Where to relax at sea in January? Rest on the sea in January is inexpensive. Beach holidays in January at sea Holidays for the January holidays where to go

January due to the 2-week vacation added to them can be extended for a month. This celebration of life is enjoyed by many travel companies, since the crazed people are buying up vouchers like hot cakes, therefore, their cost is growing instantly. Yes, it's expensive, but just imagine - you can forget about your work for a whole month and enjoy the surf while lying in a hammock. Or walk along the quiet European streets. Or in cities and villages, it doesn’t matter where exactly, the main thing is that dreams can come true.

A little January trick for champagne lovers is to play vacation time roulette. Last-minute tours have always been and will be, although where to relax at sea in January will turn out in this case is a big question.

The main part of our compatriots from the slush of the domestic winter, rain with snow and piercing wind want to get out into the hot sun. After all, it is still so long to wait for spring, and it is hard to believe that someday it will come. So where to relax at sea in January, which countries will delight us with their warm days?

Best holiday destinations

  • Egypt.
  • Israel.
  • Thailand.
  • Jordan.
  • India (Goa).
  • China (Hainan Island).
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Myanmar.
  • Dominican Republic.
  • Cuba.
  • Mexico.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Brazil.
  • Vietnam.
  • Mauritius.

Sea in January in Egypt

It is not very hot in Egypt in January, although this is the most large country in which the Russians on the sea coast in a decent hotel. The Red Sea in January is full of the richest underwater world, therefore, January is more for diving than for lying on the beach. Interesting excursions to the ancient Egyptian cities or to the pyramids can brighten up the monotonous rest of tourists.


This is an amazing place, an oasis in the middle of the desert, which is ideal for those who want to take a break from the snow cold winter and gray days. January is the coolest month here. Moreover, the daily air temperature is 25 ˚С, which allows you to calmly bask in the sun. In addition, it contributes to a more exciting pastime.

If you don’t know where to relax at sea in January, you can safely buy a ticket here, because you won’t be bored in this country. There are plenty of things to do: from romantic boat trips around the bay to a visit to Al Ain, an oasis city in the desert. There are excellent conditions for lovers of outdoor activities: fishing, jeep safaris, surfing. And for those who suffer the most - skiing. The country is suitable for families with kids. What are the water parks, skating rinks and amusement parks located in local shopping centers!

Dead Sea in January: Israel

Here at this time the weather does not indulge. Therefore, in January it is possible to combine an excursion program with a rest on the Red Sea, a pilgrimage, as well as various medical procedures at the Dead Sea. Millions of tourists visit Jerusalem every year - a place where the shrines of 3 world religions are united. Anyone who wants to be in a real fairy tale of the East will be interested in Jordan. Actually, like everyone who wants to touch the ancient monuments and structures, look at the majestic Petra, as well as the ancient Roman city of Jerash, excavated by archaeologists 70 years ago. Both Jordan and Israel have access to the warm Red Sea. And this allows you to plunge into its waters even in January, falling in love with its amazing underwater world.


It will take a little longer to fly to India than to the UAE or Egypt, but the weather at sea in January is guaranteed to be good here, as, in fact, the water temperature. First of all, Goa should be recommended to those who crave tropical exoticism with exciting elephant rides, connoisseurs of mixed cultures and ancient monuments. Who goes to India? For the most part, these are middle-class people, including families with children who prefer holidays in the south of Goa.

There are clean beaches here. Many four-star hotels are right on sea ​​shore and boast good service. And five-star hotels often belong to various international chains. Party lovers can go to northern Goa - the hotels are cheaper there, and the fun does not stop for a minute, you can often meet locals on the beaches trying to sell something to vacationers. There is also a separate contingent of tourists - these are "truth seekers". They simply buy a plane ticket and usually travel around the country on their own.


In January, rains cover the country, due to which long walks do not deliver real pleasure. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea in January is quite cool here; strong winds. At this time, all the country's beaches are officially closed, but vacationers can enjoy swimming in hotel pools, as well as walking along the coast, admiring the amazing power of the waves. It is worth saying that January is one of the most rainy months Here. Almost half a month go real heavy showers. But from time to time the sun still pleases tourists and local residents.


If you still have not decided where to relax on the sea in January, then you should talk about Thailand separately. Here at this time of the year you will be provided with a budget vacation with amazing hospitality of the locals, wide excursion opportunities and excellent service. The choice of hotels provided to tourists is wide, for every taste. And the weather in January is ideal for visiting the Kingdom of Siam. In order for the vacation to be really successful, and for the memories and impressions to please you for a whole year, you need to choose the resort very carefully.

Pattaya is an endless party that will suit fans of eternal drive, in addition, to everyone who does not speak English very well. Because the locals Russian has been learned for a long time. Restaurants present menus to guests different languages, including in Russian. The list of entertainment here is extensive: zoos, water parks, show programs with elephants and tigers, various cuisines of the world, while night life does not stop even in the morning.

One of the best resorts in the country is the island of Phuket. Therefore, the cost of tours here is higher than in other resorts. And this is justified by sufficiently high-quality characteristics for lovers of comfortable rest. Krabi is considered the most beautiful and exotic island of the country, inviting tourists to relax on snow-white beaches, admire coral reefs and plunge into the clearest sea.


Holidays in China at this time of the year can be very diverse: from relaxing on the seashore to skiing in ski resorts. Hainan Island is a wonderful place for beauty with special climatic conditions And unique nature. Here you can sunbathe and swim all year round(at this point, the sea temperature in January is 20 ˚С). At the resort you can visit the reserve "Monkey Island", cape "Edge of the Sea and Sky", "Gorge of Butterflies".


January - great time for travel in this country. IN given period here you can safely explore numerous sights at a comfortable temperature, as well as relax in the country's luxurious beach resorts. Interesting architectural monuments, rich historical heritage and culture will give you an unforgettable experience.

Dominican Republic

Traveling here at this time will be simply incredible! Tours to the Dominican Republic will open the tropics, the ocean coast, year-round hot sun, mountain rivers and warm sea in January. It is no coincidence that a vacation in this small country is called a trip to a sea paradise.

The Dominican Republic will not only improve your mental state and health in general, but will also provide an opportunity to engage in various active sports. Experienced instructors and special rental equipment will help you master snorkeling, diving, surfing on the ocean waves. And the low prices for tours here will allow you to spend a vacation with the whole family. Holidays in the Dominican Republic will always be remembered for good weather, exotic nature, colorful entertainment, in addition, national cuisine, which combines the best traditions of Oceania and Latin America.

Canary Islands

In January on canary islands the carnival season begins, which will be of interest to all age categories: children's parties, performances by musicians, costume and beauty contests, various parades. Therefore, you can safely go to any of the islands of the archipelago with your family. And you can also visit several islands for an unforgettable vacation.


Vacation in January at sea in Mexico is one of the best options for Russians tired of slush. Its stunning beaches are considered some of the best on the planet. Here, the ocean near the shore is of a delicate color, as if a little cream was added to the turquoise. Then the turquoise becomes richer and brighter, and as a result it turns into a very bright blue. Most hotel rooms have a glass wall facing the sea, and these stunning colors fill the space around the clock. The water is very soft, like silk. And on the beach, the sand is cool and dazzling white. Rather, it is not the sand you are used to, but crushed shell rock. In are considered one of the most comfortable on the planet. Here the level of service is able to satisfy the requirements of the most demanding guests. Many hotels are located on a thin strip of land between the lagoon and the ocean, so you can swim all day, moving with the sun.


This is truly Expensive, fashionable and prestigious resort with tropical beautiful nature which is complemented by a very high level of service. This holiday is suitable for discerning, rich and demanding tourists. Most of them are travelers from France and Great Britain. Most experienced tourists come here in January to the sea from Russia. In this place, hotels are represented mainly by five-star chains in France, there are also categories of 4 * and 3 * establishments. But they also offer great opportunities for recreation, stunningly beautiful areas and white-sand beaches, the rooms will only be simpler, and the list of services will be smaller. Here on the highest level culinary creations are created - you will definitely try the unique dishes from the chef.


This country is perfect for sea ​​recreation, and to view a huge number of architectural monuments. Moreover, the forests of the tropics coexist with majestic mountains, as well as roaring waterfalls. Tourists who prefer the direction of "ecotourism" will certainly turn their eyes to Costa Rica, since there are no art monuments, factories and plants. At the same time, the soul is overwhelmed by the impressions of the amazing beauty of the landscapes. Stunning beaches and jungles, located far from civilization, will give you a real unity with nature.


If you want to relax by the sea in January inexpensively, then you should pay attention to Vietnam. It will give you modern service and oriental exoticism. Vietnam is called Hawaii in Asia for its excellent sandy beaches, bordered by spectacular waterfalls, lagoons and coastlines. grooming national reserves, as well as the charm of untamed nature, together with the monuments of ancient civilization, will make your vacation look like an incredible adventure.

Finally, it is worth saying that Egypt, Turkey and Thailand are the most popular destinations for European tourism at this time of the year. Their undeniable feature is the low cost of vouchers combined with clear sea and superb scenery. Tours to such resorts are suitable for lovers bright sun And warm sea.


Where to go to the sea in January 2020: a beach holiday in warm countries

The first month of the year, January, for all the inhabitants of our country is associated with the new year, winter and cold weather. Do you want this tradition to be interrupted and January becomes almost summer month? Then let's talk about where to go on a beach holiday in January 2020, where it's warm, sunny and snow-free, and inexpensive. There are many countries where a beach holiday is in full swing in the midst of winter. They are scattered all over the world, and we will talk about those where the sea is really warm and the rest will not be expensive.

Cuba or Dominican Republic- you decide.
If in one part of the world it is cold and frosty, then in another it is certainly dry and warm. Yes, we are talking about South America and countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Which country are you going to? It all depends on your preferences and finances. Holidays in Cuba will be cheaper, after all, the country is not rich, and here every tourist is cherished and cherished. On average, a night in a hotel in Cuba costs from $10. But not everything is so simple, because it takes a very long time to fly to Cuba, so you will spend the bulk of the money on a plane ticket.
Flying to the Dominican Republic is also far away, and the ticket price will be about the same. But the rest on the islands is more expensive. Hotels for a day ask from 30 dollars.
As you can see, there are only differences in price, and then everything is about the same. For example, the weather is great both there and there. During the day, the air is warmed up to +30 degrees and above. The nights are warm with an average temperature of +22 degrees. The water in the ocean is simply gorgeous for swimming and is +27 degrees. And near the coast, where it is not so deep and can even warm up to +32 degrees!
Nature is better in Cuba, as it is larger in area and there are not so many buildings. You can visit mountains, fields and plantations. And the Maldives has National parks and reserves where they live wild animals. Tourists enjoy visiting safari and see animals at arm's length.

Hainan Island - China.
If you are afraid of a long flight, then you can find a warm place closer, for example, in neighboring China on the island of Hainan.

The temperature here is constant all year round and practically does not change. Therefore, Hainan has an unofficial name - Eastern Hawaii.
In January, sunny weather awaits you with temperatures up to +34 degrees. There are no winds, the air is dry, but not scalding. Hainan is in such climate zone that everyone is comfortable here: children, adults, and the elderly.
The water in the ocean is very pleasant and is about +28 degrees. In January, waters from the coasts of Thailand and other countries reach here. South-East Asia. Therefore, the waters here are especially warm in winter.

Cambodia is their winter, like our summer.
There is an opinion that January is the coldest month in Cambodia. Yes it is. But if we consider that in January there is an average of +28 degrees, then what is the temperature in the hottest month?

Tourists arrive in the country in January to enjoy a beach holiday. After all, +28 during the day, and water +27 degrees - these are excellent conditions for relaxing on the beach. No rain, no wind, no suffocating heat. Nothing will interfere with your vacation by the sea. But if you listen to the advice of "experienced" tourists, and visit Cambodia in the spring or summer, then you will find +38 during the day and +30 at night. Plus to it winds, frequent rains and high humidity.
So you can and should fly to Cambodia in January. The pleasant mild climate of this country will help you spend an unforgettable vacation and enjoy it to the fullest. If you want to save money, then you should book the tour in advance, around October or November.

Indonesia is a great choice.
Tired of constant weather changes? Tired of checking the weather every time and seeing how it changes for the worse? Do you want to get into eternal summer in winter? Then your country is Indonesia!

Indonesia is called the land of eternal summer for a reason. The weather here is sunny and warm all year round. January is waiting for you Nice weather during the day up to +33 degrees. The nights are also warm and are +22 degrees. It rains in the first month of the year in Indonesia. Basically, they cover the cities of the country at night and are accompanied by thunder and lightning. But by morning there will be no more puddles. Because heat won't let them stay long on the ground.
Most famous resort Indonesia - Bali. Up to 90% of all tourists come here. In January, near Bali, the water in the ocean will be +28 degrees. A sundial reach eight hours during the day. So you can safely go to the beach and sunbathe.

January is a great time to relax. You have plenty to choose from: some countries offer warm and sunny beach holidays, others offer breathtaking ski resorts and colorful Christmas markets.

In this article you will find:

  • 9 countries where you can go to the sea in January inexpensively and without a visa.
  • 7 attractive visa countries for holidays at the beginning of the year.
  • 3 places in Russia where you can have a cheap vacation in January 2020.
  • 3 countries where you can have fun and comfortably relax with your child.

Where to relax in January abroad inexpensively and without a visa

Many do not like, when planning a vacation, to draw up documents for a long time, collect certificates, go to embassies and visa centers.

These tedious bureaucratic procedures can significantly reduce the mood before the trip.

Do not waste time on paperwork and have a great rest - it's possible!

Especially for you, we have compiled a list of countries, entry into which will not require any extra documents from you, and rest in them will be simple and enjoyable.


Sri Lanka

From 75 000 rub. Treat yourself to a tropical paradise.


Formally, Russians need a visa to Sri Lanka. But it can be issued both online on the embassy website (price $35), and already upon arrival right at Colombo airport (price $40).

Where is the best place to relax?

In January, it is best to relax in the Galle region or in the west of Sri Lanka (in the vicinity of Colombo). Only in these areas it is sunny and dry, in other parts of the country it is rainy and windy.

In addition to a beach holiday, there is something to see here:

17th century Dutch fort in Galle

Dagoba Jetavanarama (the tallest brick structure of its time), Anuradhapura

Sinharaja Wildlife Sanctuary, Southwest Sri Lanka

A ready-made all-inclusive tour (for 7 days for two) will cost:

  • from 120,000 rubles - during the January holidays;
  • from 75,000 rubles - in the second half of the month.

This amount also includes the cost of the flight (from Moscow).

It is necessary to book the tour in advance, otherwise you may not have time.

If you do not want to buy a tour, but decide to go to this country on your own, the minimum cost will be about 90,000 rubles. Namely:

  • Round-trip plane tickets departing from Moscow (for two passengers) - from 80,000 rubles on holidays and from 60,000 rubles in the second half of the month;
  • Accommodation in a hotel for 7 days (for two) - from 6,000 rubles or the cost of apartments for the same period - from 7,000 rubles.


From 25 000 rub. Comfort at competitive prices.

Egypt is considered the most profitable destination, loved by Russian tourists for the value for money of local resorts.


You do not need to obtain a visa in advance, it can be issued upon arrival.

What is the best thing to do?

Popular places like Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh are not crowded, the beaches and hotels are not filled with vacationers (as is the case during the high season).

Swimmers will be fascinated by the diversity of the local fauna - even near the beach you will see a dozen different species of fish.

Outdoor enthusiasts will also find resorts in Egypt attractive. In every resort town there is where to go diving or surfing.

Many tourists are concerned about the security issue that arises when planning a trip to Egypt. Since the situation in this region is rather complicated, the Federal Tourism Agency calls for vigilance and prudence, advises not to arrange independent trips and not to leave the territory of the resort areas.

If you are going to visit one of the resorts in Egypt, the most convenient option would be to buy a tour to this country. The cost of a 7-day tour for two, including all round-trip airfare, will be:

  • from 30 thousand rubles - during the January holidays;
  • from 25 thousand rubles - in the second half of the month.


From 50 000 rub. What is tourism without upscale shopping?

In winter, as a rule, lovers of excursion programs and shopping go to the UAE.

Where is the best place to relax?

In the UAE, unlike Egypt, at this time of year there is a high probability of precipitation and quite windy.

If rain is not to your liking, choose the places of Fujairah and Abu Dhabi - there the probability of precipitation is much lower.

Fans of swimming in local resorts can be cool - off the coast Persian Gulf the water temperature is about +18 degrees, near the coast of the Gulf of Oman - about +17. But you can arrange scuba diving, or admire the picturesque views of seaside nature.

Abu Dhabi


gulf of oman

Fujairah mosque


The most profitable way to go to this country is to buy an all-inclusive tour. Its cost for two for 7 days will be:

  • from 70,000 rubles - during the January holidays;
  • from 50,000 rubles - in the second half of the month.

The price includes all airfare expenses (from Moscow).


From 60 000 rub. Stunning palaces, full of the mysterious atmosphere of bygone eras.

The nature of Thailand is truly exotic. And the New Year holidays spent in such an amazing atmosphere will leave an indelible impression.

What to see?

  • Phi Phi is a group of islands that attracts tourists from all over the world with its beauty.
  • The Grand Palace is a complex of buildings in Bangkok, served as the residence of the kings of Thailand.
  • Wat Arun or Temple of Dawn Buddhist temple in Bangkok.
  • Wat Phrahat Doi Suthep is a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai province.

Grand Palace

wat arun

Wat Phrahat Doi Suthep


From 50 000 rub. Time to open new horizons!

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Halong Bay is a very picturesque place in Quang Ninh province.
  • Phong Nha Kebang is national park in Quang Binh province. Its huge territory and gorgeous views make an unforgettable impression.
  • Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is the tomb of the first president of North Vietnam.
  • Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral - a small cathedral in an unusual architectural style, more characteristic of European structures.

Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh

Halong bay

Phong Nha Kebang


From 100 000 rub. Touch the majesty of the pristine savannah and Mount Kilimanjaro.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Ngorongoro - a huge picturesque crater on the edge of the Serengeti savannah;
  • Serengeti - Tanzania's national park, with a rich wildlife and diverse landscapes;
  • Kilimanjaro is the famous highest volcano.
  • Victoria is a picturesque deep lake.

Dominican Republic

From 110 000 rub. The place where the border between wildlife and man-made comfort.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Los Aitises National Park;
  • Catalina is a picturesque island;
  • Cap Cana - a tourist complex where, in addition to the beach, there is golf, and you can also go fishing;
  • Lake Los Tres Ojos and a cave that was formed as a result of an earthquake.


From 110 000 rub. An amazing place with a rich and interesting history.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Capitol in Havana;
  • San Carlos de la Cabaña - a complex of fortifications;
  • Museum of the Revolution;
  • Grand Theater of Havana.


From 150 000 rub. It's never too late to surf!

January is peak tourist season in the Maldives. Both lovers of relaxing on the beach and fans of active sports - diving, surfing - come there.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Friday Mosque;
  • National Museum;
  • Hulhumale beach;
  • The Maldives archipelago is a group of islands ideal conditions for surfing.

Where to go in January with a visa: at sea and not only

Tired of beach holidays offered by more affordable, visa-free countries? Catch yourself thinking that every vacation is similar to the previous one? Do you want completely new experiences?

Especially for you, we have prepared a large list of countries that invite tourists to spend winter holidays interesting and fun.

Apply for a visa in one of following countries and you will remember this trip for a long time!


From 40 000 rub. Touch the amazing and mysterious world of India.

Despite the fact that in India, January is considered the coldest month of the year, the local climate will rather please Russian tourists.

Russians need a visa to this country, but its registration is simplified due to the ability to apply online. It can also be done at the embassies and consulates of the country. The term for issuing a visa is five days.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Dudhsagar waterfall;
  • Fort Aguada - beach and Portuguese fort of the 17th century;
  • Bandla Nature Reserve;
  • Mollem is one of national parks India.

Canary Islands

From 75 000 rub. Holidays for every taste!

The islands are located in Spain, which means that you will need either a valid Schengen or national Spanish visa. It is fashionable to issue them at the Spanish embassy or at the visa center.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Teide is a national park and volcano in Spain;
  • Siam Park - a huge water park on the island of Tenerife;
  • Cueva de los Verdes - a stunning volcanic cave on the island of Lanzarote;
  • El Medano is a beach great for surfing and kitesurfing.


From 60 000 rub. Stunning architecture is combined with picturesque nature.

For lovers of a real snowy and frosty winter, Austria is the best choice.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • Schönbrunn - a huge summer residence of the Austrian emperors of the Habsburg dynasty;
  • Belvedere - a baroque palace complex in Vienna;
  • St. Stephen's Cathedral - Catholic Cathedral, national symbol Austria;
  • Krimml - a cascade of waterfalls on the river Krimler-Akha.


From 50 000 rub. Enjoy warm Christmas markets and hot springs!

You will need a valid Schengen visa to travel to Germany.

Things to do?

Germany in January is cold and windy in winter, so this month is not the best time for excursions to castles and sights.

But on the Christmas holidays in many German cities there are crowded fairs in the best traditions of folk festivals - a variety of treats, concert programs, hot drinks and souvenirs.

Fairs are also held in small towns - there they are usually not so noisy, more comfortable.

In many parts of Germany there are hot spring resorts that offer not only excellent winter entertainment, but also a comprehensive health improvement of the body.

In addition, the Bavarian Alps are a paradise for skiers, snowboarders, and anyone who is passionate about winter sports. In January, a wonderful and stable snow cover on the slopes of local ski resorts. Many of them, by the way, are located near historical sights, so that in addition to active recreation, a cultural program will also be possible.


From 40 000 rub. Unique ski slopes!

For a tourist visit to this country you will need a valid Schengen visa. With it, you can stay in Bulgaria for no longer than 90 days.

Things to do?

In winter, of course, you can’t soak up the beach or swim - the water temperature on the entire coast does not rise above +6 degrees

However, you can arrange a cultural program, visit local attractions with a tour.

Lovers of outdoor activities will also not be bored - ski resorts in Bulgaria are in great demand during this period of the year.

From 50 000 rub. Beautiful mountains and skier's paradise!

Andorra is a very small state neighboring France and Spain. It has no access to the sea, almost the entire territory of the country is located in the mountains.

Entry into the country

Since Andorra does not have its own airport, tourists fly first to neighboring France or Spain. On the territory of all these three states, a Schengen visa is valid, which will need to be issued. With it, you will easily get to Andorra, and at the same time gain impressions in neighboring countries. A visa for a trip to Andorra is also issued at the embassies of France and Spain.

Things to do?

Andorra is famous for its first-class ski resorts of Gran Valire and Vallnord.

In January there is usually a lot of snow, frequent snowfalls in the absence of sudden changes in temperature make these places very attractive for skiers from all over the world. Winter in this country is quite mild and comfortable.


From 60 000 rub. The most romantic city is waiting for you!

For a tourist visit to this country you will need a valid Schengen visa.

What to see?

Popular attractions include:

  • The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris;
  • The Louvre is one of the largest and most popular art museums in the world;
  • Arc de Triomphe - a monument in the 8th arrondissement of Paris on Charles de Gaulle Square;
  • Versailles is a palace and park ensemble in France, the former residence of the French kings.

Holidays in Russia: is it possible in winter?

Karelia, Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, St. Petersburg - our country has something to offer!

I want to relax in comfort, and at the same time not spend a large sum? If you are tired of long flights and foreign countries, give your preference to Russian resorts.

For you, we have selected several places in Russia where in January you can have a great rest and have fun during the winter holidays.


From 30 000 rub. You have never seen such Russia!

In winter, Karelia looks like fairy tale, her amazing nature covered with high drifts.

Things to do?

In Karelia, you can ride a real dog sled or visit the Paanajärvi National Park, where it is very beautiful in winter.

It is very cold and frosty in Karelia in winter - it affects a large number of reservoirs. Thaws and temperature changes are not uncommon, due to which icy conditions occur, as well as snowfalls, so if you are driving, take care of studded tires.

You must visit these places:

  • Marble canyon Ruskeala. This is one of the most popular places among tourists, because the water in the grottoes of the caves freezes and creates a natural skating rink, so take your skates with you!
  • Winter wake park. Here you can go skiing, skiing or snowboarding.
  • Ski resort Yalgora. This resort is located near Petrozavodsk. Great place for outdoor activities.

Holiday prices

If you are going to Karelia, it is most advantageous to choose an all-inclusive tour. Their cost starts from 30,000 for 5-7 nights for two (including the cost of railway tickets).

Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana

From 25 000 rub. Best ski vacation in Russia.

Ski resorts of Krasnaya Polyana are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.

Things to do?

In January, it is snowy enough to make descents from the mountains without interference, and besides, the infrastructure in this area is very convenient. A large selection of slopes will satisfy both beginners and professional skiers and snowboarders.

In addition, the resort city of Sochi is located very close to Krasnaya Polyana. In it, tourists can stroll along the embankments, sit under palm trees and admire the Black Sea. It will also be possible to see the Olympic facilities located in the city and visit the Olympic village.

Also on the territory of Sochi there is an arboretum and Riviera Park, where visitors can get to know southern nature. And not far from the city there is a water park, a large ostrich farm, a dolphinarium and a monkey nursery, which will especially please tourists with children.

Holiday prices

If you are going to Sochi, it is most advantageous to choose an all-inclusive tour. Their cost is from 25,000 for 5-7 nights for two (including the cost of a flight from Moscow).

Saint Petersburg

From 40 000 rub. It's a budget for a week, but it's worth it!

During the winter holidays, the cultural capital of our country, the city of St. Petersburg, is especially good. Stroll the snow-covered sidewalks, marvel at the stunning architecture of the old city, and soak up the spirit of a bygone era of palaces and kings.

Things to do?

Popular attractions include:

  • The Winter Palace is the main imperial palace of Russia in the past. Now there is the famous St. Petersburg State Hermitage;
  • Peter and Paul Fortress - a fortress located on Hare Island, the historical core of the city;
  • Nevsky Prospekt - the main street of St. Petersburg, stretching for 4.5 km from the Admiralty to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra;
  • The Mariinsky Theater is a Russian opera and ballet theater in St. Petersburg, one of the leading musical theaters in Russia and the world.

Holiday prices

If you are going to relax in St. Petersburg together, expect to spend at least 40,000 rubles on a weekly trip. This amount is made up of:

  • Tickets for the plane Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow - about 12,000 for two;
  • Hotel accommodation - a double room will cost an average of 2,000 per day;
  • Meals in cafes or canteens three times a day - at least 2000 rubles per day for two.

Where to fly on vacation with children at the beginning of the year

Where to spend time with children fun and without too much fuss? Choose a beach holiday, Port Aventura or Disneyland Paris?

Relax with the whole family, celebrate the holidays together - what could be better? The main thing is to choose a place where it will be interesting for both adults and children!

Excellent entertainment programs, convenient and comfortable hotels with everything you need - this is the key to a pleasant and fuss-free vacation with children.

We bring to your attention several countries where you can find it.

Holidays with a child in Thailand

You can relax with the whole family with children in Pattaya. This is the very heart of the resort area, at this time of the year there are big sales, and hotels provide all the necessary amenities.

For example, the Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya offers tourists with children an excellent beach in a secluded bay, kids club for very young children and teenagers, spacious rooms and staff who know Russian. In addition, there is even a water park on site!

Holidays with a child in Spain

If you want to give children a holiday, head to Barcelona's Port Aventura, a huge amusement park famous throughout Spain. There you will find rides, a large skating rink, and a zoo.

Holidays with a child in France

In addition to a huge number of attractions, Paris has something amazing to offer for its youngest guests. After all, there is a huge Disneyland! What could be better for kids than bringing Disney fairy tales to life?

To extend the New Year celebration and plunge into the warm, salty sea in January is the dream of every tourist. Such a holiday will remain in the memory of the whole family for a long time. Getting a tan on vacation under palm trees is a great idea that all friends and family will surely support. In order for a vacation abroad at sea in January to be filled with a variety of interesting events, you need to prepare well!

This is the first question to think about carefully. It is necessary to consider not only the prices of tours, but also the weather conditions, affordable entertainment at the intended location. This approach will help change the winter January landscapes into warm coast sea ​​and sunny beach!

Inexpensive beach holiday in January 2017 abroad

One of the most common misconceptions is the high price of a seaside vacation in January. Many uninitiated tourists believe that during this period it is simply impossible to go somewhere abroad inexpensively and without unnecessary difficulties. However, it is not. It is quite possible to have a rest in January at the sea inexpensively in 2017 for a family with an average income. Here are some recommended directions, namely:

In the Maldives, you can have a good time enjoying scuba diving.
  1. Maldives in January they will delight tourists with sparsely populated beaches, pleasant sun and warm, clear water. Holidays at sea will not be spoiled bad weather, the sky in the Maldives is always clear in January, there is no precipitation and no wind. Water temperature - about + 24-25°С, and the air warms up to +27-30°С. In January 2017, there will be no noisy parties and discos on the islands until dawn. Here you can have a good time enjoying scuba diving, a range of wellness treatments and a varied entertainment program organized by the hotel. For romantics, it is proposed to take a trip by ship to one of the uninhabited islands or go on an educational excursion.
    In the Philippines, it is always warm in January, and you can relax inexpensively.
  2. Philippines in January they will meet tourists with their dazzling white sand and warm weather. The water temperature is about +26-27°С, and the air temperature is +29°С. Resting in the Philippines, every tourist can learn to surf and ride the waves from the heart instead of the usual snow. The entertainment program, including shows, concerts, excursions and marine activities, will leave no time for boredom. For example, a cruise around the islands will allow you to get acquainted with Spanish architecture. One of the advantages of vacationing in the Philippines is the absence of the need for Russians to apply for a visa.
    Indonesia - a beach holiday in January on the sunny islands.
  3. Indonesia is one of the best optionswhere you can relax in January at sea abroad inexpensively. The Indonesian islands of Java and Bali are incredibly popular. The equator of winter in the islands of Indonesia is accompanied by light rains, but they are always warm. The air in Bali in January warms up to +30° С, and water is not less than + 28-29 ° С. In addition to excursions to the islands, reserves and ancient temples, tourists can have fun in noisy clubs, discos until the morning or have a great time at the hotel by visiting the foam party. Many tourists are afraid of a long flight from Moscow, but a beach holiday in winter on sunny islands is worth it.
    Weather on Dominican resorts always dry and warm. Holidays here will not be spoiled!
  4. Dominican Republic perfect as a holiday in January, especially for those who like to dance. Music and incendiary Latin American dances will definitely be remembered for a long time. The weather in the Dominican resorts is always dry and warm, despite the fact that we are talking O winter month. Recreation of tourists at an air and water temperature of +30°C will be accompanied by another unusual event. During this period, travelers are entertained by whales that come to the local bays for breeding. You should definitely take an interest in the culture and life of the country, as well as underwater caves with picturesque stalactites, a complex of waterfalls, master the art of merengue dancing.

We offer you to watch a video about a seaside vacation in January abroad:

Where can you relax in January at sea abroad inexpensively in 2017? Lots of options. To ensure that all friends and family members like the rest, you can all consider possible destinations together in advance and choose an inexpensive and optimal resort.

TOP hot destinations where in January 2020 you can soak up the warm sea. An excellent beach holiday is guaranteed!

In January, at the height of winter, I already really want summer! That is why every year I fly away to spend the winter in warm tropical countries. This review is based on my experience and plans for the coming January. I'm talking about interesting and hot exotic destinations and I’m talking separately about countries where you can go without a visa and where it’s inexpensive to relax.


Thailand is the number 1 country for those who want to relax in January 2020 at sea. We went to rest in Tai already three times and will definitely be back again. We love him for excellent yarns and nature, pleasant climate, low prices and delicious food.

Where to go. In Pattaya, food, accommodation and tours are cheaper, but the beaches and nature in Phuket are better. Choose where to go - .

Things to do. Go on excursions to temples, national parks and reserves, go diving, snorkeling, kayaking, ride a yacht. In Thailand, the holidays are bright and on a grand scale. In addition to the European New Year, Children's Day and Chinese New Year are celebrated in January with carnival processions and colorful shows.

Amazing Banana Beach in Phuket with a minimum of people, clear sea and sand, lack of infrastructure and picturesque views.

India (Goa)

Where can you relax in January 2020 on the sea inexpensively? Head to the beaches of India!

Things to do. Popular entertainment is elephant riding, excursions to ancient cities and temples, youth trance parties. In January, several public holidays are celebrated with lavish parades.

Where to go. North Goa is preferred by young people - prices are lower there and there is a vibrant nightlife. Respectable tourists choose the solitude and tranquility of South Goa.

(Photo © unsplash.com / @2renkov)

Sri Lanka

You can have a good rest at sea in January 2020 on the island of Ceylon. This year we traveled around the island for a whole month - we really enjoyed it. Nature there is just space!

Weather. It is relatively cool on the island in January: during the day on the coast +27 ... + 30 ° С, the sea + 28 ° С, in the evenings it is + 24 ° С, but mosquitoes interfere with walks. Rains are rare and short.

Things to do. Most of all in Ceylon we were impressed by nature: we went on a safari and it is quite inexpensive and very exciting. Be sure to go to the mountains, to the village - this is Paradise on Earth. Also go surfing or fishing. In Ratnapura you can go down into the mines and see how sapphires are mined. There are many excursions on the island: to tea plantations, to the elephant nursery and turtle farm, to the sacred mountain of Adam and to Buddhist temples.

Curry in Sri Lanka is a delicious dish!


Many believe that the best beach holiday in January 2020 should be found in the Caribbean, for example, in Mexico. For many years we flew to Asia in winter, and now we also decided to go to the American coast. Let's see how good it is!

Weather. Warm and sunny: during the day +27...+30°С, at night +19...+21°С, water temperature in the sea +24°С. Precipitation is scarce and usually falls at night.

Things to do. Here you can see dolphins and giant sea ​​turtles, and coral reefs are considered among the largest in the world. Tourists see volcanoes, caves, cenotes, Mayan pyramids and colonial architecture.

Cancun, Mexico (Photo © unsplash.com / @bigvicmedia)


Cuba is another country where it is warm in January 2020 and you can relax by the sea. We are also planning a trip to Liberty Island in December-January: we want to see Havana, Varadero and ride around the island.

Things to do. Active water activities: diving, parasailing, riding scooters and bananas, paragliding. Go on excursions to Havana and Trinidad, taste Cuban rum and cigars. In January, Cubans noisily and cheerfully celebrate Liberation Day.

(Photo © xoracio / pixabay.com)

Weather. In January, cyclones reign, which bring abundant intermittent precipitation And high humidity up to 80%. Most often it rains in the afternoon. Nevertheless, the air temperature is confidently kept at around + 30 ° C, the water in the ocean is + 27 ° C, but in the mountains it is a little colder.

Things to do. In January, in addition to a beach holiday, you can go surfing, kiting, diving and deep sea fishing. Mauritius has unique bays, lagoons, volcanoes, waterfalls and sugar plantations. Visit national parks and reserves and observe exotic animals and birds.

Mauritius (Photo © unsplash.com / @petefogden)

Where to go in January without a visa

Where else can you have a good rest by the warm sea in January 2020? Here is a list of suitable destinations where you can travel without a visa or under simplified entry:

Where to relax cheaply in January 2020

Below I will list the countries where you can inexpensively go on vacation in January 2020 abroad. Here are the current prices for tours for two with a departure from Moscow:

  • . Always the cheapest tours! From 16000 rubles.
  • - from 30,000 rubles.
  • - from 32000 rubles.

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