hammamet. The latter is the most prestigious and fashionable vacation spot. Compete with him luxury vacation maybe only the island of Djerba, where they settled best hotels luxury class. The prices in these places are above average, but the service is excellent.

Sousse is a gathering place for young people, there are many nightclubs, pubs, restaurants and discos in the open air, the largest and most famous of them is Voga Voga. Hammamet can be called a universal resort, which harmoniously combines opportunities for both relaxing and youth recreation.

Monastir can be called calm and quite economical, but you need to be prepared for the fact that tourist The infrastructure here has long been in need of modernization. The capital of the country is a real eastern metropolis, so it is better to come here on an excursion, but not to stay for a long time, since it is difficult to relax here.

One of the youngest and developing resorts is El Kantaoui, where you can find fairly modern hotels and good infrastructure for tourists, but the prices here cannot be called low.


He has been documented since the 9th century BC. e., when in place modern country The city of Carthage was founded. And today the remnants of it ancient city are the most important tourist attraction in the country.

The second most important place that tourists need to see is the Sahara Desert. Also, having arrived in Tunisia, you need to visit the blue and white city of Sidi Bou Said, which allows you to see the traditional way of life of the Tunisians.

Interesting sights also include the UNESCO-protected Colosseum in El Jem, the Sidi Uqba Mosque in Kairouan, the Berber city of Matmata.

Things to do

For many tourists, Tunisia becomes synonymous with the beach. Recreation, the season for which is limited in cold Russia, of course, is the main entertainment in this country. However, in Tunisia, even without this, there is something to do.

The second most popular pastime, after the beach, is an excursion to the Sahara. see it famous place worth it, no need to think that these are only endless sands. As part of the traditional two-day tour, tourists ride camels and ATVs, visit Bedouin dwellings, sightseeing: Mount Tembain, Fort Tisawar, oases, try local dishes, meet magnificent sunsets and sunrises.

Another attraction for tourists are excellent opportunities for thalassotherapy. Medicinal algae grow off the coast of the country, which help to improve the condition of the body and skin. In Tunisia, you can find chic spa centers and small beauty parlors with reasonable prices, but in each place the services will be of decent quality.

Tourists are also offered to visit crocodile farms, go diving and fishing, and take a trip on a yacht. In addition, numerous clubs, cafes, discos, water parks are at the service of vacationers.

Vacation with children

There are many reasons to visit Tunisia. When is the best time to go on vacation with a child to this wonderful country? For this, time is perfect with a soft warm temperature regime April-June, September-October.

With children, it is better to choose quieter cities, for example, Sousse, Hammamet, Tabarka, Nabeul. In each of them you can find zoos, water parks, amusement parks, playgrounds, museums and entertainment centers. For families with children, Tunisia is quite safe and comfortable, you just have to take the usual safety measures, for example, wash your hands, do not drink tap water, and do not get carried away with spicy street food.

Tunisia is one of the most popular Mediterranean countries among tourists. Here is magnificent beach holiday combined with the best thalassotherapy and spa in the world, and the landscapes of the great desert and the ruins of ancient cities conceal a lot of interesting things for inquisitive travelers.

The north of the country is located in the subtropics, the south - in tropical zone, with a third of the country occupied by desert. The climate in different areas is different from each other. The change of seasons is distinct. Before planning a trip to this country, you need to figure out which season in Tunisia is best for relaxing on the beaches, and which one is for sightseeing or health tours.

Climate of Tunisia

Three in Tunisia climatic zones. The weather in the north of the country is dictated by the Mediterranean Sea. The climate in the coastal regions is typical Mediterranean, characterized by mild rainy winters and hot summer. The closer to the south, the greater the influence of the Sahara desert, and the interior of Tunisia has a semi-arid climate with little rainfall. In the south, a desert climate reigns with extremely rare rains and sharp temperature changes.

Beach season in the resorts of Tunisia

Tunisia is primarily known as seaside resort where the beach season lasts from May to mid-October.

  • Holidays in May and early June are more suitable for those who do not tolerate heat well and prefer the pool to sea bathing: the water in the sea is still cool, its temperature is not higher than +17°C. But already from April you can safely sunbathe - during the day it is warm enough, about + 25 ° C.
  • The sea warms up by mid-June. At this time officially begins high season, which ends in mid-September. At the beginning of the season, sea water is already +24°C, air - up to +30°C.
  • July and especially August is the peak of the beach season. At this time, there is practically no rain, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea reaches a maximum of + 26-27 ° C. But even at this temperature, it seems cool and brings relief from the heat of the day, because the thermometer mostly shows more than + 30 ° C, and in August the thermometer readings often exceed + 40 ° C.
  • In September, the weather in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia becomes very comfortable: the sweltering heat subsides, and the sea remains just as warm.
  • The period from mid-September to October is called velvet season thanks to warm calm weather. This is a great time for those who do not like the heat and crowd on the beaches. Although the water begins to cool down and gradually drops to +20°C, the gentle autumn sun allows you to take air baths and sunbathe without fear of getting sunburn. The average daily temperature in October is +27°C. The onset of autumn is felt on cool nights, sometimes there are cloudy days, but such periods are not long-term.

The velvet season is preferred by those who love a varied holiday, because this time of the year is considered the best for water sports and sightseeing trips throughout the country. On the island of Djerba, located in the south of the country, the holiday season is longer - the temperature here is about 3-5 degrees higher, and you can swim in November.

Low season in Tunisia

Winter in Tunisia is warm and mild. On sunny days, the weather is conducive to long walks on fresh air, nature pleases with a variety of flowers and greenery. But during these months you need to be prepared for rainy days with piercing winds and cold nights.

  • The weather starts to change in November. Although it is still warm during the day - about + 21-22 ° C, strong winds blow, it rains. The sea is restless and cold, no more than +18°C.
  • December and January are the coolest months of the year. It often rains heavily, accompanied by strong winds, the temperature drops to +15°C during the day, and about +5-7°C at night.
  • In February, there are sharp changes in the weather, cloudy days are not uncommon. But little by little, winter begins to give up its positions, the air becomes warmer and warms up to 18-20°C. It's still too early to sunbathe and swim in the sea, but it's time for thalassotherapy courses and spa treatments.
  • In March-April, the approach is already felt holiday season. Spring weather pleases with abundance sunny days, and by the end of April it is already warm - up to + 24-25 ° C.
  • The low season is ideal for budget travelers who want to tour Tunisia or relax in the spa. At this time, hotels and thalassotherapy centers lower their prices as much as possible.

Spring and autumn, when strong winds blow and the water is not too cold, are good for kiters and windsurfers.

The best time for sightseeing trips in Tunisia

It is best to get acquainted with the country in the off-season - in May or October. At this time, you can stroll around the sights without fear of getting sunstroke, and the weather is warm enough to spend a couple of days on the beach after a busy trip. September, perhaps best month for tourists who want to combine a full-fledged beach holiday with a tour of natural and historical monuments. For travel around central regions the autumn and spring months can be recommended, as it is cool and windy here in winter, and too hot in summer. Winter is suitable for visiting the southern oases.

When to go on vacation to Tunisia, so as not to burn out under the burning African sun, not to freeze and not to catch jellyfish? Find out about the best time to travel in 2019 with our overview of seasons and weather by month. water and air temperature, weather, tips and reviews of tourists.

The climate of Tunisia is subtropical Mediterranean: hot and dry in summer, warm and rainy in winter, and the temperature indicators of the resorts of the south and north differ by no more than 1-2 degrees.


Water and air temperature. In January, it is warm and rainy in Tunisia: during the day + 15 ° С, at night + 8 ° С, the water in the sea is + 15 ° С.

Weather. The weather often changes - sometimes rain, sometimes wind. There is nothing to dream about relaxing by the sea, but you can ride through historical sights.

Do you want to sunbathe in winter? In many countries, this is the beach season. Choose a convenient direction: , .


Water and air temperature. In February, the first trees timidly bloom, fresh grass turns green: during the day + 18 ° С, at night + 9 ° С, the sea + 15 ° С.

Weather. Cloudy weather sometimes gives way to the sun, the rains are still pouring, but not as often as in January.

Reviews of tourists. In February, it is better to go on vacation to Tunisia for those who care about health. Thalassotherapy is possible at any time of the year! True, the hotels are filled with European pensioners who have come for wellness treatments.

(Photo © khowaga1 / / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of spring, +20°С during the day, +11°С at night, +15°С at sea.

Weather. March is the flowering period in Tunisia: during the day the sun warms pleasantly, but at night it is still quite cool.

Reviews of tourists. At this time, it is good to go on excursions and spend time in thalassotherapy centers.


Water and air temperature. April in Tunisia strikes with a riot of colors: during the day + 23 ° С, at night + 12 ° С, the sea + 16 ° С.

Reviews of tourists. It is still too early for swimming, and tourists are happy to visit the excavation sites, receive treatment in thalassotherapy centers and sunbathe. At the end of the month, the first lovers of short swims appear.


Water and air temperature. The weather in May is changeable: +25°С during daylight hours, +16°С at night, +16°С at sea.

Weather. The sun is hot during the day, but after sunset you want to put on something warm. A few daredevils open the beach season.

Reviews of tourists. If you do not like the heat, it is better to relax in Tunisia in May. At the end of the month, you can already talk about a beach holiday, however, it is better to choose the resorts of southern Tunisia, where the water is warmer.

(Photo © crsan / / CC BY 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Perfect time for: +27°C during the day, +20°C at night, +20°C at sea.

Weather. In the first half of the month the sea is cool for swimming. Starting from the second half of June, you can safely swim.

Reviews of tourists. It is best to relax in Tunisia in June: it is still not very hot, it is pleasantly cool in the evening, there are few tourists. Hotels are gradually filling up with vacationers.


Water and air temperature. In the middle of summer, heat comes to Tunisia: during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 21 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.

Weather. hot sand caresses the skin, juicy fruits delight the eye, the sea becomes warmer every day.

Reviews of tourists. Most tourists go to rest in Tunisia in July - many believe that this is the best time. The weather is perfect, the sea is warm. In July, everything thunders - nightclubs and discos work.


Water and air temperature. In August, the weather in Tunisia is dry and hot: during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 23 ° С, the sea + 28 ° С.

Weather. During the day it gets so hot that not everyone can stand it, but the nights are mild and warm. Elderly people and vacationers with children should refrain from traveling during this period.

Reviews of tourists. August is a controversial month for holidays. On the one hand, the sea warms up to the temperature of fresh milk, and on the other hand, warm water attracts hundreds of jellyfish to the shores of Tunisia, because of which swimming becomes uncomfortable.

(Photo © nivea-cream / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Autumn in Tunisia is mild and warm: +31°С during the day, +22°С at night, +26°С at sea.

Weather. This is one of best periods for a holiday in Tunisia for everyone - the water is warm, there are no jellyfish, only sometimes in the afternoon a breeze comes up and the sea is slightly worried.


Water and air temperature. No more in October extreme heat: day +29°С, night +18°С, sea +26°С.

Weather. A good time for trips around Tunisia and a beach holiday. Good weather. The sea is still warm enough for swimming, but the air is not so hot anymore.

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