Which sea is the warmest? Holidays in ski resorts

Red Sea - inland sea indian ocean. It is located between Africa and Asia and washes several countries: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel and Jordan. You can swim in it at any time of the year, because it is the warmest sea in the world.

In winter, the water temperature does not fall below +20 degrees, and in summer it stays stable at +27.

Climate of the Red Sea

A desert climate reigns on the coast of the Red Sea, only its north can be attributed to the Mediterranean. It is always warm here: in summer, the water resembles fresh milk, you don’t need to timidly go into the water partially and wait until you get warm.

In winter, this is a great place to bask in the warm sun and enjoy the sea.


The water in the Red Sea is crystal clear. And all due to the fact that not a single river flows into it. Even during sea cruises, you can see the unusual coral bottom and tiny fish.

The Red Sea is the saltiest in the world. There are 41 grams of salts in one liter (for comparison, there are only 5 grams in the Baltic Sea).

Nature of the Red Sea

In count marine life. The wealth of flora and fauna of the Red Sea is unparalleled. Coral reefs can be seen not only during scuba diving, but even standing on the pier of the hotel beach.

Coral reefs (more than 150 species live in the waters of the Red Sea) stretch along the entire coast. Corals amaze with their unusual shapes and colors and their tiny inhabitants - multi-colored fish.

The coast of Egypt is very popular with tourists. It is not long to fly here, the rest is inexpensive and unpretentious, there are many good beaches. Actually, the Red Sea is the main beach attraction of the Egyptian coast. Of course, coastal ecology suffers greatly due to the massive construction boom and the dominance of tourists. It is believed that the coast of Sudan is the best for exploration. sea ​​day. The sea in this part is preserved almost in its original form, its ecosystem is practically untouched. But due to the fact that the country is now restless, it is not yet possible to visit the sea.

“Look how beautiful this world is. How beautiful...” was my first thought when I looked at the view from the hotel. The sea is crystal clear as in the pictures. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

The warmest sea on the planet

For a long time I could not decide where to go to rest. As a result, I chose Egypt - the country of sands, mummies and pyramids. :) But I never got to the last ones, having found a more attractive landscape along the way - the sea. The Red Sea washes the shores of several countries (Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen). But here, on the coast of Egypt, it is truly beautiful. I have never swum in such a sea. It is the warmest in the world - it's true, because the water temperature is not lower than +21, or even +30 at any time of the year. It is true what they say it is the saltiest, after sea water, I could not get drunk for a long time, and then its taste haunted me. Behind mostclean water The Red Sea can safely get the Grand Prix. INno river flows into it.

You can do anything on the warm sea. For example:

  • just swim and sunbathe;
  • go diving;
  • try windsurfing;
  • fly with a parachute over the expanses of the sea;
  • go fishing;
  • ride a banana, etc.

Amazing underwater world

The best thing to do in the Red Sea is diving. There is nothing better than dive in sea ​​depths and consider who and what lives there.

Coral reefs- Amazing beauty. Corals are round, and columns, and in the form of mushrooms, and the most beautiful are branched, like trees.

The underwater world is the most diverse. There are sea turtles, dolphins, sea ​​urchins, crawl sea ​​stars. I even saw a small shark. And how many fish are there! The bats, blue wrasses, motley angels, sailfish, marlin and many other fish.

I was once told that the Red Sea is one of the seven wonders of the underwater world. And this is true. I recommend visiting the Red Sea and having a lot of fun.

Do you want to know where you can soak up the warm weather at any time of the year? sea ​​water And in which seas is the water always warm? Yes! Then the information from this article will not only broaden your horizons, but will also come in handy for practical purposes, for example, when winter time year you will buy a plane ticket to a particular country, choosing it not only for sights, but also for the warmth of the sea.

Many factors influence the temperature of sea water:

  • ocean currents;
  • wind regime;
  • sewage rivers;
  • the climate of the surrounding areas;
  • natural barriers - bays, peninsulas, sea ridges.

Most warm seas in the world are north of the equator. And most of them belong to the Indian Ocean. The water area is surrounded by hot land. Sheltered from the cold waters of Antarctica and the North Arctic Ocean peninsulas, straits and bays. Cold ocean currents do not enter here. That is why water often warms up to +35 ˚С. And seasonal fluctuations rarely exceed 2˚С.

Top 5 warmest seas in the world

1. Red Sea

  • area - 450,000 km 2
  • average depth - 437 m
  • climate - tropical
  • temperature - up to +35 ˚С

Very warm and salty sea. The only one that does not flow into any river. That is why the water in it is crystal clear. The inland sea of ​​the Indian Ocean is located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. Washes the coast of 8 states:

  • Djibouti;
  • Egypt;
  • Yemen;
  • Israel;
  • Jordan;
  • Sudan;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Eritrea.

The climate of the surrounding area, most of which is desert, makes the water area one of the hottest on the planet.

The water temperature even in the coldest months - December and January - does not fall below +18 ... +20 ˚С. And in July and August it rises to +27 ˚С…+32 ˚С. It is not surprising that the most popular resorts of Egypt and Israel are located here.

The sea attracts the attention of researchers and tourists with its unique underwater world. This and Coral reefs stretching almost along the entire coast. And thousands of species. As well as dolphins, killer whales, stingrays, moray eels. In the southwestern part, off the coast of Sudan, they live.

2. Persian Gulf

  • area - 239,000 km 2
  • average depth - 90 m
  • climate - tropical
  • temperature - up to +35.6 ˚С

The warmest and one of the shallowest in the world. Despite the name, due to its hydrological characteristics, it is still a sea. Bays are bodies of water that have free water exchange with the sea or ocean. And the waters of the Persian Gulf first pass through the Strait of Hormuz to the Gulf of Oman. Then to the Arabian Sea. And only then they get into the Indian Ocean.

The Persian Gulf is one of the warmest due to its shallow depth. Up to 100 m in the most deep points. The temperature of the water is affected by geographical position. The water area is surrounded by land on almost all sides. The sea washes the shores of the hottest states:

  • Bahrain;
  • Iraq;
  • Iran;
  • Qatar;
  • Kuwait;
  • United Arab Emirates;
  • Oman;
  • Saudi Arabia.

The rivers Euphrates, Tigris and Karun flow into the bay. Therefore, the water here is not as salty as in the Red Sea. But the temperatures are comparable. In winter, it does not fall below +18 ˚С. And in summer it warms up to +32 ˚С.

More than 700 species of fish, octopuses, lobsters live in the waters of the Persian Gulf. And rare representatives marine fauna - dugongs ("sea cows").

3. Andaman Sea

  • area - 605,000 km 2
  • average depth - 1043 m
  • temperature - up to +30 ˚С

This sea is one of the most important transport hubs and a popular tourist area. In the north, its waters wash the shores of Myanmar, in the east - Thailand and Malaysia, in the south - Indonesia. In the western part are the Nicobar Islands.

The sea is in tropical zone and is surrounded on almost all sides by land. Therefore, its waters are warm throughout the year. The water temperature in May is approximately +29 ˚С. And even in the cold season it rarely drops below +20 ˚С.

Falls into the sea a large number of continental waters. And because of the large amount of precipitation, it is desalinated even more. Therefore, the salinity of the waters is 20% during the rainy season and 30% during the rest of the year. For comparison, the same figure in the Red Sea reaches 41%.

The Andaman Sea attracts a large number of tourists due to its comfortable climate and the richest underwater world. More than 400 species of marine animals live here - rays, reef sharks, dugongs, lobsters, jellyfish, spiny lobsters, etc.

4. Timor Sea

  • area - 432,000 km 2
  • average depth - 435 m
  • climate - subequatorial monsoon
  • temperature - up to +30 ˚С

It is located in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean. In the south it washes the coast of Australia. Very warm but restless. Because of atmospheric features there is frequent change air masses. Tropical cyclones occur in December. In winter, northwest monsoons blow. Winds up to 25–30 m/s are observed in the southern part.

The water temperature is not stable. IN different parts seas can be very different. The reasons are the geographical position, the complex topography of the seabed, the almost unhindered water exchange with the Indian Ocean. average temperature surface water is +26…+29 ˚С. In summer, water in closed bays can warm up to +31 ˚С.

5. Arabian Sea

  • area - 3,862,000 km 2
  • average depth - 3000 m
  • climate is tropical monsoon
  • temperature - up to +30 ˚С

Through the bays it connects with the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It is located in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, its water area is characterized heat both air and water. In summer it warms up to +28…+29 ˚С. Up to +18…+20 ˚С off the coast of Somalia and Oman. In winter it is +24…+25 ˚С near the Arabian Peninsula. And +21…+22 ˚С in the north-eastern part of the water area.

The sea is bordered by:

  • Somalia and the Arabian Peninsula in the west;
  • the Hindustan peninsula in the north and northeast;
  • Maldives in the east.

In the south, the sea is bordered by the underwater Arabian-Indian ridge.

The climate of the water area is monsoonal in nature. In winter, the northeast and northwest monsoons blow here. The wind speed can reach 10 m/s. In summer, the wind direction changes to the southwest. Its gusts in some areas reach 20 m/s.

In addition to the seas of the Indian Ocean, the title of the warmest was won by the waters of the Caribbean (washes the shores of Central and South America) and the Mediterranean Basin (between Europe and Asia).

If you are a thermophilic and in the August waters of the New World are covered with pimples, welcome to the warmest seas in the world. Let's go through the places where you can warm the bones in the remaining months of the summer and the Velvet season keeping the water temperature at least 27.5 degrees.

Persian Gulf

The warmest sea at this time in Persian Gulf. Near the same Dubai, the water temperature in July, August and September can reach 33.2 / 33.3 / 32.9 ˚C, respectively.

But not Dubai alone. Although not all Arab states are open to the tourist, the Emirates or Oman available for visiting has plenty to choose from among resorts and resorts. Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Salalah are at your service.

Holidays in this area - the opportunity to connect sea ​​vacation with entertainment in the desert and enjoy the oriental flavor. True, but not in Dubai - there it is not particularly noticeable, for a "subtle matter" it is better to go to Umm al-Qaiwain.

However, not only the water is hot here, but also the air, get ready for the scorching sun. And there is a peculiarity: it is important to respect local restrictions on the use of alcohol and the permissible degree of exposure on the beach.

Red sea

On the other side of the Arabian Peninsula lies the Red Sea. The same one that Moses shared. It is considered one of the warmest average annual temperature, the saltiest of the oceans and the cleanest of the seas, since not a single river flows into it.

The hottest water in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: 30.4 / 31.1 / 30.6 ˚C. But you won’t freeze in Egyptian resorts either: in Marsa Alam, the water is about 29 ˚C in July and September and closer to 30 ˚C in August, and in Hurghada, according to some reports, 28 / 28.7 / 27.9 ˚C , but in fact it also happens around 30 ˚C. It's like a perfect bathtub.

Apart from warm water, go to the Gulf of Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh for diving: the local reefs are full of a myriad of bright fish and corals, the latter are about 200 species. In addition to resorts for every taste and color, for those who want to squeeze out of Egypt more impressions there are excursions to the Bedouins, ATVs in the desert, as well as Luxor, Giza and other historical locations.

Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean is an outsider warm list. It is quite cool, but in the south of Turkey, as well as near the Israeli coast, the water warms up more strongly. For example, in Antalya in July 28.2 ˚C, in August even more - up to 29.4 ˚C, and in September the sea hardly cools down, sometimes reaching 28.3 ˚C. In Iskenderun, temperatures during these months are up to 29.5 ˚C, in Tel Aviv 28.9 ˚C.

The best month to find the warmest Mediterranean Sea is August. When you get tired of swimming and sunbathing, there are plenty of options: from enjoying all the delights of all-inclusive to trips to local attractions.

In Turkey, these are the thermal springs of Pamukkale, ancient Ephesus, cave cities Cappadocia and shopping oriental bazaars. In Israel, you can move to the even warmer Dead Sea, as well as see biblical places.

andaman sea

The Andaman Sea washes the western coast of Thailand, near which there are a number of beautiful islands with resorts and wild beaches. The sea is warm, for example, on the largest of the islands, Phuket, the water temperature is 29.4 / 29.1 / 28.9 ˚C in summer and early autumn.

Rest here is the mountains, rainforests, sandy beaches and pure water. The only caveat: summer is the Thai off-season, as it is the rainy season. This does not mean that it is pouring downpours: a couple of short rains can pass in a week. The problem is different - in strong waves and currents, so it is better to swim in secluded bays. For the same reason, some water activities will have to be abandoned, but if you are a surfer, here are ideal conditions for you.

You can organize a wild vacation on Phi Phi or Koh Lanta, ride a bike around Krabi, visit National parks on other islands.

Gulf of Thailand

Thailand is a peninsula, so it is doubly lucky with the seas. On the east side, it bathes in the even warmer than the Andaman Sea, the Gulf of Thailand. The water temperature at the most popular resorts by months is: in Pattaya 29.5 / 29.4 / 29.4 ˚C, on Koh Samui 29.5 / 29.4 / 29.3 ˚C, on Koh Chang 29 / 28.9 /28.7˚C.

Just like on the west side, the monsoon season is here in summer and early autumn, but the sea is calmer in the bay. The problem is represented by strong ebb tides, due to which the sea in some places strongly moves away from the coast and becomes smaller. Therefore, when choosing a resort, look at reviews about the possibility of swimming in a particular location in a particular month.

A big plus is that summer is the time for vacation discounts, as well as an abundance of tropical fruits. In addition, it is at this time of the year that you need to watch the waterfalls in natural parks- right now they are full. Well, no one canceled any other entertainment from shopping and dancing to massages and excursions.

As an alternative to Thai resorts, you can consider the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc, but expect it to be more windy here.

South China Sea

West Gulf of Thailand the South China Sea splashes (however, the bay also belongs to its water area). The water temperature is highest in July and drops slightly towards September. The July sea on the Chinese island of Hainan is warmed up to 29.7 ˚C, in August - 29.6 ˚C, in September - 29.3 ˚C. Palawan Island, Philippines also enjoys high 29.5 / 29.1 / 29.1 ˚C.

Although, like throughout Asia, the summer and September are the season of monsoons and typhoons, this does not stop tourists from traveling. High waves attract surfers, for more a relaxing holiday you can pick up resorts in the bays. But still, for safety, it is worth keeping an eye on the weather.

If you are planning sea fun, Palawan is your place. But check which of them are possible during the monsoon season. If you want a cultural program, Hainan is better, because here you can get acquainted with the intricacies of traditional Chinese crafts: see how silk is made, visit a tea factory.

Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico is hidden between the south of the United States, the coast of Mexico and Cuba. This is one of the warmest bodies of water in the world, and, by the way, it is here that the Yucatan Current gives rise to the warm Gulf Stream.

For example, in the capital of Cuba, Havana, the temperatures in July, August and September are 29.3 / 29.8 / 29.5 ˚C. In the Mexican resort of Cancun - 29.1 / 29.6 / 29.3 ˚C. And in Miami it is even higher - from 29.6 ˚C, and in August and September - more than 30 ˚C!

Features of the sea and entertainment program will depend on which country you choose. But the same Cancun is kilometers of beaches with incredibly blue water and white sand, from which you can choose for every taste: clean and with algae, well-groomed or wild, crowded or deserted, with cheap and expensive resorts. And if you get tired of basking in the sea, you can visit underground rivers and caves, the Mayan pyramid and ancient cities, as well as dive or snorkel on nearby islands, look at whale sharks.

caribbean sea

Below the Gulf of Mexico, beyond Cuba, is the Caribbean Sea - the same one that pirates kept at bay several centuries ago. And today to the south of Fidel's country, resorts Dominican Republic, Barbados and the Bahamas are eager tourists, thirsty for the warm sea.

For example, Punta Cana is White sand, shallow waters for families and plenty of natural coves for those who like to go deeper. The water temperature here almost never drops below 28 ˚C.

visiting countries Caribbean It is impossible not to make time for admiring nature: sea ​​turtles, humpback whales, tiger sharks, seals, amazing birds, fish and plants. And, of course, go diving, as well as learn a piece of the history of the indigenous population and the colonization of these lands.

Whichever sea you choose, good weather and a pleasant stay!

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