The best travel destinations in January Where is it warm in January abroad? Caribbean countries

Ostrov will delight you with pleasant weather and a bright contrast with the snowy Russian landscapes.

Latin American beach destinations are no less popular. Resorts, and other countries and islands are great for sea ​​recreation. Tourists who prefer eco-tourism will certainly pay attention to where there are no monuments of art, as well as factories and factories, but beaches and jungles preserved in their original beauty will give unity with nature, far from civilization.

It is common to think that Europe sends balloons into the sky in spring and summer. However, in winter you can also enjoy the beauty of colorful balloons. For example, in the village of Filzmoos, not far from the ski resort of Salzburg, where the festival takes place in the first half of January for several years balloons. The holiday is accompanied by concerts, fairs and festivities.

A large number of Celtic festivals and Viking holidays can be visited in January at. In the second half of the month, the Celtic Connection festival of Celtic art is traditionally held in Glasgow: here you can meet both theatrical performances based on Celtic fairy tales, and visit the performances of modern rock bands whose musicians are looking for inspiration in ancient culture.

Visa free countries

In December, consulates are overwhelmed with those wishing to leave for New Year, many of these institutions stop accepting documents already in the middle of the month. Therefore, it is recommended to determine in advance with trips to visa countries. But the number of places where you can successfully spend your winter holidays is also large.


Where to go to the sea in January 2020: a beach holiday in warm countries

The first month of the year, January, for all the inhabitants of our country is associated with the new year, winter and cold weather. Do you want this tradition to be interrupted and January becomes almost summer month? Then let's talk about where to go on a beach holiday in January 2020, where it's warm, sunny and snow-free, and inexpensive. There are many countries where a beach holiday is in full swing in the midst of winter. They are scattered all over the world, and we will talk about those where the sea is really warm and the rest will not be expensive.

Cuba or Dominican Republic- you decide.
If in one part of the world it is cold and frosty, then in another it is certainly dry and warm. Yes, we are talking about South America and countries such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic.

Which country are you going to? It all depends on your preferences and finances. Holidays in Cuba will be cheaper, after all, the country is not rich, and here every tourist is cherished and cherished. On average, a night in a hotel in Cuba costs from $10. But not everything is so simple, because it takes a very long time to fly to Cuba, so you will spend the bulk of the money on a plane ticket.
Flying to the Dominican Republic is also far away, and the ticket price will be about the same. But the rest on the islands is more expensive. Hotels for a day ask from 30 dollars.
As you can see, there are only differences in price, and then everything is about the same. For example, the weather is great both there and there. During the day, the air is warmed up to +30 degrees and above. The night is warm average temperature at +22 degrees. The water in the ocean is simply gorgeous for swimming and is +27 degrees. And near the coast, where it is not so deep and can even warm up to +32 degrees!
Nature is better in Cuba, as it is larger in area and there are not so many buildings. You can visit mountains, fields and plantations. And in the Maldives there are national parks and reserves where they live wild animals. Tourists enjoy visiting safari and see animals at arm's length.

Hainan Island - China.
If you are afraid of a long flight, then you can find a warm place closer, for example, in neighboring China on the island of Hainan.

temperature here all year round constant and practically does not change. Therefore, Hainan has an unofficial name - Eastern Hawaii.
In January, sunny weather awaits you with temperatures up to +34 degrees. There are no winds, the air is dry, but not scalding. Hainan is in such climate zone that everyone is comfortable here: children, adults, and the elderly.
The water in the ocean is very pleasant and is about +28 degrees. In January, waters from the coasts of Thailand and other countries reach here. South-East Asia. Therefore, the waters here are especially warm in winter.

Cambodia is their winter, like our summer.
There is an opinion that January is the coldest month in Cambodia. Yes it is. But if we take into account that in January there is an average of +28 degrees, then what is the temperature in the hottest month?

Tourists arrive in the country in January to enjoy a beach holiday. After all, +28 during the day, and water +27 degrees - these are excellent conditions for relaxing on the beach. No rain, no wind, no suffocating heat. Nothing will interfere with your vacation by the sea. But if you listen to the advice of "experienced" tourists, and visit Cambodia in the spring or summer, then you will find +38 during the day and +30 at night. Plus to it winds, frequent rains and high humidity.
So you can and should fly to Cambodia in January. The pleasant mild climate of this country will help you spend an unforgettable vacation and enjoy it to the fullest. If you want to save money, then you should book the tour in advance, around October or November.

Indonesia is a great choice.
Tired of constant weather changes? Tired of checking the weather every time and seeing how it changes for the worse? Do you want to get into eternal summer in winter? Then your country is Indonesia!

Indonesia is called the land of eternal summer for a reason. It is sunny here all year round. warm weather. January is waiting for you Nice weather during the day up to +33 degrees. The nights are also warm and are +22 degrees. It rains in the first month of the year in Indonesia. Basically, they cover the cities of the country at night and are accompanied by thunder and lightning. But by morning there will be no more puddles. Because heat won't let them stay long on the ground.
Most famous resort Indonesia - Bali. Up to 90% of all tourists come here. In January, near Bali, the water in the ocean will be +28 degrees. A sundial reach eight hours during the day. So you can safely go to the beach and sunbathe.


Shopping, shopping and more shopping, not just the beach! It is for those who like to take a walk through the bright oriental shops and modern shopping malls. The only negative in choosing such a holiday is that you will have to drink alcohol and flaunt in revealing outfits only on the territory of the hotel: the country is Muslim, and they will not understand free customs here. Everything else is at the highest level: the weather is beautiful, the sea is warm, the hotels are comfortable, the service is European level. The air in January warms up to +25...+27 °C, and the sea up to +20 °C.


Yes, getting to this fabulous country is incomparably longer than to the usual Egypt. But maybe it is worth spending these hours with benefit and, as a result, getting an unforgettable vacation? Prices in Goa in January are quite reasonable: a week-long tour will cost 700-800 USD, but memories and impressions will last for a long time. After all, there are no such sunsets as in India anywhere else - the sun does not set, but falls below the horizon, every evening coloring the sky in a new way. Beautiful beaches and Ayurvedic centers await their guests. The air in January here warms up to +28...+30 °C, which means that sunscreen with an increased protection filter should take its rightful place in the suitcase. The sea is also warm - +25...+27 °C, so sea bathing can be long.

"Subtleties" tell: 5 beach destinations that will easily replace Egypt in winter


A ticket to Thailand will cost a little more. On average, you will have to spend about 900 USD on a weekly vacation. The air temperature in January here is about +26...+28 °C, which almost coincides with the water temperature. If you bought a tour to Thailand to combine sightseeing programs and holidays by the sea, then the best choice will be Pattaya. And for those who care more relaxing holiday And high level service, it is better to take a closer look at Phuket and Koh Samui. White sand beaches and smiling staff, bright nature and Thai cuisine will not disappoint even the most discerning tourists.


This is the choice of real extreme sportsmen! People go to Kenya for adrenaline and real adventures. Of course, you can sunbathe here, but is it worth it to come to a country where zebras and giraffes, leopards and buffalo roam, pink flamingos and important pelicans - and not see all this splendor? Therefore, you can combine a beach holiday in your tour (the sun does not burn here in January, but warms it) and participation in a real safari, see exotic animals in their natural environment a habitat. Don't forget to bring warm clothes as it gets quite chilly here in the evening.

The cheapest Kenyan tour will cost at least 1500 USD for exotic lovers.

For the New Year holidays, our tourists, by tradition, most often go to rest either on the warm sea abroad, or on ski resorts Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria and Russia. IN Lately Excursion trips around Russia have become increasingly popular: to St. Petersburg, along the Golden Ring, to Moscow, as well as to the Olympic capital of our country - Sochi.

Concerning beach holiday in January 2020, the resorts of Egypt are in the greatest demand as the most affordable in terms of prices and flight time. More expensive, but also better quality hotels are the UAE. Of the distant destinations for January, it is worth highlighting Thailand and India (Goa resort) as the most massive, and the Maldives, Seychelles, Dominican Republic - as "exotic" and the most expensive and elite.

It is also worth adding that tours in January for the New Year and New Year holidays are considered the most expensive, because. this is the “high” season, however, in the second half of January, prices for tours usually drop significantly, and there is also a large number of special offers. Therefore, the question is where to go in January 2020,

So where to go in January and for the New Year?

January is a great time to relax, if only because this month is New Year's and Christmas holidays and school holidays. These circumstances become a good reason to travel to warmer climes, to the sea or to ski resorts, with the whole family. You should not be afraid of cold weather, in the western and southern parts of Europe you can pick up not bad excursion tours. Do not forget that during the period of rising demand, prices for tours also increase significantly. You should think about the flight and the choice of the country in advance.

The choice of a beach resort for the New Year and for a holiday in January

Russian tourists do not change themselves and continue to fill hotels. But, before choosing this country for January holiday, it is worth remembering that rest can be overshadowed by coolness. The Red Sea at the beginning of the year still does not have time to warm up to desired temperature and swimming in its waters may not be entirely comfortable. But you can go on educational trips. and Sinai are in special demand. But, the main advantage of a trip to Egypt is relatively expensive cost and an all-inclusive service that attracts tourists.

Kenya promises exciting safari trips. You will be able to see live lions, antelopes, leopards, giraffes and other local inhabitants. On the shores of the lake of the Great Valley, pink flamingos walk calmly. By the way, it is January that is recognized as the most best months to study the life of the animal world.

It would not be bad to go to. You will be offered exciting trips to national parks where many interesting and outlandish plants grow. The most courageous can get on an excursion into the depths to meet real sharks. Myanmar is suitable for educational tours. Comfort temperature will make it easy to see the main attractions with a rich historical heritage.

Holidays in Russia in January and New Year

You can also have a great rest on the territory of our boundless country. The main plus of a holiday in Russia is a relatively affordable price and the absence of a visa. First of all, you can go to explore the cities of the Golden Ring. Particular attention should be paid to temples and attractions.

And how many interesting things are on the territory and. Few cities can boast so many museums and exhibitions. Mountain climbers will be surprised by the number of winter resorts.

Get tickets to resorts in or Altai. Houses and cottages in the central part of Russia are especially popular. Our compatriots come here from all over the country to calmly ski, fry meat and relax with a cup of hot tea in front of the fireplace.

Festivals and holidays in January

The first days of January are rather contradictory. The fact is that everyone seems to be celebrating the new year, and most shops and restaurants are closed. Despite this, going to other countries is still worth it. All peoples celebrate these days on a grand scale, with lights and fireworks. All the same, before you go somewhere, you should clarify the work schedules of many institutions.

Epiphany is a traditional holiday celebrated by all European Catholic countries. If you believe the legends, in January, the Magi approached the newborn Christ. This celebration will be appreciated by children. Disguised heroes roam the streets, throwing candies and sweets on the city streets every now and then. This festival is especially honored in or. Balloons are commonly associated with summer period, but in the middle of winter there is a festival in their honor. Fairs open everywhere, fireworks are noisy and people are walking.

Great Britain is famous for Celtic festivals and celebrations in honor of the Vikings. Many theatrical performances based on folk tales, as well as rock bands will be waiting for you in these parts. January is the perfect time to find out how many nations celebrate the entry into the new year.

Since I like to relax where the sea, sun and beach are, even on January holidays try to organize holidays in warm countries. This year my family and I managed to visit Goa. I will tell you about my vacation in exotic India.

Where to warm up in January

January in Goa the peak of the season. And if you want to escape from winter and relax in a warm country, come here. pros holidays in Goa:

New Year on the beach

The first day of the New Year we spent by the sea. It's such an unusual feeling when you lying on the warm sand, you look at the sea distance, and next to it is elegant Christmas tree and lots of sandy snowmen. New Year holidays It's very noisy and fun here. Hindus celebrate New Year and Catholic Christmas. Discos and festivities take place virtually every day until January 10th. By the way, they love to dance here and do it very beautifully.

Happy It is very hot in here, and many tourists sit in necks. Necks are like this open cafes, under a roof of palm leaves. There are a lot of them on the beach, for every taste and budget.

Going to rest in Goa, it is worth remembering

Take note a few tips:

Another interesting advice. Go shopping in the morning. Hindus are very religious and believe that good luck will come if you sell something in the morning. So feel free to go shopping and bargain to the last.

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