Sand treatment. Psammotherapy: hot sand treatment of joint diseases and more. Contraindications to psammotherapy

Ecology of health: Psammotherapy is based on the remarkable property of sand to retain heat and slowly release it to the surface of the human body...

Hot sand treatment method, orpsammotherapy (from Greek psammos - sand, therapeia treatment) has been known since ancient times. Information about sand baths is available in the writings of Herodotus, Galena, Avicenna . The healing properties of sand were widely used by the healers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

At the end of the 19th century, hot sand treatment became popular in Europe and Russia after a number of doctors (N.V. Pariysky, N.P. Belyakovsky, E.A. Golovin, etc.) published works on the benefits of natural sand baths in the treatment of various diseases. Since then, sand therapy has been used in the resorts of the Black, Mediterranean and Baltic Seas. Even far from the sea coasts, psamoleic clinics were opened, where artificially heated sand treated patients with rheumatoid joint diseases.

In the Soviet Union, psammotherapy, along with balneotherapy, was very popular in the Crimean health resorts, and today it is practiced not only in sanatoriums and medical centers, but also in SPA salons. In many resort cities of the world there are special clinics, the main focus of which is precisely sandblasting.


Psammotherapy is based on the wonderful property of sand to retain heat and slowly release it to the surface of the human body. Dry hot sand has a thermal and mechanical effect on the body. Gradual and uniform heating of the body contributes to:

  • vasodilation,
  • improve blood supply to tissues and organs,
  • activation of biochemical processes.

High hygroscopicity sand promotes good tolerability of psammotherapy. Sweat released during thermal exposure to the body is instantly absorbed by the sand. This reduces the effect of the high temperature that the skin is exposed to and protects the body from overheating. During the treatment procedure, the temperature of the sand adjacent directly to the skin is 37-38 °C and is perceived by a person as indifferent, although in the upper layer the sand can have a temperature of 45-50 °C.

In addition to silicon oxide, sand contains a large amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium carbonates, which makes the overall reaction of sand slightly alkaline. When combined with sweat, which is secreted by the body covered with sand, a kind of carbonic “film” is formed on the skin, which helps to accelerate the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, increase the rate of metabolic processes and rejuvenate the skin.

Sand pressure stimulates the blood and lymph vessels. Sand baths are also a strong irritant of the nerve endings of the skin. Heated sand, anatomically fitting parts of the body, gently massages the skin and underlying tissues, during a session of psammotherapy, a person experiences a feeling of pleasant warmth, relaxed rest, mild drowsiness.

Warming up tissues for a long time and irritating skin receptors, hot sand causes a favorable response from the nervous, vascular and other body systems and has various physiological and therapeutic effects on the body.

During a psammotherapy session, body temperature rises by 0.3 - 0.6 ° C, the pulse accelerates by 6-12 beats per minute, blood pressure rises by 20-30 mmHg, breathing quickens by 3-4 breaths per minute.


  • renders analgesic and anti-edematous action,
  • increases sweating, which leads to the loss of excess body weight,
  • stimulates regional blood circulation,
  • improves the activity of the heart,
  • contributes to the normalization of kidney function.

The work of the kidneys is facilitated by diverting blood to the skin, while the amount of urine decreases, its specific gravity increases. It has been established that nitrogen metabolism and oxidative processes are enhanced under the influence of sand baths.

Under the influence of hot sand improves the activity of the stomach and pancreas, bile secretion increases, muscle relaxation occurs, scars and adhesions dissolve. The sand is also good natural peeling, cleansing the skin from keratinized scales.


Sand baths, of course, are best taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor in the general complex of spa treatment. However, if this is not possible, you can use the remedy, which is literally under your feet, on your own. At the same time, in order not to harm yourself, you must follow certain rules.

Hot sand treatment can be general and local.

  • General procedure lies in the fact that a person is completely covered with heated sand, as if covering with a kind of thin sandy blanket.
  • local sand baths solar heating is carried out in the same way as general ones, but only certain parts of the body are exposed to the effect (most often the limbs, individual large joints, the lower abdomen, etc.).

Psammotherapy sessions can be held on a sunny day on a clean beach area, the most protected from the wind, on the seashore, river or lake. For medicinal purposes, medium-grained sand is most suitable, which includes quartz, feldspar, mica and other rocks.

  • In the morning, at the chosen place, make a shallow recess according to your height. When the sand has reached a temperature of about 60 ° C, thoroughly dry the body with a towel so that the skin is dry, and lie down on your back in the prepared recess. The head must be in the shade. For this purpose, you can use an umbrella, awning or other artificial canopy. For convenience, put an inflatable ring or a dry towel folded several times under your head, and a napkin soaked in cool water on your forehead, which needs to be changed as it heats up.
  • Ask someone around to cover you with a layer of hot sand 5-6 cm thick. On the stomach, this layer should not exceed 1-2 cm, and on the legs and arms it can reach up to 8-10 cm. The heart area should remain open.

The best time for such procedures is from 10 to 13 hours.

The temperature of the general sand bath can be from 45 to 55 °C. If even on a sunny day the sand on the surface is wet and not heated enough, a session of psammotherapy should not be carried out.

Duration of the total sand bath for adults - 30, for children over 4 years old - 10-15 minutes. After the session, take a warm shower (36-37 ° C) and rest in the shade for half an hour. In the next 2-3 hours you can not swim and sunbathe!

local sand baths, if you bury a sore arm, leg or only a joint in the sand, you can take 1-1.5 hours daily.

If a rapid heartbeat occurs, if you feel worse, the procedure should be stopped immediately and a cold compress should be applied to the heart area.

Malaise and dizziness after the first session of psammotherapy should be taken as a signal from the body that such treatment is not suitable for it. In this case, sanding should not be continued.

Hot sand treatment can be carried out only during the period of remission of diseases. With their exacerbation, sessions of psammotherapy should not be carried out in any case! During menstruation and 2-3 days before it begins, you should refrain from sand baths.


Sand baths act quite gently on the body, which makes it possible to use them both for children over the age of three and for the elderly. And also in cases where mud baths are contraindicated, such as, for example, in case of cardiovascular diseases.

The appointment of psammotherapy is also useful for the following diseases:

  • chronic nephritis;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • joint diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • consequences of rickets and poliomyelitis;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • overweight.

The use of hot sand has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system(neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuritis, radiculitis).

Psammotherapy is used in the treatment of children suffering from cerebral palsy, exudative diathesis, allergies. Sand baths are especially effective with rickets: after a course of treatment, muscles are strengthened, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, anemic pallor disappears.


1. Malignant or benign neoplasms and even suspicions of their presence.
2. Active forms of tuberculosis.
3. Bleeding and circulatory failure.
4. Severe atherosclerosis.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Hypertension.
7. Infectious diseases.
8. Decompensated heart diseases.
9. Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, ovarian hormonal dysfunction.
10. Women also during menses and three days before them.
11. Exacerbation or course of any disease - procedures can be performed only during the period of remission of diseases. published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

Hot sand has been proven to have healing properties. Such a method of treatment as psammotherapy has been known since antiquity. Greek and Egyptian folk healers treated many diseases with hot sand.

What diseases does psammotherapy treat?

  1. Diseases of the urinary system and kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis).
  2. The use of sand baths has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica).
  3. Psammotherapy will easily overcome skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis).
  4. Hot sand treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, rheumatism).
  5. Overweight.

The healing properties of sand

Sand heated to 40 degrees has heat resistance and is able to have a warming effect on the human body. It slowly and evenly warms the body, increasing perspiration. Psammotherapy can be compared with water and mud baths. The body in hot sand quickly sweats, the wet sand layer thus protects the body from overheating. There is a uniform warming up, which does not cause burns. Psammotherapy improves metabolism, massages and rejuvenates the skin, relieves excess weight.

With the advent of summer, we all go to rest by the sea or a river. We love to soak up the sun and swim in the pond. But, you can combine business with pleasure. During the day, when the sand is warm enough, you can do medical procedures. Burrowing into it and using sand baths - nothing could be easier, while also losing weight. Psammotherapy can treat both the whole body and its individual parts. Medium-sized sand is best for sand baths (it has more useful elements), but if this is not available, any will do.

So, in sunny hot weather, get to the beach. Invite relatives or friends with you, as you will need outside help. Once on the beach, dig a hole the length of your body or to warm up your limbs. The right time for psammotherapy treatment is from 11 am to 1 pm. When the sand is hot, lie down in the prepared hole and ask to be covered with sand. Or lower the diseased limb into the recess and sprinkle it with sand. Leave the heart area open. At the same time, the head should be in the shade, for a comfortable stay in a constrained position, put a folded towel under the neck. Moisten a towel with cool water and apply to the forehead, as it heats up, change to cool. Lie like this for half an hour, then swim and stay in the shade for another 2 hours. It is good for children to have warm baths, but lasting up to 15 minutes. Such sand baths should be taken for 2 days, then, a day break and so on. The number of sessions for adults is 15-10, for children 10-15.

If you feel worse during the procedure, stop the treatment immediately and apply a wet towel to the area of ​​the heart.

If you did not have the opportunity to improve your health in the summer, you can be treated with psammotherapy in medical institutions and at home.

Treated with sand baths at home, you can at any time of the year. To do this, you need to collect several kilograms of sand near the reservoir and preheat it. After spreading it on a cotton cloth, wrap it well and apply it to sore spots for half an hour.

Such a bath will give a good healing effect. It can be used to heal an arm or a leg. Heat the sand in the oven to make it hot. Pour it into a deep basin and lower the diseased limb there, cover with something warm on top to keep the heat longer. Warm up for 30 minutes.

For best results, warming up with sand should be done at night.

Sand baths are thermal procedures for which fine (grain diameter 0.5-2 mm) clean, sifted sand is used. Sand baths, even at high temperatures, are easily tolerated. In this case, there is a uniform warming of the whole body and a kind of massage due to the mechanical action of the sand. The procedure causes an increase in oxidative processes and, as a result, a loss of body weight (up to 800-1000 g per session). Sand baths contribute to the provision of analgesic and resolving effects. Indications and contraindications for sand baths are the same as for (see).

General sand baths (solar heating) are used in seaside resorts with good sandy beaches. On the beach, protected from the wind by a fence, so-called medallions are prepared with sand rollers about 30 cm high at the edges. Heated by the sun to t ° 50-55 ° (by 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon), the sand is quickly pushed from the rollers onto the naked patient lying in the medallion, slightly covering his chest and stomach. Duration of sand baths from 20-30 min. up to 1 hour; for children 10-15 minutes, every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. At the end of the procedure, the sand wet from sweat is removed and the patient wrapped in a sheet is placed for 10-15 minutes. in the shade, and then doused with warm water (t ° 37-38 °). After taking the procedure, the patient should rest for 1.5-2 hours.

Local sand baths in the form of trays and heaters with sand heated to t ° 60 ° are used by patients for 1-1.5 hours. The course of treatment is 20-30 procedures. Artificial heating of sand is carried out in furnaces, tanks, on braziers or in special devices.

Sand baths - thermal treatment procedures using heated sand. At seaside resorts, sand heated by the sun is used. The sand should be well sifted and clean, preferably with a grain diameter of 0.25-2 mm.

On the beaches for sand baths, a place is allocated, protected from the wind by a fence. In the morning, pits of various sizes or medallions are prepared, surrounded by a roller 20-30 cm high.

By 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the sand usually heats up to 50-55 °. A naked patient is placed in a hole or on a medallion and covered with heated sand, protecting his head with an awning or umbrella, if necessary, a cold compress is placed on his head. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. (up to 1 hour) for adults and 10-15 min. for children. At the end of the procedure, the patient is washed with warm water, wiped dry and left to rest in the shade under an awning for 30-40 minutes.

Artificial heating of sand (washed and sifted) is carried out in special apparatus or in ovens on baking sheets or braziers. It is heated to 100-120°C and mixed with cold sand to the designated temperature (usually 45-55°C for general baths and 60-65°C for local baths). Baths are carried out in wooden boxes with double walls; pour sand at the bottom by 5-10 cm, lay the patient down and fill it with an even layer of sand 10-15 cm thick (excluding the upper part of the chest). The same is done with local foot, hand or seated baths. The duration of the general procedure is 30-50 minutes, local - 1 hour or more. At the end of the procedure, the patient is washed in a shower (35-36 °), wiped dry and he rests for 30-40 minutes. General sand baths are carried out every other day, 10-15 procedures per course; local daily, 15-25 procedures per course.

Sand baths, even at high temperatures, are easily tolerated by patients. In this case, the whole body is uniformly warmed, the mechanical action of the sand is massaging in nature, squeezing the superficial lymphatic and blood vessels. The body temperature rises by 0.3-0.8 °, the pulse quickens by 10-16 beats, breathing by 5-8 beats per minute. Abundantly secreted sweat evaporates unhindered. The procedure causes an increase in metabolic processes and oxidative processes. Weight loss reaches 800-1000 g in one procedure.

Sand baths also have an analgesic and resolving effect in inflammatory infiltrates.

Indications: lesions of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders (mainly fatty), neuritis, neuralgia, residual effects of poliomyelitis, rickets, exudative diathesis. See also Heat treatment.

Psammotherapy (Greek psammos sand, therapeia - treatment) is one of the methods of heat treatment based on the use of naturally or artificially heated sand for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Sand treatment is one of the very ancient healing methods. Information about sand baths is available in the works of Herodotus (c. 484-425), Galen (c. 130 - c. 200), Avicenna (c. 980-1037), etc. Flemming (1868) made a worthy contribution to the study of the scientific foundations of sand treatment. -1881), N.V. Parian (1891), N.P. Belyakovsky (1889), E.A. Golovin (1890), K.G. Zumment (1898), as well as I.N. Kolokolnikov (1893), V.A. Popov (1893) and N.S. Bezrodnoe (1896), who completed dissertations on this issue at the Military Medical Academy.
Sand has thermophysical properties that meet the requirements for heat-healing factors. Causing prolonged heating of tissues and irritating skin receptors, heated sand causes various physiological and therapeutic effects in the body. Psammotherapy primarily has an analgesic effect, increases sweating, stimulates regional blood circulation and oxidative processes, contributes to the normalization of kidney function, and improves heart activity.
Psammotherapy is carried out in the form of general and local sand baths. On the beach, bath sand is heated with the help of sunlight to 45-50 ° C. On the beach, the patient lies down on hot sand, and from all sides they cover him with a layer of sand of 8-10 cm, his stomach - 4-5 cm.
The heart area is left uncovered with sand or it is covered with a layer of sand no more than 1-2 cm thick. A shadow device is created above the head. In medical institutions and at home, sand is heated on braziers or in special devices. The general procedures themselves are carried out in ordinary baths, while the patient is covered with sand 5-10 cm thick, leaving the upper abdomen and head uncovered. Bath to the level of the neck of the patient is covered with a sheet and a blanket. General procedures are carried out every other day or two days in a row with a break on the third day. The duration of the general procedures is 20-30 minutes. After the sand bath, the patient is washed in the shower (37-36 ° C), dresses and rests for 30 to 60 minutes. The course of treatment is prescribed 12-16 baths.
Local sand baths of solar heating are carried out in the same way as general ones, but only certain areas of the human body are exposed to the effect (most often the limbs, individual large joints, the lower abdomen, etc.). For local artificially heated sand baths, carried out at home or in medical institutions, small wooden boxes or other containers are used. The sand is usually heated on baking sheets, stirring it from time to time.
Local procedures can also be carried out using sandbags. Heated sand is poured into bags (made of dense fabric) of the required size, tied and applied to the corresponding part of the body. The temperature of sand for local procedures is 48-52 ° C (in bags - 50-55 ° C). The duration of local psammotherapy is 30-60 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily, 15-20-25 procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment.
Psammotherapy is indicated: for respiratory diseases, diseases and consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, delayed or excessive formation of callus. In children, it is also used for rickets and myopathies.
Contraindications for psammotherapy are: acute inflammatory diseases, malignant neoplasms, active tuberculosis, severe cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, anemia, bleeding or a tendency to it, skin diseases, cachexia.

One of the most remarkable riches of our nature is the sea coasts, the beaches of which in many places form a small sparkling rest for tens of kilometers. However, it is also possible in the sun with sand that has been washed ashore by currents for thousands of years. Summer is the time when everything and everyone, with a few exceptions, can use it for sand or psammotherapy (psammo in Greek - sand), moreover, completely free of charge, that is, for free! In this sense, those who live near the sea are especially lucky, since in many places in the world this ancient therapy is available only in the advanced form of SPA, which not everyone can afford.

Psammotherapy has become relevant on a global scale and as one of the directions of a new branch of science - medical geology. It studies the relationships between natural geological factors and their impact on human and animal health. Even now, according to the results of research, it can be judged that sand is an undeservedly underestimated remedy, the use of which can be much wider.


What happens to those buried in the sand?

Of course, not everyone can go to exotic beaches with healing sand, and not even everyone can get to the usual seaside. Therefore, beach therapy is replaced by a sand bath - a procedure available in many spas. For this purpose, special heated baths have been invented, which are filled with sand instead of water, often this is a specially prepared or improved (enriched) sand mixture.

Be that as it may, the effect is similar, namely, hot sand has the ability to quickly accumulate heat and slowly release it, retaining its warming effect longer. Since the layer of sand evenly and anatomically covers all parts of the body, it has not only a warming effect, but also a mechanical effect that reduces or completely eliminates pain and spasm. In addition, the sand is very hygroscopic - at one moment it absorbs sweat released through the skin. That is why sand applications do not cause overheating or burns.

The main organ involved in sand bath therapy is the skin, through which the body receives all of its therapeutic benefits. As you know, the surface of the skin of an adult is approximately one and a half square meters. One square centimeter of skin contains an average of one meter of capillary blood vessels, four meters of nerve fibers, three million cells, 100 sweat glands and 15 adipose glands, and 100-500 sensory receptors. In fact, this whole structure of the skin is activated to transfer the necessary substances and impulses to the body.

Hot sand activates metabolism, enhances blood and lymph circulation, improves blood supply to tissues and organs. As a result, swelling and inflammation can go away, as well as weight loss. In addition, psammotherapy helps to normalize kidney activity, stimulates metabolism, and reduces pain. Sand contains slightly alkaline potassium, calcium, magnesium, and when a person sweats when buried in sand, a film of carbon dioxide forms on the skin, which improves oxygen delivery throughout the body, normalizing metabolism.

How to take sand baths

There are several security rules. Since the temperature of the sand should reach 40-60 degrees Celsius, it is desirable for the air temperature to be at least 17 degrees.

First, a hole 1 m wide and 2 m long is dug in the sand, where a person lies down. With the hands of an assistant, the body is covered with sand with a layer of 15 cm thick to the very chin, bypassing the heart area (to make it easier - you can not fall asleep even in the stomach), the head should remain in the shade - under a headdress or umbrella.

On the forehead, you can put a cold compress wrapped in a towel - this will protect against sunstroke.

The duration of the sand bath should not exceed 30 minutes. After digging, you should rinse with cool water and sit in the shade for half an hour - only then sunbathe and swim again. To restore the lost fluid, you should drink water. If during the sand bath it becomes unwell, the procedure should be immediately interrupted by putting a cold compress on the heart area.

There are also a number of health conditions and diseases where hot sand baths are definitely not worth trying out, such as women during their period and 2-3 days before it. With the help of psammotherapy, it is impossible to relieve acute pain - this cannot even be done, since the heat in this case can cause complications. Sand baths are also prohibited for people with infectious diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), epilepsy, tuberculosis and cancer diagnoses. This list also includes those who suffer from circulatory failure or bleeding, severe atherosclerosis, and severe heart disease. In case of illness, such a procedure can be applied only during the recovery period. It is best to discuss this issue with your doctor.

And yet ... Many sand baths are familiar from childhood - like a spontaneous game on the beach, children bury each other in the sand with great joy. Maybe nature itself tells us what to do? In any case, if you feel this childish desire in yourself, perhaps you should not restrain yourself?

Building sand castles - therapy for children and adults

Another popular beach activity, building sand castles, is also a kind of therapy. Of course, this is mainly a children's game, remarkably developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, sensory processes, fantasy and creative thinking, problem solving, language, attention; it calms, inspires experiments, etc. Psychologists also recommend that parents build sand castles with their children if any problems that are brewing in the family require solutions.

More recently, sandcastles have gained acceptance among experts who run programs and team building events that are popular with many businesses. It turns out that the construction of a sand castle within a certain period of time is a challenge for adults as well. It benefits the team: it demonstrates the value of learning new skills, inspires high-quality teamwork (because you need to build a masterpiece!), teaches you to quickly adapt, improves communication and cooperation, increases the level of motivation and trust.

The benefits of sand baths (psammotherapy)

Stimulates the division of healthy cells, slowing down the reproduction of damaged ones.

Improves blood circulation, contributing to a speedy recovery.

Increases the level of oxygen in the body, destroying the favorable environment for bacteria and generating more energy.

Lowers the level of acidity in the body, promoting renewal.

Activates water molecules in the body, warming it from the inside and improving the absorption of nutrients.

Removes fats, chemicals and toxins, reduces cellulite.

Stimulates the activity of fat cells, improving the condition and quality of the skin.

Improves the activity of the nervous system.

Relieves pain from injuries, arthritis and rheumatism.

Burns up to 900 kcal, reducing body fat by 10%. Within two weeks of sand therapy, you can lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

Where to take sand baths?

Japanese sand baths and Boris Yeltsin's record

The centers of sand baths are the beaches of Ibusuki and Beppu, which in certain areas are covered with black volcanic sand heated by geothermal sources. It offers an exquisite Japanese-style bath-sand ritual, or sunamushi - from dressing in special kimono, burying, fixing an umbrella in the sand to shade the head, and ending with showers for rinsing. The temperature of this sand is 50-55 degrees Celsius. The recommended time for carrying out in a buried form is 15 minutes. It only seems short-lived - most people are not able to endure there at all.

The Japanese sand bath was once highly appreciated by our former President Boris Yeltsin and his family. There is a popular legend among local attendants that he could stand in the sand for an incredibly long time - half an hour. In addition, he indulged in this procedure daily, while the Japanese, on the contrary, do it no more than once every 2 weeks.

Sand bath as a very effective remedy has been used for 300 years. However, only recently, thanks to medical research by Dr. Tanaka, professor at the Kagoshima University School of Medicine, sand baths have gained popularity around the world. The professor explains that being under hot sand raises body temperature, speeds up heart activity and increases blood circulation. These processes contribute to the rapid removal of toxins and provide a significant detoxification effect. In addition, much more oxygen enters the blood, which also speeds up the renewal of the body. Blood samples taken from one person differ markedly in terms of color - before the sand bath, the blood is predominantly dark red in color, and after the procedure it is bright scarlet, enriched with oxygen. According to the conclusion of Professor Tanaka, sand baths have 3-4 times better effect on health than regular bathing in hot springs. The Japanese traditionally believe that baths have a beneficial effect on the skin, joints, heart function, blood pressure, body weight and are recommended for lumbago (chronic back pain), as well as infertility, diabetes, anemia, asthma and menopause.

Healing "golden sand" of the island of Porto Santo

Another place on earth where sand bath therapy has long been used and is now being studied is the island of Porto Santo in the Madeira archipelago between the coasts of Portugal and Morocco. This is a very tiny island, 4 by 10 km in size, where for about 200 years people have been using its golden sand to treat various ailments. The beach sand on the island really has a yellowish or golden color, as it is based on particles of calcium carbonate. Radioactive carbon isotope dating indicates that the sand of Porto Santo was formed between 15,000 and 31,000 years BC during the destruction of a reef formed mainly by calcareous red algae, corals and other organisms. Thus, the carbonate sand of Porto Santo is special - biogenic (resulting from the decomposition of living organisms).

This biogenic sand is rich in minerals and, according to the latest research, has a very beneficial effect on human health. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the sand must be slightly hotter than normal body temperature - 40-42 ̊C, because this ensures sweating, a natural state for the interaction of sand and a person. The healing effect is based on the absorption through the skin of biologically active substances that are released from the sand when in contact with sweat.

Analyzes show that calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and strontium (Sr) are the main chemical elements in the sand of Porto Santo, but other minerals have also been found in its composition. During a sand bath, when the body is hot, sweat is released with an acidic pH (average 4.1 to 6.5). In this acidic environment, a chemical reaction occurs with carbonate sand, which partially dissolves, and Ca, Mg, Sr and other mineral things get on the surface of the skin, which are absorbed into the dermis and deeper layers of the skin.

These three main elements - Ca, Mg, Sr, contained in both sea water and sand - are very essential for human health. Calcium is necessary not only for bones, but also for ensuring the activity of the muscular, nervous and cardiovascular systems. During the sand bath, calcium therapy occurs simultaneously with vitamin D therapy, which enhances calcium absorption. In turn, magnesium reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and atherosclerosis, it plays an important role in fat metabolism.

In addition, magnesium increases bone density and activates an enzyme that promotes the absorption of calcium into bone tissue.

In recent years, interesting discoveries have been made about strontium, which is also part of sea water and sand. Traditionally, it is not considered one of the main elements necessary for human health, but it is found in our bones, however, in very small quantities (millionths). For a long time, the biological purpose of strontium was unknown, but the latest research suggests that it may be part of the biological apatite, found mainly in the teeth, which helps bones to be strong and protects against bone loss that causes osteoporosis. Even a cure for osteoporosis has been created, the active component of which is natural strontium.

Thus, scientific studies have confirmed what people have long been empirically convinced of, namely the effectiveness of Porto Santo biogenic sand as a therapy against diseases of the muscles and skeleton, including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and other diseases.

Brazilian Phenomenon - Medical Sand Guarapari

The well-known, but not fully understood place of sand bath therapy is located in Brazil, in Guarapari - in the so-called City of Health. Since the 1960s, thanks to the recommendations of Dr. Silva Mello, the medical sand of Guarapari has become a popular destination for world spa tourism.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, this black sand was analyzed and large-scale mining began for its industrial use, since the sand contained useful minerals. One of them is black ilmenite, a valuable source of titanium mining. In addition, aluminum, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc. are found in this sand in various proportions. However, rare monazite deserves special attention, the content of which in the sand is 60% or more. This mineral is radioactive, as it contains uranium and thorium, which are used in nuclear energy.

Thousands of tourists visit this Brazilian resort town every year. At the same time, the anomalously high level of natural radiation background only attracts them, and does not scare them away. The resort is especially appreciated by patients with arthritis and cancer, who use radioactive sand baths to treat their diseases.

At the beginning of the 21st century, an international team of scientists measured radiation to find out if this sand still causes harm to health. They found really exceptionally high levels of radiation, for example, on the black sand beach of Areia Preta, in places where monazite accumulated, the radioactivity was up to 1000 times higher than the normal background radiation of the soil. The authors of the study even equated it with the level of radioactive contamination of the soil within a radius of one kilometer from Chernobyl, although the composition of radionuclides there is completely different. The main cause of radioactive radiation was radioactive minerals - monazite (yellow to red-brown) and zirconium (colorless). While the effects of natural radiation on health are still a controversial issue, scientists have recommended removing the harmful accumulations of monazite from the beaches to clean them of radioactive elements and reduce the risk of radiation-induced diseases, and then pour the cleaned black sand back to attract tourists. However, it seems that the city is not yet ready for such a step.

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