"The Tale of the Sea Fish. About fishing in the summer. Story for children Fairy tales and stories about fish for children

One “friend” and I went to a fish farm for carp. Well, we paid at the entrance, chose a place, and threw in our gear. We are slowly dragging the mediocre ones. And suddenly I got such a strong bite! I pulled towards the shore, and the powerful carp moved in one direction, tangled the lines of the fishing rods, and collected two rubber bands in a heap in the other. I think: “To hell with them, with the gear, I’ll pull this one out.” And I was also standing near a bush, got carried away, waved my rod in that direction, and got caught in the branches of the forest. Well, I turn the reel and still bring the carp to the shore. And I already see him. About five kilograms, probably. I shout to this one: “Take the landing net, pull it out, otherwise I won’t be able to put the fishing rod in.”
He comes running, grabs the landing net, and approaches the shore with it.
Here you need to know, and he knows - he’s been fishing for a long time - the landing net had to be carefully placed from below and from the side under the carp so that it wouldn’t get worried and fall off.
And he suddenly throws the landing net on the shore and climbs to pull out my carp with his bare hands.
Well, it’s clear that the carp rushed and left.
And here I am sitting angry, cutting and dismantling the tangled lines and leashes, and he suddenly shouts to me: “I got a good one. Help me get it out!”
I take a landing net, bring it under a really healthy carp, put it in the net on the shore and return to my gear.
And he also says: “No, look how healthy he is! We haven’t had anything like this today!”
Well, I’m fiddling with the fishing lines, and out of the corner of my eye I see how he takes the carp from the landing net, carries it to the water to put it in the cage, slips on the edge of the shore, plops down on his ass, and at the same time throws the carp high, it flops into the water and leaves.
That's when I realized that there is a higher justice.

A fisherman's story.
He says that my relatives and I really like to go fishing on the river in the summer. Somewhere in the province there was one of these numerous rendezvous on the shore. It must be said that the fishing was carried out in full accordance with national traditions. Fishing rods and other gear are thrown and safely forgotten, the process of “fishing” is in full swing: vodka is drunk, stories are told.
In the process, one of the “fishermen” remembers that he knows an apiary on the other side and says: “I’ll treat everyone with honey now.” His comrades are trying to dissuade him.
- For what?! Honey is far away, there is vodka for now, why be a hero, and the dog there is angry... But what can I say, the sea is knee-deep for a drunk – not to mention the river. In short, I took a boat and a cellar.
The following is his story. I dug up, found everything, seemingly, gave the dog a kick, grabbed the nearest hive and dragged it (if anyone doubts it, the bees sleep at night).
Bobik doesn't stop, spins, barks, and runs around. I hit him this way and that, with obscenities and a stick, but he won’t let up. I get into the boat - he follows me. I'm rowing - he's behind me. I waved the oar - it whined, but the creature did not lag behind. So they sailed together.
- And now the most interesting part. More sober comrades, looking around the boat, notice that there is not a beehive there at all, but an ordinary doghouse, complete with a chain.
Poor Bobik!!! He's probably heard a lot about MU-MU!

The man went fishing. I took one fishing rod, half a liter - so, sit on the bank. He sits and pours and drinks. It doesn’t bite... I’ve already drunk almost the entire bottle, but there hasn’t been a single bite. There's just a little bit of vodka left, and then it bites! The man pulls it out, and there is a small crucian carp. Well, the fisherman thought - what to do with it? and even with small ones. He opened his mouth, poured in a couple of drops of vodka, threw it back into the water and quietly began to get ready to go home. And then it started to bite! The man is tired of pulling out fish. He caught a full bucket and went home happy. He hears an angry whisper from the bucket: - Well, crucian carp, well, bitch.....They're pouring it!!! Let go!!!

We caught pike on the Volga. In winter. That is, they caught all sorts of different things. Here…. In general, nothing was going well. And my friend took a “chekushka” of some nasty vodka on a fishing trip to keep warm. And my friend had a wife. Fierce that your Winnipeg January. And she could have killed him completely for unauthorized drinking. In short, she came down from the shore unnoticed, and at the last moment he checked the hook (for the cork) and into the water. And when the woman left, he pulled out such a pike. By God, I’m not lying. The pike was probably sixty centimeters long. In general, she swallowed the entire check, but the check did not go back. And just don’t need this “this can’t be”, because everything can be. And the section is called tales. And by the way, the leashes were ordinary, nylon and not metal at all, because we didn’t even think about pike.

An incident at a banquet. The man says:
– Once, at my average age, I fished until the evening. It was already getting dark, the fish were in a full trunk, it was time to get ready to go home. My hands were slippery, and my wedding ring fell off my finger into the water.
No matter how much I dived or shined a flashlight, I couldn’t find it.
It’s true what they say is that this is a bad omen. And so it happened. Unfortunately, we got divorced.
About a year later, in one restaurant I saw “Fish baked in foil” on the menu. I ordered and they brought me a dish decorated with shrimp and herbs. I carefully unfold the foil, cut the fish and suddenly, what do you think I find there?!
Everyone shouts in one voice:
– Your wedding ring?!
- No... it’s not cooked well! The restaurant turned out to be lousy...

Sonya the fish lived in a sea bay near a sandy island. She had a big family - grandparents, mom and dad, three sisters and two brothers. Sonya loved her family very much. Sometimes she didn't appreciate her relatives. She could yell at her brother, quarrel with her sister, and not talk to her mom and dad. But then Sonya made sure to put up with all family members. The fairy tale about Sonya the fish begins with the fact that one day a hurricane will carry the little girl out to sea. Will the fish be able to get home, and what will help it on its way?

Read a tale about a fish

In the middle of the night, Sonya woke up and realized that a hurricane had begun. Dad swam up to his daughter and said that she urgently needed to hide deep in the sand and wait for the waves to subside. The whole family sank to the very bottom and hid in the seaweed under the sand. But Sonya was still caught by the elements and carried away into the distance by a strong sea current. The fish saw how dad tried to catch up with her, but the water element was stronger. Sonya closed her eyes.
When the fish opened its eyes, it was already day. The water was calm, the waves were quiet. Sonya looked around and realized that she had been carried far away from the sandy island. It was necessary to go back, but who would want to help such a small and insignificant person like her?
Therefore, the fish decided that it was necessary to lie to other fish about itself. Then he will reach his goal faster. Sonya saw a fish that was 3-4 times larger than her. The orange, striped fish was rushing to the East - that’s where Sonya needed to swim.
“Dear, dear,” Sonya addressed the fish in her thin voice. - Can you help me?
- What exactly, child? - said the fish and stopped.
— I’m a model and I’m in a hurry to go to a fashion show. I urgently need to go to the East. I am a very important person.
- Of course, cling to my fin with your fin. I will help you! - said the orange fish, and they swam. Sonya was very happy that she had come up with such a legend about herself. And I was glad to have the help of the fish. But before she had time to sail far, her savior began to ask a lot of questions.
— A modeling career is a fairy tale about a fish! How lucky you are! Tell me, when did you start participating in fashion shows?
— Three months after my birth.
- Hm. Is it really possible to become a model from such an early age?
- Well... - Sonya hesitated. - Or a little later. I do not remember.
—Where did you study?
- At the modeling school. Near the mainland in the East.
“I didn’t know there were modeling schools there,” the orange fish doubted again. And then she began to ask more and more questions. And each time Sonya’s legend became more and more implausible. Finally, the fish realized that Sonya was deceiving. She stopped and threw the liar off her fin.

Sonya was left alone. She saw another fish that was swimming to the East. Purple, thin, but very fast.
- Wait, wait! - Sonya said to the fish.
- What did you want? My name is the fish Violet, what about you?
- I'm Sonetta! Singer from the East! And I'm late for an important charity concert. Could you help me?
- Certainly! - said Violet, and they set off. Within five minutes the fish asked to sing a song, Sonya was confused, and she was brought out into the open.
She was again left alone in the middle of the sea. For a long time, Sonya was inventing different stories about herself in order to make herself significant and seem like someone she really wasn’t. But each time she was exposed, and after that she was left alone. Soon all the fish knew that Sonya could not be trusted. Rumors about her spread very quickly.
It was already getting dark, and the fish was afraid to be left alone in the sea at night. But at that moment a dolphin swam up to her. A beautiful, smooth, friendly dolphin was the first to say hello.
- Hello, fish. Aren't you lying to everyone along the way?
- Hello, dolphin. Probably it was me. Who told you about me?
“All the fish are whispering about it.” Everyone is interested in why you are lying, who you really are. After all, those who usually lie are those who have something bad to hide. What bad things are you hiding?
- Nothing bad! Nothing. I'm just lost, my family is in the East. But all the fish look so businesslike, it seemed to me that if I told the truth, no one would help me.
- What stupidity! Sincerity is the best way to get others to help you. If you realize that someone is lying, trust immediately disappears. But the truth can always be understood and accepted. Let me help you get to the East to your family!
So Sonya the fish came home. Mom and Dad were very worried about their daughter and searched her. When she swam home, the whole family was very happy and grateful to the dolphin.
The fairy tale about the fish is over. Have you ever lied? For what?

We have created more than 300 cat-free casseroles on the Dobranich website. Pragnemo perevoriti zvichaine vladannya spati u native ritual, spovveneni turboti ta tepla.Would you like to support our project? We will continue to write for you with renewed vigor!

Elena Yurievna Antonova


Development of artistic and creative abilities in children of senior preschool age through the use of pastel drawing techniques.


1. Continue to introduce older preschool children to a new art material – pastels.

2. Improve techniques for working with the sharp edge of a chalk (hatching) and flat (shading, the ability to convey delicate color nuances.

3. Develop a sense of color, imagination, fantasy.

4. Cultivate courage, confidence, initiative in the experimental development of new artistic materials and ways of working with them.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations "fish", conversations "What is the sea?" "Inhabitants of the Seas", reading fiction (A. S. Pushkin « The Tale of the Goldfish» , learning poetry, looking at reproductions of I.K. Aivazovsky, listening to musical works (M.K. Ciurlionis "Symphony of the Sea", M. Ravel "Water Game").


Dry pastel crayons, paper of different textures, hand wipes.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today I want tell very interesting for you fairy tale. And you can not only listen to it, but also become for a while the heroes of this fairy tales. But first I want to ask you, what is the sea? ...it's a huge body of water, there's a lot of water there. There are so many that you can’t even see the shores.) And who lives in the sea? …different inhabitants: fish, crabs, whales, etc. Algae, corals, shells grow there)

How are fish similar to each other? (They have a body with scales, a head, a tail, and fins.) Fish make friends and play with each other.

Physical education minute:

The fish are playing happily(tilts to the side)

In blue sunny water (smooth hand movements)

They will shrink and unclench

They'll bury themselves in the sand (shoulder movements)

What a great fellow you are! Yes, there are indeed many inhabitants in the sea, among which there are a wide variety of fish.

And so, our the fairy tale is called"The Adventures of the Pearl". Listen carefully, perhaps your help will be useful to us.

Lived in sea beautiful little kingdom fish. This one's name was fish Pearl. Its scales were yellow-red, its fins were orange, and its eyes glowed with a golden sheen. She loved to swim sea to the depths in search of adventure. On such trips I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

One day the Pearl swam far, far from her home and found herself among thick green algae. She was very frightened and wanted to return home, but suddenly realized that she did not know where to go. And then, behind the stone, she saw Medusa and was very happy. That’s who will help me, thought Zhemchuzhinka. The pearl swam up to her and asked her to help her find her way home. That Medusa was not very beautiful and very cunning. AND she said to our fish: “I will show you the way home, but in return I will take your beauty from you.”. There’s nothing to do, our Pearl agreed and immediately turned into gray fish. And Medusa became prettier and showed herself pleased the fish's way home. Returning home, Zhemchuzhina looked at the beautiful fish swimming past and sadly thought that her scales would never be so beautiful again.

Soon, her friend Malek came to visit Zhemchuzhinka. He listened to the sad story and said: “I know how to help you! A cheerful girl Masha lives on the shore, and she has a Golden fish, which fulfills any desire. We need to swim to it." And they swam.

Masha did not refuse to help fish, but since she was a very mischievous girl, the first thing she wanted, of course, was to ask Golden fish, something for yourself. And Masha said: “How I want to see something new and unusual. Let this be my first wish." And then a sheet of paper and a box appeared in front of Masha, in which multi-colored sticks neatly lay. "Oh! What is this?"- Masha was surprised. “What beautiful sticks, but for some reason they get your hands dirty. They break easily and leave crumbs behind.” "We do not know"- answered fish.

Educator. Guys, do you know what is in Masha’s box? Can you tell me what kind of sticks these are?

Children talk about pastels. She is tender, magical, airy, fabulous. Pastel sticks break easily and fall off. If you draw with a corner of a chalk, it leaves a mark, a thin line. When painting, place the chalk "on the barrel". We use our fingers to shade the pastel. In places where the pattern is very narrow, a cotton swab will help to shade it. Swipe by hand "tiny" You can't, you could ruin the drawing. Extra "dust" You can remove it slightly and blow on the drawing. If necessary, you can wipe your hands on a napkin.

Educator. Thank you guys for told Masha about pastels. It's time for the second wish. The fish froze in anticipation, what will Masha ask? The girl looked at them and said to the goldfish: “I want to learn how to draw this one with pastels fish. I’ll make her beautiful myself.” But Masha didn’t even know how to draw with pastels or where to start.

Guys, we need to help Masha again. Let's show the girl how to draw fish using pastel crayons.

Children draw. Quiet calm music sounds.

Masha was so carried away by drawing that she almost forgot about marine fish - our heroes and about your third wish. She looked at her drawing, then at the Pearl, and she really wanted her to become just as beautiful. "I want this gray fish became as cheerful and colorful as in my drawing!” and Masha’s wish was immediately fulfilled.

That's it, thanks to Golden fish, Masha and the kindergarten children "Lukomorye", our the fairy tale ended well.

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn. Once he threw a net into the sea, - The net came with nothing but mud. Another time he cast a net, and a net came with sea grass. I threw it in for the third time...

On the seashore, in a dilapidated hut, a fisherman lived with his wife, and they were very poor. The fisherman made a net and began to catch fish in the sea. One day he cast a net and began to pull. He looks, and there is only one fish in the net, but not an ordinary one - a gold one. The fish begged in a human voice: - Don’t destroy me, it’s better to let me go...

  • The fisherman caught a fish. The fish says: - Fisherman, let me into the water; you see, I’m petty: I won’t be of much use to you. If you let me go, let me grow up, then if you catch me, it will be of more benefit to you. The fisherman says: “He will be a fool who waits for great benefit and lets little benefit slip away.”

  • Nobody saw how Kozyavochka was born. It was a sunny spring day. Kozyavochka looked around and said: - Good!.. Kozyavochka spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around again and said: - How good!.. What a warm sun, what a blue sky, what grass...

  • Whatever you want, it was amazing! And the most amazing thing was that this was repeated every day. Yes, as soon as they put a pot of milk and a clay pan with oatmeal on the stove in the kitchen, that’s how it will begin.

  • The first autumn cold, from which the grass turned yellow, brought all the birds into great alarm. Everyone began to prepare for the long journey and everyone had such a serious, worried look. Yes, it’s not easy to fly over a space of several thousand miles... How many poor birds will be exhausted along the way, how many will die from various...

  • Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day in the summer, Sparrow Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted: “Hey, brother, hello!.. How are you?” “It’s okay, we live small,” answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. For me, brother, it’s good in deep places... The water is quiet, all kinds of water...

  • One prince married a beautiful princess and did not have time to look at her enough, did not have time to talk to her enough, did not have time to listen to her enough, and they had to part with him, he had to go on a long journey, leave his wife in someone else’s arms. What to do! They say you can’t sit for a century hugging each other! The princess cried a lot, a lot...

    One day a hungry fox was running along the road. He looks and a man is riding and carrying fish in a sleigh. The fox ran forward, lay down on the road, threw its tail to the side and pretended to be dead. A man drove up to the fox and thought: “This will be a nice collar for my wife.” He grabbed the fox by the tail and threw him into the sleigh. And the fox lay down for a while...

    There lived a guy in a village. No matter where the guy was, he loved to lie from childhood. And the men in that village were simple: no matter what the guy lied, they believed everything. Ten times they believed, but on the twelfth they doubted. And after he fooled them a hundred times, they swore that they would never trust him again. That's what they told the guy. He grinned...

    Lisa was very hungry. He runs along the road and looks around: is it possible to get hold of something edible somewhere? She sees: a man is carrying frozen fish on a sleigh. “It would be nice to try some fish,” thought the Fox. She ran forward, lay down on the road, threw back her tail, straightened her legs. Well, it’s dead, that’s it! ...

    Vladislav is 12 years old, he is a student of grade 6 “B” of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Uralsky, Sverdlovsk Region.

    Vladislav is very active and lively. He enjoys sports and fishing. Writes poetry and stories. Published in the newspaper “New Era”.

    “Would you like some raspberries?”

    In the summer, my dad and I went fishing. Our fishing neighbors were biting well, but we didn’t have a single fish! But then I took the bait. When I pulled out the fish, I thought it was very big...

    And when I pulled it out, it turned out to be about three kilograms. I expected more fish and was very disappointed. A fishing neighbor, seeing my gloomy face, offered me raspberries. I remembered that I had seen a raspberry bush nearby and politely refused.

    Fishing was not a success, and I decided to eat raspberries since my neighbor reminded me of them. The forest berry turned out to be very tasty!

    Imagine my surprise when I later learned that raspberries are mosquito larvae, a delicacy for fish. I shouldn’t have given up fishing raspberries!

    “Fishing is a family affair”

    When we have free time, my dad and I go fishing. Since the evening there has been a whole commotion in our house! We are preparing clothes, gear, food supplies. The next day we get up at five in the morning.

    Mom wakes up with us. She tries to feed us tastier, dress us warmer, and gives us a bunch of instructions. Finally, we leave.

    When we go fishing, we fish, talk about everything in the world, have fun, and always cook the most delicious fish soup from the first fish! “Cooking fish soup is an art!” Dad says.

    When we return home, we don't always bring back a big catch. But how many impressions we have! Mom listens and can’t hear enough stories about all our adventures!

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