We open an Internet cafe. Business plan: how to open a computer club

IN major cities Increasingly, there are establishments that specialize in providing the population with the opportunity to use the Internet. Such cafes bring considerable profit if their work is competently and clearly built.

In the event that you want to create your own Internet cafe, first decide on its style and atmosphere. You may want your establishment to be associated with a multifunctional center where you can not only access the Internet, but also use the services of a service center (printing and scanning documents, writing information to flash cards, etc.). Once you have defined the concept of the cafe, try to follow it when working on opening it.
You can not choose a place for a future institution, based only on the availability Money. The decisive factors should be factors that relate to the potential clientele: average income, place of study or work, preferred leisure. It will be nice if you take a map of the city and mark its most important points on it: universities and institutes, railway stations, clubs, theaters and cinemas, hotels, metro stations. Try using the diagram to determine exactly how the citizens move around the city. Those places where the routes of movement intersect most often are the most promising for opening a cafe in them. Visit these places several times (on weekdays and weekends, in the morning and in the evening), this will help you adjust your calculations. Look also at shopping centers where you can rent a room for a very reasonable amount.

Have you chosen a place? Great, now it's time to buy equipment. It will be much better if you buy computers from different manufacturers. New items on the computer market appear quite often, so you need to constantly be aware of what is being produced now. Remember that every computer must have a warranty service period. This is very important, since you are unlikely to be able to maintain a base on which current operational repairs can be carried out.

Your main audience consists of people from 16 to 40 years old, most of whom mostly work on the Internet at night. Therefore, it is important that your cafe is open 24/7. If your establishment has about 60 computers, then you will need 35-40 employees to maintain them. In this case, it is best to work in three shifts of eight hours. You will need another shift, a backup, who will always be able to come to work if necessary.

Each shift consists of eight to ten people, including: shift foreman, manager, IT specialist (preferably two), cafe workers (waiters, bartenders), instructors for inexperienced users, service center employees, security and other personnel.

An excellent reason to visit your cafe can be a personal approach to each client. In particular, it may be to your advantage to have special free courses for inexperienced users, the allocation of a special area for smokers, etc. Take care of all the little things that at first glance seem unnecessary to you, and then customers will want to visit your establishment again.

The relevance of computer clubs today would be questioned by many. In fact, now it is not easy to find a person who would not have a single computer at home, and, perhaps, the Internet, too.

If you can always use all this at home, sitting on a soft sofa, who needs to go to a club, and even pay extra money for it? But, surprisingly, this business to this day is one of the most cost-effective, and the flow of customers does not think to decrease.

What is the reason for this, for what reasons people in our time may prefer computer clubs:

  • Children and adolescents, who make up the largest percentage of club visitors, have developed a need to be in the company.
    They are attracted by the opportunity to come to the club with friends, share impressions during the game and spend time together. In addition, the club allows you to play doubles games or even games with many participants, which is not always possible at home.
  • Many parents do not approve of their children's excessive interest in computers, restricting access, and also do not allow them to behave noisily in the apartment.
    In the computer club, you can make plenty of noise and play for your own pleasure.
  • All people in life happen various force majeure.
    It happens that you urgently need to do this or that work, find information, contact someone - and the Internet, as luck would have it, is turned off. Such cases are by no means uncommon, so visitors who just need to use a computer will appear regularly.

In other words, it is extremely wrong to think that modern computer clubs are empty. Getting a good income from such a business is quite realistic, but when organizing the work of the club, you will have to face a number of difficulties.

How to organize a computer club

Open computer club makes sense if there are no analogues to such an institution in your city or district, or if they do not satisfy all the needs of customers.

Wherein locality should have at least 20 thousand inhabitants, otherwise the project is most likely doomed to failure. Basically, the work of such a club is designed for teenagers, a little lesser degree- for students, the rest of the age categories go as an exception.

For young people, the most convenient time to visit the club will be in the evening or at night, in the morning the institution will be empty. Therefore, it is better to draw up a work schedule based on this: a computer club must work around the clock or late, perhaps from the afternoon.

Central location for computer club big role does not play, you can open it in a residential area. However, it is important that the club is within walking distance from the school, and preferably from several. It is desirable to locate the club directly next to a bus stop or a large store. It is not recommended to use a room located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building - residents will constantly complain about noise.

But, in any position, soundproofing characteristics of the room should be maximum.

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Technical requirements

The activity of a computer club does not require a license, but this is where the "simplicity" of the organization ends.

Otherwise, you will have to draw up a lot of documents and go through a series of scrupulous checks. Still, such work will be directly related to children, and this is always strictly in our country.

To get full access to work and functioning, a computer club needs the following:

  • At the Ministry of Communications, purchase a license to use the local Internet and provide thematic services.
  • If you opt for a 24 hour club schedule, you will need permission to do so from your local police authority.
  • For one playing place, according to the norms of the sanitary service, at least 4 square meters should be allocated.

In order for the club to generate income, there must be computers in the hall at least 15.

Based on this, you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - as you can see, it turns out not so small

  • The next important point is related to the power of electromagnetic radiation.
    This indicator should also remain within the normal range, so SES employees will take the necessary measurements at each computer. By the way, the service is paid..
  • In addition, you will need to comply with fire safety standards.
    The wiring in the room must withstand enormous stress, so it must be changed during repairs. The club must have a fire exit and fire extinguishers: with such an activity of the electrical network, this measure is inevitable.
  • By law, children cannot be in the computer club during school hours, as well as after 9 pm.
    Breaking these rules is fraught with large fines, so you need to keep a close eye on the schedule.

Computer equipment

Remember that the technique that you will use in the club should be as powerful and productive as possible. Not every computer will run modern video games.

Better buy computers directly from the manufacturer Thus, it will be possible to save a lot on intermediaries.

However, games alone are not enough: high-speed Internet is also required, which will require considerable investments. A corporate network is not at all like the Internet for home use, it is completely different both in terms of speed and price. Subscription fee for equipping the hall at the lowest speed will cost several thousand - and you will need a much faster connection, you need the Internet to “fly”.

Next a solid item of expenditure- software for your computers.

The catch is that it is indispensable must be licensed.

Of course, you can take a chance and use "illegal" software, but most likely, sooner or later, the check will still reveal your trick. In this case, the most sad consequences threaten: up to 60 thousand rubles of a fine, or two years in prison - what to do, copyright infringement.

If the company itself, the security of which you used, goes to court, the fine that you face will increase to five million rubles. In a word, in order not to make things worse, it is better not to joke with the law and organize everything at the official level.

In addition to the main one, you should definitely stock up on small equipment: a photocopier, blank discs, flash drives. This will allow you provide additional services and receive more money(only a photocopy is worth something - be prepared that you will be constantly contacted with this request).

What can be the equipment of a computer club, look at the video:

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For computer club numerous staff is not only not required, but also undesirable:

  • Firstly, this is quite an "independent" entertainment - video game lovers know perfectly well how and what to do, they do not need tips, advertising or close attention from employees.
    In fact, the duties of an employee are reduced only to the registration of guests and monitoring the time, and therefore one administrator is enough for such work.
  • Another reason is that when we are talking about expensive equipment, the choice of personnel should be treated doubly carefully.
    Difficult to vouch for stranger- what if the employee turns out to be dishonest and decides to quietly unscrew some parts for his home processor? Or it will not keep track of customers who decide to do the same.

Better if trusted person will be the administrator which you can always vouch for.

Sample business plan for opening a computer club

As in any business, starting investments will require a lot, but in the future they will be significantly reduced.

The initial costs of opening a club are as follows:

  • Room rental - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Connection to the network (speed 100 Mb / s) - up to 3 thousand rubles;
  • Subscription fee for the Internet for legal entities - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Repair, change of wiring - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Hardware and software - from 800 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Utility payments - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising, signs - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables, small needs - 30 thousand rubles.

Generally, start-up capital- about 1.5 million rubles.

The amount is considerable, which is not surprising when it comes to expensive equipment - but a fairly quick (about a year) payback and good income fully compensates for the costs.

Despite the fact that today the vast majority of people have homes and computers and access to the Internet, but the relevance of Internet clubs does not fall from this. Such a business is especially relevant in large cities, where there are many visitors, students and ordinary citizens who need various kinds of services related to computers...

The relevance of the Internet club

Naturally, businessmen who want to open their own Internet club are attracted by the relevance and profitability of such a business. After all, there are few personnel needed, but it must be qualified, and besides, it is not necessary to produce any products, but only to provide services that do not require variable costs.

Internet clubs are focused on a large target audience, which includes people of all ages and social statuses.

Of course, regular visitors to such establishments will be gamers and young people who love to play online games. Modern games are arranged in such a way that it is not interesting to play them alone, but most young people like to go in a noisy company and relax in this way.

This segment of the target audience is the basis of this business, however, Internet clubs can provide a lot of related services, which will also bring a lot of profit. Among them are:

- photocopying;
— printing of documents, photos on the printer;
— provision of computer typing operator services;
— Fax receiving and sending services;
- recording and copying documents to disks;
— ;
— provision of provider services and much more.

At first glance, such an insignificant activity, but well located, can bring a stable and high income to its owner.

Opening an Internet club

Every business starts with planning and this case is no exception. It is worth planning everything that will be related to the business and its organization:

— ;
- what is necessary for the activity;
- where to locate the business;
- what are the monthly expenses and incomes;
- how to deal with competitors and attract customers.

All these questions should be answered in the business plan. After that, you can get to work. In this type of business great importance is the location of the club. An excellent option is placement near schools or universities, where most of the youth are. Not all schoolchildren and students have access to computers or do not have them at all. In such cases, an internet club is the way to go, and a nearby internet club is even better.

Thus, it turns out that it is best to organize an Internet club on the ground floor, in a spacious hall, where it will be possible to place computers and leave room for the free movement of visitors. Sometimes entrepreneurs agree to rent spacious premises directly in universities or dormitories - this is much cheaper than market prices and the flow of customers will be constant.

The next step will be the search and purchase of computers, necessary office equipment and furniture. As for furniture, you can buy it from hand. Offices of companies that close often sell their furniture cheaply.

But with computers, not everything is so simple, their cost is high, especially considering the quantity that is needed (usually at least 10-15 pieces). This will require a minimum of 200,000 - 250,000 rubles. It is very difficult to collect such capital on your own, therefore, most often such an amount is taken on credit.

There is a good alternative to a loan - this is leasing computers from companies or individuals. Some companies, when they upgrade their equipment, think about what to do with the old one, so renting them out for money will be beneficial to both parties.

All computers will need to be combined into one network and connected to the Internet. This is not difficult to do, especially for a qualified IT specialist.

By the way, as for this very specialist, it is better when the business owner and the IT specialist are in one person. This will significantly reduce the financial burden on the business, besides, no one will deceive the manager and appropriate part of the proceeds for himself.

As for the promotion of business, you can offer barter to your regular customers - they distribute leaflets with advertising texts in the houses where they live in exchange for free hours of using a computer.

When all organizational issues resolved, you can safely get to work and go to the municipal authorities to register your business. This process will not take much time, but taxes will have to be paid from the first month of registration. Therefore, it is worth preparing everything carefully before formalizing it.

Internet clubs do not lose their popularity even today, which attracts new entrepreneurs. But such activities must be approached wisely and with skill, so as not to go bankrupt and not remain in debt.

Hello. My name is Yaroslav Nagovitsyn, place of residence is Moscow. Five years ago, I set out to start my own business. The choice fell on an Internet cafe whose business plan was easily found on the Internet and reworked for themselves.

Two years later, I opened the Internet cafe "Pautina" in the capital and managed to promote it well. The establishment has been in existence for three years.

From main:

  • initial expenses - from 3 million rubles;
  • the monthly income of the institution - from a million rubles;
  • rental costs - from 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • internet fee - from 6 thousand rubles per month;
  • salaries for employees - from 500 thousand rubles per month.

The internet cafe is 80 square meters. There are two large visitor rooms, a small coffee shop, a utility room, an administration room, a lounge, a small cafeteria, and a toilet.

Clients have at their disposal 50 powerful computers with open access to the global network and installed games. There is a vending machine (sale of chewing gum), a jukebox (in the cafeteria).

Of the staff - 30 people. Director, administrators, security guards, managers, cafeteria workers, PC specialists, security.

As an introduction

Today it is difficult to imagine at least one day spent without the Internet, because almost everyone has access to the global network at home or at work.

For people " The World Wide Web has become a real place to earn money, relax and get information.

But outside the home or workplace, the need for the Internet may be no less. For example, free access to the network should be in restaurants, cafes, shops and even cinemas (for many people this is a key opportunity).

Today, you will not surprise anyone with a free Wi-Fi zone, but even with such a rapid development of technology, you can please your customers and make good money.

It remains only to study the business plan of an Internet cafe, an example, if desired, can be found on the net, and implement the project. Believe me, a number of issues are best addressed in the business environment of an Internet cafe, which makes this area very popular.

Let's take a look at some of the points that greatest value in this business.

Where to begin?

Before you open an Internet cafe, you should carefully look around and evaluate future competition. Walk around the area, go to existing establishments, chat with cafe workers about the fact of popularity and attendance.

If there are many such establishments in your city and they are not popular, then you should not start it - this is obviously a losing option. In the case when there is no particular competition, it is urgent to create an Internet cafe business - this is your chance.

What should be the concept of the new institution?

For any Internet cafe, individuality is very important. You must create a truly cozy and stylish establishment, where there will be not only high-speed Internet (you will not surprise anyone with this), but also excellent cuisine, affordable prices and friendly waiters.

In such a place there must be a coffee shop, a play area, a place for seminars (equipped with last word technology), service center for recording on removable media, as well as the highest quality equipment for Internet cafes.

If it is planned to organize a gaming hall, then it should be located at a distance from the resting place. The style of your institution should be traced in everything - this is very important. Pay special attention to the ability to place orders without getting up from your computer.

How to register?

Most often, this type of business is best registered as an LLC. There is a second option - to register as an individual entrepreneur. Sometimes an Internet cafe opens as a community.

By the way, the last option is the most convenient. In this case, a detailed contract is drawn up, which describes the area of ​​responsibility of all parties and their rights. At the same time, everyone himself reports to the state about his income.

Registration costs - from 50 thousand rubles.

How to choose a place?

Remember that not everywhere you can open an Internet cafe. Many novice businessmen make the mistake of choosing premises for their business according to one criterion: "the cheaper, the better."

But it is dangerous to save here.

It is necessary to focus on the habits, wealth and age of your potential customers.

Answer the following questions for yourself: “Who will visit the cafe? What are the visitor's interests?

Walk around the selected area and watch the flow of people at different times.

Only after analysis can concrete conclusions be drawn about the prospects of a particular location. It often takes more time to choose a place than to renovate and open a business.

One of the best options is the placement of an Internet cafe in a large shopping center. Of course, you will have to spend money on rent, but problems with approvals and large expenses for the purchase of premises will disappear by themselves.

Experts agree that in this type of business, leasing is much more effective than buying.

Rental costs - from 30 thousand rubles per month.

Is it worth saving on computers?

In the case of an Internet cafe, you cannot limit yourself to a few computers - this will not bring the proper profit. If it does open, it should have a full-fledged computer room (for at least 30-40 computers) and a large room for a cafeteria with access to high-speed Internet.

Practice shows that small Internet cafes do not “live” for a long time, and the money invested in the business does not pay off.

Where to buy equipment?

To answer the question of how much it costs to open an Internet cafe, it is important to clearly understand the amount of expenses for computers and office equipment. Please note that it is not profitable to work with only one supplier.

PC updates will have to be done almost every year, and the pricing policy of companies is constantly changing.

When buying equipment, one of the main issues is warranty service. You can not do without buying high-quality licensed software (this is also a very high cost).

Table of computer equipment for starting a business

The purchase price of equipment is from a million rubles.

What should be the work schedule?

The optimal operating time is 24 hours a day. Remember that the main visitors to such establishments are schoolchildren, students and young workers of various kinds of organizations.

Most people prefer to spend time at the computer at night. Of course, with the advent of the Internet in homes, nightly “gatherings” are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but so far you can still earn money in this area.

And most importantly - no interruptions in work. A modern Internet cafe should work even on holidays.

Who to hire?

In an Internet cafe, you can safely invite students who are able to cope well with work in a computer room and cafeteria.

At the same time, it is desirable to organize several shifts, and each of them must have: line managers, cafeteria workers, a director, IT specialists, security, waiters, and so on.

It all depends on the scope of services provided. On average, if there are 30-40 computers in an Internet cafe, there should be at least 20 people in the staff.

It is necessary to interest your employees so that there is no constant turnover. To do this, it is necessary to use incentive systems, pay bonuses, mark people with diplomas, and so on.

Costs for wages- from 500 thousand rubles.

Open a cafe or is it better not to get involved?

What about the pricing policy?

To guarantee the success of your business, you need to be competitive. In your Internet cafe, prices should be the most attractive. The payment system should be as flexible as possible.

Try to be cheaper than your competitors. Naturally, in order to reduce the cost of services or goods, it is necessary to constantly work to reduce the cost of spending on the Internet, electricity, communication services, and so on.

Remember that profits should not only come from the computer room. Part of the income is a copy center, a game zone, a cafeteria.

How to develop a business?

Flexibility is a great quality for any entrepreneur. It is necessary to feel changes in customer preferences and constantly adapt to them.

For example, right in the cafeteria, you can organize viewing of new films, concerts and communication with interesting people. In addition, in an Internet cafe you can always organize fun parties, corporate holidays, meetings, and so on.

Table of the potential of consumers of services of online stores in Russia

What is the secret of success?

The visitor should feel like a welcome guest in the establishment. You can introduce club cards into use, open courses for beginners, think over a system of discounts for regular customers.

In addition, a person should be able to place orders without leaving the workplace.
Costs - from 50 thousand rubles.


Do not think that Internet cafes are a thing of the past. If you think and act broadly, constantly follow the trends in the world of technology and update equipment, then profit will not be long in coming.

Let's sum up the financial results:
Opening an Internet cafe - from 3 million rubles.
Purchase necessary equipment(computers, appliances, tables, bar risers, and so on) - from a million rubles.
Registration - from 50 thousand rubles.
Rent of a building (premises) - from 25-30 thousand rubles per month.
Salaries for employees - from 500 thousand rubles per month (depending on the number of employees).
Payback - two years.
Monthly income - from 600 thousand rubles.

Computer technology and the Internet have captured almost the entire world. All more people they are involved, not seeing a day of life without visiting online pages. Moreover, such a need can be both working and just a desire to play a game or watch a movie. Despite the huge prevalence of computers at home, not everyone has access to high-speed Internet. Therefore, as an alternative, computer clubs are very popular. It is about what steps you need to go through to open such an institution, we will talk later in the article.

Project organization

Computer clubs come in two formats: internet cafe and mini computer club. The second is usually designed for up to 20 computers and occupies a small area. On average, it will cost about 400 dollars a month to maintain it. But at the expense of income, one computer will bring $ 200. Therefore, the business is quite profitable.
When planning the size of the club, you need to be guided by the size of the city. For large cities, large computer clubs that can accommodate about 50 computers will be more relevant, since the target audience is larger here. For work, you can equip separate small rooms.

In addition, the club may have a cafeteria. Depending on size and additional services, costs can exceed $2,000 per month. However, the income will be much higher.

It is advisable to place a small Internet cafe in a residential area densely populated with people. The area should be selected based on the availability of schools, shops, shopping centers and other places where the flow of people is as large as possible.
In no case is it recommended to open such an institution in a residential building or at a very short distance to it. This is due to the increased noise in it, which disturbs and annoys residents, especially at night. This will become a reason for a negative reputation and will only bring losses.

Equipment set

After choosing a room, the next step is to support the appropriate equipment. It must be of high quality. It is not worth saving at this point, since the constant repair of low-quality equipment in general will cost much more than a one-time purchase of high-quality equipment. In addition, frequent visitors to computer clubs are young people who love online games. And for this you need powerful computers. Therefore, attention must be paid to specifications, which will allow you to maintain as much as possible more games. Therefore, the purchase of 15 computers will require about $10,000.
In addition, you need to pay attention to the choice of furniture, which will require you to spend 1000-1500 dollars. An important detail is the acquisition of sources uninterruptible power supply, which can protect equipment during voltage surges, thereby increasing their service life.

Separately, it is worthwhile to deal with the equipment of the administrator's place. He will also need a table, chair and powerful computer. In addition, a cash register is most often required to pay customers.

Documents for opening a computer club

To open a computer club, it is not enough to find a room and buy equipment. To avoid problems that may arise during inspections, the business must be legal. Therefore, certain documents and official registration are required.
The best thing in this case would be individual entrepreneur which will cost about $150. The amount may be more. Its size may depend on the ability to negotiate and negotiate, since you will need to go through more than one instance.

So, documentation you will need the following:

  • application for registration;
  • company charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • certificates provided by the antimonopoly service;
  • check for payment of state duty.
If you have a cash register, you also need a permit. Worth paying attention to software. At first, it is possible to use pirated versions. However, after the business has paid off, it is still important to install licensed software in order to avoid fines, which will become quite likely during inspections. Although this will require a considerable amount, the payment of fines can be more expensive, after which you still need to fulfill this condition.

Definition of the target audience

Not less than important point the definition of the target audience is considered, since the work of any enterprise is intended directly for consumers. Without knowing for whom the computer club will work, it will not be easy to decide on other nuances, for example, finding the right location, or holding advertising campaign in the right direction.

Who would need such an institution the most?
First of all, do not forget that most residents have computers, and possibly more than one. Therefore, it is important that it is not only powerful, but has an uninterrupted Internet network. Secondly, it was previously said that many people use this network source for online games. Based on this, the majority of the target audience are schoolchildren, students and, in general, the young population aged 14-26 years. Therefore, the emphasis should be on them.
In addition, employees of organizations requiring urgent access to the Internet can also use the computer club. Just for them, it would be advisable to equip separate rooms where you can work in a relaxed atmosphere.

Personnel selection and training

The atmosphere in any institution is set by the staff who work in it, and of course the quality of service.
A managerial position should be held by an administrator who organizes work and resolves customer issues regarding service.

In order for the equipment in the computer club to always be in working condition, it is necessary to hire system administrator involved in its repair. In addition, his duties can include the services of printing, photocopying and scanning documents, while equipping it workplace accordingly.

Other employees may also be needed to help customers use the equipment. It will be very good to have highly qualified staff who can provide computer literacy training to customers. To do this, it is necessary to send employees to courses that can increase their knowledge. Such a service will be quite popular, since there are few places where you can get training directly for the software package that the client needs separately.
As in any organization, an accountant is needed to calculate financial results in a computer club. Due to the large amount of expensive equipment, it is necessary to hire a security guard.

Promotion and advertising methods

To attract a large number of customers, they must first know about the opening of a computer club. One of the options for disseminating information can be the distribution of leaflets in which you need to indicate the coordinates of the club, prices, interesting promotions. They should be distributed in large crowds of people. Regarding time, on weekdays it is better to do it in the morning and in the evening, but on weekends, on the contrary, in the daytime.

Another in an efficient way is internet advertising. This includes advertising on city websites, as well as in in social networks which are so popular among young people. It is possible to develop flyers that, upon presentation, provide a discount or other privileges. You can regularly hold promotions or tournaments for computer games, information about which can also be indicated on websites or Lithuanians.
Attracts customers and a bright sign, which should be installed near the institution. In it you need to specify the list of services provided in the club. Many people read the reviews of other customers before visiting this or that institution. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to provide them with such an opportunity.

Club development

After they know about the club, the work will be established, it is highly likely that regular customers will appear, it is worth thinking about its development and possible expansion. First of all, it is necessary to achieve a high quality of service, which will win over consumers and win the target audience.

With the intention of holding regular tournaments on online games, you can develop privileges for the winners, for example, as free time spent for a certain period. Alternatively, you can create a scoreboard.
The next steps could be to expand the club by adding more computers and expanding the area. Additional services become great option to attract new customers and possibly expand the audience. Opening two halls is an attractive option. In one, young people can play online games, and the second will be designed for more reputable customers with an appropriate interior. Also, an additional source of income will be the opening of a mini-bar where you can have a bite to eat and drink a cup of coffee.
Thus, it is important to competently approach the task, and then even a small Internet cafe will be able to generate significant income. When choosing equipment and training personnel, you should not save money, as in the future it will not only pay off, but also save on additional repairs and install additional services

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